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Jun 8, 2009 6:04 AM

Mar 2009
I really liked how FMA1 showed Hughes bad-ass side fighting Lust, so I felt it was a bit lacking in this episode. The rest of the episode was well done.
I just hope it doesn't take about 20 episodes for the Elric brothers to find out about Hughes death, like it did in FMA1. That was totally annoying.
Jun 8, 2009 6:09 AM

Nov 2007
Modrzew said:
kie_ said:
Hughes death wasn't as sad as it was in the original.

Jun 8, 2009 6:10 AM

Jul 2007
Paradox055 said:
I really liked how FMA1 showed Hughes bad-ass side fighting Lust, so I felt it was a bit lacking in this episode.

Hm, IMO he was more bad-ass in this adaptation.

And his encounter with Lust was almost the same (minus the fact that in FMA2 it actually mattered what he found out as it was not just "you did a shitty job on covering your zombie secretary).

Paradox055 said:

I just hope it doesn't take about 20 episodes for the Elric brothers to find out about Hughes death, like it did in FMA1. That was totally annoying.

4 volumes. Thats how long it took for Elrics to find out. Don't expect them to find out any faster than th ey did in there.
Jun 8, 2009 6:51 AM

Jul 2007
Jun 8, 2009 7:29 AM

Jan 2009
wow i loved the episode :D <3<3

but i started too cry whene envy shot huges :,( i diddent want him too die....
Edward Elric <3 Lavi <3 Fai. D Flourite <3 Shizu-Chan <3 Sause Uchiha ! <33 - FMAB fan club. for thoses who wants to join ^^

Jun 8, 2009 7:31 AM

Aug 2008
The ancient anime and the mangá spoilt everything!!!!
I hate to know the history! Do not you also hate?
Excellent episode! Really, very dramatic.
Jun 8, 2009 8:00 AM

Jul 2008
didnt remember much of the old season, so it was still a really dramatic end for him.

Jun 8, 2009 11:33 AM

Jul 2008
Hughes!!!! no!!! awwww man, and i really liked him, he was pretty damn funny
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Jun 8, 2009 11:38 AM

May 2009
Great episode! Probably my favorite yet in Brotherhood. The funeral was really sad when Elicia was asking why they were burying him.

Jun 8, 2009 11:50 AM

Jul 2008
omg i cry every time Hughes why did you have to go (again) T.T *sniff*
Jun 8, 2009 12:28 PM

Apr 2009
adamantine said:
Still incredibly sad to watch. But wow, it was pretty horrifying going from Hughes to the happy kids on the train. DDDDDD:

The funeral... T___T

But, the moment between Roy and Riza... this was the moment that originally made me really ship Royai. Just seeing how they behaved with each other in this scene... I could tell there was tons of history between them. And this is how I am suckered into all my angst ridden ships. D:

Next episode looks meh. Izumi should be appearing in one of the next few episodes, so I'll be waiting for that.

YES! Another Good Omens fan!


Royai is the most mature ship of this series, I think. -nod- Not as young or vibrant (XD) as Edwin.
MAL Book Club join if you like reading

Jun 8, 2009 12:38 PM

Jul 2007
Saffy said:
Royai is the most mature ship of this series, I think. -nod- Not as young or vibrant (XD) as Edwin.

All FMA romance stuff is mature.

While Royai is more mature, Edwin is no childsplay too, as their interactions too, feel realistic and deep.
Jun 8, 2009 12:45 PM

Feb 2009
At first I kind of felt that they were forcing us to be sad, but failing for 2 reasons : everybody knew Hughes was gonna die and they couldn't give him enough character development as in the first series.

But then there was this scene with Elicia and... OMG. ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; So sad. ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_;
AlexstratzJun 8, 2009 12:48 PM
Jun 8, 2009 1:27 PM

Dec 2007
All has been already said before by others, so I won't repeat...

But, have you noticed that episode 10 in Brotherhood, corresponds to episode 25 of the first anime, and to half way chapter 16 of the manga??

My Claims:
Jun 8, 2009 1:30 PM

Jan 2008
The reason why this wasn't as sad for me is because I already watched the first series, so I knew Hughes would die. Also, i agree that he didn't get enough character development.The series in general just seems rushed. Don't get me wrong though, I still think this episode was done well.

But the part with Elicia is always heart breaking... D:
Jun 8, 2009 1:33 PM
Dec 2007
Not really better than in the first series.

