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Dec 24, 2015 6:11 PM

Feb 2013
Really enjoyed this enime, at first I was a bit unhappy with the drawing style (especially the weird chin on every character) but the show managed to interest me and I overlooked the art. The was show was reaching it's end I was thinking should I give this show a 9 or a 10, later probably. When It ended it left a bad taste in my mouth and I can give it an 8 at best, here's why:

The ending killed it for me, was afraid they were going to pussy out and not kill the one person that should be killed. Yeah, let's just pussy out, forgive hundrets or even thousands of deaths and not kill the *cause of all despair* because she's "cute" "adorable" and whatnot. Jesus H Christ it's like damn Bethesda games with non killable children (thank God for the mods). What's the point in this ending, now they are just going to start another vampire lair again in another village because they'll get "hungry". Really pointless ending...

Was not disappointed untill the very end but the last few minutes ruined it for me, it's like that feeling when you're extracting a .rar and it fails at 97%
PzKpfw_VI_TigerDec 25, 2015 3:50 AM
Dec 28, 2015 12:07 PM

Jan 2015
That was point of this ending man. It was made like this to show that in this battle there was no good nor bad side and that nobody left with the winning hand.
Ending did great job because creators wanted us to ask ourselves "Who were the real monsters in the end? Shiki or Humans"
Personally I was with Shiki, because what humans did wasnt just fight for survival it was one sided slaughter
Jan 2, 2016 12:17 AM

May 2010
Zinzoo said:
Personally I was with Shiki, because what humans did wasnt just fight for survival it was one sided slaughter

Sure, but wasn't it mainly because shiki have already killed like half of their village, their friends and family members? It was like animals fighting for their territory, humans wouldn't be able to co-exist with shiki, they were predators after all. Incredibly selfish ones, may I add. Like that older woman, who have killed her entire family, hoping that someone would rise like her, even though she knew that it doesn't happen to everyone.

I supported humans in the end, I also regret that priest and Sunako got away.
Jan 2, 2016 11:59 AM

Jan 2015
Shiki've benn killing humans because they had to, in contrast I felt like humast had great fun killing shiki. In addition, killing every priest in the temple and Seishin's family was also fight for territory?
Who was selfish there?
Jan 2, 2016 10:31 PM

Sep 2013
Zinzoo said:
Shiki've benn killing humans because they had to, in contrast I felt like humast had great fun killing shiki. In addition, killing every priest in the temple and Seishin's family was also fight for territory?
Who was selfish there?

The human become killing machine that love to kill, they dont care about human or shiki
Jan 3, 2016 5:19 AM

May 2010
Zinzoo said:
Shiki've benn killing humans because they had to, in contrast I felt like humast had great fun killing shiki. In addition, killing every priest in the temple and Seishin's family was also fight for territory?
Who was selfish there?

Of course I don't support that decision, but they were desperate, simple people who lived in a small village. Both sides weren't innocent, but I still stand by humans side. Besides, shiki also didn't have to kill people, look at nurse or Natsuno, they've made different decision.
Jan 10, 2016 3:56 PM

Feb 2013
Zinzoo said:
That was point of this ending man. It was made like this to show that in this battle there was no good nor bad side and that nobody left with the winning hand.
Ending did great job because creators wanted us to ask ourselves "Who were the real monsters in the end? Shiki or Humans"
Personally I was with Shiki, because what humans did wasnt just fight for survival it was one sided slaughter

Every monster must be exterminated bacause they will find a new place to settle and start killing again... Obviously monsters are the ones who started killing first. If something can't live without killing humans it must be exterminated. Hunted down like a pack of wolves that get to cocky...

Zinzoo said:
Shiki've benn killing humans because they had to, in contrast I felt like humast had great fun killing shiki. In addition, killing every priest in the temple and Seishin's family was also fight for territory?
Who was selfish there?

