Nov 16, 2014 12:55 PM
Username: Character's name: [First name][Last name] Age: (must be +18) Gender: Affliations: (What side does your character belong to? Civilian or Villain?)(Only admins can make high positions in police forces. ) Career: (Choose an ACTUAL career. No Porn careers or any NSFW careers.) Element: (One power! If it seems OP, I will not approve you!) Personality: Look: (add pic if you want to) Bio: (don't hesitate to make a long, sad, tragic, depressing bio. The longer, the better!) (NEW! You can create other species besides humans!) |
LeCroweDec 27, 2014 6:28 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 17, 2014 6:16 PM
Username: SoulXtreme Character's name: Soujiro Yamashita Age: 19 Gender: Male Affliations: Civilian Career: Theatre Element: Hypnosis Personality: Soujiro went through many phases in his life. He was a loner when he was a kid, and a rebel when he was a teen. Around his 3 year in HS, he changed himself for his girlfriend. Due to that, he's more of a guy who questions things that seem wrong to him or anyone he puts on the same level or higher that him. He still has a grudge against authority figures, but he's more laid back to do their job then talk about them later. He likes sweets, especially anything with strawberry in it, and he's an anime fan. (However, not much of a manga fan.) Bio: When he was in his first high school, he was bullied by random kids, the Student Council, and soon his own best friend. He soon cracked, put a bunch of those bullies in the hospital, and spray-painted the word 'DIE' on the school entrance. He was expelled and went to another high school. Now, a full-pledge rebel, he mocked the Moral Committee and the Student Council there, got beat up a few times, played a bunch of pranks, and once dated a psychopath who drugged him and was unloyal to him. He soon graduated and did one year in college before dropping out. He comes to Egoist City to start a new life, away from the rest of Japan. With his mom's money and a mindset for the rest of his life, what could possibly go wrong? Approved! |
RedPtolemyNov 19, 2014 8:23 PM
Nov 17, 2014 11:12 PM
Username: Chione Character's name: Mari Kisaragi Age: 18 Gender: female Affliations: Villain Career: Currently studying biology Element: Blood manifestation She can make her own blood solid and form weapons and other stuff out of it. The blood makes more damage than a normal weapon. Personality: a cheerful but shy person. She usually prefers to be alone. She is polite to strangers but sometimes becomes very rude around familiar people. Pic: Bio: Her mother died when she crashed into a tree with a car while being pregnant with Mari. The brain was dead but her mother's body was still working, so the doctors decided to keep the body alive so the child can be saved. They started performing experiments with her and the child and continued these even after the child's birth. They used Mari for many experiments. It resulted in her body remaining at the age of 16. They sent her to Egoist City when she turned 18. Approved! |
RedPtolemyNov 19, 2014 8:23 PM
Nov 19, 2014 12:19 AM
Username: Flickers Character's name: Mana Ishiro Age: 21 Gender: Female Affliations: Civilian Career: Formerly a Freelance Journalist Element: Control atmosphere. Entails controlling water and air particles. Personality: Due to her profession, she adapts well to change in environment and is very adept in applying a "social mask". She is very laid-back and her number one priority when interacting with others is to never get on their bad side. She uses light jokes and witticism as her survival tool and she is almost never taken seriously because she rarely displays an act of seriousness. Even during battle, she'll often seem as though she is only playing around and in realty, it is actually very difficult to make her over emotional. She hides her emotions behind well-orchestrated facial expression and she strongly considers herself an "actor using the world as her stage" so she is always "in the act" whenever interacting with others. Therefore, she has zero close friends but is familiar with many individuals from different backgrounds and her social network ranges to every place she's ever been in. Furthermore, as another survival tool that she devised, she trained herself to read people and can make solid predictions based on behaviour and habits. Look: Mana has long, wavy auburn hair and ruby red eyes. She's tall with long limbs and is almost always with a smile that seems as though she knows something funny or secretive or both. Bio: Mana is very secretive of her past, much like everything else. She keeps her own well being as her highest priority and will not hesitate to sacrifice anything as long as she comes out alive. She will even sacrifice her own body and her