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Apr 18, 2014 11:06 AM

Sep 2013
Definitely my answer is Shishio. From the beginning I wanted him for Suzume and I just love him so MUCH!!!~!!! I will be extremely disappointed if she ends up with Mamura. I really like Mamura but Shishio is my favorite type of main lead in a shoujo manga and I will choose him over anyone
Apr 28, 2014 2:39 PM

Feb 2013
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. (Yoda)
Apr 28, 2014 2:49 PM

May 2012
Wow! -heavy sighs- Now this is a difficult decision to come to! From the very beginning, I love Shishio..everything about him- from his dorkiness, his manner of dressing to his facial expressions. I enjoyed seeing him with her and the way they would react to each other. It was truly really cute! But with Mamura- she had something totally different. A learning process that only he can show her. And with the latest chapter...I am a crossroad and I dont know who to choose! I hate it! >w<!!

And I liking her with Mamura and also Shishio! Though in my heart, I have a feeling that Shisho will be the victor! And I am happy but I ache for Mamura! >_<!
""You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
- Izaya

May 4, 2014 8:37 PM

May 2010
YES!! Team Miamura has more votes! :D :3 >///<
Minori said:
*bawling* I'll never get married w/ a body like this! What'll I do?
Kousaka said:
Married? It looks like you're already pregnant.
May 6, 2014 6:56 PM

Dec 2013
god, i hate to say this, but shishio. mamura is honestly boring as hell. his personality is 1D. shishio is much more fleshed out and realistic.
baconrollzMay 6, 2014 7:01 PM
May 16, 2014 12:30 AM

Jul 2013
shishio for sure. mamura's boring (can't doubt that he's a really nice guy though) and his relationship with suzume isn't fun the way her relationship with shishio was. also, i'm glad that shishio acts like a human and behaves realistically
May 16, 2014 11:36 PM

Nov 2013
Why not both. Shishio x Mamura. Forget Suzume.
This video teaches me the importance of hygiene and fetishes!!!
May 18, 2014 11:04 AM

Aug 2010
I prefer Shishio he's just so perfect.
I really like senseis specially ones with glasses plus he's reallt handsome.
But i want Suzume to end up with Mamura because I think they are better with each other and it would just be so cliche if she went back to sensei and Mamura doesn't deserve this.
Jun 2, 2014 4:29 AM
Jun 5, 2014 8:31 AM

Sep 2013
I've always been #TeamMamura, but that Sensei is looking ESPECIALLY pretty recently. Like, was he always this handsome? And the title of the manga reveals who she is going to end up with. So it's inevitable ;____;

Mamura is still my home boy.
Jun 16, 2014 9:51 PM

Dec 2012
kimione said:
to be honest, it will be really refreshing if mamura gets the girl. unlike most other love triangles, the underdog is really well fleshed out here and has a depth to him which makes one root for him.
Not to mention, I don't find any real chemistry between shisho and suzume. something to do with his character I guess.

This manga will be more memorable if it breaks the shojo cliche and brings something new to the plate. it has potential. .it's all up to the author to see how it can be utilised.

I could not agree more.

Hyperdemon said:
Why not both. Shishio x Mamura. Forget Suzume.

Please excuse me for snorting at that omg

Mamura for me~
Jun 29, 2014 11:05 PM

Nov 2010
I like them both. I feel sad for Shishio but I ship Suzume with Mamura.

I would love it if Suzume ends with Mamura but most probably it will be the teacher and it breaks my heart -_-
Jun 30, 2014 12:08 AM

May 2010
I am rooting for Mamura, not because I am rooting for the underdog but more because he is the one who cares for Suzume more. Sensei has acted like a kid for like 60 chapters and only recently has gotten control over his senses. Mamura has been caring for her since the start. Suzume is the first and only girl, he has been able to touch. I just can't help but root for him.
Jun 30, 2014 10:54 PM

Apr 2014
I was all for Shishio-sensei at the beginning, but Mamura's really won me over to the point where I really want Suzume to end up with him. There is so much development between the two of them that it would be a waste if the manga just followed the cliche and let Suzume end up with Shishio-sensei after all that's happened. I really hope it doesn't and becomes a great story about moving on from your first love, not just the stereotypical student x teacher romance.

