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Mar 14, 2019 7:14 AM

Nov 2011
Morale doesn't seem good this episode. However, I got a lot of respect for Poppin' Party. Even with the odds stacked against them, they don't give up and bring out their best.

Other bands needs their motivation. Tae is so lucky to have caring friends.
Mar 14, 2019 8:13 AM

Sep 2009
I appreciate that they redid all the older series animation in the flashbacks.
Mar 14, 2019 8:44 AM

May 2018
O-Tae is a genius; to be able to arrange a song in that short amount of time.

The last scene is T^T
OK BYE CHU2. O-Tae is staying with PoPiPa. Go find your fateful guitarist.

Also, the tease about Pareo's backstory made me curious. Whatever happened with her and CHU2, hmm...
Mar 14, 2019 9:04 AM

Aug 2012

Who's cutting onions in here? I'm so glad everything turned out okay.
Mar 14, 2019 9:55 AM

May 2016
please do NOT contact me with any unsolicited services or offers
Mar 14, 2019 10:19 AM

Aug 2017
FlyingBowl said:
O-Tae is a genius; to be able to arrange a song in that short amount of time.

The last scene is T^T
OK BYE CHU2. O-Tae is staying with PoPiPa. Go find your fateful guitarist.

Also, the tease about Pareo's backstory made me curious. Whatever happened with her and CHU2, hmm...

well i guess that is what they will tell us in season 3
Mar 14, 2019 10:33 AM

Aug 2017
Few things that i like from this season so far:
1. They redid the flashbacks
2. Beautiful animation
3. Story is meaningful as well as emotional on comparing it with season 1
4. Each episode features a song along with the animation to back it up ( hope they bring the animation of each song to the game)

Still curious on how they will show the addition of Rokka to the band..maybe recommendation by popipa members or maybe they will let her play in popipa show which will be seen by chu2 and then she takes a liking to her...well gotta wait and see lol
Mar 14, 2019 11:13 AM

Sep 2013
Good that otae didn’t leave the band and they all got their doubts out :’(
Mar 14, 2019 11:32 AM

Jan 2013
so close to complete a season (assuming its 12/13) without a blip mention of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star....but here we are even tho its only half a second
Mar 14, 2019 12:13 PM

Apr 2013
Kinda upset they even let Chu2 get to their heads and gave them doubts about letting Tae go or not smh. Well I mean, the part where she wrote a song to express her emotions to stay and how it even got Arisa the tsun to cry was worth it *sigh*

Ascended Taste
I only came back to this site for the forum sets and to promote my RYM list... Anilist ftw still :dab:
Mar 14, 2019 1:05 PM

Nov 2018
glad to see that Otae didn't leave
CHU2 really got on my nerves smh
Mar 14, 2019 2:36 PM

Dec 2014
I really think Chu2 should stop throwing the random English phrase in the middle. It's more awkward than cute if you ask me. xD

Very heartfelt second half, I got a little emotional too at the end. Glad to see O-Tae doesn't wanna leave and that all the members of Poppipa treasure their time together. :)
Mar 14, 2019 3:39 PM

Apr 2012
Formulaic episode but the bit about the creative process was interesting.
Mar 14, 2019 4:54 PM
Sep 2017
What was the song that O-Tae sang? It's so beautiful ;_;

Mar 14, 2019 5:21 PM

Mar 2008
I'm not one that easily forgives but O-Tae redeemed herself. I would have went ape shit if she even considered leaving PoPiPa. Also, Arisa best girl. I wish she would have decked Chu2.
Mar 14, 2019 7:25 PM

May 2011
Not a bad episode, next week should be a good closure to it. There's no sub for the song that O-Tae was singing so I guess it wasn't as impactful for me compared to people who understood the lyrics and the song. Nonetheless, it's still a good episode.
Mar 15, 2019 12:30 AM

Oct 2008
From this point on, PoPiPa is gonna be inseparable!
This episode was cryingly glorious! I teared-up because all 5 girls are crying at the same time!

Mar 15, 2019 6:40 AM
Jan 2017
I was not expecting to be attacking in my feels
Mar 15, 2019 7:13 AM

May 2017
Lowkey hoping that O-tae leaves the band then she'll be replaced by Rock, and Rock will single-handedly thrash RAS and CHU2. But good thing O-tae didn't left, I'm fine with this.
Mar 15, 2019 9:08 AM
Mar 2017
This episode was so emotional, so much love was felt among these girls, this situation made their friendship stronger and now Poppin'Party will be more united than ever, Tae is finally happy with her dear friends even though she committed a terrible mistake, now everything has been forgotten and a new song has been born.

