Welcome To Holo Interviews. The #1 Interviews Club in the world!
Today we have the Top Archaeologist and Chef of The Holoist Society, Yugioh World Champion, and much appreciated member of the Holoist and MAL Community; @a105 He is very knowledgeable on anime, Yugioh and the Cultured World; and today he's here to speak with us; a105 everybody!
Hey all so as I said, I'll be doing my interview and such today soooooooo
What is it about Holo that drew you to her and that you love?
The serious sass and such and can give on the daily...that and she has some seriously good quotes and moments.
Oh I see that sass everyday at home; now, how did you get into anime, and when did you meet our One True Waifu, Holo The Wisewolf?
This all stems back to my school days as one of my good old friends had the glory of introducing the fledgling me to the world of anime, fucker got me to watch Clannad as one of my first ones.
What do you want to happen in season 3 of Holo's Show?
I want the full story adapted. Plain and simple
@HollowNightWolf - How did you end up in the community? Mutual friend? Random on MAL?
So to start off, any clubs relating to our lovely wolf I'll most likely end up joining and I'm also one of the type of people who will just randomly explore and travel from place to place
Apart from Holo, what other characters/waifus and shows are your favorite?
It varies from day to day as it's a list that changes based on my mood, generally my top 3 waifus are Holo, Echidna and Maple
You've expressed your appreciation for waifus with hats from Eiko in Paripi Koumei; which non-hat wearing waifus do you think would look great in a hat?
For that one I would have to say the best choice would be Makise Kirisu
Which anime or manga do you feel is very overrated? And also one that is very underrated?
Overrated: Attack on Titan. Underrated: Usagi Drop
Do you feel you have any anime takes that would be deemed controversial?
Mmmm that me saying my hero academia is wayyy over hyped
What kind of music are you into in general, and do you have any favorite Anime OST's
As of right now my favorite anime ost is the ost for Initial D
If you could live in the world of an anime you've seen or manga you've read, which would it be and why?
My first response to being Isekaid is always no as I really enjoy the life I live here. But If I had to pick it would be Yu-Gi-Oh simply cause I'm going to make sure that anyone who tries to take my soul is gonna have to earn it
Outside of anime, what interests do you have/like to do for fun?
Well I'm an avid player of the game Dead by Daylight and I also love to cook
Speaking of games, You are the Yugioh Champion of The Holoist Society and our foremost expert on the game. Do you have any advice on deck building, playing the game and collecting cards in general?
My advice on the game first is just not to play it. Its very very complex and hard to learn but once you learn how to play it becomes somewhat fun. As for deck building and such, that's a toughie as most decks are built on personal preference. My favorite deck is either Noble Knights or Galaxy-Eyes
That's a really interesting perspective as it speaks to the difficulty in learning the game and being good at it. Now, we both love this game. From one man of culture to another. Who's your favorite Nekopara girl and why?
Maple because I love her design and her ears
As our Top Archaeologist, you are big into figure collecting. Why did you decide to buy figures, what was the first one you bought and do you have a favorite figure?
The first one I bought was my Shenron that sits in the middle of my set of Dragonballs, and as for a favorite, it's hard to say. My one nude Holo gets bonus points for obvious reasons ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Adimus_prime - Is there anything that you and HoloisHolo agree about when it comes to Myuri or is it just always you two butting heads?
Our gracious cult leader has decided to deny Myuri the existence she deserves as the canon daughter to Holo and thus it kinda annoys me when someone ignores canon for basically no reason soooo not really, I don't think we'll ever come to an agreement. I'm also partial to white hair on my waifus unless something else major draws me away.
Because Myuri is a threat to The Holoist Society. She falsely claims to be Holo's daughter in her imaginary belief in order to try and attain equal power to Holo so she can overthrow Holo. But we will defend and protect Holo.
Why do you continue to support the Myurian Regime and overthrowing Holo for Myuri when Holo and our Holoist Fighters liberated the people of Myuria from the oppressive Myuri regime and is now a republic under The Holoist Society.
These statements you make are false, we both came to an agreement to coexist, you saying that the myurian regime is gone is pure propaganda*
*This statement is Pro-Myurian and not endorsed by Holo and The Holoist Society
Now another interesting thing I find is, You have documented your adventures in reaching the 1000 episode mark for One Piece. Would you like to tell us your take on One Piece and why for those who haven't seen it, why they should embark on the 1000+ episode journey?
It's quite literally one of the greatest Shounen anime ever made. Legit has more moments that are 10/10 then any other show and compared to almost all other large Shounen anime it has little to no filler so almost every episode is cannon to the story. The show will make you feel the feels and be hype for when the straw hat pirates go to whoop some ass also things mentioned in passing do come back around so nothing is really pointless in the show.
Wow that was a really passionate outpouring for One Piece. Like the story itself, It is a tough journey to embark on but it is worth it and I trust your opinion on this. Everyone should embark on the One Piece Journey. And on that note, that's all the time we have, I'm really glad that you were the first guest for Holo Interviews and that we could do it again here today. Seeing how long of a way our Holoist Republic has come in overtaking MAL Interviews. It's incredible really. Thank you.
And so ends the pry into the mind of the heretic known as a105 |