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Dec 4, 2018 12:42 AM

Oct 2014

Give us Rem IF (Re:Zero IF)
in the future
or we riot.

GazzDec 6, 2018 6:55 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Dec 4, 2018 12:46 AM

May 2013
Just be glad that the series is getting other forms of coverage.

This is all prep for Arc 4 of the light novels/web novels. (or season 2)
Dec 4, 2018 1:19 AM

Mar 2018
You know what happens when Pack gets mad.Don't make him mad.
Νεχ ποσσυμ τεχυμ ωιωερε, νεχ σινε τε.
Dec 4, 2018 2:22 AM

Oct 2014
KreatorX said:
Just be glad that the series is getting other forms of coverage.

This is all prep for Arc 4 of the light novels/web novels. (or season 2)

I'm glad. But I'll be mega glad if it was a Rem IF
Dec 4, 2018 3:42 AM
Aug 2018
I would prefer both of them. But I like Emilia as the main waifu, and rem more like a secondary character. So whatever
Dec 4, 2018 7:23 AM

Aug 2017
Nah. Both is trash as well as Subaru.
If not for satella and the 'mystery' genre,I would have drop this on ep 1.

RNG best girl!!!
RNG best waifu!!
RNG is life!Long live RNG!
Dec 4, 2018 10:34 AM
Jul 2016
Gazz said:

Give us Rem IF (Re:Zero IF) in the future or we riot.

Don't worry. After this prequel (about Emilia) there will be season 2 (sooner or later) and it is „all Emilia". On the other hand, your favourite side character played her role so...
You want more Rem- read doujins.
Dec 4, 2018 10:45 AM

Mar 2010
This one is actually relvant to the story so....
Dec 4, 2018 5:26 PM

Feb 2013
no we don't............
Dec 4, 2018 10:13 PM
Jul 2017
Rem has already had her time in the spotlight. Nearly the entire prologue had her in it, and her role is finished. She was mostly waifu bait anyway, and Emilia is the real heroine. You know, the girl with an actual character? Who has her own arc and purpose and get's better and better as the series progresses?

This is relevant to the actual story, while Rem is so irrelevant that she was dropped for an extended period of time. And the fans rioted so hard that the author was essentially forced to go polygamy cuz Subaru couldn't deal with how in love Rem was with him and let her be his second girl after she begged.

You want more Rem, there's plenty of fan stuff. Read IF on your own time, they're not wasting animation on a non canon what if scenario that's Out of character for both Subaru and Rem and makes Rem out to be even more of a horrible person. Let people who actually like the characters and plot get what they want without bending to fan service.

Rant over lol
Dec 4, 2018 10:23 PM

Jul 2012
people are all about Rem....I'm more for Emilia
張大です for 張大勇督察
Dec 4, 2018 10:43 PM

Nov 2011
Emilia is the heroine, Rem is a side character.

Dec 5, 2018 1:22 AM

May 2013
Torkip said:

This is relevant to the actual story, while Rem is so irrelevant that she was dropped for an extended period of time. And the fans rioted so hard that the author was essentially forced to go polygamy cuz Subaru couldn't deal with how in love Rem was with him and let her be his second girl after she begged.

You want more Rem, there's plenty of fan stuff. Read IF on your own time, they're not wasting animation on a non canon what if scenario that's Out of character for both Subaru and Rem and makes Rem out to be even more of a horrible person. Let people who actually like the characters and plot get what they want without bending to fan service.

Rant over lol

What the f**k, is this true ?

Man, this explains why I got super disappointed in both Rem and Subaru's characters when I was reading the parts of the novels that the anime had skipped. Fuck these Remfags fans. :/

They are interested in ruining a well presented character (their own favourite) lol.

I loved Rem's presentation in anime which was just the right amount. Then when I read about that polygamy shit, it just trashed both the characterizations of Rem and Subaru in Episode 18. It made Subaru look like a two-timing scum with little meaning to his dedication and it made Rem look like someone who is happy being cucked or third-wheeled. Of-course, dump that kind of decision on good ol' Emilia xD . And don't get me started on that

during the aftermath of the Whale Fight.. Felt really out of character for both of them. -_-

In a vague sense, it might serve as a causal analysis for the actual ending of the anime, but it could have been done without this.

