What did you think of this episode?
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Jan 7, 2008 12:01 PM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- This was my first time watching Aria so I didn't know what to expect. I figured it'd be OK to start with Origination. Anyway, I thought the first episode was pretty good. The opening theme song was so much to listen to. I also liked how the comical expressions were done. Enjoyable indeed. I'm going to keep watching this show while I start watching the original and Natural. Btw, can anyone tell me if Origination is the beginning of the Aria series? |
Jan 7, 2008 2:28 PM
Jan 7, 2008 2:30 PM
As I thought, thanks! V Thanks as well. |
radiantfireJan 9, 2008 12:29 AM
Jan 8, 2008 6:40 PM
Despite the name of the show and what ANN says this is not the start. It well into the "story". The first season of Aria started right at beginning of the Aqua manga which is what started it all. And anyways this season is going coincide with the end of the manga in two months time. So really this should be called Aria the Conclusion. So If your looking to start on Aria I would definitely download the first season before watching the newest. |
Jan 9, 2008 3:58 PM
Jan 13, 2008 5:20 AM
Jan 14, 2008 4:48 AM
There was something that irked me about the OP, but I guess it couldn't be helped. I had huge expectations coming into this, having loved the OPs of the previous ARIA series to death. That aside everything seemed great. Aria-shachou seemed healthy and Athena's still rocking hard. Production quality seemed better than the Natural, too. Woo~ Aria = :) |
Jan 14, 2008 10:48 AM
So what did you guys think of AEN's release? |
Jan 14, 2008 4:59 PM
radiantfire said: So what did you guys think of AEN's release? I've watched alot of subs in my day and it was pretty much horrible. The show is great and I love it but I wont be watching any more AEN releases. I'm typically easy to please, but it didn't feel like running nicely in 3/4 of my players (w/all proper codecs) not to mention they skimp out on the karaoke/song subs. I didn't feel anything that good from them and it seemed slightly below average. As for the series discussion, I love ARIA!!! It was my first and favorite slice of life anime/manga. Also I saw some talk about the order of the shows. They have all been coming out chronologically so the first series ARIA would be where u start. Despite the name "Origination" it is not a prequal and does take place far into the storyline. I would suggest finding a batch torrent and watching the other ones first, since right off the bat this episode assumed you knew most of the chars (otherwise many of the jokes/associations dont make sense or are not as enjoyable as they could be). Just my two cents!!! I'm new to MAL so this is my first "serious" post here. Hope it helped a bit, enjoy ARIA <3 its a show that warms the heart. What am I saying...Embarrassing remarks are not allowed! ;) |
Jan 14, 2008 7:47 PM
radiantfire said: So what did you guys think of AEN's release? An interesting question. KhalReblic23 said: I've watched alot of subs in my day and it was pretty much horrible. The show is great and I love it but I wont be watching any more AEN releases. I'm typically easy to please, but it didn't feel like running nicely in 3/4 of my players (w/all proper codecs) not to mention they skimp out on the karaoke/song subs. I didn't feel anything that good from them and it seemed slightly below average. This made me laugh a little but it also made me a bit sad. I figure AEN is providing something wonderful to us for free. I suppose you could argue that you wasted paid bandwidth downloading the release but AEN doesn't profit from that. I figure AEN was trying to present something it liked to other people who like it, and to other people who might yet come to like it. I feel like KhalReblic23's post ignores the spirit of giving, sharing, and loving that is ARIA. To me it doesn't matter how technically good a fansub release of this show is; so long as someone is out there giving their time to share something that I love I will most likely be happy. I don't need a karaoke to appreciate the fact that the OP is meant to be gentle and a mood-setter. I had no trouble playing the file in VLC from the get-go and, while I didn't doubt that it would have run smoothly in other programs, I just did a few tests. It's great in mplayer, Nice Player, and even Quicktime. I realize that these things depend a lot on machine stats, but for the sake of my evaluation of the release I had no problems with playback. I don't see how the release could be judged as "slightly below average" seeing as there's nothing for it to be compared to. When another fansubber does ARIA, then there'll be some meaning in comparison. Until then, I feel like any criticisms expressed here are a waste of time. If anyone wants to help AEN improve, they can bring the crit directly to the group. Anyway, I was extremely pleased to see the release come up in my news reader, and I was not disappointed in any way, shape, or form. |
