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Oct 21, 2009 3:37 PM

May 2009
Well the title pretty much says wht i wanted to ask so


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Oct 22, 2009 5:06 PM

Sep 2008
Because I want to see Tadese get beat up.
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Oct 23, 2009 8:17 AM

Jun 2009
Because I think, 15 minutes are WAY to less for an epi! That can't be! And this Party thing is soooo damn childish ,_,

They could make the liveaction and Shugo Chara Party in an extra-show, like they did in Pokemon with Pokemon Sunday!
Oct 24, 2009 10:35 AM

Jul 2008
I think we have to wait 1 year, or maybe 2...after that, they can continue the anime, and TADAM! there are no fillers, no live action ^^ We don't have Shugo Chara for a while, but after, we can see an awesome anime ^^ So there's ma opinion :)

Oct 28, 2009 5:38 AM
Jul 2009
i rather watch amu do her thing then watch her shugo charas talk crap over and over again
Nov 3, 2009 5:29 PM

Jun 2009
cause its so childish and annoying
Nov 7, 2009 8:28 AM

May 2008
Shugo Chara was always a childish show srsly, i tink its because the shugo charas get too mch screen time, they hardly have enough time for the story

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Nov 7, 2009 8:46 AM
Sep 2009
the series is too childish and girly now... it used to be great, and it had an interesting and original plot. but that is changing and its becoming too fluffy! shugo chara doki let me down a little, and i thought that it couldnt get worse. but it got... and a lot! and i mean, alright, shugo chara puchi puchii is cute, but it shouldnt be inserted in the main show. the producers should have made it a special or something! they turned the anime into a childish variety show. and it will probably have more fillers than the previous season! it saddens me a little
Nov 7, 2009 11:12 AM

Dec 2008
HawthorneKitty said:
Because I want to see Tadese get beat up.

This. :P And also, no moar sexy Ikuto!
Nov 7, 2009 11:54 AM
Aug 2009
Because I don't give a damn about Ran Miki Suu and Dia's adventures in Puchi Puchi; T_T
The live action is way too childish and the games are just WTFFFFF .
The encyclopedia wasn't needed at all.. We watched SC , SCDoki and we still need an encyclopedia?
do they think we're what, 3 years old?
And the anime is only 13 minutes, they're turning it into Final Approach, wtf!?

Nov 8, 2009 3:48 AM

May 2009
the lve part is really long >__<
& it sucks likeeee omgh >__<
& in the anime you don't see much thanks to that live thingie >__<

Ugh it annoys me -.-"

Nov 8, 2009 5:52 AM

Jul 2009
BECAUSE THE SHOW IS TO SHORT! i like a 24 mins anime not a 15 mins anime....we are looking forward in the anime, but they just made it to short! and then there's no previews! >:(

|Please Join the Rozen Maiden FC and Twin Seki FC!|
Nov 9, 2009 7:40 AM

May 2009
Where is my Ikuto?! >... Rikka is baad ;d Hikaru... BORING! Amu-chii become a Background for Rikka&Hikaru! ;/ And this 11 mins anime.. Ech... At least we've got Utau-chan! ^^ <happy>. Ok, my english isn't good, so.. ja ne. SHUGO CHARA, BACK TO NORMAL, PLEEASE!!
Nov 9, 2009 6:37 PM

Oct 2009
Clover cosplayer annoys me to the high heavens.
The new chick with the red hair sickens me.

There was a plot to this. Once upon a time. I would like to get back to the plot.
And everyone's screen time has been cut to 1 minute for new chick.

Ikuto needs to come back.
Tadase and Amu HARDLY interract anymore.
And where the heck did Nagihiko go?

