I don't see much use in 'remaining neutral' in political discussions. There are so many viable positions that the best answer is to pick the one you like the most and then attempt to justify it with arguments supporting your position while simultaneously questioning yourself.
I was just interested by what you said in the future generations thread but wanted to expand the discussion to something more general. Though since you asked I do disagree with what you said. I'm pretty far left myself.
But the religion you made up does have a function - for that individual it provides answers about the beginnings of the universe and how everything is fundamentally without meaning. The purpose is right there, plain to see.
Of course, whether it is a religion depends upon whether the individual views the belief as a religion.
Yes, but you also said religion -itself- doesn't have a function, which I disagree with. Why don't you think that is the case, if not?
Also, I'm not even sure if I agree with the 'set of beliefs' definition/component - I'm against restricting the scope of religion in any way (unless you mean -anything- can be a religion) and 'set of beliefs' does imply a certain structure etc could be needed.
Religion... doesn't have a function? Huh. I think we're gonna have to disagree on that one, although I'd suggest you may be focusing overtly on the likes of Christianity et al where the group structure can be very prevalent (and therefore, religion can be used - i.e function - by those groups to advance their own purposes). I'm talking about the relationship between religion and the believer of the religion - religion can be used by them to provide comfort, ideas etc which is independent of the content of the religion itself.
I know I said that there wasn't a definition of religion, but I'll go ahead and give my oh-so-definitely tautological definition of religion to hopefully clarify where I stand. I think a set of beliefs etc (whatever that may be) can be defined as a religion where the adherents sincerely believe what they believe in is a religion - very open-ended, sure, but it can help separate those parodies of religion from the 'real deal' (such as FSM, don't get me started on those hateful individuals).
I'll leave a comment here rather than on the religion thread because the sooner it dies the better.
You misinterpreted what I meant AGAIN. I didn't say religion was a function, I said the search for the definition (which, of course, is impossible) can be helped by considering what religion does, not what it contains.
To illustrate my point about how defining anything works, consider how you define a chair. Work from there.
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Reification fallacy
I was just interested by what you said in the future generations thread but wanted to expand the discussion to something more general. Though since you asked I do disagree with what you said. I'm pretty far left myself.
Of course, whether it is a religion depends upon whether the individual views the belief as a religion.
Also, I'm not even sure if I agree with the 'set of beliefs' definition/component - I'm against restricting the scope of religion in any way (unless you mean -anything- can be a religion) and 'set of beliefs' does imply a certain structure etc could be needed.
I know I said that there wasn't a definition of religion, but I'll go ahead and give my oh-so-definitely tautological definition of religion to hopefully clarify where I stand. I think a set of beliefs etc (whatever that may be) can be defined as a religion where the adherents sincerely believe what they believe in is a religion - very open-ended, sure, but it can help separate those parodies of religion from the 'real deal' (such as FSM, don't get me started on those hateful individuals).
You misinterpreted what I meant AGAIN. I didn't say religion was a function, I said the search for the definition (which, of course, is impossible) can be helped by considering what religion does, not what it contains.
To illustrate my point about how defining anything works, consider how you define a chair. Work from there.
Makes it sound like I'm gonna have sex with the site or something... w-what, was that just me??