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Jun 8, 2017 3:21 PM

Mar 2016
I don't know why but I can't get it, why do so many love Fibel? Every time she gets screen time I get a headache. The show would be much better without her, but so much Animes have heroines like her and I can't get it. Am I the only one who hate this show because of her? What is your opinion?
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jun 8, 2017 3:38 PM

Jul 2015
Another generic anime who pander to tsundere fags

anime like that exist in every season
Jun 8, 2017 3:46 PM

Sep 2015
She's hot

Like, her voice is hot, her body is hot, her outfit is skimpy

I want to smell her hair

Jun 8, 2017 5:03 PM

Mar 2016
@tragedydesu I know but in 2017 why can't the Anime Industry understand that people want something new and not some annoying characters like tsunderes that exist in every season.
Jun 8, 2017 5:36 PM

May 2016
I agree, Rumia should of been the main herione.
Jun 8, 2017 7:26 PM

Oct 2014
Manaban said:
her voice is hot

agree. her voice actress is a great fit to her character.

Manaban said:
her body is hot

her boobs is small, but her excellent curve and ass covers it.

Manaban said:
her outfit is skimpy

true, so sexy yet elegant. But Rumia for me is x3 better to look at in those uniforms.

Manaban said:
I want to smell her hair

I bet you also want to smell her lower belly button hair if you know what I mean.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jun 8, 2017 9:44 PM
Jun 2017
I really don't like her, but I'm sure she will get enough character development.
Jun 8, 2017 9:48 PM

Aug 2015
She's a Tsundere done right I guess... And that's rare in anime.

Anyways, Cellica best girl!
Jun 8, 2017 9:48 PM

Dec 2015
Eromanga-sensei said:
@tragedydesu I know but in 2017 why can't the Anime Industry understand that people want something new and not some annoying characters like tsunderes that exist in every season.
Says that someone who has Eromanga-sensei as his name? Lol. Now don't get me wrong, I agree with you, but anime studios don't care about their international audience.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jun 8, 2017 9:52 PM

Mar 2008
Not gonna lie, I don't even know which one's the cat and which one is the blonde princess.

Please use clear identifiers for the strugglers like me.
Jun 9, 2017 2:05 AM

Jul 2015
Eromanga-sensei said:
@tragedydesu I know but in 2017 why can't the Anime Industry understand that people want something new and not some annoying characters like tsunderes that exist in every season.

Japan like them , Nothing we can do about that
Just avoid that kind of anime

This is why I started playing visual novels
It have interesting heroines + you can chose the one you like
Jun 9, 2017 2:19 AM

Jul 2013
Z-Dante said:
Anyways, Cellica best girl!
Woah, Dante, I would have never expected you to have such good taste.

About Sistine, I don't care about her.
Jun 9, 2017 2:24 AM
Jul 2018
From what I saw she's pretty cute and just the type of Tsundere that at least some justification as to why she acts like this, at least imo.

And she has cat ears of sorts :3 So i'm good.
Jun 9, 2017 2:49 AM

Mar 2016
@joe_g7 I just liked the name, it doesnt mean that I like the show too. Almost every Anime of this season is bad (sadly) inclusive Eromanga-sensei.
Jun 9, 2017 3:30 AM

Dec 2015
Eromanga-sensei said:
@joe_g7 I just liked the name, it doesnt mean that I like the show too. Almost every Anime of this season is bad (sadly) inclusive Eromanga-sensei.
My bad then. I agree most this season are horrible.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jun 9, 2017 9:48 AM

May 2012
I want to use my penis on Sistine's navel and some other things that mostly involve my penis.
Jun 9, 2017 11:52 AM

Jun 2015
From what what I've watched of the show, Sistine is one of the main driving forces of the story, because of how irreverent she is to the teacher.

So no, I don't think the show would be better off without her at all. Blondie is way too passive and boring to be the main character.
AltoRoarkJun 15, 2017 1:40 PM
Jun 9, 2017 11:57 AM

Jul 2009
Hot tsundere, the most popular female archetype in anime

Celica is still best girl though
Jun 9, 2017 6:07 PM
Feb 2016
A good girl who always put her whole heart into her dream even she knows that her dream is hard to realize and what's more ,Glenn can see Sara in Sisiti.
Jun 10, 2017 5:36 AM
May 2017
Best 2017 waifu 😄
Jun 13, 2017 7:59 AM

Nov 2009
I like Sistine. She knows what she wants, and she goes to great lengths to get it. She even challenged a teacher to a duel to make him teach her magic.

