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Jun 27, 2009 2:30 AM

Feb 2008
*watched at Movix Kyoto
GREEEAAAAT! I'm sooooo excited and exhausted.
dtshykJun 27, 2009 3:53 AM
Jun 27, 2009 2:52 AM

Aug 2008
I want a camrip so bad right now. Spoilers on 2ch are driving me nuts.
IiotokoJun 27, 2009 2:56 AM
Jun 27, 2009 8:40 AM

Aug 2008
I wish I could afford a trip to jp and knew japanese.
Jun 27, 2009 2:02 PM

Feb 2008
We are looking forward to the premiere in Germany ... and a German camrip))
Jun 28, 2009 12:02 AM

Mar 2009
I might die of frustration that I can't watch this.
Jul 17, 2009 11:01 PM

May 2007
God, that was awesome. The movie was great, especially the ending. I thought the happy songs fit in perfectly with the scenes that dtshyk was talking about. I didn't like how much emotion they gave Rei, but it didn't detract from the enjoyment of the movie at all, so it's not too big of a deal.
Jul 17, 2009 11:22 PM

Apr 2009
There is a camrip on TT, it's not subbed though.
Jul 19, 2009 5:49 AM

Jan 2009
i just have this feeling that i will die just before i see this awesome movie....
Jul 19, 2009 11:39 AM

Aug 2008
Can somebody just tell me what I have just watched?



Watched the camprip and I got like 10% of what they were saying.

Jul 21, 2009 3:35 PM
Dec 2007
Wow, I waited for this movie so much, now what can I say? First, I think that I can confidently say that I just saw a movie that will probably mark a great revival in the franchise, and is a true turning point for Eva. I talked some weeks ago with a GAINAX official that told me she was quite disapointed that young fans do not even know what Eva is and that a lot of old ones have either stopped anime or forgotten about the series. Had I seen this movie earlier, I could have replied to her : "Don't worry, they WILL know it from now on. And they WILL remember it for a long time."

To start with the most important part, Anno's direction came back to the incredible level of the original series, the rythm is perfect, most sequences are fantastic, with some being almost out of this world, it's just too good to be true sometimes, we haven't seen Anno doing this well for almost fifteen years now, but trust me, it's true. And when the greatest genius (I mean purely direction-wise) in the history of Japanese animation is at his best, it's beyond what you can imagine.

So, with that said, the animation, be it 2D or 3D is top notch, to the point it's without a doubt the most beautiful animated movie I have ever seen. Music is also incredibly better than in the original series or the first movie (how I love "Tsubasa wo Kudasai" at the end !), Sagisu Shiro totally outdid himself with the help of his original partition and a much, much better arrangement and orchestra.

Character development is also different from the original series, and honestly, equally as good, the relationships between Shinji and his harem (well, he has three girls now :)) is truly great, and probably more realistic than ever before in Eva. More mature, more sensible, and more complex even. And all those developments are accompanied by a wide variety of scenes and tones that blend perfectly in the movie. In fact, there's a remarkable mix of philosophy, action, romance, coming of age, slice of life, comedy and much, much more, but always perfectly executed and never too much.

And this fucking final scene ! Oh my God ! Well, just see for yourselves, you'll be both pleased and surprised, and no doubt, impressed.

So, we can now see the Eva franchise under a new light after a lot (probably too much) of things has been said and done, but never really grasped, even less equalled the genius of the best series ever created (with LOGH and The Wire). The first movie was good, but a dissapointment in terms of novelty, overall direction and introduction to the script and universe of Eva. This second movie though, is close to perfection throughout on every level.

As you may have guessed, Evangelion Rebuild 2.0 is far, far better than 1.0 which was merely a (soft) remake of the first six episodes of the series. Here, we have a true - fantastic - movie. For a movie that is not really a remake, but no really a totally original movie either, Studio Khara, Hideaki Anno and GAINAX proved once again that they are a force to reckon with, and litterally humiliated BONES and its latest failure, Eureka seveN The Movie (yes I know, it's not exactly the same budget nor the same production time, but still, similar try to reinvent a successful franchise). Evangelion Rebuild 2.0 is simply a Hell of a movie that can please anyone and everyone, from the die hard fan of the franchise to the total beginner that has only watched the first Rebuild. That's what we call a masterpiece.

