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May 7, 2016 6:21 AM

Nov 2011
Ooh..Kaneki admits that he really misses Hide. Those tears ;o

Hyped for White Haired Kaneki.
Stark700May 7, 2016 6:26 AM
May 7, 2016 6:34 AM
Jul 2018
Trash is the new plot armor kun.

Waiting for the HQ scanlations. The actions are hard to understand for at least half of the chapter.
May 7, 2016 6:34 AM

May 2014
It was... I don't know how to simply describe. The closest term I can think of is heartbreaking.
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May 7, 2016 6:38 AM

Dec 2014
-Smug Furuta never ceases to entertain, but this time, he fucked up. Holy shit, she just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Furuta looks pretty fucking startled. They got tron apart. I hope that he's faking it, being that scared, although I wouldn't put it past him being a coward. Seems like Eto really did care about Shiono, that's nice to see. They always keep getting away with it...well, nice that Hinami didn't die. They shouldn't really stay there and wonder, they have to escape and quickly.

-Damn, that's a nice quinque. That kakuja looks absolutely stellar, like it's rotting. Arima seems serious now, he even almost hit his foot. So, he also has a sexsuit similar to what Kaneki used. That mask, damn. It looked really close there for a second, but as expected, Arima is always ready and has an ace up his sleeve. He also really seems to like them remote activation quinques. Arima is being a savage, overkilling him with dismemberment while Kaneki is pondering on nihilistic thoughts.

-He seems to be happy, fulfilling his goal, they got away, although he doesn't know that. Best bro is still the best bro, trying to snap him out of it. 'Four-eyes', fucking madman. Somebody finally compliments his guns, splendid, he came a long way from being a skeleton, to a buff guy. Damn man...he's always lonely, but this, this is the first time he said so himself. Finally, he snapped out of it, the 'egg'. Can't wait to see how he will be from now on.

After a string of somewhat subpar chapter, he's finally delivering something solid.
He should calm down with changing his hair color all the's kinda getting redundant, although it represents change so I understand why he did it.
UltvejMay 7, 2016 6:51 AM
May 7, 2016 6:50 AM

Feb 2011
I don't even understand what the hell is happening anymore lol
He got destroyed by Arima, had that inner dialogue with Hide and now is back in the fight again but white haired ? 0.o
May 7, 2016 6:52 AM

Jul 2014
Oh god, well that was pretty horrible... Looking forward to next weeks asspull powerup edgy white hair kaneki ken, because seeing Hide in his mind will surely help him regenerate and beat Arima.
May 7, 2016 6:52 AM

May 2013
Wow what a chapter,back to white this time
Lead me out of the dark,bishounen space Jesus.
May 7, 2016 6:57 AM
Apr 2014
How the fuck did Eto get out? I hope it's just Furuta being a madman and letting it happen. I guess she's gonna go help her king? or maybe attack Furuta?
Hide is a resident in Kaneki's mind now? this dude is literally Yugi Muto at this point.
Drake1000May 7, 2016 7:58 AM
May 7, 2016 7:05 AM

Jan 2014
So, it's confirmed that Kaneki ate Hide...
F0XFIRE said:
OP 4 most butthurt bitch on MAL.

May 7, 2016 7:11 AM

Aug 2010
-Finally Eto showed up. I can see Hinami and co will get out from Cochlea with the same way from root A.
-Arima is savage af.
-So Hide is truly dead, right? And touching your chin again there, Kaneki.
-Now I wonder if his hair went back to white already or it is just a symbolism.
awrupMay 7, 2016 7:14 AM
May 7, 2016 7:15 AM

Apr 2015
The meaning of the title refers to one of Kafka's work (The Judgement) where the father sentence his own son to kill himself (drowning in the river) and the Demian of Hermann Hesse: "The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas."
May 7, 2016 7:25 AM

Sep 2014
Omg, the part with Eto talking about Shiono, xD.