Jan 14, 2008 11:25 PM
lolikitsune said: KhalReblic23 said: I've watched alot of subs in my day and it was pretty much horrible. The show is great and I love it but I wont be watching any more AEN releases. I'm typically easy to please, but it didn't feel like running nicely in 3/4 of my players (w/all proper codecs) not to mention they skimp out on the karaoke/song subs. I didn't feel anything that good from them and it seemed slightly below average. This made me laugh a little but it also made me a bit sad. I figure AEN is providing something wonderful to us for free. I suppose you could argue that you wasted paid bandwidth downloading the release but AEN doesn't profit from that. I figure AEN was trying to present something it liked to other people who like it, and to other people who might yet come to like it. I feel like KhalReblic23's post ignores the spirit of giving, sharing, and loving that is ARIA. To me it doesn't matter how technically good a fansub release of this show is; so long as someone is out there giving their time to share something that I love I will most likely be happy. I don't need a karaoke to appreciate the fact that the OP is meant to be gentle and a mood-setter. I had no trouble playing the file in VLC from the get-go and, while I didn't doubt that it would have run smoothly in other programs, I just did a few tests. It's great in mplayer, Nice Player, and even Quicktime. I realize that these things depend a lot on machine stats, but for the sake of my evaluation of the release I had no problems with playback. I don't see how the release could be judged as "slightly below average" seeing as there's nothing for it to be compared to. When another fansubber does ARIA, then there'll be some meaning in comparison. Until then, I feel like any criticisms expressed here are a waste of time. If anyone wants to help AEN improve, they can bring the crit directly to the group. Anyway, I was extremely pleased to see the release come up in my news reader, and I was not disappointed in any way, shape, or form. I write incredibly long and pointless things, oh well here goes. 'I feel like KhalReblic23's post ignores the spirit of giving, sharing, and loving that is ARIA." Well, i feel like your post ignores the spirit of knowing when to stfu. Lulz, for having an ok blog before you sure arent all that worth listening to now are you. No wonder you quit blogging. First off, heres a link to my second post about these amazingly bad fansubs - HERE. Feel free to bitch and moan about what i say, i only post to piss people off to begin with, so have fun with that. Anyway, you're pulling the 12 year old kid thing. "they are doing it for free for us so we should praise them and be happy." Thats not how it works, you should know that seeing as how you like to flaunt around as if you know just oh so much. The fact of the matter is, they are providing a quality thats on par with chinese bootleg english subs, something NOT worth existing for that matter. Just because something is free or someone is doing something for others DOES NOT MAKE IT MAGICALLY GOOD or praiseworthy. Shit sux is STILL shit sux, even if the people doing it are doing it with good intentions. AEN is not your imaginary girlfriend, you dont need to tell them they look good in those pants that make them look incredibly fat, nor do you need to kiss their asses. Just because something is provided, not just with fansubs but in anything, that does NOT mean you should praise it when its not worthy of such. They are doing it because they want to, exactly. Meaning they should be willing to put more effort into it then they are, because they are quite obviously NOT putting all that much effort into their subs. You're point here is almost as bad as the kids who run around saying 'then learn japanese and sub yourself if you dont like their subs' - which is by far the stupidest thing ive ever heard. For an example of the crap they've released as 'english subbed' before, look at their bamboo blade releases for christ's sake. Ive yet to see anything WORSE than that, not very often do you find such bad subs. With their job on Aria they at least bothered to use actual English this time so its understandable, rather than that horrible made up gibberish they continue to use with BB. But the fact remains that nothing about their group has