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Oct 7, 2016 3:02 AM
Jul 2013
91 Days

I recently finished 91 days, I thought that the ending was good as the MC achieved his goal. Though, the anime did tell us his motive behind his actions but I cant help but feel that the anime showed more about the process of his revenge than the suffering he felt.

I feel that there were redundant episodes such as when

Also in the last two episodes,

If only the anime elaborated more on the past of the casts, adding more flashback episodes or cut some of the existing ones, perhaps the anime could be more than a small revenge plot, it could have been a really good thriller series.

However, I must say, the music and visuals are fantastic, though it looked like they cut corners towards the end.

What are your opinions?
Oct 7, 2016 3:04 AM

May 2015
Angelo's revenge plot was good for the whole show.
Nero's growth as a person in the end was decent too.
The show is worth watching for those two.
The open-ended ending was handled fairly well.
The visuals were great at some points and pretty bleh at others.
Music was meh.
TL;DR: op you posted this in the wrong forum
samurai jack>everything>evangelion>anime>91 days>the holocaust>erased
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Oct 7, 2016 3:09 AM

Feb 2013
anime that start with numbers are not to be trusted
Oct 7, 2016 3:22 AM

May 2016
Boring and forgettable show for the most part.
Oct 7, 2016 3:26 AM
Jul 2018
I think it's because I'm a dumbass but when I finish an episode I forget what I watched.
Oct 7, 2016 3:32 AM
Jul 2013
RainyRai said:
Angelo's revenge plot was good for the whole show.
Nero's growth as a person in the end was decent too.
The show is worth watching for those two.
The open-ended ending was handled fairly well.
The visuals were great at some points and pretty bleh at others.
Music was meh.
TL;DR: op you posted this in the wrong forum
samurai jack>everything>evangelion>anime>91 days>the holocaust>erased

Yes, for the most part I liked the character interactions, at least between Angelo and Nero. And I also loved the open ended ending.
Well... what can I expect from 12 episodes, it was good nonetheless.

Also which forum should I post this on? I'm new to forum postings, thanks.
Oct 7, 2016 3:38 AM
Jul 2013
-Abyss_Walker- said:
Boring and forgettable show for the most part.

Hmm... I see. I feel that this anime is one of the diamond in the rough, at least for me. Perhaps one of the big underlying problem was that it did not have enough episodes.
Oct 7, 2016 3:41 AM

Sep 2012
I like the show.Better than lots of anime with that setting.
Oct 7, 2016 3:42 AM

Mar 2016
I didn't like it. It was boring most of the time.
~The frog leapt forth to my lilypad memory.~
I was indoctrinated by an inamorata rabbit,
Adenomata affronted.
It was the verecund, dismissed creatures
That I jubilated in most.
This rabbit I would nurture,
At the aiguille of esse,
The anneal of noblesse.
❤️ Birdie ❤️

Oct 7, 2016 3:44 AM
Jul 2013
sasalx said:
I like the show.Better than lots of anime with that setting.

Yes, some said that this anime was next in line to Bacanno in terms of setting. What are some other animes that you liked with this setting?
Oct 7, 2016 3:50 AM
Jul 2013
YaoiMaster said:
I didn't like it. It was boring most of the time.

I agree that it was boring during the early to middle end of the series, it was hard to get through during those episodes. But I think the ending paid off... to a certain extent. I think what they should do is cut some of the process and focus on flashbacks.
Oct 7, 2016 3:50 AM

Sep 2012
Lequil said:
sasalx said:
I like the show.Better than lots of anime with that setting.

Yes, some said that this anime was next in line to Bacanno in terms of setting. What are some other animes that you liked with this setting?

