Forum Settings
Aug 17, 2018 11:12 AM

Oct 2016

˜”*°•.˜”*°• Welcome to Eternal Ensemble! •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Did you know there were people behind all of the excellent events, captivating card editions, dazzling Discord events, and fantastic forum games? Well, there are! If you'd like to be one of them, check out what EE staff positions are open and apply!

Application Format
[b]Shortened / Nickname:[/b] 
[b]Staff Picture:[/b] 
[b]Do you have any experience with this?[/b] (If so, please specify.)
[b]Why are you applying?[/b] 
[b]Why should we accept your application?[/b] 
[b]Anything else we should know?[/b] 
[b]Thank you for your application!  @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3[/b] 

Staff Positions
5 / 8

♫ Moderate both the forums and the Discord server and help make important decisions.
♫ Each Admin is the head of another staff section, resolving any issues that might come up within the section.
♫ Previous experience is required; this position will be available for application for only a short time.
♫ Eventually this position will only be obtainable through promotion.
♫ Joining our Discord server is required (we need to be able to contact you easily).

Discord Moderators
3 / 3
Keep the Discord server healthy and happy. ♫
Make sure everyone follows the rules. ♫
Joining our Discord server and actively talking there is (obviously) required. ♫

Event Coordinators
2 / 3

♫ Come up with and host events on the Discord server and on the forums.
♫ Communicate with admins to create events.
♫ Joining the Discord server is NOT required, but favored.

News Team
2 / 4

Creates the monthly newsletter and makes any necessary announcements such as card editions. ♫
Someone on the team ought to have enough graphic designing skills to make a little banner for it and maybe also some section headers. ♫
Joining our Discord server is required (you need to be able to make announcements on the server). ♫

Card Makers + Layout Makers
CMs: 3 / ∞
LMs: 1 / 4

♫ CMs graphically design cards according to a theme and put them up for people to request in special editions.
♫ Must participate in at least one edition a month.
♫ Must participate in at least one group edition (rather than a solo or collection) per 3 months.
♫ Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored.

♫ LMs graphically design a layout for the club's main page in addition to a matching club picture, Discord server icon, and a small banner.
♫ There will be one layout per month eventually; at the moment, we're only asking for one every 3 months from each person.
♫ Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored.

Game Makers / Moderators
2 / 5

Come up with ideas for new forum games and keep the games active. ♫
Keep the games active. ♫
Communicate with admins about the creation of games. ♫
Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored. ♫

2 / 4

♫ Deliver anything we need delivered: newsletters, cards, prizes, etc.
♫ Copy delivery code and paste it in the requested location (profiles, blogs, PM).
♫ Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored.

6 / ∞

People who want to help but have limited time. ♫
Mostly small errands: BBcode errors, forum threads, deadlines etc. ♫
Good for gaining experience (sort of like an internship). ♫
Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored. ♫

If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask ElleGrace! ;)

TaiyakiNov 21, 2018 7:43 PM
set made by Ale, circa 2016
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 1, 2018 4:21 PM

Nov 2016
Username: Izarapaw
Shortened / Nickname: Izzy
Position: Administrator
Availability: Daily
Do you have any experience with this? Yes, I’m a staff member in several clubs and I took on general admin duties without signing up in Carmine Sky.
Why are you applying? I’d like to help out a new starting club since it won’t be as routine as a bigger club so I’d feel like there’s more room for creativity. Furthermore, I’ll enjoy helping out and watching the club grow and develop and as a musical enthusiast myself, it seems like the perfect theme for me.
Why should we accept your application? As MAL has come back up I’ve started to become a lot more active and currently I’ve been revamping my profile just for the sake of making something. Therefore I think that workaholic attitude may come in handy for any more laborious jobs associated with starting up a club.
Anything else we should know? One of the things I enjoy the most is BBcode because every time I make something work it just feels like magic to me xD so I’m well chuffed to do anything involving that.
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Thank you for reading!! Hope this was good enough xx

Welcome to the team, @Izarapaw! Please follow up with the PM I sent you a little while ago.
~ElleGrace 9/1/2018
ElleGraceSep 1, 2018 6:54 PM
Sep 5, 2018 4:56 AM
Aug 2018
Shortened / Nickname:
Part-Timer / Courier
Hourly. Most likely daily, all I need is a reason to be available daily, so it depends on many factors!