gotten substantially better, they still give out some of the lowest quality subs imaginable in every way, shape, and form. Just becuase they are doing something for others is NO excuse to give out such crap. Btw - you made your own point void once you said the following; "To me it doesn't matter how technically good a fansub release of this show is" Meaning your opinion is completely moot(les) for the simple fact that all your basing your view of the subs on is if they are being released or not. If you've got no actual opinion about it then you have no room to bother saying anything in regards to Khal's post - because you yourself refuse to even give an actual opinion at all; What was Khal responding to? Oh, "What did you guys think of AEN's release?" was the question. If all you do is tell people who feel differently than you that they are horribly mistaken and you are right (Edit - not only that, but you dont even say you're right - BECAUSE YOU DIDNT EVEN GIVE AN OPINION.), it only proves your a jackass who has no room to talk. He answered a question its not like he randomly attacked AEN like i do, so you have no right to disregard or 'attack' his opinion - he was asked for it and gave it. HE DID NOT ASK FOR YOUR OPINION ABOUT HIS. No one asked what you think of Khal's opinion - So theres no excuse to give it, especially such an obviously useless one as the one you gave. gb2/notblogging and kissing asses some more. If all you can do is tell people their opinions are wrong when they didnt even ask you to begin with, then it only proves your immaturity. This coming from the guy known for trolling and talking shit without reason, but its still true even coming from me. You're attacking someones opinion when they were ASKED for it - theres no excuse for that other than pure stupidity. tl;dr - Dont tell people what you think about their opinion when no one gives a shit what you have to say about it, especially when you're just going to kiss ass in it anyway and continue to refuse to give an accurate opinion not based on simply if its out or not. Seriously, did you even read this thread before bickering like a little bitch and pulling shit out of your ass for your pointless...point? And to be on topic - AEN is one of the worst fansub groups, not only now, but ever. Have a fun time watching fail-subs and trying to flame me, not like you'll get anywhere with that. Feel special, this is probably the least vulgar thing ive written on the internet in years. In b4 you BAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW about my post. I probably wont bother checking this again, so if i dont bother responding i probably just completely forgot this even happened - im not one to remember random things like this well. |
TallonKarrde23Jan 15, 2008 12:17 AM
Jan 14, 2008 11:52 PM
Jan 15, 2008 12:54 AM
Jan 15, 2008 5:31 AM
TallonKarde23 said: Lulz, for having an ok blog before you sure arent all that worth listening to now are you. No wonder you quit blogging. I've never heard anyone I respect call what I used to have an "ok blog" so here's to firsts, I guess. Feel free to bitch and moan about what i say, i only post to piss people off to begin with, so have fun with that. It looks like you learned something unfortunate from my "ok blog..." For an example of the crap they've released as 'english subbed' before, look at their bamboo blade releases for christ's sake. Ive yet to see anything WORSE than that, not very often do you find such bad subs. That's that, this is this. I don't watch Bamboo Blade. I've seen nothing else released by AEN. I'm not familiar with their work as a whole. I don't have a context. All I know is that I was able to enjoy ARIA, and that until there are other groups on the task how good AEN is doesn't matter that much. Just becuase they are doing something for others is NO excuse to give out such crap. I stand by what I said; a release is better than no release. Meaning your opinion is completely moot(les) for the simple fact that all your basing your view of the subs on is if they are being released or not. If you've got no actual opinion about it then you have no room to bother saying anything in regards to Khal's post - because you yourself refuse to even give an actual opinion at all; Oh, that was meant in the context of their only being one release. Technical quality begins mattering when there's an alternative. Sorry for not being clear. If all you do is tell people who feel differently than you that they are horribly mistaken and you are right (Edit - not only that, but you dont even say you're right - BECAUSE YOU DIDNT EVEN GIVE AN OPINION.), it only proves your a jackass who has no room to talk. I thought I did state an opinion