5 / 8
♫ Moderate both the forums and the Discord server and help make important decisions.
♫ Each Admin is the head of another staff section, resolving any issues that might come up within the section.
♫ Previous experience is required; this position will be available for application for only a short time.
♫ Eventually this position will only be obtainable through promotion.
♫ Joining our Discord server is required (we need to be able to contact you easily).
Discord Moderators
3 / 3
Keep the Discord server healthy and happy. ♫
Make sure everyone follows the rules. ♫
Joining our Discord server and actively talking there is (obviously) required. ♫
Event Coordinators
2 / 3
♫ Come up with and host events on the Discord server and on the forums.
♫ Communicate with admins to create events.
♫ Joining the Discord server is NOT required, but favored.
News Team
2 / 4
Creates the monthly newsletter and makes any necessary announcements such as card editions. ♫
Someone on the team ought to have enough graphic designing skills to make a little banner for it and maybe also some section headers. ♫
Joining our Discord server is required (you need to be able to make announcements on the server). ♫
Card Makers + Layout Makers
CMs: 3 / ∞
LMs: 1 / 4
♫ CMs graphically design cards according to a theme and put them up for people to request in special editions.
♫ Must participate in at least one edition a month.
♫ Must participate in at least one group edition (rather than a solo or collection) per 3 months.
♫ Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored.
♫ LMs graphically design a layout for the club's main page in addition to a matching club picture, Discord server icon, and a small banner.
♫ There will be one layout per month eventually; at the moment, we're only asking for one every 3 months from each person.
♫ Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored.
Game Makers / Moderators
2 / 5
Come up with ideas for new forum games and keep the games active. ♫
Keep the games active. ♫
Communicate with admins about the creation of games. ♫
Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored. ♫
2 / 4
♫ Deliver anything we need delivered: newsletters, cards, prizes, etc.
♫ Copy delivery code and paste it in the requested location (profiles, blogs, PM).
♫ Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored.
6 / ∞
People who want to help but have limited time. ♫
Mostly small errands: BBcode errors, forum threads, deadlines etc. ♫
Good for gaining experience (sort of like an internship). ♫
Joining our Discord server is NOT required, but favored. ♫