Nov 24, 2018 12:31 AM
Hello there ! Feel free to introduce yourself to the others ! :) |
ZarcyJun 20, 2019 2:39 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 24, 2018 7:52 AM
I will start with me ! My name is Zarc , 25 years old frenchy boy. For more informations about personnal things , just check my profile :D Now concerning Pokemon , i'm a huge fan since child. My first game was Pokemon Blue and since i played every common games until USUM. Today i'm mostly playing lot of fangames and romhacks cause i love challenges ! My top 10 pokemons are : 10 ) Yveltal 9 ) Salamence 8 ) Milotic 7 ) Magnezone 6 ) Volcarona 5 ) Tyranitar 4 ) Espeon 3 ) Garchomp 2 ) Typhlosion 1 ) Zeraora |
Nov 24, 2018 8:22 AM
Guess I'll go next? My name is BandorKitty, you can call me whatever you want within reason. I'm a 21 year old Australian girl who has been into Pokemon for most of my life, I guess. My earliest memories involve my cousin letting me play Pokemon Red and Crystal on his GameBoy, and I loved it so much, even though he'd never let me save. The first game that I actually owned was Pearl. I played that game so much that I maxed out the clock! Unfortunately, my save got corrupted and I had to delete it... Many of my best friends died that day, but they will always be remembered. So many stories I can tell you just from that adventure alone. I've played through every main series Pokemon game at least once, and played many of the spinoffs. Mystery Dungeon has to be my favourite of those, I've spent a lot of time on Time and Sky. I also love the anime. I own a lot of seasons on DVD, but I have my eyes on one particular set that includes up to season 20. Hoping my family takes the hints I drop to buy it for me for Christmas or my birthday XD I don't care how old I am, my inner child wants it. Anyway, that's enough about me. Nice to meet you all :D Seeya later and have fun |
Nov 24, 2018 8:08 PM
Hey, i’m Juice. I’m a 15 year old tomboy girl and Pokémon has been something I’ve been extremely passionate about almost my entire life, and it’s impacted me greatly. I had been into Pokémon long before this, but the first game I actually owned and finished was Pokémon White 2, which is by far my favorite game in the series. Currently I’ve played every main series game, and I’ve replayed two of them. Briefly I even battled competitively back when ORAS came out. I also collect Pokémon cards, not as much as I used to, but I still have boxes and binders full of them. I have a few first editions from some of the 90’s sets, which is really cool and I want to keep them in good condition. I’m also a HUGE fan of the Pokémon Special (adventures) manga and it’s by far my favorite adaptation of the series. Red and Yellow are my favorite characters but I love most of them anyways. If anyone ever wants to discuss it with me I’m always willing. My favorite Pokémon are Raichu, Miltank, Porygon, Mimikyu, Serperior, White Kyurem, Golispod, Giratina, Mewtwo, and Clefable. But I also like most of them. |
Nov 25, 2018 4:40 AM
Hi there! Nice to meet y'all, I'm Ranacchi, 24 years old. I've been a fan of Pokémon since I can remember, collecting cards and watching the show from the day it started airing in my region. Around the age of 11-12 I bought my first Pokémon game and the most recent one I purchased was Let's Go Eevee. Some of my favorites are
I collect keychains, plushes, figures, and w/e else I see or stumble upon. Atm I'm waiting for a Pokémon Nendoroid to arrive. Could post some pics once it is delivered. I suppose that's it since I don't have anything else left to add. |
Dec 22, 2018 2:52 AM
Alrighty then, hope I am allowed to go now. So I am Harsh, 17 years old, from India. The basics that you need to know about me are that Harsh is my actual name. Yeah. Harsh in our language means happiness, so please don't get the wrong idea of me being a bad boy personality or something. Moving on to my Pokemon life, I am proud to say that I have been a huge fan of the franchise from pretty much the moment that I started having a social life. I used to watch the anime as a kid, by which I mean early years of elementary school, after which it slowly stopped airing in my country. Thankfully they brought it back in 2014 and since then I have managed to rifle through all the seasons of the anime. I am also a huge fan of the games, and have played almost all the ones that I could get my hands on. Another aspect of the franchise that I really like is the Pokemon Adventures manga and I am pretty sure I have read all volumes of it right till X and Y. My top 10 Pokemon are- 10.Electivire 9.Abomasnow 8.Tocpxicroak 7.Gliscor 6.Sceptile 5.Talonflame 4.Ludicolo 3.Garchomp 2.Infernape 1.Greninja So, that's pretty much who I am. Honestly, I hope to meet loads of different people in this club and make some new friends, with whom I can share my true interests. PS- My favourite seasons of the anime are DP and XY. My favourite game is Platinum and my favourite arc of the Pokemon Adventures manga is the ruby and sapphire arc. Oh, and also, Gen 4 is my favourite generation. |