Isambard said:
I've always felt that Fullmetal Alchemist, in the right hands, had the potential to be a great fantasy/thriller. Unfortunately, I can't say either adaptation has succeeded in drawing that potential out, at least consistently. This episode is a prime example.

Exactly, I agree with you at least on the consistency part. This season is better than the first for me, but not every episode, there are just flashes of greatness from time to time but nothing more, while the first season was very good too but handicapped by its scenario and pacing, especially in the second part. I can't say if FMA could be a great fantasy/thriller, I didn't read the manga, but having watched both series, I know for sure that despite having a huge potential (the setting, the background, the concept, the charcters etc...) and excellent ideas, they don't live up to this potential, mainly because of direction and scenaristic flaws and that's a shame.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jun 8, 2009 1:35 PM

Nov 2008
I agree, the first time I saw watched this episode (in the original FMA) it felt a lot sadder. Don't get me wrong, Hughes dieing is never an easy thing to watch, but Brotherhood seemed to make it considerably more 'mysterious' if you will. This time around instead of mourning for Hughes I'm finding myself wondering more about the plot that got him killed. In this way I think Brotherhood took a turn for the better.
Jun 8, 2009 2:00 PM

Jul 2007
SoraKing said:
But, have you noticed that episode 10 in Brotherhood, corresponds to episode 25 of the first anime, and to half way chapter 16 of the manga??

That can be easily explained by the fact that FMA1 had A LOT of fillers.
Jun 8, 2009 3:40 PM

Feb 2009
M_A said:
kie_ said:
Hughes death wasn't as sad as it was in the original.

The fact that you already knew it was going to happen probably contributed to that.

Yeah I think thats why for me too =( and He didnt seem to be in it as much as the first season
Jun 8, 2009 7:08 PM

Jun 2007
vindemon64 said:
So let me say this:

The episode itself was executed wonderfully, from start to finish. The music accentuated each and every scene beautifully. The episode itself, I have no qualms.

My only point of criticism in this episode is that because Brotherhood really only spent a total of pretty much 1 episode (you can argue two) developing Hughes' character, his death didn't really have much of an effect on me as it did in the first season...and even in the manga. I wasn't as emotionally attached to him as I should of been and thus, seeing his death really left me without much feeling one way or another. To be honest, seeing Roy's reaction to Hughes' death made me feel for Roy more so. Maybe it's because I knew it was going to happen or something like that, but in the other two venues, this scene hit me more so than in Brotherhood.

Regardless, we're getting closer to new material. Cause for celebration. Woot.


Exactly what I was thinking. As amazing as this episode was, I didn't feel any attachment to him. The first season they built up his character and then killed him which made me feel like I too was shot in the heart.

Overall I think this episode was one of the better ones. I'm liking it darkness in the story. The jokes really kill the mood.
Jun 8, 2009 7:36 PM

Jan 2008
kie_ said:
Hughes death wasn't as sad as it was in the original.

Must agree on this... It happened so fast :O
I didn't cry this time...
It might as well be that I already knew what was coming x)

Epic weather report fail = Royai FTW.
One of my favorite parts of the manga...
Jun 8, 2009 7:43 PM
Apr 2008
In my opinion it had much less of an impact than it did in the first series mostly because the majority of the viewers already knows he died. Hughes didnt get enough screentime for his character to develop properly this time. I also feel that the random comical parts and music didnt help his death this time around.
FapalldayJun 9, 2009 12:57 PM
Jun 8, 2009 8:00 PM

Aug 2007
Good episode. Poor Hughes. =( His daughter made everyone cry at the funeral.
Jun 8, 2009 8:02 PM

Apr 2009
Another great episode. Super faithful to the manga, once again. Elicia at the funeral was as heartbreaking as ever, and I'm so glad they kept the exchange between Roy and Riza. 5/5

Fai said:
Hool said:
kie_ said:
Hughes death wasn't as sad as it was in the original.

I agree, he fought more in the other version. However, the Elicia in funeral, for me, continued moving. Anyway it is a sad episode ;/

I don't know, but for me FMA1 way of his death was just way too melodramatic:
Homonunculi attack him for no reason, he fights off for half episode, dies, etc - of course sad, but a bit overboard. The "Waving Ghost" at the end did not help it either and only increased the soapy feeling.

