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Aug 22, 2011 6:59 AM

Jan 2009
The CARP Recreation Area is a place where the wanderers of the Rift may gather to relax and meet individuals from the other world.

The entrance of the building are large oak doors that would let the giants pass through. Looking on the inside, one will see a large hall, although, at the moment was quite empty. A small counter is located near the entry way where guest register their names. Couches are provided for the guests who just want to sit and relax. Of course, you may call for the floor managers to address certain request of additional services the visitors would like to be offered to them. The guests are treated as valued customers.

However, customers are not always right. The management has set a few rules to maintain the orderliness of the Recreation Area. The guests are given a pamphlet upon entry which has all the necessary information you need.

  • Clean up your own mess.
  • For every damage you caused, 5 aRPees are immediately deducted in your account.

Services Offered
  • Sui's Mini Bar
    Here, all kinds of beverages are available to be served, ranging from water to the most peculiar drink known.
  • En's Dreamscape
    Experience your dream place within the recreation area.
  • ...

Current Employees
  • Fuu ---------- Manager
  • Rai ---------- Manager
  • Sui ---------- Barkeep
  • En ----------- Illusionist
  • ...

Current Occupants
  • ...
khrymsonOct 15, 2015 7:56 PM
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
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Dec 7, 2011 7:16 AM

Jan 2009
Fuu and Rai were sitting at the ends of one couch. She was tapping her foot impatiently on the floor while he bobbed his head slightly to an unheard rhythm in his head. The little kid wearing the green outfit called Sui was sitting on the bar's counter, playing with the wine glasses filled with different amounts of multi-colored liquid. The first three employees of the hall were certainly bored that they could almost see themselves getting into a fight just to relieve it.

The Recreation Area had been opened for quite awhile now yet there was still no sign of any other life form besides the three employees. To attract visitors, Rai had thought of making a poster with a fan-service-like picture of her included while Sui had thought of threatening civilians, in which Fuu had refused both ideas altogether, seeming as it would only attract perverts and cowards and that wouldn't certainly be fun.
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Dec 7, 2011 7:53 AM

May 2011
Leuvaria Melodica

Entering the doors of the hall, Leu was both amazed and despaired at it. Amazed, since Leu has never seen such a large room before. Despaired, since a large room would require more walking which is such a hassle for her. Nonetheless, she proceeded to walk towards the counter.

After walking for what seemed like an entire day, she actually just traveled for less than 5 mins, Leuvaria finally arrived at the counter and sat on a high stool. Closing her umbrella and placing it beside the chair, she raised her hand up to signal for the barkeeper.

"I would like to have a glass of water please..." she trailed off thinking that talking further would take too much energy.
Must stop procrastination...later...
Dec 7, 2011 8:14 AM

Jan 2009
Fuu and Rai quickly jumped to their feet when they saw a person entering the entrance of the RA. Saying that they were thrilled was almost an understatement as they followed behind the green haired guest as she moved towards Sui's bar. The little kid hurriedly went down from the counter and positioned himself across the customer.

As the girl took a seat on one of the stools, Fuu and Rai each took a seat beside her. She smiled widely at the guest, trying to be like a friendly older sister while he pulled out a small hardbound notebook and a pen in one of his pockets for the purpose of recording the visitor's arrival. They had to keep records of who come and go inside the RA as a way to track down the incidents.

The girl, however, seemed to be saying something which turned to become a mumble at the end of her sentence. Unable to clearly hear what she said, Sui's thin patience somehow snapped a little.

"What didja say, missy?", Sui asked staring down up at the new visitor.
khrymsonDec 8, 2011 12:58 AM
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Dec 7, 2011 8:26 AM

May 2011
"Wa..." Leuvaria paused. She was contemplating whether to say H2O or water. H2O has lesser letters but 3 syllables, water on the other hand has more letters but lesser syllables. She decided to say water.

"Water, please..." she finally said clearly.
Must stop procrastination...later...
Dec 7, 2011 8:39 AM

Jan 2009

The girl seemed to have cut off her own sentence and was left wandering on her own. Sui tapped his fingers on the counter waiting for her to speak up.

"Water, please...", she clearly said.

With this, Sui smiled and saluted. "Certainly, missy. One glass of water, coming right up!"

Fuu and Rai exchanged glances and smiles. Finally, after a long time, there was hope for the RA to become lively. He placed the pen over the sheet of paper and slid it towards the girl, while she eagerly tried to take a peek of it even if the page was still as empty as the cookie jar. He pointed at the blanks where she should fill in.

"Please write your name here, your gender here, your signature here", he said.

