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Mar 14, 2010 11:57 AM

May 2009
Here you can create your character and tell us what position you want to be in.

Here's the template:

Name: (Obvious)
Age: (Obvious)
Rank: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)
Position: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)
Looks: (Spoiler please! Picture would be best for here.)
Mech or Eva look: (Only applies if you control a Mech or Eva)
Personality: (What are you like?)
History: (Where did you come from? What did you do before you joined up? Why did you join up?)
Specialties: (What type of attack[or healing skill] do you specialize in? What do you work best with? What type of people do you work best with?)

My character:

Name: Ruby
Age: 20
Rank: Master
Position: Executive Council

Personality: A very strong willed soft spoken girl. She doesn't take anything from anyone and she controls what everyone does, she is a very nice woman.
History: She worked with children earlier in her life and knows how to handle people, when the Angels first started to attack, she got a group together to help defeat them. This group is still growing strong and she is now the leader.
Specialties: Healing is one of her greatest specialties, she also has great leadership skills and knows how to put different people together to attack based on specialties.
BluerubyMar 21, 2010 11:16 AM
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Mar 15, 2010 5:32 AM

Dec 2008
Name: Altiar
Age: 19
Rank: master
Position: Co Commander

Blueruby said:
You are Master four. (:
BluerubyMar 18, 2010 5:36 PM
come now u must die
Mar 15, 2010 7:49 AM

Apr 2009
Name: Nox
Age: 16
position: team mechanic


Personality: optimistic, friendly attitude. Also renowned for being quite competetive always wishing to fix things and show off his talents

History: father and mother died in a mech battle at the age of 4. Both were ace pilots and brought me along to where they were stationed when it was ambushed. I survived by the scrap metal from their mechs protecting and hiding me until they left. from then on i set out to become an ace pilot of my own mech. I lived by myself so i had to fix things all the time inevidebly supporting my career to become a mechanic at the age of 8. From then on i always build weird contraptions that better improve the mechs fighting abilities. I built a motorcycle with special capabilities from my parents dead mech pices and despite being an ace pilot and great driver i cant pilot a fighter mech worth a damn. XP

Specialties: mechanic specializing in fixing all sorts of broken machinery, ace pilot/driver and exceptionally strong in hand to hand combat

Blueruby said:
Accepted (:
BluerubyMar 16, 2010 8:48 PM

A Sound Soul Dwells Within A Sound Mind And A Sound Body
Mar 16, 2010 4:00 PM

Jun 2009
Age: 22
Rank: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)
Position: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)

Mech or Eva look:

Personality: friendly can be a bit boustrous if criticised or acused of misdeeds but otherwise easy to get on with and always protects the weak
History:was a high class citizen before the angls attacked he was in the best school was part of the fencing team and kick boxing team untill his parents were killed and he swore to gain vengence.
Specialties:is a good alround fighter but can also sneak into places due to his unusually small stature

Blueruby said:
Accepted (:
BluerubyMar 16, 2010 8:47 PM

Mar 17, 2010 4:02 AM

Oct 2008
Name: Relea
Age: 14
Rank: Master
Position: Mecha

Mech or Eva look:

Personality: A nice, kind and peaceful girl and can be trustworthy. But when it comes to danger, or teases, and traitors others....stay away from her...quick.
History: once dangerous, murderous, trained, homeless little girl, she starts murdering people at the past. She was, then, captured by group of mech masters from a different country. They tamed her, made themselves trustworthy, and even thought her how to use a mecha. at the age 14, she was finally a mech master, a trustworthy commander, and also the youngest master. They sent her back to her homeland to fix the problems she had done.
Specialties: Detecting and Aiming Weak points. Skilled at using swords, knives, guns and anything hand-held. Likes to work with trustworthy people.
simonfanMar 17, 2010 4:32 AM
Mar 18, 2010 7:52 PM

Sep 2008
Age: 19
Rank:(what position i should be)
Position: Executive Council position(thinking of) Co-commander or first seat (any position im okay)

Personality: She is strong willed girl, she has a spit personalty- can be arrogant, sarcastic, and a aristocrat. She can be smart, and very strong-willed mind.
History:She was in a famous family business but soon the Angels came, they decide to kill them, that they are strong, but she ran away, but she found the leader and asked to be in the group, and want to defeat them to avenged her family, and also to protect anyone from who needs it.
Specialties: Healing, and Strategies plans. skilled at swords, and guns. Worked best in group of three, and trusting, and honest people.

