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Aug 11, 2012 8:48 AM

May 2009
This is gonna be good.
bastek66Aug 11, 2012 9:26 AM
Aug 11, 2012 9:14 AM
Jul 2018
Looks like Taichi's having some interesting relationships. Oh and the new twist is awesome too, the troll is really good at trolling
removed-userAug 11, 2012 9:27 AM
Aug 11, 2012 9:23 AM

Nov 2011
LOL @ Inaba in the beginning of this episode. Priceless.

Drama running loose as always this episode. Also, cool new ED.
Stark700Aug 11, 2012 9:27 AM
Aug 11, 2012 9:26 AM

Aug 2010
Seems like Heartseed is going with a new plan. This should be interesting.
Aug 11, 2012 9:39 AM
Oct 2010
awesomenes. inaba so fkn HNGGGG <3

cant wait to see what comes out of this new development
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Aug 11, 2012 9:45 AM

May 2011
Absolutely brilliant, I love the set up for this new event. I am stoked to see how his takes off!

I mean, seriously, wow! Making you act on your inner desires is is just absolutely perfect considering the style this anime uses. Iori is going to shine magnificently in this. Inaba too, I can't wait to see how she turns out with this situation considering how much she tries to hide her true feelings. Expecting great things!
-Kenshin-Aug 11, 2012 9:50 AM
Aug 11, 2012 9:51 AM

Mar 2012
Inaba!! xD
I liked what happened there in the beginning lol

This new twist is pretty good, I for one can't wait to see what develops because of it.

The new ending song is ok, not as good as the first one.
Aug 11, 2012 9:54 AM

Mar 2012
Great episode!

The new story developments are really intriguing. Heartseed continues to be immensely interesting, and his new plan is going to be thoroughly exciting to watch as it unfolds. Inaba is by far my favorite character, so the focus on her character and state of mind during this episode, and those that follow, is fantastic. Miyuki Sawashiro is such a good voice actress. The chemistry between Inaba and Taichi is as terrific as ever, which, by comparison, makes the small Iori x Taichi moments feel a bit forced and stiff. Thankfully, this remains a triangle, which, so far, is playing out much better than most.

The new ED is excellent.

Once again, the story manages to be interesting, entertaining and impressively complex. The dramatic moments resonate much better than I initially expected. This show really excels in many areas, and has become one of the best of the year. I can't wait for the next episode, and I'm especially looking forward to whichever episode covers the end of this arc.
Aug 11, 2012 10:00 AM

Jun 2009

Acting on your heart's desires is a worthy successor of body switching plot device, i'm really excited to see characters' behaviors in next episode, especially after seeing the preview.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Aug 11, 2012 10:04 AM

Sep 2011
prismheart said:
Seems like Heartseed is going with a new plan. This should be interesting.
He must have gotten more funding for his field research ;)

In the previous arc, things got confusing. In this arc, it's going to get messy. Very messy. And probably a little ugly.
Aug 11, 2012 10:04 AM

Jun 2011
Limit breaker! Release all my taughts into action and something good will happen to you without me knowing it. Having a hidden desire showing up is pretty dangerous, next week episode is gonna be sweet.
Aug 11, 2012 10:06 AM

Feb 2012
I'm glad they mentioned it at the end but, what happened to nagase and, Taichi turned out well in the end but, what if he had a natural instinct to desire what she offered ( It's basic human nature after all and, it's easy to give in ) that event could have become something far worse then it was. There is also the matter of what desires are show? Only your true desires the sudden ones.

I would say that "Desires taking action" is something far more dangerous then, body switching. At least then, you had complete control but, what if 2 people got in a fight and, one of them just was acting childish (which is to be expect) and, said she wished the other person was dead. That could quickly go from having a mad day to killing a friend.