(I am aware I am coming across rather strong, partly out of my anti-polygamy bias, but I sincerely regret reading some of the skipped parts. Guess I'll have to suck it up and stick with the author's decision now >_> )
KreatorXDec 5, 2018 1:50 AM
Dec 5, 2018 4:10 AM

Feb 2014
just make a visual novel with multiple harem ending to satisfy everyone. i will take felt route though
Dec 5, 2018 6:04 AM
Nov 2015
Well, gonna say it:

Who is Rem?
Dec 5, 2018 7:33 AM

Mar 2010
KreatorX said:
Torkip said:

This is relevant to the actual story, while Rem is so irrelevant that she was dropped for an extended period of time. And the fans rioted so hard that the author was essentially forced to go polygamy cuz Subaru couldn't deal with how in love Rem was with him and let her be his second girl after she begged.

You want more Rem, there's plenty of fan stuff. Read IF on your own time, they're not wasting animation on a non canon what if scenario that's Out of character for both Subaru and Rem and makes Rem out to be even more of a horrible person. Let people who actually like the characters and plot get what they want without bending to fan service.

Rant over lol

What the f**k, is this true ?

No it's not true. Subaru's feelings for Rem are genuine and born of her devotion for him. Unfortunately fans discussion around romance in anime tend reduce everything into some sort of waifu war instead of paying attention to characters thoughts of why they think that way. Whether polygamy happens or not this isn't something that was forced. The Subaru x Emilia and Subaru x Rem are relationships that had serious legitimate feelings built on them. But Subaru and Emilia are ultimately the MCs of story and Rem's a secondary character who had her time in limelight. Her role mainly to help facilitate Subaru's growth and her personal feeling were her motivation to do it. Subaru's own feelings and reasons he likes them completely different and neither of them can fill in the other's place in that.
Dec 5, 2018 7:41 AM

May 2013
Jagd84 said:

No it's not true. Subaru's feelings for Rem are genuine and born of her devotion for him. Unfortunately fans discussion around romance in anime tend reduce everything into some sort of waifu war instead of paying attention to characters thoughts of why they think that way. Whether polygamy happens or not this isn't something that was forced. The Subaru x Emilia and Subaru x Rem are relationships that had serious legitimate feelings built on them. But Subaru and Emilia are ultimately the MCs of story and Rem's a secondary character who had her time in limelight. Her role mainly to help facilitate Subaru's growth and her personal feeling were her motivation to do it. Subaru's own feelings and reasons he likes them completely different and neither of them can fill in the other's place in that.

Thank you. That is good to hear then. I am fine with this as it implies that the author must have thought about this and is not someone who introduces certain elements in the story based on reactionary responses. I ended up thinking that he is willing to make changes to the story around the fans because a side character he wrote ended up being really popular.

I mean, sure, I too am a fan and also have certain set of expectations from the show based on my own biases. However, all I ask for is consistency in the characterization. I haven't ventured much ahead into the story debar a few spoilers here and there, but I have put trust that there is meaning behind all this later on.
KreatorXDec 5, 2018 7:52 AM
Dec 5, 2018 8:27 AM

Jan 2017
Re:Zero IF is trash. Rem is trash! Emilia best girl!
I am so glad they made an OVA about her.

Torkip said:
Rem has already had her time in the spotlight. Nearly the entire prologue had her in it, and her role is finished. She was mostly waifu bait anyway, and Emilia is the real heroine. You know, the girl with an actual character? Who has her own arc and purpose and get's better and better as the series progresses?

Finally someone who gets it!
swirlydragonDec 5, 2018 8:34 AM

Join Emilia's self-proclaimed knights club if you are a fellow Emilia fan

Dec 5, 2018 10:27 AM

Mar 2010
KreatorX said:
Jagd84 said:

No it's not true. Subaru's feelings for Rem are genuine and born of her devotion for him. Unfortunately fans discussion around romance in anime tend reduce everything into some sort of waifu war instead of paying attention to characters thoughts of why they think that way. Whether polygamy happens or not this isn't something that was forced. The Subaru x Emilia and Subaru x Rem are relationships that had serious legitimate feelings built on them. But Subaru and Emilia are ultimately the MCs of story and Rem's a secondary character who had her time in limelight. Her role mainly to help facilitate Subaru's growth and her personal feeling were her motivation to do it. Subaru's own feelings and reasons he likes them completely different and neither of them can fill in the other's place in that.