Blueruby said:
You are Co-Commander if that's fine (:
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Mar 18, 2010 8:54 PM

Dec 2008
Age: 25
Rank: master
Position: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)

Mech or Eva look: Eva

Personality: a happy go lucky guy that transforms into a totally serious person when on a mission and thinks nothing about killing while on them

History:After being thrown into the other possible world by mad scientist's devices, Viper finds himself to still be in mad scientist's basement, but everything is disused and covered with cobwebs since nobody has apparently been there in years.Viper attempts to go back home; while he finds that the house he lived in is still occupied by his parents, they no longer recognize him. After wandering around for a few hours, he is found by Hime who takes him to the HQ of the Earth Defense Force, a privately financed paramilitary operation led by this BlueRuby and soon employs him as a pilot for his giant robots after discovering that Viper is able to use them.

Specialties: im a person that is good at everything i specialize in all types of weapons and can work well with any kind of person as long as the can follow orders
Mar 20, 2010 9:32 PM

Jul 2008
Name: Tylia
Age: 28
Rank: Eva master
Position: 1

Mech looks: Built to take, and dish out, one hell of a beating
Personality: Kind, caring, motherly, and wise out of battle. People rarely guess that she is the first master. Ruthless, unforgiving, and brutal in battle. Her rank becomes obvious.
History: Tylia was born and raised in japan by her father who ran a dojo. Her father died when she was 13 and she was sent to america to live with her aunt. She then spent her days on the streets, where she learned other forms of self defense and survival. She stole whatever she needed to survive. One day, Tylia picked a fight with the previous first master, and lost. Insipred, Tylia followed him and became his apprentice.
Specialties: She's good at everything, but swordplay and tactics are her best. Any weapon is good enough for her. She tends to get along with everyone she meets

Blueruby said:
Approved ^^
TamoballMar 20, 2010 9:41 PM
Mar 20, 2010 10:52 PM

Jul 2008
Name: Pcell
Age: 16

Rank: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)
Position: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)


Mech or Eva look:

Personality: (What are you like?) She is usually quite agreeable and willing to cooperate with other people. She usually speaks in a deadpan manner, and most visible signs of emotional response appear rather muted. Sometimes, she seems to lack common sense.

History: She was born and raised as a subject for a full-body cyberization project conducted by the military, involving human-machine interfacing. After many positive results, she was enlisted as a pilot.

Specialties: She has a robotic body with removable parts and can be retrofitted with various custom weapons. At the base of her neck, there is a port that can be connected to compatible machines, allowing her to interface directly with it. She works well with anyone that is willing cooperate, and has no problems following orders from above.

Blueruby said:
If you don't mind I am going to put you under Master 5. Is that fine?
BluerubyMar 21, 2010 10:53 AM
Mar 21, 2010 7:03 PM

Mar 2010
Name: Rage
Age: 18
Rank: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)
Position: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)

Mech look:

Personality: Cold hearted monster of destruction. A perfect war machine type personality, no emotions apart from rage which he feeds off.
History: Out of risk of sounding like a copy I'm leaving this blank till I can think of a new one other than my normal one. Damn you Lunch.
Specialties: Rage has been training a one hit kill, the best he has come up with is an near impossible one hit kill that uses all of his pent up anger with a series of wires and gadgets insides his mech that attached and combined with Rage when going into berserker mode. As seen in this

While in berserker mode speed increases and normal damage output is increased dramaticly but power is consumed not only from the core but from Rage himself. Prolonged combat while in berserker mode will result in death and self destruction of the mech itself. Works best alone.

