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[CHARACTER CREATION] ✦✦ Make your mobster character here ✦✦

Jun 12, 2016 4:12 AM

Dec 2013

1. In this thread you will create your character

2. Later on in the game if your character's Charisma Point reach certain Point, you can upgrade the rank of your character by Editing your existing post using the below Format with the updated Rank, Abilities and Biography. See the Mobster Rank HERE

3. Every time you update the Charisma Point and Rank, make sure to notify me by include the new tag: @philtecturophy in your edited post , so that I can follow your character development as well.

4. If you decide to transfer to another Mob, you can also make a Re-Post in this thread by updating the section "Mob to Join"

Current Mobster Rank: (Your character start with Rank 10: Thug)
Current Charisma Points: (Your character start with Charisma Points=0 in every Mob)
Abilities: (Your mobster character must be good at something. Your ability must be reasonable. There are no crazy magic allowed. For instance: you can be good with guns, knife, martial arts, hypnotizing, simple magic tricks and so on) Give a "single name" for this as your ability used in mob war and scheme
Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line: (Abilities used in SCHEME cannot damage people physically. It can only affect psychologically or mentally)
Description of your ability when used in the MOB WAR: (Abilities used in MOB WAR can damage people physically). SEE HERE to understand the system in MOB WAR . Please make the abilities based on the MOB WAR system such as mentioning how much the damage taken in numbers, or how quick or slow in numbers (eg: can double post in one turn when using the ability)
Mob to join: (You have to first join an existing Mob. Later on when your Rank is higher, you can make your own Mob for other members to join you)
Character biography (You have to elaborate your character's life in minimum of 100 words)

[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Current Mobster Rank:[/b] (Your character start with Rank 10: Thug)
[b]Current Charisma Points:[/b] (Your character start with Charisma Points=0 in every Mob) 
[b]Abilities:[/b] (Your mobster character must be good at something. Your ability must be reasonable. There are no crazy magic allowed. For instance: you can be good with guns, knife, martial arts, hypnotizing, simple magic tricks and so on) [color=red]Give a "single name" for this as your ability used in mob war and scheme[/color]
[b]Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line:[/b]  (Abilities used in SCHEME cannot damage people physically. It can only affect psychologically or mentally)
[b]Description of your ability when used in the MOB WAR:  (Abilities used in MOB WAR can damage people physically). [/b][url=][color=red][size=120][b]SEE HERE [/b][/size][/color][/url] to understand the system in MOB WAR . Please make the abilities based on the MOB WAR system such as mentioning how much the damage taken in numbers, or how quick or slow in numbers (eg: can double post in one turn when using the ability)
[b]Mob to join:[/b] (You have to first join an existing Mob. Later on when your Rank is higher, you can make your own Mob for other members to join you)
[b]Character biography[/b] (You have to elaborate your character's life in minimum of 100 words)

Rules when creating your character
General Forum Role Play prohibit Godmodding as described below:

Godmodding is godmoding specific to character creation, skills, and certain situations (e.g., combat).
Powerplaying is godmoding by controlling another roleplayer’s character without permission.
Metagaming is godmoding specific to the use of OOC knowledge in roleplayed actions, behaviors, thoughts.
Retconning is godmoding specific to erasure or alteration of past events.


See Below for more detail
philtecturophyJun 27, 2016 5:49 AM

Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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Jun 12, 2016 5:06 AM

Dec 2013
Name: Glast Luminaire

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Shy, but can be charismatic when the time requires him to.
Glast is a person that loves peace. He does not have desire to fight or to rule over something. This is in contrast with his father's personality, that has high desire to rule over something in order to mix the harmony of peace and illegal business. His father Heidern Luminaire is a very charismatic person, and although Heidern's business is around semi-illegal to illegal activities such as selling narcotics, guns, opening night clubs and so on, however Heidern has always been kind to his subordinates and people of the DeLiberty City. Heidern always prioritize diplomacy over war. People tend to like him a lot. However after Heidern's death by the High Society mob, Luminaire goes down hill. Glast has very lack of charisma and very shy. However, prior to Heidern's death, Heidern's richness and business was bestowed upon Glast as his only son. The only primary motivation for Glast to continue leading Luminaire is because he knows that his father's enemies are targeting him to take over the DeLiberty City. His heart has always been full of fear and he is always scared of the situation where those enemies would come to have some pay back time. Thus to acquire the protection, he mostly uses this richness and power to defend himself from such situation. Glast is strong when he is around his friends. The more friends around him, the more enthusiastic he is. Without his friend, Glast is fragile and mentally unstable due to his fear. What Glast needs seems are people around him that can make him feel safe. Around his friend, Glast become a cheerful person and more confidence to do big things.