"This is the Recreation Area's guestbook", she said.
khrymsonDec 8, 2011 12:34 AM
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Dec 8, 2011 12:16 AM

Nov 2011
Minami Mao

"Ah~ What a relaxing place this looks like, I wonder what's inside?" Mao was getting tired after all the exchanges he had with Ning, he just don't deal well with icy people, though Ning's personality is more firely than usual.

Pushing the door open, he spoted a girl who seems to be dying, not that he would be borthered off of course. Picking a corner seat, Mao puts his staff Arkane next to his seat, its been a long day and now he would love to just relax for the moment.
Dec 8, 2011 1:01 AM

Jan 2009
Fuu and Rai glanced at the entrance as the large doors of the RA opened and closed. Sui gave the girl the glass of water she ordered and didn't look up, he wasn't interested in anything else except his bar. They must've been lucky today for there was more than one customer.

Fuu and Rai looked at each other having a telepathic conversation despite not having telepathic abilities. This was their mutual understanding, being twins and all. He simply nodded signalling that his sister should entertain the guest while she got off from her seat, knowing exactly what to do.

Rai walked towards the direction of the red-haired visitor and welcomed him with a smile. She pulled out a notebook and a pen, similar to that of Fuu's. She opened the notebook and offered it to him together with the pen.

"Please write your name here, your gender here, your signature here", she said. "This is the Recreation Area's guestbook."
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Dec 8, 2011 1:06 AM

Nov 2011
"Ah-leh-leh I didn't know there is a beautiful ladyl like you here, what's your name?" Mao smiled, his usual habit of teasing girls he'd just met surfaced.

Name:Mao, Gender: Male ;), Signature signed, confirming what he had wrote on the notebook, he returned the notebook back to the lady. "It seems awfully quiet today, wouldn't you agree?"
Dec 8, 2011 6:22 AM

Jun 2011
Raine Sangre

Raine entered the RA,pushing the double doors open using both her hands.Few knifes were floating halo-shaped around her back.Empty eyes were showing that she needed to wake up a bit.
Taking a seat close to the window and near the male guest,she ringed a small bell for the barkeeper to come and serve her.
AngelicXIDec 8, 2011 6:33 AM
Dec 8, 2011 8:15 PM

May 2011
Leuvaria took the pen and started to write her name.


She stopped and proceeded to gender.


She sighed and wrote a long dash above the line that says signature. She then held the glass of water that was given to her and proceeded to drink from it.
Must stop procrastination...later...
Dec 8, 2011 9:53 PM

Jan 2009
Fuu was baffled to see that the new guest had hardly written anything on the guestbook. This 'Le-wahatever-comes-next' girl had didn't even finish writing 'Female' in the gender blank and was too lazy to do her signature as he saw that long dash she wrote. He would have demanded for a proper signature but because she was cute, he let it pass. For now.

"Thank you and enjoy your stay", he said as he took the notebook and pen back.

Fuu stood up from his seat and walk away from the green haired girl. His business with Miss Le- was done and now there was another visitor. Quite a lucky day to have three guest who arrived at the same time. He walked over towards the new guests who were sitting on the couch. He gave a quick glance at Rai and winked as she did the same in response.

"Good day Miss", Fuu greeted as he handed the notebook and pen to the girl who had knives circling her back. Repeating the same lines as earlier, he continued, "Please write your name here, your gender here, your signature here. This is the Recreation Area's guestbook."

Rai, on the other hand, had took back the guestbook as soon as the boy had finished writing. She gave him a smile as she glanced at the book for his name. This is one of the guestbook's purpose, to know who's who, so they could have their names when they need to compensate for something. However, this was supposed to be the receptionist's job, who was out at the moment. The guest had asked for her name and tried to strike up a conversation in which she was happy to oblige.

"I'm Rai, Mister Mao. The place has always been deprived of customers up until just now."

Sui, who was at his counter, saw the new girl's gesture and simply ignored it. I am the barkeep and not the waiter. If she had anything to order, it's her job to come here, he complained in his head as he was going back to playing with his wine glasses filled with different colors of liquid.
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Dec 9, 2011 5:57 AM

Jun 2011
Raine was pretty bored,and her knees were hurting because of a forest war she had just walked out of,using a time stop.The barkeeper annoyed her,but she promised herself to be nice.First,she had to write in the notebook Fuu handed her.

"Good day,Mister." she saluted,as she wrote her name.

Raine Sangre. Checked.


As for signature,she closed her eyes.She couldn't do her signature whitout closing her eyes.A "R" whit the bottom lines curved in arrow form,a long bow ended whit a wing.Checked.

"Here." she smiled softly,as handing back the notebook."Now,is the barkeeper blind,or somehow is my face that ugly?" she jokingly asked herself,as she moved herself to the bar.
"A long,black,straight coffee." she said on an annoyed tone,trying to smile.
Dec 10, 2011 6:15 AM

Nov 2011
"Deprived of customers? Are you kidding? This place seems so fun, how could that be?" He smiled, not taking her words seriously.