Yeah I'm rusty on templates.

Also care when opening the mech spoiler cause it's pretty big. And AC5 barely has any screenshots so use your imagination for the rest of it if you need to.
RageBorneMar 21, 2010 7:34 PM
Mar 22, 2010 10:00 AM

Mar 2009
Name: Motion
Age: 31
Rank: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)
Position: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)

Mech or Eva look: Eva

Personality: Quiet in nature and usually keeps to himself. Keeps a level head while in the battlefield and is compassionate towards his comrades. Unfortunately he suffers from major laziness and needs a motivational push (sometimes physically) to attend to his duties. As he is a pacifist he believes not all battles should be fought with the intention of spilling blood.

History: Grew up in a small town away from the city. His father held a high position in the military but was unknown to Motion. His mother always pushed him to do his best but he seemed to never have any interest in school or work for that matter. So one they him and his mother placed a bet. If he endured a month at the military academy he wouldn't be kicked out of the house. Not much of a choice right? He soon became a future ace pilot in the air force but still gets into occasional "hookey" sessions.

Specialties: Based on his military record he specializes in air flight and combat, able to perform the most complex of moves while taking to the sky. He can pilot even the biggest of airplanes with ease or enough motivation (lol). From his basic training he is also adept in hand-to-hand/weapons combat and shows a preference to pistols.
MotionBlueMar 22, 2010 2:35 PM
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Mar 22, 2010 10:13 PM

May 2009
All approved:
Motion: Mater two - Eva.
Rage: Master 6 - Mech.
Mar 23, 2010 2:02 PM

Jun 2009
Name: Ekshuki
Age: 16
Rank: choose by admins
Position: choose by admins

Mech or Eva look: Eva

Personality: I have a cool temper. I don't really rush into things unless I know I can win. I don't pick fights though when I do I have a fun time. I tend to be lazy sometimes just depends on my mood.

History: I grew up in just a random town. I have moved from place to place ever since I grew up. Then I made my mecha and I have never been happier. But thats basically it.

Specialties: I am an expert marksman with my sniper rife. But I also specialize in close range with my battle axe. I also use hand to hand if I must.
Dark_TamaMar 23, 2010 3:11 PM
No matter what blade you possess, it is impossible to cut a single flower that blooms in the wilderness that has become my home. ~Unknown
Mar 23, 2010 2:28 PM
Feb 2010
Name: Enigma
Age: 19
Rank: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)
Position: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)

Mech or Eva look: Eva

Personality: Enigma is a silent and serious person. While in battle, he priorizes the mission objective over anything else. In a situation where he needs to give up his teammates lives to complete the mission, he will do so without further ado, unless the command centre tells him to do otherwise.

History: Enigma was artificially bred by two ace pilot genes, the company that created him wanted him to become the worlds first human super weapon in controlling robots. When he had reached the age of six, his days started to look darker and darker in the cockpit of his own personal Eva, in which he has grown up the latest years. As he turned 19, he was let free because the government didn't accept the way the company had been treating him, but he had no future without his Eva, so he made a deal with the company. He would get the Eva for himself, and he would insist that the government wouldn't publish this information to the general audience. This way he would be free with his Eva, and none of his past would be leaked. Soon, after being released, he found himself signing up for this particular company, where he plans to fight in his Eva, for whatever reason they give him.

Specialties: Enigma specializes in close range combat, both flying and ground. His training records prove that he is able to do a series of very complex and unpredictible moves without losing coordination, although he does show signs of being a very weak team player, while facing the enemy by himself, he shows great potential. He uses his own personal Eva for his missions, the Eva comes equipped with two very high powered energy blasters, which he uses at point blank. The armor of the Eva is also a part of his own fighting style, since he uses the several bladed edges to cut his way.

