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Jan 29, 2017 8:11 PM

May 2014
Literally what the fuck, MAL. Spiritpact =/= Ling Qi and quite frankly invalidating one of my entries out of the blue and swapping it for a completely different adaptation is obnoxious. How does one request to add an entry back? Or rather, why was it deleted in the first place?

Jan 29, 2017 9:51 PM

Apr 2011
Wrath said:
Spiritpact =/= Ling Qi

Why do you think so? Only because they have different dub?
Jan 29, 2017 10:08 PM

Aug 2008
So the jap version is gone???? o.0 i watch that, not the chinese version ...well both average, but ... ya
The spider is watching
Jan 29, 2017 10:44 PM

Mar 2014
I know right?! How about asking an Anime Database Moderator?
Jan 29, 2017 11:55 PM

May 2014
Akarin said:
Wrath said:
Spiritpact =/= Ling Qi

Why do you think so? Only because they have different dub?
They're completely different adaptations of the same series (one being a 20 episode ONA series with completely different character names and seiyuus, etc and the other not), thus different entries is what I meant.

EDIT: I glanced at an episode of Ling Qi on kiss and I'll admit that they're the same animation but I still think it should have a different entry because of the differing episode durations... I don't know, this is kind of infuriating because I don't want 20 extra episodes in my list if I've only watched 10.
WrathJan 30, 2017 1:29 AM

Jan 29, 2017 11:57 PM

May 2014
Inori-chii said:
I know right?! How about asking an Anime Database Moderator?
I think I'll do that seeing as mods apparently don't look at anime forums. I posted in another anime forum about the announced episode count for an airing anime because I couldn't edit it and it's still not added to the entry :/

Jan 30, 2017 2:02 AM

May 2008
Yeah wtf happened...these episodes are full length, not 14 mins like the Chinese version??? What is MAL even doing right now..

..first Pokemon Generations is having their issues and now this? Mods need to calm the heck down.

Jan 30, 2017 2:32 AM
Jul 2018
I asked an anime moderator and he replied "it got merged because it wasn't that different from the old entry to warrant a new one"
Jan 30, 2017 12:19 PM

May 2014
Yaoi-Senpai said:
I asked an anime moderator and he replied "it got merged because it wasn't that different from the old entry to warrant a new one"
what the fuck
well now idk how to do this bc the episode count is completely different

Jan 30, 2017 12:26 PM

Apr 2011
Wrath said:
Yaoi-Senpai said:
I asked an anime moderator and he replied "it got merged because it wasn't that different from the old entry to warrant a new one"
what the fuck
well now idk how to do this bc the episode count is completely different

Just put Ling Qi to your Completed list after you finish watching Spiritpact.
Jan 30, 2017 12:35 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Just look at the Background section for Ling Qi:
"A Japanese dub of the series was produced by Haoliner's Japanese branch Emon. The series aired on television under the title Spiritpact starting on January 7, 2016 at 21:00 JST. Each TV episode was comprised of two ONA episodes with minor aesthetic touch-ups."

So it's basically the same thing except with two of the original length episodes put together into one regular length episode for the Japanese broadcast (not that I'm watching it mind you but that's how I understood it at least, which sounds reasonable to me if it's correct)
Jan 30, 2017 1:01 PM

May 2008
^ So my qualified guess is that every episode of the currently airing Spiritpact is two episodes of the original whatsitsface.

I'm not really in a fuss about this, I just wanna make sure that I'm counting this correctly.
[Insert Zeeky Boogy Doog here]
Jan 30, 2017 1:24 PM
Jul 2018
Hr0n said:
^ So my qualified guess is that every episode of the currently airing Spiritpact is two episodes of the original whatsitsface.

I'm not really in a fuss about this, I just wanna make sure that I'm counting this correctly.