Thank you. That is good to hear then. I am fine with this as it implies that the author must have thought about this and is not someone who introduces certain elements in the story based on reactionary responses. I ended up thinking that he is willing to make changes to the story around the fans because a side character he wrote ended up being really popular.

I mean, sure, I too am a fan and also have certain set of expectations from the show based on my own biases. However, all I ask for is consistency in the characterization. I haven't ventured much ahead into the story debar a few spoilers here and there, but I have put trust that there is meaning behind all this later on.

No problem my dude! I just wanted get across that it's more nuanced complicated than that. :)
Dec 5, 2018 10:29 AM

Jul 2015
more 1/10 to add to my list <3
Dec 6, 2018 12:33 AM

Sep 2014
I'm one of those who likes Emilia, so I'm pretty satisfied
Dec 6, 2018 12:48 AM

Oct 2014
Dammit. Why is there a lot of Emilia fans in an instant? Wheres my team Rem!?

Dec 6, 2018 1:09 AM

Jul 2015
You all have shit taste, where my Crusch gang at?
Read my comic pl0x :D
Rockerella meets Merman
Dec 6, 2018 1:25 AM

Jun 2017
Emilia is so much better.

Rem is just a waifu material
Dec 6, 2018 5:11 AM
Apr 2018
Emilia best girl~~
Dec 6, 2018 3:19 PM
Dec 2016
KazuXSora said:
Nah. Both is trash as well as Subaru.
If not for satella and the 'mystery' genre,I would have drop this on ep 1.

that's the whole point of the show. It's like saying if not for horror aspects in horror shows, then you wouldn't watch it...
Dec 6, 2018 3:56 PM

Mar 2018

that girl is trash

the only fan with a We is You

Emilia is best but not the greatest re zero wise


Dec 6, 2018 9:06 PM
Oct 2018
ooh booy can't wait for season 2, this will do for now though :D
Dec 7, 2018 5:31 AM

Aug 2017
Altalio said:
KazuXSora said:
Nah. Both is trash as well as Subaru.
If not for satella and the 'mystery' genre,I would have drop this on ep 1.

that's the whole point of the show. It's like saying if not for horror aspects in horror shows, then you wouldn't watch it...

Well.yeah too late,I already watched it.

RNG best girl!!!
RNG best waifu!!
RNG is life!Long live RNG!
Dec 7, 2018 9:02 PM

Oct 2014
I wonder when will the Witch of Greed Echidna show up? Shes hot too.

Dec 8, 2018 11:17 AM
Sep 2018
Who is that?

Seriously though we need the Subaru x Rem what if story OVA.
Dec 9, 2018 12:47 AM
Oct 2018
If there is an s2 it will cover arc4 and the kiss will finally happen...
Dec 12, 2018 1:55 PM

Sep 2017
Japan really likes Emilia.
VanVeleca said:
You all have shit taste, where my Crusch gang at?

This guy gets it.
Dec 12, 2018 2:07 PM

Oct 2017
What about rem ram?

Dec 15, 2018 9:48 PM
Apr 2013
KreatorX said:
Torkip said:

This is relevant to the actual story, while Rem is so irrelevant that she was dropped for an extended period of time. And the fans rioted so hard that the author was essentially forced to go polygamy cuz Subaru couldn't deal with how in love Rem was with him and let her be his second girl after she begged.

You want more Rem, there's plenty of fan stuff. Read IF on your own time, they're not wasting animation on a non canon what if scenario that's Out of character for both Subaru and Rem and makes Rem out to be even more of a horrible person. Let people who actually like the characters and plot get what they want without bending to fan service.

Rant over lol

What the f**k, is this true ?

Man, this explains why I got super disappointed in both Rem and Subaru's characters when I was reading the parts of the novels that the anime had skipped. Fuck these Remfags fans. :/

They are interested in ruining a well presented character (their own favourite) lol.