This story continues to get better and, I'm on the edge of my sit with it can't wait for more.
Aug 11, 2012 10:10 AM

Oct 2011
Good stuff... the fact that the characters were acting on impulse was predictable, but entertaining...
This is literally forced drama. Like literally forced by Heartseed. And it's great.
Aug 11, 2012 10:14 AM

Dec 2011
I wonder what the next arcs are going to be.
/人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\ Make a contract with me... /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\
Aug 11, 2012 10:19 AM

Aug 2008
HOLY COW!! After all that I've said about how great this show is, it still manages to get even better.

Very solid start of the new arc. They get trolled again by the Balloon Vine.
This time it's worse. Their deepest emotions are uncontrollable. Regardless, I still expect great results out of this.
Inaban gets the spotlight in the ED this time. Iori's shippers must be unsettled by her decision to maintain status quo.

Aug 11, 2012 10:33 AM

Sep 2011
MidnightPride said:
I'm glad they mentioned it at the end but, what happened to nagase and, Taichi turned out well in the end but...
Oh, no. I really doubt Inaba is going to be able to shake off what happened between her and Taichi so easily. In fact, I expect this arc is going to be very painful for her regarding her feelings for Taichi in particular and the others in general.

MidnightPride said:
That could quickly go from having a mad day to killing a friend.

Foo. I really don't see that happening. However, there are a LOT of idiots and mean people in this world who are still alive simply because it's illegal to kill them. Though I don't think any of these five are capable of such a thing, I personally don't have to go very far to find somebody I know who would be capable (or, hopefully more correctly, could have been capable at one time).
Aug 11, 2012 10:35 AM

Apr 2012
Well, Heartseed continues to be a master troll, moving from body swapping to exposing one's deepest desires. This episode has already shown some pretty interesting consequences from this new phenomenon. I look forward to seeing how far the story goes with this.

Also, if the new ED is any indication, Inaba will be getting more of the focus during this arc which I think is great - she is the best character on the show so far.
Aug 11, 2012 10:39 AM

Feb 2012
Cratex said:
MidnightPride said:
I'm glad they mentioned it at the end but, what happened to nagase and, Taichi turned out well in the end but...
Oh, no. I really doubt Inaba is going to be able to shake off what happened between her and Taichi so easily. In fact, I expect this arc is going to be very painful for her regarding her feelings for Taichi in particular and the others in general.

MidnightPride said:
That could quickly go from having a mad day to killing a friend.

Foo. I really don't see that happening. However, there are a LOT of idiots and mean people in this world who are still alive simply because it's illegal to kill them. Though I don't think any of these five are capable of such a thing, I personally don't have to go very far to find somebody I know who would be capable (or, hopefully more correctly, could have been capable at one time).

That's not what I meant my point being is that we don't know what is considered your "true desire" is something that you desire for the moment or something that is apart of your nature but, you shy away from. I didn't mean what happened between Taichi and, nagase was small by any means it probably was very hard for considering her desire and, the fact that it was revealed to him.

Like you said this is probably going to be one of the hardest arcs for the group.
Aug 11, 2012 10:40 AM
Aug 2012
I kinda felt sad when they changed the ED. I really liked the previous one and was REALLY looking forward to it.

Anyway the ep is nice and I secretly hope that Taichi and Inaban will get something going~~~ :3
Aug 11, 2012 10:41 AM

Jan 2012
Awesome episode. Especially the beggining. Looking forward to next episode.

Aug 11, 2012 10:46 AM

Jul 2012
Wow, this arc is going to be awesome. I was skeptical at the beginning of the EP, as I got spoiled so bad on the last episode's topic *cough cough*.

Inaba's true desire at the beginning of the episode is totally questionable. Did she want to have ... that ... with Taichi? I didn't buy the story that she had that feeling just because she were looking at porn. :P

While we didn't see Yui very much in this EP, I still think that her power to destroy that table was totally impressive. I was expected Iori to walked into the room to see the scene as well, as I would love to see how she would react, instead of how Yui reacted.

