It doesn't even have a "Season 2" it's all one season but due to some shenanigans with both Anime Crash, the western company that was releasing it, and the production company in Japan it seems like the second half of the series was never released.
I remember Geisters from my time at Central Park Media. One day, a Korean man in a rumpled suit, reeking of booze, came wandering into the CPM office. He asked to speak to CEO John O'Donnell. The next week, John announced to the company that we had acquired the rights to Geisters - Fractions of the Earth, a 26-episode hard sci-fi anime that also happened to be a Korean/Japanese co-production. It looked pretty cool initially, with quite a bit of CG and very shiny looking designs. We waited, but never heard about Geisters again. I asked John what had happened, and he told me that the sales agent came back and said the producers weren't satisfied and wanted more money, and wouldn't honor the signed contract. John angrily threw him out of the office, and that was that.
I have no idea which of the three companies that produced Geisters that the drunk guy was from. The three were constantly feuding, each claiming that none of the others had the rights to license the show. Veronico didn't know any of that had transpired when he ran into a Mr. Kim at Licensing Expo 2004, offering to license the first 13 episodes to him. They signed, they paid, they got the masters. This was to be, at long last, Crash Media's first real anime DVD release. It was also to be their last.
Though I can't find the exact place I read it, it may have come from Mike himself, apparently someone high up in Groove's hierarchy (possibly even the head of the company) went crazy & supposedly took not just all of Groove's money but also all of the masters of their products. While Geisters got fully released on DVD by then, Nakoruru only got its first episode out (two were planned, and that was already after it was cut down from 13 episodes) & shortly before the supposed theft of money & masters a roadshow (run by Garinpeiro) had already run that showed off the movie edit of Six Angels, Xevious, & even two compilation movies for Geisters (Hikari no Shou & Mei no Shou). |