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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
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Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi
Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi
Mar 9, 3:28 AM
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Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Jou-hen
Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Jou-hen
Mar 2, 10:30 AM
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Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki
Feb 3, 2023 11:38 AM
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Ookami to Koushinryou
Feb 15, 2022 12:13 AM
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Ookami to Koushinryou
Ookami to Koushinryou
Feb 15, 2022 12:07 AM
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MichaelL124 Mar 3, 2024 4:04 PM
Happy birthday!
SohEasy Feb 6, 2023 9:05 PM
Just finished watching InuYasha and what a journey that was! Literally, a trip down memory lane.
Throughout the episodes I unlocked so many childhood memories I had already long forgotten... Like wrapping a rosary on my right hand or drawing Kikyō's Shinidamachūs... In fact, I had those drawn all over the place when I was a kid, but now, only after seeing them on screen again was I able to remember the meaning of those "flying serpents" I used to try to replicate.
It's been a long time since I felt so attached to a show, especially its characters. Now that it's all over, it feels like a part of me is missing.

Anyways, I just wanted to share a little bit of what I'm feeling right now with someone who would probably understand what I'm saying haha
Hope you're doing fine.
Have a great week!
GodOfWolves Dec 25, 2022 11:56 AM
Merry Christmas!
SohEasy Mar 3, 2022 5:54 AM
Happy birthday!
Here is your gift:

Well, it's not the real Blue-Eyes, but it's yours :)
Just try to avoid getting obsessed with defeating a certain pharaoh...
SohEasy Feb 16, 2022 6:02 AM
A Blue-Eyes fan... Like oil and water, I'm on the Dark Magician's team xD
In fact, Sorcerer of Dark Magic has been my favorite card since the day I watched Hikari no Pyramid... over 15 years ago... Dear lord, time flies.
Anyways, too bad only Yuugi can pull out this card in a tournament - and win.

Unfortunately, Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links is all or nothing when it comes to donating. You either learn how to manage your gems like a professional economist and try to survive without spending a dyme or be prepared to waste a ton of money to get three copies of an Ultra Rare. It sucks.
I'm not sure if it's the same, but some years ago - way before DL - I recall playing on a site where all TCG cards were available and free. However, I wasn't good at English in the past, so I guess I might have quit after seeing Endymion's text for the first time.

Oh, the censorship in this anime/game is funny - to say the least. Sometimes I kinda get it a little bit, but 99% of the other cases are just completely stupid. I did know there were more "games" appart from the duel monsters during season zero, but not that people died in the process... Seems like the shadow realm looked a little different back then lol
I'll definitely read/watch it in the near future.

I know right, it's been quite some time since I last talked about these kind of things. Even though I'm still playing, the handful of times I discussed it were always meta-related stuff.
This brief conversation we had made me remember how much I love Yu-Gi-Oh :)
Have a good day and take care!
SohEasy Feb 15, 2022 7:28 AM
That's totally understandable. Most of the times I get notifications, I don't have time to answer at the moment, so I end up forgetting too... Despite truly believing I would remember.

I'm also more into collecting cards nowadays, lol. Unfortunately, I stopped playing Yu-Gi-Oh irl when I moved to another school and realized nobody cared about my beloved monster cards. People would only play Pokemon TCG, so I had to adapt my hobbies... It wasn't difficult though, Pokemon always had a big space in my heart.
What brought me back to the game was the creation of Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links, which I've been playing for almost 5 years already. But I still keep all my collections from both franchises safe and sound, waiting for me to graduate and start working so I can afford to continue my hunt for the cards I dreamed as a child.

Yeah, I've seen some pieces of the "season zero" here and there. Looking back, it's quite funny to think that was the original idea for the series. Do you know if the "darker stuff" was censored in both east and west? Because I remember many scenes/cards from the "4kids" version I watched as a kid were different than the original.
Speaking of 4kids, I don't usually watch dubbed anime, but I love the Portuguese version I grew up with. Nostalgia aside, there are so many flaws it becomes hilarious, specially when it comes to translation mistakes like confusing moth with mouth or curse with course (yes, they translated - or at least tried to - from the English version and not the source material, smh). Now, imagine Weevil calling his cards "Larvae Mouth", "Great Mouth", "Perfectly Ultimate Great Mouth" for entire seasons, lmao.
Uuh, I think I got carried away with the subject...

Thanks for taking the time to write such a complete answer to my question, I really appreciate that!
Hope we can talk about stuff like this again!
Rosssally1994 Dec 15, 2021 3:26 PM
Thank you for accepting it! <3 my pleasure!
SohEasy Dec 10, 2021 10:59 PM
Hello, how are you?
I just saw your review of the first InuYasha movie, decided to check your profile and ended up bumping into one of my favorite Naruto OSTs... What a pleasant surprise.
Anyways, I also spotted that you're reading Yu-Gi-Oh, which is a card game I play to this day. So, it left me wondering, do you think the manga is as good as the anime or, maybe, even better? As for now, I'm halfway through watching it for the second time, but somehow it never occurred to me reading the original material.
GodOfWolves Dec 10, 2021 7:07 PM
Hey, sorry idk what happened but I never realized you had replied till now, so that's my bad. And yeah the effects can linger for a while, sense of taste and a few family members who had it say they've had aches in their joints ever since.
Lol well that's still cool as far as your job, and I'm sure it pays decently enough :)

Yeah its a real shame on inuyasha and thinking on it i did see an anime that did that, its a childish one but called teasing master takagi, - funimation did season 1 and netflix did season 2 and changed the VAs, and gotta say it wasn't the same at all, the chemistry was all off.