artificial arm is a result from a life risking encounter with government officials two years ago. Mana grew up in an environment void of any parental or mentor figure and learnt from the beginning that being alone was one of the biggest dangers in the world. Being alone meant being disengaged from society and being unaware of affairs that could very well control a person's life. It didn't matter whether or not she was lonely or not, as long as she had connections and people to use, Mana felt that she would be able to survive. Thus began her objective at a early phase of her childhood to train to manipulate and read people. She weaved a large network of connections with her beauty and charm, making herself a casual friend to all that she met, but never did she get too close as she knew the people she met were only pawns to her survival. However, four years prior to present, Mana was at her peak and it was only expected that she would make a wrong turn. She'd begun her profession as a freelance journalist and uncovered a secret that was better left covered. In another country, far away from Egoist City, she found that human experiments were being conducted to create ultimate weapons to invade and conquer surrounding regions. Despite having no intentions to write of the events she found, as she still valued herself above even the public, the government sent professional assassins after her. She spent two years running from the government and her attempts to escape resulted to her faking her death, her left arm brutally severed and her composing a new identity in Egoist City. Needless to say, Mana Ishiro is only a fake name and she no longer works as a journalist, but now plans to open a bar upon her arrival to the City. Approved! Love the bio! ^-^ |
RedPtolemyNov 19, 2014 8:25 PM
Nov 19, 2014 11:35 AM
Username: < Character's name: yui cavallone Age: 18 Gender: Female Affliations: Civilian Career: Doctor Element: water Personality: She is rather shy and likes to keep to herself most of the time. she has a tendency of hiding behind her brother when in crowded places. She isn't very fond of being a doctor.. she hates it, but she knows that it is in her blood and she cant complain about it. She has always dreamed of being an actress. Look: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character's name: yuichi cavallone Age: (must be +18) 20 Gender: Male Affliations: Civilian Career: Doctor Element: Water Personality: He is kind and outgoing, the sporty type. he is also very smart and like most of his family has a passion for being a doctor. his main goal in life is to be a doctor worthy of the family name. He is very over protective of his younger sister. Look: (add pic if you want to) Bio: (For both) Born in france, europe. They come from a long linage of doctors there mother was a sergion while there father owned one of the biggest hospitals in France. The two sibling where sent to Japan to further there careers of becoming doctors and so they could develope there skills and expirience a new different culture. Approved and approved! |
LeCroweMay 13, 2015 2:45 PM
Nov 19, 2014 5:10 PM
(Every character up to now is approved. Thanks for being the first people in Egoist City!) |
Nov 20, 2014 4:47 PM
Username: RedPtolemy Character's name: Hokari Kyouji Age: 23 Gender: Female Affiliations: Police force: Division 2 Career: Head of Police force: Division 2 Element: Ownership Explanation: Hokari can imprint nearly any object to respond only to her and no one else. For example, a door would never open for anyone but her, a gun would only shoot if she was the one doing the shooting, and her clothing would always fall off someone else who put them on. She can imprint objects with just a touch. Obviously, this power does not work on living organisms. The major limiting factor to this ability is that Hokari can only have one object imprinted at a time, imprinting a second object will override the last imprint she made. Personality: Hokari comes from a rich family, and is used to getting anything she ever wanted. As such, Hokari doesn't like being denied of what she wants. Hokari is usually quite serious, and has a rather crude sense of humor, although like everyone, she can differ from her normal behavior on occasion. Although she tends to get angry easily, Hokari rarely resorts to violence. The polite manner she was taught growing up never stuck, so she still has some unladylike habits. Look: Bio: A noble woman born and raised, Hokari had an easy life filled with endless wealth and happiness, both coming from her parents mining empire. Unfortunately, Hokari never lived up to her parent’s expectations. “Be more ladylike!”, “Swallow your food before talking!”, “Don’t bite your nails!”, “Oh my! Now you've ruined a perfectly good dress! Your father