Jul 1, 2012 8:32 PM
-CHARACTER Template- Name: Character name Age: How old is your character? Gender: Male, Female? Faculty Position: Prisoner, Deadman, Staff, Undertaker, etc. Personality: Theme: History/Bio: Detailed history. This should be at least two to three paragraphs. Appearance: Detailed written out physical description. -Undertakes Template- Name: Character name Age: How old is your character? Gender: Male, Female? Faculty Position: Undertaker Rank: 1st squad leader: Tsubasa Ishiyama taken 1st squad assistant leader 2nd squad leader: Rin Chi taken 2nd squad assistant leader 3rd squad leader: Arturo Plateadotaken 3nd squad assistant leader Personality: Weapon: (Undertaker only) Theme: History/Bio: Detailed history. This should be at least two to three paragraphs. Appearance: Detailed written out physical description. -DEADMEN Template- Name: Character name Age: How old is your character? Gender: Male, Female? Faculty Position: Prisoner, Deadman, Staff, Undertaker, etc. Personality: Prisoner Number: Theme: History/Bio: Detailed history. This should be at least two to three paragraphs. Appearance: Detailed written out physical description. Deadman Nickname: All Deadman usually have nicknames relating to both a certain species of bird and their ability. So whats yours? Branch of Sin Name: (The name of your Branch of Sin) Branch of Sin Description: (Describe the Branch of Sin, what it lets you do etc) Branch of Sin Abilities: (Below are where you place the abilities your Branch of Sin gives you) Name: (The name of the ability, usually in the form of BoS Name: Ability Name) Description: (What is the ability? What does it do?) -Branch of Sin Template- Name: Character name Age: How old is your character? Gender: Male, Female? Faculty Position: Prisoner, Deadman, Staff, Undertaker, etc. Personality: Theme: History/Bio: Detailed history. This should be at least two to three paragraphs. Appearance: Detailed written out physical description. Branch of Sin Name: (The name of your Branch of Sin) Branch of Sin Description: (Describe the Branch of Sin, what it lets you do etc) Branch of Sin Abilities: Name: (The name of the ability, usually in the form of BoS Name: Ability Name) Description: (What is the ability? What does it do?) AVAILABLE CHARACTER ROLES DW Staff Deadman Wonderland Owner/Director: Trent Sakamoto -- 1/1(Can be Branch of Sin users)taken Assistant Directors -- 1/2 (Can be Branch of Sin users or have undertaker powers ) Deadman Director’s Guard #1: Masaru Takeshi (Shadowrazor)taken Deadman Director’s Guard #2: Chi and Mika Tendo (The Twin Bloody Moons) taken Deadman Director’s Guard #3: (Can be Branch of Sin users or have Undertaker powers) Deadman Director’s Guard #4: (Can be Branch of Sin users or or have Undertaker powers) Deadman Wonderland Promoter -- 1/1: Auami taken Attraction Supervisors -- 0/10 Attraction Lounge Supervisors -- 0/7 G-Ward Lounger Employees -- 0/10 Deadman Undertakes -- 1/6 (Worm Eater) Undertaker Foot soldiers -- 0/20-25 (Worm Eater) DW Guards Chief Warden -- 1/1: Aki Takahashi taken (Can be Branch of Sin users) Warden Assistant/s -- 0/3 Regular Cell-block Guards -- 0/40 Attraction Guards -- 0/10 Death row Warden -- 0/1 Death row Warden Assistant/s -- 0/3 Death row Guards -- 0/30 G-Ward Warden -- 0/1 G-Ward Warden Assistant/s -- 0/3 G-Ward Guards -- 0/30 DW Meducal Unit Chief Surgeon/s -- 1/3 Assistant Chief Surgeon/s -- 0/6 General Doctors -- 0/24 General Nurses -- 0/15 Corpse Disposal Team -- 0/20 Inmates Regular Prisoners -- Unlimited Death Row Prisoners -- 2/45 Deadman Prisoners -- 6/20 Other Citizen -- Unlimited The Follow Branches:(you can have up to 1-3 Max bransh of sin powers 1. Ganta Gun A bullet made of blood Ganta Igarashi 2-5 2. Unnamed hurricane Branch A hurricane/tornado of blood/hexagonal substance Wretched Egg 1-5 3. Unnamed Branch A wire of hexagons, able to slice anything Shiro 1-5 4. Crow Claw Two scythes emerging from his forearms Senji Kiyomasa 2-5 5. Whip Wing Blood whips that can move very fast Minatsuki 2-5 6. Peacock Peak Sharp, bramble-like constructions Chaplin Sukegawa 1-5 7. Condor Candle Blood that can be set on fire at command Idaki Hitara 0-5 8. Owl's Eyeball Bombs made of blood that can float freely and be triggered on command Nagi Kengamine 1-5 9. Fists of Blood Blood that covers her body, protecting and enforcing it Karako Koshio 2-5 10. Unnamed Branch A blood shield Rokuro Bundō 2-5 11. Unnamed Branch Circles of blood, that can be shot Miya 0-5 12. Unnamed Branch Bear traps of blood that can be fired Ueshima 0-5 13. Unnamed Branch Spear of blood Endō 0-5 14. Love☆Labyrinth The ability to copy every Branch of Sin, by simply drinking its blood Toto Sakigami 1-2 15. Snake A snake of blood that, when it bites an opponent, injects poison that explodes body-parts Forgeries, Azami Midō 0-5 16. Rari Ranshin A scorpion tail of blood that, when it injects Ikaduchi, has poison that works as doping Ikaduchi Akatsiki 0-5 17. Nanairo Chōchō Blood with poison that makes the target hallucinate Uzume Sumeragi 0-5 18. Sōrin Musō Screw-based attacks, with a sleeping poison Ichi and Hajime Mikawa 0-5 19. Jūshin Shinjū Takes the form as claws with a poison that controls the opponent's senses Shishito Madoka 1-5 20. Chi no KenEffect: The user uses his blood to create a large sword. The larger the sword, and more blood used to make it, the harder it is to break/damage. 1-5 21. Crimson Rain: Rocket launcher shoots, blood rockets filled with exploding blood that ignites on impact. 1-5 22. A blood Valkyrie Skirt Thorn Roses sentinel: 1-3 A blood skirt attached to 4 metal arms with blades at end & has a blood shield. First ability: is it can heal people and restore blood loss. Second ability: it can extract memories or info from dead or comatose people the more damaged or fragmented the head harder it is to retrieve stuff then next is roses thorn it a blood whip with blade at end the whips ability is that can read minds as long as it touching them it can also switch from whip form into a fine mist sentinel is a blood shield that can be used to stop attacks it can change shape to adjust for protection needs. The Follow Branches you can make up your own as well needs to be approved by (12345trent8, antiman, EmperorsChosen01 or FlameLightning17) If you pick this branch of sin below that the only one you get. Branch of Sin Name: Aegis of Incapacitation (0-3) Description: sort of protective barrier, guarding her from attacks. This barrier takes the form of a sphere that completely encases her, open and close parts of the sphere in order to fire attacks from the body outwards towards the opponent, or can use the shield itself as a weapon by utilizing the blood used to make it. The