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Mar 9, 2009 4:20 AM

Apr 2008
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cukcoo.. agh how many times was it going to repeat!!!

Glad even Haruna realised they where just avoiding the issue, and gave advise, but was a little surprised with the '..can't guarantee anything if I see her' line from Yoh.

'You should be with the person you like most' :'( Assa and Asaoka were pretty useless in comforting her, though at least the latter was trying to put things into perspective.

Most importantly, while 'She's really important to me' had me grinning, he then actually confessed 'I love you'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o_O <--*still happily shocked*
Apr 6, 2009 8:16 AM

Jun 2008
awwww!! that was the ending i expected.. that was exactly the reaction and the move that i expected from haruna... i never thought she would allow yoh to stand his ex up...

although some of my previous opinions have changed... first off.... i originally felt sorry for kurihara, the ex, since i thought, after knowing that yoh has a girlfriend and that it was haruna, that she just wanted to meet yoh for closure.. but when she said during their meeting if she and yoh could START OVER, everything just changed, i think she deserved that in one way or another....

another very minor disappointment was yoh... although it ended perfectly, even saying i love you to haruna, which he probably learned from his experience with kurihara where he didn't show his feelings leading to their break up, there is still that statement that really bugged me... it was before meeting kurihara, yoh said,"are you sure? i can't guarantee anything if i see her."

that bugged me cuz it gives the impression that his love for haruna is not, or rather, may not be enough for him to stay with her... there's that possibility that he might go back to kurihara.. although its perfectly reasonable since she was the first love and everything, but still! that was the past.. come on... oh well.. at least it ended well enough... hehe
Jul 14, 2009 4:39 AM

Feb 2008
he was probably just confused, he couldn't be sure how he felt about her till he saw her again, his emotions made her larger than life. once he actually met with her again though, he realized that she wasn't nearly as important to him as Haruna.

Assa was being a sadistic b*tch again, not sure whether to laugh with her or strangle her though.
Oct 6, 2009 10:13 AM

Jul 2009
jacobpaige said:

Assa was being a sadistic b*tch again, not sure whether to laugh with her or strangle her though.
I ignore most of what she said XD..

The way Yoh explained to his ex why Yoh love Haruna is awesome.."She's dressed lightly?"..f*ck yeah! that will shut his ex alright
Dec 26, 2009 2:25 PM

Jun 2009
AW! nice ending! so they finally are in peace with one another... or are they???
Jan 9, 2010 10:14 PM

Jun 2009

Anyway, that is one girl.. so persistent even if Haruna will give up on Yoh

But i dont like how her ex said "i think we should start over again"

Cool he didnt turn it over

Haha love the end part so funny
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Dec 22, 2011 3:40 PM
Jul 2011
haha, I'm rereading HS Debut and just finished this chapter, I love the part when Yoh confesses "I love you" that was so cuteee :3
That awkward moment when you're watching yaoi then all of a sudden someone walks in...
Nov 29, 2014 4:50 PM

May 2014
thank god yoh doesn't exist in real life, he'd steal all the girls T_T
that ending was too sweet for me
Feb 28, 2016 6:27 PM

Jun 2013
oh wow i predicted exactly what i thought would happen!

only it was done much more nicely and.........yeAH :''''''')

kinda sad kurihara and haruna can't stay friends though, but i know how that type of situation is involving exes personally, and it's usually better to give the heartbroken person space to heal and think things over
Feb 23, 2017 4:51 PM

Aug 2016
This was an excellent chapter! Haruna pulled a grown-up move by telling Yoh to confront the issue so they can move on. That was nice!
Jul 3, 2017 9:45 PM
Jul 2017
I can understand why people would be disappointed with Yoh saying "Are you sure? I can't guarantee anything if I see her" but it's important to remember that Yoh isn't a fickle guy. If he were ever considering to be with someone other than Haruna it wouldn't be just anybody. I think in context it's not exactly strange why he would say this. Haruna is telling Yoh that he can't just erase his past and he has to face it and this is precisely what Yoh has been trying to do until Haruna confronts him about it. He's been trying to erase his memories, pretending like they didn't happen and not properly dealing with his feelings. Now that he's been given permission to unlock and embrace that unspoken part of himself, it's not that odd in my opinion for Yoh to start questioning himself.

