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No Longer Heroine
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May 3, 2014 10:09 AM

Nov 2011
Eh, I thought the ending was just so-so. It wasn't anything tragic and stayed with the premise well but not something earth shattering.

This was overall a cute manga imo. Everyone has their own stories :p
May 3, 2014 11:01 AM

Feb 2011
I reaaly loved the end. (: I can really connect this manga with realife, idk can't explain in worlds but that last pages were rly good.
May 3, 2014 2:27 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
^Same, this was a really good shoujo romance manga, despite all the frustrations and anger I had with all the characters (minus Nakajima and Hiromitsu). A lot of people were complaining that they did not like the ending at all and it didn't give them the usual fluffy feeling they got from the ending of a shoujo romance, but tbh, I think they just want to see perfect couples or something.

I think of this as sort of a refreshing shoujo romance, because, it's as Rita admitted, he IS a loser, but he, as Hatori said, is also the perfect match for a failure like her. They're honestly not meant to be the best MCs ever, they're pretty much the farthest from the usual fun and loving, or kind-underneath-it-all type of characters. But we still get to see them grow (or make the same mistake again and again) through it all. They may still not be the most likable people at the end, but that doesn't make it a bad manga. Seriously, after reading so many romance shoujo, you end up realizing that most of them are super mediocre because the characters are always so similar one way or another to the other shoujo romances, despite still getting that "fluffy" feeling. Rarely do you get one where not only is the author not trying to make you like the characters, but they also get character development that's not always progressing. As I said, this was a breath of fresh air for a shoujo romance.

tingyMay 3, 2014 2:31 PM
May 3, 2014 11:54 PM

Sep 2011
I thought the point of it presented in the last chapter was like what tingy said above. It was different from most shoujo romances in that way and went for an unusual way of presenting the characters and character development. That said, I didn't like most of the characters, I think the only character I actually liked was Hiromitsu.
May 4, 2014 11:38 AM

Apr 2014
tingy said:
^Same, this was a really good shoujo romance manga, despite all the frustrations and anger I had with all the characters (minus Nakajima and Hiromitsu). A lot of people were complaining that they did not like the ending at all and it didn't give them the usual fluffy feeling they got from the ending of a shoujo romance, but tbh, I think they just want to see perfect couples or something.

I think of this as sort of a refreshing shoujo romance, because, it's as Rita admitted, he IS a loser, but he, as Hatori said, is also the perfect match for a failure like her. They're honestly not meant to be the best MCs ever, they're pretty much the farthest from the usual fun and loving, or kind-underneath-it-all type of characters. But we still get to see them grow (or make the same mistake again and again) through it all. They may still not be the most likable people at the end, but that doesn't make it a bad manga. Seriously, after reading so many romance shoujo, you end up realizing that most of them are super mediocre because the characters are always so similar one way or another to the other shoujo romances, despite still getting that "fluffy" feeling. Rarely do you get one where not only is the author not trying to make you like the characters, but they also get character development that's not always progressing. As I said, this was a breath of fresh air for a shoujo romance.


I really agree with you. And it's true that I was very angry when she dumped Hiromitsu, but then I understood she was doing it for his sake, to find someone who loves him as much as he loved Hatori, to find someone who really deserves him. So, lame hero and lame heroine, congrats for your happy ending xD

I really liked Hatori's personality because she was different from all manga heroines. Her hesitation made me angry, and I felt really sorry for Hiromitsu, but now that I think about it, she better stay by Rita's side lol And hope Adachi would recorver her sense and find a good love too.
May 4, 2014 1:08 PM
May 2011
Man,I can't even describe how I feel about this manga,I am so angry. The mangaka clearly has no idea what character developement is.She makes Hatori go after Rita over and over and over again,didn't she get bored of doing that? And Rita,could you please make up your mind? Damn boy,let the poor girl leave,don't raise her hopes.

To be honest,I'm glad she broke up with Hiromitsu,I'm glad she's with Rita,they deserve each other,they are both stupid. Hiromitsu deserves a nice girl.
May 6, 2014 5:30 PM
Jul 2018
So, was that the end? Because MAL says it should have 37 chapters instead of 36. I'm assuming it has a little extra so I'm waiting :) The ending was cute, the story was also funny. Hatori is the best heroin! hehe
May 11, 2014 11:07 AM

Aug 2013
What the heck?! I SAW NOTHING BUT BAD ENDING REVIEWS ABOUT THIS! (in comment sections and stuff unrelated to MAL)

but it was so gooood I loved it!
Like it even had a good closing statement! Who could hate this? Thats messed up...
She actually went for who she was in love with and you could see her love for him the whooooole time!