Also Mamura is too perfect to just get thrown away. He's always been in love with Suzume and treated her well, whereas Shishio-sensei, although he hasn't treated her badly per se, definitely has done some questionable things to her emotions and feelings in the past.
Jul 6, 2014 6:22 AM
Jul 2014
Obviously I ship ShishioxSuzume.I mean, seriously, he was her first encounter when she got in Tokyo.Yeah, he broke her heart so many times, but that's how love is.Mamura on the other hand was nothing but sweet, kind, understanding.Yeah, sure...and where is the struggle?I mean, it's boring!She doesn't have to fight for him at all.Suzume is hurt and so is Shishio.They have to heal each other's wounds.By being together.If it ends up with MamuraxSuzume, all their feelings would be in vain.All that happened in the manga wouldn't make sense anymore.Mamura and Yuyuka together are supportive characters.Their role?To deepen the love between the main characters.It's not a cliche, it's a strategy.I didn't see this manga being categorized as a drama.And if Shishio ends up alone, this is how it will be like.I think Mamura is the one who will learn to move forward in the end and Suzume would remain the girl who opened his heart.Shishio needs her more.That's how I feel.
Jul 8, 2014 7:11 AM

Jul 2009
I'm on Shishio's side on this one.

I just can't help but wonder that there's something more about his character that we haven't been told yet. Yeah, he hurt Suzume, but what he could do? Run away with her and live in the mountains or something? He's more realistic than it looks, and he knows that Suzume's love for him doesn't have a future, and that she'll be better without him.

Mamura, however, feels too bland and boring to me (he's still a total sweetheart, but seriously, him suddenly winning Suzume over Shishio just feels like the author pleasing the fangirls to me. And I can't help but think that if any other girl had approached him, he'd have fallen in love with her)

Also, I love how everyone thinks this is a completely original series with no cliches. The author is just reeally good at subverting tropes. We have the impossible crush over a teacher, the sweet best friend who adores the heroine, the female friend who at first hated her but now adores her...

A completely original end would be... I dunno, Suzume ending up with Yuyuka? Most of these are rambles though. Too much otome games for me.
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Jul 20, 2014 8:36 PM
Jun 2014
I ship Sensei and Suzume so hard!!! Also I believe that Suzume is going to end up with Sensei. I feel like the author wouldn't have invested so much time building their relationship to just be like "Oh! nevermind. She's going to be with Mamura now. What? You got attached to sensei x suzume? Well, screw you!"
SophiaBrielleJul 20, 2014 10:07 PM
Jul 27, 2014 9:07 PM
Jan 2014
I pick MAMURA!! I am really annoyed with sensei. I picked Mamura since the beginning. If she ends up with sensei I might have to cut someone for realz. GODDAMIT.. I hope she picks Mamura because I dont like cutting people.. -__-
Aug 7, 2014 7:31 AM

Jan 2014
I am rooting for mamura I mean how can you not root for him?
He is so cute and he cares for her feeling and he doesn't do stupid things unlike sensi who is 24 years old teacher who still acts like a kid
Aug 13, 2014 6:12 AM

Sep 2013
It's easily Mamura, he's extremely cute.
Aug 18, 2014 10:19 PM

Aug 2008
Even though Suzume got her heart broken before.....I still want Suzume and Shishio to get together. I just love teacher x student relationships ;_;
Plus he's really hot...while in my opinion, Mamura is a boring, innocent, but cute boy lol.
Aug 22, 2014 12:55 AM
Aug 2014
Shishio of course...but they have a long road ahead of them, imagine trying to have a relationship you would want to hold hands and be all lovey dovey but Sensei and Suzume can't do that he could get in big trouble. I know Sensei asked Suzume what she would do if he quit being a teacher and that's really the only way I see them being together her Uncle already doesn't like him for trying to be in a relationship with her, they would be looked down on but they have real romance there is something there whereas look at her and Mamura it's so painfully awkward I don't see how people see him as the underdog in this story I mean they can't hold hands without him freaking out and Suzume is trying so hard to make it work but their relationship isn't advancing it's like god girl quit messing with him and get back with your real man.
Aug 22, 2014 9:09 AM

Mar 2008
Mamura because shishio is a grown ass man who has displayed childish behavior time and time again and I guess seems to want everyone to just forget about that, particularly suzume.

Not to mention he's 25 and the protag is 16.....

@CandyNyaan: That is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard. "He broke her heart so many times but that's love!" I don't know about you, but if a guy kept hurting me over and over, there would be no way I'd still consider dating him if he ever changed his mind. She should be the one to learn to move on from shishio.
Aug 23, 2014 1:04 PM

Feb 2010
duchessofhell85 said:
Shishio of course...but they have a long road ahead of them, imagine trying to have a relationship you would want to hold hands and be all lovey dovey but Sensei and Suzume can't do that he could get in big trouble. I know Sensei asked Suzume what she would do if he quit being a teacher and that's really the only way I see them being together her Uncle already doesn't like him for trying to be in a relationship with her, they would be looked down on but they have real romance there is something there whereas look at her and Mamura it's so painfully awkward I don't see how people see him as the underdog in this story I mean they can't hold hands without him freaking out and Suzume is trying so hard to make it work but their relationship isn't advancing it's like god girl quit messing with him and get back with your real man.

