Jul 25, 2008 1:17 PM
Yes, I do. Do you? |
I'm back. |
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Jul 25, 2008 11:19 PM
Sep 30, 2008 2:04 PM
Don't you hate it when you see someone type "u" instead of "you"? It's not that hard. It's only two letters away, and they're right next to eachother on the keyboard. That kind of idiot is part of the cancer killing the internets. |
Oct 14, 2008 2:36 AM
You have my utmost support in this quest for world domination spelling correction! Go far, Grammar Nazi club! |
Nov 10, 2008 9:00 PM
Skelebunny said: Don't you hate it when you see someone type "u" instead of "you"? It's not that hard. It's only two letters away, and they're right next to eachother on the keyboard. That kind of idiot is part of the cancer killing the internets. I am so with you. And don't forget people who TyPe LiKe DiS <-- they make me go blind. |
Aug 15, 2009 3:47 AM
Purin said: Skelebunny said: Don't you hate it when you see someone type "u" instead of "you"? It's not that hard. It's only two letters away, and they're right next to eachother on the keyboard. That kind of idiot is part of the cancer killing the internets. I am so with you. And don't forget people who TyPe LiKe DiS <-- they make me go blind. That's like the ultimate crime. I don't know why and how in the world do they end up typing like that? I mean they just increase their work by doing such a crappy shit. |
Dec 4, 2009 11:27 PM
I concur. For reason such as: Let's eat, Grandpa! Let's eat Grandpa! Big difference in meaning there. |
Jul 2, 2010 2:23 AM
My friends, it has often been said that I like grammar. Friends, I like grammar. No, friends, I love grammar! I love homophones. I love conjunctions. I love punctuation. I love double-checking, proof-reading, I spell-checking, and editing posts. Correct grammar across the forums, in blogs, in comments, in responses, in reviews, through long-winded reports, on the net, in the blogosphere, I love every act of proper English that can be used on this Earth. I love flaming clubs because they used “there” instead of “their”. My heart leaps with joy whenever I spot a tricky sentence narrowly avoid being a run-on. And there is nothing like an admin being dismantled for failing at his native language. And the feeling that comes when a mod runs screaming from his website on learning of it’s leaders unprofessional grammar is an exquisite one. Like when ranks English majors assault a hatedom. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a fresh recruit deconstructing a users post and revealing every subtle mistake. The sight of hypocrits being revealed is an irresistible pleasure. And there is nothing more arousing than the sounds of wrong-doers, screaming incoherently as they're mowed down by ear piercing naggers! When a band of pitiful wannabes make their final stands with nothing but elementary knowledge, only to have their channels attacked by their former compatriots, I'm in ecstasy. I love it when my forces are ravaged trolls. It's so sad to see clubs and websites that were supposed to be grammatically correct at all times being laid to waste, their members scattered after the downfall. I love clauses being seperated correctly. I love the caps lock key being only for emergency use. I love apostrophes signifying the difference between possession and a noun-linking verb combo. I love proper spelling of all words, no matter how odd or obscure. Gentlemen... All I ask for is correct grammar. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms, what is it you really want? Do you wish for correct use of the English language as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, curt response to all idots? An end to all common mistakes, and apologies from those who formerly made them? A flame war so massive, so wide-scale that it cleanses all improper use of the English language from this Earth!? |
Jul 20, 2011 11:34 AM
SpectreHound said: I concur. For reason such as: Let's eat, Grandpa! Let's eat Grandpa! Big difference in meaning there. I think one of my friends said something similar before called "Commas Save Lives" and said exactly the same thing, hehehe. |
Apr 12, 2012 4:21 PM
Blankscore - so close and yet so far. "I spell-checking"? "Like when ranks English majors assault a hatedom"? "hypocrits"? "I love the caps lock key being only for emergency use"? "Do you wish for correct use of the English language as I do?"? "An end to all common mistakes"? I believe you wanted to write "I love spell-checking". "I like when ranks English majors assault a hatedom (a term that I shall allow to pass... for now.)" "Hypocrites". "I love the caps-lock key being only used for emergency". "Do you wish for correct usage of the English language". "An end of all common mistakes". Seriously, people. Is there no-one checking these posts for spelling? Kind of weird, considering what you are trying to stand for. |
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