:[ I does not like this. At all.
Nov 10, 2009 7:51 AM

Jul 2009
Need Ikuto.Need Yoru.And need some manga plot,please!!!
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Nov 10, 2009 11:30 AM

Aug 2007
because where is my Ikuto?! ;_____;

and the only 10 minutes episode we get are fillers. and the opening (clip) is awful. and shugo chara egg are annoying.

and Ikutoooooooooooooooo. ;________________;
Nov 11, 2009 2:24 AM

Oct 2009
kyaaaaaaaa actually i dont that shugo chara dokki doki tells about new character like rikka and hikaru but anime just 12 minutes ..... and other is shugo chara puchi puchi so....... boring... ....... i want shugo chara tells about romance and comedy like last season!!!!

no more ikuto bcause... last season tells ikuto want search his father overseas....
and when???? amu know nagihiko and nadeshiko it's same people!!!!!!!

huft..... please back shugo chara to normal again and separate from shugo chara puchi puchi it'z kinda boring....

shugo chara for teenager not for children ....

Nov 11, 2009 5:34 AM
Feb 2009
the live actions really sooo boring and waste time..
same for the pucchi pucchi really annoys me...

and after that the fortune telling ? what the hell
if you have much time for do all of that i suggest you just speed up the story since it's really getting laid back..
Nov 11, 2009 2:06 PM

Nov 2009
omg i cant believe they hav that "pucchi puchi thing", it really wastes time and i rly dont like the idea of a stupid 2nd grader knowing wat x eggs say, understanding them, and loving them. It just ruins the story line!

also, there arent probably gonna be anymore amuto scenes!! UGH. also the cosplayers rly just annoy me. they shud act their age!! also wats with the random fake fortune telling with the "luckyness stars" that they use?

i just wish the old shugo chara came bak.... =(
Nov 11, 2009 2:15 PM

Jan 2009
The real eps are too short!
Too many live actions.
And where's IKUTO??!!!
Nov 12, 2009 4:32 PM

Oct 2008
Because it's plot has become pointless and unnecessarily prolonged... it would have been better to just stop it for a year or so until there are enough chapters of the manga to be animated and air it the way it should be...
Oh, yeah... and because there isn't enough Ikuto anymore xp
Nov 12, 2009 6:14 PM

Oct 2009
are u forgot guys??? ikuto seacrh his father go to overseas.. bcause of that no more ikuto..

Nov 13, 2009 2:47 AM

Nov 2007
simple answer to the topic of the thread.... is because the current format sux
devilbunnies are comming! soon we will be leigon!!
Nov 16, 2009 1:52 AM

May 2009
While I'm starting to like the Puchi Puchi shorts, the live action stuff is becoming more Nightmare Fuel with those Shugo Chara Egg members doing all sorts of childish stuff. The last three episodes made my skin crawl, it's as if they WANT to scare away the older audience. Also, if the Amulet Diamond auditions are anything to go by, the 4th member will be the ugliest and most likely the youngest.

And 10 minutes fore the actual anime is way too short. Nothing really happens and the story is in no relation to the manga anymore. Truth given, the manga ended when Shugo Chara Doki ended (or the other way around, whichever way you want to look at it), but at least they could've made an anime-original story without having to cut it into 10-minute pieces.

It'll probably take them the whole season to hint that Ikuto found his father or that Amu finally found out that Nagihiko is Nadeshko (something that irks me about both the manga and the anime). Is it REALLY that hard to be original anymore?
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Nov 17, 2009 12:58 AM

Oct 2009
I think all stuff in Party is way too childish, except for the anime itself of course.
This Pucchi Puchi stuff is fun in the beginning, but annoying and boring after 2 "stories". The singing is the best of all this "live action" stuff, but that isn't every episode either. The rest is pretty boring.

The real anime is way too short for a real anime, and it even gets boring itself because it's so short, Ikuto is away and there's all this Rikka and Hikaru crap. Wasn't Amu the heroine????
Nov 21, 2009 8:16 AM
Nov 2009
The episodes are to short, that Puchi Puchi, the enzyclopedie, the Egg-Battle and the Fortune Telling are anyoing -.-

And the only thinh they show is Rikka and Hikaru...