Same here. I said Mamura is boring, when in fact, like you said, the two of them are awkward together. ~awkwaard~ I will be really sad/pissed if she end up with him.
Sep 10, 2014 2:53 PM

Sep 2013
If Mamura wins then it's going to be a first, at least for me, when a blonde rival wins over the black hair dude in shoujo.
Sep 12, 2014 4:58 PM
Sep 2014
In the beginning, I was rooting for shishio, but there has been so much development between suzume and Mamura for him to just get rejected in the end.
Hopefully, Yamamori strays from the typical teacher x student.
Maybe suzume and mamura would get married in the future, because shishio made the mature decision and decided to let Suzume live a normal life
Sep 22, 2014 1:51 PM

Sep 2014
I went into this manga thinking I would support the main romance like usual, but dang, Mamura. Just Mamura. I know he's the total underdog but he's so sweet, and I'm assuming the writer's having to reconsider her endgame considering I doubt she expected him to be more popular that Shishio when she began (at least he seems like he is? Correct me if I'm wrong haha).

Tbh I don't like student-teacher romances at all, they kind of creep me out, so I was not too into Shishio from the start when I found out he was Suzume's teacher, but he totally sealed the deal for me when he grabbed Mamura's tie in that one chapter and talked down to him. Like, if I was Mamura I would have reported him to the administration or whatever right there. I can't believe he's even a teacher with an attitude like that, how irresponsible can he get??
Sep 22, 2014 2:59 PM
Sep 2013

I am unsually never rooting for the second male lead with exception for this manga.
Oct 19, 2014 7:06 AM
Nov 2010
definitely mamura. and im still pretty sure up to now.
chapter 77 i think is the much awaited closure for Shizume.
I'm waiting for the last chapter, and I do hope, wish and pray that Mamura would be the end game. MaZume forever!
Nov 6, 2014 5:35 PM

Jul 2012
Mamura by far. He doesn't lead her on and then break her heart. He's always there for her. I also have a thing for the innocent romance-virgin male characters. They're absolutely adorable. Plus, when he blushes... c:
Nov 6, 2014 6:13 PM

Dec 2012
Mamura all the way.
Nov 6, 2014 7:37 PM

Mar 2008
Idek what to feel!!! Im not sure Id like to finish this manga because in all fairness, I believe that the ending was pretty much given. I personally ship Mamoru & Shizume. Only because I feel that they are both innocent and they have so much to learn together! However, I also feel that with sensei at least she can become more mature, and he can watch her blossom into a woman.

I still personally believe that Mamoru and her should end up. Just because the first opening, their first introduction, was just outright beautiful. While Shio & Shizume, well, it's just creepy and too much of coincidence. Feels rather unnatural.

Please have her with Mamoru T_T I want their innocence together and put some chemistry in the future. Geez. (I spoilered for ch. 77, and I am not liking it -- so I put on hold the latest chapter I read 22)
Aug 2, 2015 8:57 PM
Jul 2015
I perfer mamura for suzume
Aug 24, 2015 2:19 AM

Mar 2015
Although Mamura is so cute it makes me want to hug him through the screen (well, he would blush and be all mad and all but, oh well), I ship Chun-chun with Shishio.
I mean, the reason I started this manga was for this unusual setting. I'm sad that he's so unlucky with women. Poor Satsuki
Sep 8, 2015 4:21 AM
Sep 2015
ShishioxSusume :)
I like Mamura but i REALLY like shishio. He's my type haha
Oct 14, 2015 8:44 AM

Jan 2011
Whoa there were a lot of speculations before that it would be ShishioxSuzume..


My personal preference would be a guy who doesn't liek girls then falls for this one special girl and treats her like she is the best thing on Earth... (good thing they exist in stories)
You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down
Oct 28, 2015 11:09 PM

Apr 2014
mamura!! shishio was a bad influence
Mar 6, 2016 3:56 PM

Mar 2014
Just re-read my favorite parts of the mango

And I can safely say that Shishio still holds up as best bae and has great chemistry with Suzume + I'm a sucker for teacher x student relationships

Mamura on the other hand isn't very interesting... A better influence, yes, but still not very interesting