No doubt, I'm extremely impressed by this second Eva movie (third if we count The End of Evangelion). For me, the best thing ever produced in the franchise, besides the original series. Now I'm eagerly waiting for the third movie, that will most probably be a totally original story, seeing the ending of YOU CAN (NOT) ADVANCE..

On a side note, I'm glad we get to see for the first time Touji's sister, even if it is for a split second :)
JacutJul 21, 2009 3:41 PM

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jul 23, 2009 1:49 AM
Mar 2009
cant wait for this in dvdrip and subbed which would probably be out by next yr
Jul 25, 2009 7:34 PM

Jan 2009
Blah.......I want to watch it now, but I have to wait for the DVD rip.

Does anyone know if they'll show it in English subs in the US theaters for a couple days like they did with Death Note? Or have it play at a festival like in Germany in a couple days? That would be awesome
Meh_93Jul 26, 2009 11:39 AM
Jul 28, 2009 6:57 AM

Feb 2008
Haylias said:
There is a camrip on TT, it's not subbed though.

What's that? I really don't care about subbed at the momment, I'm too disperate to be bothered by that hehe.
Aug 2, 2009 9:11 AM

Apr 2009
I wonder when this will take over RoE 1.0's spot.

Edit: As of 10/8/09
iMaimAug 10, 2009 7:49 AM
Aug 11, 2009 4:47 AM

Jul 2008
-------------------- SPOILERS BELOW --------------------

Just watched it with decent English subs. Absolutely loved it. I was surprised by how different from the series it was, and I found myself saying "Wow, Asuka would have never said that or acted that way in the series." quite a few times throughout. The same goes for Rei. Cooking wasn't something I would have expected her to do. The scene with Gendo on his way to Rei's dinner party was short but sweet. I loved the slow motion 180 turn and shot of Gendo's face. The elevator scene was also especially good when Asuka saw all of Rei's cuts from cooking then looked at hers with a hint of sadness on her face.

Theres nothing I can say about the animation and action scenes quite simply because words cannot express how good they were. Even though I was watching a camrip I was absolutely blown away by the fight with Sahaquiel. Eva 01 running towards the Angel was fantastic.

Mari was awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing how she fits into the story and finding out who she really is. I especially liked Asuka in this movie. Her personality is a little different, but it hasn't changed extremely which is a relief. The mystery surrounding Kaworu is just killing me! Like in the first movie, he gets the last scene. From what I understand he stopped the third impact from happening... where is this going? The scene of him sitting on the finger of Unit 06 in space when Gendo and Fuyutsuki saw him was another notably short but sweet scene in my opinion. "Nice to meet you... father."

The sound track took me by surprise. It was SO good! I have so many favourite tracks it's unbelievable. One of the best movie soundtracks ever in my opinion.

Evangelion 2.0 could not have been any better. It was absolutely perfect in my opinion.
ToukaMay 23, 2010 2:49 PM
I write about manga →
and movies →
Aug 11, 2009 5:42 PM

Jul 2009
should i wait for the dvdrip or just watch that camrip with some "decent" sub? omg, i can (not) decide.....
anyone knows when the DVD will be released?
Aug 12, 2009 9:46 AM

Sep 2007
I just watched a camrip.
This is a little better than the first movie (which I didn't really like).
Using Karekano's bgm wasn't so bad as I though :P (wtf?no more money?).
There are good changes in the story which makes it interesting, however I can't stand the song playing during Eva 03's berserk (and I still can't explain how Asuka can survive Shogoki's biting her entry plug..>___<) and I laughed when shinchan started jumping on Nerv'sheadquarter as a baby (OMG...).
Very good the dialogue between Rei and Gendo while having lunch, Gendo watching Rei and seeing Yui.
Don't know what to think about the servicing kiss between Kaji and shinchan (LOL)...
In this movie Asuka RULEZ! :D Powerful! :D!
Why does it always end in a blood-bath? :D this movie would made a vampire's happyness neh? :D