I loved Rem's presentation in anime which was just the right amount. Then when I read about that polygamy shit, it just trashed both the characterizations of Rem and Subaru in Episode 18. It made Subaru look like a two-timing scum with little meaning to his dedication and it made Rem look like someone who is happy being cucked or third-wheeled. Of-course, dump that kind of decision on good ol' Emilia xD . And don't get me started on that

during the aftermath of the Whale Fight.. Felt really out of character for both of them. -_-

In a vague sense, it might serve as a causal analysis for the actual ending of the anime, but it could have been done without this.

(I am aware I am coming across rather strong, partly out of my anti-polygamy bias, but I sincerely regret reading some of the skipped parts. Guess I'll have to suck it up and stick with the author's decision now >_> )

I prefer Emilia over Rem but I don't mind the idea of Subaru ending up with both AS LONG AS both are 100% okay with it. I read a few chapters of arc 4 and remember him admitting that he loves and wants to marry both.

That said I do hope that the author didn't do that to please the Rem fanboys. It's sad how so many people only care about Rem and don't want Emilia or other characters to get development to.

Emilia gets way too much hate from the fanbase due to waifu wars and her not getting as much screen time in the anime.
Dec 16, 2018 12:59 AM

May 2013
Imma rant a little bit, may go a little bit off-topic :P
EveRay said:

EveRay said:
That said I do hope that the author didn't do that to please the Rem fanboys. It's sad how so many people only care about Rem and don't want Emilia or other characters to get development to.

EveRay said:
Emilia gets way too much hate from the fanbase due to waifu wars and her not getting as much screen time in the anime.

KreatorXDec 16, 2018 2:24 AM
Dec 17, 2018 5:39 AM
Apr 2013
KreatorX said:
Imma rant a little bit, may go a little bit off-topic :P
EveRay said:

EveRay said:
That said I do hope that the author didn't do that to please the Rem fanboys. It's sad how so many people only care about Rem and don't want Emilia or other characters to get development to.

EveRay said:
Emilia gets way too much hate from the fanbase due to waifu wars and her not getting as much screen time in the anime.

I can see why some people are against the polygamy ending but I actually like the idea of Subaru ending up with both Emilia and Rem because I they both have good chemistry with him. Rem helps him with self acceptance and Emilia helps him with self improvement. The only problem I have with him getting with both is that Emilia and Rem aren't that close so I'm not sure if it'd work out unless they started bonding later. I would hate it though if other characters started falling in love with Subaru such as Ram, Crusch, Fredrica etc. If Subaru only gets with one though I hope the other finds someone else so she doesn't end up alone and heart broken.
I love Shinsekai Yori but I wish kind of wish Saki didn't end up with who she did at the end.

One thing that I know wouldn't happen but I like the idea of is Rem x Subaru, Emilia and Subaru being best friends and Emilia x Ram lol.

I didn't get that far in arc 4 because I want to wait for a season 2 first (I prefer to watch and then read) but Emilia seems to have so much potential to me and I love her over all personality a bit more than Rem's. It annoys me when some fans claim that Emilia did absolutely nothing in season 1. I mean she sheltered, comforted and healed Subaru multiple times, plus she tried to save people that discriminate against her and is trying to become ruler. They seem to think that the only way to do something for someone is to die in the process. I'm pretty sure Emilia would die for Subaru if she had to.
I never got into the Final Fantasy fandom but one example I know of that is in Akame ga Kill it's shown through Tatsumi's POV but Akame is the true main character.
Dec 17, 2018 5:51 AM

Apr 2017
EveRay said:

I can see why some people are against the polygamy ending but I actually like the idea of Subaru ending up with both Emilia and Rem because I they both have good chemistry with him. Rem helps him with self acceptance and Emilia helps him with self improvement. The only problem I have with him getting with both is that Emilia and Rem aren't that close so I'm not sure if it'd work out unless they started bonding later. I would hate it though if other characters started falling in love with Subaru such as Ram, Crusch, Fredrica etc. If Subaru only gets with one though I hope the other finds someone else so she doesn't end up alone and heart broken.
I love Shinsekai Yori but I wish kind of wish Saki didn't end up with who she did at the end.