Jan 21, 2019 2:01 PM
Yo! Call me Meredith (it feels weird when people call me Homura O>O ) I'm not so big on the anime just because i'm not a fan of Ash. I have played Black 1 Alpha Sapphire and Sun. I've watched the anime through the johto region and some of Hoenn. I proceeded to then skip to X & Y (which I finished) then through about 15 episodes of Z. MY brother watches Sun all the time so i've basically seen that too. I caught 2 shines in AS and have about 25 total (I think?) i've played over 300 hours on sun. (lots of long car trips) ummm My favorite types are Ice,Ghost, and Grass. My Favorite Pokemon are Chandelure, Serperior, and Glaceon. Nihilego is my favorite ultra beast. But Buzzwole is more useful for shiny hunting to be honest. I like Sun pokemon more than any other gen (surprisingly.) Playthrough wise I liked Sun better too just because the Pokedex wasnt practically impossible to complete, The SOS method for shining hunting was also easier. |
Jan 27, 2019 12:29 PM
Hi I am Ben, I am 23 years old. I have been playing pokemon since I was 11 years old. I have played every main series pokemon game since gold (with the exception of let's go). I play pokemon semi-competitive (EV training, breeding but also using the pokemon I like). so if you want to battle contact me. I stopped watching the anime somewhere around diamond and pear. I have tried to start watching it again several times but always lost interest after a few episodes. |
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Feb 1, 2019 9:21 AM
Hi, new member here! I hadn't played pokemon since gen 4 when i did a little bit of competitive battling and sucking terribly at it in Heart Gold, but last year a friend got me back into playing with Ultra Sun. I've pretty much completely finished the game (other than multi battle tree and battle agency) and haven't touched it in a long time, but when i saw this club i figured, hey, might as well join, i wouldn't say no to some trades or some not so serious battles just for the fun of it. Other than that, i'm considering buying a switch (depends on what gen 8 game we get) and i also want to play some of the previous games i've missed out on, starting with X. Don't think i'll be very active in this club, but i'll try to drop in from time to time. Looking forward to getting along with all of you! |
Feb 13, 2019 4:29 AM
Hello everyone, a new member joins the Universe! I'm Ruukasu a rather shut in, lonely and quiet person who's looking to make a change for myself. Saving you all my personal backstory I'd ask that you refer to my profile if you seek to know more. ^W^ Now for my Pokémon history however it's a lengthy one. I started out with a copy of Ruby when I was seven years old and have played pretty much every main series title, along with spin offs, since then. My attitude as a trainer has evolved a lot through this time as well. Having gone from the kid who couldn't understand a single word of English in the games and mostly played it for fun, to a hardcore pokémon breeder, nickname maker and mild competitive battler. Using the Smogon rule set. I've also watched quite a bit of the anime as it was my Saturday morning cartoon of choice. A dedicated choice might I add. Having seen a lot of the Original Series, Advanced Generations and Diamond & Pearl. Though I sort of had a smaller stop in my fandom towards Black & White and Best Wishes. For both the games and the anime. Which wasn't picked back up again until long after the release of X & Y and the arrival of ORAS. A return to my roots Omega Ruby became my favorite Pokémon game. Though I still need to hit up the X & Y anime and beyond. On a side note I've also relatively recently picked up the Pokémon TCG online. Made a good couple of decks and won a fine number of battles. Now for a bit of a closing highlight I'd like to share my top ten favorite pokémon. Mind you all that I breed and train all kinds of pokémon, but those of the dragon and monster egg group make up most of my favorites. Along with some legendary creatures. I mostly like them thanks to appearance and connection, but the fact that they are strong doesn't hurt. #1 Groudon #2 Rayquaza #3 Garchomp #4 Charizard #5 Tyrantitar #6 Nidoking #7 Steelix #8 Aggron #9 Milotic #10 Gyarados With that I wish you all fellow members a good day. Consider giving me a PM or friend request should my little Pokémon story struck a chord with you. ^w^ |