first ability Name: Aegis' Shards the shield surrounding will crack slightly and bits of blood will flow up into the air. This blood can then be formed into razor sharp objects, resembling glass in all but their color, and then be launched straight towards the opponent. The blood can take on other shapes too, depending on if precision is necessary or not. As in, they could form into long and narrow pieces, but still be immensely sharp, in order to break through a defense easier. The second ability Name: Aegis' Guard Once more bits and pieces of the shield will float up into the air. In this case, a multiple of things can be done. They can, once more, be directed towards the opponent. However, unlike the other ability, this one is meant to explode upon impact. They are made to be light and easy to break, and like the shield, are circular in nature. As soon as they touch something, or as soon as they are directed to the person, they will explode, releasing a toxin that is meant to paralyze the opponent and numb them, rather than cause lasting damage to them. The third ability Name: Flying Guard Third ability is more about quickly getting out of danger than anything else, although it can be used offensively as well. A whip like chain with a sharpened end will form out of the user hand and launch itself to wherever the person wishes. Once it hits that area, it will latch onto it with the blood acting as glue, and then the person can pull him or herself to that area, so in many respects, it is like a grappling hook. It can also be used offensively by being shot at the opponent. In the off chance they guard it somehow, it is still deadly as the person can quickly close the distance by pulling him or herself in, and the opponent will get bashed by the shield still surrounding her. Branch of Sin Name: Sinner’s Roots. (0-3) Description: Blood. It is used in horror movies to entice fear. It is used in hospitals to save lives. It is neither good nor bad. it just simply exists. So what were to happen if someone gave this crimson gold of ours a breath of its own? Why it becomes a weapon. A weapon made of the most basic but essential force ever existed. How does one use this weapon? As there are varying types of people, species, skin tones, personalities, so too is the vastness of this bloods use. Out of them all is perhaps the most unique use of this unholy of powers. The ability to be any blood magic it chooses. Should there be a blade of blood this magic is also a blade of blood. Should it choose to be an arrow so to does this blood become. Though fatigue and blood loss are always the risks involved when this power is used. His ability allows him to copy other branches of sin he has encountered in his life. However This is not an all powerful ability since his copies begin only half as strong as the person who originally uses that branch of sin. The Fisrt ability:Sinner roots, Sinner's Blade Description: One of the powers He has utilizes blood turning into incredibly sharp scythes that protrude from his forearms, The Sinners Blade. Early ranks create these blades but are equal to that of simple metal blades As such it can be broken by anything of higher rank. Since this technique does not require the projection of any amount of blood such as a ranged technique would require ( i.e. Firing a bullet of blood.) the technique can increase or decrease the amount of blood in the blades at its highest ranks. in the unlikely event his blades do break they do not reform. they immediately enter the cool down phase of the ability. The second ability: Branch of Sin Name: Killers Claw Branch of Sin Ability: He is able to make claws sprout from his fingertips at will, these claws are extremely sharp and precise so that he can cut what he wants without any trouble. The third ability Name: Needle Shooter Description: IT allows him to shoot the claws from his fingertips out at high velocities and with high precision. It is a highly effective ranged attack. Branch of Sin Name: Korrin’s Satellite (0-3) Branch of Sin Description: This unique Branch of Sin creates balls of blood that look something similar to the shape of a football. The twist to this is that these orbs have pointed tips and sharp edges along its sides. These will orbit as a satellite around Tenebrae keeping its path spinning in its line of path. The Branch of sin does have its limitations of having weak spots when in orbit, as well as having weaknesses in the orbit itself. These orbs must be between the volumes 50 ml to 1000ml; anymore and he will not be able to retain its form, any less and it will be unstable. One thing is that these balls must always stay in motion in an orbit of at least 5 Km per hour and at the most 120 Km per hour, any less will make it unstable and anymore will cause it to lose its form. This is regardless of the size of the satellite. These balls must be orbiting around its user or around another ball, being within 5 meters of the user’s body, not the thing it is orbiting around. As soon as the ball it stops, it is not able to be controlled anymore and it is unsalvageable. The first ability Name: Nightjar’s Orbit Description: This is basically a line of these orbs in one orbit, spaced evenly on its path of direction. These orbits may have at least one satellite to as many satellites as it can fit without causing them to touch. These satellites can only start spinning in one direction and cannot be modified to suddenly switch the other direction. The user may have as many orbits as they’d like, as long as they are able to supply the amount of blood for the satellites. Although it is in one orbit, the orbit’s circumference may be changed as well as its angle as long as the speed is within its limits. The second ability Name: Nightjar’s Moon Description: It is the ability of Korrin’s Satellite; Nightjar’s orbit, but accept around and a satellite instead of the user. Basically, it is a satellite with a smaller satellite orbiting around it. The smaller orb must be between 10-50% of the volume that it orbits. It still follows the fact that the smallest orb that can be created is with the volume of 50 ml. This means at its smallest a 50ml orb can orbit a 100ml satellite, and it its biggest a 500ml orb can orbit a 1000ml Satellite. Branch of Sin Name: Thunder labriryth (1-3) Branch of Sin Description: His branch of sign allows him to create lighting with his blood. He can shoot it out of his fingers and send it as projectiles and create a blade that sticks out of his hand. This lighting blood travels at a very fast speed and its has jagged in appearance when it comes out of him. When his blade comes of his hand it looks like a large pocket knife head. The blade