May 29, 2010 3:48 AM
(current for AP cases as of last published update, Dec. 2009) The following is a listing of all recorded cases and summation of the rulings involved. As a general rule, all cases ruled-on by the actual Anime Parliament will be considered part of the case law. It is designated here currently by the con-year system. Eventually it will be sorted by category. CONKEY: (rulings by this group will be designated as "MAL") ANXT = AnimeNEXT AUSA = AnimeUSA KTSU = Katsucon MNXT = MangaNEXT NYAF = New York Anime Festival NYCC = New York Comic Con OTKN = Otakon SHJC = Shoujocon Other abbrv: M = Marriage Court AM = Amendment PETA = People for the Ethical Treatment of Abominations PETC = People for Ethical Treatment of Chocobos 2002 SHJC-0201 People vs. Celestin: Case: Celestin’s attempt to evolve the human race. Verdict: Guilty of crimes against humanity. Result: No sentence determined SHJC-0202 Faye Valentine vs. Animators of Japan: Case: Female characters should be allowed to wear more. Verdict: Overturned, Result: motion changed to force male characters to wear less. 2003 SHJC-0301 Sango vs. Miroku Case: Restraining order, 50 feet. Verdict: One Year restraining order placed into effect. ANXT-0301 People vs. Chocolate Misu, Ms. Tiffany Grant representing Chocolate Case: Murder in the 1st degree Verdict: Acquitted of all charges. ANXT-0302 People vs. Yohji Kudo Case: Murder in the 1st degree Verdict: Justifiable homicide. ANXT-0303-W Wedding of Faye Valentine and Vash The Stampede Result: Vash turned in for bounty 2004 OTKN-0401 People vs. Usagi Tsukino Case: Usagi Tsukino is a bad friend, having abandoned Naru in numerous situations Verdict: Plea of Insanity accepted. Result: Miss Tsukino is to undergo therapy for ADHD OTKN-0402 PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Abominations) vs. Sephiroth Case: Murder in the first degree, ie. the Midgar Zolom Verdict: Fault linked back to Aerith Gainsborough, decision pending. OTKN-0403 People vs. Relena Peacecraft Case: Motion to remove Ms. Peacecraft from office. Arguments: failure to abide by the pacifistic nature of the Sanc Kingdom. Verdict: Due to her suicidal tendencies, Ms. Peacecraft will be removed from office. She will be replaced by a block of cheese, unanimously seen to have greater potential in the office. AUSA-0401 People vs. Lulu (FFX) Case: Negligence in protecting Yuna. Putting her in a suicidal position. Verdict: Guilty AUSA-0402-AM Establishment of new Age of Consent for Anime characters: 14 Cases used, Naruto, Eva, Gundam Wing, Last Exile AUSA-0403 People vs. Keroberos Case: Gross incompetence in teachings Verdict: Fate AUSA-0404 People vs. Spinel Sun Case: Public drunkenness & Destruction of public property Verdict: Guilty Result: Sentenced to 6 months in rehabilitation center AUSA-0405 People vs. Lina Inverse Case: Wanton destruction of public property Verdict: Guilty Result: Time served. Lina to be placed in the protective custody of her sister AUSA-0406 Nami (One Piece) vs. Doujinshi Artist Charges: Defamation of character Verdict: Guilty Result: Fined 28.75 mil + Royalties AUSA-0407 People vs. H. Haruko (FLCL) Case: Statuatory Rape; Contributing to the Delinquency of a minor; Child abuse Verdict: Guilty on all charges Result: Returned to custody of her planet; $50,000 fine; Indefinite exile from Earth 2005 ANXT-0501 People vs. Mario Case: Negligence of Occupation; Child Abuse (Koopa Kids); Illegal Animal Procuremen Verdict: Guilty, all charges Result: Sentenced to mental evaluation and custody by Yoshi’s tribe. ANXT-0502 People vs. King of All The Cosmos Case: Destruction of the stars and Flying under the influence Verdict: Destruction: Not guilty, by reason of ownership; Charge of Flying under the influence: Guilty Result: King of all the cosmos removed from office, unanimously replaced by the King, formerly known as prince. ANXT-0503 People vs. Summoner Yuna’s Party Case: Escape from Via Purifico Verdict: Guilty Result: Yuna to be chained at bottom of Via Infinito, with her party members individually dropped at various other levels. ANXT-0504 People vs. Miss Yukari (Azumanga Daioh) Case: Child Endangerment Verdict: Guilty Result: Loss of teaching license; Loss of drivers license (Reinstated 2006); 60 days community service ANXT-0505 PETA vs. Chibiusa Case: PETA Seeks to have Chibiusa reclassified from Abomination to Despicable Creature on the grounds that she gives abominations a bad name. Verdict: Approved Result: Chibiusa euthanized as despicable creature ANXT-0506 People vs. Celestin Case: Corruption of a minor Verdict: Not Guilty Result: Given free sushi as restitution ANXT-0506 People vs. Lina Inverse Case: Distribution of Pornography Verdict: Guilty OTKN-0501-AM Parliamentary Addendum Plushification: all characters that would otherwise be sentenced to death will be turned into UFO Catcher sized plushies. The fate of the plushies to be determined by Parliamentary decision. OTKN-0502 PETA vs. Ilpalazzo Case: Murder and Conspiracy Verdict: Guilty on both accounts. Result: Ilpalazzo sent to be a part of his own dating sim. OTKN-0503 People vs. Haruko (FLCL) Case: Destruction of Public Property Verdict: Guilty Result: Sentenced to eternity in hot pants OTKN-0504 People vs. Shido Hikaru (MKR) Case: Motion to remove Miss Shido from her position as pillar of Cephiro on reasons of: Assisted Suicide; Destruction of friends; Concern for her dog above the lives of the remainder of the planet. Verdict: Motion granted Result: Ms. Shido to be replaced by Menchi AUSA-0501 Sanji (One Piece) vs. Law Enforcement Case: Sanji requests bounty commiserate with his past history Verdict: Found in contempt of court, and charged with threatening of Parliamentary Magistrate and esquires. Result: Bounty set at $59,999. This bounty will move in relation to Zorro’s, staying at precisely $1.00 less at all times. AUSA-0502 People vs. American “Manga” Artists Case: Motion to remove the word “Manga” from any work originating from countries other than Japan. Verdict: Insertion of hyphenation for works originating from other countries. 2006 NYCC-0601 People vs. Hawaiian Shirts in Anime Case: Motion to remove all Hawaiian shirts from anime Verdict: Denied Result: Japan is now a penal colony for those with bad fashion. NYCC-0602 PETC (People for Ethical Treatment of Chocobos) vs. Chocobo Breeders Case: Motion to stop all chocobo inbreeding Verdict: Granted Result: Cloud must donate proceeds of his delivery service to Chocobo School for the Retarded. NYCC-0603-AM Photoshop Evidence is Valid in Parliament Deliberations NYCC-0604 People vs. Bobobo bo bobobo Result: Bobobo Bobobobo is fined four ‘Bo’s NYCC-0603-AM Case: Grenadier Reloading Style is now required for C cup or above Verdict: Approved NYCC-0604 Renewal of SHJC-0301 Miroku’s restraining order reinstated for a year. (Feb 25, 2006) ANXT-0601 People, on behalf of Yuko (XXX Holic) Case: Legalization of Opium Verdict: Only when used in for magical purposes. OTKN-0402-B PETA vs Sephiroth REVISITED Case: Due to recent information, it had been revealed that Rufus Shinra was still alive, and therefore due to be placed on trial for killing Midgar Zolom. Verdict: Guilty Result: Sephiroth to be turned over to the Fanboy populace ANXT-0602 Dragon Ball Z vs. Gravity Case: DBZ Characters constantly break static physics principles. Verdict: Guilty Result: Dragon Ball Z sentenced to Maalox & Scottish Toilet Paper ANXT-0603 Keisuke Uruhara v Ichigo (Bleach) Case: Uruhara suing Ichigo for destruction caused to his store during training, and failure to pay costs of the training itself. Verdict: Payment for services rendered granted. Payment for destruction of property, denied. ANXT-0604 Sakura vs Tomoyo Case: Tomoyo accused of stalking Verdict: Guilty Result: Destruction of all associated cameras and videos. ANXT-0504-B Miss Yukari (Azumanga Daioh), REVOTE on returning driving privileges Result: Reinstatement of License ANXT-0605 People vs. Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar Case: Fairies should no longer be permitted to “push” sugar on helpless children and adults, due to its corrupting nature. Verdict: Permission to distribute sugar removed. OTKN-0601 People vs. Knives (Trigun) Case: Due to his lifestyle and nature, Knives should not be permitted to smile Verdict: Motion Denied OTKN-0602 People vs. 4-Kids Verdict: Guilty, Always OTKN-0603 Physics vs. Jesse (Pokemon) Case: Hair defies all known laws of gravity Verdict: Case thrown out due to insubstantial evidence OTKN-0604-AM Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) is “The Man” OTKN-0605 Waldo (Where’s Waldo) vs. Carmen Sandiego Case: Carmen Sandiego accused of stealing the intellectual property of Waldo (ie, hiding in a variety of locations and time periods; populace is required to find them) Verdict: Guilty Result: All Carmen Sandiego franchises turned over to Waldo (hit it, Rockapella!) OTKN-0606 Gundam SEED Destiny vs. Gundam SEED Case: Gundam SEED Characters accused of Grand Theft Plotline Verdict: Guilty Result: All characters except Lt. Ramius of the Archangel to be plushified and given to the fangirl populace. Archangel and Lt. Ramius to be turned over as property of Magistrate 2007 ANXT-0701 Pokemon vs. Employers Case: Motion to establish labor union; 40 Hour work week; 2 week paid vacation/yr Verdict: Approved ANXT-0702 PETA, on behalf of tentacle monsters Case: Motion to grant equal rights to all tentacle monsters: Verdict: Approved ANXT-0703 People vs. the ZAFT Alliance Case: Gross mismanagement of human resources Verdict: Guilty Result: Zap Brannigan (Futurama) placed in as new leader of ZAFT alliance ANXT-0704 People vs. Kikiyo Case: Soul reaping w/o a license Verdict: Guilty Result: Janken and Shippo to be made parole officers, and Kikiyo is to be hired by the soul society. ANXT-0705 People vs. Mario Case: Substance abuse Verdict: Guilty Result: Mario is to re-watch all of his life events a la Robot Chicken. OTKN-0701 Mikuru Asahina vs. Haruhi Suzumiya Case: Inappropriate contact and exploitation. Arguments: The so-called “inappropriate acts” are commonplace in Japan, and sometimes qualify as greetings. Secondly, Haruhi is god, and thus Mikuru is merely a figment of Haruhi’s imagination, therefore having no rights. Verdict: Not-Guilty OTKN-0702 Citizens of Ivalice vs. Delita Hyral (FFT) Charge: Crimes against humanity, war crimes, murder, usurpation of the throne, kidnapping and desertion of his post. Arguments: Actions were taken in the best interest of the state. Verdict: Not-Guilty MNXT-0701 People vs. Elfen Lied Case: To decide the fate of main characters Result: Nana: Released to Kouta’s custody Nyu: Relseased to the custody of the Magistrate Kuroma: Plushified, given to Nyu MNXT-0702 Sango vs. Naraku Case: Labor laws. Motion to free children under Naraku’s control, and plushify Naraku. Verdict: Guilty; Approved Result: Children freed, Naraku to be made mortal and given to detachments (ie Kagura) MNXT-0703 Shinigami #438 vs. the Ice Maidens of Yu Yu Hakusho Charge: Infanticide Background: If a child is born male in the Ice Maiden society, it is killed. Verdict: Guilty Result: All Ice Maidens to be made male. 2008 ANXT-0801 Motion to Clarify use of Death Note to Collect Bounties/Rewards Cited: • Potential of monopoly. • Potential to start a war or other conflict. Verdict: Use for that purpose is illegal. ANXT-0802 Zack vs. Cloud (FF7) Charge: Identity theft Arguments: • Cited Hair, sword, insertion of self into Zack’s memories. • Cloud’s insanity discredited due to Lifestream being considered a controlled substance. Verdict: Not Guilty ANXT-0803 People vs. Kirby Charge: Cannabalism and Scalping Arguments: • Other food is shown to be available to Kirby • Being cute should negate