In fma2/manga we see it faster. It all happens faster. The death itself is crude, just as Arakawa intended. There's no stretching - We just see a death of a man and how it affects Mustang, his family, etc. Death is not mythologised with ghosts or long flashbacks - its just there, fast, instant, cruel, crude. The way it contrasts with happy scenes in the train adds up to that.

Thats more important, I see FMA2 Hughes death as meaningful(the end of episode with Mustang clearly indicated that), while FMA1 just used it as plot device and forgot it.

You know, reading over everyone's comments, I was going to make a reply, but you said it better here than I ever could. A++
Jun 8, 2009 9:20 PM

Apr 2008
A great episode. Although I've come to like this adaptation more and more, I still don't find it as good as the first series. However, it still is well done albeit a tad bit rushed due to like others said, Hughes' character not being as developed as possible and the pacing of the show being really quick this time around to get through what most people have already seen. I may not have an attachment to him as strong as I did in the first one bt it was there. The fact the time he was on screen he was a very likable man and it showed all his qualities of being a loving and caring man who was not just a goofball but a hard working person.

Either way I cried the first time he died and I did this time too. Watching his daughter ask those questions at the funeral just gets me every time.

I'm glad to say I'm enjoying watching this done in accordance to the manga and proving me wrong when I was against it but I can't say that I enjoy it more. Still a very enjoyable watch though
Jun 9, 2009 2:07 AM

May 2008
Awesome episode. Wish they had spent more time with Hughs but this series is sticking pretty close to the manga and the time spent with Hughs is exactly the samein both. Actually I enjoy this version more than the first series where Hughs lasted longer. In the first series he was around too long and got pretty annoying to the point of being comical with those pictures. This was handled much better, he was shown as a proud father and husband but not to the point of being mentally unbalanced
Jun 9, 2009 2:08 AM
Jul 2018
martin03345 said:
Either way I cried the first time he died and I did this time too. Watching his daughter ask those questions at the funeral just gets me every time.
Ditto. Also, add Roy's manly "it's raining" scene. Oh Hughes... RIP.
Jun 9, 2009 4:07 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
very sad :(

(but not as sad as when i first saw it in the first FMA)
p r o f i l e 👀
Jun 9, 2009 7:05 AM

Feb 2009
I for one did not know that Hughes was to die in this episode, it was a bit of a suprise, but it was obvious once he crossed roads with those 3. I did not find it very emotional to be honest, the episode where the guy used his kid for an experiment was more emotional than that one I think. It was portrayed to be what it was a death of character who has kids, which was supposedly meant to contribute to the overall sentimental side of this ep, but I was not a victim of thus making me feel meh about the excution of this death scene.
Jun 9, 2009 8:32 AM

May 2008
I'm surprised they killed Hughes off so quickly...they didn't really give him much character development this time around. Not to mention the funeral in the original seemed to be a lot sadder.. >: They seem to be spending less time in Central in this one too..and I really wanted to see the fight with Ed and Roy ;_; That was cool..but it's probably not gonna happen since Hughes was the announcer for it.

I can assume they'll be going much further into the manga this time, which was probably the plan from the start.

Jun 9, 2009 9:01 AM

Jul 2007
KayChan4U said:
I'm surprised they killed Hughes off so quickly...

16th chapter of manga, 10th episode of anime. Nothing quick or slow there.

KayChan4U said:

They seem to be spending less time in Central in this one too..

They never spent much time in Central at this point of story.

KayChan4U said:

and I really wanted to see the fight with Ed and Roy ;_; That was cool..but it's probably not gonna happen since Hughes was the announcer for it.

Considering that was an omake in manga, we might get it as an extra together with dvd sets (just like we are getting Blind Alchemist).

KayChan4U said:

I can assume they'll be going much further into the manga this time, which was probably the plan from the start.

"The plan" for the start was and is to cover entirety of manga till the ending of manga.
Jun 9, 2009 9:24 AM

Feb 2009
Watching Hughes in these last ten episodes was like watching a dead man walking and going about his daily routine.

Jun 9, 2009 10:04 AM

Apr 2007
I'm gonna agree with the few people here who say the original Hughes death was much more sad. The part that keeps tears going is Elicia screaming for her papa. There's nothing sadder than seeing a parent die when you're that young. =/

Besides that I'm waiting til Ed and them find out about this waaay later.