Feb 13, 2019 11:30 PM
I noticed I didn't even introduced myself, so here we go! My profile: Feel free to add me guys, I'm very friendly person~ I watched pokemon anime as child. My first pokemon game I ever played was Pokemon Yellow. After many years I come back to Pokemon as I discovered fan game Pokemon Rejuvenation. And I decided to register to forum about similar game: Pokemon Reborn. My favorite pokemon are Silvally, and Alolan Ninetales. I also love playing League of Legends, which I'm playing since summer 2018. My name in LOL is BlueSayia if someone wants to add me and play together :) (I'm playing on EUW srver) I'm also big fan of football. My favorite club is Real Madrid. But I also love Juventus, and Bayern Munchen. And that's it! See ya in here~ |
Mar 10, 2019 5:21 AM
Hello, Friends know me as MrDaisy\Daisy sensei.. i am 25, my first game was pokemon first generation with the old Game Boy been a pokemon fan since i played the game.. also watched the anime first on TV, and when i joined MAL i decided to watch the anime again.. been searching/downloading every episode, even Specials/OVA/ Promotions videos that listed in MAL and arranging them by date or series releases. even found some of the rare pokemon episodes that listed here... moving on, i used to collect pokemon Card, but mostly lost, so i purchased MewTwo X and Y Box, didn't buy others, played TCG in PC which is created by Nintendo as well.. after a while i decided to hunt every game i missed after first and second generation of pokemon games ( I didn't buy DS and beyond until i started searching) so i managed to complete my games collection of pokemon which released in DS up to now.. but still didn't get switch games. the only remaining game from Gameboy Advance days is Pokemon Ruby.. still got the original game but no boxes whatsoever. lost my game boy advance... so purchased Advance SP. ------------ when Ultra Sun and moon anime started i stopped watching... i don't hate the animation.. i just decided to wait until its complete to watch it all... Fav character will ofc be RED, and i always try to build RED team when i play a game.. and try to catch them all |
Mar 10, 2019 12:22 PM
Hi! My name's Timothy, I'm non-binary, I'm 13 years old and from the Untied States. I got my first Pokémon game in 2017 for Christmas, it was Pokémon X. When I was really little, maybe 6 is when I first got into Pokémon threw the Kanto and Johto shows. I mostly play pokeheroes though because my mom got mad at me and deleted my save file because I wouldn't do my history homework. I now have Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, X, and Sun. My favorite Pokémon are probably Tangela Dragalge Zorua Darkrai Ditto Swellow and Vivillion's evolutionary line |
Mar 13, 2019 4:55 PM
my name is josh and im 21 years old i grew up with pokemon as a kid and i never stopped liking it i played pokemn red, black, x, and moon faves dragonite gardevoir glaceon ursaring ninetails quagsire charizard sylveon |
May 5, 2019 2:16 AM
Hello Everyone, I am Anubhab from India. 18 years old and my only goal in life is to transform my world into an utopia. Hobbies: Quizzing, Painting, Sketching Portraits, Reading Classic English Literature, Writing Short Stories and poems, Researching, GFX designing, video editing, playing vintage games of 80's and 90's, narrating for dramas and plays, making science models, Studying Chemistry and Mathematics and obviously...watching Anime! Likes: Participating in National and State Level Quiz, Debate and Painting Competitions, responsibilities, solving problems, cracking puzzles, challenges, Japanese music, teaching, mystery and horror novels, organizing events, psychological thriller anime, Nintendo games, people having high standards of performance and competitive mindset with modest approach. Dislikes: loud and hysterical people, egoistic individuals who think high of themselves and disregard other people, overly-optimistic persons, fickle-minded, blunt-brained show-offs with unrealistic attitude, people who don't follow discipline and break rules of the game. Other than all these, I dislike watching movies (except animation), Social Media in general. Mahou Shoujo and Mecha genres. Other experiences: Worked as Student Correspondent for a national daily newspaper (Times of India NIE) for two years, won several National awards in quizzing and painting, published a collection of short stories and poems in 2013-14 which has been included in junior school curriculum, illustrated posters for Anti-Drug Campaign of Govt. Of India, created special edition Postage Stamps for India post. Appeared on Television thrice and 4 times on Radio. |