Current Mobster Rank: Caporegime

Current Charisma Points: Luminaire (120)

Abilities: Aura transformation, Andante overture, Hypnotizing, Liebestraume , Pray

Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME:
Suicide scherzo: Glast will play the melodies of suicide scherzo that mentally hurts himself and others that listen to it.
Andante overture: Glast will play a beautiful melodies with his violin in which it oftentimes make people feel sad and closed towards him.
Liebestraume: Glast will play a beautiful melodies with his violin in which it oftentimes make people feel cheerful and enthusiastic.
Serendepity: Glast can play a cheerful melodies so that a person with lower charisma point than him give some information to him without realizing he has given that to him.
Pray: Glast will kneel and pray. During this mode, Glast is just a fragile boy who is defenseless.

Description of your ability when used in the MOBSTER FIGHT:
Suicide scherzo: Glast will damage himself by half the amount of attack points he uses in that turn, and damage the enemy by double the attack points he used in that turn (eg: attack 5x: THEN Glast hp reduced by 3, enemy damaged by 10x)
Andante overture: Glast will increase the effect of actions of all the Mobsters of his subordinates in their next turn by 50% including himself, decimal rounded up (eg: attack 5x becomes 8x, cure 5x becomes 8x)
Liebestraume: For the next 5 turns, whenever Glast cure himself, three mobsters of his choosen subordinates will gain the same effect of that curing
Serendepity: Glast can give Revert back the damage he received used by another caster back to the caster in the next turn, his energy is restored by the amount of that damage.
Pray: Glast can use all his action points for curing only himself for the next 5 turns

Weapon:Violin instrument

Mob to join: Glast is one of the two characters in the game that already has the Mob and begin with the Rank Caporegime. His Mob name is: Luminaire

Character biography:
Glast is the only child in his family. His family for generation was from the Europian aristocratic rich casta. His father, Heidern, was a Big Boss of Mob House Luminaire, but was murdered during the MOB WAR. His father was a virtuoso in playing violin, and used it as his primary weapon even during MOB WAR. It was told once that his father individually hypnotize the entire Mob armies with his dramatic violin overtures that the enemies hallucinate through the entire day. Heidern never loved Glast very much. Glast spent his childhood as a lonely person with his violin as his only friend. In the school years, Glast was never a very friendly person. Often he was bullied by his class mates because of his girly looks. He never really told anyone about this. But he was a very popular person among girls. His very nice looking appearance and very skillful aptitude in playing Violin attracts many girls and females towards him. Though he never really know how to behave properly towards those girls. After his father died, Luminaire became leaderless. Naturally Glast, as Heidern's only son, become the only person that is qualified to become the next boss. Glast was than granted the Rank of Caporegime and allowed to build up his own Mob. Though Glast feels that this Mob things is meaningless and not of his interest. However it seems that becoming a Mobster is the only way that he can survive and gain protection from his subordinates against his father enemies. At his young age, Glast will need as much help from other people to guide him in the right way.
philtecturophyJul 16, 2016 8:57 AM

Jun 12, 2016 5:58 AM

Jun 2015
Name:Yakihiro Kuroha



Personality:He is a sadic and cruel person

Current Mobster Rank: Caporegime

Current Charisma Points: 120

Abilities: Madness, Intimidation, Snake, Red Pistol,

Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line:
Madness: Yakihiro becomes mad with rage, while he is like that, he can't be affected by psychological abilities.
Intimidation: Yakihiro intimidates a person with lower charisma points, making the person tell him the information he wants.
Snake: Yakihiro uses his charismatic pet to do whatever he wish's
Red Pistol: Yakihiro shoot's with his gun.
Drugs: Use some drugs to make him calm.