is about 12 feet long. The first ability Name: Firework Clap Description: Zenkai cuts across his fingers and his blood collects upon each tip. Using this blood he can send the lighting at the target as projectiles. These projectiles resemble the sharp of a lightning bolt and they are the size of a pocket knife. He can send two at a time at the target of his choice. When the target is hit the bolts go right through them like a drill. The second ability Name: Thunder Blade Description: Zenkai cuts the palms of his hand and a 12 feet long blade comes out of his palms. He can use this to fight and cut up his enemy to his liking. If he wanted to he could easily decapitate someone with these blades. Also with one quick slash he can cut down are tree and leave deep gashes on his opponent. He can pretty much cut what he wants without any trouble. Branch of Sin Name: Terror of Death (1-3) Branch of Sin Description: Gives user giant claws, teeth that shoot out a neurotoxin mist and feet and leg item to boost speed and reflexes. The First Ability: Raptor Claws Description: Raptor Claws are giant claws that come out the user's hands that can double as armor. There abilty is they can reshape and reform someone's face even dead people but it hurts two times as much as the most painful thing in world. The Second Ability: Shark Frenzy Description: Shark Frenzy is where the teeth have the ability to increase jaw size and inject a neurotoxin which increases the nerv sensitivity and brain activity, but lowers muscle and body movement. The Third Ability: Terror Mist Description: Terror Mist is a mist that the user shoots out their body that increases pain and causes terrifying visions and hallucinations to their opponent. The Fourth Ablity: Gazelle Feet Discription: Gazelle Feet is blood armor for the users feet that have the ability to increase speed, agility, reflexs, and time reaction. |
12345trent8Aug 16, 2012 10:53 AM
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Jul 1, 2012 8:47 PM
- Approved- Real Name: Trent Sakamoto Age: 25 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Director Personality: Insane, Cruel, Heartless Director Bodyguards: #1 Masaru Takeshi (Shadowrazor) #2 Chi and Mika Tendo (The Twin Bloody Moons) #3 #4 Branch of Sin Name: Love☆Labyrinth: blood Valkyrie Skirt Thorn Roses sentinel, Crimson Rain , Unnamed Branch A wire of hexagons & Unnamed hurricane Branch Branch of Sin Description: Love☆Labyrinth: The ability to copy every Branch of Sin, by simply drinking its blood Unnamed Branch A wire of hexagons: able to slice anything Unnamed hurricane Branch: A hurricane/tornado of blood/hexagonal substance Branch of Sin Abilities: Love☆Labyrinth: This allows him to copy the abilities of other Deadmen. To copy a Deadman's Branch of Sin, he must simply drink/lick some of his/her blood. Unnamed Branch A wire of hexagons: A wire of hexagons: able to slice anything Unnamed hurricane Branch: he has been shown to massacre dozens of people by creating a whip of blood that can destroy parts of the body instantly. Her Branch of Sin also resembles a hurricane. Theme: Bio: Before the Great Tokyo Earthquake, Trent was a reclusive and indifferent computer otaku who spent hours if not days secluded in his room. All he did was play games; he didn’t even care about anything not even his own family. Trent spent his whole childhood mostly secluded in his room, his parents couldn’t even get him to come out and eat dinner with the rest of the family. So they just left food and drinks at the door and knocked. Trent would come out, but only to go downstairs and get a soda. Trent would go out to get new games along the years, but he never talked to anyone. He stole money from his parents whenever he wanted to get the games. And when he found money lying on the ground or around the house he took it. Finally on the day of the earthquake, his computers and game consoles were destroyed. The power was down, so his only option was to search for the back-up generator. In his path, however, lay his mother, who cried for help. He kept on playing games until his mother died. That is when he went over the edge of insanity and created the Deadman Wonderland. Appearance: ![]() |
12345trent8Sep 15, 2012 11:30 AM
Jul 8, 2012 12:50 PM
-Approved- Name: Goes by Shadowrazor. Real name: Masaru Takeshi Age: 18 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Director Bodyguard Branch of Sins: Jushin Shinju, Crow Claw Abilities: Takes the form as claws with a poison that controls the opponent's senses. Two scythes emerge from his shins. Theme: Bio: Before the Earthquake, Masaru was somewhat of a delinquent. He would always end up getting in fights with gangs and bullies, and would almost always come home with a new injury. Though, unlike most "delinquents" he achieved B's and A-'s without even trying. He continued to get in fights, no matter how many times he was suspended, scolded, grounded. He wanted to protect the people close to him, that was the reason for his fights. After the great earthquake, he had only his little sister left. It had claimed the lives of his mom, dad, and best friend who was his only real friend. He fell into a depression afterwards, he blamed himself for being to weak to protect them. He shortly got over it, telling himself that he would get stronger so he could protect the one person he still cared about. He began studying and getting straight A+'s, he even stopped getting in fights to avoid getting in trouble. He took a part time job, however, he used his branch of sin for Assassination and such for extra cash. He would have ended up going to college and simply getting a regular job to replace his unique one, if he had not come across Deadman Wonderland. Appearance: His hair is pitch black and partially covers his eyes. He always wears a long black coat and a mask. ![]() Mask: ![]() |
EmperorsChosen01Jul 25, 2012 10:02 PM
Jul 25, 2012 10:27 AM
- Approved- Name: Aki Takahashi Age: 20 Gender: Female Faculty Position: Chief Warden Personality: Ruthless and Cold Bran of Sin: Ganta Gun Ability: A bullet made of blood Theme: History/Bio: Before the earthquake, Aki’s father taught her from a very young age the way of a ninja. She also learned karate from her mother. By the time she was ten she had learn everything she needed to be a full fledged ninja. She was also a third degree black belt in karate at the age of ten. Aki killed many people and her heart became ruthless and cold. Aki even attended school during all of her training. When she was 14 she learns about guns; she talked her father into buying a gun so she could learn how to shoot it. She went to the firing range every day and mastered shooting many guns. From hand guns to sniper rifles; Aki would hit her target everytime. Once Aki hit high school she joined the karate team and the kido team becoming the best on both teams. Her training never came above school work and she was able to spend all those years juggling school and training. When Aki graduated high school she wasn’t sure what she was going to do so she left home. And that’s when she found Deadman Wonderland. She becomes the Chief Warden because she strives to be the best. Appearance: ![]() |
