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Apr 22, 2016 10:27 AM

Oct 2010
Korean scanlations for Ch. 46 is out.

Quite an intense Kurumi focused chapter.

YoxalLoyalApr 22, 2016 10:44 AM
Apr 22, 2016 10:50 AM

Jan 2015
Kurumi is officially
Apr 22, 2016 6:16 PM

Jul 2015
Theory :

Apr 23, 2016 11:16 AM

Jun 2015
This feels like goodbye...
Apr 23, 2016 11:37 AM

Dec 2014
Are there English scans up yet?
Apr 23, 2016 1:52 PM

Jul 2015
TrashDax said:
This feels like goodbye...

No ! It can't be, there is obviously something else ... please :'(
Apr 24, 2016 3:59 PM

Dec 2015
This will end in two ways.
She becomes a complete zombie and turns out the be the final boss.


She turns into a hybrid...

Either way i don't want her to die :( she's the best character so far...

And they showed nothing with the girl about to be executed. D:

I'm scared.
Apr 24, 2016 5:10 PM

Jul 2015
^Or she will never show up again, like Key..
Apr 25, 2016 2:10 PM

Jun 2015
Grani-smith said:
^Or she will never show up again, like Key..

That's a possibility.

As I see it now we have the following options:

I hope for 6, 8 or 10.
I would rule out 4, 7 and probably 9.
Am I missing a possibility?
Apr 25, 2016 3:46 PM

Jul 2015
^A few things :

The medication may only slow down the process, not cure it. So even with medics she is probably doomed.
If she come back "healed", she will be killed anway by one of the groups.
Now that she is invisible to zombies, she has nothing to fear from them, so she won't be killed searching for the medics (unless she encounter humans, which is unlikely)

I still don't think that the author will kill any of the main girls.

I'm hoping that she will be stable and stay half-zombie, but is going back to the school or somewhere the girls will go to find her. Once they are back together they won't have to fear zombies since kurumi can take them out without any problems, and they all may be able to turn semi-zombie with the help of the scientist.
(but it's too good to be like that anyway)
Apr 25, 2016 7:19 PM

Nov 2011
Damn it, I just want to give Kurumi a hug with the current state of being she's going through. I have a feeling that she will retain some of her mentality or possibility becoming a hybrid of sorts.
Apr 25, 2016 8:27 PM

Apr 2011
tension rising...!! I fear for Kurumi's humanity
Apr 25, 2016 8:38 PM

Jul 2015
But keep in mind that ..

Apr 26, 2016 12:56 AM
Jul 2018
Stark700 said:
Damn it, I just want to give Kurumi a hug with the current state of being she's going through.

Yeah, she's had it the worst out of them all imo and she's still been a sweetheart the whole time, supporting the others. She needs a really big hug...
Best girl in the series.
Apr 26, 2016 3:40 AM
Jul 2018
She did give the guy plenty of chances. Not even feeling sorry for him.
Apr 26, 2016 4:27 AM

Mar 2012
TrashDax said:
Grani-smith said:
^Or she will never show up again, like Key..

That's a possibility.

As I see it now we have the following options:

I hope for 6, 8 or 10.
I would rule out 4, 7 and probably 9.
Am I missing a possibility?

I hope for 6, 8 or 10 too, i don't want to lose Kurumi.

That said I hate to admit that she is sentenced and the author has my respect for it. Not many authors have the bravery to kill one of the main characters, and less if it's one of the top tier in every popularity poll. Also keep in mind that she is the "useful" girl, although she has trained Miki thinking in the worst scenario.

My theory is that she has turn into an hybrid long time ago due to the medicine, without any real chance to get healed, a second row from the medicine won't work.
So she, with clear thinking but a zombified body will take one of these two paths:
She runs away, hoping to keep the girls safe thanks to it and we never get new info about her or she kills herself.

I hate this feeling, I want her to live :(
Kill Rii instead, she hasn't done anything in 46 chapters.
Waifus only represent ideals
Apr 26, 2016 4:39 AM

Nov 2012
I hope only 6 or 8. I think 10 would kill the argument (?) But I think that will happen... 1, 5 or maybe 3.
But, hey, my respect for the autor if Kurumi get killed or turned into a zombie. Not many authors have "balls" to kill a manin character.

And Corban, about Rii... I prefer not to say anything, but now she is completely useless XD
If she just... come back to "normality", I think she isn't a bad character, but actually, with Ruu...
Sorry for my bad English :/

Simply torito & probably the best!!!
Apr 26, 2016 8:14 AM

Aug 2014
Okay that was a rather douchebag move for her to do, regardless of how cruel that man might have seemed.
Apr 26, 2016 8:19 AM

Oct 2009
I have my doubts if Kurumi will survive this state of a semi-zombie but at the same time I can't belive that the author will lead her to death simply because she is a part of the main characters and a cute girl.

But this manga is published in the magazine Manga Time Kirara Forward - the same magazine which serialized "Madoka Magica"and this leads me to my next point: if the moral compass of an Main Character is broken you as an author (mostly) can't bear the responsibility for such an corrupted character. If you know Madoka Magica I will point my finger at Sayaka and the scene in the train.