Do you have any experience with this?
I've always enjoyed making pwetty posts (clear; visually and content wise). As for experience, I've been moderating two forums (both were in related to gaming), so cleaning up and archiving posts is my hobby. :D

Why are you applying?
I just saw I was invited by ElleGrace (must have been for quite some time, but since I was already in one Club, I guessed the "1" meant I was in 1 Club haha ^_^'). Motivation wise, I'm not part of any forum anymore, and when I'm in front of my laptop, I never know what to do.

Why should we accept your application?
Accepting my application would mean giving an unknown stranger the chance to do something with its life.

Anything else we should know?
I tend to be perfectionist. I also tend to jump from mood to mood; but this never affects the work I produce.

Thank you for your application!
@ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3

Comments: “Everything that matters, takes time.”

Welcome to the team, @amfpi! Please follow up with the PM I will send you shortly.
~ElleGrace 9/5/2018

~amfpi 11/20/2018
9i6Nov 20, 2018 10:10 AM
(ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू) 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
Sep 7, 2018 6:30 AM

Apr 2017
Username: AkatsuniNoTeaaa
Shortened / Nickname: Teaaa
Position: News Team
Availability: a couple of hours every day...
Do you have any experience with this? Not in making newsletter, but I delivered them and I was helping a little with making ut in one club, so I know how I should make one... and I can make the banner for it...
Why are you applying? To help out and have fun...
Why should we accept your application? Because... ummm... I wanna help you with this club... and I noticed that you still don't have anyone in this team...
Anything else we should know? Nope... if you wanna know anything else, feel free to ask me... :D
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Looking forward to working with you... <3

Welcome to the team, @AkatsukiNoTeaaa ! Please follow up with the PM I will send you shortly.
~Luka 9/7/2018
LukaThe12thSep 7, 2018 9:58 AM

Thanks to Secret Santa for this beautiful forum set!!!
Sep 8, 2018 6:56 AM

Jun 2017
Username: Chian-chan
Shortened / Nickname: Chian
Position: News Team
Availability: A couple of hours every day
Do you have any experience with this? Yes, I am a newsletter maker in few more clubs.
Why are you applying? 'Cause I wanna help
Why should we accept your application? I just wanna help you with this club, so...
Anything else we should know? Nope, but if you wanna know anything else feel free to ask. :)
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Thanks for considering me. I'm looking forward to working with you.

Welcome to the team, @Chian-chan ! Please follow up with the PM I will send you shortly.
~Luka 9/8/2018
LukaThe12thSep 8, 2018 7:21 AM

Forum set made by Teaaa
Sep 10, 2018 3:53 AM

Jun 2010
Username: Cinna
Shortened / Nickname: Cinna
Position: Game Maker/Moderator
Availability: 4-8 hours per day, depending on my schedule
Do you have any experience with this? Yes
Why are you applying? I love creating games, especially anime-themed ones
Why should we accept your application? Because I want to help out
Anything else we should know? I am a nerd
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Thanks for considering me!

Welcome to the team, @Cinna! Please follow up with the PM I will send you shortly.
~ElleGrace 9/10/2018
ElleGraceSep 10, 2018 8:08 AM
Sep 10, 2018 6:20 AM

Mar 2010
Username: Junimo
Shortened / Nickname:
Position: Part-Time (can also help with cards/claims)
Availability: I check in for a few minutes on mal, if i have something to do I can be on for a few hours
Do you have any experience with this? Yes, I was admin for a few clubs in the past
Why are you applying? Have some free time
Why should we accept your application? Would like to help!
Anything else we should know? I closed my pm/comment and can only be reached in staff chat
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Thank you!