Good design of angels.
Aug 14, 2009 9:39 PM

May 2009
I just watched the movie and the first thing I did was coming here to find out that there're only 16 comments!! I though there would be a lot more comments now that there're subs (well, at least in spanish ^w^U)... even if it's with a camrip it's still worth watching. This movie is just the embodiment of perfection, needless to say, words are not enough to describe it... I wasn't able to wait for a better quality video with all those spoilers, and believe me, even if the quality is crappy it just makes you wonder that if it's this awesome like that... how would it be on dvdrip quality?? I can't wait for it.
Aug 25, 2009 8:34 PM

Jun 2008
WOW, I've just finished watching it, and I must say that I LOVE IT!
It was weird at first since I didn't know that they would be redesigning some angels, but the new looks are impressive.

In the first few minutes, I can't believe that they showed off Eva Unit 05 in action, but Mari destroyed it before the movie title even showed O__O

Asuka gained maximum love in this movie. I loved her new, yet old personality in here.
Didn't expect them to change Touji being the pilot of Eva 03 with her though. Made me kinda sad when they showed it. Oh and Asuke + Test Suit = Cute/Hot!

New berserk/beast mode for the Evangelions was awesome. I loved seeing Eva 02 in berserk mode. It was so freaking badass, though having it in berserk mode and losing kinda shows how much of an upgrade Zeruel got in this movie.

The ending was something I didn't expect. It was a little different, but yet epic enough. Now I can't wait for the dvdrip for the quality, so I can rewatch it over and over and over again.
Sep 7, 2009 2:19 PM

Mar 2009
I thought it was amazing, except that they went with the soundtrack dissonance path for EVA-03. Sorry, but adding singing children to violence does not make it deep, it just makes it lose impact. Also disliked the non-inclusion of Toji as a pilot. For the rest, I absolutely love the redesigned Angels, they look far more otherwordly.

Also I thought Mari was awesome. She's one of my favourite characters now.
Sep 10, 2009 3:21 AM

Jul 2008
I've never ever thought I'd say this - I found the original Eva ~6,7-ish at it's best - but the film was totally AMAZING! I've enjoyed every minute of it, even though it was but a camrip. I loved the new angel designs (sahaquiel in omg, bomb angel~ mode was spiffy), but it's a bit of a shame the dirac sea one was taken out.

The first time they used a happy song for bgm it was a big wtf? and threw me off pace a bit, but in the end I wasn't a total disaster and the other song was on the other hands IMO a perfectt fit making for a great scene.

And I don't know how people do it, but they somehow managed to make Beautiful World even more awesome. First I've heard an 1up lvl in badass Uninstall cover - which is an amazing song in itself - and then this. I think I'm jsut going to listen to it all day.
Sep 10, 2009 3:23 AM

Sep 2007
Does anyone know when the dvd/blu ray is gonna be released?
Sep 10, 2009 3:25 AM

Jun 2009
Mireyu said:
Does anyone know when the dvd/blu ray is gonna be released?

I think few months again...XD
Sep 10, 2009 3:31 AM

Sep 2007
Nooooo :((( Can't wait anymore! Wanna se the movie again in hq!
Sep 12, 2009 10:42 AM
Jan 2008
Holy crap that was awesome. Just WTF about asuka. now sehs a pirate.
Sep 16, 2009 7:22 AM

May 2008
I saw it last week in Japan.
WTF. Just WTF.
Not a Sunrise WTF, neither a Gainax WTF, but a new kind... "Khara WTF" ?

The Evas are all destroyed or unusable, the Geofront is a big mess, 01 goes "berserk love mode with Rei" and :
Shinji : "Screw you, guys, I just started the third impact."
Kaoru : "Oh no you didn't."
Shinji : "wat"

Near the beginning, the animation of the mouths is like an alternance of 3 frames for a long time, it's horrible but they'll probably redo it in a 2.x version.
As for Mari, she doesn't seem to have an important role for now : let's hope they didn't create her just to sell more goodies. As I like Maaya Sakamoto's voice, I would have prefered to hear it more often than a bit in the beginning, a bit at the middle and a bit at the end.