Yeah brah, that's what the traitors get. The priest should have thought about this from the start and it did not even look like he cared about what happened
Feb 2, 2016 6:16 PM
May 2015
Its been a while when a anime left me heartbroken and empty

Goodbye natsuno. Im sure many hearts will be destroyed with your passing

Man what way to go out thought. I dont know if i should be crying or building a memorial for you
This is my dark side (Enjoy)
Feb 18, 2016 10:53 AM

Feb 2013
yeah, rest in pieces natsuno
Jul 22, 2016 7:43 AM

Nov 2014
[quote=PzKpfw_VI_Tiger message=44174237]
Zinzoo said:
That was point of this ending man. It was made like this to show that in this battle there was no good nor bad side and that nobody left with the winning hand.
Ending did great job because creators wanted us to ask ourselves "Who were the real monsters in the end? Shiki or Humans"
Personally I was with Shiki, because what humans did wasnt just fight for survival it was one sided slaughter

Every monster must be exterminated bacause they will find a new place to settle and start killing again... Obviously monsters are the ones who started killing first. If something can't live without killing humans it must be exterminated. Hunted down like a pack of wolves that get to cocky...

We killed pigs,chicken,ducks and etc.However,they never tried to kill us.So,do you mean that we human are monster?From the perspective of these livestock,we human are the monster.But from the perspective of human(in the anime),the shiki is the monster.This is just a matter of perspective,not fact.
Where Words Fail, Music Speaks.

-Han Christian Anderson
Jul 24, 2016 3:17 PM

Mar 2016
Yea I agree OP, that was exactly my feeling, I was going to rate it 9-10, waited to see the end and that last ep killed it. That natsuno and macho guy who was on rampage had much better resolve then the stupid monk.
May 27, 2019 1:35 AM
Aug 2018
Kitsu-nee said:
Zinzoo said:
Personally I was with Shiki, because what humans did wasnt just fight for survival it was one sided slaughter

Sure, but wasn't it mainly because shiki have already killed like half of their village, their friends and family members? It was like animals fighting for their territory, humans wouldn't be able to co-exist with shiki, they were predators after all. Incredibly selfish ones, may I add. Like that older woman, who have killed her entire family, hoping that someone would rise like her, even though she knew that it doesn't happen to everyone.

I supported humans in the end, I also regret that priest and Sunako got away.


They should all be like ritsuko or natsuo
Dec 17, 2019 9:13 AM
Mar 2019
Zinzoo said:
That was point of this ending man. It was made like this to show that in this battle there was no good nor bad side and that nobody left with the winning hand.
Ending did great job because creators wanted us to ask ourselves "Who were the real monsters in the end? Shiki or Humans"
Personally I was with Shiki, because what humans did wasnt just fight for survival it was one sided slaughter

That's exactly what I think about the ending! Exept for the slight difference that I think noone is "the good guy" here. Neither humans nor shiki were the right to side with. The only suitable answer to that question is: "We all can become monsters, if we are forced to." The shiki need to feed on people - but they obviously didn't have to start slaughtering the village. And the humans acted like trapped animals starting to go all mad with wrath due to their own helplessnes which they tried to overcome.
In my opinion Muroi was the only one who tried to go his own pacifist way, his own "side", apart from human and shiki. But he just ended up doing nothing - until the very end when he tried to save what was left and only led the whole story to a new start.
So in the end everyone just tried to do their best in their own way, trying to save what is important to them. And absolutly noone seemed to do "the right thing", eventhough they all thought so. That's probably why I love this anime so much. Perhaps there was no other way. Maybe there wasn't even a "right" thing to do. And with this end we can be damn sure that everything will happen again in another place and again there can't be a "winner", no matter what they do.
ZockerCatDec 17, 2019 10:43 AM
May 29, 2020 9:39 PM

Dec 2008
I believe that you have 4 stances you can have...

Human, Pro-Human: Systematic slaughter of Shiki is only viable option. Shiki are a threat to the human race, as they not only feast on Humans, they refuse to compromise in using blood bags and even are predisposed to enjoy killing humans, lastly they need to kill humans to potentially increase their ranks.

Human, Pro-Shiki: You contribute to the potential downfall of your entire species (Muroi). At best you are toyed with and kept human so long as you are useful, worst case you end up as willing victim for Shiki.

Shiki, Pro-Human: You contribute to the downfall of your entire species (Yuuki). At best you lead to your species dying out, at worst you get slaughtered by humans you try to support.