Hype for the Kaneki we all love.

I missed Hide, even if he's not really there it was good to see him. ;~;
when ur about to have a refreshing sip of earl grey tea and someone says "traps are gay"
May 7, 2016 7:34 AM

Oct 2014
Finally time to rekt arima.
May 7, 2016 7:35 AM

Sep 2015
Arcanix said:
Oh god, well that was pretty horrible... Looking forward to next weeks asspull powerup edgy white hair kaneki ken, because seeing Hide in his mind will surely help him regenerate and beat Arima.

Well, now he will fight wanting to win. Winning can now be easier than before since he wanted to die before talking with Hide.
"If this world continues reject me, then I shall reject the world"
May 7, 2016 7:37 AM

Nov 2014
HIDEEE ;-; Pls dun tell me ur actually dead!!! Ive been holding on to the hope that u were still alive all these chaps!!!*crying intensifies*
May 7, 2016 7:38 AM
Nov 2015
Chapters too short for the 2 weeks of wait but good chapter anyways. Also makes Ishidas last last art make sense you know with the naked Kaneki and drowing in river styx art.
-Eto proving she's the best girl again by destroying the compactor thus saving Hinami and the others, rekting the V dudes and making Furuta panic fo real.
-Arima as usual raping his opponents in fights. Seriously Arima makes those he fight look like a powerless kid but i think he cant rekt Kaneki like that using Narukami or IXA i guess the Yoshimura quinque is OP af too.
-Hide hallucination being funny, scolding and making Kaneki change his dying in style mind set. Damn even though its not really Hide it still brings out my feels.
-Kaneki getting his ass handed to him even in snake Kakuja mode and finally turning back into Shironeki.
May 7, 2016 7:44 AM

May 2014
Can't wait to see the new Kaneki.

Also, I dont think he would beat Arima... I mean he is half dead. But now that he changed he might be able to escape.
May 7, 2016 7:47 AM

Oct 2014
So when is his hair changing blue?
May 7, 2016 7:50 AM
Sep 2013
Furuta faces this chapter. Eto is pissed ripping V agents to shreds.
could tell whats happening just wish to see this with better scans. Had to look over to make out what had happened. Arima no wasted hesitation dismembering Kaneki.
Kaneki hallucination actually being a key to live instead of his regular horrible ones. I liked the way its set to feel like this conversation could have been in part 1. with Hide complimenting Kaneki. Seems like Kaneki will finally have a will to live even If its not stylish.
Two weeks well worth the wait and I am satisfied with this and these last few chapters.
May 7, 2016 7:56 AM

May 2015
Okay, this whole symbolism with the hair thing is getting bit too excessive... Anyways, Kaneki's half-kakuja put up a decent fight and almost stabbed Arima. Still don't think he'll win even with this reaffirmed resolve, since he's continuously getting slashed faster than he can regenerate(It'd be an asspull if he won at this point too). Ofcourse, he could stall just before someone saves him. Nice that Eto escaped, but I hope Furuta is simply clowning around this chapter :P

May 7, 2016 7:57 AM

Oct 2013
wow wow wow wow wow wow
May 7, 2016 8:00 AM

Oct 2014
physicschild said:
mochakawaiibear said:
So when is his hair changing blue?

After he changes his hair to purple when he sees Amon
Purple symbolizes royalty so he's the OEK :0
May 7, 2016 8:00 AM

Nov 2011
Kaneki got his ass handed to him, maybe literally too. I dunno, he was in pieces.

Seeing Kaneki talk to Hide in his mind kinda make you think Hide's already dead since that's the kind of people that appear in his mind, dead people (though Rize isn't really dead but he didn't know that).

We back to white hair again. I dunno what to think about that.

May 7, 2016 8:04 AM
Mar 2016
I don't think (I hope) that Kaneki's hair will change back to white, only because his hair was white during the entire thought-talk with Hide. I really hope that I'm not wrong, because I'm almost at my limit for color changes. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND!
May 7, 2016 8:13 AM

Oct 2015
physicschild said:
mochakawaiibear said:
So when is his hair changing blue?