at some point. Perhaps even many. I was pleased by the release, I think they could possibly improve and it would be nice if people were to help them with that, having more releases would give more of a basis for comparison and criticism, calling their job bad isn't exactly appropriate, etc. He answered a question its not like he randomly attacked AEN like i do, so you have no right to disregard or 'attack' his opinion I didn't disregard his opinion, I challenged it. And it's a sad world when any "challenge" is suddenly an "attack." Maybe it was exceedingly clear but all I did was use this person's opinion as a stepping stone to present my own. I thought that's what discussions were. Sorry if I was wrong. HE DID NOT ASK FOR YOUR OPINION ABOUT HIS. When you post something on a discussion board you're encouraging a response. That's what the quote link is for. especially such an obviously useless one as the one you gave. I'll take your word for it but I felt like I should just point out that I don't see how it's any more or less useful than that of Khal. A lack of complaints is not the same as a lack of use. Dont tell people what you think about their opinion when no one gives a shit what you have to say about it Suddenly, 4chans— No, but seriously, I honestly thought this was an internet discussion forum. I guess the title of the page in my browser was misleading. I apologize a little for my contravention of your "never respond to other people" rule. Feel special, this is probably the least vulgar thing ive written on the internet in years. Saying that to me doesn't mean a whole lot... remember, I used to write an ok blog, right? Vulgarity isn't much to phase me. It's funny that that should come up in a thread about ARIA, though, because you know what finally persuaded me to stop blogging and to start being more pleasant? ARIA. (Apologies for any off-topicness, non-TallonKarde23s.) xo_cl2 said: but also crabs too LOL! That part actually made me giggle. |
against_moeJan 15, 2008 5:35 AM
Jan 15, 2008 9:32 AM
THANK THE LORD THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY CAN THINK..... thats really what i've got to say....Yes we have knowledgable people on english... and yes we are sorry for OUR CRAPPY SUBS....BUT WHO TOLD U TO DOWNLOAD IT FROM THE START....and if u understand how difficult it is to translate from the start then you wouldnt be making to much fuss about it....Trully these days people base their opinon on the anime about the subs... Sidenote: to all the other people have a mind of not a jackass...i do sencierly apologize from my colleagues point of view...he did encode but encoded the wrond way leaving it at 119fps then 120 so the timing of the subs was off since the whole video was off.....we have made a v2 to fix this error i sincerly apologize about this situation.... Note to the jackass: BASICALLY WE ARE NEW....GET IT THROUGH UR MIND! Oh and by the way ARIA IS AWESOME! |
Bonta-KunJan 15, 2008 9:52 AM
Jan 15, 2008 9:42 AM
KhalReblic23 said: So to sum up this whole thread, ARIA is a great show and everyone should watch it. ^_^; hahahah |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jan 15, 2008 12:15 PM
Bonta-Kun said: THANK THE LORD THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY CAN THINK..... thats really what i've got to say....Yes we have knowledgable people on english... and yes we are sorry for OUR CRAPPY SUBS....BUT WHO TOLD U TO DOWNLOAD IT FROM THE START....and if u understand how difficult it is to translate from the start then you wouldnt be making to much fuss about it....Trully these days people base their opinon on the anime about the subs... Sidenote: to all the other people have a mind of not a jackass...i do sencierly apologize from my colleagues point of view...he did encode but encoded the wrond way leaving it at 119fps then 120 so the timing of the subs was off since the whole video was off.....we have made a v2 to fix this error i sincerly apologize about this situation.... Note to the jackass: BASICALLY WE ARE NEW....GET IT THROUGH UR MIND! Oh and by the way ARIA IS AWESOME! This is why I dont cut AEN any slack. They act as if they deserve some simply because they are new. If you truely are from AEN then you shouldnt feed trolls, it will simply make us talk more shit about your crap. As for LK, its got nothing to do with 4chan, ive always talked that way and said those things, the only thing to do with 4chan thats done anything with the way i deal with people is ill sometimes use a meme or two (tl;dr, etc). Other than that, i was always pretty much an annoying asshole who flames people for the hell of it. Just like my blog, you're wrong, its not 'more 4chan nonsense' because i dont