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Mar 26, 2023 11:25 AM

Jan 2020
So I've recently watched TT#144 on youtube ("We
Watched The Most CURSED hentai") and in the comment section I've found probably The best explanation of Euphoria's plot I've seen to date. And after reading it I realised that I definitely would've love to have it available to read here after watching the series for the first time (also I feel like the demand for explanation is still present).
Here is the full comment without any edits on my side (props to ammar asyraf for explaining this whole thing):

"so i just played euphoria (the visual novel) a few weeks ago and i feel like explaining most of the plot here for fun:

so the basic premise is the same; keisuke (protagonist) wakes up in an underground facility that's full of white walls together with six other girls (nemu, kanae, rinne, rika, natsuki and the class prez). then as shown in the hentai adaptation, the class prez blatantly stated that she did not want to participate in the game and dies. and so, keisuke was given the task of being the unlocker, choosing any keyhole (the girls) to his liking to perform sexual acts together for each round. and there's a total of 5 rounds, with 2 bonus games for the usage of the VIP room somewhere in between the 5 rounds. for each round keisuke and the girl he chose completed, a door will be unlocked, making escape closer. the sexual act performed can vary from super vanilla to super fucked up, such as just wearing a sexy underwear and masturbating together to a lot of whipping and BDSM.

now, to explain the world of euphoria, the collar strapped on their necks are capable of manipulating their consciousness and subconsciousness, with one person from the crowd able to do the manipulation (will be revealed later). this is to explain some things in the vn like; how did the box used for the acts disappear without any sign of someone entering the room keisuke and the girl he chose was in? it should also be know that keisuke's beast inside him that just want to ravage every single girl is actually the collar's doing, when in fact he was just a normal boy (explained in the true ending).

so after keisuke and the girls finished all 5 rounds of the game, keisuke fainted and when he wakes up, he finds himself alone in the facility and now it's time for the second game, where he needs to save the girls from dying. this game is short, as it was just "will keisuke save her or not?" rather than the first game where there were much more rounds. regardless of who is saved and who isn't, they eventually escaped the facility, only for keisuke to be woke up in a shelter.

so this is where it gets complicated. so in the vn, in order to get a certain heroine's ending, you have to choose her for the entirety of the five rounds (for example, if you want to go to nemu route, you have to choose her 5 times in the first game). the changes were not made apparent until after keisuke wake up in that shelter and decided to go outside and call for help. in doing so, he discovered that his school is near, so he decided to go there. in doing so, he witnessed something terrible; a massive gangrape, orchestrated by nemu, the girl who's always annoy the shit out of keisuke in the white facility.

to make this simple, let me explain the important routes for the plot of euphoria.

the important routes for understanding of the plot is rinne, nemu and kanae. (i would be explaining the main ending for each girl)
before that, one thing to know is the white facility where the sex games is conducted is actually based on the real white facility in the real world. the real white facility is a place where researchers work on a project called "sleeping princess and paradise". i'll come back to this later.

let's start with rinne. if you choose her 5 times during the first game, when keisuke escaped the white facility, and once you discovered what happened in the school, rinne will help you and you will discover that rinne is a leader to a religious cult. long story short, the cult worships the dear leader, who is rinne's dead mother, who believes in the birth of a messiah, who will lead humanity to "paradise". so here's the thing about rinne being keisuke's daughter. it's true that rinne and keisuke is almost the same in age, but when rinne was first born, she developed a disorder that make her genderless. dear leader was not happy with her child, as she wants to bear a child who's a boy and only a boy can be the messiah. so things happened and dear leader decided to kidnapped a boy from a hospital to rape him and have his seed. dear leader gets pregnant and asks the researchers in the white facility to fasten the growth of the "messiah" inside her womb. the researchers agreed, on a condition of rinne being send to them. she complied, and they fused the zygote in her womb with rinne, and that leads to the genderless rinne being a girl. and the boy who was raped by dear leader is none other than keisuke. so that's why rinne is keisuke's "daughter", as she had his genes inside of her.