After he changes his hair to purple when he sees Amon
physicschild said:
mochakawaiibear said:
So when is his hair changing blue?

After he changes his hair to purple when he sees Amon

after he changes his hair gold when he does the final strike to arima.
May 7, 2016 8:14 AM

May 2014
I liked the character design of Sasaki the most.
I still dont think his hair will change back to white, I think it was just the strange coloring.
May 7, 2016 8:23 AM

Aug 2010
Eto just appearing and REKTing Furuta's plans "Tell me could any idiot predict this?" was so lol and awesome.

No half bones crushed Ayato after saving everyone I guess tho :/
This was really cool in its own right.

Kaneki got so REKT it's not even funny. This was definitely one of the only times u could call "Fighting" Arima. But yeah Ken got chopped into pieces.

Now for the Hide part. Really nice scene there. Ken tearing up saying he's lonely and all. So I guess 100% Hidead confirmed.

I don't know the logic behind the white hair this time or if it's just metaphoric but damn that last spread looked epic
May 7, 2016 8:25 AM

Oct 2015
I want ken to win but I don't want to see arima die cause we don't know everything about him yet or why he even bothered with ken (and he is the only guy in ccg who can go toe to toe the stronger ghouls).

I don't think furata will die but more then likely get an arm or leg taken off or something to make him more crazy and interesting like get a portion of etos kakuja stuck in him like with kanae only for it to speak/torment him about being a washuu instead of give him any buffs.

glad to see the re group survive the compactor it pretty much broke the forth wall when eto was predicting what we where predicting will happen, that mind of the author comes in handy.

with all the v guys getting killed I wonder if there will be any left to continue the main plot since everything is built around v.
May 7, 2016 8:26 AM

Apr 2014
Oh shit Hide's actually dead. That's pretty sad actually since he was the only person who completely understood him. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. Kaneki's monologues were 10/10 by the way.
deadglory said:
The meaning of the title refers to one of Kafka's work (The Judgement) where the father sentence his own son to kill himself (drowning in the river) and the Demian of Hermann Hesse: "The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas."

Nice catch. It reminded me of an image from the Tokyo Ghoul calender where a white haired Kaneki is shown inside a broken egg.

Hopefully this means Kaneki will finally be himself and stop imitating other people's thoughts and actions.
Z4KMay 7, 2016 9:17 AM
May 7, 2016 8:26 AM

Oct 2015
physicschild said:
Cyborg_Dragon said:

after he changes his hair gold when he does the final strike to arima.

Gold reminds me of wealth. Wealth reminds me of kings. Kaneki OEK confirmed

not yet I think the one eye king might be someone in v who we have not met yet who might be superior to arima.
May 7, 2016 8:34 AM

Aug 2014
physicschild said:
IDK but in this page, in the top we can see Ken with white hair, but in the middle it is black. I don't know what to think anymore

Looks like blood, either way the sudden change in hair (again) is still stupid to me.
May 7, 2016 8:48 AM

Apr 2014
physicschild said:
Kryptiq said:
Looks like blood, either way the sudden change in hair (again) is still stupid to me.

Totally stupid. In the original, it was cool to see him changing his hair color, but in :re, it's becoming common: Takizawa, Mutsuki and now him changing for the 3rd time in this manga. zzzzzzzz. If this one had at least a decent explanation, I'd accept, but what will be it? He changed his hair color because he was getting rekt?

Where were you when Arima's hair changed from blue to white in the original?
Or because :re is becoming more shounen-ish week after week?

What does that even supposed to mean?
May 7, 2016 9:05 AM

Aug 2014
physicschild said:
Kryptiq said:
Looks like blood, either way the sudden change in hair (again) is still stupid to me.