May 10, 2019 12:25 PM
Hi, new to the club, but not Pokemon! Hardcore about Pokemon been playing since '98/99 when I was a lil un' and still love the series. Got almost every entry in the game series, play lots of ROM hacks too, with the anime I got up to Diamond and Pearl and haven't seen much after that besides a few movies. I really wanna check out the Pokemon Manga's soon as well. My favourite Pokemon is Blastoise, and I can't wait for Sword & Shield, send me a message if you ever feel like talking Pokemon :P |
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers |
May 16, 2019 10:23 PM
Hey everyone! I'm Twitchy! I've bin playing Pokemon since I was like 6 and still am today. If get up extra early in the mornings so if he able to watch Pokemon before school and collect the cards. I like a lot of Pokemon but wooper and jigglypuff have a special place in my heart. From the show I love the pink butterfree. 😍 |
May 25, 2019 7:32 AM
Hello, i announce my presence as the newcomer SpiritClanCat and... i don't know where i was going with that. I'm 23, socially awkward, and have been playing pokemon games since fire red. My favorite pokemon are Darkrai, Arceus and Absol and my favorite games are diamond, pearl and platinum. I have 12 cats and drawing, sewing, and photography are my hobbies. It's a bad day when you go to sew and don't have any projects lined up. |
May 25, 2019 7:57 AM
@SpiritClanCat Welcome to the club! I'm also 23, socially awkward and love Pokemon! I also used to be into photography in my college days, but not so much anymore! I have 4 cats :P 12 is some feat! haha. Hope you enjoy your time in the club, feel free to message or VM me if you ever wanna discuss anything Pokemon :P or anything really :)) |
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers |
Jun 9, 2019 9:37 AM
Hey y’all. I’m Braham (aka Bam). I’m a 21 non-binary person that loves Pokémon. I’ve been a fan of Pokémon ever since I was a kid and I’ve played every generation except for Gen 5. My favorite Pokémon is Mimikyu and my favorite starter is Treecko. I hope to have fun in the club. |
i think i've had enough |
Jun 16, 2019 8:37 PM
Soooo... How should I start?! Well first of im a high school boy french students that lived in Canada precisely in Montreal and currently 16 years old. Ive been a huge fan of pokemon since 7 years old...(pretty early i would say :3) anyway ever since then. ive been collecting pokemon cards and im still collecting into this day. I played all the pokemon game and im pretty hype up for the gen 8 its gonna spice thing up. My favorite gen is probably the Unova precisely B2 since the storyline was more depper and interesting. Also the reason why i loved Unova so much its because it has my beautiful Cinccino <3. I love her shes always on my team whatever its in pokemon showdown OU or Smogon. Why? because I love her 1vs9 sweep battle with Skill Link + Kings rock shes almost undefeatable. Anyway, you guys can hit me up on Discord and talk other stuff if you guys want to. Hopefully I can be part of this Community <3. (P.s my english can be that bad since Chinese if my main language then after that its French so dont judge me a lot plz :3). |
Jun 18, 2019 1:09 AM
Hey everyone! I'm Xof, I'm almost 27 and from the east coast of America. Glad to meet everyone and look forward to the content! I'm a big pokefan and have been ever since I was a small child. Some of my earliest childhood memories involved staying up all night with a flashlight, gamboy color, and pokemon blue. To this day I still love playing the new game releases, and though I don't collect anymore, enjoy seeing the new tcg releases. My favorite pokemon of all time is Gengar! Feel free to contact me if you ever want to discuss anime, pokemon, or music! |
Jun 21, 2019 12:38 AM
Hi my name is Roman im a 20 year old Russian/German boy I'm a huge pokemon fan ever since i was a child, my favorite Pokemon is Guardevoir |