Shishio > Mamura

I'm still salty about the ending but, if HnR ever gets an anime adaptation, I hope the mangaka will try to make it up for us Shishio lovers by writing a spin off yaoi manga featuring him as the seme
Comic_SansMar 6, 2016 4:12 PM
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
May 17, 2016 2:17 AM
May 2016
It has been 1 week since I finished reading the manga. I am still heart broken! Why why why. I really wanted Suzume to end up with Shishio... :( Now reading Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet. Physical resemblance on the art between the 2 manga is really great!
Jul 14, 2016 3:45 AM

Sep 2015
Shishio ftw. I'm really sad that the endgame wasn't Shizume. imo Shishio has a better personality than Mamura, who's kinda boring. Suzume and Mamura's relationship seemed to be forced. Shishio deserved some happiness.
Jul 26, 2016 6:22 AM

Apr 2016
Shishio because I like the whole forbidden love kind of thing.
Aug 10, 2016 4:27 AM
Aug 2016
Mamura FTW. Shishio NOPE lol I have a college prof friend who's also reading Hirunaka and she says that its ridulous that a teacher is dating a student while knowing all the consequences, it's very irresponsible of him he should quit teaching she said. You all say that Mamura is "boring or bland" but in the very least he's better than that Pedo jerk who left her hanging and hurt her so many times.

O love the ending, its not so typical and cliche main dude dates MC they fight struggle sht they break up again ending they end up together lol more cliches etc., the ending was more realistic than any shoujo that are typically making the MC girl a perfect damsel in distress who licks the main guys shoes no amtter how much he hurts her. I love ChunChun, she's a strong girl who can move on and decide for herself
Aug 10, 2016 4:28 AM
Aug 2016
AND FINALLY THE NOT-SO Cliche ending! 1st off why would Sensei confess to Suzume if she's still dating Mamura?? Thats so greedy and unfair You throw and then you pick up again, Mamura never did that when Sensei was still dating her, nor would he dare to challenge him who-gets the-girl he accepted their relationship and chosed to be the "good friend" instead, but then there's Shishio, Jesus, you left her hanging, she cried alot and begged you to stay, but you still hurt her and left her. But when Suzume is trying to move on with Mamura you drag her back again? Ah.

If this was a cliche ending, the main couple gets together again, but that's just typical as f. It just shows that most of the shoujo girls does not have the ability to move on and would just love to lick the main guy's shoes again even if he hurts her. Happy memories are all in the past, the most important thing is the PRESENT ones, and that present one is Suzume's memory of being with Mamura right now. Sensei had a good memory, but that was just all in the past, and Suzume have already move on that's what makes her a strong and likable unique character.

TypicalShoujoLOLAug 12, 2016 11:14 PM
Aug 10, 2016 9:06 AM

Mar 2014
I wonder why I haven't commented judging by the fact that I was really salty over the ending of HnR. Mamura was a good guy, but he was way too shy, docile and dull as a character imo. And frankly, most of his interactions with Suzume were boring or awkward.
Shishio on the other hand made many mistakes and was immature at some points, but he was funny, handsome and very interesting. And it is a personal preference but I like people with childlike traits (I mean it in a nice way, like having youthful, refreshing and cute manners). I'd re-read the manga because I absolutely loved the first half but I am still salty about it LOL.
Comic_Sans said:

I hope the mangaka will try to make it up for us Shishio lovers by writing a spin off yaoi manga featuring him as the seme

that's an old comment but I'd totally read that
Sep 30, 2016 1:26 PM
Oct 2013
shishio all the way, by far my favourite main character in any manga. so dorky and adorable #WEWANTANANIME
Oct 11, 2016 1:03 AM

Oct 2016

Definitely have been rooting for him since his appearance.

She changed him, he changed her. And I love how he was always there for Chunchun and just watch and not really forcing his feelings on her. Though there are instances that he's saying that she should just fall in love with him but that's him telling her that he doesn't want hed to get hurt further.

And soooo that's why I love the ending. Not the typical ending where the male MC get the girl and female MC realized who has been there for her all along.
xiashenghanOct 11, 2016 9:41 AM
Oct 26, 2016 11:07 AM

Jun 2016
For Suzume, Mamura.
For me, Shishio. bye
Oct 27, 2016 9:36 PM
Feb 2015
After everything they went through, I really think she should have ended up with Shishio. I'm not completely unhappy with the way it ended but still... idk... I just wasn't satisfied. Shishio > Mamura
Dec 30, 2016 12:30 PM
Aug 2016
Mamura, boi knows how to let go while the other is that cliche main lead in all shoujos out there.
Jan 16, 2017 5:14 AM
Jan 2017
I always liked sensei but I was rooting for mamura. I read the end and I cried my eyes out so I thought that maybe I was rooting for sensei after all. I know I wouldn't have cried if she had ended up with sensei.
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