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[Userscript] MAL Dubs - Label English dubs and add dub filtering

Aug 30, 2021 3:25 PM

Apr 2016
The MAL Dubs Userscript labels over 4700 English dubbed titles on and adds dub-only filtering to search, seasonal and top anime pages.

Whether you watch dubs because you like to multitask while watching, because you have a visual impairment that makes subtitles difficult to read, or because you prefer hearing a performance in a language you speak, it can be hard to use MyAnimeList to find anime dubbed in English. This userscript fixes that problem.

Step 1: Install the Tampermonkey Script Manager extension

Step 2: Install the script

Click here to install

I hope you like it!
SiliconDonFeb 6, 2024 7:37 PM
Aug 30, 2021 3:26 PM

Jan 2020
Works perfectly!
Aug 30, 2021 3:38 PM

Apr 2016
Awesome glad to hear it.
Aug 30, 2021 4:10 PM

Dec 2019
Wow, so many people will be happy because of it (I don't care).

A lot of people requested this before.
Your images looks amazing and very professional!

I would just have improved the match rules,besides that everything looks good, but the Jason with anime IDs seems needless..
hacker09Aug 30, 2021 4:15 PM
Aug 30, 2021 4:44 PM

Apr 2016
Thanks I’m always looking for feedback.

hacker09 said:
I would just have improved the match rules

Yeah, the matching rules are kinda sloppy. They’re the result of a few years of tweaking. I could probably tidy them up a bit. If you’ve got advice I’m all ears.

hacker09 said:
the Jason with anime IDs seems needless..

The script originally had all the IDs in the main JS. Users requested I change it so the dub list could be updated without them needing to update the script itself, so I moved them to a JSON file. I prefer it this way. Now the version number of the script corresponds to new features/code only, not every dub added.
Aug 30, 2021 4:56 PM

Dec 2019
You already know how to use regex,so I would either use a single regex line to do all these matches, or at least would remove the needless http and https matches (they can both take just 1 match line), you can see on my scripts how I matched both http and https using a single match line.

Alright,using the Json was a very good decision then... Users requested that? Never seem your script before... But okay.

Yes,you're right,I also think it's better to see only the codes actually
Aug 30, 2021 5:05 PM

Apr 2016
Ohhh the
rules. I totally misunderstood and thought you were talking about the selector query (which is a bit of a rat’s nest). I’ll switch that to regex in the next version. Good suggestion.
Aug 30, 2021 5:18 PM

Dec 2019

From what I've seen the selectors are fine, I didn't really pay attention to them.

You're welcome!
Aug 30, 2021 11:24 PM

May 2010
not bad, looks like clean efficient code for only 2 weeks* worth of work, I'd add your discord link to more places like the github readme, and as a feature suggestion it would be nice to possibly have the speaker clickable to bring us to the dub, possibly manually adding a link to the JSON which would be alot of work considering 3952 an counting, or maybe a search to some site I'm unsure of that has everything, funimation or (though may require the english name and not contain every anime) so people can be directed to the dub, technically anyone with little programming knowledge could just edit the script to do a search on google for 'title + " dub"' but figured I'd ask first.

also my list is highly customized, so I'd have to change or add some additional selectors for it to work on my list as I can't see the speaker but alt title on hover is showing "Dubbed/Undubbed".
ShaggyZEAug 31, 2021 9:55 AM
Aug 31, 2021 8:42 AM

Apr 2016

ShaggyZE said:
not bad, looks like clean efficient code for only 2 weeks* worth of work

Thank you!

ShaggyZE said:
I'd add your discord link to more places like the github readme

I'll definitely do that.

ShaggyZE said:
it would be nice to possibly have the speaker clickable to bring us to the dub, possibly manually adding a link to the JSON which would be alot of work considering 3952 an counting, or maybe a search to some site I'm unsure of that has everything, funimation or (though may require the english name and not contain every anime) so people can be directed to the dub, technically anyone with little programming knowledge could just edit the script to do a search on google for 'title + " dub"' but figured I'd ask first.

I’d love to add streaming links/info but unfortunately as you’ve inferred that is a lot of work. If I were to add them it would be to individual anime pages. Adding secondary links for every anime link would slow the script down. Unfortunately hasn’t updated in over a year; that was the only site that had dub-specific information on streaming availability in Australia, Canada, the UK and USA. If I were to add streaming links I would want the same (not just another US-only list). It is definitely something I've thought about adding, it's just getting a reliable up-to-date source for the data that's holding me back.