Damnnn that's a bummer on loosing the books :/ and to the person you were dating, that's very shyster like of them - But cool you've moved on and things seem to being going better for ya - and i could imagine that with log horizon with the strategy things they do - i did like season 1 and sortaaa 2, but 3 was bad, hopefully the books were better for you though. I do figure it was just a cheap money grab as far as the anime went.

Cool, glad i wasn't over doin it, and i rather enjoy a good message back and forth as well, like ya said might as well just get it all out at once lol. Ill still try to keep it short and finally wrap it up, shadows house was fun, The chapters are quick reads, only 16 pages - Though there are a lot of surprises, i don't wanna spoil too much, the mystery has been most of the fun for me so far, but the real horror and story starts about 50 chapters in, there's 120 now, but i think i read close to 105 by the end of august and 2 are released a month. - The anime did an original ending as a heads up as well.

But the manga is like these living dolls, but you're not sure if they're dolls or human at first, and then there's the shadow family and they emit all this soot and black matter, that can turn into clingers, like little hedgehog black soot bunnys or something? lmao, but its rather entertaining and then it gets extremely dark. - Some soot creatures can posses the dolls then they have to drink water to wash it out of their system, which is a bit more brutal than it sounds when you see it... So its like a weird combination of happier moments and slices of horror inbetween, some moments are noble like, prim, proper, others are grim and out of order.
a105 Oct 22, 2021 6:03 AM
ok you and the woman in my life would get along great, you both love inuyasha. now i would highly recommend clannad...such a great anime
GodOfWolves Oct 13, 2021 8:22 AM
Thanks and yeah, it lasted 10 days haha, it really was horrible, it reach a point to where i thought to myself, wow,,, this is how it ends... - But then it started to go away by day 10ish and gone by like the 12th or so... - Coffee tasted like metal for about a month after that though as well....

But that's awesome as far as your job, had meant to ask, and are you a nurse? or a special unit?

Lol i love the description, but facts, the noises are a bit unfathomable at times - reminds me of this 10,000 sound effects guy from americas got talent - and that's a real bummer, never knew they changed out the VAs on the final episodes - thats totally lame.. - but I can imagine that happening to a lot of anime with big gaps, once the actor ages so much, the voice will eventually change i suppose

Kinda like spice and wolf - i really hoped it would come back with the announcement of wolf and parchment but it never did - but dwelling on it, if it did, im sure it would be different, and id surely be sad if the VAs changed, - well - that's if it was going to finish the original, i guess if it skipped to parchment i wouldn't mind as much. - and yeah sausakes VA was a pretty darn good match, and never realized he was simon from gurren lagaan till i just checked lol - and yeah thanks, i did just read the manga in august, it took me 4 years to read the first 20ish chapters, and then i finally read the other 70 or so, literally, in august, which is kinda questionable i know lol. - But I think it was just the art was a little rough, and it was slow and wordy, but once it got to a certain point the pace quickened and the art became better and better it was really good.

As far as the novel, I havn't finished the first volume did read some later scenes to compare them to confusing scenes i read in the manga - but with the manga fresh in my mind ill probably wait a year, its definitely on the list, but i wanna be in the right mood and free time to dive back into it, definitely don't want it on my reading list for four years like the mange either haha XD

I know you said i wasn't overtalking, but i feel like its happening again, still wanted to say, you should check out tower of god if you liked naruto, it is great, - the manga- the animes only good till episode 6 then they skip everything important - lastly have you read the shadowhouse manga?
GodOfWolves Oct 11, 2021 7:04 AM
Same here, had some hiccups this year, harddrive crashed in may, caught covid in june. - But not all is gloomy, things have been starting to turn back around, but as far as work and and bills, yeah, adult has not been a lot of fun these last few years for me either - it's been driving me a bit crazy lol.

Also congrats on the house, car and new job, good that you've gotten yourself stable and hope things continue to work out for ya

And if you think its ear splitting then it isn't too harsh for me to say i despised him after all haha. - Inuyasha always seemed like it did have really good VAs - though i never got too far into the show. - and facts!, Holos voice is so sassy and sly, its just lovely, probably one of the first few anime i watched, and holo made it great, but Brina brought holos voice to life

I don't wanna overtalk it, but I will say, I didn't know her VA until this website in like 2017, was shocked I never knew she voiced eluciwood from is this a zombie - yuno the crazy gal from mirai nikki - and yin from darker than black, though thats kinda a given - yin rarely talked - shes also in the new zombieland saga, but the others I was naming cause they were all from the 2010ish-2013ish era of spice and wolf when i first watched it... Heck i think i was only in 8th/9th grade, its truly been forever lol

GodOfWolves Oct 10, 2021 9:52 PM
Hey no problem, things are going alright I suppose, could always be a bit better haha - but thanks and hope things are going well for you as well :)

And cool, I dig it - and agreed demon slayer was ehhhh on its dub - also really disliked lighting kids voice as it went on - but yeah besides Kaguya, FMA or spice and wolf, there aren't many dubs I'll say, are the best of the best lol - I just like dub more cause it lets me multitask while I watch a few eps haha - Btw I'm curious wit you being a holo fan, do you like the dub or sub better for that one?
GodOfWolves Aug 26, 2021 4:15 AM
Hey there, was cleaning my profile of people i don't really chat with - but i think i remember us talking slightly a few years ago - you were also probably one of the first 5 people i added lol

anyways, long time no chat - and thought id recommend kaguya-sama love is war - if you havn't watched it yet - also don't know if you like subs or dubs - but i thought the dub was actually a bit better than the sub this time around - the narrator really put a nice touch of his own to the comedy bits as far as voice acting goes
cosmokz Apr 20, 2021 8:24 PM
anime rec for you
jujustu kiazan
aki no kande
little witch acidamia
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