CHU2 does not give up and demands from the girls that Tae leaves Poppin'Party and the girls are very hesitant as they were amazed by the RAS concert and how Tae sounded with the band. This ends up affecting the crisis of Poppin'Party even more, the girls feel very hesitant about what to do, since on one hand they want to continue playing along with Tae, but on the other hand if Tae continues with RAS she will play at a totally different level .
The meeting with CHU2 in the warehouse made me feel very bad for the girls, to hear how CHU2 rubs them in the face that Tae in RAS sounds spectacular was very inconsiderate of the small producer, in addition Pareo uses emotional pressure and mentions Layer. At the end CHU2 gives them a deadline until the day of the concert of Poppin'Party to give an answer, and Pareo mentions something that called me a lot of curiosity, she says that "CHU2 found her in the dark", what did she mention with that?. The girls make the mistake of telling Tae to think well of her answer, when Tae was going to say that she is not going to return with RAS and this ends up depressing poor Tae and this ends up making the situation more uncomfortable. The girls are very upset by this situation and we see them very downhearted separately, that flashback of Tae teaching Kasumi to play the guitar made me release a couple of tears.
Today Rokka made me like her more, she gave Kasumi a very precise clue to solve this crisis, the affection and admiration that Rokka feels for Poppin'Party is so cute, thanks Rokka your affection saved Poppin'Party.
The conversation of Tae and Kasumi was so moving that it made me cry, Kasumi was honest and finally she made Tae understand that she is from Poppin'Party and the flashback with all the moments of the first season moved me, seeing the growth of the Girls as a band was touching.
The song of Tae was so touching, damn ... rigth in the feelings, she put all her feelings in the song and resulted in something so beautiful and full of passion and this song ended up moving all her friends who ended up crying, Saaya and Arisa are sincere and openly talk about how they felt about how much they want Tae to stay in Poppin'Party, in the end they all cry of joy, they finally come back together, they are so precious.

In the next episode we'll finally see the Poppin'Party concert that everyone has been working so hard for. I hope to see how the girls refuse to let CHU2 stay with Tae and see the tantrum that the small producer will make.
Mar 15, 2019 11:29 PM

Aug 2008
komic said:
I appreciate that they redid all the older series animation in the flashbacks.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Could've taken the easy way out and left the original 2d scenes in, and it would've looked awkward with the new style. But redoing it made it mesh better.

Well, good development overall. Otae and the girls grew closer together, and looks like they'll be able to hold their next gig with success.

Also, based on what I've seen on the Wiki, it's gonna be interesting to see how the "other" girl joins RAS. I wanna see the developments that would lead to that.
Mar 16, 2019 1:44 PM

May 2016
What a good episode. Redoing the flashbacks in the new style was great.

You thought PoPiPa were the main characters of this show, but it was Tae! GOTEM

Kasumi's speech to Tae at the park was very reminiscent of K-On:

The platform at the station, the path by the riverside
Even if we're apart, we can look up at the same sky
And sing in unison!
We're buddies from here on out!
If you say you really love us
We'll answer that we really, really love you!
There's nothing else we've forgotten
We'll be together forever and ever!

The last episode's quickly approaching, I can't wait to see what it entails.
Mar 19, 2019 1:49 AM
Oct 2016
I'm glad O-Tae decided to stay with Poppin' Party. Popipa will always be popipa. I wa thinking 'oh its episode eleven already guess the season's ending but no one specified how many episode season 2 would run for (I think correct me if I'm wrong) so maybe Lock will join RAS soon this season. Also like how season one bits got remastered in beautiful CG
bread is yummy
Mar 19, 2019 1:50 AM
Oct 2016
revanvevo said:

i'm glad i'm not the only one haha
bread is yummy
Mar 22, 2019 9:42 AM

Dec 2008
Aidoru-Ojisan said:
Kinda upset they even let Chu2 get to their heads and gave them doubts about letting Tae go or not smh. Well I mean, the part where she wrote a song to express her emotions to stay and how it even got Arisa the tsun to cry was worth it *sigh*

CHU2 was incredibly rude in approaching the rest of PoPiPa. It was RAS and Tae's business only and she had already been clear with them and told them she was leaving.

Is CHU2 supposed to be a native English speaker? Because she absolutely does not sound like one but she keeps pushing Engrish into every other thing she says. 'CHU2' indeed.
Mar 22, 2019 11:37 AM

Nov 2009
funnystuff97 said:
What a good episode. Redoing the flashbacks in the new style was great.