That's what the background says, so 1 ep of JP version = 2 ep of Chinese version. If you watch 1 episode, add it as 2.
Jan 30, 2017 1:28 PM

May 2008
Oh, it does say that. My bad. Thank you.
[Insert Zeeky Boogy Doog here]
Jan 31, 2017 4:54 AM

Aug 2013
so, I was opening my Taiga and wtf is this Ling Qi in my watching list
lol, so this is spiritpact, damn it mal :/
Jan 31, 2017 3:17 PM

Apr 2012
Okay now this is bullshit. The names are different, the seiyuus are different and the episodes are 24 minutes long not 14. Spiritpact should be there as a separated anime, ffs I'm watching that not Ling Qi. What's next? No FMA Brotherhood anymore because half of it is the same as FMA? Seriously...
Jan 31, 2017 3:22 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
RisuSaya said:
Okay now this is bullshit. The names are different, the seiyuus are different and the episodes are 24 minutes long not 14. Spiritpact should be there as a separated anime, ffs I'm watching that not Ling Qi. What's next? No FMA Brotherhood anymore because half of it is the same as FMA? Seriously...
Again, read my post or the Background description. It makes sense
Jan 31, 2017 3:37 PM

May 2014
RisuSaya said:
Okay now this is bullshit. The names are different, the seiyuus are different and the episodes are 24 minutes long not 14. Spiritpact should be there as a separated anime, ffs I'm watching that not Ling Qi. What's next? No FMA Brotherhood anymore because half of it is the same as FMA? Seriously...
I understand where you're coming from but sadly it does make sense since it's just a Japanese dub with combined episodes ;~; I really wish it stayed separate too.

Feb 1, 2017 10:50 PM

Aug 2008
dropped it anyway lol
The spider is watching
Feb 1, 2017 11:35 PM
May 2013
This is messing with my anime OCD so badly.. They put in separate entries for adaptations of plenty other shows, why not this one too?? I know it technically doesn't matter THAT much but.. gdi it just doesn't FEEL right clicking off the episodes -_-
Feb 3, 2017 5:24 AM

Sep 2012
It is literally the same content. It firest aired with an chinese dub so it is a chinese anime. It only now receives it's Japanese Dub. If an japanese Anime gets dubbed into english and they decide to cut 2 episodes together into 1 in the english release, that doesn't get a new entry, does it?
Same case here.
Trying to watch all available anime series so you won't have to anymore, the list of anime I can recommend is still in progress, tho
Feb 4, 2017 7:53 AM

Apr 2011
Makes sense. I was confused the series had two different entries to begin with, since it's exactly the same thing but with a different dub and episodes with different lenghts (I suppose Spiritpact will have 20 episodes then?). But since it's exactly the same there's no need for more than one entry.
Feb 4, 2017 9:02 AM

Dec 2014
this is a bit confusing ...but at least...this may avoid confusion or abrupted altogether
Feb 4, 2017 12:19 PM
May 2013
Thanks for update guy, I was thinking, where did spiritpact go?.... I will have to update it again, and ensure each episode I watch add 2 per 1 episode each week, when I am watch it..... but really wish it was two different page than together, but oh well, I update it again..... ANYYONING!!!!!
Have Great Day =)

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Feb 4, 2017 12:20 PM
May 2013
Yaoi-Senpai said:
Hr0n said:
^ So my qualified guess is that every episode of the currently airing Spiritpact is two episodes of the original whatsitsface.

I'm not really in a fuss about this, I just wanna make sure that I'm counting this correctly.

That's what the background says, so 1 ep of JP version = 2 ep of Chinese version. If you watch 1 episode, add it as 2.

Thanks for update, will do.... =/... finding it annoying they remove it -sigh-
Have Great Day =)

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Feb 4, 2017 1:53 PM
Feb 2016
There are 20 episodes now instead of ten. Is episode 5 of the Japanese edition the same as episodes 9 & 10 from the Chinese one?

Ever heard of leaving a link on the old page to the new page when you change things around, Mal? And give an explanation on the old page. But no, go ahead and make things complicated.

What a shambles.

And another thing. People who watch the Japanese version of ±30 minutes will inevitably put spoilers in their comments because they won't realize Japanese episode 2 is actually Chinese episodes 3 & 4.

Following the same logic why not fuse the TV and movie version of Chain Chronicle? They're the same, except that a movie is 4 episodes of the TV series… but then again, the movies are shown in 4 parts too.
WorvrammuFeb 4, 2017 2:26 PM
Feb 4, 2017 3:13 PM

Jan 2008
Wrath said:
Literally what the fuck, MAL. Spiritpact =/= Ling Qi and quite frankly invalidating one of my entries out of the blue and swapping it for a completely different adaptation is obnoxious. How does one request to add an entry back? Or rather, why was it deleted in the first place?
Worvrammu said:
There are 20 episodes now instead of ten. Is episode 5 of the Japanese edition the same as episodes 9 & 10 from the Chinese one?