Toward the end of the episode, I was disappointed that Iori told Taichi that they're going to keep a distance. WTF Iori??? If you guys love each other and your 'true desire' kick in, what could possibly happened? (*cough cough* if you know what i mean *cough* *cough*) ... It's kinda sad that even Taichi was all for her, and confessed that he likes her the way she is, she still acting that way. Hoever, Iori confused me whether she was speaking out from her true desire or actually that's actually herself who asked that question, as she was speaking in a different tone after she hung up.

From the preview. Next episode is going to be *awesome*. A little more drama, and seems like a lot more love complex. If Inaba really loves Taichi, I would hope that it'll explode soon. Hell, I would thought that Iori x Taichi would be more sweet than this, so Inaba would explode her feeling on Taichi, plus a little more jealousy. :P

The ED suggested me that this is going to be Inaba's arc, with everything focused on her. Kinda disappoint for me (I was rooted for Iori) but overall the ED is nicely done. I like the music as well.

(I haven't read the light novel, so please don't spoil me.)

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Aug 11, 2012 10:50 AM

Jul 2012
One more note - Inaba made me worried when she laid out all the plans before asked everyone to leave, and turned around leaning against the door. Did she worried that her love to Taichi would be exposed?

kiwak said:
I kinda felt sad when they changed the ED. I really liked the previous one and was REALLY looking forward to it.
Yeah, I anticipated the change to the ED because everyone were talking about the end of arc, and the ED was totally focused on the mind swapping (hence, the white ball.)

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Aug 11, 2012 10:52 AM
Aug 2012
Major drama coming up... I am excited both to see Iori's development as a character and Taich x Inaba's development. Either Taichi x Iori is gonna stay intact or Taichi x Inaba happens; either way will be VERY messy. Personally I am favoring Taichi x Inaba because Iori doesn't know herself and by nature her feelings for Taich well, whereas we see that Inaba sincerely likes Taichi.

And IMO Inaba looking at porn story was BS cover-up for Iori's sake.
AureolAug 11, 2012 10:56 AM
Aug 11, 2012 10:54 AM

Jan 2011
So Iori made the big mistake of deciding to hold back as well. Stupid. If you dont get whats given to you, you will lose it. Love is not a spectarors sport, was that the moto on Suzuka? So true.
Im sad, cose I actually like Iori a lot more than Inaba. Ill never understand what most of you guys like about agressive and manipulative girls, but thats the trend. Being a good timid girl is the sure way to be on the losing end of most love triangles lately :(
Aug 11, 2012 10:57 AM

Apr 2010
Maybe this time around we'll finally get more dirt on Aoki, whos been horribly sidelined in the last arc. But I'm not holding my breath either in this arc.

At least Iori is using this latest turn of events into something positive.

Dang, Yui, breaking a table, so much anger.

sikandsak said:
The ED suggested me that this is going to be Inaba's arc, with everything focused on her. Kinda disappoint for me (I was rooted for Iori) but overall the ED is nicely done. I like the music as well.

God, I hope not, because I want developement for the guys and not waste the next 4-5 eps. on one character. >:(
Aug 11, 2012 10:57 AM
Aug 2012
AlexGK said:
So Iori made the big mistake of deciding to hold back as well. Stupid. If you dont get whats given to you, you will lose it. Love is not a spectarors sport, was that the moto on Suzuka? So true.
Im sad, cose I actually like Iori a lot more than Inaba. Ill never understand what most of you guys like about agressive and manipulative girls, but thats the trend. Being a good timid girl is the sure way to be on the losing end of most love triangles lately :(

I agree, I like Iori more (though I dont share the dislike you have for Inaba) but I feel that won't be the case, as I spelled out before. I personally think Iori is kawaii ;)
Aug 11, 2012 10:58 AM

Jul 2012
AlexGK said:
So Iori made the big mistake of deciding to hold back as well. Stupid. If you dont get whats given to you, you will lose it. Love is not a spectarors sport, was that the moto on Suzuka? So true.
So true .. I glad that there's someone else that were disappointed like I did. Damn ...