Ckan said:
Not gonna lie, I don't even know which one's the cat and which one is the blonde princess.

Please use clear identifiers for the strugglers like me.

He's talking about the white cat. I had to check it with the anime page on this forum :)

Eromanga-sensei said:
@tragedydesu I know but in 2017 why can't the Anime Industry understand that people want something new and not some annoying characters like tsunderes that exist in every season.

Oh really? Go on, find out who is MAL's most favorited girl now? Makise Kurisu, who is described as a tsundere, that's who. #13 overall.
And Sakurako-san, who is totally non-typical, has a mere 461 favorites, that doesn't even put her into top 1000. And she would not lose in terms of looks or brains to Makise Kurisu.

Eromanga-sensei said:
@joe_g7 I just liked the name, it doesnt mean that I like the show too. Almost every Anime of this season is bad (sadly) inclusive Eromanga-sensei.

It's similar for me. I like the name, not the fantasy creature I took it from.
Jun 13, 2017 8:02 AM

Sep 2016
i'm more concerned about how this recycled trash anime that exist at least 3 copies every season become so popular

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jun 13, 2017 10:52 AM

Nov 2009
I don't care about the whitey-chan. Not really hate her, but find her the most boring one out of the cast, to the point where I'd rather watch anyone else than her.
Jun 13, 2017 11:25 AM
Jul 2018
Z-Dante said:

Anyways, Cellica best girl!

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
Jun 13, 2017 12:19 PM

Jul 2014
She's shit, the needed tsundere of the season that people likes for some reason, bunch of masochist.
Jun 13, 2017 12:23 PM

Sep 2015
She's super kawaii and waifu material!!!
Jun 13, 2017 3:05 PM

Mar 2016
I don't understand why but most of the people from the comment section like her and @flannan I have articulated myself wrong not all Tsunderes are bad there are some exceptions but most of them represent a clishe type and for my part I don't want to see thousand of thousands bad written character's who are almost the same ,I want to see new things.
Jun 13, 2017 5:00 PM
Feb 2017
Sistine is great but I want Glenn and Celica moments.
Jun 13, 2017 8:48 PM
Mar 2016
Dont talk anything bad about my waifu -_
Jun 15, 2017 1:00 PM

Sep 2009
Eromanga-sensei said:
I don't know why but I can't get it, why do so many love Fibel? Every time she gets screen time I get a headache. The show would be much better without her, but so much Animes have heroines like her and I can't get it. Am I the only one who hate this show because of her? What is your opinion?

Same here. I feel the same way too. I just finished episode 2.. and I am planning to drop the series because of her.. character like her are one of the reason why I don't watch anime like this.. always shouting blah blah blah..
but I'm gonna try to watch next episode since I'm interested of Rumia..
Jun 15, 2017 2:40 PM

Mar 2016
For my part the most interesting character was re=l but after her character development she sucks too.
Jun 16, 2017 1:05 AM

Oct 2014
Zel_Ezl said:
Eromanga-sensei said:
I don't know why but I can't get it, why do so many love Fibel? Every time she gets screen time I get a headache. The show would be much better without her, but so much Animes have heroines like her and I can't get it. Am I the only one who hate this show because of her? What is your opinion?

Same here. I feel the same way too. I just finished episode 2.. and I am planning to drop the series because of her.. character like her are one of the reason why I don't watch anime like this.. always shouting blah blah blah..
but I'm gonna try to watch next episode since I'm interested of Rumia..

I think because her character design is very pretty. Silver hair girls are so popular nowadays especially because of the success of ReZero (I think).

I agree she's a headache but her voice is so sweet, her looks is above the roof, thats why she's still a great heroine for this anime. Though Rumia > Sistine for me (both of them is amazing)
Jun 16, 2017 1:18 AM

Jul 2015
Why not? She is cute as fuck!
Jun 17, 2017 6:39 AM

Mar 2012
Eromanga-sensei said:
I don't know why but I can't get it, why do so many love Fibel? Every time she gets screen time I get a headache. The show would be much better without her, but so much Animes have heroines like her and I can't get it. Am I the only one who hate this show because of her? What is your opinion?

