Jul 17, 2012 1:47 PM
(I didn't know how to call it xD) For those who haven't read the other discussion: How it works: every week we pick a movie, we watch it, we discuss it. Which movies? Every (Korean!) movie will be considered (suggestions are welcome!) We'll keep a list here in the first post and choose one every week. This week's movie: 3-iron by Kim Ki-duk (2004) Previous movies: I'm a cyborg, but that's ok by Park Chan-wook (2006) The Crucible by Hwang Dong-hyuk (2011) Mother by Bong Joon-ho (2009) Blades of blood by Lee Joon-ik (2010) Spring,Summer, Autumn, Winter.. and Spring by Ki-duk Kim (2003) The Chaser by Hong-jin Na (2008) |
MonokuroKinemaOct 12, 2012 4:15 PM
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Jul 18, 2012 4:21 PM
Great name...! I'm gonna watch the 1st movie right after I finish watching the Anime series I'm finishing up right now. I'm expecting a good romance movie, cause I usually don't enjoy them. As for the OP, let's simply edit it every week, so that when people enter the thread, they can just look at the OP for the movie of the week. |
Jul 21, 2012 12:27 PM
Just finished I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK. I have to say, the point of this movie is extremely difficult to get. As usual, the cinematography and acting is great from Park Chan-wook, (I especially loved that hospital shooting scene with the aerial view outside), but the plot was more difficult to follow since it wasn't as exciting as his action films. The conclusion felt really strange though, maybe because the main characters' romance was just beginning, so there was a lot more that could have happened. But I guess he ended it because the movie wasn't about the romance in the first place, but rather how Il-Sun Park helped Young-goon survive as a cyborg. |
Jul 23, 2012 1:25 PM
I just finished it too. I had the same problem at the beginning, just as I stopped trying to figure out where they were doing and I started to enjoy the randomless it became easier to follow. Still, not a movie for everyone.. I'm not surprised that it didn't sell well when it was released in Korea. By the way, it was kinda cute, if I had to pick a genre it would probably be "weird" or "grotesque" rather than "romance". Also, I didn't see all this comedy (even if some parts made me smile) ._. And I really liked the acting of Lim Soo-jung.. I'd like to check more movies with her! About the next movies: I found a few which seem interesting (but I haven't read the plots in detail.. I didn't want to spoil too much U_U) -> action period drama *_* -> this one won the Audience Award at a film festival in my hometown. I wasn't able to see it there, but I was kinda curious to see what it's about,_Summer,_Fall,_Winter..._and_Spring -> no particular reason xD -> I read a review saying that it reminds of Memories of a murder (which is my fav Korean movie so far) and I wanted to check it Wanna pick one of those or you've got some other movie to suggest? ^^ |
Jul 23, 2012 5:20 PM
It was really awkward having those grotesque shooting scenes, since I was expecting the film to be a typical comedy. #facepalm Stupid me... it's Park Chan-wook, I should have expected him to pull off a really awkward and weird looking romance comedy movie. The Crucible looks good, I'd like to see that one. And I'm jealous you had a film festival around your hometown, I'd love to have one by me that goes as far as to show films from foreign locations. |
Jul 24, 2012 5:18 AM
Jul 27, 2012 8:36 PM
Just watched The Crucible, but I'll call it Silenced because I think that is the correct name. I was already angry from the moment the boy was first seen getting beaten in the office. I can't tell if In-ho's inaction was a good thing or not, but I know that wouldn't have happened with me. The movie was paced fairly well, and the acting was alright. Good performance from the children especially. Min-su's revenge was something I was begging for from the beginning of the movie, although I was expecting In-ho to man up and take vengeance, not Min-su. It makes me angry that In-ho's inaction resulted in Min-su to take matter into his own hands. If I were in In-ho's situation, I would have sought out at least the four main men involved, obtained a gun or any other weapon, and shot them while they were drinking in the club. The scene where In-ho was yelling Min-su's name during the riot an emotional point for me that hit pretty hard. I will remember it for a long time. |
Jul 28, 2012 9:12 AM
Daaaamn ._. Ok, first of all: I liked it. Technically it was well done, good acting and nice photography.. dark enough to suit the gloomy atmosphere and rather "cold". Also the "spoken" parts and the scenes with the interpreter (in particular during the trial) were well mixed to keep the viewer's attention high. But this is the kind of movie to remember for the emotional involvement and this is sure an unpleasant page in korean contemporary history. One thing I noticed, it's that the children were only supported by the deaf/dumb community. Except Seo Ye-jin there wasn't any involvement by Human Right's associations, neither from religious groups (ok, the main Christian group was supporting the teachers, but could it really be the only Christian/religious group in town?). I don't know if it's been a choice to make the movie "easier" since there was already a lot going on, or if things really went that way. By the way, I read that the release of the movie made enough noise to have the trial re-opened and the law about minor abuses revisited.. that's a good thing. About the reactions.. ehh. It's hard to say. Thinking about In-ho position, with the sick girl and everything, I think he did a lot. I mean, in that condition I think that most of people would have accepted some money and byebye. I was expecting some crazy reaction by Seo Ye-jin and hoping that she'd kill the bitch (the headmaster's lover, can't remember her name) outside the house of Min-su's grandparents. But I'm saying this from behind a screen. I don't know what I would have done in their place. For sure, knowing that the involved people is still alive somewhere in this planet makes me feel sick. Last thing.. what were those things in the headmaster's aquarium? They were creeply cute! O_o |