She never truly betrayed her feels she just didn't understand them!


I enjoyed it. Good faking job.

>needs to stop dripping tears
May 18, 2014 11:24 PM

Apr 2012
spuvnik said:

To be honest,I'm glad she broke up with Hiromitsu,I'm glad she's with Rita,they deserve each other,they are both stupid. Hiromitsu deserves a nice girl.

I srsly agree with this. I really really liked Hiromitsu but this reasoning, I can also agree with.

My forum picture is awesome. #sorrynotsorry (tumblr)

May 19, 2014 11:30 PM

Jan 2011
spuvnik said:
Man,I can't even describe how I feel about this manga,I am so angry. The mangaka clearly has no idea what character developement is.She makes Hatori go after Rita over and over and over again,didn't she get bored of doing that? And Rita,could you please make up your mind? Damn boy,let the poor girl leave,don't raise her hopes.

To be honest,I'm glad she broke up with Hiromitsu,I'm glad she's with Rita,they deserve each other,they are both stupid. Hiromitsu deserves a nice girl.

I stayed in this manga only because of Hiromitsu so I actually wanted to see him happy. Stupid Rita, Stupid Hatori. Stupid Adachi. But I still want to see Hiromitsu happy T_T
You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down
Jun 7, 2014 1:42 AM

Dec 2011
Well, I'm disappointed. My favorite character lucked out in the end, though he'll find someone better for him in the future in my mind..

I agree with the sentiments that have already been expressed that Rita and Hatori are suited for each other, though I would've liked it better if Hatori had decided NOT to chase after Rita in the end and decided to try and move on on her own instead.

Jun 7, 2014 8:01 AM

Dec 2013
Hiromitsu was the best guy <33 but I'm glad Hatori ended up with Rita
Jul 1, 2014 10:32 PM

Apr 2011
Hmm. Well that was an interesting manga series.

While I do believe that the mangaka produced the best possible couples at the end (the idiots together and Hiromitsu being awesome), I agree with some of the posters that the ending would've been better if Hatori decided to not chase after Rita and show some character development. The whole experience would seem more impactful if she actually learned something, but instead she just goes back to how she was in the beginning.

Also, shout outs to Nakajima and Hiromitsu, the only reasons I read through the entirety of this series.

EDIT: Now that I've reconsidered the ending and the series as a whole, the series wasn't too bad. I didn't particularly like the characters or the plot, but the art and comedy were also strongpoints. I may look towards reading another manga by this mangaka so I can see more of her facial expressions.
PurpleYamJul 1, 2014 10:36 PM
Jul 29, 2014 12:51 AM

Jun 2008
The beginning was love, the middle pissed me off, and the last 5 chapters reminded me of why I fell in love with the beginning. Gosh, it was good but I like Hiro better. T_T
Nov 8, 2014 3:51 PM

Jul 2012
This is my second time reading this. Be warned, I'm gonna rant a bit.




I loved this manga but I hated how it ended. Also, it had so much potential to make Hatori grow into a better character instead of making her revert back to the start and end up with her first love. It had potential to pull off a Hirunaka no Ryuusei (people who have read both will get what I meant) and
but it didn't. Would have been refreshing to see something like Tonari no Atashi but no... She got what she wanted from the start.

Anyway, onto the good things. Hiromatsu was such a well written character (in comparison to the other ones) as we actually saw how he grew to love Hatori. I also liked how they pulled off the Adachi conflict at the end. The art is great too. I like how creative the author added in many faces for Hatori and it was a delight to see her try different things. I liked Hatori as a character because she's very flawed. Typical shoujo female leads are perfect and innocent like Kimi ni Todoke's MC or Ao Haru Ride's MC, but here Hatori has so many problems with herself and her personality and I like that.

8/10 I wish the mangaka had more works though.. I'd love to see something like this style.

Also...This series would be better in anime!
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka or Yuki Kaji for Rita (even though those are two of my least favourite male seiyuu lol, they fit him a lot)
Miyano for Hiromatsu. I can't think of anyone else more suited. Can Suwabe pull him off? Idk.
Yui Horie...MC...must.
Nov 16, 2014 10:25 PM

Nov 2007
Mixed feelings with just everything.
Nov 16, 2014 10:38 PM

Jul 2012
xochandaox said:
Mixed feelings with just everything.

