Hmm... I don't know...
It's not often you see something of this caliber addressing trans and LGBT issues.
In a way, I'm not happy about it. I'm not anti-LGBT or anything -- power to the people. But at the same time, it almost feels like whoever made this manga is using it as either a "self-insert" or they're trying to educate people on what it feels like to be trans. It feels a bit forced.
But then again, it's REALLY not often you see something like this in a manga to begin with. Perhaps they really are just exemplifying the IRL dilemma certain demographics face for plot purposes.
So, yeah, I definitely see the pain Togata is going through. I feel bad for 'them' to a certain extent. It is a tragic state of mind to have. Feeling like you're one thing and incapable of being another. (Which is what IRL trans go through.) ... Not to mention, they incorporated this topic with a regeneration ability, so a sex change operation is literally impossible for Togata. They must infinitely face being a gender they don't identify with...
And YET...
I kinda hate how the manga is trying to equate a trans person being born with an identity they're unsatisfied with TO burning alive for eight years and constantly being in physical pain. I mean, I'll empathize with Togata, but you can't expect me to believe that her dilemma is in anyway similar to Agni's (unless her past was filled with the death of loved ones as well).
But what also pi$$es me off is how angry she gets with Agni over such trivial matters. Agni clearly doesn't mind Togata's case. He won't think of her (/him?) any differently. Why is Togata going nuts? I'll go ahead and assume it's because they're somewhat sociopathic on account of being 300+ years old.
I don't mind LGBT issues being used as a plot device, so I guess there was no need to make the rant. But something felt very "off" about this chapter. I can't believe the mind-reader exposing Togata's inner conflict was enough to make her consider storming off for good, professing her hatred for the vulnerable Agni, blasting him with a gun, etc. I mean, it doesn't matter how bad your gender crisis is, you've got poor little Agni over here in a constant pitiable state and a large dependence. Pull it together Togata. The bottom line is, Agni's opinion of you or feelings about you aren't gonna change because of something so stupid. You can be unsatisfied with your biological sex all you want to, but there are bigger issues at hand, and hopefully this manga isn't trying to compare the gruesome issues of the Ice World to wanting to be born as a male.
I was tempted to say that Togata is lucky that she doesn't live in a world that discriminates against her kind of ideals, but then I remembered the homosexual men who Togata was first seen with. So I guess -- despite being in the distant future -- much of the world still persecutes those with Togata's mindset.
Another thing .. I feel like there is a bigger picture to Togata's stress. She kind of ended her rant in saying that Agni was blessed with a desirable appearance, only mentioning 'sex' as an aspect-of-many. I think she's also jealous of his physique, and the flaming attribute in general. Maybe.
So... is this why she was drawn to Agni in the first place? His appearance? In a past chapter, she DID confess this to be a primary reason for her "infatuation" with him. |