"Cap guy" wasn't portrayed as a nice character and yes - he attacked Kurumi more than once in this chapter - but he didn't go berserk on her plus he cried for help. In this scene Kurumi acts callousness and it wasn't just self-defence out of panic, she exactly knew what she was doing... Maybe the author will handle and safe her but I've got my doubts.
Apr 26, 2016 9:30 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Okay that was pretty fucked up Kurumi, what the hell lol

No matter how bad your situation might be, that was pretty damn evil
Apr 26, 2016 11:16 AM

Jun 2012
wait, chapter 46??

how come I'm so behind, I thought I was up to the korean scans
did so much time passed since I read chapter 40?? I'm so confused xD'''''

- I only draw freestyle! -
Apr 26, 2016 1:48 PM

Jan 2015
HaXXspetten said:
Okay that was pretty fucked up Kurumi, what the hell lol

No matter how bad your situation might be, that was pretty damn evil

Wouldn't you do the same? I mean, it's kill or be killed.
Apr 26, 2016 1:51 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Xenocrisi said:
HaXXspetten said:
Okay that was pretty fucked up Kurumi, what the hell lol

No matter how bad your situation might be, that was pretty damn evil

Wouldn't you do the same? I mean, it's kill or be killed.
Well then kill him yourself, don't call the zombie police lol
Apr 26, 2016 1:58 PM

Jul 2015
HaXXspetten said:
Xenocrisi said:

Wouldn't you do the same? I mean, it's kill or be killed.
Well then kill him yourself, don't call the zombie police lol

There is no reason to be fair in this kind of situation, the guy got what he deserved.
Apr 26, 2016 2:03 PM

Jan 2015
HaXXspetten said:
Xenocrisi said:

Wouldn't you do the same? I mean, it's kill or be killed.
Well then kill him yourself, don't call the zombie police lol

Zombies are ACAB.
Apr 26, 2016 4:51 PM

Nov 2011
evil or not that was badass move from Kurumi, Zombie summoner, zombie master.
I miss the previous translator what happened to him? WFScans feels like there are mistranslations or the lines just don't flow as good as the previous one. Also Korean scans.
"Why do I always realize it... when I've already lost it..." -Guts, Berserk
"Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained." -Gilgamesh, Fate/stay night
"We are constantly living in a peaceful world that somebody else won for us. Even if it were only a day of peace, I will be grateful for its value." - Minashiro Tsubaki, FAFNER
"Screw you, future me!" -Makise Kurisu, Steins;Gate
"We used to show off by waging wars and whatnot." -Watashi, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
"Call me Moses. I'm going to part the sea of students before your eyes." -Moses?, Valvrave
"Time is guilty." -Andō & Tomoyo, INOU-Battle
Apr 26, 2016 5:07 PM

Apr 2012
Yuki knows... she was talking about a "better medicine", so she know that last one was not actually a cure...
Apr 26, 2016 5:09 PM

Jul 2012
That was so sad. Don't want blame Kurumi at all, he was from the bad guys group (even if she wasn't aware of that) and her mental state is getting worse so fast. Nothing much to say, just don't die Kurumi =(
Apr 27, 2016 1:18 AM

Oct 2009
Kurumiiiii, don't die!!! :'(

allenjke said:
That was so sad. Don't want blame Kurumi at all, he was from the bad guys group (even if she wasn't aware of that) and her mental state is getting worse so fast. Nothing much to say, just don't die Kurumi =(

Exactly, I would have done the same....the guy tried to kill her, no mercy.
Apr 27, 2016 7:54 AM

Jul 2012
Poor Kurumi, so she's not completely cured.
She did what she had to. What she could do in that situation? Hug the guy? Tell him that love and friendship conquer all? Really. She would be killed and used the fact that the zombies don't care about her to her advantage. I don't see anything wrong with that o.o She wanted to stay "alive". :(

Apr 27, 2016 11:13 AM
Jul 2018
HaXXspetten said:
Xenocrisi said:

Wouldn't you do the same? I mean, it's kill or be killed.
Well then kill him yourself, don't call the zombie police lol

She's about half his size. She didn't even use her idea until the guy clubbed her in the shoulder too. Poor girl didn't want to do it and asked him to stop.
Apr 27, 2016 12:06 PM

Jun 2015

Seriously, it's his own fault for going after her. All she did was escape somebody who was obviously trying to kill her.
Apr 27, 2016 8:12 PM

Dec 2012
Kurumi will become the zombie mastermind!
Apr 28, 2016 11:35 PM

Jan 2015
TrashDax said:

Seriously, it's his own fault for going after her. All she did was escape somebody who was obviously trying to kill her.

Someone should add her in the "I did nothing wrong squad"
Apr 29, 2016 9:58 AM

Dec 2008
That guy had it coming, should hav3e found himself different hobby than killing young girls. But I do fear what the rest of his buddies are up to now...
Kurumi will be back, I'm sure of it. She probably will meet back with the rest when they will be needing her help the most.