One thing that I know wouldn't happen but I like the idea of is Rem x Subaru, Emilia and Subaru being best friends and Emilia x Ram lol.

I didn't get that far in arc 4 because I want to wait for a season 2 first (I prefer to watch and then read) but Emilia seems to have so much potential to me and I love her over all personality a bit more than Rem's. It annoys me when some fans claim that Emilia did absolutely nothing in season 1. I mean she sheltered, comforted and healed Subaru multiple times, plus she tried to save people that discriminate against her and is trying to become ruler. They seem to think that the only way to do something for someone is to die in the process. I'm pretty sure Emilia would die for Subaru if she had to.
I never got into the Final Fantasy fandom but one example I know of that is in Akame ga Kill it's shown through Tatsumi's POV but Akame is the true main character.

I think you might be my new favorite person because while I can't picture a Ram x Emilia pairing, I agree with and think the same about everything else you said and I never thought I'd find another person like that. 8D
Dec 17, 2018 9:34 AM

May 2013
EveRay said:

Yeah, I would have been fine with it but I am seeing things from Rem's and Emilia's POV regarding the polygamy as well, not just Subaru's. From Subaru's POV it is indeed an idealistic win-win situation, despite being a hypocritical stance.

I picked out Shinsekai yori not as an example of who ended with who, but rather I was highlighting the fact that polygamy/polyamory in that kind of world would seem completely acceptable and less hypocritical as opposed to Re:Zero's. If they have or introduce a similar world-building element in Re:zero, I can easily retract all arguments against polygamy.

As it stands now, I am sincerely hoping for Rem to find solace in someone else. Subaru can be her hero she looks up to, while someone else can be a person she sees as an equal, if that makes sense. Subaru is okay with Rem looking upto him, but Emilia wants Subaru to see herself as an equal (going by how Rem's idol -> Subaru -is like- Subaru's idol -> Emilia).

EveRay said:

One thing that I know wouldn't happen but I like the idea of is Rem x Subaru, Emilia and Subaru being best friends and Emilia x Ram lol.

I honestly have no problems with this either. Except for that random Emilia x Ram hahaha

EveRay said:

I didn't get that far in arc 4 because I want to wait for a season 2 first (I prefer to watch and then read) but Emilia seems to have so much potential to me and I love her over all personality a bit more than Rem's. It annoys me when some fans claim that Emilia did absolutely nothing in season 1. I mean she sheltered, comforted and healed Subaru multiple times, plus she tried to save people that discriminate against her and is trying to become ruler. They seem to think that the only way to do something for someone is to die in the process. I'm pretty sure Emilia would die for Subaru if she had to.

Yea, the fanbase is pretty retarded at times and they choose to view the events through a narrow set of lenses. I had a friend of mine who went to great lengths by saying Emilia has the personality of a rock, has no emotions, showed no facial expressions and did absolutely nothing. Much of that drivel has to do with the 'rejection' of Rem and less to do with analyzing the characters and fitting themselves in their respective shoes.

As an example : Rem herself states that she got very little time to interact with Subaru during his whole time in the mansion whereas Subaru and Emilia were busy bonding with each other during that 1 month break between Episode 11 and Episode 12. Try replaying the events from her's and Subaru's pov. Subaru is indeed confused as to why she is going to such extreme lengths when he hasn't had the chance to interact with her much. It was obvious that he won't switch gears so soon. (ignoring that polygamy thing that felt out of place given world-building and characterization in the anime, and probably due to my fundamental bias towards that kind of hypocrisy)

Somehow the events of Emilia becoming pivotal in ending Rem's killing spree in episode 8, the fact that she smashed Subaru's nice-guy complex in episode 13 which kickstarted his whole character development somehow invisible to them etc etc. I could go on about this.

Arc 4 seems pretty well done so far. The two main characters are developed nicely. I am also considering putting Arc 4 on hold and wait it out for a season 2 adaptation.