Ever heard of leaving a link on the old page to the new page when you change things around, Mal? And give an explanation on the old page. But no, go ahead and make things complicated.

What a shambles.

And another thing. People who watch the Japanese version of ±30 minutes will inevitably put spoilers in their comments because they won't realize Japanese episode 2 is actually Chinese episodes 3 & 4.

Following the same logic why not fuse the TV and movie version of Chain Chronicle? They're the same, except that a movie is 4 episodes of the TV series… but then again, the movies are shown in 4 parts too.

Exactly. I didn't even notice it had disappeared until today, but they episode count is different, so it should have a different listing.
Feb 4, 2017 9:59 PM
Feb 2015

its the same story, just with japanese voices, the original got subbed from chinese to english, "spirit pact" got dubbed in japanese from chinese then translated into english, it was really ubrupt, both were n my list but when "spiritpact" poofed my score and watch number poofed with it... would've been nice to know insteasd of it just....happening, but i totally see their point, theres no point in another title just for a language change, if that was the case, subbed and dubbed would be differnt titles too, would be nice to add a feature to rate the "official" subs and dubs of anime but its prob never gon happen
Sep 20, 2018 3:25 PM
Jan 2018
Wrath said:
Akarin said:

Why do you think so? Only because they have different dub?
They're completely different adaptations of the same series (one being a 20 episode ONA series with completely different character names and seiyuus, etc and the other not), thus different entries is what I meant.

EDIT: I glanced at an episode of Ling Qi on kiss and I'll admit that they're the same animation but I still think it should have a different entry because of the differing episode durations... I don't know, this is kind of infuriating because I don't want 20 extra episodes in my list if I've only watched 10.

the animation is the same because it's the same anime the japanese dub is the chiense episodes combined as 2x14mins is 24min (28 min minus 1 intro and 1 ending as you only need 1 per episode)

changing names is common and somewhat better for the language that it is translated to
kalitbartmanSep 20, 2018 3:41 PM
Sep 20, 2018 3:36 PM
Jan 2018
bigriv said:

its the same story, just with japanese voices, the original got subbed from chinese to english, "spirit pact" got dubbed in japanese from chinese then translated into english, it was really ubrupt, both were n my list but when "spiritpact" poofed my score and watch number poofed with it... would've been nice to know insteasd of it just....happening, but i totally see their point, theres no point in another title just for a language change, if that was the case, subbed and dubbed would be differnt titles too, would be nice to add a feature to rate the "official" subs and dubs of anime but its prob never gon happen

they should put Ling Qi(Spiritpact) then it uses both names and is easier to find

i for one find it easier to remmber a name in english than in chinese or japanese
Sep 20, 2018 3:49 PM
Jan 2018
one thing i don't get is why they say some words in english even though they can be said in their own language
Sep 20, 2018 6:09 PM

May 2014
kalitbartman said:
Wrath said:
They're completely different adaptations of the same series (one being a 20 episode ONA series with completely different character names and seiyuus, etc and the other not), thus different entries is what I meant.

EDIT: I glanced at an episode of Ling Qi on kiss and I'll admit that they're the same animation but I still think it should have a different entry because of the differing episode durations... I don't know, this is kind of infuriating because I don't want 20 extra episodes in my list if I've only watched 10.

the animation is the same because it's the same anime the japanese dub is the chiense episodes combined as 2x14mins is 24min (28 min minus 1 intro and 1 ending as you only need 1 per episode)

changing names is common and somewhat better for the language that it is translated to
hun i posted that over a year and a half ago

Sep 15, 2021 8:34 AM

Jul 2019
Wrath said:
Yaoi-Senpai said:
I asked an anime moderator and he replied "it got merged because it wasn't that different from the old entry to warrant a new one"
what the fuck
well now idk how to do this bc the episode count is completely different

Why are you being so dramatic lmao it's literally the same anime with a dub, who cares about whether your list is perfect or not, movies are counted as single episodes so lists were never going to be perfect
Sep 19, 2021 9:58 AM

May 2014
Rojaseb said:
Wrath said:
what the fuck
well now idk how to do this bc the episode count is completely different

Why are you being so dramatic lmao it's literally the same anime with a dub, who cares about whether your list is perfect or not, movies are counted as single episodes so lists were never going to be perfect

bro i posted this shit 3 years ago are you fr lmao

Jan 14, 2024 11:05 PM
Jan 2024

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