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Do you miss Rie Matsumoto's directing flair?
Jan 7, 2018 8:37 PM
Jan 2016
While it's not even close to a bad anime, it's definitely not as well-directed or stylistic as the first one. The first episode indeed has more similar directing to Matsumoto's style, unfortunately the rest are simply lacking. Now this 2nd season only feels like your run-of-the-mill shounen anime. For a fan of the first season, I am quite disappointed.
Jan 7, 2018 8:44 PM

Jan 2014
I like the setup of the first season, but unfortunately it completely neglected the characters. I didn't know anything about them, therefore I didn't care. The first season was crazy fun, but it was also messy. Overall, it didn't really get anywhere.

The second season had better writing, imo. It actually used its full cast, unlike the first one. It was a little more to the point, and I can see why people didn't like that, but the payoff through the characters heavily outweighed it. It just depends what you prefer.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Jan 7, 2018 9:14 PM
Jan 2016
Zelev said:
I like the setup of the first season, but unfortunately it completely neglected the characters. I didn't know anything about them, therefore I didn't care. The first season was crazy fun, but it was also messy. Overall, it didn't really get anywhere.

The second season had better writing, imo. It actually used its full cast, unlike the first one. It was a little more to the point, and I can see why people didn't like that, but the payoff through the characters heavily outweighed it. It just depends what you prefer.

The 1st season's setup was fine, I guess. Sometimes it felt tacky, mostly because of the "here's a tiny bit of taste of the overarching plot" at the end of every episode & nothing related to the overall episode. And the payoff was a bit messy. I wonder how messier it would be if there's no delay for the final episode.
And as for the characters, indeed most of them were not explored that well in the 1st season, but most of them were simply side characters. There's no importance to the plot. Just like how Cowboy Bebop handled its' episodic episodes, some side characters would be introduced & characterized quite well, but nothing more if those characters backstories were not integral to the plot.

Could you elaborate the better writing? Because overall it's not that different to be honest. In fact, how they handle the antagonists are more predictable & lacks proper characterization.
I agree, the writing is more simplistic than the first one. It flows rather slower & more predictable. But what what do you mean by "the payoff through the characters heavily outweighed it?" Every episode that dedicates itself to some of the main characters mainly ends up at nothing. There's no payoff. We get to know them better, sure, but they build up to nothing. There's no character development or something along those lines that being told through those episodes that ends with some kind of conclusion. It's more like slice of life episodes.

Yeah, it's indeed mostly about preference. Like I said, this season is not even close to bad(it's quite solid, actually), but it simply lacks the uniqueness that Rie Matsumoto brought to the table. If the 1st season did not exist, I would probably enjoy this one a lot more.
Jan 7, 2018 9:29 PM

Jan 2014

And as for the characters, indeed most of them were not explored that well in the 1st season, but most of them were simply side characters. There's no importance to the plot. Just like how Cowboy Bebop handles its' episodic episodes, some side characters would be introduced & characterized quite well, but nothing more if those characters backstories are not integral to the plot.

The side characters given screen time in season 2 were still side characters, so I don't see your point there. And these side characters are pretty damn important to the story considering they work with Leo. Without the side characters, then where are the relationships? Where is the character dynamics? It's nonexistent.

What side characters are you referring to in Cowboy Bebop?

Could you elaborate the better writing? Because overall it's not that different to be honest.

Better writing is actually using your characters, for starters.

In fact, how they handle the antagonists are more predictable & lacks proper characterization.

The antagonists were also predictable in season 1.. Don't really see your point. Our protagonists always win anyway.

I agree, the writing is more simplistic than the first one. It flows rather slower & more predictable.

I guess it's slower? I prefer it to the mess that was season 1, though.

But what what do you mean by "the payoff through the characters heavily outweighed it?" Every episode that dedicates itself to some of the main characters mainly ends up at nothing. There's no payoff. We get to know them better, sure, but they build up to nothing. There's no character development or something along those lines that being told through those episodes that ends with some kind of conclusion. It's more like slice of life episodes.

As I said earlier, it builds character dynamics/relationships. You get a better feel of their intentions, the atmosphere surrounding certain characters, who they are as a person, etc. Character development wasn't really the point, even though they obviously all do gradually start to outwardly show they care for one another.

If you prefer world building, then you'd probably go with season 1.
If you prefer characters, then you'd probably go with season 2.
It just depends.

Yeah, it's indeed mostly about preference. Like I said, this season is not close to bad, but it simply lacks the uniqueness that Rie Matsumoto brought to the table.

Rie Matsmumoto's problem was the lack of balancing out certain areas. Whoever directed season 2 improved on those mistakes, imo.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Jan 7, 2018 10:10 PM
Jan 2016
Zelev said:

The side characters given screen time in season 2 were still side characters, so I don't see your point there. And these side characters are pretty damn important to the story considering they work with Leo. Without the side characters, then where are the relationships? Where is the character dynamics? It's nonexistent.

What side characters are you referring to in Cowboy Bebop?

Better writing is actually using your characters, for starters.

The antagonists were also predictable in season 1.. Don't really see your point. Our protagonists always win anyway.

I guess it's slower? I prefer it to the mess that was season 1, though.

As I said earlier, it builds character dynamics/relationships. You get a better feel of their intentions, the atmosphere surrounding certain characters, who they are as a person, etc. Character development wasn't really the point, even though they obviously all do gradually start to outwardly show they care for one another.