12345trent8Jul 25, 2012 9:56 PM
Jul 25, 2012 3:34 PM
- Approved- Name: Albus Lucifis Age: 13 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Deadman Personality: Cold, emotionless, Merciless, Intelligent, Slightly Insane Theme: later History/Bio: Albus was accused for the death of 50 people at a zoo. He pleaded innocent at trial but a jury doesn't believe the coldest looking survivor from a massacre. So he was sentenced 5 life sentences back to back while this is found ridiculous it also showed how serious the judge was. From their Albus was sent to Deadman Wonderland he was sent to G block never to be seen by anyone since he was considered dangerous and infected with branch of sin. He of course was but he was gifted. He was given 2 branches some how. It was of course from all the blood he was contaminated with along with the mixture of a red stone thanks to the red man. He know lives his life bitter and cruel. Appearance:6"2' Dark, cold hazel eyes. Slightly tanned, Blood red wave like hair. Slight build. Black jeans and a Cannibal Corpse band tee. 11 1/2 men's black hi-top van's. Deadman Nickname: Black Owl Branch of Sin Name:Crow Claw, Owl's Eyeball Bombs Branch of Sin Abilities:Scythe like blades coming out from a cut usually on the forearms. Sphere like bombs that look like eyes they float towards there giving target exploding at the users will. |
12345trent8Jul 26, 2012 5:05 PM
Jul 25, 2012 11:44 PM
- Approved- Name Goes by: The Twin Bloody Moons Real Name: Chi and Mika Tendo Age: both 12 years old Gender: Two Female Twins Faculty Position: Director Bodyguards Personality: Dark, Scary, Creepy, and Loyal to the Director Branch of Sins: Chi branch that's unique to her: Peacock Peak Sharp Mika branch that's unique to her: Whip Wing They both share: shields Branch of Sin Description: Peacock Peak Sharp: bramble-like constructions Whip Wing: Blood whips that can move very fast Shields: Unnamed Branch a blood shield Branch of Sin Abilities: Peacock Peak Sharp: Chi creates bramble-like constructs that can expand and be used to trap opponents or injure them directly Whip Wing: Mika's Blood whips Her Branch of Sin, which takes the form of long strands of whips which extend from her hair, can deliver immensely quick blows or restrain her opponent. It forms from blood coming out of her earrings and due to this; it blends in with her hair. Shields: It takes the form of a hexagonal shield with spikes on the side. It's capable of stopping bullets from a rather close distance & it doesn't encase their whole body though Name: Love Whip Description: Love Whip: Whip Wing, Peacock Peak's Union: A joint attack for Chi and Mika Tendo. Mika whip gains the attributes of Chi's brambles, having her whip larger and with spikes. The attack is powerful enough to defeat any oppenet in one hit. Name: Shields: Description: Small Defense: both hands and put one hand up and the other hand in the back but easier to break. Medium Defense: if one hand only and you can focus it on that one hand it is without the other hand doing anything High Defense: Two hands out its great Defense. Impenetrable Defense: Four hands out, so two people are needed to use this defense. Nothing can get through it. The twin Chi and Mika are the perfect example of the Impenetrable Defense. Theme: Bio: Before the Great Tokyo Earthquake Chi and Mika were not your average twin girls. They were born during a lunar eclipse and their parents named them Chi (Blood) and Mika (New Moon). Their parents would not know how true they will live by those names. When they entered school at 5, the girls where consider outcast by the other students because of what their names meant. Their parents even grew to fear the twins and their parents yelled at them for not having any friends. Chi and Mika could not put up with this anymore so they started to make a plan to kill their parents. Just before they carried out their plan the earthquake which killed their parents. They decided to leave their house and they took what they need and started looking for somewhere to live. That’s when they ran across Deadman Wonderland and after talking to the Director they became his bodyguards despite their young age. Appearance: ![]() |
12345trent8Jul 28, 2012 2:51 PM
Jul 26, 2012 4:54 PM
- Approved- Name: Kuro Ryuu Age: 16 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Deadman Personality: Kind and Caring. Dislikes to kill. He is usually smiling, even when hurt. Theme: History/Bio: Kuro always smiled and liked to help people. He like to make people happy whenever he could. He didn't have that sad of a childhood, he had a family, friends, people he could trust. Even when the Earthquake struck, he was lucky enough that he, his family and most of his friends survived. So far, he hasn't even killed anyone. He even despised hurting people, even though he was quite capable, branch of sins or not. The only time he would fight is in the defence of someone who couldn't. This personality, this principle, is what led him to become trapped within Deadman Wonderland. He was walking home from school, when he heard strange noises in an alleyway. Once he investigated to source further, he discovered that the noises were coming from a group of guys. From the way they were dressed and talked, they had to be gangsters. They we're beating on a young girl who appeared to have just entered middle school. He immidiately tried to help her, however, he was outnumbered and overpowered. They were holding him down and continued to beat on the girl. He knew she would be killed or seriously injured if they kept it up. He finally decided to use his Branch of Sins. He was arrested and taken to Deadman Wonderland, but the girl turned out to be fine. Even now, he doesn't regret using his choice. Appearance: ![]() Deadman Nickname: Armored Eagle Branch of Sin Name: Fists of Blood, Chi no Ken Branch of Sin Abilities: Blood that covers his body, protecting and enforcing it. Uses his blood to create a large sword. The larger the sword, and more blood used to make it, the harder it is to break/damage. |
12345trent8Jul 26, 2012 5:05 PM
Jul 26, 2012 7:48 PM