Jul 28, 2012 11:03 AM
I suppose all the other communities in general didn't pay attention to what was going on with the school. It's also possible that other communities' involvements were taken out from the story to make the movie more focused like you said. Although, I would have appreciated it more if they deviated just a little to show us what other communities thought of the situation. Where did you read about the re-opening of the trials? I'd like to read about that as well. And I would assume that the little creatures were baby jellyfish... just another thing to show how wealthy the principal as I guess. |
Jul 29, 2012 1:13 AM
It's mentioned here I also read somewhere that the facts described in the novel are even worst than what we've seen in the movie. But I'm not sure I wanna know the details =/ |
Jul 29, 2012 8:11 AM
Ah, not much mentioned on the re-examining of the case though. "'Because film is an audiovisual medium it portrays even less than the novel. Yet it is no less shocking or powerful,'" When they mentioned that the novel was worse than the movie, it's possible that they just meant that the novel was worse because it included all forms of perception not limited to only sight and sound. I'm not sure if they meant more disgusting details and events of the true story were left out. Let's watch Mother next, I've been meaning to watch that one for a while. (I also watched Memories of Murder too, it's very good.) |
Jul 29, 2012 8:34 AM
No, not many details indeed. Here there's something about the new law: When they mentioned that the novel was worse than the movie, it's possible that they just meant that the novel was worse because it included all forms of perception not limited to only sight and sound. Yeah, it's true. Maybe they meant it that way. OK, Mother then! ^^ |
MonokuroKinemaJul 29, 2012 8:38 AM
Aug 2, 2012 11:22 PM
Just watched Mother This one was pretty much just as good as I Saw the Devil, if not better. It was a pretty unexpected twist how the one person you expected to be innocent actually turned out to be the killer. Many notable events took place in this movie that I reeallly like. I loved how the movie tackled the question of how a loving mother would react if she found out that her son murdered an innocent victim. And since we don't realize that the son was the murderer until the end of the movie, we get the full effect of what it must've been like to be the mother when she found out herself. Basically, this movie did a fantastic FANTASTIC job in controlling perspective. I haven't felt so connected to a character before in a movie for a long time; it's a very hard thing to do for a screenwriter. They did a great job in making the viewer see every little detail through the eyes of a single character in a very interesting and realistic way, so that the mother's reactions seemed extremely realistic as well. This is one of the best Korean films I've seen in a while. It's also great to see another movie win Won Bin in it. He acted quite well in this film, along with Kim Kye-ja as the mother! I couldn't even believe how well he acted as he did right after seeing how bad ass he was in The Man From Nowhere! He's quite incredible. Overall, great film. I'm really glad I watched it. |
Aug 7, 2012 2:06 PM
Hello, sorry for the late reply but the last week has been pure hell >_> Well.. what a movie! While the first hour was good, the second part turned to be great! Sometimes, watching korean movies, I have the feeling that the second half goes slower than the first one. In this case, I felt the opposite: when the mother begins the investigation is impossible to take the eyes off the screen and when I accidentally looked at the time after a while I couldn't believe it was already nearly ending. And the actors were just perfect, they really did a good job. I don't have much to say because I find really hard to find flaws or things that could have been better. It probably doesn't mean much since it's only our third movie, but I think it's the best we've seen so far. Any ideas for the next movie? |
Aug 7, 2012 2:43 PM
Yep, Mother had an excellent second half with constant build up and a really good climax. I agree that it's probably the best out of the three we've seen. Let's try watching Blades of Blood next. |
Aug 8, 2012 4:11 PM
Ok! Take a look here: A looot of hints for the next weeks :D |
Aug 12, 2012 2:03 PM
Ok, just finished. A lot of blood, indeed :D It was a nice action drama, I guess. The plot was ok and the actors were good (especially the blind guy - who reminded me of Zatoichi.. ehehe!), but I wish they had told more about his relationship with Mong-hak. I liked the fact that for once the boy didn't get the girl, but it was sad that he was killed in the end. Ah, and I really liked the costumes! Next Tuesday I'll leave for holidays. I don't know yet if I'll be able to get an internet connection while away, but I'll be back at the beginning of September ._. |
Aug 12, 2012 3:11 PM
Lol, it wasn't that much blood. The Japanese make bloodier action dramas than this particular movie. In fact, I wish they picked a better name than the cliche sounding Blades of Blood. But anyway, The plot was just alright, but the movie didn't really do anything different from other stories that are similar to this one. So really, the best thing about the movie in my opinion was the acting and the costumes. And yeah, thank goodness they didn't waste time creating a love affair between the guy and the left-behind gal. However, they failed to give us a deeper understanding between the relationship between Mong-hak and his girl, which you are exactly right about. They should've made a more balanced split-story showing the main character and Mong-hak. Okay, we can still decide on a movie and I'll simply know when you've seen it when you post here again. Let's watch Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. |