Let it out, I'm curious~
Nov 26, 2014 7:10 AM

May 2010
mayukachan said:

Miyano for Hiromatsu. I can't think of anyone else more suited. Can Suwabe pull him off? Idk.

Interesting, I somehow imagine SuzuKen's voice whenever I see Hiromatsu.

So overall, this manga was pretty damn refreshing in contrast to the usual shoujo. I liked how it was more realistic, the characters were flawed and the author didn't hesitate showing their bad points. This was the strongest point of this manga (apart from DEM Hatori faces, of-course) I liked Hatori, she was an interesting heroine and developed well. Rita was annoying for the most part, but even if I liked Hatori a lot better with Hiromitsu, I can kinda accept the ending with him - flawed hero and heroine finally got together. It's sad but it works.

Over-all, it was a great read. Sure, I was frustrated most of the time but I think that frustration was part of the fun. Nakajima, Hatori and Hiromitsu were great characters. Adachi too, grew into quite something, didn't expect such a huge chara development from her.

Only one complaint I have, the characters never study. LMAO.

Quite honestly, I want to give it a 8 buttt since I have overrated a lot of other manga, I kinda wanna give it 9. Wouldn't hurt esp. when it brings in something new to the table... I guess.
Nov 26, 2014 7:56 AM

Jul 2012
TragicRomance said:
Interesting, I somehow imagine SuzuKen's voice whenever I see Hiromatsu.

Hiromatsu comes off as a playboy but still not quirky/goofy enough so I don't think Suzuken's suited for him. lol
Apr 7, 2015 9:49 AM

Aug 2014
Maaaan, I'm sorry but i hate this end. I mean, it's not bad, i loved the part in which Hatori (i think) says something like "Everyone is the main character of their own story".
It's not bad at all, but it's just the opposite of what i had expected. I really wanted Hatori to stay with Hiromitsu, i wanted it so much that i feel like Hiromitsu idky. When I saw Adachi like that i wished she could come back with Rita...
Plus I missed a short chapter of Rita and Hatori going on a date, i wanted that at least TT TT
Anyway, i really love this manga and I would have marked it as my favorite.

(Sorry for my bad english!)
kurarinrinApr 7, 2015 9:55 AM
Jul 1, 2015 2:23 AM
Jan 2014
I love how the ending was done. Like, I really enjoyed the message at the end and I thought it was cute and I really do love both Rita and Hatori. However, I love Hiromitsu so much more. I was really hoping she'd end up with him. With the way the previous chapters went I thought she was going to be with him and I was so excited. I really hate it when there's an anime or manga with a girl that has a "side guy" (lack of a better term) that I like more than the main guy. Though I've never read a manga or watched an anime where the girl ended up with the guy that I didn't like as much. Because in all the other ones that propose that situation the "side guy" became the main guy and the girl ended up with him. I wanted Rita to be the one in Hiromitsu's position. I wanted Hiromitsu to be the one to find happiness with Hatori and Rita to be the one that was left alone.
Dec 30, 2015 3:46 PM

Dec 2013
Okay, this is my second time i disliked ending of a shoujo manga (in a row :O) first i was rooting for the main protagonist a.k.a Rita, but then when i came to see more of Hiromitsu i just fell in love with him... i usually don't like much the rival (and kinda caught myself that i usually love more black haired guys - especially when they're the main hero - as in Ao Haru Ride, Strobe Edge[which reminds me seeing in this manga Ren-kun was totally awesome too], Tonari no Koigataki... well actually in Stardust Wink i rooted for Hinata... ahh nvm), but this manga was totally different, in the half way i kinda started to like Rita less and less... his personality had changed and what was that he suddenly fell for her? I get he probably loved her from the beginning just didn't admit it but still... also I could say that about her too, that she fell for Hiromitsu just like that, but i was kinda happy because he was the hero for me! xD and then when she was all over him, even i believed that she was truly in love with him just to realize she actually wasn't? what's with that rushed ending... i hate this 'sudden change of heart' thing... but i'm glad i read this manga, because Hiromitsu was really awesome character, as i said i usually hate the rivals even if they're awesome etc but Hiromitsu was really something, all smiles and understanding and still he was soooo cool (i dislike guys that are all sweet and romantic you know XDD) but he was really something >////< i love that about him - no, i love all of him !! ~ ♥
so i can say that i don't mind that much that they didn't end up together because he sure deserves someone better but still i'm sad he was hurt, i think i still at some point wanted Hiromitsu to be with her in the end...
Anyway... overall the ending was just a fiasco -_- as i said, too rushed and too much changes of heart at both sides through the whole manga (especially Hatori's but at Rita's as well)
RirinkaDec 31, 2015 7:37 AM
❑ Single (¬‿¬)
❑ Taken (¬‿¬)