- Approved- Name: Toshiro Kishimoto Age: 28 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Chief Surgeon Personality: Calm, Cool, Serious about his work Theme: History/Bio: Before the Great Tokyo Earthquake Toshiro lived a normal life studying to be a surgeon. Because his father taught him from a very young age Toshiro was well beyond his years in the know of medicine. People consider him a child prodigy when it comes to surgery. His mother, who was a teacher, taught him school at home so he could become a surgeon faster. By the time he was ten he had graduated high school. At age eighteen he had earned all the degrees he would need to become a surgeon. He went to work at the hospital who laughed at him when he said he wanted to be their surgeon, but when he showed them his college degrees they could not refuse him. Toshiro was a genius at surgeries never losing one patient. He worked at the local hospital for many years. Finally when the earthquake hit Toshiro was on his break at work and when he came to he found he was lucky to be alive. Toshiro knew he had survived from more than just good luck he knew he would be needed somewhere else. So he left home and started on a journey when he found Deadman Wonderland. He knew this is where he was now destined to work. Toshiro talked to the Director of Deadman Wonderland and becomes a Chief Surgeon. Appearance: ![]() |
12345trent8Jul 26, 2012 7:57 PM
Jul 26, 2012 10:24 PM
Name: Cole McIntyre Age: 17 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Deadman Personality: Nice, Kind, Funny, Crazy, Loving, Protective Branch Of Sin: Love☆Labyrinth, Ganta Gun, and Crow Claw Theme: Deadman Nickname: Cardinal History/Bio: Cole was a bright kid at school since he started, and is a rather genius person. He also had some training in fighting from his father before he died in a mugging two years ago. The reason he was sent to DW was because he was acting in self defense of a young girl, but they pinned the murder of the aggressor on him. They even bribed the girl to act on the stand and it pissed him off. His mother and sister never saw him again, believing he was a murderous man. He decided the only thing to do was head to hell. Now he is just sitting, rotting in DW, waiting for his next bloody fight. He appears crazy to the naked eye, but it's only because he wants them to believe that. You would think twice of messing with a lunatic wouldn't you? Unless you are one :) Appearance: |
FlameLightning17Oct 28, 2012 6:16 PM
Jul 27, 2012 4:04 PM
- Approved- Name: Samael (Sam for short) Grimm Deadman Nickname: Raven Age: 16 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Deadman Personality: quiet that people barely noticed him, friendly, kind, insane, very smart, willing to help anyone, and loyal but sometimes cold, heartless and hungry for blood Theme: Reject Yourself by Killswitch Engaged History/Bio: Sam, was just a highschool kid that was poor, but one day, his life went straight to hell that his mind snapped and he went insane, spilt personality, talking to things that arent real, and seeing things, one day he was attacked by the school bullies, and he was so angry at everyone that he blacked out when he came to, he was in the main building of the school covered in blood while holding a bloody knife, surrounding him was dead bodies of his classmate, later he was sent DW with the charged of murder of all most everyone in his school. Now Sam is actually calling DW his home now because it was the thing he has thats close to a home even since he has been there for only for abour a couple of weeks. Appearance: ![]() Branch of Sin:
Branch of Sin Description: Ganta Gun: A bullet made of blood, Whip Wing: Blood whips that can move very fast,Fists of Blood: Blood that covers his body protecting and enforcing it |
12345trent8Aug 4, 2012 3:08 PM
Jul 27, 2012 10:42 PM
- Approved- Name: Tsubasa Ishiyama Age: 21 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Undertaker Rank: 1st squad leader Personality: Determined, he’s not afraid of anything or anyone, and a born leader Weapon: Scythe: ![]() Two Draw Pistol Crossbow with infinite ammo ![]() Theme: History/Bio:: Before the Great Tokyo Earthquake, Tsubasa was just like any normal kid. He went to school, done his homework, played outside with his friends, and spending time with his family. His father was his biggest role model to the young boy. Tsubasa was taught by his father to shoot a crossbow and Tsubasa became obsessed with crossbows. Once Tsubasa turned 8 he wanted to know more fighting skills than with just a crossbow, so he talked his father into getting him a scythe and his father did. Tsubasa and his father spent the next few years practicing with the scythe. Which Tsubasa’s mother really didn’t like, but she knew she could not talk her husband or son out of practicing. When Tsubasa turned 10 his mother died of an unknown illness and that’s when Tsubasa vowed to practice every day with the scythe. When Tsubasa turned 16 he had mastered the skill of fighting an opponent with a scythe and a crossbow. Tsubasa’s father was killed in during the earthquake and the only way Tsubasa feels close to his mother and father is when he practices using his scythe and his crossbow. He practices using the crossbow and scythe every day even though he does not need to. When he graduated high school Tsubasa packed up and headed out on a journey. About a year later Tsubasa found a place called Deadman Wonderland and he went inside and talked to the owner about working there. Now 21, Tsubasa is the 1st Squad Leader of the Undertakers. Appearance: ![]() |
12345trent8Aug 7, 2012 7:23 AM
Aug 9, 2012 8:15 AM
- Approved- Name: Auami Age: 17 Gender: Female Faculty Position: Dead man Personality: caring fun loving sometimes is a bit detached she is very compassionate and is a bubbly person she has a bit of a temper and at times very smart and is also kind Theme: History/Bio: I was born into a criminal family by the age of 7 my dad was teaching me how to crack safes it became a hobby most people said I had a gift because I was so good at it the one part I didn't like was he would always use me to con people I didn't like the idea of hurting people like that but my father force me to he said I couldnt eat if I didn't pull my weight soon he would teach me to pick locks I hoped that once I got good enough I could just steal without having to con people by earning my share from stealing by the age of 10 I could brake into any house un detected my usual take was 8k a house as I got older and older my father would be harder it unforutnaly by thus age of 15 it hit a boiling point it was also that age that I started to meet my fathers friends thankfully the exercise from stealing did wonders for my body and I found out that some men are really easy