Description of your ability when used in the MOBSTER FIGHT:
Madness: Doubles the power of his next action.
Intimidation: Weakens a foe defense so the next damage he takens get 2x times stronger (example: attack 5x turns into attack 10x)
Red Pistol: Shoot a person 5x damage
Snake: Bind's an enemy making him unable to use half of his actions in his turn.
Drugs: Cure a person 5x

Weapon:Red Pistol and Snake

Mob to join: Tartarus

Character biography: Yakihiro Is the second son of Barok Kuroha, He took leardership of the Kuroha group after his father died of illness, and changed the name of the group to Tartarus.
Since a young age Yakihiro was a disturbed child, he would cut his pets to see how they were inside, and always liked things other people wouldn't, when his brother and Uncle died in the MOB War his condition got only worse, he just won't care about people he doesn't like, and don't see the reason in helping weak people who has nothing to offer.
He has a snake that he won in his 14 years birthday, he already had other snakes before but this was the only one he didn't cut and tortured, somehow it's always with him, even when you think he is alone the snake is always somewhere nearby.
Yakihirio want's more power, and won't stop untill the whole city is in his command.
fyruskingJun 15, 2016 11:57 AM
A Gift By: Natsukage
Jun 12, 2016 2:11 PM

Oct 2015
Name: Minerva 'Braniac' Wynn Chase


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: She's a sane person who enjoys killing for a living. Minerva is probably the smartest of Tartarus

Current Mobster Rank: 10 - Thug

Current Charisma Points: 0

Abilities: Parkour
Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line:

Parkour: This makes her able to wall run, jump over crates/barrels easily, slide down poles and jump father then the average person.

Description of your ability when used in the MOBSTER FIGHT:
Parkour: The next amount of damage that she takes is halved
Weapon:Throwing knives

Mob to join: Tartarus

Character biography : She grew up with her parents who where in the mafia, but they were in seperate mafia groups so they had to be very careful all the time. Her mother was in Tartarus and her father was in Luminaire. They hated being away from each other but loved each other so much they had Minerva the smartest little girl you would've ever known. In fact she even came up with a plan to help her parents. The plan lasted 10 years. Minerva doesn't tell anyone the plan she said she swore not to and still won't share it. For years she didn't participate in anything mafia related for her and her parents sake. One day her father was found dead in a river. Minerva's mother went into a deep depression and blamed Minerva because she came up with the plan. Soon the police came and killed her mother. She decided to go to Tartarus and become a mother that wouldn't threaten her child.
MysticalPhoenixJun 16, 2016 8:08 AM

-----❀❀❀❀ art by vickisigh ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀
Jun 12, 2016 3:20 PM
May 2016
Name: Kira but calls himself Sora

Age: 17
Personality: seems like a playful child at first, what you dont know is that inside hes a plotting killer, capable of staying sane and being merciful on the weak at the same time though
Current mobster rank: i didnt choose the thug life, its the rp that chose it for me
Current charisma points: 0
Ability: knife skills
knife skills: goes up to a person like his friend and puts his arm around him and takes out his knife at his neck making him spill the truth. This will be effective only when using it to person with lower charisma than Sora.
knife skills: he will use his knife to cut the person in a vein giving 5 damage and 1 damage every post until the next 4 turns or heal it
weapon: knife and silenced pistol
Mob: luminaire
bio: he always wanted to see people suffer, his parents were killed when he was young and he has wanted revenge since, he will get it on other people since he wants the world to know pain. he believes that people only will care for each other if they feel the same pain so he started killing and murdering for fun, he kept his 2 names so that no one will find him out, at a murder scene he will write his killer name kira with his victims blood if he has time and he will continue this. he also has killed 15 people and each death was done by torture.
philtecturophyJun 29, 2016 11:36 AM
Jun 12, 2016 6:00 PM

