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Jan 8, 7:31 AM

Nov 2011
I guess terrorist attacks in this show are kind of the common norm. Why am I not surprised that Chris is acting on her own to help a friend

The cast has their hands full this time around to deal with the new threat. Not to mention, it seems the attack was planned by a shady organization. Gotta put that training to good use then. I hope Chris can be rational though.
Jan 8, 9:14 AM

Jun 2012
well, when the question is tragic past, we always remember grisaia is this way
Mari_MarxJan 8, 2:03 PM
Jan 8, 11:57 AM

May 2016
There must be a member of the Sengoku family that's tipping off the terrorists, because why would they be told to "prioritize killing a kid when you see them"?
"Genki is Life, Genki is Love"
Jan 8, 3:21 PM

Feb 2019
I probably should’ve finished the other two grisaia games and watched the Trigger OVAs before watching this because I’m so confused what the hell’s going on lmaooo 😭 how did we go from slice of life with tragic backstories to the school being a training ground for special agents?

That terrorist attack was intense though. Didn’t think they’d actually have killed 15 people. The government being willing to just bomb the place into smithereens was wild as well, guess when there’s a novel supervirus there you’re limited on options but still. Good thing Chris was brave enough to infiltrate. I wonder if the Sengoku family tipped off the terrorists that taiga would be there tho
Marinate1016Jan 8, 3:41 PM
Jan 8, 6:02 PM

Mar 2012
Jan 8, 7:16 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to EcchiGodMamster
@EcchiGodMamster Not needed in the middle of a terrorist attack, saving it for a less dramatic story arc I assume.
Jan 8, 7:33 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to Sheol01
@EcchiGodMamster Not needed in the middle of a terrorist attack, saving it for a less dramatic story arc I assume.
Sheol01 said:
@EcchiGodMamster Not needed in the middle of a terrorist attack, saving it for a less dramatic story arc I assume.


1. fanservice is ALWAYS NEEDED

2. they didn't shy away from it during "serious moments" in the previous Grisaia series, so i don't wanna hear that excuse

theyre probably just cucking themselves to be "safe", like so many anime are doing now, even some modern ecchi adaptations
Jan 9, 3:02 AM

Mar 2012
animegamer245 said:
Fanservice wasn't what made the og Grisaia good, it was just a bonus. Especially when there was less of it past season 1. The og show was carried by Yuuji more than the girls.

does it automatically make me "love" a show? no, most things don't, but does it make me like ANY SHOW more? FUCK YES... fanservice makes everything better... i don't care what the show is about or when its used

animegamer245 said:
The og Grisaia definitely didn't use fanservice during serious moments, I don't know if you haven't watched it in a long time, but you seem to be misremembering.

yes it did, I'm not saying was "everywhere" or anything, but were two episodes in, there was enough that there should have "a few" shots by now and theres been basically been nothing, not even during the class scenes

i used to gif EVERY fanservice scene back then, i would know
EcchiGodMamsterJan 9, 3:20 AM
Jan 9, 7:19 AM

Mar 2012
animegamer245 said:
I don't agree with that it always makes everything better. There are cases where it makes the show worse when it fucks with the original product. A good example would be the Rosario + Vampire, which was a decent manga that got a mediocre anime adaptation.

whether or not an adaptation is medicore has NOTHING to do with fanservice.. non fanservicey anime get just as fucked, don't they? and in MOST CASES its the fanservice that gets removed/nerfed for the adaptation than vise versa, EVEN IN what we call ecchi series. Mato Seihei no Slave, my favorite manga's adaptation was BUTCHERED, it was SUPPOSED TO BE the next DxD, but they were too busy appealing to modern anime standards to give us fans what we wanted

animegamer245 said:
Name/post 3 examples where it was used during serious moments then.

ill have to dig through my 7 EHD's to find which one the gifs are on, considering the first Grisaia came out 10+ years ago now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

anyway, idk what you consider a serious moment or not, but the most iconic one off the top of my head is when Makina snipes the teddy bear or w/e it was and her skirt flies and up and they show her panties from like 3 different angles

theres also the scene in one of the PT movies with Murasaki and Toka where theyre on top of eachother in a sniper position and you can see slightly up Murasakis skirt

and as i've mentioned... even with the classroom scenes we haven't really gotten anything yet
EcchiGodMamsterJan 9, 7:24 AM
Jan 9, 7:47 AM