"Say, its weird for me to be talking to you while I'm seated and you're standing, its alright if you were to take a seat here right? Since there aren't many guests that need your attention right now."
Dec 10, 2011 7:04 AM

May 2011
Leu was bored. After drinking up her glass of water, she raised her hand up again and ordered for another glass of water.

"Same." was all she said. She was quite happy that after the 1st order, she could now say a 1 syllable word and get another glass of water.
Must stop procrastination...later...
Dec 10, 2011 8:56 AM

Jan 2009
Fuu received the hard bound book back from the girl named Raine Sangre. He thanked her and kept his smile as she walked away towards Sui's bar. He heard her make a comment about how Sui had ignored her, in which he gave a silent laugh. He'd keep his comments to himself, though. Fuu walked towards the reception counter, as there was a need for him to be there.

Rai doubted that staying in the RA could be anywhere near fun. She was solely basing this on her years of staying in this place. Being in the void hardly made them age, which was the benefits of it since they could live for a long time, though it gets quite boring. Her guest had suggested for her to take a seat in which she politely declined.

"If you're sitting for a long time, your legs will ache too", she said, hinting that she was feeling that way.

Sui went back behind the bar as the new girl approached. The green haired girl had ordered another glass of water while the other girl with sword-thingy on her back had ordered 'long, black, straight' coffee. Was she describing someone's hair? He decided to keep his snide remarks to himself, seeing as he would loose customers if not.

"Certainly, missy", he replied as he went and got a glass of water for the green haired girl and a cup of black coffee for the sword girl.
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Dec 10, 2011 9:03 AM

Jun 2011
"Thank you." Raine thanked.She was too polite to let emotions control her.The advantage of living in England for few years...She took a sip from the hot coffee,as the high temperature didn't seem to bother her tongue.
Dec 14, 2011 4:20 AM

May 2011
After drinking the 2nd glass of water. Leu got the feeling that she is needed elsewhere. It wasn't maternal instincts or women's instincts as well but something else. She then picked up her umbrella which she placed beside the stool she sat on. Opening it up and gently getting herself down from the stool, she reached inside her dress' pockets to pay a tip. When she took her hand out and opened it, there were only dust and a lone bill. Judging from the number on the bill, it was a large quantity.

She's rich. No, the church is rich. She got the bill from a passerby who donated money to the chapel. Unfortunately for the passerby, he gave the money to Leu who was too lazy to put it to the donation box. She then placed the bill under the glass of water she ordered.

She then made her way for the exit. It was a peaceful visit to say the least. A least she thinks so.
Must stop procrastination...later...
Dec 14, 2011 4:46 AM

Jun 2011
Finishing her coffee,the Time Witch put the money n the counter,next to the empty cup.
"Have a nice day." she said,as getting out of the building.
Dec 21, 2011 10:31 PM

Jan 2009
Despite the fact that everything in the Recreation Area is free, Sui was delighted that his two customers had paid. He placed the money inside a ceramic jar and hid it under the counter, away from the sight of anyone. It was for the future plans and renovations for the area.

Fuu was somewhat disappointed that the number of visitors were reduced to only one, and a male at that. He waved his hand with his business smile when the two girls had exited the area. He wondered when the next few visitors would arrive and wished that he didn't have to wait long for them to arrive. Although, time doesn't seem to move in the void.
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Jan 30, 2013 9:00 PM

Jan 2009
The last visitor seemed to have left the premises. The three were back to what they were originally doing. Fuu and Rai were back sitting at each end of the couch and Sui was polishing his collection of wine glasses. It wasn't long before the door had once again opened and the trio had all their attention at it. When they saw who it was, the twins slumped back into their seat and Sui continued his routine. En, who had just came back from the card store, looked at the trio and went towards the bar although it was she wouldn't be ordering anything.

“En”, Rai called, raising her hand lazily into the air. “Read that passage of that story for me, will you?”

En, who had her attention on her female boss when her name was called, nodded in reply. She turned around on her seat and pulled out a notebook from her pocket, opened it and started to read its contents.

In another moment, down went she after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again. The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that she had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well. Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her, and to wonder what was going to happen next.

As En read this passage out loud, the one large hall of the Recreation Area was gone. The setting was now that of what she had read from her notebook. The walls seem as if they were clumps of soil as there were thin tree roots poking out. They all remain calm despite their situation. En flipped the pages of her notebook and started to read from the page she picked.

Down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over," En paused, flipped the pages, and started to read again. “The girl clicked the heels of her silver shoes together for three times and wished to return home. When the girl opened her eyes, she was back to where she was.