AlexGK said:
Im sad, cose I actually like Iori a lot more than Inaba. Ill never understand what most of you guys like about agressive and manipulative girls, but thats the trend. Being a good timid girl is the sure way to be on the losing end of most love triangles lately :(
I'm rooted for Iori x Taichi as well, and that's a bad move from her part :(

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Aug 11, 2012 11:00 AM

Sep 2009
To bad it probably would be 12-13 eps. I really hope for more(there are 6 volumes of LN for mnow if I remember right). But preoders are quite good so far so let's hope for S2 sometime
Aug 11, 2012 11:03 AM

Jul 2012
Nachtwandler_21 said:
To bad it probably would be 12-13 eps. I really hope for more(there are 6 volumes of LN for mnow if I remember right). But preoders are quite good so far so let's hope for S2 sometime

From what I heard it's going to be around 17 episodes? Though this hasn't been confirmed yet.

Another really great episode. I can't wait to see what ends up happening to everyone because of this. Hopefully we'll get to see more of Iori's true self, but I'm also hoping they focus more on Yui and Aoki in this arc as well.

Looking forward to next week's episode.
Aug 11, 2012 11:11 AM

Sep 2011
MidnightPride said:
That's not what I meant my point being is that we don't know what is considered your "true desire" is something that you desire for the moment or something that is apart of your nature but, you shy away from. I didn't mean what happened between Taichi and, nagase was small by any means it probably was very hard for considering her desire and, the fact that it was revealed to him.
Ah! Sorry about that!
Aug 11, 2012 11:13 AM

Mar 2012
This is definitely one of the best shows of the season in my view. Looking forward to what will develop in this arc.

Jmac said:
Maybe this time around we'll finally get more dirt on Aoki, whos been horribly sidelined in the last arc. But I'm not holding my breath either in this arc.

I just realized that Aoki is really the least developed character out of all of them. Like you said, it's doubtful that it will happen over the next couple of episodes.
Aug 11, 2012 11:16 AM

Apr 2010
TravSavage said:
This is definitely one of the best shows of the season in my view. Looking forward to what will develop in this arc.

Jmac said:
Maybe this time around we'll finally get more dirt on Aoki, whos been horribly sidelined in the last arc. But I'm not holding my breath either in this arc.

I just realized that Aoki is really the least developed character out of all of them. Like you said, it's doubtful that it will happen over the next couple of episodes.

I know right!? But I'm starting to get this impression that there's really nothing wrong with him and he's the normal person of the group.
Aug 11, 2012 11:21 AM

Jul 2009
Heartseed is dangerous...
If this was real life, and I were to 'release my inner desires', I would find myself in jail pretty fast. LOL!
Aug 11, 2012 11:28 AM
May 2011
Jmac said:
TravSavage said:
This is definitely one of the best shows of the season in my view. Looking forward to what will develop in this arc.

Jmac said:
Maybe this time around we'll finally get more dirt on Aoki, whos been horribly sidelined in the last arc. But I'm not holding my breath either in this arc.

I just realized that Aoki is really the least developed character out of all of them. Like you said, it's doubtful that it will happen over the next couple of episodes.

I know right!? But I'm starting to get this impression that there's really nothing wrong with him and he's the normal person of the group.

but in my opinion Aoki is wiser than taichi that still cant be true to himselves

and Yui anger only indicated that Yui actually fall for taichi, so if Inaban x Taichi gonna be in the final couple

then not only Iori gonna be hurt, but also Yui, and Aoki too since when he loves Yui sincerely, in Yui heart always gonna be Taichi

so, I only see good ending for taichi and taichi partner and the rest gonna be suffer
Aug 11, 2012 11:50 AM

Mar 2008
I liked the old ending better but the ending shows that this arc is gonna be more focused on Inaba compared to the last one which shows more of Iori. Aoki might actually get his spotlight this time though since Yui will get hit hard on this arc but this time he should be the one who supports her.
And one more thing, Inaba > Iori
Aug 11, 2012 11:50 AM

Jul 2010
AMAZING :O Noo, I want to watch more :&
Can't wait till next episode !!