will NOT be happy about this…” They just never shut up! If they didn't want Hokari, then she would just leave, but just leaving wasn't a simple feat. It took years to build up connections with a range of powerful people, without her parents noticing of course. Finally the plan was set. Egoist City was its name, and her connection with some bigwigs with positions of power, guaranteed Hokari a position of power as well, and a place to stay. And the best part? Her parents wouldn't be able to chase her since they didn't have any powers! It was perfect! Now all she had to do was steal a private jet (an easy task with her power), and sneak a few servants on board to carry her things. (also an easy task, with the use of feminine wiles) The plan went perfectly, without flaw, and that’s how Hokari arrived at Egoist City in a private jet. Approved! You are the leader of Division 2! Congrats. |
RedPtolemyJan 4, 2015 6:06 PM
Nov 22, 2014 4:07 AM
Username: RazorDestiny Character's name: Satoru Takeuchi Age: 22 Gender: Male Affliations: Civilian Career: Technician Element: Heat Explanation: Satoru Can increase the temperature of any object he touches, if given enough time he can even melt them. The major drawback of his skill would be that even though He can increase temperatures, he himself isn't completely heat resistant. just a little, which resuslts in him burning whatever he is using to heat something at that moment. Higher temperatures resulting in bigger and worse burn marks. Personality: He is a kind guy who likes to joke around and have fun. He doesn't really need much more than a roof over his head and something to eat. He is not only very skilled with creating and repair electronic devices, but with maintenance work around the house as well. Look: Bio: Even though he was born in a rich family, his life of wealth didn't last long. after he had just turned 5, both his parents were assassinated and only his sister and Satoru were spared. They were taken away and forced to work for what seemed like the big boss of their kidnappers, who turned out to be an important man in the world. They weren't the only one working there as slaves, there were children to be found anywhere, but Satoru quickly learned that befriending them was a bad idea. Children kept disappearing from the house one after another. Eventually the day came where they took his sister away, leaving him all alone. When he asked where she was, the only answer he got was "Somewhere fun", but something told him that this was not true at all. when he turned 7, one of the boss' sons came by as he was burning the trash, and pushed him into the incinerator and ran off. This was the point where he awakened his powers, the flames didn't hurt him as much as they used to, and as he quickly tried climbing back out, he noticed the metal heating up more where he grabbed it. Using his new found skill, he went to one of the doors that led outside, metled the lock while trying not to scream in the process and ran out. Thanks to the work he did inside that house, where he worked a lot in the maintenance team, he found a way to make money and survive in this world, as he offered his help at every single house he could find. While slowly getting better at what he did and studying electronics online, he added the job as technician to his skillset as well. After he had turned 10 and managed to collect enough money, he slowly started traveling around, searching for his long lost sister. He also found out that the Takeuchi name was long forgotten, as if they had never existed. After having traveled around for 12 years, he had grown up, no longer being the sad kid from the streets who didn't know how to smile, but instead he became a kind man laughing and joking wherever he goes, there was no use in staying sad forever was there? He had also learned how to control his powers and without having found any clues about his sister, he came to Egoist City, in the hope to make a name for himself here, and maybe, just maybe finding his sister, because if they were siblings, she would have elemental powers too right? So here he stands with only 3 goals in mind: 1. Find his sister 2. Live here and lead a casual life, and 3. Kill the people who murdered his family and kidnapped him and his sister, but that would have to wait for now.... Approved! |
RedPtolemyNov 29, 2014 7:22 PM
Dec 8, 2014 3:05 PM