Jun 9, 2009 11:10 AM

May 2009
Let me down again :( The last episode was so good a mixture of comedy and emotion that I expected this episode to blow me away. But it just failed to deliver.

1. First scene, the soldiers running. It looked so ridiculous.

2. Bradley going out of window? WTH, he is the head of the military. FMA1 always showed him in a serious way and I liked that. Also, I'm missing the dub voices of Lust and Bradley in FMA1. E.g- after Hughes struck Lust with his dagger, she commented "Pretty good for a man, isn't he?" in a perfectly lusty voice. :D It was an epic quote imo.

3. Lust coming in seemed abrupt for some reason.

4. The phone operator saw Hughes bleeding yet didn't do anything. Maybe it was in the manga but just seemed wrong.

5. The last scenes between Hughes and Envy could have been better imo. eg- after Envy turned into Gracia, Hughes could have just been stunned instead of saying "damn you". After getting shot, he says he can't keep his promise, this line really diluted the moment for me. Would have been better if they had just shown him remembering Gracia, Elicia and finally Roy.

All in all, this episode just lacked a few things that could have made it awesome.

Didn't understand a few things though -

PS- They should have shown the train episode to introduce Hughes. That episode made me really like Hughes.
SaptaJun 9, 2009 11:20 AM
Jun 9, 2009 11:39 AM

Mar 2009

Pretty much all my thoughts on the episode.
Still loved it though. (:
Ew @ Winry in the next episode. D:
Jun 9, 2009 11:44 AM

Jul 2007
Sapta said:
1. First scene, the soldiers running. It looked so ridiculous.

Might I ask why? It looked like realistic and brutal war (hey at least they did not solid-snake into Ishval houses this time like in fma1)

Sapta said:

2. Bradley going out of window? WTH, he is the head of the military. FMA1 always showed him in a serious way and I liked that.

That's Bradley for you. Its Serious Business. And he seriously explained this serious action of his.

BTW, There will be quite a few more of such "events".

Sapta said:

3. Lust coming in seemed abrupt for some reason.

There's a perfectly clear reason for that.

Sapta said:

4. The phone operator saw Hughes bleeding yet didn't do anything. Maybe it was in the manga but just seemed wrong.

OH I am sure she called in the guards or something, however don't expect a desk bunny do something more. Hughes was one-of-a-kind in the whole desk bunny population, being able to, you know, actually kill stuff.

Sapta said:

5. The last scenes between Hughes and Envy could have been better imo. eg- after Envy turned into Gracia, Hughes could have just been stunned instead of saying "damn you".

I think it worked perfectly - Hughes for a man he was already had figured the ability "of person behind him". However he just was not able to do anything against his wife, real or not.

Sapta said:

After getting shot, he says he can't keep his promise, this line really diluted the moment for me. Would have been better if they had just shown him remembering Gracia, Elicia and finally Roy.

There I agree. They should have kept it as in manga - with him dieing faster, without any sort of "finisher" line or thoughts, however in the in-episode context it worked perfectly, with Hughes "promising" to come back earlier home and etc.

Sapta said:

Didn't understand a few things though -

Sapta said:

Sapta said:

PS- They should have shown the train episode to introduce Hughes. That episode made me really like Hughes.

I think its enough of what they have shown of Hughes. He was not some kind of "MAIN CHARACTER" to be sad about forever or anything. I would say that I quite like that both manga and FMA2 focuses more NOT on Hughes himself but on how his death affects the storyline and characters he bonded with.

5757 said:

Ew @ Winry in the next episode. D:


Deal with it, big guy, in FMA2 she will be more than background decoration she was in FMA1, so expect to see her A LOT MORE FREQUENTLY.
AhenshihaelJun 9, 2009 11:50 AM
Jun 9, 2009 12:00 PM

Apr 2009
Sapta said:
2. Bradley going out of window? WTH, he is the head of the military. FMA1 always showed him in a serious way and I liked that.

That's just who Bradley is. He's not all ~srs bzns~ 24/7 like in FMA1. He's supposed to do crap like that that makes you go "whuut." I really loved that bit. It makes him seem more human and likable, so certain things that we learn later have that much more of an impact.

Sapta said:
After getting shot, he says he can't keep his promise, this line really diluted the moment for me. Would have been better if they had just shown him remembering Gracia, Elicia and finally Roy.

I actually really like that line. That was the first point in the episode where I started tearing up a bit (didn't cry til Elicia's bit at the funeral, though).