I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday, so Iori and Taichi are kinda annoying me -.- But they're still so adorable <3 I just can't help but feel bad for Inaba, she *obviously* loves Taichi, and she seems to be having problems with trusting everybody again. :/ And it looks like Taichi chews her out about it next episode. That'll hurt for her. Ouch.

Heartseed is so beaast. He toys with my emotions as well >__<" Uwaa! Kokoro Connect is too good. Too good <33333

If my hidden desires were released... .____. Lol. I'd be expelled in a heartbeat XD
Aug 11, 2012 11:52 AM

Jun 2010
Inaba was HOT. Poor Inaba I feel like she will be the main target this arc. The romance between Taichi and Iori </3

And new ending, wow. This Anime just keeps on impressing me.

Hoping for heartseed to get massacred at the end*
Aug 11, 2012 11:53 AM

Apr 2010
AshtonClaude said:
Jmac said:
TravSavage said:
This is definitely one of the best shows of the season in my view. Looking forward to what will develop in this arc.

Jmac said:
Maybe this time around we'll finally get more dirt on Aoki, whos been horribly sidelined in the last arc. But I'm not holding my breath either in this arc.

I just realized that Aoki is really the least developed character out of all of them. Like you said, it's doubtful that it will happen over the next couple of episodes.

I know right!? But I'm starting to get this impression that there's really nothing wrong with him and he's the normal person of the group.

but in my opinion Aoki is wiser than taichi that still cant be true to himselves

and Yui anger only indicated that Yui actually fall for taichi, so if Inaban x Taichi gonna be in the final couple

then not only Iori gonna be hurt, but also Yui, and Aoki too since when he loves Yui sincerely, in Yui heart always gonna be Taichi

so, I only see good ending for taichi and taichi partner and the rest gonna be suffer

Meh, I would agree with you, only if I hadn't spoiled myself already with the light novels and already know whats to come.

But I will agree with you that Aoki is more perceptive than people give him credit.
JmacAug 11, 2012 11:57 AM
Aug 11, 2012 11:54 AM

Jul 2010
sikandsak said:

AlexGK said:
Im sad, cose I actually like Iori a lot more than Inaba. Ill never understand what most of you guys like about agressive and manipulative girls, but thats the trend. Being a good timid girl is the sure way to be on the losing end of most love triangles lately :(
I'm rooted for Iori x Taichi as well, and that's a bad move from her part :(

Uwaa~ How is Inaba agressive and manipulative?!
Aug 11, 2012 12:00 PM
Jul 2012
Jmac said:
But I'm starting to get this impression that there's really nothing wrong with Aoki and he's the normal person of the group.

Whoa there, just because you've never been traumatized doesn't mean your issues don't matter. Everyone has problems, regardless of whether you're leading a good life or a bad one. They may not all be of the same intensity but they're there and no-one leads a life where they're ok with everything. There's a million things that could bother a character, none of which would require any kind of past trauma.
If there's really nothing in Aoki's character that's worth looking into, then the writer should've thought of something, because treating 1/5 of the cast like that is just not good storytelling.
Aug 11, 2012 12:11 PM

Apr 2011
Wow this arc looks promising :D
Aug 11, 2012 12:26 PM
Mar 2011
I'm so excited for this arc because it focuses on Inaban as a character and she's my favorite of the bunch! I'm rooting for TaichiXInaba so seeing her trying to make a move on him was awesome and poor Taichi just didn't know what to make of it!