Username: shadowz1995 Character's name: Lennex EbonyFlame Age: 24 Gender: Male Affliations: Civilian Career: Barkeep Element: Pyrokinesis- Lennex is able to conjure up flame and manipulate it freely. Its not just simply blasting fire since it also has kinetic energy behind it. Obviously, the more he uses his power or how much he uses it, the more drained he becomes like any other power. Personality: Lennex is a bit of a passive man. He likes to make allies with all manner of people, no matter where they are from or what kind of things they do (or have done). He is very open minded and takes a very philosophical approach at life. This does not change the fact that he is a fighter not a lover. He enjoys the thrill of the fight and will always accept any challenge thrown at him. Whether he is outnumbered or outmatched doesnt matter to him. The greater the threat, the more fun it will be to him. Look: Bio: Lennex grew up mostly alone, being helped here and there by kind passerbys. He learned how to take care of himself for the majority of his life until he was taken in by a friendly bartender. The barkeep taught him the tools of the trade and he found himself enjoying the occupation. He liked becoming the home away from home for people. Something he never knew for himself. He now spends his days serving drinks and fighting for the people he believes are right. That often times puts him on either side of the conflict, good or evil. A ronin in the modern age. Approved! |
RedPtolemyDec 9, 2014 7:00 PM
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~ |
Dec 30, 2014 4:22 PM
Username: EmperorsChosen01 Character's name: Whitney Kanzaki Age: 18 Gender: Male Affiliations: Villain Career: Works as one of the security at a store owned by his late-mother’s friend. Element: Bone Manipulation - Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones. Look: Bio: Born from a low-life criminal father and a high school girl that made regrettable mistakes. While Whitney’s father was arrested and stays in the slammer to this day, his mother dropped out of high school in order to raise him. Since she struggled to make ends meet, working several low-paying jobs, one including that of an erotic dancer, Whitney tried to work hard in order to not burden her. He often pushed himself in school and scored one of the highest on tests and exams, however while he gained his mother’s determination, he as well gained his father’s hot-head and stubbornness. He often got into fights with others, though honestly, he wasn’t completely in the wrong. He knew getting in trouble would nuisance his mother, so he resisted much of the time from the many jerks that targeted him. But one thing was crossing the line with him; insulting said mother that worked so hard, burdened so much and gave up even more just so he wouldn’t be on his own. When she was found out to be pregnant, she had the choice of getting rid of him or being excommunicated from her family and moving away to be on her own. Whitney doesn’t know nor understand why she ever chose him, but he never asked and eternally grateful to her. Despite their state of living and her jobs, to Whitney, his mother was the greatest kind of person any human being could hope to be, and he wasn’t going to let anyone badmouth someone who worked so hard just for his sake. Life was difficult but tolerable for them until criminals, supposedly “acquaintances” of his father’s broke in and assaulted them. In the process, his mother was killed and Whitney only injured due to the police arriving before they could get to him. It was at this moment he discovered his abilities and was able to fight them off until help arrived. He wouldn’t have known what to do after that. They had no money, not even for a funeral. Luckily, the owner of the club his mother worked at offered him to pay for the funeral, then to fly over to the establishment she directly oversaw and work there as security at least until he could pay her back. She even offered to pay for board and living expenses in the mean time. Whitney doesn’t know what the cause of her kindness is, but it’s not as if he could refuse. |
EmperorsChosen01Dec 30, 2014 4:46 PM
Dec 30, 2014 4:30 PM
Dec 31, 2014 6:15 AM
Username: Character's name: Suzu Akumu Age: 27 Gender: Female Affliations: Civilian Career: High School Teacher Element: Dream State - She can put her target to sleep and they will experience some kind of dream that she chooses, the sleep lasts for 2 hours initially but the more times it is used on a person the duration lessens gradually till it would only last for 10 minutes and the after effects duration are lessened as the sleep duration is lessened, the after effects begin with a 10 minute duration. The sleep takes about a minute to take effect unless Suzu is touching them when it is cast then it is instantaneous, can only be cast on one person at a time and has a 3 min down time before being used again after a successful cast,vision of target is a must as well as it being within of 20ft. Target cant be woken up by any means of harm, only awakening magic or actual drugs to awaken someone can wake them up, also dispelling magic works too Nightmare - the target experiences a nightmare, they will