now moving on to nemu. when you choose nemu 5 times, the same thing after that happened until the school arc. keisuke was captured by nemu, she tortured the other girls, and the ending is nemu giving him a choice to fuck kanae (kanae is his "childhood friend") to the death (not specified how as keisuke quickly rejected the offer) or kill nemu. he tried to kill nemu, but a slight hesitation on his part resulted in him getting struck from the back from possibly nemu's henchmen(?) and slowly dying. before he closed his eyes, he saw a crying nemu, who said "why can't you kill me?"

now, kanae. you actually can't choose kanae for the first game until you completed nemu's route. when you choose kanae 5 times, the same thing in nemu's route happened until the part where keisuke had to choose to basically kill nemu or kanae. but this time, keisuke managed to snap nemu's neck, thus ending the "game". after that, keisuke woke up in the white room once again, but this time he's alone and the one in front of him is his childhood friend, kanae in a scientist's suit. (right now, he's actually in the real world, and in the real white facility) kanae then explains that the sex games and everything that happened until he snapped nemu's neck is all just VR. she also revealed to keisuke that she's the mastermind of everything that happens up to this point, with keisuke finding it hard to believe. (basically, kanae is not his childhood friend, she's pretending to be one) kanae mentioned that she 'lost the bet' and has to send keisuke back to 'her'. though after some more manipulation (as keisuke in the real world is still wearing the collar), kanae brings him to meet 'her', which is nemu.

so, to explain what happened before the event of the VR, the "project paradise" is an experiment, in which people who participated can achieve eternal euphoria through constant dreaming, and that can be activated by the presence of the "sleeping princess". the sleeping princess would provide the dreams for the people, and acts as the core for the project. and nemu was chosen as the sleeping princess for the next generation. in order for a sleeping princess to work splendidly, she had to face and witness many trauma to the point of wanting to not live in the world and preferred dying over living. but it turns out that nemu is a little mentally stronger than they expected due to a certain boy.

so when nemu was little, she met keisuke, who's just hanging out in his secret base alone when she was trying to escape the facility. nemu becomes friends with keisuke and due to her being confined in the facility since who knows when, she ended up not knowing a lot about the world. keisuke teaches her and from that, they developed a wholesome relationship that teached nemu to keep looking forward to life, even if the things in her life is fucked up. eventually, they were spotted and nemu was taken back to the facility and keisuke was taken to the hospital because the researchers forces nemu to delete keisuke's memory about her. (it was later revealed that his memory didn't get deleted by kanae as she had a plan to make nemu the perfect sleeping beauty.) nemu then grows up in the facility, while not forgetting about keisuke and their promises to go see the stars together. during this period, she witnessed and experienced so many trauma, but as stated above, managed to hold on due to her memories of keisuke.

one day, the researchers decided to make nemu experience going to school together with kanae as they are the same age (kanae's plan) and they enrolled in the school that keisuke was studying in. they managed to reconcile and was spending their school lives happily when suddenly, a murder game was executed in the school. keisuke stayed with nemu throughout the murder game, and in the end was about to capture the mastermind when suddenly keisuke was impaled with a metal stick on his body. it was revealed that all of that are kanae's plan to bring out the sleeping princess inside of nemu, and it worked as nemu lose all hope in humanity as she was carrying the almost unconscious and dead keisuke in her arms. before following kanae's orders, nemu begged kanae to save keisuke and she agreed on a condition that they all will be placed inside of a VR and should he kill nemu in the end, he will be free and can go to nemu but if he kill kanae in the VR, keisuke will be kanae's pet for the rest of his life.

but since keisuke killed nemu in the VR, so now he is free to go. he decided to meet nemu one more time and after hopping into the VR again (this time the paradise), he meets nemu and the player can choose to stay inside the paradise with nemu, or tries to get nemu out of the paradise and live the real wolrd together (basically, would you want to live in a beautiful dream, or a cruel reality). should you choose the latter, it will bring you to the main ending of euphoria, as keisuke escapes the facility and after a few years, saves nemu.

that should be everything that you need to know about euphoria! i tried to simplify this as much as possible but this still takes a lot of time. i would say that euphoria, at least the main ending, is a love story that gets overshadowed by the main appeal of the game, which is the gore fetish bait. it's still a good read for me, and though i wouldn't really recommend it to people, i would say that when it was first released, it was a masterpiece. thanks for reading!"