to manipulate i used that to get my father to go easier by the age of 16 my father found out what I was doing and was furious and attacked me at that time I realized it was also dangerous to manipulate some people and some men are evil I barely escaped my father and left home by the age of 18 with my skills I stole 1 billion dollars I was living the high life until hit found the wrong person this corrupt polition was abusing his power and his family I felt so bad I knew If I intervened I could get in serious trouble but couldn't ignore what he was doing so I robbed him of over 400 mil in stuff then gave it to his family so they could live in peace eventually he found out and used his corrupt influence to send me to deadman wonderland even though I never hurt anyone where I have to use all my skills just stay alive Appearance: Long black hair 5 foot 7 tan skin. With excellent body. Deadman nickname: crimson Eagle Branch of Sin Name: A blood Valkeryie skirt roses thorn sentinel & Crimson Rain Branch of Sin Description: A skirt attached to 4 metal arms with blades at end of each arm and has another is a whip with a sharp point at the end and blood shield. Crimson Rain: rocket launcher Branch of Sin Abilities: Valkeryie Skirt has 2 special abilities. 1) is it can heal people and restore blood loss 2) Is can extract memories and info from dead or comatose people the more fragmented or damaged the less can recover the whip is a special that can read minds as long as it touching them it can also switch from whip form into a fine mist sentinel is a shield that can be used to stop attacks it can change shape to adjust for protection needs. Crimson Rain: rocket launcher shoots blood rockets filled with exploding blood that ignites on impact |
12345trent8Aug 11, 2012 11:48 AM
Aug 10, 2012 3:24 PM
- Approved- Name: Hikaru Toriyama Age: 20 Gender: Female Faculty Position: Deadman Personality: Hikaru is heartless, but also quite and doesn’t like to talk. Theme: History/Bio: Before the Great Tokyo Earthquake Hikaru’s mother died when Hikaru was 2 years old. Hikaru’s father taught her from a young age to steal, kill, and sneak around like a thief. She quickly learns how to steal, pick locks, and everything else a thief would do by the age of 10. Her father died when Hikaru was 8. Hikaru still went to school despite the fact she was committing crimes at night. She joined the karate team when she was 10. In 5 years Hikaru quickly becomes a black belt and she uses her karate skills to help her during her heists. At 16, Hikaru was the best fighter on her karate team and she was one of the best thieves out there. When the earthquake hit, Hikaru was relaxing at home, for once not out on a heist. After the earthquake Hikaru starts out on a journey finding places to rob. By 19 Hikaru had killed many people, but no one could ever prove who killed them. At age 20, Hikaru was finally caught during a heist and got the death sentence. She was sent to Deadman Wonderland where she waits out her sentence. Appearance: ![]() Deadman Nickname: Thunder Mockingbird Branch of Sin Name: Thunder labriryth Branch of Sin Description: His branch of sign allows him to create lighting with his blood. He can shoot it out of his fingers and send it as projectiles and create a blade that sticks out of his hand. This lighting blood travels at a very fast speed and it has jagged in appearance when it comes out of him. When his blade comes of his hand it looks like a large pocket knife head. The blade is about 12 feet long. Branch of Sin Abilities: The first ability Name: Firework Clap Description: Zenkai cuts across his fingers and his blood collects upon each tip. Using this blood he can send the lighting at the target as projectiles. These projectiles resemble the sharp of a lightning bolt and they are the size of a pocket knife. He can send two at a time at the target of his choice. When the target is hit the bolts go right through them like a drill. The second ability Name: Thunder Blade Description: Zenkai cuts the palms of his hand and a 12 feet long blade comes out of his palms. He can use this to fight and cut up his enemy to his liking. If he wanted to he could easily decapitate someone with these blades. Also with one quick slash he can cut down are tree and leave deep gashes on his opponent. He can pretty much cut what he wants without any trouble. |
12345trent8Aug 13, 2012 11:20 PM
Aug 13, 2012 12:35 PM
- Approved- Name: Elana Age: 15 Gender: female Faculty Position: deadman Personality: psyopathic masochistic sadistic bipolar erratic sexyually hyperactive manic canaball cant think of anything else to describe I'll add Theme: History/Bio: Detailed history. When she was little she had a normal child hood but would hear mom screaming a lot when she got older around 8 her dad accidentally killed her mom which was when things started to go into a down ward spiral for her first her dad was just abusive then by the age of 12 he started to have pedophiliac urges to her making her do certain things her father kept getting worse and worse till her body developed around age of 14 he then started to rape her and even eventually pimp her out to friends in addition to the usual abuse things kept going till about age 15 it was getting to painful and she snapped and went insane this activated her branch of sin and brutally murdered her dad and his group of friends then started to eat there body's and bathe in there blood everyone knew she was insane but were to afraid to send her to a mental hospital so they sent her to deadman wonderland hoping to keep world safe from her Appearance she has long stringy white hair 5 foot 7 blood red eyes her body is slender but skin and bones accept her only healthy and redeeming part is her breasts which look like all the nutrition in her body went to them usually has manic or deranged look on her face and has snow white skin Likes blood death gore pain dismembered body parts and the taste of them sex and other things Deadman Nickname: black vulture Branch of Sin Name: terror of death Branch of Sin Description: gives giant claws teeth and let's shoot out a neurotoxin mist as well as feet and leg item to boost speed and reflexes Branch of Sin Abilities: raptor claws are giant claws that come out hands that can double as armor there abilty is they can reshape and reform someone face even dead people but it hurts 2 times as much as most painful thing in world shark frenzy the teeth have the ability to increase jaw size and inject a neurotoxin which increases nerv sensitivity and brain activity but lowers muscle and body movement terror mist is a mist she shoots out body that increases pain and causes terrifying visions and hallucinations and gazelle feet is blood armor for her feet that have ability to increase speed agility reflexs and reaction time Name: raptor claws shark frenzy terror mist and gazell feet |