Thank you for applying, @Junimo! Unfortunately, we will not be accepting your application. We would like the ability to contact staff members privately in case something comes up.
~ElleGrace 9/11/2018
ElleGraceSep 11, 2018 2:43 PM
Sep 13, 2018 1:44 AM

Nov 2017
Username: -Zarathos-
Shortened / Nickname: Jimmy
Position: Game Maker/Moderator
Availability: Daily
Do you have any experience with this? No but played few games on forums so have a littke bit idea of what to do ^_^
Why are you applying? Well the name Game Maker itself sounds fun, I have so much free time and want my creative mind to mess with something ^_^
Why should we accept your application? 1.Well I'm creative and can come up with nice, funny and unique ideas for games.
2.I'm online on mal almost all the time.
3.I myself love to play games so you can trust me about coming up with new ideas for games time to time.
Anything else we should know? Already joined discord server and active on it, I Want to have fun with everyone playing games created by me.
If you still want to know anything then just ask.
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Having fun with everyone is my utmost intention but if I can help the club while doing it then I will be more than happy ^_^

Welcome to the team, @-Zarathos-! Please follow up with the PM I will send you soon.
~ElleGrace 9/10/2018
ElleGraceSep 13, 2018 9:47 AM
Sep 14, 2018 3:50 AM

Jun 2015
Username: Nyum
Position: Discord Moderator
Availability: Most of the time
Do you have any experience with this? Yes, I've been discord mod in quite a few MAL servers before (eg. CoTH) and I've had my own servers before
Why are you applying? Because I like helping :D
Why should we accept your application? idk tbh
Anything else we should know? non
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: <3

Welcome to the team, @Nyum! Thank you for following up with the PM I sent when I accepted you a week or so ago. XD
~ElleGrace 9/25/2018
ElleGraceSep 25, 2018 3:16 PM
(・・ ) ?
Sep 24, 2018 4:47 PM

Jun 2017
Username: xKellyyBanannax
Shortened / Nickname: KellyBananna or Xkellyyx
Position: Card maker/courrier
Availability: Daily
Do you have any experience with this? (If so, please specify.) Yess, Click here. I also do my own delieverys.
Why are you applying? Because I love to help people and clubs o/
Why should we accept your application? Because I'm amazing and you will love having me there xD ahah
Anything else we should know? I hope I can be accepted. I always try my best in everything I do so expect good things if you accept me!!
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Thanks for your time <3

Welcome to the team, @xKellyyBanannax! Please follow up with the PM I will send you soon.
~Taiyaki 9/24/2018
TaiyakiSep 24, 2018 9:25 PM
Profile | Club

"Whatever you lose, you'll find it again. But what you throw away you'll never get back."
Sep 25, 2018 2:40 PM

Jan 2016
Username: Horan_Sriue
Shortened / Nickname:Horan
Position:Event Coordinator
Availability: Euh daily, sometimes away in weekends, and if im not being lazy i can make some time
Do you have any experience with this? I guess no (If so, please specify.)
Why are you applying? Seems like fun
Why should we accept your application? Not for much particular reason but im a pretty nice guy, saying so myself
Anything else we should know? Im a baka
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Pls daddy >.<

Welcome to the team, @Horan_Sriue ! Please follow up with the PM I will send you soon.
~Izzy 25/09/18
IzararaSep 25, 2018 3:01 PM
Oct 16, 2018 2:33 AM

Apr 2015
Username: SpacePandaMan
Shortened / Nickname: SpacePanda
Position: Game Makers / Moderators
Availability: More or less every day after work. (I'm always on Discord)
Do you have any experience with this? Nope, none.
Why should we accept your application? I have 2 ideas for games and I wanna see if they would work. (Music themed)
Anything else we should know? Not really. Nothing comes to mind at least.
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Oct 17, 2018 8:06 PM
Jun 2013
Username: Yumejihime
Shortened / Nickname: Yumeji
Position: Courier
Availability: Afternoons and some evenings
Do you have any experience with this? I'm the courier for two other clubs
Why are you applying? I'd like to help out
Why should we accept your application? Because you're in need of couriers XD
Anything else we should know? The square root of 4 is 2
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Thanks
Oct 24, 2018 1:58 AM

Apr 2016
Username: Charlotte1412
Shortened / Nickname: Charlotte
Position: Courier
Availability: 24/7 (except uni and sleep time)
Do you have any experience with this? (If so, please specify.)
Why are you applying? Because I would love to help out.
Why should we accept your application? Because I will prove myself worthy as a courier
Anything else we should know? I am bad at coding, so this is the only way I can help out?!
Thank you for your application! @ElleGrace or @LukaThe12th will take care of your application quickly <3
Comments: Looking forward to it.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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