even GO there these days, i stopped awhile ago. Plus, ive ALWAYS been this way, which is why 4chan is a bit too boring for me to continue going to - its obvoiusly not, but it feels like a bunch of me running around. Point being in your case, i just felt like trolling and making you read, its not that i actually give a shit - rather that i dont give a shit so much i felt like annoying people who did. And it worked, dont know about in your case, but definitely some others. This is how a troll works, and that is what i am, nothing personal even though i did bring up your blog and all, its just part of the 'job' persay. Im bored and i like bothering people in one way or another, so i do it. Back to Bonta, i didnt download your horrid shit, dont worry, and i never will. I'm not basing my evaluation on your crap from 'oh AFK (whom i hate btw) does a better job than you so you suck' or something, dont assume such stupid shit. The fact is those people on your team who 'know english', DONT. They just like to act like they do - they are quite obviously not native speakers, or even fluent speakers for that matter. Its broken and childish english, to the point of half the time seeming like gibberish. This is proof enough they DO NOT know english all that well, especially not well enough to say they are translating something into it. I dont mind grammatical errors and such, or spelling, but when you make shit impossible to understand its pretty damn bad. Also, calling someone who even puts the effort fourth to speak about your shit subs a 'jackass' will get you nowhere. Just because someone talks down about your work doesnt mean its ok to flame them back. Doing something means you will get both negative and positive feedback - you cant just respond to the negative with JACKASS and the good with WOW THANKS! This is not how the world works. If you want to ever become good at anything you'll need to learn this. Also, the same goes for being new - that is NO EXCUSE for being bad. Also, from what you've said it seems like your aiming that at Khal as well for simply saying he did not like your subs at all and being nice about it unlike me. Proof enough you simply cant handle people being negative toward you, especially when they are right. |
TallonKarrde23Jan 15, 2008 12:20 PM
Jan 15, 2008 12:20 PM
Jan 15, 2008 12:29 PM
Jan 15, 2008 12:37 PM
Jan 15, 2008 4:48 PM
Bonta-Kun said: THANK THE LORD THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY CAN THINK..... etc. etc. I might say something about how your fansubs are better than your forum posts, but I'm trying hard these days not to be an ass to people. Please, in your own best interests, avoid making more posts like this one. They're kind of embarrassing, and... ... embarrassing posts are not permitted? Neverender said: KhalReblic23 said: hahahah So to sum up this whole thread, ARIA is a great show and everyone should watch it. ^_^; Yeah that made me laugh a lot too :P Tallon said: If you truely are from AEN then you shouldnt feed trolls, it will simply make us talk more shit about your crap. Truth. Bonta-Kun, please, in your own best interests, never associate with people like Tallon again. As for LK, its got nothing to do with 4chan, ive always talked that way and said those things, the only thing to do with 4chan thats done anything with the way i deal with people is ill sometimes use a meme or two (tl;dr, etc). Other than that, i was always pretty much an annoying asshole who flames people for the hell of it. Just like my blog, you're wrong, its not 'more 4chan nonsense' because i dont even GO there these days, i stopped awhile ago. Plus, ive ALWAYS been this way, which is why 4chan is a bit too boring for me to continue going to - its obvoiusly not, but it feels like a bunch of me running around. It is my opinion that you don't need to actively go to a place to smell of it. I've never once been to /b/, but I know my fair share of things. My "Suddenly, 4chans" comment was caused by an overabundance of memes (or non-meme trends) showing through in your writing style. Lots of grammatical errors trademark of 4chan goers, some non-words I associate with 4chan, etc. Same goes for your blog post. Point being in your case, i just felt like trolling and making you read, its not that i actually give a shit - rather that i dont give a shit so much i felt like annoying people who did. And it worked, dont know about in your case, but definitely some others. This is how a troll works, and that is what i am, nothing personal even though i did bring up your blog and all, its just part of the 'job' persay. Im bored and i like bothering people in one way or another, so i do it. I'm afraid to admit the truth, but one of my New Year's resolutions was to be more honest with myself so here it is: you made my day with your post. Trolls are refreshing to me. You didn't annoy me one bit. And I enjoy reading. Most of the time. Just don't do this to me too often; my intelligence might drop if I read this level of writing on a daily basis. And I don't think you really bothered anyone else, except for potentially some mod who looks at this thread and thinks to himself that we're hijacking it with our idiotic back-and-forth, and maybe folks at AEN. oh wow, gb2/bed, not that i disagree but lulz @ fail trolls. This man clearly does not frequent 'sites linked to Anonymous.' |