FlameLightning17Oct 28, 2012 6:07 PM
Aug 14, 2012 6:42 PM
- Approved- Name: Rin Chi Age: 21 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Undertaker Rank: 2nd Squad Leader Personality: Loves Battle and Bloodshed. He usually looks down on people unless proven that they can stand there own against him. Either has a huge scowl on his face or a maniacal smile. Surprisingly, he can be respectful, however only to those who have beaten him. Weapon: His fists. The two blades on his feet, shown in appearance. 2 Bone Claws ![]() Theme: History/Bio: Almost nothing is known about Rin Chi's past, as whenever he is asked, he says it's pointless. All that's known is that he was always on his own and worked as a mercenary in various places. He is skilled with guns even though he never uses them, he feels that those who fight with long range weaponry are cowards who don't have the guts to fight close and personal. Which is why he specializes with melee weaponry, mainly his fists, claws, and other unique ones. There is only one fight which he lost. Against a deadman. Shortly after though, he trained, regrouped, and fought the same deadman again. Even though the deadman inflicted serious damage to Rin, Rin ended up killing him. However, he admits that that was one of the best fights he ever had. Which is what encouraged him to become and undertaker in deadman wonderland. Appearance: ![]() |
12345trent8Aug 14, 2012 10:18 PM
Aug 14, 2012 9:04 PM
- Approved- Name: Arturo Plateado Age: 28 years old Gender: Male Faculty Position: Undertaker Rank: 3rd squad leader Personality: On the outside wacky, random, and good natured even to the prisoners and deadmen. Really though, he acts like this to better observe the prisoners and learn of their weaknesses. Weapon:Carriers a pistol shown below loaded with worm eater bullets. A scythe like in the below picture that can be joined at the bottom, or combined back to back to create a pendulum like weapon. Can be spun at high speed to create a worm eater barrier. pistol: ![]() scythe: ![]() Theme: History/Bio: he was a bounty hunter before the earthquake. He would take really whatever he could get, be it cops, drug lords, addicts. You name it, he'd take it. Sometimes he would infiltrate the enemy and bring them down from the inside, other times he would be more direct, maybe a bomb, maybe a public killing. Didn't matter, it paid the same, just depended on his mood. This changed though with the great earthquake....something inside of him snapped After the earthquake he just started killing. He took what he wanted. Young, old, rich, poor, everyone was now his target. Sometimes he would befriend people just so he could use them, then kill them later once they outlived their usefulness. He became the boogeyman of what was once tokyo. When he was arrested finally, he said nothing, he just smiled and laughed. He knew the fun was just starting... Appearance: Pretty much just like this guy, except has red eyes. |
12345trent8Aug 14, 2012 10:20 PM
Sig by Redictus ![]() |
Aug 16, 2012 9:48 AM
- Approved- Name: Zero Age: 13 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Death Row Prisoner Personality: calm, strategies, reads a lot Theme: History/Bio: When he was young His very first game was Chess, Go, Mahjong, Backgammon at age 5, every time he play he won, he went to the world championships and won the Chess, Go, Mahjong, Backgammon tournament at age 8. His parents believe that he will be a great young man like Albert Einstein, Charles Dickens and other great people before him. He always carries a laptop with him and a book. When, he was 10 everything changes, He got captured by the most powerful leader that was in the most horrible gang out there in Tokya, Japan. He was there for 3 years. He was force to come up with brilliant strategies that were full prove, but the leader blame him for all the killings when they got caught by the police. The leader went on bail and he went to deadman wonderland to serve his sentence. He made pledge that he will get back at the leader for what the leader has done to him.” Appearance: ![]() |
12345trent8Sep 15, 2012 6:33 PM
Aug 16, 2012 10:47 AM
- Approved- Name: Syntheia Age: 14 Gender: female Faculty Position: Death row prisoner Personality: hyper perceptive oblivious blunt and loves electronics Theme: History/Bio: Detailed history. she was a international cyber terrorist her hacking skills were 2nd to none one day she was betrayed by a client and got caught they then sent her to deadman wonderland where she stays on death row Appearance: ![]() |
MikuIzumiAug 17, 2012 6:36 AM
Aug 16, 2012 10:48 AM
- Approved- Name: Leanne Age: 21 Gender: female Faculty Position: Staff director assistant Personality: shy timid obidident smart patient Theme: History/Bio: Detailed history. From early age she was a very shy person she prefered to fight using more passive means by plotting or making strategy she was very smart from a early age and she grew up in rich family and had a lot of responsibity always having to act a certain her parents sent her here to deadman wonderland and decide to sign her up for it figuring it would be useful using there money the get her the position the director assistant But her parents didn't want her going there without protection so they arranged a private teacher from the special correctional program to teach her to be a under taker she then uses those powers as a last resort as the director assistant Appearance: ![]() Weapon: Acid Pop Up Mines & Hand Held Flame Thrower |
12345trent8Aug 17, 2012 7:12 AM
Aug 18, 2012 2:56 PM