Shiki, Pro-Shiki: Systematic slaughter of Humans is only viable option. Humans are needed food source and are essentially cattle, plus killing them replenishes and fills our ranks, potentially. Humans will hunt you down if they found out anyway, so they are not your friend.

Really, it isn't up for debate. Your optimal stance boils down to: Am I a Shiki or a Human. There is no _good_ or _evil_ here, just survival.

W.R.T. the survival of the little vampire girl, this is definitely distressing as a Human, because it means this epidemic has now become a potential pandemic.
MoltarTheGreatMay 29, 2020 10:20 PM
Elapsam semel occasionem
non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere
(Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity)
May 30, 2020 1:54 PM

Jun 2019
I suppose I just don't get why it's always framed in a good guys vs. bad guys, heroes vs. villains, victims vs. perpetrators/aggressors narrative.

Humans are humans - a mammalian animal species. Shiki are former humans and now a new species entirely. They're battling for territory and resources. Moralizing it is such a farce. Do we watch a nature documentary and declare one predator species and one prey species depicted within it as designated heroes or villains? It's simple biology and the rotating mechanisms of nature at play. Humans are animals too and are not somehow magically excluded from the natural order. Attempting to put some false ideology of ethics or morality on it is a human construct that only serves internal (within the species) purposes for some humans to compare and contrast some humans and human traits or actions with some other humans and human traits or actions. That's the only purpose of different ethical frameworks within philosophy. Moralizing the relations between two different species which is a strictly biological affair is absolutely pointless and irrelevant.

In reality, even all relations between human beings is biologically-based, but it's like people need to construct some sort of false consciousness with a modified reality for themselves/their family & friends circle/their town or community/their nation/their tribe in order to be motivated to keep on going and living through the days and keep their sanity.

I just never get why people cast either side as benevolent or villainous. They're just two animal species willing to be ruthless both externally (to other species) and internally (policing their own kind). I don't feel bad for either side, but nor do I feel either side are somehow in the wrong for doing absolutely everything within their physical power to survive and thrive by any and all means necessary.

And those who deviated from just blindly following their collective species' needs or better interests are those who felt dejected and detached with no sense of kinship to their own kind and very much a sense of having their own identity outside of and not defined by their species alone (whether Seishin Muroi as a human and Sotoba's junior monk forced into a role and living a life of restricted societal obligation he didn't want to live for others' sake or Natsuno as a reborn jinrou not wanting to be remade into a new form of existence by force or see the same fate befall others).

Jul 21, 2020 12:27 AM

Nov 2016
Can someone explain the after-credits ending scene to me why were the siblings on a bus and who were they looking at?
CPU: i7 6700 | GPU: GTX 1070 | RAM: 16GB | HD: 1TB | Moderators are mean! | D. Gray Man Hallow is UNDERRATED!

Jul 21, 2020 10:04 AM

Jun 2019
Chikipichi said:
Can someone explain the after-credits ending scene to me why were the siblings on a bus and who were they looking at?

They were a few of the only survivors of the town of Sotoba, now back in Sotoba which had resumed normal bus services and presumably going back to school. The massive raging fire had since been quelled and the few surviving residents returned. They were looking at their friend Natsuno Yuuki's father, who was also one of the survivors. He was still likely shaken from having lost his son and wife.
Jul 21, 2020 12:42 PM

Nov 2016
Oh, that makes a lot of sense thanks. Weird the dad still wants to go back to that village though.
CPU: i7 6700 | GPU: GTX 1070 | RAM: 16GB | HD: 1TB | Moderators are mean! | D. Gray Man Hallow is UNDERRATED!

Oct 12, 2020 10:55 AM

Nov 2008
I didn't like the ending either; it left me feeling empty inside. I am glad Ozaki made it out alive; he was the best character.

The shiki were wrong and the fact that they were comparing themselves to humans slaughtering cows and pigs is the type of eye-rolling bullshit you see in vegan arguments.

Animals and humans are not the freaking same and they never were.

It would be nice if the orphaned Tanaka siblings were adopted by Natsuno's father. :| That's what I hope they were hinting at.