feel sheer terror and fear upon awakening for a time Peaceful - the target experiences a pleasant dream, they will feel happy and energetic upon awakening for a time Confusion - the target experiences a confusing dream, they will feel confused and dazed upon awakening for a time Restless - the target experiences a restless dream, they will feel tired and weak upon awakening for a time Personality: Intelligent, outgoing, nice, caring, loves books, loves sweets, Look: Bio: She grew up in Tokyo with her mother and younger brother. Her father died when she was 8 just after her brother was born. She has striven to be the best she could be, always studying and doing whatever toget ahead in the world, She graduated early from High School and then attended University. That is where she came into her powers. She signed up to help a professor with some studies but it turned out that she was to be a test subject. Luckily she only was experimented on a little bit before the professor was stopped and arrested and as she showed no sign of ill effect after days of tests she was released. Then about a month later a strange phenomenon began happen around her. Sometime people she was around would just fall asleep and depending on who they were, they would experience some kind of dream. It didnt take her long to figure out she was at the center of this so she took a semester off to figure out what was going on and during that time she got a grasp of her powers and learned to control them. She experimented on small animals mostly though she didnt like it. Finally she had control of her powers and went back to the University. She went on with no more interruptions to graduate. She then started more advanced studies after some years into them she found out that she could go to this amazing city called Egoist. So she stopped her studies and headed for Egoist as she had gotten a job as a teacher she was over qualified for at a high school there. Now she looks forward to her new life in a new and special city full of gifted people. Also she is good on money as she worked the whole time she was at the University. So she has a good amount of money for herself, nothing like the lines of being called rich but comfortably very well off. APPROVED! |
LeCroweJan 1, 2015 11:56 AM
Dec 31, 2014 11:13 AM
Username: NotInsight Name: Takuya Yamamoto Age: 18 Affiliations: Civilian Career: Recently employed Police Detective in division 1 Element: Gyrokinesis – This is the ability to manipulate gravity. Takuya can increase or decrease the gravitational pull on a certain area or a person, albeit not very well. At the moment he can only muster enough power to change his own gravitational properties to a certain extent, although again, not to an amazing degree because his is unskilled with his power. With enough training and time to hone his ability he might be able to use his power to his advantage: changing objects weights, being able to jump extremely high and pulling people towards him with his own gravitational pull could all be achieved - but that might be a while away. Personality:Takuya is laid-back and optimistic, even when the most awful of situations may present itself. His carefree attitude towards life somehow sees him through difficult problems, even if he has no knowledge of it himself. He is still immature and childish sometimes, but that is because he doesn't take things to seriously and drifts through daily life quite happily. Clumsy, forgetful and sometimes unlucky; Takuya can find himself in awkward, embarrassing and hilarious situations somewhat easily, and he is usually the butt of the jokes. He may seem like a harmless idiot, but he does have a very unique, innovative way of thinking, as well as a great understanding of normal and criminal psychology – one of the reasons he joined as a detective in the police force. Looks: Bio: There isn't much to say about Takuya. Up until now he had an ordinary family, ordinary friends, ordinary school – he had an ordinary life. His personality saw him drift through his youth, often littered with funny or embarrassing moments. He was an advanced student and got among the highest grades of the year group: much to the surprise of the other students who assumed he was a stupid, yet likeable, joker. His ordinary life came to an end when he first discovered his power. Heck, it wasn't the most flamboyant of introductions either... Takuya was munching his lunch delightfully with friends when the Gyrokinesis decided to kick in. His clumsiness had caused him to bite his tongue accidentally, though it was rather bad: his mouth bled like a stream. For whatever reason, the pain Takuya experienced was enough reason for the power to assume he was in danger, therefore triggering its unveiling. Unfortunately for the boy, he had no