Yeah same here.
She is as ridiculous plus dat design pls.
What an horrible character if she only could shut her mouth...
Jun 20, 2017 3:07 AM

Mar 2009
GangsterCat said:
i'm more concerned about how this recycled trash anime that exist at least 3 copies every season become so popular

I've been wondering this since the first episode. Why are these magical high school battle anime so popular when 5 million of them exist already?
Jun 20, 2017 5:00 AM

Apr 2016
She is infuriating. What a trash tier tsundere; she is worse than Julie from The Asterisk War.
Jun 20, 2017 6:21 AM
Apr 2017
,,, She's so cute XD .
Jun 20, 2017 7:45 AM
Feb 2008
don't talk shit about Total my waifu Sistine, to misquote Tourette's Guy.
Jun 20, 2017 7:49 AM

Sep 2009
People like her because she's a more refined type of tsundere. She's only tsun to the MC (who quite deserves it, and more) and is otherwise a a likeable person. Also, a new, rising voice actor, and dem skimpy female uniforms...

Personally, I think her design is only slightly above average, considering rather muted character development.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Jun 20, 2017 9:11 AM

Jul 2015
Useless, annoying, crappy tsundere only one step above Zero Louise
Jun 20, 2017 9:30 AM
Jun 2016
In a way, she is the typical kind girl, who also carries a lot on her shoulders...and as a result can appear a bit standoffish and easily irritated.

She is also funny and has a wider range of emotions than even Rumia. (and I like Rumia better).
"The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love, so if one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
Jun 20, 2017 10:13 AM

Sep 2015
Celica are more better imo
Into the Internet!
Jun 20, 2017 10:45 AM

Nov 2009
Mormegil said:
GangsterCat said:
i'm more concerned about how this recycled trash anime that exist at least 3 copies every season become so popular

I've been wondering this since the first episode. Why are these magical high school battle anime so popular when 5 million of them exist already?

Because it's a very useful formula. On one hand, you can have a fantasy world with magic.
On the other, you do not have to explain the setting much, because it's a school much like the one the viewers were learning at.
On the third hand, you have a carte blanche to explain anything, because it's a school.
On the fourth hand (am I becoming some kind of fantasy creature?), it's a perfect excuse to have a cast full of good-looking teenagers doing funny teenager things.
And I could probably add a few more plusses, like perfectly justified power growth.
Jun 20, 2017 1:45 PM

Mar 2016
@Mormegil, @GangsterCat you both are totally right and still people can't get enough of this shit, at first I thought only Sistine sucks but after finishing Rokudenashi the whole anime sucks and now I am really sure this doesn't deserve a score of 7,7.
Jun 20, 2017 2:13 PM
May 2016
Fucking garbage generic tsundere trying to be cute. >.<

Can't stand character like that. Ugh....
Jun 20, 2017 2:55 PM

Feb 2014
I liked her good balance of dere and tsun
Jun 20, 2017 2:58 PM
Dec 2015
What's not to like about her? She's 500% better than Rumia. Honestly, I get headaches when Rumia is out there. She's too boring. She can protect herself better than Rumia who always acts like a damsel in distress. She has more moments with Glenn, and they seem to have the closest relationship out of the three. Finally, she's a tsundere gone right. I could elaborate more, but there's no point in that. We all have our own preferences anyway.
Jun 20, 2017 3:05 PM

Jul 2015
7.7 for this generic piece of shit

Mal ratings are laughable
Jun 21, 2017 5:59 AM

Oct 2011
I hope people from this topic have builded up their thirsty ego's for "finding compatriots who also dislike certain character". I don't get it why do you even bother making such topics just to trashtalk character which you dislike? By doing so do you get bigger e-pen? If you dislike certain character keep it to yourself, that you don't like it doesn't mean that others do not. You only start flame wars nothing more.

I personally dislike Rem from Re:Zero which insane number of ppl like. So should I also start such retarded topic just to feel better? Nope, I am mature enough and I know it won't solve anything other than start waifu wars. So please people CHILL!.
Jun 21, 2017 3:47 PM

Mar 2016
@Raisken why do I have to keep this to myself? It's the same with reviews and discussions you create a topic to exchange opinions (additionally this topic was a question what other people think about her) and I don't know maybe you forgot, but this is also a forum you can discuss about everything so maybe you are immature because you can't tolerate topics that you don't like and finally if you don't like that some people insult a character that you like than don't read this kind of topics.
Eromanga-senseiJun 21, 2017 3:57 PM
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