It also looks like they added a Type-Moon feeling with Mari's glowing eyes (maybe it's just a reference to KnK's Shiki Ryougi, also dubbed by Sakamoto).
RuzgfpegkSep 16, 2009 7:32 AM
Sep 16, 2009 10:31 PM

May 2009
Just saw the camrip. But still....IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING. Was a great way to introduce Asuka differently. Awesome way for Shinji to meet Mari. Those two fights were so friggin awesome. I thought I wasn't gonna get enough of mai waifu Mari, until the last 25 mins. Mari's berserk mode was just as amazing as everything else. Lol, Kaworu saying he'll make Shinji happy. Eyepatch Asuka looks badass. I'll rewatch this once the dvd rip comes up.

The Quickening is gonna be even more fucking amazing.
Hybrid00Sep 17, 2009 6:56 AM
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Oct 6, 2009 11:01 PM

Sep 2009
You guys are really tempting me to see the cam-rip...but I'm going to try and hold out till I can see the blu-ray version, unless they release DVD only and wait on the blu-ray.
Oct 10, 2009 9:54 AM
Nov 2007
does anyone know when it willl be subbed?
Oct 13, 2009 4:47 PM

Jul 2008
mickey1372492 said:
does anyone know when it willl be subbed?

The camrip was subbed around two months ago.
I write about manga →
and movies →
Oct 26, 2009 4:58 AM

Aug 2009
Wish my Japanese was good; having to wait several months for the subs sucks.
Nov 7, 2009 12:34 PM

Oct 2007
Loved the movie.Watched in the cinema so was a great experience as it should be not some camrip.Going to get the blu ray in may :)
Nov 14, 2009 9:00 AM

Jun 2009
Just came out in SG last thurs, watched it today.

aydar said:

Nov 15, 2009 12:43 AM

Aug 2009
I watched it today in Berlin Zoo Palast.

Jap dub eng sub.

and i thought my mind will blow while watching it.

I like the way the did more intensive and more Drama, und let the psychology of the pilots minor attention. If you watched the series you will understand it anyways.

The fight scene were so perfect, it maks my flesh crawl.
Thanks to the epic soundtrack i guess.

Also the new sight of the Rei, Shinji, Gendo, and Eva01, whoa dont know how to describe.

And i wonderd what they did to shinji, he isnt a coward anymore, he is pretty badass.

Dont know what about the asuka part, looks like they put some epicness of Asuka over to shinji, but yea you get a very deep look into asuka in 2.0.

Rei, oh shit, thats some mindfuck, she is so active wants to couple people and stuff, even cooks. Truly awesome. And the conversations between Rei and Gendo let you understand the relationships better.

Tja, and Marie, hmm she is cool, all in all a charakter that fits well in the nge universe it gives it all a new kick. Cant wait till nge 3.0 i want to know whats here part then.

This movie just let me thought, whoa how epical can a anime be.

(sorry for the creepy english but i was on road now like 20h and wanted to post this before sleep)
Nov 15, 2009 1:13 AM

Jun 2009
Just got done watching the camrip with decent subs, i was very impressed with the film even more so than the first one (well the last half).

First i loved Mari she was a interesting character and makes a good addition to the story, cant wait to see more from her.

Asuka's grand entrance and her over all personalty (little different but still the Asuka we know and love) was good

Rei changed alot, which i loved.....i like this Rei better

Overall impressive film with lots of epic battles and a epic soundtrack (which im listening to as i type) to accompany them.

Excited for the 3rd and 4th film its gonna be epic
castironkidNov 15, 2009 1:16 AM
Nov 21, 2009 8:56 PM
May 2008
Just got back from seeing it at the Waterloo Festival for Animated Cinema. It was great! If I have one complaint though, it's that Mari seemed kind of thrown into the movie. I'm sure she'll be explained in the next film though. I'm looking forward to 3.0 very much!
Nov 24, 2009 3:30 PM

Oct 2008
one of the best movies ive seen in a while. holy smokes this is gainax with money and they sure didn't let a single penny to waste. this was magnificent; asuka and rei and all the characters are portrayed more humanly this time around.

i cannot wait for the third film. they completely altered the history and scenarios, now that would make for an interesting ending.. oh gainax it's gonna be gurren lagann vs unit-01!!!!
Dec 2, 2009 7:44 PM

Apr 2009
Asuka's entrance was badass. Her personality changes were pretty well done, although I really hope that we get a mind rape scene (my favorite non-tearjerker scene in all of anime), or at least an in depth look at her personality, given that the movies have completely abandoned the original story by this point. In any case, I want lots more Asuka.