Jul 25, 2019 9:09 PM
hi!! im dizzy. im 24 and from quebec, canada but i just moved to the uk not long ago! im non-binary! ive always loved pokemon, but i guess my "really getting into it"-ness started when i was around 14 (my first serious game was pearl! i had blue as well when i was like 7 but lost it and also didn't actually attempt to play through it) ive never had a favourite pokemon because i cant pick... :'( eevee is defs up there tho!! |
Mar 18, 2020 8:58 AM
Hola nice to meet you all, My name is Matthew I'm 20 years old and a long fan of pokemon. Decided to finally join a club on mal considering I've been using mal for a decent time and the best club to joined seemed this one. I have a lot of memories with the franchise and would love to share my memories and create new one's with all of you. Hopefully we all get along! |
Apr 5, 2020 4:18 AM
Hello everyone! Name: fivenuckles2 Age: 30+ (Oldest member here (I guess) ^^;) Location: Malaysia Introduction: Actually I accidently watching an episode of Pokemon in 1998. And since then, I'm addicted to it until todays generation :) As of this post, I have play all the games (except for Sword/Shield). Gotta watch~em all :D Top 10 Pokemon: 1) Wobbuffet 2) Rowlet 3) Psyduck 4) Oshawott 5) Victreebel 6) Ludicolo 7) Jigglypuff 8) Stunfisk 9) Slowpoke 10) Piplup |
MAL: Massive Card Collections || *NEW! Request Pokémon Custom Collections Card! Others: MV subbed || Blogger || Audio Projects || Don't open this! |
Jul 6, 2020 11:27 AM
Hello! I am RayKKS. It's only 6 letters but if you want to shorten it to address me that's fine. I grew up watching Pokemon of the TV before school. I don't really keep up with the anime anymore though. I've played a few of the games. I first played Pokemon X. I collect Pokemon plushies. I also play Pokemon Go quite often. I'm a pretty quiet person(I think), but I would love to join in and try interacting with others. I'll try not to have an anxiety attack and then disappear randomly. I am also a slow typer. My favorite Pokemon is Shaymin! I actually accidentally named my cat Skitty so Skitty became one of my favorites. My favorite animal is a horse, so I tend to really like Pokemon that resemble horses. |
RayKKSJul 6, 2020 11:34 AM
Nov 2, 2020 1:20 PM
hello everyone!! i'm simon, i'm 17 and greek. i'm in my first year of university studying physics. i love talking to people who like the same stuff i do so if you like anything i like please interact :) as for pokemon, i've only played the game boy, game boy color, game boy advance + pokemon white games. i want to get a new 3ds so i can play the later games too! my favorites so far are emerald, leaf green and yellow and i've played each at least twice since i first got a phone and discovered emulators. i'm mostly loving the series so far. i only remember watching the very first episodes on dvd as a kid though i've probably watched much more on tv and just don't remember. |
Nov 15, 2020 7:15 AM
Hello everyone! I am Pouckis, im from Cyprus and im 25 yo. Pokemon is one of my favorite franchise and maybe number 1. I started for first time with Pokemon Silver and till now i managed play all the games. I can't say that i am a huge fan for anime tho, ok first season beleongs to my childhood part but except XY(Z) last one didn't touck me. Feel free to ask more things if you want and sorry for my english, lol! My Favorite Pokemon by far is Lugia! |
Dec 1, 2020 11:42 PM
Hello! I'm a Pokemon Fan. AS you can see by my name and my profile. I'm a Pokemon Fan since I'm only 3. Being a Pokemon fan is really FANTASTIC for me. In Pokemon (and in whole anime universe too) is my most favorite character is Green Ookido, who is rival of Red. Maybe some of you are surprised, there are many characters, but why he? cause he is BEST to me. And then is N (Natural Harmonia Gropius) is great to me too! My top favorite Pokemon are are- 1. Blastoise (its awesome) 2. Charizard 3. Zoroark 4. Silvally 5. Lunala its enough! Bye. SMELL YA LATER!!!!!!!! |
Jan 7, 2021 8:40 AM
PokemonFan_123 said: Hello! I'm a Pokemon Fan. AS you can see by my name and my profile. I'm a Pokemon Fan since I'm only 3. Being a Pokemon fan is really FANTASTIC for me. In Pokemon (and in whole anime universe too) is my most favorite character is Green Ookido, who is rival of Red. Maybe some of you are surprised, there are many characters, but why he? cause he is BEST to me. And then is N (Natural Harmonia Gropius) is great to me too! My top favorite Pokemon are are- 1. Blastoise (its awesome) 2. Charizard 3. Zoroark 4. Silvally 5. Lunala its enough! Bye. SMELL YA LATER!!!!!!!! eyyy Blastoise is my fav too! Nice to meet you!! Feel free to DM me or leave or visitor message if you ever wanna chat! :)) |