May 2015
Name: Isaac Webber

Age: 17
Personality: Kind and loving guy who wouldn't kill for fun, but he kills for justice if it means helping his nation survive. Isaac was a recruit in the Marines when his team was sunk in the ocean. He was the best-trained marine ever, so don't mess with his family or else...
Current Mobster Rank:Thug (Your character start with Rank 10: Thug)
Current Charisma Points:0 *Will progress in time* (Your character start with Charisma Points=0 in every Mob)
Abilities:He has enhanced vision, and can almost see clearly in the dark because of intense eyesite training. He can throw knives up to 150 feet and is good with any blunt weapons he can grab, such as pipes and steel bars. (Your mobster character must be good at something. Your ability must be reasonable. There are no crazy magic allowed. For instance: you can be good with guns, knife, martial arts, hypnotizing, simple magic tricks and so on)
Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line: Grapple: Gets hooked rope out of satchel and can either grapple walls or grab enemies and objects from a distance. Does 4 attack and has a *bleed effect* of 2
Description of your ability when used in the MOBSTER FIGHT: Scorpion's Rope spear: Same as Grapple, but with a spearhead at the tip of the rope, used to bring enemies closer while they're knocked out. Can also be used as a fatality. Does attack of 6 damage with a bleed effect of 3
. Bleed effect is the damage done after the attack. Lasts until the player dies from bloodloss from the attack or if it is healed.
Weapon: Multi-use Rope spearhead with springloaded grapple claws.
Mob to join: House of Luminaire (You have to first join an existing Mob. Later on when your Rank is higher, you can make your own Mob for other members to join you)
Character biography When he was young, he was picked on for having a big armband on his head. That armband kept him from getting ill, like a lucky charm, and it was pink. When he said that it was lucky, the bullies took it and flushed it down the toilet. They then began to beat the crap out of him, telling him he was a wuss. After a few years, he had trained himself to deal with them... He tranquillized the two bullies with two coated blowdarts, from a distance. Since then, he was abandoned by his family, and accepted by a Marine Corps Admiral. After a few more years, the ship sank with the Admiral aboard, on the coast of DeLiberty City,
That is where his new story began (You have to elaborate your character's life in minimum of 100 words)
Frisky_KnucklesJun 12, 2016 6:47 PM
If I wasn't so deranged, could I ever face the pain?
If I ever want to change, would this all remain the same?
Jekyll n hyde, 5FDP
Jun 13, 2016 6:42 AM
Sep 2015
Name: Hana Zeruka

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Personality: Hana is very serious when it comes to her job but can let loose and have fun with her friends. She likes drinking a lot and gets very active when she has drank a lot. Further rest she is a nice woman
Current Mobster Rank: 10: Thug
Current Charisma Points: 0
Abilities: Hana is very good at handling guns. Be it a handgun, full automatic or even an RPG, she can use all of them. S
Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line: Hana has a few special bullets she can use in her guns.
1. Explosive round: what it does is self explanatory but it explodes in a radius of 2 by 2 meters
2. Smoke round: what it does is self explanatory and the smoke screen it creates is around 4 by 4 meters
3. Corrosive round: this makes it so that when it hits someone it will release a liquid that will bite into their skin or body causing some serious damage to someone
4. Tracking round: this bullet will send out a signal to Hana's phone keeping track of whatever was hit by the bullet. Be it a human, or a car
Description of your ability when used in the MOB WAR:
1. Explosive round: this deals a damage of 4 to people who are right onto it but a damage of 1 for people around the center. This will also cause a short bleed effect to someone for 2 turns
2. Smoke round: this just blocks of vision for people so they can't see whatever is behind it. The smoke screen will last for 4 turns
3. Biting round: the liquid that releases will cause a sort of poison effect which deals 1 damage every turn for 3 turns.
4. Tracking round: this will just send out a signal to Hana's phone so she can see wherever the tracked object is
Weapon: She has a luger handgun, a thompson, a sniper rifle and a bayonet for close quarters combat.
Mob to join: Tartarus
Character biography Hana was born into a family in Italy. This family was a big mob there and was feared by the inhabitants of Italy and other mobs. Hana was proud of her father being such a good leader to his mob and decided she wanted to become a mobster herself. He trained her in using guns and she started developing special bullets. However one day her father was killed by another mob leader who got him assassinated. She hunted the man down and she killed him. But at the cost of the mob of her father dying out. She fled Italy because the government was of course looking for her. She ended up on a ship to DeLiberty City, a place her father had told her about before. She joined the mob Tartarus here and now wants to become one of the most feared mobsters in this place together with her allies
MadTsunTsunJun 15, 2016 9:18 AM
I'm merely a deredere, tsundere, devidere, yandere, kudere and all dem other dere's :3
Jun 13, 2016 7:06 AM