Well you can try Joker Game but it's not that similar.Also people always rec Durarara too but I didn't like that but you should try it.
Oct 7, 2016 4:27 AM

May 2016
I liked it, but it wasn't something that blew me away. Plus, it was kinda boring in some parts. Maybe if it had had more episodes and elaboration, it could have been really good.
Oct 7, 2016 4:28 AM

Jul 2014
Honestly I have no opinion as the premise didn't get my attention.
Oct 9, 2016 8:40 PM
Sep 2016
I thought 91Days was a very interesting show, if anyone asks me if I watched any good anime lately I will recommend it. As much as I liked the show, I did not like the main character, Angelo. He started out sympathetic as a child and you understood what happen to him to make him want revenge. I started not to like him in the 1st episode when he show no sympathy/empathy to Corteo who lost his mother not long ago. Then emotionally manipulated Corteo into helping him infiltrating the Vanetti family. I could not like Angelo any more after the malice actions he did in episode 7( manipulating, using then killing Volpe , starting a war between Frate and Nero, tricking Fio's into killing her husband to protect her brothers and forcing Nero to kill his brother in self-defiance) the last was twisting the kind words Corteo said to him 7 years ago to lie insidiously to a grieving Nero. After Angelo killed Corteo in episode 10 I was bothered by fact it seemed to renew his drive for revenge when it was his own actions that caused the situation in the first place. I dislike Angelo so much after that , that thinking about the character would make me feel emotionally sick. I started to worry that I would not be able to rewatch the show, because of the stuff he did. Thankfully Nero character saved the show for me in the end. In the last episode he did not kill Angelo after he first got to him. Instead he took Angelo with him to get answers out of him and did not kill him when Angelo provoked him too. I liked the fact that Nero realized how much what happened 7 years ago damaged Angelo and how it affected who he became. In the end I think Nero took responsibility for what happen 7 year ago and decided what to do with Angelo with a clear head. I think the fact that he made a clear headed choice was more important, then what he chose to do. I also liked Nero quote "You don't need a reason to live, you just have to live". I end up liking Nero character a lot as the show when on. I think that he was a sympathetic and understandable. I did not like some of the things he did, but I understood why he did them. I think that he was more like able then Angelo, because he had morals, empathy and sympathy for other people. He grow-up in a messed-up environment and was self-aware of his own actions. He also showed guilt, remorse and shame for the thing he did. In the end I think 91 Days showed why revenge is wrong and how it could destroy someone.
OpalCatOct 9, 2016 9:02 PM
Oct 9, 2016 9:38 PM

Oct 2016
I can't understand why people keep complaining about Angelo's behavior? I mean his entire family was murdered before his eyes, 91Days isn't a fantasy story, of course you don't like Angelo's character and it's because you're not suppose to like him in the first place, you're suppose to understand why he's doing what he does.

In my opinion was good enough for a 12 episodes series.
Jan 27, 2017 1:53 PM
Nov 2016
ElReyLu said:
I can't understand why people keep complaining about Angelo's behavior? I mean his entire family was murdered before his eyes, 91Days isn't a fantasy story, of course you don't like Angelo's character and it's because you're not suppose to like him in the first place, you're suppose to understand why he's doing what he does.

In my opinion was good enough for a 12 episodes series.

100s of people everyday are raped, tortured, abused.
Yeah, no shit.
Except those people have more nuance to them as individuals instead of entirely revolving around their trauma.
Jan 27, 2017 2:08 PM
Nov 2016
A boring anime that fails at each of its selling point, and is only popular in the community because it's, "serious", therefore, "deep".
The selling point of 91 Days is that this this guy joins the mafia to kill them, because they killed his family, but "bonds" with one of his targets. But:

-We don't know shit about the MC's family, only that they were happy...who cares?
-The MC's ENTIRE character, is that he's cold-hearted, and wants revenge...boring.
-Angelo and Nero have no meaningful interactions like the one in the bonfire in ep 2, to actually make the viewer FEEL,that there's a connection between of the most basic rules in entertaining your audience...
-Almost NONE of the mafia activities are shown. The only thing mafia SHOWN, about them, is that they're Italian dudes , suits, looking serious, and talking about booze during Prohibition.
-Almost no exploration on Angelo's psyche, after he, you know, JOINS THE MAFIA; What does he do for them? How does it affect him?
-NONE of the characters who die, (of which there are MANY), are interesting; What are their pasts? What are their personalities? No development. Nothing.