This arc is definitely going to be hardest for Inaba. I say this cause I am a lot like Inaba, I don't want people to know what I'm thinking or what my desires are so I mostly just keep it inside and to have all of those released would be. . . terrifying. And of course Inaba was already struggling with trust issues in the previous arc so that's going to be difficult.

sikandsak said:
Toward the end of the episode, I was disappointed that Iori told Taichi that they're going to keep a distance. WTF Iori??? If you guys love each other and your 'true desire' kick in, what could possibly happened? (*cough cough* if you know what i mean *cough* *cough*)

NO! It's a very good thing Iori was all like 'let's keep our distance for now due to the act out desire thing' and I don't say this just because I'm a InabaXTaichi supporter but because well, sex makes babies! And I don't want Iori-chan to be a teenage mom. This isn't some late afternoon soap opera ^.^'
Aug 11, 2012 12:35 PM

Jul 2012
I want Iori and Taichi together, but Inaba will screw this up it the "unleashed desire".
Aug 11, 2012 12:45 PM
Jan 2012
The stress for Inaba regarding Taichi has been steadily growing even before this new arc. With her continuing to push him towards Iori, it's really taking a toll on her mentally and physically.

She's seeping with sexual tension. First she finds out Taichi finds her attractive enough to wank to. Next she learns that her body was used by Iori to kiss him. I'm sure deep down she's been asking herself "When is it my turn?" So I don't find it so surprising that she put the moves on Taichi this episode. Her feelings will be amplified especially when trying so hard to keep them bottled up.

She gets what she wants!
Aug 11, 2012 12:46 PM

Apr 2010
Blonto said:
Jmac said:
But I'm starting to get this impression that there's really nothing wrong with Aoki and he's the normal person of the group.

Whoa there, just because you've never been traumatized doesn't mean your issues don't matter. Everyone has problems, regardless of whether you're leading a good life or a bad one. They may not all be of the same intensity but they're there and no-one leads a life where they're ok with everything. There's a million things that could bother a character, none of which would require any kind of past trauma.
If there's really nothing in Aoki's character that's worth looking into, then the writer should've thought of something, because treating 1/5 of the cast like that is just not good storytelling.

Easy killer. I agree with you in reality that can be most definitely be the case, but in a work of fiction I'm going to have to disagree with you.

When I said Aoki was 'normal' I used it in the sense that based on past series that followed the same idioms, tropes, and cliches. Aoki is normal because he may not have a messed past or some dark ulterior motive, thus won't get any development at all. If he does get any development, it'll be because of his relationship with Yui. Of course this is pure speculation on my part so take it FWIW.

The point I'm trying to make he's a supporting character in, for the time being in what seems like a harem anime. And like his peers before him most, but not all hardly ever had any development at all. But why's is he in the story then if he's normal or have no purpose? Mainly because to drive the story whenever its convenient.

But I have to agree that some people say that the producers are keeping the guys shallow on purpose they serve as a proxy for the audience. Plus it's not the guys that sell the series, its the girls.

Taichi may get development (he's the MC after all!), but Aoki? Most likely not, because if past series and tropes count for anything then his only redeeming trait that we know about him, is he's completely utterly devoted to Yui: mind, heart, and soul.

But who knows? During the body swapping arc if he had skeletons hiding in the closet, he could've easily hid them. But being forced to act out your desires? We'll see if he's truly 'normal' or if he's really hiding something...(assuming if he even gets any screentime)
Aug 11, 2012 12:54 PM

Jan 2011
fishergirl16 said:
sikandsak said:

AlexGK said:
Im sad, cose I actually like Iori a lot more than Inaba. Ill never understand what most of you guys like about agressive and manipulative girls, but thats the trend. Being a good timid girl is the sure way to be on the losing end of most love triangles lately :(
I'm rooted for Iori x Taichi as well, and that's a bad move from her part :(

Uwaa~ How is Inaba agressive and manipulative?!

How is she not? Wanna denie shes agressive? Every time she is annoyed she gets violent. Wanna denie she manipulative - she pretty much steers the whole show and every character in it so far, exept maybe Aoki. She likes to play leader. What more do you need?
Aug 11, 2012 1:02 PM
Jan 2012
AlexGK said:

How is she not? Wanna denie shes agressive? Every time she is annoyed she gets violent. Wanna denie she manipulative - she pretty much steers the whole show and every character in it so far, exept maybe Aoki. She likes to play leader. What more do you need?