...though I'm not sure if he's in the right state of mind to take care of more kids....he kinda lost his sanity there. xD
ChiibiOct 12, 2020 10:58 AM

Oct 12, 2020 6:45 PM

Nov 2018
Zinzoo said:
Shiki've benn killing humans because they had to

It was established multiple times through the show that vampires can feed on a non lethal amount of blood, and thus survive without killing. Meanwhile the “werewolves” didn’t need to feed at all.

Thus, if the vampire leadership wasn't murderous, sadistic, or otherwise not in a sound state of mind, they probably could have coexisted from the start.

PzKpfw_VI_Tiger said:
What's the point in this ending, now they are just going to start another vampire lair again in another village because they'll get "hungry".

At any rate, the point of the ending, I believe, WAS that the victory was incomplete, and from a perspective, hollow. At the same time, more than half of the village population was saved by Toshio’s actions; so some good still came from Toshio’s actions.

Plus, there’s always the chance that Toshio could track them down before they kill too many again. After all, I’m not sure he could go back to a simple doctor life, now that he knows what’s out there. Perhaps the Hellsing Organization is hiring...
NoradTwoOct 12, 2020 7:13 PM
Oct 12, 2020 7:03 PM

Nov 2008
NoradTwo said:
Zinzoo said:
Shiki've benn killing humans because they had to

It was established multiple times through the show that vampires can feed on a non lethal amount of blood, and thus survive without killing.

EXACTLY. Shiki did not choose to be shiki, but they DID choose to suck a human dead when there was no reason to do so.

THAT is what annoys me about people supporting the shiki....the shiki killed out of greed and idiocy. The humans killed shiki out of revenge, defense, and paranoia.

The humans' actions were far more understandable....yet people are calling them "worse than the shiki"? Lol wtf no?

Oct 12, 2020 7:09 PM

Nov 2018
Perhaps they, too, are romantics? Lol
Oct 17, 2020 10:58 AM

Feb 2016
Those who sympathize the the Shiki society probably sympathize with Big Brother while reading 1984.
Nov 20, 2020 9:50 AM
Oct 2020
Chiibi said:
NoradTwo said:

It was established multiple times through the show that vampires can feed on a non lethal amount of blood, and thus survive without killing.

EXACTLY. Shiki did not choose to be shiki, but they DID choose to suck a human dead when there was no reason to do so.

THAT is what annoys me about people supporting the shiki....the shiki killed out of greed and idiocy. The humans killed shiki out of revenge, defense, and paranoia.

The humans' actions were far more understandable....yet people are calling them "worse than the shiki"? Lol wtf no?

It was also established that if the young/new shiki disobeyed the Kirishiki family's orders, they would be destroyed and their human families and friends would be killed regardless. So I'd say most of the shiki were victims rather than villains - or rather, I'd say it if I thought it was appropriate to judge shiki the same way we judge humans. And I don't really think we can do that.

As WatchTillTandava aptly said, shiki are no longer human; they're their own species, and they're evolved to feast on and kill humans. Shiki who don't embrace their new nature, die - such as Natsuno, or the green-haired nurse whose name I keep forgetting. There are maybe some shiki who'd be willing to coexist with humans peacefully, but a) for the villagers-turned-shiki this wasn't a possibility as they were under Kirishikis' rule, and b) it's possible that once a shiki starts drinking from a human, they're biologically compelled to finish said human, just like cats are compelled to play with their food. And yes, this makes them monsters, but they're only monsters from the perspective of us humans, their natural prey.

I'm definitely #teamhumans, but only because I'm human too and wouldn't fancy myself bloodless.
Nov 20, 2020 1:23 PM

Nov 2008
mysimas said:

It was also established that if the young/new shiki disobeyed the Kirishiki family's orders, they would be destroyed and their human families and friends would be killed regardless. So I'd say most of the shiki were victims rather than villains

Sure, if we want to get more technical, we can blame the WHOLE thing on Sunako. Since every decision was made by HER...she is just a stupid little girl who made the worst choices. lol

Nurse's name is Ritsuko. I think she was the best female character. :( she deserved better!

Am reading the Shiki novels...which I recommend to anyone who wants to know more about the characters and why they are the way they are; there is a lot the anime and manga don't cover!!

Jun 3, 2021 5:33 PM
Dec 2017
there is no such thing as a happy ending in this story and it makes sense in a way given its tragic nature.

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