control over the power which saw him slam ruthlessly onto the cafeteria floor, much to the amusement of the masses of smug, merciless adolescents. Due to his non-existent control at the time, the power drastically increased his gravitational properties automatically, meaning he was yanked ruthlessly to the floor because of the immense gravitational pull on his body. Laughs, jeers and insults sounded out, all aimed at Takuya, while he lay dazed struggling to work out what just happened. After a while people realised he wasn't joking and he really was stuck. Unlike decent human beings who would call for help, the rapidly increasing crowd of teens thought it would be funny to make a game to see who could lift him from the ground (a bit like the story of king Arthur pulling the Excalibur sword from the stone). Takuya stayed silent and confused while the entire rugby team, teachers and student body all had a go in attempting to lift him up. Several hours later, after school had ended and firemen had been in, Takuya gave up on life and went to sleep, waiting patiently to be accepted into the afterlife. Luckily for him, the sleeping state made his power release hold of his body and shut down for the time being. After waking up and being wonderfully surprised like a kid on Christmas morning, Takuya left the school forever (there was no hope for him there any more anyway), learnt about his power and gained simple control over it. He left for Egoist City soon after. Partly to help control his power and partly for a much needed fresh start. APPROVED! |
LeCroweDec 31, 2014 1:15 PM
Jan 1, 2015 4:24 PM
Jan 1, 2015 4:24 PM
Username: IamMax Character's name: Nishimura Kazuki Age: 19 Gender: Male Affliations: Civilian Career: A welder by trade Element: Pyrokinesis Personality: Nishimura is a little arrogant and tends to keep things to himself due to past experiences, he is loyal when he believes he has a true friend he is, however yet to find one. Look: Bio: Nishimura grew up in a small town, his father was a fireman and his role model when he was younger. One day when he was alone in his room he saw the flame on his candle waving as if blown by the wind, there were no windows open however and as he grew older his power become stronger, he showed his childhood friend his power thinking he would get attention for it, his friend however got scared and told many people about his "freak" power. Nishimura was avoided during the rest of his school days by many people and as his parents discovered his powers decided it would be best for him to move somewhere else, they sent him to Egoist city |
IamMaxJan 2, 2015 4:52 AM
Jan 1, 2015 4:45 PM
Jan 2, 2015 2:53 PM
Name: SoulXtreme Nickname: Gouto Koike Age: 26 Gender: Female Affiliation: Police Force Career: Head of Ministry of Public Affairs Power: Electrical Eyes Explaination: This power enables Gouto to use any technology with a cam to obtain dual-vision through the cam lens and every cam connected to the technology. Personality: A nice woman, but takes her job quite seriously. She is sometimes mistaken as a guy, but it doesn't affect her a bit. She likes sweets and nekos, but that doesn't get in the way of work. Pic: Bio: She was born into a very rich family which founded Egoist City. Her, along with her two brothers, were raised in order to run the city when their elders pass away. One day, while Gouto was 20, the old head of the Ministry of Public Affairs died by natural causes. The next day, she became the new head and has been the head since. Approved! |
LeCroweJan 6, 2015 9:37 AM
Jan 4, 2015 5:21 PM
Username: rika713 Character's name: Sawashiro Kureha (Last name - First name) Age: 23 Gender: Female Affiliations: Civilian Career: Novelist Element: Awakening: Capable of changing inorganic objects she touches into living organisms. Like a pen can be turned into a snake, a bullet into a beetle and so on. Also capable of reverting the object to it's previous inanimate state. Personality: Serene and carefree, her life style often mocked for being like an old man's. Usually quiet but surprisingly talkative at times, mostly likely due her habit of often walking up to strangers just for a chat. Interviewing them, gathering writing materials as it goes on. Doing such thing developed a curious and perhaps a bit of an investigator-like nature in her that sometimes oversteps boundaries as she doesn't reserve herself from asking any questions no matter how sensitive, strange, private they are. And due her looks, when she talks up to girls and woman they usually end up mistaking her approaches for flirting, sometimes even as an invitation to bed. They are nowhere to be blamed for their assumptions however, after all, Kureha is shameless enough to even ask about one's intimate love life and the smallest details of