Mar 2012
animegamer245 said:
It had everything to do with it, the anime decided to just throw out most of the original plot & story & just turn it into a comedic fanservice show.

theres any number of ways they could have changed it to make you feel like they "ruined" it, thats not necessarily the fault of fanservice

even as an ecchi fan, i think its just as unfair to take a non fanservicey manga and turn it into an ecchi, but thats FAR LESS common

Dandadan was supposed to be "ucensored" and the series that "didn't hold back", but even that adapatation removed some fanservice shots

animegamer245 said:
I wouldn't know because I don't watch a lot of modern anime due to my backlog & I'm extremely selective about the ones I choose to watch.

bruh... fanservice scenes are CONSTANTLY being removed during adaptations.... just to name 2 recent examples: Bleach TYBW had several fanservice scenes removed from the anime, an animator even complained about one of them. even a more obscure series like Dead mount death play was super toned down and had many pantyshots removed

animegamer245 said:
I wouldn't know because I didn't watch that show, even though the manga is on my backlog. Though funny thing looking at your list is, you gave that show a 10, despite complaining how much the anime butchered it. Then again, for whatever reason you either give every show a 10, or you don't score it at all.

i don't ACTUALLY think every anime is a 10 and i definitely DON'T think the adaptation is a 10, it was more of a 6... BUT... i still love the characters and premise etc overall, so i just did what i normally do. i'd rather not rate things to look critical, or i'd be giving most anime a 6 lol

animegamer245 said:
So, in other worlds you don't remember what happened in the og Grisaia & you're just making an assumption?

bruh, i watched that show when it was airing, which again was 10+ years ago... you expect me to remember EVERY fanservice shot? lol

what i can tell you FOR CERTAIN is there was more fanservice in the first episode of the first Grisaia than there has been in the first 2 episodes of this sequel

shit, the first PT movie had more fanservice in like 10 min than these first 2 episodes

animegamer245 said:
So your complaint is that there are not enough pantyshots during those moments?

whatever they've given in the past i want to keep seeing

do i want to see up their skirts as theyre laying down to snipe?

Uh... FUCK YES...
EcchiGodMamsterJan 9, 7:52 AM
Jan 9, 12:57 PM

Mar 2012
animegamer245 said:
Those 2 statements contradict each each. Also you agree that fanservice can make a show worse when it turns a non ecchi manga into an ecchi manga. I never said it was a common occurance, I just said that fanservice doesn't always make a product better.

WHOA WHOA WHOA... i didn't say I thought that... I'm saying YOU would probably STILL complain if they changed it in some other way that had nothing to do with fanservice

basically, you're making it sound like its the fanservice itself that made the change bad

i NEVER said turning a non-ecchi manga into an ecchi makes it worse.. i feel the exact opposite, i wish EVERY anime had fanservice

i just acknoweledge that its not fair on the author when it happens

animegamer245 said:
I didn't watch that show & even if I did, I wouldn't know because once again, I didn't read the manga. Though judging by your list you didn't really either.

i read the first 8 or so chapters before the show aired... some of the fanservice got nerfed/removed

animegamer245 said:
Once again, I didn't read either of those manga or watch the anime & it doesn't appear that you have either. Also, it would be nice if you could actually post pictures, instead of just letting me take your word on it.

you're talking to someone with nearly 2k completions with over 15 years of watching subbed anime AND watches/keeps up with anime content daily as if he's trying to bullshit you lol

i used to gif EVERY seaonal i watched fanservice shots and post them to my profile, and people used to complain that it'd lag their PCs lol... but after awhile i stopped cause it usually took WAY TOO LONG and i no longer had the time

animegamer245 said:
Then why not just give the shows you watch the scores you actually believe they deserve? Why does it matter if most shows on your list are rated a 6? Why is that any better than rating everything a 10?

because i dont' want to look like a critic, cause im mostly not

animegamer245 said:
I do expect you to remember it seeing as you acted like you did in the og post. Also, I doubt the show was uncensored while it was airing.

theres a difference between censoring something that will be shown in the BD and outright removing it or not showing it in the first place

animegamer245 said:
That's not what we're arguing about, you claimed the og series had a lot of fanservice during serious moments, I claimed otherwise.