against_moeJan 15, 2008 4:52 PM
Jan 15, 2008 5:36 PM
^Stop provoking him to create "incredibly long and pointless things." lol |
Jan 15, 2008 5:55 PM
radiantfire said: While I admit that his "incredibly long and pointless things" are funny to me, I get a better feeling from perceiving myself as intelligent than I do from being flamed. So of course none of what I wrote was written for the sake of provoking anyone.^Stop provoking him to create "incredibly long and pointless things." lol I just wanted to share my thoughts with the community, and once I'd done that, I felt the need to defend them under fire. |
Jan 15, 2008 6:08 PM
An intelligent person knows when to go away. You're not going to win because Tallon's one stubborn individual. This argument will go on and on until either you or him ceases to argue or someone forces you and him to stop. Just don't debate anymore. It's spamming and wasting valuable forum space (lol). Seriously. |
Jan 15, 2008 7:08 PM
Jan 15, 2008 7:14 PM
radiantfire said: An intelligent person knows when to go away. You're not going to win because Tallon's one stubborn individual. This argument will go on and on until either you or him ceases to argue or someone forces you and him to stop. Just don't debate anymore. It's spamming and wasting valuable forum space (lol). Seriously. I figured it was already taken care of via my personal blog and such, but i guess not. Fyi, trying to make yourself look 'intelligent' on the internet is not only amazingly pathetic, but pointless as well. Plus, theres no one here to give a shit how intelligent you look on the internets. The simple fact that you think you're percieving yourself as intelligent would probably go more to show how much intelligence you lack. As for chan, you reek just as bad of 4chan, so what? "no i dont" would be pointless to say, dont bother. You sound exactly like anyone on chan who tries to act smart in order to provoke the trolls further - which is exactly what your doing. So i dont think you need to bother mentioning that anymore seeing as how you're just as bad just in other ways. Besides, i never much bothered with /b/, i typically only trolled in /a/ because there were too many people like you there killin mah lulz with their 'i wanna feel smart to the entire 2 people on the internets who are reading my replies'. And hell, the majority of this websites users are from 4chan or are little kids, so if its such a bad thing why the hell would you register on a site probably RUN by a /b/tard? Telling me not to do it often will only make me want to go around and find every post you've made to bother you. Just leave me be, shut your mouth, and ill go on my way. Its not like i dont have other people to troll and random things to do, i dont exactly feel like coming back to this thread every now and then just to hear your typical responses. The amazingly normal and practically scripted replies of how to feed a troll while making it look like you arnt are lulzy, but its boring as well. I made my point, you made yours, i made mine again, you even went out of your little way to go to my blog and talk to me there and act like this was done with while coming back and sneaking in a little more bickering. If you want to look so intelligent, you should just stfu already and leave it be. Intelligent people wouldnt purposefully drag an argument out for the lulz - a troll would. If you're trolling then stop hiding behind the mask of the good guy, its sort of faggy. |
Jan 15, 2008 7:31 PM
Tallon said: If you truely are from AEN then you shouldnt feed trolls, it will simply make us talk more shit about your crap. Truth. Bonta-Kun, please, in your own best interests, never associate with people like Tallon again. Lolerz.... well this guy i can really identify as an asshole....really im not gonna involve myself with this anymore...and for the people out there...just w8 a little longer we are on the verge of still improving on our subs...sadly i can't believe there is hate mail stacking up |
Jan 15, 2008 7:32 PM
Jan 15, 2008 9:37 PM