The violence is purely for comedy. Never once has she been violent when things get serious.

Manipulative, very unlikely. Just because she steers people a certain way doesn't make her manipulative. Manipulation implies personal gain in some way and she clearly is not getting anything in return for her advice. She is manipulative to herself though.
Aug 11, 2012 1:14 PM

Mar 2012
exs120 said:
The violence is purely for comedy. Never once has she been violent when things get serious.

Manipulative, very unlikely. Just because she steers people a certain way doesn't make her manipulative. Manipulation implies personal gain in some way and she clearly is not getting anything in return for her advice. She is manipulative to herself though.

This is spot on.
Aug 11, 2012 1:17 PM

Jul 2012
exs120 said:
Next she learns that her body was used by Iori to kiss him.
Whoa, I almost forgot that part. Good point you make there.

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Aug 11, 2012 1:18 PM
Jul 2012
Jmac said:
Blonto said:
Jmac said:
But I'm starting to get this impression that there's really nothing wrong with Aoki and he's the normal person of the group.

Whoa there, just because you've never been traumatized doesn't mean your issues don't matter. Everyone has problems, regardless of whether you're leading a good life or a bad one. They may not all be of the same intensity but they're there and no-one leads a life where they're ok with everything. There's a million things that could bother a character, none of which would require any kind of past trauma.
If there's really nothing in Aoki's character that's worth looking into, then the writer should've thought of something, because treating 1/5 of the cast like that is just not good storytelling.

Easy killer. I agree with you in reality that can be most definitely be the case, but in a work of fiction I'm going to have to disagree with you.

When I said Aoki was 'normal' I used it in the sense that based on past series that followed the same idioms, tropes, and cliches. Aoki is normal because he may not have a messed past or some dark ulterior motive, thus won't get any development at all. If he does get any development, it'll be because of his relationship with Yui. Of course this is pure speculation on my part so take it FWIW.

The point I'm trying to make he's a supporting character in, for the time being in what seems like a harem anime. And like his peers before him most, but not all hardly ever had any development at all. But why's is he in the story then if he's normal or have no purpose? Mainly because to drive the story whenever its convenient.

But I have to agree that some people say that the producers are keeping the guys shallow on purpose they serve as a proxy for the audience. Plus it's not the guys that sell the series, its the girls.

Taichi may get development (he's the MC after all!), but Aoki? Most likely not, because if past series and tropes count for anything then his only redeeming trait that we know about him, is he's completely utterly devoted to Yui: mind, heart, and soul.

But who knows? During the body swapping arc if he had skeletons hiding in the closet, he could've easily hid them. But being forced to act out your desires? We'll see if he's truly 'normal' or if he's really hiding something...(assuming if he even gets any screentime)

Ah, so you were talking in terms of what what we can expect based on anime cliches. Then we pretty much agree. I don't think Aoki will get any development either. Unfortunately, traumatized cute girls are what sells, and that calls for some pretty bad gender inequality. I wouldn't even call it sexism, it's audience pandering at its worst. It's the notion that guys only care about girls taken to the extreme, giving only girls any kind of complexity.
The main character is only an excuse to get them out of despair and the secondary male is usually there to make the main character appear as more of a nice guy in comparison.
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Poll: » Kokoro Connect Episode 5 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Aug 4, 2012

431 by TheOnlyNoiFan »»
Dec 25, 2024 5:36 PM

Poll: » Kokoro Connect Episode 10 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Sep 8, 2012

370 by whenimazombie333 »»
Aug 24, 2024 10:13 AM

Poll: » Kokoro Connect Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Jul 28, 2012

393 by akashimitsumori »»
Jul 7, 2024 1:42 PM

Poll: » Kokoro Connect Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

Stark700 - Aug 25, 2012

212 by bakakisima »»
Mar 9, 2024 11:20 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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