✔ Mentally dating a character that doesn't actually exist φ(°ρ°*)
Mar 26, 2016 6:34 AM

Jun 2013
I hoped so much that she'd choose Hiromitsu over Rita in the end
, but since the time when she didn't want to do it with him I guessed it wasn't gonna be that way.He was probably the best thing in this manga. Being called brat and childish while in the end he was the most mature of them all.
Everyone else was just overly dramatic and their opinions and feelings got easily swayed by others' 'advices'. This is something I really hate in shoujo manga in general.
When I look back at it, it was really one hell of a rolecoaster ride with all those change of hearts and all drama. I'd give this 6,5/10. I read tens of better shoujo than this but on the other hand it wasn't the worst either. I'm not really good with this kind of dramatic shoujo 'cos I always find it at least a bit annoying.

Well, to sum it up, I didn't find the ending convincing AT ALL. She migh've seemed like her mind is clear and she knows what she wants toward the end but who knows, it could be just temporary state and with a mere word from someone she'd start doubting everything again.
Hell I even think that if the story continued she would return to Hiromitsu again realizing what she feels towards Rita isn't love or some bs like that.
eisanMar 26, 2016 6:53 AM
Jun 5, 2016 10:25 PM
Jun 2016
The ending was really sad. Hiromitsu is such a kind guy. He didnt deserve being rejected like that. At least give him a girl or something
Jun 29, 2016 4:20 PM
Jun 2011
I really did not mind the ending itself. I felt neutral about it.
Overall, at first I thought that it's a really unique and fun manga, but in the middle I changed my opinion. I though that mangaka shows us same situations but just from different angels which became really annoying and all characters seemed to me really selfish. Like I was really annoyed when Rika finally came to her saying that he likes her... like dude, you're too late. I'm a bit disappointed with over dramatisation of mangaka... like why any of them just can't stop themselves from kissing someone else? It would only happen to me if I'd be really drunk.
At some point I felt like I changed my opinion about this manga's uniqueness and felt like in reality it's just like any other manga that has uneeded filers and no real plot.
So yea, it's average for me. I was even tempted to rate is as 'bad', because I felt like mangaka has lied to me and tried to make me believe that shes making something cool.
Jul 22, 2016 2:03 AM

Jul 2014
This manga was frustrating for me from start to end. If it weren't for the fact that I hate leaving things unfinished, I wouldn't have bothered to reach the final chapter.

Overall, I would have wanted her to choose Hiromitsu over Terasaka. But at the same time I also strongly feel that Hatori doesn't deserve Hiromitsu at all. He deserves someone wayyyy better than Hatori and who can appreciate and care for him better..... then he can shove it in her face later that there are far better fishes in the sea. I hope he ends up successful and popular and make the bitch jealous to the core! (LOL my frustration is leaking, I know)

Anyway, as for Terasaka... his weakling-ness is rather frustrating but because of his flaws I find it more tolerable that he ends up with Hatori. They're better off together after all the trouble and pain they made other people endure. Adachi was great and he ruined her, Hiromitsu was awesome and she ruined him... I can't even imagine what it's like for Nakajima to have a friend like Hatori. I'm surprised she hasn't ditched her yet after all the BS she had to put up with. Uggghhh...

To sum it all up: This manga was FRUSTRATING and I absolutely DISLIKE Hatori.
. . . . . . . . . .
DO NOT touch my rice. . . . . .
I'm Asian. . . . . .
Jun 12, 2017 12:29 PM
Apr 2017
I really doesnt like Rita-Hatori as couple, they are just little brats. However Hiromitsu is really like a prince, ı Really love every inch of his character.
Jul 1, 2017 7:41 PM
Jul 2017
The author made Hatori and Hiromitsu seems like a really perfect couple but he still thinks that main character should go with main character? I am so disappointed to see Hatori going back to Rita even after all these!! Hiromitsu definitely deserve MUCH MORE
Aug 8, 2018 11:47 AM

Dec 2009
A story that mostly revolves around two main characters who love each other but experience many complications in themselves and with others.