i didn't say it had ALOT, I'm just saying by now we should have gotten 1 or 2 sexy shots

animegamer245 said:
What does that have to do with anything?

what i just said above

EcchiGodMamsterJan 9, 1:07 PM
Jan 9, 1:54 PM

Mar 2012
animegamer245 said:
I mean, I would, when did I say otherwise?

you said fanservice can ruin a show, then provided an adaptation that was CHANGED, then acted like its the fanservice that made the change bad and not the fact that they changed it itself

animegamer245 said:
I'm saying the overabundance of fanservice at the expense of the story was what made it bad, therefore it's a case where adding fanservice didn't make the product better. Most of it's fans will tell you the same thing, hence why the anime is rated low compared to the manga.

there is no such thing as an overabunce of fanservice

if the manga has a better story than whatever they changed the anime to, sure, ofc i can get behind that, but don't blame the fanservice for that, blame the fact that they decided to change it at all

animegamer245 said:
You know, considering how much anime you watch, being constantly horny isn't good for your physical or mental health.

awe man... it may be hard to believe, but i go outside, exercise and talk to more people IN A DAY than most people on here probably do in a week... thats probably not an exaggeration, how? i have a job that forces me to

animegamer245 said:
What does how much anime you've watched have to do with anything we're talking about. You could watch 500,000 anime & still miss remeber something.

street cred

i think someone who's seen as many anime as i have (especially more fanservicey anime) likely has the credentials to say how much fanservice there is or isn't. like i said, i used to actively gif every series i watched

i have ONE FOLDER ALONE that has over 2700 gifs i made

could i be misremembering some things? of course, but i know im not misremembering that these two first episodes have had less fanservice than the other Grisaia first episodes

animegamer245 said:
Critics are not the only ones that give out scores, you ever heard of user scores.

well i guess i just don't think it matters that much what i think of whatever anime critically, so i don't bother sharing, it just matters that i love anime in general

animegamer245 said:
My point was that you claimed to have watched it while it was airing.

that doesn't make a difference

if its censored while its airing and uncensored in the BD, IT'S STILL THERE

if its not shown at all, or removed from the manga, then IT'S NOT THERE

the latter is what im taking about
EcchiGodMamsterJan 9, 2:00 PM
Jan 11, 1:03 PM

Apr 2013
Pretty mid so far, I hope we get some quality fanservice like in the old Grisaia to spice things up.
Jan 12, 7:10 AM
Nov 2019
Can I watch this without watching the prequels. I don't intend to watch it, but a guy convinced me that it's a whole different show in the same universe (Grisaia). Like I don't have to watch the Batman film to understand the Joker film.

After 2 episodes, this is boring. I feel out of context. Definitely need to watch the prequels, I think.
Jan 12, 7:42 AM

Mar 2018
^would be best to watch the prequels, yeah, and if you still like it, welcome to Phantom Trigger

And ofcourse SORD is not allowed to help and at one point they go and try to rescue because Boss says so.
While there are already so many dead, guess they came for the kid obviously, curious if the branch/head family is behind it.
SORD will arrive next episode, let's go! Let's teach them a lesson!

β˜†  PlayStation: KoitoTV
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β˜†  @Koito91
Mar 1, 6:07 AM

Jul 2017
Taiga's backstory is quite the tragic one, from a family affair to a terrorist attack that almost had her killed, which made her the explosives expert she is today.

A cult terrorist group going by The Fatal Answer wants to acquire a virus, which the Sengoku family is also at the heart of the matter, it's where Taiga's father Natsuki tries to allay defense after the events at Kitaoka University. But as much as everyone wants to help her, this is clearly out of SORD's jurisdiction, and Haruto knowing that Chris would disobey orders and save Taiga on her own accord, SORD is under tremendous pressure to act, and an air strike is imminent.

That said, if the girls want to conduct this suicide mission, they're all also in one accord, as well as Principal Ichiru herself being another member of the Sengoku family not willing to let this matter slide, and also defies orders against her family, which leads to SORD being activated to conduct the mission before the air strike occurs. Chris making it this far, faces the TFA terrorists on her own and manages to save those within her vicinity, including Taiga.

The two students being surrounded by TFA, will SORD make it in time?

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