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers |
Apr 5, 2021 4:25 AM
Hi , nice to meet you all! Pokemon is my favorite fanchise and it kept me company for almost my life so it really special. Hope i can find someone to talk about it that all. And if you want to be friend with me then just comment my profile and share some pokemon meme. If i can become a gym leader i will become a bug-type guy ^^ |
Apr 5, 2021 11:56 AM
name: The_Super_Weeb Nickname: TC favorite Pokemon: Hatterene |
Sep 6, 2021 1:38 PM
Hey! :D I'm MrCattyWolf! I'm a 2D artist/ animator, and I love Pokemon! Cyndaquil and Totodile are my favorites :D I'm always willing to accept friend requests and stuff! Thank you! |
Forum Icon is from Kekkai Sensen |
Jan 20, 2022 1:23 PM
Hello, you can call me Roxa (not my real name). I'm 21 years old and I love anime! I also like to draw, play video games, listen to music, travel, watch other stuff like movies and documentaries, etc. I wasn't really a Pokemon fan until I played Sword and Shield. Some of my favorite pokemon are Pikachu, galarian Ponyta/Rapidash, Charizard, and Primarina! And uhh I'm a shy introvert who doesn't say much sometimes, but feel free to send me a DM! ^_^ |
Aug 22, 2022 10:13 AM
Nov 18, 2024 3:22 PM
The first introduction post in over 2 years? Wow haha. Feel free to call me Fiarrow. I've been a Pokémon fan all my life. I started with Yellow Version and have played at least one game each generation since then. I'm more into the main line games rather than the spinoffs...though I did just download the TCG app on my iPad and I've been having fun with it. My favorite Pokemon from each generation include: Gen 1: Psyduck Gen 2: Umbreon Gen 3: Lotad Gen 4: Gible Gen 5: Chandelure Gen 6: Phantump Gen 7: Mareanie Gen 8: Dragapult Gen 9: Bellibolt |
Nov 18, 2024 4:15 PM
Reply to Fiarrow
The first introduction post in over 2 years? Wow haha.
Feel free to call me Fiarrow. I've been a Pokémon fan all my life. I started with Yellow Version and have played at least one game each generation since then. I'm more into the main line games rather than the spinoffs...though I did just download the TCG app on my iPad and I've been having fun with it.
My favorite Pokemon from each generation include:
Gen 1: Psyduck
Gen 2: Umbreon
Gen 3: Lotad
Gen 4: Gible
Gen 5: Chandelure
Gen 6: Phantump
Gen 7: Mareanie
Gen 8: Dragapult
Gen 9: Bellibolt
Feel free to call me Fiarrow. I've been a Pokémon fan all my life. I started with Yellow Version and have played at least one game each generation since then. I'm more into the main line games rather than the spinoffs...though I did just download the TCG app on my iPad and I've been having fun with it.
My favorite Pokemon from each generation include:
Gen 1: Psyduck
Gen 2: Umbreon
Gen 3: Lotad
Gen 4: Gible
Gen 5: Chandelure
Gen 6: Phantump
Gen 7: Mareanie
Gen 8: Dragapult
Gen 9: Bellibolt
@Fiarrow nice choice on Psyduck! I love him too and he's my little brothers favourite! welcome to the club, ahaha yeah I'm sure you will find most threads here are pretty archaic loool |
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers |
Dec 4, 2024 6:53 PM
Can't let only one person post a introduction post recently XD sooooo: Heh, I got into Pokémon thanks to my brother. He's on here funnily enough, favourite pokémon - Blaziken, I also love Psyduck and Sceptile. I hardly play pokémon now, but when I do it's normally for a challenge run (nuzlocke) because- why the hell not? Hah. My name? Come now, it's right there - my username will suffice always. Favourite games would be the ORAS games as they were my first on my 2ds console ( I played gba emulators my brother showed me way before that tho XD |
Dec 16, 2024 8:33 AM
Greetin's, Starry here! :D 16 year old cool person from the good ol' US of A I LOVE POKEMON AND I PLAY IT WHEN I CAN :> I mainly got into it because of the series Sun and Moon which, will always hold a special place in my heart <3 I'll never forget the day me and my brother binge watched the entire series during the summer of like...2019 i think...can't remember which year This year i got into collecting the cards :3 It's been fun learning how to play the card game ^^ My top 5 pokemon are 1- Espurr 2- Jirachi 3- Meowstic 4- Espeon 5- Pikachu (ofc) buh bye !! =(^.w.^)= |
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