Hatori, the protagonist who loves her childhood friend Rita since childhood loses her chance to be a couple because she felt entitiled that no matter what they would be together, until he broke up with another girl, helped Adachi who confessed and started a relationship which lead for Hatori to finally confess eventually. Unfortunately for her, out of respect for his new girlfriend he did not love Hatori back but deep down in a arguably twisted confused self-conveniant way he always did.

Hatori who's a very insecure, delusional most of the time, self-centered and inconsiderate or unaware among many other things decided to force herself on Rita which brought the worst of her at times.
Adachi who's mature and strong in peace but also insecure of her confidence to fight for her feelings to another extent never stopped Hatori, while Rita stayed grounded on his respect for his girlfriend and truly not liking Hatori, until Hiromitsu started going for her for his own entertainment at the time.

Through that time, even though Hiromitsu was a playboy who didn't care about anyone honestly, Rita was jealous which intrigued Hiromitsu to entertain himself even more in her problems.
Even though Adachi didn't stop Rita from liking Rita which he didn't exactly realize or accept at the time, she later realized that she had lost him once Hiromitsu claimed and stated that he would seriously date Hatori to Rita which ended their relationship because Rita was only focused on Hatori when her and Hiromitsu started dating.

Although in the process, Hiromitsu fell in love with her, even though she had contradictory mixed feelings with Rita who in the end she always loved more.

As for Adachi, after her breakup, she became a slut but stopped after Rita, feeling guilty, confronted her.
Nakajima who's very blunt and annoyed, usually giving good advice of her own judgement even if it doesn't always connect with Hatori's real feelings or seemingly best option. For a time after Rita was alone she happened to help him and was charmed by him at times, but in the end nothing happened with them.

... As for my feelings of this story, it was great in a way but also frustrating in how dislikeable and flawed or morally wrong the main characters are, in my opinion.
I feel that Rita and Hatori are horrible even under their circumstances but. They're very complex difficult realistic characters like the bad in some real couples/relationships.

They're both very insecure and immature people who in a way don't respect themselves or others in love.
... If Hatori confessed maybe none of this would have happened. All the bad that they caused to themselves and hurting others for their selfish confused feelings of who they loved and what they should do might of been avoided if Hatori had confessed sooner.
I think Rita came to like Adachi but deep down or at least in the end once he realized or decided to love Hatori more, in a way, he never loved Adachi because as he once admitted he only accepted her to not hurt her feelings.

Many times the characters revealed the truth to each of how they truly felt, or the bad of what they were actually doing.

... I don't respect Rita or Hatori because they both hurt Adachi, Hiromitsu, and a few others because of their insecure confused selfish feelings/problems.
Rita never truly loved Adachi. He only accepted and kept her out of pity to not reject and hurt a plain girl. Once Hatori started dating Hiromitsu did his true feelings slowly break out which ultimately hurt Adachi and troubled Hatori and Hiromitsu, while Hatori disrespectfully went back and forth with Hiromitsu and Rita, while Hiromitsu accepted it and helped her through it. At one point he had enough. Rightfully so because she's a jealous hypocrite who can't respect Hiromitsu to stay with him and avoid Rita no matter what.
In the end, she chose Rita, even through all the drama, with a great better guy in my opinion for his actions in the time he spent with her, she chose a flawed person like her.

Honestly, at the point I realized Rita was a horrible guy in a way, while Hiromitsu was a great guy after dating Hatori, I wished that she end up with Hiromitsu, because she deserves better than Rita in a way, because he couldn't dump or refuse Adachi once Hatori confessed who he truly loved. Although Hiromitsu doesn't deserve such a flawed emotional insecure bad girlfriend who loves him but loves Rita more which she didn't realize or accept at the time.

I guess it deserves a strong 7.5/10.
The story is seemingly ridiculous in the convenient plots that mix the main character's feelings so chaotically but that just means they're immature and very insecure in various ways.

I feel Adachi's story wasn't exactly properly concluded with how fast in the lack of depth and insight we got, while also being fixed conveniently seconds before Hatori and Rita finally accept each other. Though it could just be that Adachi is simple enough to just need Rita's honest guilt revealed for her to move on right morally.

It's still frustrating to think how everything went... Somehow I'm not exactly satisfied. Part of me wanted Hiromitsu to save Hatori while another want to punish Rita and Hatori somehow even though they are now both aware of their mistakes and how disgustingly horrible they were in a way. Now they're together which doesn't harm anyone from their flaws anymore but I still dislike them being together in a weird way.