In a blink of an eye, everything was back to the original setting; the empty halls of the Recreation Area. Sui offered En a glass of water in which she accepted gladly. Rai was back to slumping on her chair while Fuu was silently rechecking the names on the guestbook.

“That was short”, Rai commented.
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Nov 11, 2013 12:50 AM

Jan 2009
While checking the guestbook, Fuu found a piece of paper neatly folded twice inserted between the pages. Raising an eyebrow, he was curious as what was its content. A last will, perhaps, he mused. Or maybe a secret love letter for me. How exciting! Eager to know its content, he didn't wait for anyone and opened it.

Here's an example:
GM said:
As soon as he open his eyes, the man beheld the sight of a wide meadow overlooking the city he had once been in when he still had his eyes closed. The verdant green grass reached up till his knees, flowers blooming were as big as plates and trees standing even more gigantic than the ones in books.

Player said:
He was quite surprised to see how he went from one place and in another one far away from where he originally was in just a few seconds. What awed him quite more was the plants growing all around him. He had never seen these aside from the television and the old files he had been researching. He wasn't quite sure of what to do and so he search for something, nothing specific, anything that he could use.

GM said:
The grass rustled and the stalks swayed at the movement made by the man. A different kind of breeze blew in the meadow, different from that wind that blew within the city. It was fresh, clean almost like the artificial scents they added on soap. But this wasn't artificial, this was real. Something glimmered on the ground, shining whenever light had touched its surface.

Player said:
Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of something. The man turned around, crouching once again to continue and search. He was sure he might have found something and he did. Reaching out to the object, he wondered what it was that he found.

Fuu grimaced as he finished reading the note. Truth be told, he didn't understand what it was all about. It only left him confused. With a small shrug, he crumpled the paper he was holding and threw it on the trash bin behind the counter.

"374 points. That was a lousy shot," Sui commented finally down with wiping all of his glassware.

"Out of how many?!" Fuu retorted.

The boy only snickered, back to arranging his collection of wines.
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Dec 5, 2013 9:26 AM
Oct 2013

Mako pushed the large doors with her massive gauntlets attached to her arms and her supplies on her back. She walked over to the bar and placed her bag against the counter and removed her gauntlets. Both making loud dinging and clanging noises as they are removed and placed on the floor. She then sat on the stool she had placed her belongings next to, pulling out some sodium, a magnet, and a piece of metal from her bag and placed them on the count. She looked at the bartender with a blank expression.

(Im sorry the image of her appearance is a figma but its the only good picture i could find of decent quality with her having the gauntlets from the anime TV series)
Dec 5, 2013 8:15 PM

Jan 2009
When the door opened, all eyes turned to the entrance. It had been quite a long time since they last had a visitor. Then again, it was almost impossible to the time when one was residing in the Void.

The expression on the twins's face lit up as soon as they saw that it wasn't one of the residents of the Void. Still, they remained seated in the sofa - Fuu was pretending to be busy looking at the hardly filled guestbook and Rai was convincing En to take a seat beside her. Sui, on the other hand, was staring at the newcomer, finally putting down the wine glass he had so been diligently wiping all this time as she approached.

When the girl had taken a seat by the counter, the petite boy pulled down his blue hood stood across her. He stayed silent and watched as she placed her belongings on the counter. Sui wondered of the purpose for doing so but shrugged it off seconds later, knowing that it doesn't matter as long as she wasn't destroying anything.

The twins had already moved to the stool next to the guest. If one had seen how they had approached, the sight of the two resembled the image of a yakuza pair ready to harass their debtor. The two carried the guestbook in their hands. Although it was Fuu's responsibility, since the newcomer was female, it was important as hosts to introduce the place.

"Welcome to the Void" they said in a chorus.

When the girl looked up and stared back at Sui, he put on his widest business smile which looked more like a scowl.

"What do ya wanna drink?" he spoke in his boyish tone.

Rai, the woman dressed in a red kimono, hit the boy on the head with the guest book. "Be nice, Sui. We don't get costumers everyday."

(It's alright. Also, if you want to see their appearances, I've updated the OC thread.)
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Dec 5, 2013 9:20 PM
Oct 2013
She stared blankly at Sui for a moment, only to turn here attention to her little party trick that she was making. She grabbed a glass from behind the counter, reaching over it of course to get it. She took the piece of sodium and placed it in the glass, then placed the piece of metal over it and morphed it to create an air tight seal in the glass but left little holes that had hinge doors on it. She then filled the glass with water and with a quick flip, she flipped the glass upside down onto a coaster. Then she frantically placed the magnet on top, holding the sodium and metal piece in place. To make the party trick more interesting, she pulled out 5 gold coins from where she was from. She then wrote down, her hand writing barely legible, that if the bartender figures how to remove the sodium from the glass with out it getting wet, that she would finally talk.
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