I want Ikuto back!!!! *cries*
Nov 22, 2009 3:23 PM

Sep 2009
rikka is annoying and i dont care about those cosplaying peoples

Nov 23, 2009 8:10 AM

Jul 2009
In resume,five things we all want the normal Shugo Chara!
1.-Rikka is annoying
2.-Cosplayers are stupid
3.-Pucchi Puchi is like a Playhouse Disney programme
4.-10 minutes episodes
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Nov 23, 2009 8:23 AM
Nov 2009
But that picture of Ikuto in the last episode was great^^
I made a screenshot XD
But the rest of the episode was bad... I hate Tadase so much...
Nov 28, 2009 6:56 AM

Nov 2009
that pretty much says it all.
Nov 28, 2009 3:02 PM

Nov 2009
The beginning is stupid, the real episodes are short, and who even cares about the extra little shows. I don't even crack a smile since it is bad. Todays one was stupid. The only true reason I still watch it is for the real show. I get bored and angry. When I 1st heard that there was going to be a third season of Shugo Chara, I was excited. Sadly, I read some comments before I watched it , which said it was bad, I was really disappointed. Each saturday, I go online to see if they change it.
Nov 29, 2009 8:27 AM

Jul 2009
CureBlack2 said:
But that picture of Ikuto in the last episode was great^^
I made a screenshot XD
But the rest of the episode was bad... I hate Tadase so much...

Now I want to see that episode XD
And yeah,I hate Tadase too..
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Dec 13, 2009 7:45 AM

Mar 2009
But a tips is to follow the manga!! and Ikuto come baaack!!!!!
Dec 14, 2009 1:14 PM
Apr 2009
I'm TadAmu fan... I really like Ikuto, but I don't want him to be with Amu. But I also think that without Ikuto is boring...
Yeah, Pucchi Pucchi is annoying, I wanna more normal episodes than pucchi pucchi ;_____;
Cosplayer-girls may stay, but still I wanna more time of normal episode... Because I'm getting angry -.-"""
Dec 15, 2009 6:23 PM

Jun 2009
Well, first of all, it's over-the-top childish. Second of all, there is hardly any Ikuto. There is no more Amuto! Which is the reason why I keep watching the show!
Third of all, it's just stupid now. I can't really get into it like I used to.
I have to rely on the manga now to keep me entertained, and the chapters only come out once every month!!!!
The anime is waaaay too short now, which makes it almost pointless to watch it!!!!! D:

Ciel-Kun! Daisuki! <3
Dec 18, 2009 6:30 PM

Nov 2009

sorry, had to let my frustration out.
wtf is all this anyway?! THIS ENTIRE SEASON IS A FILLER :(
rikka doesnt even exist in the manga.
the producers should hav just waited a few months or even kept it close to the manga releases like they did toward the end of SC Doki. this crap theyre giving us now isnt doing anything but annoy most of us viewers (as shown by previous comments)

Dec 19, 2009 2:45 PM

Mar 2009
lol, A lot of us seem to be suffering from Ikuto Withdrawal.
Dec 21, 2009 4:53 PM

May 2009
ya xDD

my reasons-
1. They got my hopes up for nothing >:O I was expecting something like maybe the anime following some of the manga? But This season doesn't even have one episode that goes along with the manga or is from the manga D:
2. Ikuto!!! Tadase is getting a bit to close to amu so xDDD [[ sorry to those of Tadmu fans i didn't mean to sound mean]]
3. The live show and charas epsiode are a bit annoying we're not kids who want to watch those stuff [[ i do believe we quit that when we where 4 yrs old]]
5. I'm not liking the action. I thought it was a romance anime not an anime for middle schooler [[ or 6th graders ]] to teach thier lower class mates
6. Almost all my Fav. Character barely shows up Dx
7. It's boreing
8. There's no plot it's just random episode to be exact'
9. The producers really annoy me thinking we might like these stuff, I hope they rethink this whole season

that's bout all xDDD

Dec 24, 2009 1:50 AM
Jul 2018
i dont like those live-action games and fortune telling junk :P
Jan 1, 2010 11:16 AM
Aug 2009
These cosplayers are really annoying and pointless. I won't miss Egg Battle, Fortune Telling and Encyclopedia if there is only anime. Pucchi Puchi is good, it can stay. Dokki Doki is the best, but too short and there is less Amu than before. :(
Jan 1, 2010 2:14 PM