Okay, waaaaay off topic. Guys, cool it, this is an episode discussion not a debate-thon. Get back on topic or consider your post deleted and/or this thread locked. First and only warning! |
KanashimiJan 15, 2008 9:40 PM
Jan 16, 2008 6:23 AM
So uh, how's the HnK release? |
Jan 16, 2008 7:49 AM
The HnK release was good, at least MUCH better than AEN's. Anyways, wonderful episode! |
Jan 16, 2008 2:25 PM
Jan 17, 2008 2:36 PM
Kanashimi said: Okay, waaaaay off topic. Guys, cool it, this is an episode discussion not a debate-thon. Get back on topic or consider your post deleted and/or this thread locked. First and only warning! you cant be locking a discussion thread fool ![]() |
Jan 19, 2008 11:32 AM
![]() All joking aside, let me know what you guys think of our work! As well as doing ARIA The ORIGINATION every week, we do intend to go back and finish both previous series. I hope you guys enjoy it! |
Jan 19, 2008 1:39 PM
Honestly i think that you guys should just stick to this coming season and not waste your time with the previous ones. There are already completed subs for them both and to put out more just seems excessive and pointless. |
Jan 19, 2008 4:44 PM
Fuhrer said: Honestly i think that you guys should just stick to this coming season and not waste your time with the previous ones. There are already completed subs for them both and to put out more just seems excessive and pointless. Same - there is no reason to sub shows that have already been subbed adequately. It'll only slow you guys down...and, other than that, serve no purpose and just waste space on my internetz. Ill be honest, its also very annoying to me when i see releases of shows that were done forever ago. Thats probably just in my case, but still another thing to watch out for - other people might also get annoyed and link it together with HnK. Basically, just sub the new season and other stuff you guys might wanna do - but dont go back and sub stuff thats ALREADY been subbed, its a waste of a fansub group thats tolerable. Stick to new shows you're interested in instead. |
Jan 20, 2008 9:49 AM
Hmm it depends - if you guys release uber pwn DVD quality then it might be worth it. But else, I agree with Fuhrer and Tallon that older series would be obsolete since those already have been subbed - unless you don't want "dropped" and incomplete series in HnK's portfolio. I'd say you better prioritize Origination, and newer series. |
Jan 28, 2008 5:22 PM
CN finally released their subs today so I finally got to see it and I gotta say, wonderful first episode. The Prima's really shined in this episode with their awesome carnival work and guidance of their kouhai's. And it was also great that they stuck Al, Akatsuki and Woody, in the episode somehow. Lastly, I am in love with the OP/ED. Fantastic stuff. |
Jan 29, 2008 7:46 AM
So it just -happens- when Crystal Nova gets one episode out, some jerk votes HnK down in ALL THREE ARIA SERIES. Why do we get all the trolls?! |
Jan 29, 2008 8:00 AM
Oh, that was me. I didn't think your group's name was as cool so I rated you down. I'M JUST KIDDING WHOA |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jan 29, 2008 4:48 PM
StarCreator said: So it just -happens- when Crystal Nova gets one episode out, some jerk votes HnK down in ALL THREE ARIA SERIES. Why do we get all the trolls?! Neverender said: Oh, that was me. I didn't think your group's name was as cool so I rated you down. I'M JUST KIDDING WHOA ... lawl. |
Feb 11, 2008 4:57 AM
Are these group votes moderated at all? Now we have all three groups voted down at the same time... while a fourth group, that hasn't actually released anything as far as I can tell, has been added to the list, is mysteriously untouched. Clear troll votes have no place here. |
Feb 11, 2008 7:11 AM
Feb 11, 2008 7:15 AM
Can you check if the person who submitted the group is the one who trolled against the existing three groups? I'd still like to know if there is a method of throwing out votes that are out of spite or malice rather than a representation of actual opinion... |
Feb 11, 2008 7:22 AM
Feb 11, 2008 7:28 AM
Thanks for letting me know. |
Jun 22, 2008 6:25 PM
Nov 11, 2008 4:12 PM
aero said: Exactly what I was thinking while scrolling through~ ^_^;;WTH happened in this thread? Anyways, the first episode was great~ As usual, the animation was wonderful - and the characters were great. Athena's faces were hilarious and Akira's save was awesome! President Aria, Akari, Aika, and Alice all seemed well and it was nice seeing Al and Akatsuki again :) Great start - can't wait for the next episode~ :D |
Nov 16, 2008 8:11 PM
Jun 23, 2009 3:12 AM
its an okay episode for me o_o |
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