When put in dire situations, he equips the weapon which is folded inside the back of his armor and unfolds it, revealing a quite lenghty lance. The only thing he uses this lance for, is throwing it. His aim is extremely precise, and the lance will penetrate almost anything.


Overall, he's very skilled in melee fighting against one or more enemies, but the moment he gets put on a team, his skills go down a notch.
Sync54Mar 24, 2010 10:01 AM
Mar 24, 2010 6:33 PM

May 2009
All approved.
Mar 25, 2010 11:13 AM
Feb 2010
We don't get a position/rank yet?
Mar 25, 2010 8:45 PM

May 2009
Not yet. If you have ideas then tell me. As of now they are posted on the main page.
Mar 27, 2010 4:42 PM

Aug 2008
Name: death
Age: 16
Rank: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)
Position: (Chosen by the admins based on specialties.)

Personality: his personality is cold and dont care about his team. he stays closed to everyone and hates everyone too

History: he was 16 when he joined the army and he won a war with one person on his team

Specialties: he is a close range attacker
darkdragonMar 27, 2010 4:46 PM
Mar 28, 2010 1:27 AM
Feb 2010
Blueruby said:
Not yet. If you have ideas then tell me. As of now they are posted on the main page.

Well, since my character specializes in solo combat I think the master class he's on should require exceptional solo combat skills, fighting without a team to back him up, that is. Since he's pretty much very good at that.
Mar 28, 2010 2:26 AM

May 2009
Sync54 said:
Well, since my character specializes in solo combat I think the master class he's on should require exceptional solo combat skills, fighting without a team to back him up, that is. Since he's pretty much very good at that.

That's fine, but you still need people under you so you can help them train.
Mar 28, 2010 3:43 AM
Feb 2010
Blueruby said:
That's fine, but you still need people under you so you can help them train.

That's fine by me. Although, how do I get students?
Mar 28, 2010 11:13 AM

May 2009
As of right now whomever has the same skill you do will go under you. When they sign up I will decide who goes where, so your good for right now.
Mar 28, 2010 7:54 PM

Nov 2008
Name: Yuri Halston/Mecha Crimson Sun
Age: 22
Rank: Master 5
Position: Master 5
WolftigerkingNov 24, 2010 2:10 PM
Mar 30, 2010 5:22 AM

Aug 2009
Name: D-V
Age: 23
Rank: (admins pick
Position: (admins pick)
Looks: :

Mech or Eva look:i pick mech

Personality: the cool type of guy
History: he lived a boring old life until he thought about being a mech hero
Specialties: extremely good in attacking power,his mech is filled with powerful weapons including four spears connected to it's arms,everything else is not that great
Apr 6, 2010 11:19 AM

May 2009
Apr 10, 2010 8:00 AM

Apr 2009
Name: Force
Age: 17
Rank: Student under Viper
Position: Student under Viper

Looks: Tall guy about 1,80 meters, dark-brown hair and hazel eyes (google it), his skin tone is white with a light medium tan. Well built body.


(Rest still to come, since I ran low on inspiration)
LaMmInGFoRcEApr 10, 2010 8:14 AM
Apr 10, 2010 8:03 AM

Dec 2008
approved and updated
Nov 10, 2011 9:57 AM
Nov 2011
Name: Morgoth
Age: 25
Rank: Master
Position: Co-commander
Mech or Eva look:'s_Gloucester
Personality: Flawed genius... Does not know how to communicate with others, yet knows how to kill... Can enter psychopathic rage and depression easily.
History: Woke up one day in a cryogenic chamber. Was told by the military that he was developed by them, for them. Has no past or future, yet flashbacks disturb him, making him question whether he is being told the truth...
Specialties:Extremely offensive, great at strategies and close quarters combat. Uses rage to destroy everything in his path. The blood of his enemies seems to fuel him.
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