Jul 2008

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Current Mobster Rank: (Your character start with Rank 10: Thug)
Current Charisma Points: (Your character start with Charisma Points=0 in every Mob)
Abilities: (Your mobster character must be good at something. Your ability must be reasonable. There are no crazy magic allowed. For instance: you can be good with guns, knife, martial arts, hypnotizing, simple magic tricks and so on)
Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line:
Description of your ability when used in the MOB WAR: SEE HERE to understand the system in MOB WAR . Please make the abilities based on the MOB WAR system such as mentioning how much the damage taken in numbers, or how quick or slow in numbers (eg: can double post in one turn when using the ability)
Mob to join: (You have to first join an existing Mob. Later on when your Rank is higher, you can make your own Mob for other members to join you)
Character biography (You have to elaborate your character's life in minimum of 100 words)
Jun 13, 2016 7:34 AM

Feb 2016
Name: The Wretched

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: The Wretched is a sadistic and insane individual, craving for blood and slaughter. He has lots of energy usually used to destroy something. He is addicted to drugs and has a bad reputation of killing people on the stop for just a very small amount of it. He only respects someone even stronger and possibly more insane than him, and spits on everyone else. He pretty much never eats food at all, and drinking is not much of either. He prefers to stay in the shadows and watch. If not respected he will get extremely irritated and possibly violent. Getting on his good side is quite the challenge, indeed.
Current Mobster Rank: Thug
Current Charisma Points: 0
Abilities: Deathly Strike
Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line:
The Wretched will for a short moment transform his hand into a demonic claw. The claw can be used to easily shred up a hole in a wall to walk through or just destroy anything easier in general.
Description of your ability when used in the MOB WAR:
Will deal 5 damage and make the enemy unable to cure/heal next turn. +3 more damage if they are by themself.
Weapon: An iron pipe. He uses an iron pipe with spikes normally, but can use pretty much any melee weapon. He is very fond of sharp knives that can kill easily. His hands are also used in combat, but more through his abilities.
Mob to join: Tartarus.
Character biography The Wretched was once a normal person, but not anymore. On the streets he's known as The Wretched, referring to his personality and dark nature. When he was about 10 years old, his father which was conducting expirements and rituals had an idea for The Wretched. His father had always been quite a lunatic, and his mother had left them several years back. The Wretched was corrupt by his father's nature. But as said, his father got an idea, he needed someone to perform his rituals on. The Wretched was paralyzed in the night and brought into his fathers workplace, The disgusting rituals performed on The Wrechted made a particular demon notice him. The demon could see the boy's evilness and psychopathic tendensies, and decided posses him, not fully, but halfly, living inside his mind as a sort of guider, corrupting him even further and turning him to insanity. The Wretched murdered his dad as a following and turned to a life on the streets, committing horrible crimes to sustain himself, now joining mobs.
DestroyTheSauceJun 14, 2016 9:37 PM
Jun 14, 2016 12:53 AM

Jun 2016
Name: Nero Van Vladimir (Nicknamed 'Diablo' during his teenage years)

Personality:. Silent. But in the midst of battle, he wears a slight grin and would enjoy the slugfest and slaughters
Current Mobster Rank: Thug (NINJA'D BY KAMINA, DAMMIT)
Current Charisma Points:0

Abilities: Decimating Swing.

Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line:
Decimating Swing: Attacks all nearby units infront of him.

Description of your ability when used in the MOB WAR:
Decimating Swing: Attacks all nearby units infront of him, dealing 3 damage to all enemies hit.

Weapon: Warhammer - It's called Sion (pronounced as Sai-On)
He only uses Sion in MOB fights.

Mob to join: Tartarus

Character biography
Thrust into a world of manipulation and power since birth, Nero was exposed to the cruelty and ugliness of the world at a young age. He was born in a family that had debts over their heads. He lived most of his childhood running jobs and being an errand boy for several shady figures in the shadows. At the ripe age of 13, the debts accumulated by his family could no longer allow Nero to be kept by his family, and he was shoved into the shadows that once gave him his daily bread. The life of a slave was unforgiving, the cruel tortures and demands of his masters hardening his already closed heart. As he grew up, he was taught to take the lives of innocents and was given opportunities to live as a shadow's hand. It was until his family was killed in a power struggle between two opposing forces that dominated part of the city he lived, that he started craving for power. When he heard of Tartarus, he decided to put at an end to the shadows. With the trusty hammer he forged during his younger years, he mashed their heads cleaned. The commanding feeling he felt at that moment could not be described as anything else but happiness. He wants power,not for his body, not for his mind, but for his peace. For a long time, he had been led by power, taken by power, and given power, which paled the blood of his kin. Perhaps if he was the most powerful person to exist in all mankind, perhaps he could find the peace he had been taken from. It seemed lonely to be at the top, but at least no one would die around you. "I desire power, not for killing, not for revenge, but for the only thing that could help me feel human again."
BobTheKekMasterJun 21, 2016 5:51 AM
Jun 14, 2016 2:02 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Setsu Bluestar