To be fair, humans aren't perfect, and personally I don't know what my experiences will be like but I'd like to think that I'll be strong enough to respect myself and others to stay true to my feelings so I don't hurt them, if not, as little as possible, because I deserve better, and/or they deserve better.
Mar 2, 2019 7:50 AM

Aug 2015
I didn't mind Rita suddenly liking Hatori and I didn't like Adachi coming back. What bothered me was the fact that she didn't choose Hiromitsu. Why'd she have to get back with Rita? Hiromitsu was great and I wouldn't have minded Hatori getting with Rita but not like this.
RuittAug 9, 2020 11:56 AM

Mar 17, 2019 4:57 AM
Apr 2011
I prefer Hiromitsu but at least she chose one, and the one was mostly like the right one for her
Mar 17, 2019 5:01 PM

May 2013
This story was a mess and was much too long just to come to that conclusion. I'm glad Hiromitsu didn't get with Runa, though. She was so annoying and definitely thought of herself like Hatori did in the beginning, like she was in the right for trying to break them up because she deserved him more for wanting him more or something or because she was just naturally good or a better person, but she wasn't really.

I would have preferred if Hatori stayed single and became determined to find herself and her own love that wasn't just a back and forth between a prince and a guy who was just mean.

Edit: I actually really liked Adachi by the end of this. She's messed up, but I like her. Lol. Also I confused her and Hatori's names because this manga sucked so much. Oops.
buunnyMar 18, 2019 5:18 PM
Sep 22, 2021 5:49 AM

Jul 2016
i should have never came back to read this sht. if only i left it like i did two years ago. this was the worst ending. i thought... finally, this is going to be different. it's going to be goddamn different. to be frank, if i wasn't in partial shock and paralyzed in my current position, this whole comment would be in caps lock. i was mad to the point of punching things around me and my bed. i was that mad. i cursed this manga to hell elsewhere, increasing the volume of the fitting rock song i was looping while reading. i gritted my canines down to fine grounds. i don't care, the mangaka was going against the grain up until the end, reversing all of that to the root cause of every problem in this rollercoaster where the rails are on fire and the maintenance crew failed to do a routine check. how the fk...

"this is where the real relationship starts."

that advice right there given to hiromitsu gave me an ephiphany. they're right. overcoming trials and tribulations. 'damn, how clever.' yeah? you're wrong.

let's ignore the fact that hatori and hiromitsu point-blank had the most development out of everyone in this series (except for adachi. yikes lol.) and have her return to the biggest beta: rita. he treated her as vermin until chad hiromitsu started dating hatori, and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere... leaves it to adachi to end things with him after she had been suspecting something strange was going on, due to cowardice. then chases after rita for the rest of the manga with a new forceful attitude towards someone who is already taken. explains that it's "everything," when asked truly why he likes hatori by hatori herself. this was stupid and i blame only myself for reading peak idiocy. it's a shame. it really could have been more. throughout it, hatori kept going back to rita because she knew he would always take her side no matter how horrible of a human being she acted. good for them, the two losers got together.

did the mangaka (momoko koda) end it this way to stay true to the original plan and disregarded possible regret over it in order to keep that vision? it seems that hiromitsu was definitely the favored of the two leads, he's the first character underneath the roster list followed by hatori (not that this is any indicator of the mangaka's preference), and hiromitsu is included as the younger brother of the first male lead in momoko's immediate next work a few months later: sensei kunshu. due to this, they resemble each other with both brown hair and blue eyes. more similiarities. ayuha and hatori are two of the most annoying mc's i've ever come across in shoujo manga, mirroring personalities in the way they react to situations. (although i did like hatori before the end. can't say the same for ayuha.) lastly, both hiromitsu's tolerated a ton of cr^p with the mc. the difference being one made it to the end from a lot of legwork on behalf of the mc and the other pulled a lot of legwork for the mc, to still lose. it's idiotic, but i've written 10,000 words of commentary on those two works alone beyond this comment.

in conclusion. i regret reading this. don't fking read it. that ending is irredeemable. it'll be the first favorited manga on my profile that is rated as a 1. give me the strength to be able to remove it. i have re-learnt one thing, and it is that second male leads are doomed to high hell. i'd advise you all to cover the second male lead of any of this mangaka's works with your hand. now excuse me while i set my house on fire
Sep 22, 2021 6:02 AM

Jul 2016
you know what... hiromitsu and adachi were too good for those two screw-ups. they needed better people. lmfao damn
Mar 12, 2022 4:21 PM
Jul 2018
Truthfully, I didn’t want her to end up with Risa, but Hiromitsu deserved better.

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