illegal actions Verdict: Guilty of Thievery, not of murder Sentence: UNplushification ANXT-0804 People vs. Mario (SMB) Charge: Theft (coins, mushrooms, etc.) Verdict: Payment for services rendered. ANXT-0805 People v. Silent Hill Case: Motion to change motto Suggestions: • Home of the 3rd largest ball of twine • The last vacation you’ll ever need • Silent Hill: At least it’s better than the movie Verdict: Option 3 ANXT-0806 Motion to Grant Civil Rights to Zombies Arguments: By definition, zombies are individuals inflicted with a disease, causing the well known symptoms. Verdict: Civil rights will be granted on those zombies who can be converted to vegans. ANXT-0807 People vs. Kurama and the Japanese Government (Elfen Lied) Charge: Sexual deviancy and exploitation of minors. Arguments: Diclonus tortured and held captive while disrobed, brought in at age ~3-4 Verdict: Guilty Sentence: Reassembly of Kurama and the individuals responsible. After use of Phoenix Down to reanimate them, they will be handed over to Deathklok. NYAF-08-01 People vs. Unrequited Love/Love Triangle Stories Arguments: Focused on InuYasha Verdict: General consensus to have Inuyasha tortured, while Kikiyo and Kagome watch. NYAF-08-02 People, on behalf of Light Yagami Case: Can Light Yagami be convicted of murder in his own universe, due to use of the Death Note *Case delayed, see AUSA-08-01 NYAF-08-03 People vs. Irresponsible Parents Case: Children in anime are often seen striking out on their own, or finding themselves in dangerous situations, while no parental supervision is seen. Verdict: Parliament agrees that these parents are merely allowing their children to express themselves. NYAF-08-04 People vs. Characters that are “Too Cosplayble” Case: Too many times there are characters, whether focal points or background, who do not change outfits for the duration of a series. (ex: Vash, Wolfwood, Spike, Ed Elric, etc.). This causes an overabundance of the same cosplay at various conventions. Verdict: Any character within a series must have a 5 costume minimum. AUSA-08-01 Continuation of NYAF-08-01 Arguments: L is an American citizen, subjecting him to the laws of his country Verdict: Case dismissed AUSA-08-02 People vs. Setsuna F. Seiei Case: Terrorism, bombings, etc. Arguments: Acting on behalf of Celestial Being. “Only following orders;” Most acts were against military organizations/structures, not civilians; Setsuna thinks he is “Gundam” Verdict: Plea of insanity accepted AUSA-08-03 Anime v. Biology Case: In many instances, the death of a character results in a substantial blood loss. Technically, the amount of blood lost by a character is significantly greater than the amount that can be held within a normal individual. Arguments: Excess should be donated; “Artistic license” Verdict: Establishment of committee to determine blood use of anime characters. Committee to consist of: Dr. Tenma, Kenshin, Eva Unit 1, Vegeta and Edward Elric AUSA-08-04 People v. Droppable floors (Code Geass) Case: Use of droppable floors considered unbalanced, considering that a floor does not need to be present in order for this action to be used. Motion: Magistrate given a Code Geass Brand “Drop the floor” button. Verdict: Zero to be dropped through the floor. MNXT-08-01 People v. The Will of the Macrocosm (Excel Saga) Case: Macrocosm shows preferential treatment towards excel, only coming to arrive her, neglecting individuals such as Pedro. Verdict: Guilty Result: Macrocosm will be transformed into a weighted companion cube. MNXT-08-02 People v. Extended Combat and Flashback Scenes Case: Too often, anime series will go into multiple-episode flashbacks which hold no relevance to the plot or un-necessarily extend the length of a time period. Arguments: Possible author reprieve for writers block? Verdict: Battles and flashbacks of this nature are un-necessary. Result: 10 minute limit on flashbacks per season for each character that actively contributes to the plot. Decision on extended battles TBD. MNXT-08-03 People on behalf of Kotaro (Negima) Case: Kotaro is omitted from the anime regardless of the important part he played in the same story arc in the manga. Verdict: Kotaro to be given spin off series “The secret life of Kotaro” in which Negi will be omitted. 