Jul 2008
The anime part is only like 10 minutes if you don't count the OP and ED. Also, it is complete filler. At least with Lulu we had some sort of story happening, but with Rikka it is just random antics at school. It is hard to watch.
Jan 1, 2010 2:58 PM

Jul 2009
The episode is too short >.>
And the clover coasplayer has such a creepy voice and face that I almost die when I see/hear it T-T The creator thiks only babies watch this serie but teens watch and hate the stupid pucchi puchi shit :@
And where did all the episode with Ikuto go? He's my fav chara and he is completely gone T_T
And like we care about Rikka and all the stupid eggs including the chara's, we want a real 20 minutes-episode with some sense and not all the crap about the fake cosplayers and the stupid chara's >.<
Jan 1, 2010 3:57 PM

Mar 2009
gahhhh~ cuz i wanna see more shugo chara~ lmao xD

Jan 1, 2010 4:05 PM

Oct 2009
the actual season's episodes (dokki doki) are way too short.
there's no build-up to anything. it's almost no fun to watch
feels like we're running in circles going nowhere

the live action is fine... FOR KIDS
and as a separate show

puuchi puchi is funny and all.....
but it should come as a bonus after dokki doki
(like the bonus stuff at the end of each KHR ep
or like Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book at the end of each Bleach ep)

so overall.... IMO,
  • dokki doki should be longer and should be on it's own
  • the live action stuff should be a separate show as a kid's show
  • puuchi puchi should be shorter as bonus after each dokki doki ep
    OR supplements the live action in that separate show
GenieGin13Jan 1, 2010 4:09 PM
Jan 1, 2010 4:29 PM

Aug 2008
HawthorneKitty said:
Because I want to see Tadese get beat up.
SakuraTsukiyomi said:
The real eps are too short!
Too many live actions.
And where's IKUTO??!!!

Misel_chan said:
kyaaaaaaaa actually i dont that shugo chara dokki doki tells about new character like rikka and hikaru but anime just 12 minutes ..... and other is shugo chara puchi puchi so....... boring... ....... i want shugo chara tells about romance and comedy like last season!!!!

no more ikuto bcause... last season tells ikuto want search his father overseas....
and when???? amu know nagihiko and nadeshiko it's same people!!!!!!!

huft..... please back shugo chara to normal again and separate from shugo chara puchi puchi it'z kinda boring....

shugo chara for teenager not for children ....

and they should do some Ikuto X Amu as well-nya
Jan 1, 2010 9:23 PM

Mar 2009
well, i agrre. i want shugo chara back.>_<
honestly im not watching shugo chara party, at the very first episode i decided to dropped it.
holy crap, its too childish.
Jan 2, 2010 4:03 AM

Sep 2008
There are a few funny eps, like the one with Nagi/Nadeshiko and Rima. But seriously, the show would be way better if it they started to follow the manga plot --'
And I want more Ikuto T_T

GenieGin13 said:
so overall.... IMO,
  • dokki doki should be longer and should be on it's own
  • the live action stuff should be a separate show as a kid's show
  • puuchi puchi should be shorter as bonus after each dokki doki ep
    OR supplements the live action in that separate show

Jan 2, 2010 8:14 AM

Nov 2009
every episodes are 10 min or 11 maybe ...
Everyones want Ikuto , in 10episode he is in the serial but for seconds :(
I want Party to be like Doki ! ^o^
Jan 3, 2010 12:33 PM

Jun 2009
I think this grate idea.theres no use to it shugo chara party.I have to skip all of it.I just want shugo chara dokki doki. Plus they have a new baned member for boono. ya and the episodes of shugo chara dokki doki is to short.
Jan 7, 2010 1:30 PM
Nov 2009
I actually like Pucchi Pucchi, it has its moments. But yeah, it would fit better as a bonus or even in a separate show of its own.

Dokki Dokki should definitely have more screen-time, but I don't really mind Rikka and Hikaru. I guess I agree on the lack of Ikuto, since he was one of the more interesting characters in the anime.

But there is really no excuse for the live action. It shouldn't even be made into a separate show. Too bad for little Miss Amulet Diamond, but that's how it is.

Hmm, I think I'll join this group then. ^^'
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