Am 30. April 1945 hat der Führer Selbstmord begangen und damit alle, die ihm Treue geschworen hatten, im Stich gelassen. Getreu dem Befehl des Führers wart ihr, deutsche Soldaten, bereit, den Kampf um Berlin fortzusetzen, obwohl eure Munition zur Neige ging und die Gesamtlage den weiteren Widerstand sinnlos machte. Ich ordne die sofortige Einstellung jeglichen Widerstandes an. Jede Stunde, die ihr weiterkämpft, verlängert die entsetzlichen Leiden der Zivilbevölkerung Berlins und unserer Verwundeten. Im Einvernehmen mit dem Oberkommando der sowjetischen Truppen fordere ich euch auf, sofort den Kampf einzustellen.
Weidling, ehemaliger Befehlshaber des Verteidigungsbereichs Berlin.“
You get a facebook yet so I can harass you on a day to day basis instead of just once a decade? haha
Just finished Sound of the Sky, pretty damn good I must say. Reminded me of the Aria feeling, and also pretty engaging world story they leave open to your imagination.
I dunno, I'm into Chris so I was pretty happy about that, and I was expecting something dark which plenty of other anime provides haha I didn't mind the end so much. Still, you didn't think taking a shank to the stomach was climactic? lol
Do you read the gunslinger girls manga? The show is okay...but the manga is holy shit awesome. Just finished reading scanlations up to Vol14.
Well don't spoil me either. Last one I saw was 22....which was kawaiiiii hahahaha for lack of a better term. I'm no the road right now so it'll be a week before I get home and get to see the rest. I've heard that 23 was epic from TK, so I'm pretty excited for it.
Boy MAL is hard to remember to keep up with haha...anyways, yeah the new job is shitty in its own right, but its a career maker in the long run. I fly a DC-10 now, its a 3 engine jet, just a tad smaller than the 747, but not much.
You start your growery yet? hahaha I still need to check out Madoka. Just started watching Angel Beats, not too bad, but nothing amazing. I managed to make it to 3 days of AX this year, sucked complete ass with the exception of Mikunopolis which was incredible...I watched some rehashes of the virtual concerts on youtube...its garbage, you have to see it in person to really understand what you're looking at. Bitchen technology!
Na man, its the interwebs, i'm still around. Same old screen names, trolling the same old places haha...finally decided to update MAL a bit. Good to hear from you.
Things are good. I quit that shit sucks job I had and am now on to bigger and better. Quite literally....way fuckin bigger haha It's exciting that's for sure. Though now there is pretty much no chance of me being in your nick of the woods, always taking this bird overseas.
What have you been up to? Ever get your job back or find something new? Still keeping up on the animu?
Hey man! No I didn't delete anything. MAL must be being a piece of shit. Anyway, sounds good dude, at least you're getting some work. I was recalled by the airline so I"m back at my old job, though things are much different. They don't have an west coast bases so now I'm based in New York. It's a long way to work because I still live on Los Angeles since the pay is to shitty to afford moving. So yeah anyway, we don't fly that far west in Canada at the moment. If I'm in Canada now its usually in Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, St Johns, etc. But it's mostly flying to podunk shit holes, or just places i could care less about haha....but hey man its work and im glad to be working again. The downside they are treating us like slave labor and the hours are horrible.
That's about all that i've been up to. I really want to make it to Anime Expo again this year, but it will be a close one. I may have to come down with a sickness first haha
All Comments (62) Comments
Weidling, ehemaliger Befehlshaber des Verteidigungsbereichs Berlin.“
Just finished Sound of the Sky, pretty damn good I must say. Reminded me of the Aria feeling, and also pretty engaging world story they leave open to your imagination.
Do you read the gunslinger girls manga? The show is okay...but the manga is holy shit awesome. Just finished reading scanlations up to Vol14.
You start your growery yet? hahaha I still need to check out Madoka. Just started watching Angel Beats, not too bad, but nothing amazing. I managed to make it to 3 days of AX this year, sucked complete ass with the exception of Mikunopolis which was incredible...I watched some rehashes of the virtual concerts on youtube...its garbage, you have to see it in person to really understand what you're looking at. Bitchen technology!
Things are good. I quit that shit sucks job I had and am now on to bigger and better. Quite literally....way fuckin bigger haha It's exciting that's for sure. Though now there is pretty much no chance of me being in your nick of the woods, always taking this bird overseas.
What have you been up to? Ever get your job back or find something new? Still keeping up on the animu?
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That's about all that i've been up to. I really want to make it to Anime Expo again this year, but it will be a close one. I may have to come down with a sickness first haha