2009 KTSU-0901 Meiji Property and Casualty Insurance Group vs. the City and Metropolitan District of Tokyo Argument: Plaintiff sought judgment in the form of abandoning their insurance policy or completely depopulating the city, citing its extreme vulnerability to meteors, Godzilla, Tokyo Tower turning into a Decepticon and rampaging, Akira, Tetsuo, the planet Cephiro, et al. Result: Motion failed to carry based upon the fact that MPCI Group would thusly be infringing upon their own insurance contract, forcing them to sue themselves and seek a settlement from themselves in the same court. A compromise from both sides was struck: A) Godzilla and all instruments of destruction would carry a new usage and excise tax with damage deposits payable direct to the bondholder (MPCI Group), B) All Godzilla-based attacks will be opened up by the Magistrate to allow sponsorship opportunities to offset damage bills (This Godzilla attack is brought to you by Pepsi: the choice of a new generation of tokusatsu monsters). Motion carried on the compromise measure. KTSU-0902 People vs. Link Charges: Breaking and entering, vandalism, grave robbery, chicken molestation, unlicensed concealed Triforce. Arguments: Hero exemption was proposed, which was bargained to a hero discount on all destruction of deeded property and/or receipted goods, payable in Rupees. Whenever possible, the government of Hyrule will Endeavour to post signs warning of Link-based crime: "It's dangerous to go alone!" An attempt to list Princess Zelda and the Throne of Hyrule was proposed but dismissed. Even though she was totally asking for it by wearing that dress in front of Ganondorf, you can't blame the Princess for getting rescued and a million townspeople needing Link to "sidequest" through their chests and drawers in search of a few extra arrows or bombs. Result: Link sentenced to a Bull-Chickening for 15 minutes' time and ordered to make reparations for destroyed property. KTSU-0903 Alucard v. Edward Cullen Charge: Attempted Badassery Theft. Alucard and his representative argued that there is no way that any current vampire can compare on the badassery scale, and in fact, all of Twilight turns vampiric badassery on its head by attempting to apply it to a human scale. Result: Evidence was brought to indicate separate biological phyla of vampires (Draculus redcoatus, Draculus alucardus, Draculus sparklewuss, etc.). KTSU-0904 People v. Naruto Charge: Indecent exposure in the form of Sexy no Jutsu. Result: Case thrown out by the entirety of Parliament, contending that there is absolutely nothing indecent about Sexy no Jutsu - it is VERRRRRY decent, no matter what the jutsu origin. KTSU-0905 People vs. Hideo Kojima Charge: Failure to produce a Metal Gear anime in the slice-of-life genre. Arguments: Argumentation against the need for a Metal Gear anime was countered by the possibility of involving cross-dressing and Bollywood-style musical numbers of an ensemble cast of the Metal Gear mecha themselves. Result: Hideo Kojima was given 180 days, upon pain of plushification and being written into the plot of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, to produce a working storyboard for the series. ANXT-0901 People vs. Lelouch (Code Geass) Charges: Having too many worshippers for an evil character. Result: Since it is more the fans fault than the characters, the decision was made to simply plushify the world. ANXT-0902 People vs. Square-Enix Charge: Too many sequels Argument: Square has made too many sequels to games, with only simple variations on previous