Fai said:
5757 said:
Ew @ Winry in the next episode. D:


Deal with it, big guy, in FMA2 she will be more than background decoration she was in FMA1, so expect to see her A LOT MORE FREQUENTLY.

THIS. Winry's a pretty important character, you'd better get used to having her around.
Jun 9, 2009 4:09 PM
Oct 2008
Sapta said:
Let me down again :( The last episode was so good a mixture of comedy and emotion that I expected this episode to blow me away. But it just failed to deliver.

1. First scene, the soldiers running. It looked so ridiculous.

2. Bradley going out of window? WTH, he is the head of the military. FMA1 always showed him in a serious way and I liked that. Also, I'm missing the dub voices of Lust and Bradley in FMA1. E.g- after Hughes struck Lust with his dagger, she commented "Pretty good for a man, isn't he?" in a perfectly lusty voice. :D It was an epic quote imo.

3. Lust coming in seemed abrupt for some reason.

4. The phone operator saw Hughes bleeding yet didn't do anything. Maybe it was in the manga but just seemed wrong.

5. The last scenes between Hughes and Envy could have been better imo. eg- after Envy turned into Gracia, Hughes could have just been stunned instead of saying "damn you". After getting shot, he says he can't keep his promise, this line really diluted the moment for me. Would have been better if they had just shown him remembering Gracia, Elicia and finally Roy.

All in all, this episode just lacked a few things that could have made it awesome.

Didn't understand a few things though -

PS- They should have shown the train episode to introduce Hughes. That episode made me really like Hughes.

I don't mean to be rude or anything but your post comes off as very nitpicky. Some of your points are minor details that I feel didn't make this episode less than it could be.

The rest of them are pretty debatable like how Hughes died. Honestly, I think Hughes's line to Envy was fine and that his comment on his broken promise was good as well. I think that showed how loyal and caring his is. I don't think showing flash backs of his friends and family would have really done much....honestly I find flashbacks like that to be a little too much during certain situations.
Jun 9, 2009 4:11 PM

Oct 2007
Okay, I just read through the whole thread, and nobody asked the obvious questin:
Maybe I'm just stupid or something, but he could have just called from the damn INSIDE PHONE.
Oh but then he wouldn't have died, is the only answer I can think of. Anybody can tell me the reason?

On another topic, I think they are portraying Bradley as a more comical character because he's not a villain in this one. But it does seem kind of forced, I mean, maybe it's just me but he seems Armstrong-like in his sillyness. But we already have an Armstrong! We don't need two of them!

Yeah, the first series was way better.

Jun 9, 2009 4:24 PM
Oct 2008
Juliab said:
Okay, I just read through the whole thread, and nobody asked the obvious questin:
Maybe I'm just stupid or something, but he could have just called from the damn INSIDE PHONE.
Oh but then he wouldn't have died, is the only answer I can think of. Anybody can tell me the reason?

On another topic, I think they are portraying Bradley as a more comical character because he's not a villain in this one. But it does seem kind of forced, I mean, maybe it's just me but he seems Armstrong-like in his sillyness. But we already have an Armstrong! We don't need two of them!

Yeah, the first series was way better.

In the manga, Bradley, like many of the other characters, has his more comical moments in this series. He initially is never really portrayed as being incredibly serious like he was in the first series but I don't think he is anything like Armstrong. That's not to say he doesn't have his series moments or doesn't get really serious later on AND no one has said whether or not Bradley is a villain in this series or not.
Jun 9, 2009 5:34 PM

Apr 2008
He couldn't call from the inside line because it could be monitored by the military and after Bradley said do not trust anyone in the military, he went to a secure line outside of the headquarters to contact Roy with the news he had
Jun 9, 2009 5:34 PM

Apr 2008
To this day, every time I rewatch FMA I bawl during episode 25. This episode I didn't even choke up during. It was nicely done but it didn't have the emotional impact for me. It's probably because we didn't really get to know Hughes well. I mean, it's episode 10. I did like that they kept the line, "It's starting to rain." That showed Roy's feelings really well.
Jun 9, 2009 11:55 PM

Jul 2008
Sapta said:
2. Bradley going out of window? WTH, he is the head of the military. FMA1 always showed him in a serious way and I liked that.