I could have used more Shinji x Asuka (one of my few unshakable OTPs) ship tease. But what little there was was decently solid, so eh.

I like Rei better. Still nothing amazing, but a definite improvement.

Psycho chick needs some character development. Want moar.

Nearly rage-voted 1 due to 01 vs 03 fight, but Asuka lives, so I guess I'll just have to appreciate the scene once I can get something better than a cam-rip.

Ending was... hard for me to appreciate. As mentioned, Shinji x Asuka is a pairing that I will not budge on, so the amount of Shinji x Rei in the finale was a bit... unpalatable for me.

Hoping for everyone to have horrendous things happen to them in the later movies, in true Eva style. Also, Asuka with eye-patch looks badass.
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Dec 13, 2009 5:23 PM
Mar 2009
When does the dvd come out and when will it be subbed??
Dec 23, 2009 9:40 PM

Aug 2007
waiting for the DVDRip but all these good reviews are making my head explode :(
Jan 1, 2010 1:46 PM

Mar 2009
Great movie, i've just watched camrip. Can't wait for blu-ray *___*
Jan 19, 2010 6:47 PM

Oct 2009
wow, i was expecting a remake of the old episodes but i got something much better: A COMPLETE NEW STORY!
Shinji is less emo, Rei is more sociable (wtf?!?!?!?!) and Asuka is more moe... HHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGHHHH!! The movie was completely awesome but i'm kinda sad with the 2 first angels... they're... mmm, i don't know... lame? but Zeruel was 10000/10, just totally awesome. Asuka as the pilot of the Eva-03 was... ufff, i raged so hard. When i watched how Shinji broke the eva03 arms, i was feeling very relieved, but then, eva03 with 2 arms more! FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
And the end was really, umm... was ok, not bad, not awesome... just ok (talking only about the Shinji-saving-the-damisel-on-distress scene). I wanna a HQ version NOW!!!

Feb 6, 2010 6:50 PM

Dec 2009
This movie is so awesome!!! It reminds me of the time when I saw the "End of Evangelion" movie! This movie is great! Can't wait for the other 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Perseverance is the mother of all victories."
Feb 16, 2010 8:36 AM

May 2009
Watched this at the Glasgow Film Festival, seriously, on the big screen, it blew us away.

The way the music and the action work together building towards the crescendo at the end to create a crowning moment of sheer awesome is brilliant. My friend said he didn't breathe for the last half an hour and we were all gripping the armrests. The place went completely mental when it finished, whooping, hollering and applauding.
Feb 16, 2010 2:21 PM

Jun 2009
kumochisonan said:
Watched this at the Glasgow Film Festival, seriously, on the big screen, it blew us away.

The way the music and the action work together building towards the crescendo at the end to create a crowning moment of sheer awesome is brilliant. My friend said he didn't breathe for the last half an hour and we were all gripping the armrests. The place went completely mental when it finished, whooping, hollering and applauding.

I was also at GFF and wow, was that amazing or what?

The animation was superb and the new plot started to shine through, which wasn't really obvious in 1.0.

Rei received a good bit of characterisation, making her more relatable than in the TV version. Shinji hasn't gone too mental yet, always a good sign. Also, as to be expected, Asuka was the star and I froze over from the Unit-01 vs. Unit-03 all the way in the end. Thank god for the trailer at the end which confirmed her appearance in 3.0.

The whole thing was breathtaking, and as kumochisonan said, we were all cheering and whooping when it was done. I swear I heard everyone in the room breath a sigh of relief at the point in the trailer when they showed pirate Asuka. Everything was just amazing.