It's like opening a whole can of worms. It isn't like this girl is some random person for Yoh, his experience with her is the whole reason why he's shut out relationships with women until Haruna came along, why he hates seeing girls cry so much, why he dislikes himself because he feels responsible for what happened. And their relationship ended so abruptly thus I can see why Yoh would think that there might be unfinished business there. He never allowed himself to grieve the relationship properly to move on so when Haruna urged him to acknowledge his ex gf again, it might have crossed Yoh's mind that his old feelings might still be there when he sees her because he realises this: that he didn't properly grieve her but only tried his best to forget her. He could only be honest with Haruna and say that it's a risk if he goes because he doesn't know what will happen. He hasn't faced her since then so there's no telling how he'll feel. He's reluctant to act on anything though because he's worried that it'll affect his relationship with Haruna. He asks her if she's sure as if to give her a chance to reconsider. It's not hard to see that Yoh is comfortable with things the way they are. He'd rather just have Haruna and would prefer if she not talk with the ex gf and that he just continue avoiding her. Haruna is his safety net and his reaction to reject the letter, to not respond to any kind of contact with his ex and his words to Haruna to not worry about it and it means nothing to him reflects that he wants no distractions from his relationship with Haruna, that he doesn't want anything to mess them up because she's the most important to him now but also he's scared of his own feelings and what returning to the past might do to him.

So that comment shouldn't be viewed as a way of saying that he might not love Haruna that much after all. In fact he's trying to hold onto his relationship with Haruna and is scared that his old feelings that he didn't resolve will come between them, he's also making sure that it's what she really wants, he doesn't want to do anything that she is remotely uncomfortable about. And also remember that this is a way of building angst in the story. Kawahara wanted readers to be unsure of what the outcome will be in order for them to go through the same journey and thought processes as Haruna. If we already know the outcome e.g. if Yoh says something like " I'll go to straighten things out but don't worry I'll definitely come back" sure this is probably what you want to hear from your boyfriend in real life but remember this is a shoujo manga and from a story perspective it's kind of boring and it wouldn't give Haruna the opportunity to put her faith in Yoh and show her strong resolve to fight for him no matter what.

So it shouldn't be seen as a big deal. It makes sense why he would be wary about the ex possibly steering him in a new direction because she was such a big deal for him and he worries whether she may still be because he's never put that to the test before. But when he does meet the ex and she suggests to start over, Yoh doesn't consider it for a second and doesn't hesitate to tell her that it can't happen because he's got Haruna now. Through his confrontation with her, he was able to see that he doesn't have any lingering feelings for her and how much Haruna means to him. I suspect that Yoh already told himself that Haruna means the most to him but this meeting helped to confirm it if there was any doubt.
veecherryangelJul 4, 2017 9:19 AM
Jul 3, 2017 10:27 PM
Jul 2017
But another possibility is that he didn't mean what he said and just said that to get out of it knowing that it might scare Haruna to know that there's a slight chance that she'll lose him. By saying that, he was hoping for her to change her mind because of his discomfort to face things head on. He was hoping for her to drop it but she didn't so he had to suck it up and go ahead. This might be something Yoh would do if it is about something that makes him anxious enough and arguably this does as he tries to avoid it for a long time. And he might have thought that this would be a good way to keep Haruna from sympathizing with the ex gf and to see it as a bad idea.

Another possiblity is that he may not be talking about his feelings rekindling at all but about whether the meeting will be positive or not e.g. whether the meeting might cause unnecessary drama or not or whether he'll feel better after the experience and will get the closure he needs or not. Perhaps it was only Haruna's interpretation that he might go back to the ex if he sees her, after all he doesn't say anything specific about it and she doesn't voice her thoughts out loud for him to agree or disagree. I think it's also the case of translation as well. The online version says "I can't guarantee anything by meeting her" but the hard copy which I own at home says "I don't know what will happen if I meet her" and what Haruna says before is different in both versions as well. In the online version she says something more along the lines of " I want to keep being happy with you from the bottom of my heart " and in the hard copy it says "I want you to be happy always". So his response to the different translations would naturally give a different impression I think.
veecherryangelJul 3, 2017 10:31 PM
Aug 3, 2019 12:34 AM
Feb 2019
woah yoh.. what was up with the not being able to guarantee line? i mean, chapter ended well, but that was outta pocket!!

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