Sep 11, 2012 8:51 AM
Just watched Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. Very very good. Awesome setting and nice story. When the two policemn came to arrest the protagonist it felt weird that they accepted to spend the night at the temple just because the old man asked them to wait. It made me think about how in the korean movies the police always seems a bit "late" or not caring enough, like in all those movies we usually watch about serial killers, where we follow the story from the victim point of view. I never really thought before about the cultural implications of "catching a killer" behind the simple fact that killers must be arrested. Ok, it's also true that in the average action-thriller the general idea is that police can be involved in corruption, that mass media need somebody to label as "guilty" immediately, the stories are set in big cities and not in the middle of nowhere, etc. But it made me wonder.. (..or I'm just too tired because I'm studying for an exam about cultural impacts and I'm overthinking everything :D) |
Sep 21, 2012 11:05 AM
Sep 21, 2012 12:01 PM
Yeah, sorry. I had something to do in college so I didn't come back here for a while. How about we watch The Chaser this week? |
Sep 23, 2012 1:45 PM
Sep 28, 2012 8:41 PM
The Chaser A movie that makes you lose some faith in our modern system of law and order; sometimes it turns out to be a system that is easily taken advantage of by those who understand it. This movie is full of small details that all come together to make a complex main character. Very good watch. |
Oct 4, 2012 9:55 AM
Agree! This one was a good one! I liked how in the end every piece of the puzzle went back to its place. I should watch it again someday to get all the small details you mentioned. The idea was kinda easy, but then it developed in a really complex ensemble of things. Should we try this next? |
MonokuroKinemaOct 4, 2012 10:04 AM
Oct 4, 2012 10:46 PM
The Chaser You might watch it again but the questions that arise about the main character may still go unanswered, such as how he felt exactly for what he's done, (sending the girls indiscriminately to a serial killers house), how he's handled the matter, (at first, he didn't even believe the killer's confession), and how he felt for Mi-jin specifically. Mi-jin's call after her death was just utterly depressing, especially since the main character really began to care for her safety; all for naught. All of the things that built up to that part were displayed very well. We can watch it, but I can't find a good download. Got a link? |
Oct 5, 2012 2:32 PM
I found it streaming here but I haven't had the chance to check if it works yet. In case we can choose another movie easier to find ^^ |
Oct 9, 2012 5:28 PM
The video's been taken down, we have to watch another one... How about 3-Iron? |
Oct 12, 2012 4:13 PM
Oct 14, 2012 5:17 PM
DAMN! That was an incredible movie! I seriously wasn't expecting it to be this good, but it blew me away. I'm definitely suggesting this movie to anyone who's looking for a Korean film to watch. I'm surprised this movie isn't talked about at all, it's quite amazing. The ties between fiction and reality are just superb in this film. And how it's slowly revealed that the character can act as a ghost is just simply amazing. |
Oct 16, 2012 1:42 PM
Totally agree, I loved it too! It made me think a lot about alienation. I also liked the fact that they're outsiders, but in a way that brings them to avoid people as much as possible. Usually outsiders are troublemakers, while here the two protagonists just choose to take a step outside and they're own parallel existance. It's a different perspective. By the way, I really liked Kim Ki-duk's movies we've seen so far! Do you feel like watching more? |
Oct 18, 2012 12:16 PM
Yes, Ki-duk really gave his viewers a different look on people who can be classified as outsiders, or even anti-social. Sometimes, avoiding words really emphasizes the actions one makes, and is the best approach to situations. I do want to see more from him, do you have a movie in mind? |
Oct 18, 2012 12:56 PM
#32 this seemed interesting. Pietà ( too. It did pretty well in many film festival, but I can't find it anywhere. Probably it hasn't been released yet. |
Oct 19, 2012 7:10 AM
Pietà will have to wait, since it will take a long time for a high quality download to come out... but it really excites me that he made such an interesting film that was released only last month! Let's watch Dream in that case. |
Nov 4, 2012 3:55 PM
Nov 6, 2012 10:24 AM
Here's the torrent I downloaded, Since this thread isn't popular, I think it's okay for us to post download links lol. |
Nov 29, 2012 7:30 PM
I suppose this isn't the Weekly Movie Thing anymore, lol. It's more like we'll post whenever we get time. Anyway, Dream was quite depressing. It was similar to The Isle in many ways, especially with the hardcore metaphors Kim Ki-Duk throws at us. Although, it was pretty straight forward overall. Tell me if you still need a download or subs btw. I found subs if you need them. |
Dec 4, 2012 5:52 PM
can any one take part in this weekly movie thing |
I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "did he fire six shots or only five?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow you head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk? |
Dec 4, 2012 8:53 PM
woody130496 said: Yep.can any one take part in this weekly movie thing |
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