ShaggyZE said:
also my list is highly customized, so I'd have to change or add some additional selectors for it to work on my list as I can't see the speaker but alt title on hover is showing "Dubbed/Undubbed".

Yeah, it does break on lists with custom CSS. You'll probably need to adjust the styling to account for these:
a[title=“Incomplete Dub"]:after

Looking at your list it seems their font-family and content are being overridden.
SiliconDonAug 31, 2021 11:59 AM
Aug 31, 2021 10:04 AM

May 2010
SiliconDon said:

ShaggyZE said:
not bad, looks like clean efficient code for only 2 works worth of work

Thank you!

meant weeks, but I'm sure you got that. mentioned anichart, I should have mentioned it as well, never heard of, but yea I'll try to get the speaker working on my list, I have airing days and whatnot after the title causing the issue, and then probably just link it to a horrible google search just for possible prosperity, I'll probably need to query jikan with the anime id first to get the title or just scrape the current page an match, which would be stupid now that I'm thinking about it since it's different on so many pages, jikan/id is way easier.
ShaggyZEAug 31, 2021 10:22 AM
Oct 14, 2023 4:57 AM

Jun 2020
Just fyi this show is dubbed all 17 episodes where dubbed by Sentai on the home video release of Season 1 of The Eminence in Shadow
Oct 14, 2023 10:59 AM

Apr 2016
Reply to Jamiex304
Just fyi this show is dubbed all 17 episodes where dubbed by Sentai on the home video release of Season 1 of The Eminence in Shadow
@Jamiex304 Thanks!
Feb 3, 2024 11:55 PM
Sep 2022
Some shows that weren't fully dubbed:

AWOL (2 of 12 episodes dubbed)
Corrector Yui (18 of 52 episodes dubbed)
Geisters Fractions of the Earth (13 of 26 episodes dubbed)
Next Senki Ehrgeiz (2 of 12 episodes dubbed)
Super GALS Kotobuki Ran (26 of 52 episodes dubbed)
Tobe Isami (9 of 50 episodes dubbed)
Feb 4, 2024 2:30 PM

Apr 2016
Reply to BillyCoenStan
Some shows that weren't fully dubbed:

AWOL (2 of 12 episodes dubbed)
Corrector Yui (18 of 52 episodes dubbed)
Geisters Fractions of the Earth (13 of 26 episodes dubbed)
Next Senki Ehrgeiz (2 of 12 episodes dubbed)
Super GALS Kotobuki Ran (26 of 52 episodes dubbed)
Tobe Isami (9 of 50 episodes dubbed)
@BillyCoenStan Thanks so much for letting me know. I’ve marked these as incomplete.
Mar 24, 2024 2:46 PM
Sep 2022
Soukou Kihei Votoms

Only the first episode was dubbed.
Mar 24, 2024 5:17 PM

Apr 2016
Reply to BillyCoenStan
Soukou Kihei Votoms

Only the first episode was dubbed.
@BillyCoenStan thanks for the heads up. It’s been marked as incomplete.
Jun 11, 2024 11:58 PM
Sep 2022
Devilman - Has no English dub.

Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor New OVA - 4 of 16 episodes dubbed
Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade - 43 of 49 episodes dubbed
Eat-Man 98 - 2 of 12 episodes dubbed
Ojamajo Doremi - 50 of 51 episodes dubbed
Black Jack TV - 52 of 61 episodes dubbed
BillyCoenStanJun 12, 2024 5:39 AM
Jun 12, 2024 8:51 AM

Apr 2016
Reply to BillyCoenStan
Devilman - Has no English dub.

Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor New OVA - 4 of 16 episodes dubbed
Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade - 43 of 49 episodes dubbed
Eat-Man 98 - 2 of 12 episodes dubbed
Ojamajo Doremi - 50 of 51 episodes dubbed
Black Jack TV - 52 of 61 episodes dubbed
@BillyCoenStan Thanks for the heads up. Devilman must’ve gotten confused with the ’87 OVA. All fixed now.
Jun 14, 2024 4:16 PM
Jun 15, 2024 6:00 PM
Oct 28, 2024 11:43 AM
Aug 2020
I was using this but it stopped working for some reaason I dont know and now I cant get it to work again. I have reinstalled tampermonkey and I have reinstalled the script still not working. Can you maybe help please?
Oct 29, 2024 8:20 AM