Well, that was in the manga aswell and this is supposed to follow the manga so why not ? :P

Jun 10, 2009 2:45 AM

Jul 2007
Juliab said:
Okay, I just read through the whole thread, and nobody asked the obvious questin:
Maybe I'm just stupid or something, but he could have just called from the damn INSIDE PHONE.
Oh but then he wouldn't have died, is the only answer I can think of. Anybody can tell me the reason?

Inside phone? To be cut off in the middle of conversation ? To be killed from behind?
Bradley himself said "No one in military can be trusted".
Chances are, Hughes thought that calling from inside phone would be dangerous.

Juliab said:

On another topic, I think they are portraying Bradley as a more comical character because he's not a villain in this one. But it does seem kind of forced, I mean, maybe it's just me but he seems Armstrong-like in his sillyness. But we already have an Armstrong! We don't need two of them!

I would not say "Armstrong-like". Armstrong is overly dramatic and theatrical in his appearances, while Bradley is "genuinely random".
Jun 10, 2009 6:05 AM

Dec 2008
Interesting episode~ I thoroughly enjoyed it, but to my surprise (and a bit of disappointment) I wasn't as sad nor did I tear up. I can only think of two reasons for that. One is because I was too absorbed in my yummy lunch, two is that I already knew that it was going to happen.

Someone already mentioned it before, but I think that the fact that we knew that this was going to happen and we were tipped off that it was going to happen in this episode (from last episode's preview) plays a huge part in our reactions.

However - here's the thing guys - for FMA1, I still knew in advance that Huges was going to die. It wasn't because I read the manga, but that I was spoiled by my friend (I'll never forgive him for that! "Did you get to the part when Hughes dies" my ass ugh). Regardless, I still cried and found the part really sad.

Overall, I think FMA:B is more....straightforward, they get to the point. FMA1 was just, melodramatic. I like melodramatic...but I also like how clear cut FMA is this time around. For example, the "it's raining" part, I think that was done beautifully. I don't even know how to explain it, but it was really good.

Elicia definitely added a whole other level of despair, I can't remember how it was done in FMA - but I'm more inclined to say that FMA:B is not better per se, but more like...more memorable. It was until this point when I almost teared up. As for why I didn't - I blame it on my yummy lunch.

So the lesson for me is to never watch a serious anime while eating lunch. I knew I should've listened to my head and just watched Hatsukoi Limited - but nooooOOoooOO, I was too tempted to watch FMA :(..

Other things I found interesting was Bradley. This new humour behind this character is odd, but I don't hate it. I think I'll have to see more of it to get used to it :P

I'm not really looking forward to next week's episode. I never liked the Rush Valley arc, don't know why..I guess I just found it pointless? I don't remember much of it...something about automail and Winry XD?
Jun 10, 2009 6:27 AM

Apr 2009
WTF is that ;____________________; Are you kidding me?! Hughes was one of, if not my favourite in this series... ;________; No freakin way, I can't even laugh at the melon scene cause I'm crying like a baby...Elicia's screams were heartbreaking...
And then Roy...Whoa. I hate Envy Dx
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

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Kusuriuri from Mononoke
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Jun 10, 2009 6:57 AM

Mar 2009
fai said:
she will be more than background decoration she was in FMA1, so expect to see her A LOT MORE FREQUENTLY.

I know. Manga Winry is slightly less annoying then FMA 1 Winry, so I'll just have to deal with it. ;)

Cenedess said:
WTF is that ;____________________; Are you kidding me?! Hughes was one of, if not my favourite in this series... ;________; No freakin way, I can't even laugh at the melon scene cause I'm crying like a baby...Elicia's screams were heartbreaking...
And then Roy...Whoa. I hate Envy Dx

Watch the first series.
Jun 10, 2009 9:51 AM

Dec 2008
Ugh. I knew this was going to be that episode and it was.

People complaining about spoilers floors me though. I mean.. it's like complaining at someone for telling you that Aerith dies in Final Fantasy 7! Both seem to be big things that I've heard talked about all over the internet whether you've watched/played/etc the canon source or not.

Also? I don't think this was as emotional as it was first season but I still had some sniffle time over the matter.
Jun 10, 2009 9:54 AM

Jul 2007
OpenlyHidden said:

People complaining about spoilers floors me though. I mean..
! Both seem to be big things that I've heard talked about all over the internet whether you've watched/played/etc the canon source or not.

Spoiler that...

And yes there might be people who have not seen FMA1 (despite all of its overrated-ness) or manga. Amazing, right?
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