-Approved- Name: Kaien Yoshimoto Age: 16 Gender: Male Faculty Position: Death Row Prisoner Personality: Gentle, Friendly, Kind, and Caring Theme: History/Bio: Before the Great Tokyo Earthquake, Kaien and his older brother, Akira (5 years older), were abandoned by their parents; Kaien was only 3 years old. His brother raised him to be kind and caring, even though at night he would help out a small local gang so he and Kaien could survive. When Kaien was 5 his brother was killed in an unfair gang fight. His brother couldn’t fight fair because Kaien was there. Akira was killed right in front of Kaien’s eyes, that was the only way the gang members would let him live. Before Akira died he gave Kaien his chain and started to wear it around his neck. After the murder of his brother Kaien was brought to an orphanage. When the earthquake hit Tokyo, Kaien just happened to be running an errand for the nuns. Everyone at the church orphanage died that day, but Kaien. He was back on the streets again and he would have nightmares. The scarf that he wears was a Christmas gift from the nuns. At 10 Kaien ended up joining a gang, but it was the same gang that his brother was in. They knew of his gentle nature so they used that to their advantage during heists. Kaien thought he had found friends, but he continued to have nightmares and doesn’t know why. A few months ago the gang got into a fight with the same gang that killed Kaien’s older brother. Everyone ended up killing each other leaving Kaien as the only survivor. He was outside keeping watch and a hawk had come up to him. Kaien started to pet the hawk only to stop petting it when he no longer heard any noise. He went inside to find everyone dead, he found himself walking up to the leader of his gang’s body who was barely alive. The leader died in Kaien’s arms, when the police came they put the blame on Kaien. Even though they knew of his gentle nature, they said that he snapped and decided to kill the two gangs that help the most power. Kaien was given the death pently and sent to DeadMan Wonderland to wait out his sentence. He’s just turned 16 the day before he went to DeadMan Wonderland and even though he has a collar on; Kaien still wears the scarf and the chain that were from the only few people who truly cared for him. Appearance: ![]() |
FlameLightning17Aug 18, 2012 3:51 PM
Sep 15, 2012 11:09 AM
- Approved- Name max Age 16 gender male Faculty position deadman personality troubled quite snaps on occasion Bio used to be a gang member and stole but one day he found his older sister naked and bleeding she had been raped by the gang he worked for and by his best friend. The leader so he killed them all and was sentenced to death under murderer of 12 men and 3 women Nickname death hawk Branch of sin name acid branch of sin blood turns into acid Appearance black hair that covers right eye and his whole body is tattooed |
12345trent8Oct 25, 2012 11:47 AM
Oct 25, 2012 11:32 AM
- Approved- Name: Mar "Bells" Kamijo Age: 17 Gender: Female Faculty Position: Death row (?) Prisoner Personality: Sweet , Caring, Kinda crazy, Protective, Obessive, Short temper Theme: (not sure what to put here?) History/Bio: Detailed history. She was once a caring girl that would do anything in the world for the man she loved, who just so happend to be a teacher of hers that she had been in love with that finally desided to pay attention to her n take her in as his girlfriend, they had been in a steady relationship for 2 years n one day she returned home to find him in bed driven by his earlier shady behavior and unthoughtful actions took it apon herself to punish them both for being horrible people after leaving thier home n disguarding n burning thier bodies was caught a few days later n placed in court where she was sentenced on death row in deadman wonderland. Appearance: Mar is 5'2 has slightly dark skin which most likely resembles milk chocolate, shoulder length dark-blue hair, green Emerald eyes, has a beauty mark right at the end of her left collar bone near the bottom of her neck, a sweet face n complection, short nails (because she bites them most the time) Size 9 shoe and would usually be seen wearing a tweeked version of a japanese school uniform A faded orange sweater that drapes down like a dress that rushes past her shoulders, 2 thick black strapes keeping it up, a long ankle length green uniform skirt, Black thigh socks n Black 5 inch platform boots. |
12345trent8Nov 3, 2012 8:55 PM
Cute, sweet, and loving - I'm an Innocent Uke! =^.^= #semeuke What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at |
Nov 3, 2012 8:54 PM
- Approved- name kiba age 19 bio was a nourmal high school strunedt intell he got robed and saw his girl friend raped and muridered in frount of him got a gun and killed his girlfirends rapet /killer facutly posiosn piresoner deadman perinality cold disnet kind and twisted nick name black death brance of sin love labyrinth aprnece brown sor spiky hair 5foo1 blue eyes |
Nov 20, 2012 4:12 PM
-Approved- Name: Amaterasu "Ama" Hasegawa Age: 19 Gender: Female Position: Deadman Personality: Amaterasu fights with ferocity and extreme cruelty, rarely killing until her target is totally disabled and humiliated; however, she does seem to have some small shred of humanity left. She is very egotistical and freely taunts and belittles her opponents, often allowing them to inflict wounds before obliterating her enemies. It can accurately be stated that rather than killing opponents, she breaks them. Under her cocky, arrogant attitude, Amaterasu seems sad and envious of others, for they are blessed with the gift of life. She is also capable of affection on occasion. Prisoner Number: 0666 Theme: History/Bio: Before the quake, Amaterasu was the adopted daughter of American missionaries. They were a happy family. When the quake hit, Amaterasu's parents had vanished; the only thing left of either of them was a cross necklace. It was given to Amaterasu just before she was sent to a Buddhist settlement where she was molested repeatedly by the high priest. At the age of thirteen, Amaterasu left and created an anti-Buddhist army and attacked the settlement. As she fought, her Branch of Sin was let loose and she killed everyone. The police came and immediately arrested her and sentenced her to Death Row. She escaped a week later and went on a killing spree against Buddhists. When she was caught a second time, Amaterasu was sentenced to Death Row at Deadman Wonderland. It was here that Amaterasu was put in "solitary confinement" within Block G. She was tested on and later "implanted" with a virus positive fetus. Now she's finally being let loose to kill in order to keep herself and her child alive long enough to get out. Appearance: Amaterasu has long black hair and soulless green eyes; she has only a slight bulge in her abdomen from being three months pregnant. ![]() Deadman Nickname: Goshawk Branch of Sin Name: Angel of Death Branch of Sin Description: This allows the user to sprout wings, heighten senses, live off of human blood and create a scythe with blood from their palm. Branch of Sin Abilities: Wings- In order to use this, the wielder must make two sets of cuts on the back. When enough blood is spilt, this can be used for flight. Heightened Senses- When any blood is drawn from the user, their senses become catlike. Consumption of Blood- When blood of another person is consumed, it can be digested and used as nutrition. Scythe- When the palm is slit, the blood can be used to form a medium-sized scythe. |
FlameLightning17Nov 20, 2012 4:16 PM
Hey you! Yes you! Do you like: Dragon Ball? |
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