You thought PoPiPa were the main characters of this show, but it was Tae! GOTEM

Kasumi's speech to Tae at the park was very reminiscent of K-On:

The platform at the station, the path by the riverside
Even if we're apart, we can look up at the same sky
And sing in unison!
We're buddies from here on out!
If you say you really love us
We'll answer that we really, really love you!
There's nothing else we've forgotten
We'll be together forever and ever!

The last episode's quickly approaching, I can't wait to see what it entails.

I Loved K-ON, was crazy in collecting K-ON pics when the anime was airing, I had over 800 pics or something when I stopped cause I realized there's too many pics to collect as there's constantly new pics being uploaded onto the web.
(this was also back when MangaFox didn't go to shit, I had all my Avatar and Signature full of K-ON pictures (I edit those pictures to Sig sizes and also made GIFs), and bunch of other ppls did the same, because of that MangaFox had to implement a 4 picture limitation for Sigs...)
(I don't do Sigs anymore, since pretty much there's no sites that allow you to put multiple pictures in your Sigs anymore)

K-ON was the beginning of the rise of School Idol Animes (without fantasy aspects)

It's still one of the most poplar Schol Idol Animes, especially since every other School Idol Anime that came after uses all the same plot styles and beginnings.

It's too bad they never adopted the other Novel sequels or spin-offs
(IE: Azusa in Highschool when the others already graduate,
the other girls in College,
and a different school and MC with same style setting as K-ON and references to K-ON in same K-ON universe with some of the old MC K-ONs appearing as cameos)
amlgMar 22, 2019 11:41 AM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Mar 22, 2019 12:21 PM

May 2016
amlg said:

It's too bad they never adopted the other Novel sequels or spin-offs
(IE: Azusa in Highschool when the others already graduate,
the other girls in College,
and a different school and MC with same style setting as K-ON and references to K-ON in same K-ON universe with some of the old MC K-ONs appearing as cameos)

As for K-On Highschool and K-On College (I have both of those in print!), I think the window for those being animated has passed. Who knows, maybe there will be a surprise reveal sometime soon, but I doubt it at this point.

K-On Shuffle, however, I fully expect to be animated within 5 years. It's too much of a cash cow for KyoAni to pass up on. It's still only 3 chapters in, it's too early to be animated just yet, but when it's done (or nearing being done), I expect an announcement. It's gonna happen, you saw it here first.
Mar 23, 2019 5:27 PM

May 2009
Didn't expect to cry with this series, but damn, was that beautiful T_T
Mar 27, 2019 6:25 PM

Oct 2015
Of course Tae would stay with PoPiPa! Sometimes they should do things differently in these shows, the character ditching her old band and venture themselves.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Aug 20, 2019 10:38 AM

Mar 2018
Aaand there's the touching "I won't leave" and "I thought it was selfish but.." part. Cliche but doesn't hurt I guess

Now it's finding the guitar for RAS, maybe Rock? Would definitely be a good fit and it's basically already set up- they just have to meet. Maybe when (if) Rock plays a guest solo on PoPiPa's concert?

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Dec 8, 2019 12:39 PM

Apr 2018
I don't get the point of this drama, it was useless, 95% of bad mood during the episode for a self-called happy scene at the end, not worth it at all.
Aug 6, 2020 1:10 AM
Jun 2019
I’m upset at Tae for not telling Chu2 to stop being so rude when Chu2 was literally insulting Popipa in the warehouse. I mean, Tae should have stood up for her friends, right? She totally could have done so given that Chu2 was after her.
Not to mention how Tae doesn’t even notice that the Popipa girls are looking upset in the beginning of the episode, and just leaves them behind as she goes to the RAS afterparty! What can I say, this RAS fiasco has made me like Tae less.
Sep 10, 2020 10:54 AM
Apr 2017
Poor O-Tae. She has to make a rough decision.
Apr 27, 2021 9:16 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
That was so touching. I'm glad Tae decided to stay. That song at the end was beautiful.

SerafosNov 9, 2023 10:27 PM
Nov 7, 2021 5:39 AM

Jun 2019
O-tae-chan doesn't even strap locks, I'm extremely bothered.
Apr 23, 2023 8:53 AM

Oct 2020
Starting to dislike tae a bit, don't know why she doesn't defend her friend when being insulted by chu2, and I'm think I'm the only one that hope tae get kicked out from poppin party and lock Replace her
Apr 25, 2023 12:19 AM
Apr 2020
Well, I hope things goes alright there. 
Dec 10, 2024 1:14 PM

Mar 2018
O-Tae the true singer

What the hell

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