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: she acts really cool, and she's a cold person. She is pretty sexy, but if she become close to someone she wold worry about this person, deep down she is kind girl.
Current Mobster Rank: Rank 10: Thug
Current Charisma Points: Charisma Points=0
Abilities:Karmic Chain
Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line:
Karmic Chain: Threaten opponents by bluffing that Setsu has set traps around the perimeter surrounding the opponent, makes the opponent unable to walk around freely for 3 to 4 turns, and thus cannot leave the location during this state. However if you too excessively, opponents may realize that its only a bluffing. So Setsu has to use it wisely with good wordings to make a believable bluffing.
Description of your ability when used in the MOB WAR:
Karmic Chain: Stun enemy completely for 1 turn in his next turn, and damage him by 3 HP
Weapon:Infinite Uses: Cross Tail
it can be used both offensively and defensively. It takes the form of gloves and metallic fingertips with wire threads running through them, and it can be used in various ways to attack, defend against, or immobilize opponents.
Mob to join: Luminaire
Character biographyWhen Setsu was a little girl, she was saved by a stranger, it was war after all, this stranger was a little strange man, he was all the time seriouse. but he was really strong. because Setsu had no family and had no place tho go this man take her with him. this man was Cross Tail's user.. so he teach her. they where training all the time, and because of his help and his training she become stronger. but as they was having fun, on one fight this man was cut by an poision knife, and even thought they win this fight this man was in bad situation, so soon in few days he died, as he left to Setsu his weapons, and asked her to be strong and fined some other fighters and win this war together with friends.. soon or later setsu heard about this place, and than joined in Luminaire.
philtecturophyJun 28, 2016 10:23 AM
Jun 14, 2016 2:05 PM

Jun 2015




fyruskingJun 14, 2016 2:14 PM
A Gift By: Natsukage
Jun 14, 2016 2:11 PM
May 2016
one min
Jun 14, 2016 2:37 PM

Jun 2015



A Gift By: Natsukage
Jun 14, 2016 9:39 PM

Feb 2016
@fyrusking Changed it, can only be used to destroy things now ^^
Jun 15, 2016 8:30 AM

Oct 2015

Thnx :3
It gives her more escape routes and makes her able to dodge easier.

Oh okay, so you mean I should add 9 things that she can do within Parkour?

-----❀❀❀❀ art by vickisigh ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀
Jun 15, 2016 9:18 AM
Sep 2015
THanks ^^ But the multiple bullet ability is part of her being good with guns. Sorry if it was a bit unclear :p
I'm merely a deredere, tsundere, devidere, yandere, kudere and all dem other dere's :3
Jun 15, 2016 2:08 PM

Feb 2015
Just one thing when creating my char, the website that @Kiiii- used looks pretty convinient, there is no problem if I use this too, right? Because I kinda struggle at creating the personalities.
Jun 15, 2016 2:12 PM

Nov 2015
hlanden said:
Just one thing when creating my char, the website that @Kiiii- used looks pretty convinient, there is no problem if I use this too, right? Because I kinda struggle at creating the personalities.

Oh, no problem. Use it too if you wish. I'm just using it as a placeholder though. :)
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Jun 15, 2016 3:16 PM

Feb 2015
You can still get a clear idea of what your character will be like when using that thing though. Would be very useful for me since I usually have the ideas in my head but don't have the right words to express them.
Jun 15, 2016 6:05 PM

Jun 2015



A Gift By: Natsukage
Jun 15, 2016 7:33 PM
May 2016
Jun 16, 2016 2:16 AM

Feb 2015
Sure, @fyrusking. I mean, won't be a problem if I answer the questions as my character would, and then write out a summary of the personality they got, right?
Jun 16, 2016 8:07 AM

Oct 2015
That sound good! I'll add it to my character. And sorry about that.