Totally stupid. In the original, it was cool to see him changing his hair color, but in :re, it's becoming common: Takizawa, Mutsuki and now him changing for the 3rd time in this manga. zzzzzzzz. If this one had at least a decent explanation, I'd accept, but what will be it? He changed his hair color because he was getting rekt? Or because :re is becoming more shounen-ish week after week?
Same here.
While it did bother me since the start of re:, I sorta understood what Ishida was going for with the hair symbolisms but now I don't know anymore. I mean he did hint at it a few times with some artwork but I wasn't expecting the change to be so sudden lol.

R.I.P Black Reaper. Still keeping my fingers crossed for you to grace the cover of volume 7 :D
May 7, 2016 9:11 AM

Apr 2014
physicschild said:
I mean ghouls who changed hair color due to torture or to fights.

I don't see why you have to make such a big deal out of it. It's pretty obvious Ishida does that to show a character's mental state. Not the most subtle method but I digress.

Also, I feel that :re has excessive shounen elements: too much plot armor characters, characters suddenly getting stronger in fights because of friends or backstory, characters being saved at the last minute...

The tropes you've listed are not restricted in the shounen demographic ONLY. Most of them can be seen in all kinds of work. Just look at the Kingdom manga. I also don't deny there were some elements that could be found in this arc but they weren't excessive in :re overall.

It hurts when I read a chapter with those things. I don't remember the original having those elements as much as :re has. Maybe it had and I don't remember bc I read it fast, but still...

^Did you forget these?

Anyways, using tropes aren't a bad thing and even your favorite anime uses them. What matters here is the execution of those tropes in the story.
Z4KMay 7, 2016 9:15 AM
May 7, 2016 9:14 AM
Jun 2014
So kaneki already killed human and that person is hide. This is pretty sad.
May 7, 2016 9:17 AM

May 2011
physicschild said:
Z4k said:

Where were you when Arima's hair changed from blue to white in the original?

What does that even supposed to mean?

I mean ghouls who changed hair color due to torture or to fights. Also, I feel that :re has excessive shounen elements: too much plot armor characters, characters suddenly getting stronger in fights because of friends or backstory, characters being saved at the last minute... It hurts when I read a chapter with those things. I don't remember the original having those elements as much as :re has. Maybe it had and I don't remember bc I read it fast, but still...

Shounen ? Do you even watch shounen anime ? No one dies in shounen, and as Eto said, it was predictable that Touka and the others would escape through the compactor, so she knew that Furuta might do something about that. Kaneki got all his limbs cut off and almost got shredded into pieces by Arima and you're complaining that his hair color has changed ? I think you're missing the point here. Ghouls aren't humans, his body withstood extreme physical attacks, that must have affected his body, it's not like Kaneki is getting stronger, he's already extremely strong but he's just suicidal, he wanted to die in style.
May 7, 2016 9:21 AM
Mar 2016
Funny how people are bitching over a fucking hair color like it's the most important thing in the world. Especially when we don't even know if the hair is truly white now. Ishida did stuff like that before. Changing the shading of the hair in some situations.

physicschild said:

>Wasn't Amon the key to Kaneki's memories? Or will Ken change his hair color AGAIN when he sees Amon?

Wat. Amon already was the key. Because of Amon Haise started to research about him and eyepatch and ended up confronting Akira about who he really is...
May 7, 2016 9:26 AM

Aug 2014
Loved the reference to Kafka's work. Also, Eto is... enormous. Loved seeing her shred those V nobodies, plus Furuta's face was perfect. Would be good to find out how she busted out of her cell, unless the pate was just that nutritious.