Jan 27, 2017 2:13 PM
Jul 2018
The ending was meh. Rest of the show was decent. Shuka stepped up their game compared to the disaster of an adaptation that was DRRRx2 esp from an animation standpoint, it was also nice to see another historical, mafia, prohibition era anime considering how few and far between they are.
Jan 28, 2017 7:02 AM

Sep 2013
It's amazing, but MAL can't appreciate good anime many times. People are more into shit like Re:Zero, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso and Akame ga Kill. Cause they are soooooo "mature".
Feb 5, 2017 2:54 PM

Jul 2014
It is no secret that i don't like gangster films but this was very impressive. It reaches and exceeds the height of the movies that it borrows from. I am one of the few that despises Goodfellas and feeling very meh on The Godfather so i am surprised myself that i liked this.

I am surprised that this didn't get more recognition and thank god that there is no unnecessary exposition in this series.
Feb 5, 2017 3:10 PM

Feb 2016
RainyRai said:
Angelo's revenge plot was good for the whole show.
Nero's growth as a person in the end was decent too.
The show is worth watching for those two.
The open-ended ending was handled fairly well.
The visuals were great at some points and pretty bleh at others.
Music was meh.
TL;DR: op you posted this in the wrong forum
samurai jack>everything>evangelion>anime>91 days>the holocaust>erased

I just found a guy who knows his shit! NGE wasnt that great tho.

OT: I prefered it that way without spoonfeeding us emotions but just showing his cold resolve and determination through actions such as killing some innocents and even his best friend.
I think they managed the 1 cour story nicely, some aspects could be improved tho.

The OP was definitely one of the best that year.

Oshii is probably the only director that loves dogs. He thinks he's a dog himself.

That's right, its slime! It will dissolve your clothing slowly before my eyes!

Feb 8, 2017 2:16 PM

Oct 2014
Episode 12 killed it for me, if it had ended at episode 11 it would have stayed at a 7.5, 8 maybe. But that last episode... was just pure garbage. I did not need the buddy trip for no reason which resolved nothing imo. It averaged a 5, and it better be glad I'm not going lower.
Mar 9, 2017 7:53 PM

Dec 2015
It was really good, such a shame though since it seems like Japan doesn't appreciate these kinds of shows and it sold poorly.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Aug 27, 2017 2:32 PM

Sep 2016
That was a good watch, reminds me a lot of gangster films like the Godfather and Goodfellas.
Those who find this boring obviously watched too much action shounen and can't see a good show when given to them. Guess they can't stand dialogue without any action or romance huh.
I suppose there were a few characters who acted a bit out of place but it is still an anime so there's no helping it.
All in all 9/10 for me.
aSuperiorGamerAug 27, 2017 2:35 PM

🔥You're looking at someone🔥

🔥Who is superior to you🔥

🔥You have my permission to🔥

🔥Bask in my glow🔥

Aug 28, 2017 2:42 PM
Jan 2009
I enjoyed the series. Angelo is kind of similar to Light or Lelouch in that all 3 are the hero/villain rolled into 1. OpalCat, if Angelo was the Light of this show in not really showing remorse, than Corteo was the Lelouch of this series in showing remorse.

For those on the fence on the dub or didn't like it, consider this: if you have an anime set in a USA-type setting or European-based setting, even if the dub was bad, wouldn't make sense for it to have an English dub? Also, consider the following even I am merely speculating: suppose this show's director went on record in saying something like "with the resources we had, it was released in Japanese first. However, our intent was for it to be released in English first, as it was an American-type setting". If you go by the stance of wanting to watch an anime in the language the creators intended, for some shows that could be English.