-----❀❀❀❀ art by vickisigh ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀
Jun 16, 2016 12:52 PM

Jun 2015


A Gift By: Natsukage
Jun 16, 2016 1:31 PM

Feb 2016
@fyrusking Is mine approved now by the way? You told me you'd approve when I'd changed it, and that is done :)
Jun 16, 2016 11:17 PM

Dec 2013
Here are the current status for the character creation:

Approved: @MysticalPhoenix @ThatKindDude @DestroyTheSauce

Waiting Approval: @BobMcBobbeth

Need to modify: @kamina-uchiha @MadTsunTsun @Kiiii- @Frisky_Knuckles @Tamoball @Pretty-Setsu

philtecturophyJun 17, 2016 10:43 AM

Jun 17, 2016 5:14 AM
Sep 2015
Give me some time please. Have a lot of schoolwork atm
I'm merely a deredere, tsundere, devidere, yandere, kudere and all dem other dere's :3
Jun 17, 2016 10:25 AM

Mar 2014
fyrusking said:


hello :P and i am not "Z"etsu.. i am "S"etsu :D :D :D
well yea.. i did not put anything in the abilities description because i do not know what can i say there, i toled what powers she has so i think she would fight with the powers what i write in Abilities . i really do not think she will have different powers in "SCHEME / RP Play Story Line" or "MOB WAR" i thought we have all the same powers... or should i get more in detals?

well @philtecturophy was right :D but i do not get how can i do that :D (for me to bound an enemy making him unable to attack for 2 turns) so i will be thankfull if you would tell me more about fighting skills

and i know i can have only one power.. my character use only one power.. just she has good imagination so she can make this spear to make intoher power.. this weapon helps her to atack and protect herself too, an she cant to both at the same time

and at last.. what should i change? i should add my abilities description right? well.. i have no idea what should i write.. so will you help me?
Jun 19, 2016 3:30 PM

Jun 2015


@Tamoball @Nice


A Gift By: Natsukage
Jun 19, 2016 3:33 PM
Jun 2016
[quote=fyrusking message=46553806]@ThatKindDude

Ohhh lol, I didnt know we bad hehehe
Jun 19, 2016 3:49 PM

Mar 2014
fyrusking said:


Oh.. It's OK.. But thanks for calling me Setsu :D
So they are not same staff?? Oh I see
So in war I should write powers that will be attacks.. So I could hurt other
By in other.. What will help me.. But is not it same? Well I am really bad at powers and if @Philtecturophyhas any ideas pleas let me know pm me or write here I will be super happy and thankful

Jun 19, 2016 10:30 PM

Dec 2013


Jun 20, 2016 4:38 AM

Mar 2014
philtecturophy said:


@philtecturophy well i get it now.. well i like his powers.. and can i add something more? or i should have only one ability?
Jun 20, 2016 4:58 AM

Dec 2013
@Pretty-Setsu: Hey Setsu, glad that you liked it ^^
Hmm, since you are currently a mobster rank:Thug, thus you can only have 1 ability.
Later on when you have higher rank, you can get more abilities :)
Whenever you are ready, you can modify your ability, then we can start RP-ing in Luminaire XD

Jun 20, 2016 5:07 AM

Mar 2014
@philtecturophy ok i added them.. thanks for your help :)
Jun 20, 2016 5:20 AM

Dec 2013
@Pretty-Setsu: Looks great. I have edited your post a bit to suit the proper format :)
Hey Setsu, we can start the RP now :3

Jun 20, 2016 5:37 AM

Mar 2014
really?? cool. let's rp :P
Jun 20, 2016 5:41 AM

Dec 2013
@Pretty-Setsu: Alrightt ^^
go here:

Jun 20, 2016 12:03 PM

Jul 2015
Name: Gale


Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Arrogant, condescending, bratish, sensitive, cold, selfish

Current Mobster Rank: 10

Current Charisma Points: 0

Abilities: Precision martial arts

Description of your ability when used in the SCHEME / RP Play Story Line:
Precision martial arts: Gale smashes various objects in the room with his badass ninja skillz in an attempt to scare the subject into giving information to him. This only affects characters with lower charisma points than Gale.