Emilia does seem to have a lot of potential, you would be surprised to know that Tappei Nagatsuki started writing the whole story around her as he wanted to go with the idea of a silver haired elf being helped by a human. He has admitted to having a silver-haired girl fetish, lol.
KreatorXDec 17, 2018 9:40 AM
Dec 19, 2018 3:48 PM
Apr 2013
KreatorX said:
EveRay said:

Yeah, I would have been fine with it but I am seeing things from Rem's and Emilia's POV regarding the polygamy as well, not just Subaru's. From Subaru's POV it is indeed an idealistic win-win situation, despite being a hypocritical stance.

I picked out Shinsekai yori not as an example of who ended with who, but rather I was highlighting the fact that polygamy/polyamory in that kind of world would seem completely acceptable and less hypocritical as opposed to Re:Zero's. If they have or introduce a similar world-building element in Re:zero, I can easily retract all arguments against polygamy.

As it stands now, I am sincerely hoping for Rem to find solace in someone else. Subaru can be her hero she looks up to, while someone else can be a person she sees as an equal, if that makes sense. Subaru is okay with Rem looking upto him, but Emilia wants Subaru to see herself as an equal (going by how Rem's idol -> Subaru -is like- Subaru's idol -> Emilia).

EveRay said:

One thing that I know wouldn't happen but I like the idea of is Rem x Subaru, Emilia and Subaru being best friends and Emilia x Ram lol.

I honestly have no problems with this either. Except for that random Emilia x Ram hahaha

EveRay said:

I didn't get that far in arc 4 because I want to wait for a season 2 first (I prefer to watch and then read) but Emilia seems to have so much potential to me and I love her over all personality a bit more than Rem's. It annoys me when some fans claim that Emilia did absolutely nothing in season 1. I mean she sheltered, comforted and healed Subaru multiple times, plus she tried to save people that discriminate against her and is trying to become ruler. They seem to think that the only way to do something for someone is to die in the process. I'm pretty sure Emilia would die for Subaru if she had to.

Yea, the fanbase is pretty retarded at times and they choose to view the events through a narrow set of lenses. I had a friend of mine who went to great lengths by saying Emilia has the personality of a rock, has no emotions, showed no facial expressions and did absolutely nothing. Much of that drivel has to do with the 'rejection' of Rem and less to do with analyzing the characters and fitting themselves in their respective shoes.

As an example : Rem herself states that she got very little time to interact with Subaru during his whole time in the mansion whereas Subaru and Emilia were busy bonding with each other during that 1 month break between Episode 11 and Episode 12. Try replaying the events from her's and Subaru's pov. Subaru is indeed confused as to why she is going to such extreme lengths when he hasn't had the chance to interact with her much. It was obvious that he won't switch gears so soon. (ignoring that polygamy thing that felt out of place given world-building and characterization in the anime, and probably due to my fundamental bias towards that kind of hypocrisy)

Somehow the events of Emilia becoming pivotal in ending Rem's killing spree in episode 8, the fact that she smashed Subaru's nice-guy complex in episode 13 which kickstarted his whole character development somehow invisible to them etc etc. I could go on about this.

Arc 4 seems pretty well done so far. The two main characters are developed nicely. I am also considering putting Arc 4 on hold and wait it out for a season 2 adaptation.

Emilia does seem to have a lot of potential, you would be surprised to know that Tappei Nagatsuki started writing the whole story around her as he wanted to go with the idea of a silver haired elf being helped by a human. He has admitted to having a silver-haired girl fetish, lol.

I agree that the Emilia x Subaru x Rem thing would have been better if society had polygamy as a social norm like in Shinsekai Yori and if Emilia & Rem were closer it would be better but as long as both Emilia and Rem are happy with it then I'm pretty much all for it.
I also like the idea of Rem finding someone that she liked as an equal. I was mostly joking about Emilia x Ram as I ship Ram x Garfiel. But if the author had wanted to he could have had Ram love Emilia instead of Roswaal which I would have liked as I love yuri.

I regret exposing myself to the fanbase before getting into it as it was so cringe worthy and made me want to strongly prefer Emilia since she received too much hate for dumb reasons. I think that if I went into Re Zero blindly I might have preferred Rem x Subaru tbh at least until arc 4 but I would have still really liked Emilia too. Now I love both almost equally but I prefer Emilia if I had to choose mainly because of the potential I see in her character and I find her to to be beautiful inside and out.