Dec 13, 2017 2:59 PM

Apr 2017
I think it was pretty good, only thing I didn't like was why the black kid came back to lawless, that was fucking stupid, but that's pretty much it, I really liked the approach it took to revenge.

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Apr 15, 2018 7:55 PM

Dec 2009
Kinda pointless giving it now but fuck it why not. I'll add the rest when I finish the second half and work on watching the specials and shit.

Episode 6/12 today.

The plots are kinda dull but the english voice acting is very good with the more rich diverse wide range better acting than the japanese I think. At least from the tiny bit I've heard.
It's also the more realistic fact of having italian accents and using fluent italian words in their speech. Gives off the better mafia feel to it all.

Unfortunately I was expecting a more dark and dramatic protagonist as a sociopath but he's very cool and collected with calculated plans to get in on who he wants to kill.

The pace in the story is kinda mellow in the sense that the anime is going smoothly with not much feeling of excitement in a way.
I'm not sure much stands out, and there's also the fact that most of the time I don't really understand the situation of the story and the whole mafia deal of what the fuck's happening and why. Not sure if it's clear but it's not to me.
Apr 16, 2018 5:20 AM
Oct 2017
romagia said:
anime that start with numbers are not to be trusted

You say that but what about 3-gatsu?
Apr 16, 2018 6:00 AM

Jun 2015
I think that that anime is great. The plot was fantastic, the characters were great. I can't understand that guy who said that he didn't like Angelo because he is a manipulative. Angelo is great because of how manipulative he is. I guess that if they had developed him a little bit on the emotional side and show how he suffered from his loss, he would have been better.
As for those who said that 91 Days is boring.
aSuperiorGamer said:
Guess they can't stand dialogue without any action or romance huh.

Seriously this Anime wasn't boring at all. The story was good, the setting was perfectly mastered and the plot was greatly evolving. Angelo's plan was great and the way the plot executed it made the Anime very thrilling. The long dialogues were perfectly building the plot but if the only type of dialogues you can handle are those filled with teenager drama romance then I really pity your taste.

Apr 20, 2018 12:26 PM

Aug 2013
One of the best animes I've ever seen. The OP is great and the story is very interesting.
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Apr 20, 2018 12:35 PM

Oct 2017
Great series, but felt a bit rushed and I wasn't a fan of the open ending. Still, we need more mature anime like this instead of the same old highschool waifu garbage each season
Apr 20, 2018 12:37 PM

Oct 2017
joe_g7 said:
It was really good, such a shame though since it seems like Japan doesn't appreciate these kinds of shows and it sold poorly.

Expected that, the show didn't have any cute waifu's, self insert protagonist, generic highschool setting etc. so it failed. Huge shame
Apr 22, 2018 11:10 AM

Dec 2009
Having watched the English Dub and heard the Japanese English Sub a little I believe the English Dub is better.
Very good acting from a cast who can perform a wider range of real (good acting) emotion I think, along with the fact of being able to have the characters have realistic accents and fluent italian words.

Honestly watching the trailer I expected and was hoping for a sociopath protagonist who would slaughter for revenge but instead we got a very serious cool collected calculated planning smart protagonist who is a very skilled mix martial artist.

Instead of a more dark story, the tone was serious and chill for lack of a better word or explanation. Few times the music added to the drama but even then the scenes' pace and mood of the whole show was pretty laid back in a way. Maybe realistic with how they didn't add much theater if at all to it.

I gotta say that the plots, especially for the first half were a little dull and bland.
I don't know if it's just me but. I didn't really understand the situation of the story and the whole mafia deal of what the fuck's happening and why a lot of times. Not sure if it's clear but it's not to me.

The art and animation was pretty damn beautiful. I could go on a little more about it but let's just say it was really good. Great for what it is.

I didn't really understand it but. I still find it weird how Nero doesn't do shit when he finds Angelo kill the first guy...