embarrassing things. It could be said that her motto is that if she wants to know something, she asks. Regardless of what kind of question it is. Although she does always respects it if the other party refrains from answering. Look: Bio: Kureha grew up with her perfectionist mother, who beat her when she failed to do things flawlessly. Wether is it in school or in her private music and traditional dance lessons, she expected her to be the perfect best. Although they ironically lived what can only be described as a dump. Trash was everywhere, and never a day passed without a series of violent knocks raining on their door asked for their debts to be paid. They didn't always have such a chaotic life style and her mother wasn't always a mad woman, as she once used to be a famous theatrical actress married to the stage's director, but one day their small talent company collapsed and fell into debt. Her father couldn't stand living with both a huge debt and a crazed wife on his neck so he eventually left the house. Even after tragedies hit them on and on her mother was still clinging to the idea that her family are of talented artists and nobles and are undeserving of its current state. That said mother suddenly committed suicide at some point leaving the young teenager Kureha alone to fend for herself in this world. The debts were fortunately paid off with her mother's life insurances, however, even though she was suppose to feel free and released after all this Kureha felt lost. For a while she had no idea what to do next, merely going along the flow until she found her place in writing. Back when she graduated a highschool, the humble novellas she had written on her online blog had caught the eye of an editor from a certain publishing company, and that was the opening to her path as a novelist. Now an up and rising successful novelist, in Japan Kureha's name is already a regular at the best selling charts and with her novels recently translated into english she's expected to someday even reach international levels. Kureha eventually chose to move in this city that she heard so much about hoping for further inspiration to hit on her. |
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
Jan 4, 2015 5:34 PM
Approved, but don't use it to chaotic extent. |
Jan 6, 2015 9:11 AM
Username: TheOneLostSoul Character's name: Kira Egin Age: 18 Gender: Female Affiliations: Villain Career: Mugger/pickpocket/thief Element: Fire She's able to manipulate fire with great ability, shaping it into different objects, launching it at a enemy with great speed, barricading herself or others within the flames but she'll have to be able to start a fire first, she carries a lighter with her always but without it she's at a great disadvantage with her only protection being her fire tolerance, she won't burn unless its an immense amount of constant heat whether its her flames or someone else's. Personality: Despite her gentle feminine appearance, she carries quite an attitude. She's hotheaded and stubborn but her sweet side shows up every so often for a select few. Her social skills are far from the best, leading her to be awkward under most circumstances while with others. Although, she's an excellent manipulator, making herself seem more delicate and unfortunate when she's caught stealing, its the only reason she hasn't been arrested yet. Look: Appearance: Attire: Bio: Kira never had a chance to meet either of her parents, her mother conceived her only from having a bad night at the bar so her father was always a mystery and her mother died shortly after giving birth to Kira. Although, her older brother's father took care of them for three years before giving them up to a orphanage due to "financial issues." At the age of six, while messing with a candle, she discovered she could manipulate fire, instead of using it for good purposes she would put on street shows while her brother would be the pickpocket and once her brother discovered his power the roles would switch. At the age of eight, Kira was adopted by a well off couple without her brother. She begged and pleaded for them to take him too but they refused and because of it, she never considered them family just caretakers till she was eighteen. Throughout the years she learned basic combat but excellent agility, she's quick which comes in handy since she's a pickpocket. She trained constantly with her fire manipulation, she's no master but she can control it with little complication. And now, after ten years, she's leaving and might even take her "career" a step further. |
TheOneLostSoulJan 6, 2015 9:25 AM
Jan 6, 2015 9:37 AM
Approved, but don't take it to extreme levels. |
Jan 6, 2015 11:02 AM
Approved! |
Jan 6, 2015 7:19 PM
Jan 6, 2015 7:28 PM
Approved. |
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