I can understand people say that they prefer Rem as the love interest and say that Emilia didn't get enough focus for a MC in arcs 1-3 but the claims that she did nothing and has no personality, is worse than Elsa etc are just ridiculous.Some people on this thread have even made up their minds already that this OVA will suck just because it focuses on her.
Dec 19, 2018 3:49 PM
Apr 2013
PrincessMeiMei said:
EveRay said:

I can see why some people are against the polygamy ending but I actually like the idea of Subaru ending up with both Emilia and Rem because I they both have good chemistry with him. Rem helps him with self acceptance and Emilia helps him with self improvement. The only problem I have with him getting with both is that Emilia and Rem aren't that close so I'm not sure if it'd work out unless they started bonding later. I would hate it though if other characters started falling in love with Subaru such as Ram, Crusch, Fredrica etc. If Subaru only gets with one though I hope the other finds someone else so she doesn't end up alone and heart broken.
I love Shinsekai Yori but I wish kind of wish Saki didn't end up with who she did at the end.

One thing that I know wouldn't happen but I like the idea of is Rem x Subaru, Emilia and Subaru being best friends and Emilia x Ram lol.

I didn't get that far in arc 4 because I want to wait for a season 2 first (I prefer to watch and then read) but Emilia seems to have so much potential to me and I love her over all personality a bit more than Rem's. It annoys me when some fans claim that Emilia did absolutely nothing in season 1. I mean she sheltered, comforted and healed Subaru multiple times, plus she tried to save people that discriminate against her and is trying to become ruler. They seem to think that the only way to do something for someone is to die in the process. I'm pretty sure Emilia would die for Subaru if she had to.
I never got into the Final Fantasy fandom but one example I know of that is in Akame ga Kill it's shown through Tatsumi's POV but Akame is the true main character.

I think you might be my new favorite person because while I can't picture a Ram x Emilia pairing, I agree with and think the same about everything else you said and I never thought I'd find another person like that. 8D

Thanks! And I was mostly joking about the Ram x Emilia thing lol.
Dec 19, 2018 3:52 PM
Apr 2013
tragedydesu said:
more 1/10 to add to my list <3

Emilia just didn't get enough focus in the anime compared to Rem. Now she is so why not have an open mind and give her a chance?
Jan 26, 2019 3:07 PM

Apr 2017
Gazz said:

Give us Rem IF (Re:Zero IF)
in the future
or we riot.

I mean yeah but no.
I actually love Rem, but this shit right there seems to be reeeeeally important to the plot. So with this thing probably they will announce 2nd season.
Mar 2, 2019 9:21 AM

Sep 2016
Who's Rem?

I'm sorry
Oct 26, 2019 1:21 AM

Jul 2014
Who's Rem? One of the villagers?
Anyways the only main characters in re zero is Subaru and Emilia, if you cant deal with it and want more villager girl side story then I recommend doujins.
Oct 28, 2019 12:38 AM

Nov 2018
Who is Rem???????
I hate everyone equally
Nov 7, 2019 8:54 PM

Nov 2016
This is why I tend to stay away from this fanbase. Always find a way to ruin things because they didn't get what they want.
Nov 7, 2019 9:42 PM

Mar 2019
Emilia > Rem, Rem is overrated af
Nov 7, 2019 10:16 PM

Jul 2017
My god, this fanbase. At times even the MHA fanbase seem like angels compared to this one.

Nov 7, 2019 11:21 PM

Nov 2018
Who is Rem???????
I hate everyone equally
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» Frozen

Rayane-47 - Oct 1, 2024

4 by Daddi4900 »»
Oct 3, 2024 2:53 PM

» do I watch this to start re:zero?

13oFIVE - Mar 24, 2024

4 by TabutcuEmmi »»
Mar 25, 2024 2:34 AM

» Do I need to watch this before starting Season 2?

Dije - Jan 26, 2022

17 by Broderoi »»
Jan 27, 2022 3:29 PM

» could have been a masterpiece

KuroudoAkabane - Oct 25, 2020

7 by Hachii13 »»
Oct 14, 2021 1:40 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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