BTW - what are the current odds that "Ruu-vhan" is om reality that teddy bear that was left behind and that Yuuri is the second one with problems in percieving reality?
New profile design sucks.
Apr 29, 2016 10:12 AM

Jul 2015
Karharot said:
BTW - what are the current odds that "Ruu-vhan" is om reality that teddy bear that was left behind and that Yuuri is the second one with problems in percieving reality?

Approximately 99% and a half
Apr 29, 2016 11:04 AM

Dec 2008
Grani-smith said:
Karharot said:
BTW - what are the current odds that "Ruu-vhan" is om reality that teddy bear that was left behind and that Yuuri is the second one with problems in percieving reality?

Approximately 99% and a half

The way this is going by the end of it it will turn out there isn't even any GG manga and we are just delusional about it XD
New profile design sucks.
Apr 29, 2016 12:14 PM

Jul 2015
Karharot said:
Grani-smith said:

Approximately 99% and a half

The way this is going by the end of it it will turn out there isn't even any GG manga and we are just delusional about it XD

And the big twist is that our reality doesn't even exist, and we are in a zombie world dreaming about our fallen friends (kurumi, yuki ...)
May 16, 2016 6:10 AM

Apr 2015
i just hope kurumi is a hybrid and do not turn into a zombie.
She obviously is already dead because the zombies didn't chase her.
But who is that guy? I totally forgot who is him.
May 16, 2016 5:41 PM

Jul 2015
sun123 said:
i just hope kurumi is a hybrid and do not turn into a zombie.
She obviously is already dead because the zombies didn't chase her.
But who is that guy? I totally forgot who is him.

One of the boy from the other group
May 20, 2016 8:14 AM

Jun 2010
That guy was 100% asking for it. He chases her half way across the city and then hits her with a crowbar. The fact that Kurumi even had to feel bad about it is more than he deserved.
May 27, 2016 5:03 AM

Jan 2014
everyone on here defending kurumi when the dude was just doing what was best for the group. the dude was yelling in agony and kurumi heard it clear as day yet kept walking anyway.

she's pretty much rick now.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 27, 2016 10:09 AM

Mar 2012
MagicalMahou said:
everyone on here defending kurumi when the dude was just doing what was best for the group. the dude was yelling in agony and kurumi heard it clear as day yet kept walking anyway.

she's pretty much rick now.

The dude was doing what he was told.
Best for the group? They didn't even share building.

Wow, so Kurumi now is bad for running away after that guy was chasing her and wanting to kill him? He could've stopped sooner, he knew that he was going to a zombie nest.
Waifus only represent ideals
May 29, 2016 9:21 PM

Dec 2008
MagicalMahou said:
everyone on here defending kurumi when the dude was just doing what was best for the group.

In what way? His group and the group Kurumi belonged to were not the same, it was none of his business how the other group handled things. Essentially he just walked into someone else "home" and attempted to murder one of the inhabitants because he and his buddies thought it was "for the best" and you are saying he was in the right? O_o
MagicalMahou said:
the dude was yelling in agony and kurumi heard it clear as day yet kept walking anyway.

And what about it? If you didn't noticed he attempted to kill her before and he only stopped because of her luring those zombies there. You would try to save someone who just hit you with a crowbar just because he said he was sorry?
New profile design sucks.
Mar 15, 2017 10:56 PM

Dec 2014
well this is getting serious ...I hope we don't lose kurumi....
Aug 1, 2017 11:27 AM

Feb 2014
damn. this chapter was intense. i don't criticize kurumi's decision to let the dude die (he was trying to kill her after all), i just didn't think she had the guts to deadass just listen to him yell for help and stand there. i would have thought she would have run away so she didn't have to hear it or maybe last minute try to save him but stop when she realized it would be no use.

Dec 27, 2017 12:15 PM

Mar 2015
Holy shit. Best chapter in awhile. Not only we get the satisfaction of the other group member's death, we see Kurumi hoarding a zombie and standing beside them. Amazing.

And we found out that the reason why Yuki wanted to go out is to safe Kurumi. That's cool.

Dec 29, 2017 7:35 AM

Sep 2017
Yeah Kurumi could have gone back and helped the guy, but under the circumstances either him or his group would still want her dead and be trying to kill her. Once she'd established with him there were no other choices besides kill or be killed, she had to pick one, and didn't exactly look happy about what had to be done.

She's always been the main protector of her group and her need to survive as long as possible is not just for her own benefit. It's hard to be in a situation where you have to choose one life over another, but unfortunately it's been a part of nature as long as life has existed. We're evolved enough as a species to have emotions and moral code affect our decisions, but there are situations where survival instinct needs to take over
Feb 2, 2021 4:41 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
I have so many questions about Kurumi's future. I really hope she won't die but with the passing of each episode that seems less and less likely. In fact, I don't think she'll be the only one sadly.
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May 31, 2021 1:07 PM

May 2016
You shouldn't be surprised if threatening to whack someone with a crowbar out of curiosity would get you into a very undesirable situation. He got what he deserved and it probably wouldn't be too much to ask for the other members of his group to face familiar fates eventually.

I hope that Kurumi's infection hasn't progressed to the point where she can't think properly anymore.

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