Aside from those two things, however, I'm kinda losing the feel, to be honest. Seeing Eto holding the giant pistons to protect people she couldn't care less about was really aggravating to see, even more so than the fact that the invincible Anteiku squad goes on their marry way unhurt. The fight between Kaneki and Arima was half-incomprehensible, half-not impressive, except for that close quarter staredown. Ken gets shredded easily, makes a really out of place comparison (unless I'm missing some Japanese symbolism for potatoes in a pot), then has a 1 minute talk with imaginary Hide, in that one minute gets convinced he should live because of a vague promise of "something good happening soon" and lastly... changes his hair to white. Okay, I cannot be the only one that reads this and disapproves.

There is no way he's beating Arima now. It looks like either Arima will spare him, or the iconic villain (Eto) and protagonist team up will happen. Eto has not disappointed thus far, however, so this is preferable.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
May 7, 2016 9:44 AM

Apr 2014
physicschild said:
but what I want to say is: changing hair color [due to torture etc] isn't """special""" anymore.

I get what you meant but that's not why Ishida changed hair colors.
May 7, 2016 10:30 AM
May 7, 2016 11:21 AM
Jul 2018
For me, it's another good chapter. Eto being based as usual, Furuta soon getting rekt (best clown but it's fun to see him getting flustered too), Arima vs. Kaneki round two reaching the peak steadily. The Hide scene was nice even though i've never cared about him that much. I wish Kaneki doesn't actually get the white hair again though, that'd be stupid.

I've been pondering, why is Re considered so much more inferior to the first TG (or that's the assumption i've gotten)? It has it's faults and the start was slow, but the first part had those issues too. Actually, it was pretty standard, even mediocre until Kaneki fought Yamori. Sure, Re used the dull amnesia trope but it wasn't that badly handled in the end, and those multiple hair color changes are dumb but pretty minor things.
May 7, 2016 11:43 AM

Jan 2015
Probably my favorite chapter in a long while since it seems like Kaneki will finally get over his suicidal phase.

Flashback with Hide was really touching and I felt for both Hide and Kaneki.

Eto being based as usual, hope she eats Furata alive like the pleb he is.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
May 7, 2016 11:47 AM
May 2016
The artsytyle decreased in some of the panels.
And as always with this manga, when you have a change of heart, your injuries instantly heals.
May 7, 2016 12:17 PM

Mar 2015
Holy shit, this chapter.

I think I have lost the capability to think right.
[chance ball!]

May 7, 2016 12:37 PM

Jul 2014
FattyBimbo said:
The artsytyle decreased in some of the panels.
And as always with this manga, when you have a change of heart, your injuries instantly heals.

The last panel is still in his head you dense motherfluffers >.>
May 7, 2016 12:49 PM
May 2016
Arcanix said:
FattyBimbo said:
The artsytyle decreased in some of the panels.
And as always with this manga, when you have a change of heart, your injuries instantly heals.

The last panel is still in his head you dense motherfluffers >.>

No it wasn't. Look at his upper cloth. It changes from where he was talking to hide to the last page.
May 7, 2016 12:53 PM

Jul 2014
FattyBimbo said:
Arcanix said:

The last panel is still in his head you dense motherfluffers >.>

No it wasn't. Look at his upper cloth. It changes from where he was talking to hide to the last page.

The dude put clothes on him while talking to Hide in his head and you think that's weird? But i guess you're probably right. It makes more sense for him to be completely healed and for his clothes to be fine as well.

I would expect such nonsense from Ishida after the last few months. Dunno why i jumped to disagree with you. It may as well happen like that.
May 7, 2016 1:17 PM

Oct 2014
Most beautiful chapter i've ever read in :RE..

The feeeeels
May 7, 2016 1:18 PM

Dec 2015
didn't expect to say this but ISHIDA YOU DRUNK?

every chapter is getting worse and worse...
"I'm not gonna die, I've got a cat that's waiting for me at home"

May 7, 2016 1:20 PM

Jan 2016
As much as I enjoy seeing Eto wrecking Furuta's plans, this only raises more death flags on her.

"...ahh, you're really wonderful. I like you. Oh, of course Mari-san is the first okay? I won't give up on Mari-san being my legal wife."
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