themes. Result: Square needs to first take a dartboard with a list of possible themes, and the devs will simply throw darts to decide on a basic theme. As far as recurring themes, or an underlying theme, they will throw a dart in the middle of the office, and whatever it hits will be a focus of the game (pencil sharpener, garbage can, etc.) ANXT-0903 People vs. Fae Wong Reed (Tsubasa) Charges: Murder – No Contest; Kidnapping – Guilty Result: Reed is to be stripped of his powers, cloned, and the original is to be given to Yuuko as a slave. The remaining are to be perpetually cloned, plushified, and fed to Mokona. ANXT-0904 Case: Declaration of Team Rocket as Humanitarians. Argument: Regardless of their initial motives, the “evil” acts performed by Team Rocket always result in the cessation of hostilities between Ash and whatever other character(s) are present in an episode. Result: Granted, by reason of insanity. ANXT-0901AA People vs. Kikiyo (InuYasha) Case: Medical malpractice and Pyronecrophilia Argument: Burn treatment without a license, falling in love with Naraku who (at the time) was a burn victim who later died by allowing himself to be consumed by demons. Verdict: Medical Malpractice - Not Guilty; Pyronecrophilia - Guilty Sentence: Spirit form made anatomically correct, warmed up by the "Cool Thing" then given to Meroku to bear his children. ANXT-0902AA People vs. Yami Yugi Charges: Trespassing & Rape Argument: Rape is classified as any sort of "penetration" without the consent of the person involved. Mental posession counts on both trespassing and rape charges. Verdict: Guilty Sentence: Yami Yugi to be given a real body, with a bakura spirit. ANXT-0903AA People vs. Bowser (King Koopa) Charges: False Advertising (Your princess is in another castle) Verdict: Not Guilty, Bowser to be found as hero of Mario universe, citing Princess Peach's drug cartel (peddling 'shrooms). Bowser was simply removing this threat from society and locking her up. Result: New game: Super King Koopa (funded by Peach); Peach to be given purple mushroom, then canned. OTKN-0901 DO-XIII vs. Kohei (Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase) Charges: Double Pedophilia & Rape Arguments: Hazuki, Body of a 12 year old with a 2,000 year old mentality; Kohei, Not 12. Sidequest: Vampire age conversion: CHECK WITH DO XIII Verdict: Case thrown out b/c both are over the age of consent; Kohei declared a dumbass NYAF-0901 People vs. "Boy Band" trend in Gundam Verdict: No chage in dynamic. "Boy Band" trend brings in female viewers who might not otherwise watch the series. NYAF-0902 People vs. Dragonball Z Charges: Child endangerment (Gohan) & Negligence Arguments: Having been turned over to Piccolo, gohan was repeatedly beaten, demoralized and forced to continue. Verdict: Child Endangerment: Not Guilty; Child Negligence: Guilty Sentence: Goku & Piccolo to be locked in a capsule for 13 days with Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers AUSA-0901 DO-XIII vs. Phoenix Wright Charges: Using false legal methods: Badgering, etc. to win cases. Argument: All PW cases should be overturned and subject to mistrial due to PW's illegal methods of securing a verdict. Verdict: Approved AUSA-0902 People vs. Vampire Culture Case: Vampires are shown in a multitude of lights, with varying societal structures, methods and ideals. No standard exists to which the Vampire society must hold to. Result: Council to be formed in order to determine future standards for Vampiric society. Mortal Kombat tournament to be held in order to determine the fittest members. 2010 MAL-1001 Geriatrics v. Pokemon Case: The creators of Pokemon do not age their characters. Verdict: Dismissed due to lack of evidence. However, the creators of Pokemon were cautioned that they would be monitored for further trends towards pedophilia. |
Mr_PandaJun 15, 2010 6:40 AM
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