Apr 2016
Reply to Korosensei16
I was using this but it stopped working for some reaason I dont know and now I cant get it to work again. I have reinstalled tampermonkey and I have reinstalled the script still not working. Can you maybe help please?
@Korosensei16 Oh no. I haven’t made any changes and it seems OK for me on Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

I’ll do what I can. Could you let me know:

  • Which browser are you using?
  • Do you use other user scripts without problems?
  • Are there any errors in your browser's console?
SiliconDonNov 1, 2024 5:36 AM
Nov 5, 2024 9:18 AM

Apr 2016
Reply to Korosensei16
I was using this but it stopped working for some reaason I dont know and now I cant get it to work again. I have reinstalled tampermonkey and I have reinstalled the script still not working. Can you maybe help please?
@Korosensei16 if you’re on Chrome or (or a Chrome based browser like Brave, Opera, Edge, etc.) there’s a chance you need to turn on Developer Mode. It’s a recent change they made to the way the browser works because Google is trying to reduce the effectiveness of adblockers.
SiliconDonNov 5, 2024 9:25 AM
Jan 27, 9:26 PM

Jun 2021
The script is really helpful along with Series Highlighter - MAL when filling out my tags, notes and stacks and when I want to rewatch something I've already watched with subtitles with dub. I often check on streaming sites linked on Kuroiru if there really are dubs available like for some obscure titles. Most of the time it's correct but sometimes I just can't find dubs for some anime (Sanrio... I can't recall the other ones...) even though they're labelled with 'Dub' by the script. Uhm, so blue means fully dubbed while gray is incomplete?

The channels on the Discord server are also helpful but I mostly just lurk there for news and updates. Btw, I really like graphics above. Looks pretty professional!

Since it looks like isn't really up-to-date, how about Livechart or AnimeSchedule?

Oh, where should we share titles that have dub but are not yet labelled as such? In this thread or in the dubbed-anime channel on the Discord server? Either is fine?

P.S. I wish manga has a counterpart script to easily know which ones got official translations or scanlations... For drama CDs at least there's the HIBIKI Audio CD Catalog wiki. Anyhow, I can always check on other sites for manga translations... Ahoy!
Jan 28, 6:11 AM

Apr 2016
Reply to IridescentJaune
The script is really helpful along with Series Highlighter - MAL when filling out my tags, notes and stacks and when I want to rewatch something I've already watched with subtitles with dub. I often check on streaming sites linked on Kuroiru if there really are dubs available like for some obscure titles. Most of the time it's correct but sometimes I just can't find dubs for some anime (Sanrio... I can't recall the other ones...) even though they're labelled with 'Dub' by the script. Uhm, so blue means fully dubbed while gray is incomplete?

The channels on the Discord server are also helpful but I mostly just lurk there for news and updates. Btw, I really like graphics above. Looks pretty professional!

Since it looks like isn't really up-to-date, how about Livechart or AnimeSchedule?

Oh, where should we share titles that have dub but are not yet labelled as such? In this thread or in the dubbed-anime channel on the Discord server? Either is fine?

P.S. I wish manga has a counterpart script to easily know which ones got official translations or scanlations... For drama CDs at least there's the HIBIKI Audio CD Catalog wiki. Anyhow, I can always check on other sites for manga translations... Ahoy!
IridescentJaune said:
I just can't find dubs for some anime (Sanrio... I can't recall the other ones...) even though they're labelled with 'Dub' by the script.
I researched the Sanrio stuff pretty thoroughly. Some of them are hard to find these days as the dubs only released on VHS or Canadian TV if I’m remembering correctly. MAL’s listings for them are a little weird as some are combined or split up when they weren’t originally released like that. The dubs exist but they’re rare
IridescentJaune said:
Uhm, so blue means fully dubbed while gray is incomplete?
Yep, exactly.
IridescentJaune said:
Btw, I really like graphics above. Looks pretty professional!
Thank you!
IridescentJaune said:
Since it looks like isn't really up-to-date, how about Livechart or AnimeSchedule?
I don’t currently have any plans to add streaming info or airdates to the script if that’s what you mean. LiveChart is great but doesn’t have an API. I have checked out AnimeSchedule and it seems interesting. I put links to both in the Discord’s FAQ
IridescentJaune said:
where should we share titles that have dub but are not yet labelled as such? In this thread or in the dubbed-anime channel on the Discord server? Either is fine?
Either here or in the Discord’s #feedback channel works.

Thanks for your feedback. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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