The second half even if the mood and pace was still pretty chill we had a little more moments that were exciting and shocked me with emotion which was satisfying even though there wasn't that much of that in the show.
Like the guys eating the boss' body in lasagna, that bastard viciously getting killed by his friend Cortteo, the sister killing her husband, the ending of course, his trauma of him killing his friend. ... Unfortunately that was too short but I liked the drama of him getting traumatized over it. Probably a few other things that I can't remember.

I find it interesting how they showed little of his martial arts near the beginning only and never showed it again after the first like 4 episodes. At that point I was expecting a lot of martial arts fights. Heck, that plot with the hitman was dull. Weird. Fucking dog, come on.

I was more entertained near the second half but I gotta be honest. It was a nice decent watch for what it was but I'll never watch it again. It wasn't great. But I guess it was pretty interesting in a way for being different.

I like how we finally see Angelo crack and cry in the end. That was awesome.

... 6/10.
May 5, 2018 6:39 AM
Mar 2017
OppaiLover-_- said:
romagia said:
anime that start with numbers are not to be trusted

You say that but what about 3-gatsu?

Yeah, 3-gatsu is great drama, you can't say that! (But seriously, it's epic)
I honestly dig the story despite the slow burn. It's a good story of revenge destruction and I couldn't help to remember about Godfather after watch it.

You can actually see a man in real life pulls this mad thing out of revenge.
Oct 3, 2018 8:35 PM
Mar 2018
i recently finish watched this anime, and i think this anime not good at all, but entire from this anime pretty well...
i think in this anime just about revenge and mean from this me less than i hope,..

I don't like ending from this anime because Avilio dead,
Dec 3, 2018 10:21 AM

Jun 2012
I really liked it. Just wished Strega got what was coming.
Jan 4, 2019 2:52 PM

Sep 2017
kamuinoyume said:
Episode 12 killed it for me, if it had ended at episode 11 it would have stayed at a 7.5, 8 maybe. But that last episode... was just pure garbage. I did not need the buddy trip for no reason which resolved nothing imo. It averaged a 5, and it better be glad I'm not going lower.

I agree about the last episode. I enjoyed every other one, but the last one was slow paced and felt like most of it was filler and didn't make sense or show enough. (I hated the open ending; what's the suspense over someone with no will to live possibly being alive?) Otherwise, the characters and OP/ED were kind of dull. Was upset when Corteo died, though.
Jul 27, 2019 4:43 PM
Apr 2016
It was really great. However, I didn't like the ending of episode 12.
Jun 11, 2020 11:23 PM
Apr 2018
Eps 12 wasn't that bad. Avilio getting attached to Nero so he couldn't kill him. On the other hand Nero could kill Avilio for messed up his Famili but didn't do it. Avilio's eyes are already dead, it won't satisfy his anger to kill a dead boy.

They're go on journey because Glassia hunted Nero, what you expect? Nero stayed in one place and hoping for not getting caught?

It's a good and focused story, since I bored with stories full of fanservice, filler and slow paced. I give it 9/10, hope more people will watch this.
Jun 13, 2020 2:06 AM

Aug 2018
best mafia anime, and they shouldve showed nero getting killed instead of suggesting he will be killed in the second season even tho there prob will never be a second season.

Jun 13, 2020 2:07 AM

Jul 2019
i only watched one episode but it's on hold right now. I will pick it up but the first episode was interesting
Dec 2, 2021 8:45 PM
Dec 2017
i personally think this is the best mob anime ever to be made.

May 25, 2022 11:27 PM
Oct 2021
Quite possibly the most forgettable anime I've ever watched
Sep 21, 2023 9:43 PM
Sep 2018
show has a good premise and cast - however, Angelo has no other motive than revenge and his character is one sided because of that very reason. they could have made this show stronger by making it longer and deepening yr relationship with the characters.

English dub is surprisingly not bad. Japanese was good too.

has exactly 2 women in the show in its entirety with barely any screen time or backstory so points off.


last episode with Nero and angelo in their last travels together were the best minutes in the anime and I enjoyed the open ending. revenge in the end doesn't seem to be worth it at all.

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