Feb 18, 2010 3:24 PM

Jul 2008
Haha, sounds like you guys had one hell of a time. I'm gonna go see it on the big screen at the Sci-Fi London Film Festival at the beginning of May. Can't wait! However, since it's part of the Anime All Nighter (they show five anime movies, one after the other with 20 min breaks inbetween, starting at midnight and ending around 10am) I don't think the audience will be as enthusiastic. Last time they didn't show Evangelion 1.0 until last and everyone was just knackered and dead in their chairs by that time. I hope they show Evangelion 2.0 first so it can excite the hell out of me and I'll be able to stay awake all night.

Oh, scrap that. They just released the lineup and Evangelion 2.0 which apparently had a good chance of being shown isn't even on it. Sooooo gutted. Guess I'll have to scour the internet for other film festivals that might be showing it. I have to see this film on the big screen!

EDIT - Got tickets to see both Eva 1.0 and 2.0 at BFI's Southbank cinema in London on the 21st of May. Can't wait!
ToukaMay 6, 2010 7:19 AM
I write about manga →
and movies →
Mar 24, 2010 2:40 PM

Jan 2008
Watched this at the Anime Film Festival at the IFI in Dublin last weekend.

Fan-fucking-tastic. Un-fucking-believable.
May 9, 2010 6:14 AM

Aug 2008
Well, I can see I'll be the only one who didn't like this movie. At all...
First, I felt like "WTF, do you have to explain everything like I was stupid or 5 years old?!". What I liked about the series, was that it left some things unsaid and relied on the intellect of audience. I liked it all being metaphysical, it was a world of mind, of delusions, even the Evas and Angels, it was all on the edge of some nightmarish mirage. Now everything must be clear, because why leavig anything to the viewer? Asuka is lonely? Well, certainly no one would guess by the image and atmosphere of loneliness... let's say it out loud, just in case! Duh, that was so annoying...
I also didn't like how they simplified the characters, especially Asuka with her "OMG, I have friends now, I don't have to be alone!". And chating happily with Misato. Oh, well, she could, because about her obsession with Kaji - there wasn't any!
I really really didn't like it. It was the twisted plot and even more twisted characters surrounded with dark, a bit dream (but a bad one)-like atmosphere, that made Eva series unique. Now, it is only next mecha anime, nothing really more...
LailerosseMay 23, 2010 3:03 PM

The best shape for an angel! ;)

May 21, 2010 5:04 PM

Jul 2008
Touka said:
EDIT - Got tickets to see both Eva 1.0 and 2.0 at BFI's Southbank cinema in London on the 21st of May. Can't wait!

I just got back a couple of moments ago. No words can express how amazing it was. One of the best movie experiences of my life. It was wonderful seeing Evangelion 2.0 on the big screen in a cinema full of fans as big as myself. The second film ended with a thunder storm of applause and cheers. Such an amazing experience. So glad I went!
I write about manga →
and movies →
May 24, 2010 10:37 AM
Jun 2007
I'll avoid jumping the gun forthis movie by not giving it a score for the time being; I'll wait until the entire thing sinks in. But man, that was one hell of a ride. I absolutely loved every single minute of it.

At first I was a bit skeptical because of the "tweaks" in this revival of the franchise (Asuka's character, Mari's addition, Shinji's overall development), but in the end, Anno delivered and surely erased my doubts.

In the Evangelion manga, Sadamoto's rendition of Shinji was a step above his anime counterpart. Similar to anime Shinji but more vocal, less hesistant and overall, less pitiful. This movie took it a step further by adding another dimension to his character: A Shinji that was adamant, angry, full of rage. I found this to be a welcome change, considerably more since this badass Shinji has me really intrigued in how he would react to an encounter with Kaworu in the sequel, how he would react to his reunion with Asuka, Rei and Mari.

The production values of 2.22 continued off where 1.0 left: top-notch all-around. The fights were incredibly choreographed and animated fluidly (especially Asuka's entrance; she fought, scuffled and finished off an Angel before setting foot on the ground!). Also, the music was once again one of the strong points of the movie. The BGM's happy melody in the final battle sequence was a fitting contrast to the brutality going on on-screen--akin to the Komm Susser Tod sequence in End of Eva.

All in all, it lived up to the hype. Rebuild of Evangelion 2.22 dethroned Gundam Unicorn as the best anime I've seen this year. I have to give it up to Anno. I hope 3.0 tops this one.
avrcMay 24, 2010 4:31 PM
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