I feel like I've got everything I wondered about this series from this explanation. (For me the perfect order to Euphoria was: watch the series -> read the explanation -> rewatch it after some time).
If you have to add something interesting, feel free to comment, 'cause I would like to see if there are any more interesting plot lines left.
LexxuryMar 26, 2023 11:39 AM
Mar 26, 2023 11:13 PM
Oct 2019
Reading that explanation (without having played the game) sorta makes some almost done watching the ova out of curiosity.
Also hello fellow trash taste enjoyer 🖖😈
Oct 18, 2023 6:39 AM
Aug 2020
Holy Shit that's somewho makes sense
Nov 13, 2023 8:15 AM

Sep 2016
Here's my explanation: the plot is some random bullshit from a highly brainrotten author who has some of the most disgusting fethishes imaginable.
Jan 6, 2024 6:47 PM
Jan 2024
Hey I know its been a really long time since this thread has been active, but there was always one plot point that confused me. As you know in the "True/Real Ending" (In other words, choosing to reject living in Paradise with Nemu and going to find her in the real world), I was wondering how Nemu exists in the real world? Is the Nemu (the sleeping beauty/gates of paradise one) a VR/fake? Just wanted to understand.

IIRC, I think Kanae actually manages to grab Nemu from the company, i'll update this once I replay the route.

Other than that I think you did a great job clarifying the plot, thank you!
RaienkaiJan 6, 2024 6:51 PM
Feb 15, 2024 4:36 PM
Jan 2023
Been tryna understand the whole plot after watching the hentai, so kanae is the villain?
Mar 3, 2024 3:25 AM
Dec 2013
Thank you very much! This was very helpful!
Apr 23, 2024 8:59 AM

Feb 2019
Thanks for explaining so I don't have to finish the VN i played
May 31, 2024 1:25 AM

Jul 2020
This helped me with some questions I had left after finishing the anime. Really helped me understood, thanks! Would you say though, that the anime was well adapted?
May 31, 2024 3:50 AM

Jan 2020
Reply to sunatsf
This helped me with some questions I had left after finishing the anime. Really helped me understood, thanks! Would you say though, that the anime was well adapted?
@sunatsf I would say on its own it was fine.
For anime-only viewers, it leaves you with some unresolved mysteries, questions and theories, so that might be fun.
Was it a faithful adaptation? No.
But was it well *adapted*? Yea. Maybe the anime differs from its source material, but it's still good in its own ways.
Dec 8, 2024 10:35 PM

Feb 2014
Lexxury said:
regardless of who is saved and who isn't, they eventually escaped the facility, only for keisuke to be woke up in a shelter.

Actually, that IS important.
It's impossible to save Natsuki, but if Keisuke is unable to save another person, then they're unable to open the vault and he dies by forcing himself too much.

Lexxury said:
and the ending is nemu giving him a choice to fuck kanae (kanae is his "childhood friend") to the death (not specified how as keisuke quickly rejected the offer)

It is specified, it's just censored to the player.
We actually get to see what happens in the "Devil Ending".

Lexxury said:
(it was later revealed that his memory didn't get deleted by kanae as she had a plan to make nemu the perfect sleeping beauty.)

His memories DID get deleted, but he was able to recall them.
It is explained that it is not enough to delete surface memories, in order for them to be truly gone you have to delete the feeling associated with them, otherwise something can "trigger" then to somewhat come back.

Dec 8, 2024 10:41 PM

Feb 2014
Lexxury said:
kanae then explains that the sex games and everything that happened until he snapped nemu's neck is all just VR.

While that was the same interpretation I had, I heard people interpreting that, at the very least, the school section was "real" (Likely had a ton of false memories from the collars involved, though), because otherwise there's no explanation as to why Rinne lost her arms.
And if that interpretation is true, therefore the endings of every other route happen in the real world (Natsuki's and Rika's, at the very least. Rinne's case is... complicated).

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