They were side characters on the 1st season, but since they got more screentime & dedicated episodes for them this season, their roles changed to main characters. Side characters can become main character or the other way around for the sequel. For example, DTB & Eden of the East.
Yes, they're important, but not important enough to warrant backstory. If their backstory somehow intertwined with the plot, then sure. But they're not. So for them to got proper characterization were good enough. More than that could hurt the pacing & the overall focus of the plot. And I am quite sure their relationships with Leo on the first season was quite well-shown. Knowing their backstory wouldn't necessarily make the relationship between characters better.
Well, there were many side characters on Cowboy Bebop, since it's mostly episodic stuff. But just to name a couple, the lady who acted like she's pregnant & her drug-dealing husband. They're characterized quite well without any dedicated scenes to explain their backstory.

But they used their characters on the first season. Do not confuse "using characters" with "giving them backstories." They're different.

On the 1st season, the antagonists usually introduced in a more unique way. Like how on the 1st episode, the antagonist being introduced by how he just wanted to have fun & his silly evil plan by planting the other half of a monster in a flea that reside on the monkey's head. On the 2nd season, the antagonist introduced in a more straightforward manner. For example, the vampire antagonist on episode 2 being introduced by simply met the main characters because the antagonist was walking his dog. That's it. And then the antagonist on the Chain episode introduced by expositions from other characters & the antagonist lacked any proper characterization.

It's indeed slower(except the 1st episode). If you know about how pacing works, you know this season is slower.

I see. Yes, I agree with this season focus on the main characters are quite nice. Nice, but not what I'd call important.
Jan 8, 2018 6:31 AM

Jan 2014

They were side characters on the 1st season, but since they got more screentime & dedicated episodes for them this season, their roles changed to main characters. Side characters can become main character or the other way around for the sequel. For example, DTB & Eden of the East.
Yes, they're important, but not important enough to warrant backstory. If their backstory somehow intertwined with the plot, then sure. But they're not. So for them to got proper characterization were good enough. More than that could hurt the pacing & the overall focus of the plot. And I am quite sure their relationships with Leo on the first season was quite well-shown. Knowing their backstory wouldn't necessarily make the relationship between characters better.
Well, there were many side characters on Cowboy Bebop, since it's mostly episodic stuff. But just to name a couple, the lady who acted like she's pregnant & her drug-dealing husband. They're characterized quite well without any dedicated scenes to explain their backstory.

Lol no, they were still side characters. Go look on the MAL details. They don't automatically become main characters just because you think so. Not how it works.

They're important enough to impact the story itself, therefore it warrants "backstory." Without "backstory," then these characters wouldn't even have much character.

Haven't seen Cowboy Bebop in a long time, and I disagree with you anyway. In Kekkai Sensen's case, these side characters were in a lot of episodes - not just one. There is a major difference here between them and a side character or two you are referring to in another show. It's false equivalency.

But they used their characters on the first season. Do not confuse "using characters" with "giving them backstories." They're different.

First of all, they weren't even "backstories." So there's a flaw in your argument right there. It was more of characterization.

Second of all, the characters had zero characterization in the first season. You're telling me it's good writing to neglect your characters? I highly disagree with you there. That's a sign of poor writing, imo.

On the 1st season, the antagonists usually introduced in a more unique way. Like how on the 1st episode, the antagonist being introduced by how he just wanted to have fun & his silly evil plan by planting the other half of a monster in a flea that reside on the monkey's head. On the 2nd season, the antagonist introduced in a more straightforward manner. For example, the vampire antagonist on episode 2 being introduced by simply met the main characters because the antagonist was walking his dog. That's it. And then the antagonist on the Chain episode introduced by expositions from other characters & the antagonist lacked any proper characterization.

I didn't really care about the antagonists in one season or the other.

As for the Chain episode, you are referring to a thug that was an asshole. A thug doesn't need really characterization. The episode was about Chain and Leo's relationship. You missed the point of the episode. And I don't really see how you want characterization of antagonists, but you're okay with zero characterization of protagonists? You're very inconsistent on your argument there.

It's indeed slower(except the 1st episode). If you know about how pacing works, you know this season is slower.

I disagree. It was pretty normal pacing. If you know anything about pacing, you'd know the first season was just faster. Hence, it was messy.

I see. Yes, I agree with this season focus on the main characters are quite nice. Nice, but not what I'd call important.

It saved the show for me. To each their own. Don't really wanna continue this convo. Was fun though.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Jan 8, 2018 8:36 AM
Jan 2016
Zelev said:
It saved the show for me. To each their own. Don't really wanna continue this convo. Was fun though.

Thank you for your time.
Oh, & please remind me about this discussion if I started a discussion with you in the future. I am just not interested dealing with your type. Thank you.
Jan 8, 2018 10:47 AM

Aug 2017
I think that the second season was bad, mostly, because is so repetitive: some generic villain do something against a Libra member → characters try to finding them or do something to defeat them→ explosions everywhere and the generic villain is defeated. This type of bad writing are in the first 10 episodes (even the episodes dedicated for the characters have the same problem). At least in the first season was a bit different. Also too much boring and crazy things to me without context. I explained why this season is bad in my review on the front page.
NurguburuJan 8, 2018 11:18 AM
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Jun 15, 2024 6:38 AM
May 2015
I will admit that Rie Matsumoto had a distinct visual flair that made the first season look spectacular.

But both seasons did things differently: the first season a stronger central plot and had somewhat higher stakes, while the second season was more episodic and enabled stronger character focus. I wouldn't call either direction wrong, each have their own strengths. And one can't say if Matsumoto could have made the second season as stylish as the first.

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