Description of your ability when used in the MOB WAR:
Precision martial arts: Gale strikes the opponent in such a way as to cause internal bleeding resulting in two health points lost per turn over the course of 5 turns


Mob to join: High Society

Character biography Gale is the second born son of a notorious godfather, ever since birth Gale has been above just about everybody excluding his father leading him to become somewhat of an elitist. Although he is proficient in martial arts and possesses a good brain and gray morality his father believed him to be far too immature and arrogant to possibly take over his criminal empire, but it wasn't until he killed an important member of another gang when he was supposed to be negotiating land rights with them, merely because he wasn't fond of his tone that his father decided he was an insult to the family's name. So Gale was disowned, cast out, and told to come back once he was a real man. All he had was his clothes, gun, and a package from his father which contained enough money to last him for a few months and a note with "Go to the High Soceity and seek enlightenment, I'm sure you'll love it there ;)" written on it. And so, after searching for a month he has finally found his way to High Society
ErazmusJul 14, 2016 2:28 PM
Jun 20, 2016 2:22 PM

Jul 2015
Nice said:

Are you kidding me? That was brilliant as far as I'm concerned.
Jun 20, 2016 2:27 PM

Nov 2015
There wasn't any story in there though. All that happened in one night. I don't think it covered enough of the character's life... :/

But hey, thanks for the compliment!
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Jun 20, 2016 10:37 PM

Dec 2013
@BobMcBobbeth: Thanks bob for the adjustment. Also fyrusking and I discussed that this line "(Damage is increased by 0.5 per rank above thug)" should be discarded. Because when mobster rank gets higher, you can wield more abilities and use them simultaneously in mob war. So no need to make an ability to get stronger. Thanks bob :)

Jun 21, 2016 5:15 AM

Jun 2016
philtecturophy said:
@BobMcBobbeth: Thanks bob for the adjustment. Also fyrusking and I discussed that this line "(Damage is increased by 0.5 per rank above thug)" should be discarded. Because when mobster rank gets higher, you can wield more abilities and use them simultaneously in mob war. So no need to make an ability to get stronger. Thanks bob :)

Done ^^
Jun 21, 2016 5:49 AM

Dec 2013
@BobMcBobbeth: Hey bob, that looks great. Just another small thing. The ability in the scheme should only be able to mentally or psychologically damage people. So no physical attack is allowed in scheme ability.

Another small thing is that in the Abilities, the adrenaline junkie should be replaced by decimating swing, without description in it.

Other than that, everything looks perfect :)

Jun 21, 2016 5:52 AM

Jun 2016
philtecturophy said:
@BobMcBobbeth: Hey bob, that looks great. Just another small thing. The ability in the scheme should only be able to mentally or psychologically damage people. So no physical attack is allowed in scheme ability.

Another small thing is that in the Abilities, the adrenaline junkie should be replaced by decimating swing, without description in it.

Other than that, everything looks perfect :)

Done again ^^
Jun 21, 2016 6:11 AM

Dec 2013
@BobMcBobbeth: Looks perfect Bob, now you can join the RP XD

Jun 21, 2016 6:22 AM

Jul 2015
philtecturophy said:
@BobMcBobbeth: Looks perfect Bob, now you can join the RP XD

Sooo Phil could you take a look at my character now, I want to join asap :3
Jun 21, 2016 6:37 AM

Dec 2013
@Erazmus: Hey Erazmus, for the approval, each character has to be evaluated through discussion between fyrus and me, which will be conducted soon, perhaps tonight or tomorrow at latest.

But for the brief inspection, Scheme ability can only damage people mentally or psychologically such as threatening, but not physical damage. Your "Precision martial arts" should be both in the Scheme and Mob War ability, but when use it there it in scheme, should results in or represent such mental effect.

Lemme know if any questions ^^

Jun 21, 2016 6:42 AM

Jul 2015
philtecturophy said:
Scheme ability can only damage people mentally or psychologically such as threatening, but not physical damage.

Mhm, "Precision martial arts" does not physically damage them, it only makes them experience physical pain as a result of attacking a nerve. For example if you press on a certain spot below the thumb your hand will hurt like hell, but it won't actually be damaged, it'll just feel awful.
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