I tend to become confused of what score an anime deserves, so having this criteria here is very convenient for me. Anyway, I grade the animes I've watched merely based on satisfaction or how much I enjoyed the show. (animes w/ short duration/ep, OVA(s), ONA(s), special, & HAREMS, MOVIES, & One shot (for MANGA) are EXEMPTION): 10 - IN LOVE~. A very worth watching, memorable show leading me to become obsessed & addicted to the point of I fantasize about the story & its lovable characters. 9 - Very Good. An entertaining & time worthy series but lack the obsessing impact. Still addictive. 8 - Enjoyable. I was very hooked to these shows. I liked it a lot. 7 - Adequate. I liked it. Obviously not as good as 8 but better than 6. 6 - Average. The least among the enjoyable anime I consider. However, I don't view this score closer to 5--I imagine there are two invisible scores between 6 & 5. 5 - Ordinary. Equally boring & fun to watch (or the story was boring yet the characters were not). (The borderline of animes I liked) 4 - Endurable. Below average. The starting point of animes I find very boring. I didn't like the series, nor do I hate it. 3 - Regret. Wish I never found it. The starting point of animes I dislike/hate. 2 - Poop. 1 - Why exist? Scoring as for animes w/ short duration per episode, OVA(s), ONA(s), special, & HAREMS, & One shot (for MANGA):
9-8 - Best (I want full series/movie) 7 - Favorite 6 - Love it 5 - Like it 4 - It was okay 3 - Don't like it 2 - Bad
Shorter version:
(The percentages are not accurate at all times.)
[*]10-9: Animes w/ these scores are my favorites. 100% of the show was enjoyable.
[*]8: Animes that I love. 90% of the anime was enjoyable.
[*]7: Animes that I like. 85% of the show.
[*]6: Kinda the same as 7 but less (Hard to express it into words. Only I can understand). 80% of the series was enjoyable.
[*]5 & below are animes that I find uninteresting. 30% & below of the show was enjoyable. Additional note:
~ Animes w/ 10 to 6 scores are animes that I liked, while animes w/ score of 5 is what I find boring and the 4(s) & below are the ones that are very boring to me.
~ I love series that has comedy in it (I love to laugh). Those animes usually get decent score from me :3, but comedy alone is not sufficient, it has to have a good story & likable characters.
~ I sometimes go over my list to see if I still remember the anime. I would rewatch the first 2 eps. if I still don't recall why that anime deserve its score, I would drop the current score by one.
~ I kept my scoring reminder brief for number of reasons: 1, I don't have the tolerance on reading long stuffs; 2, it looks neat; 3, I find it hard to explain things; lastly, I don't have the writing skills (never--as in never--have I written an essay while in HS, which resulted of having done 3 correspondence, attending 1 summer class, & volunteered for certain amount of hours required to make up the credit I'm missing to graduate xD). And I think it'll be a waste of time to type it in very detailed form. I'd rather spend the time to watch anime than type and read a long criteria.
Oh having said that, you must be wondering why I'm a little okay with punctuation? Well, I don't have the confidence to compose long paragraphs & good grammar, but punctuation is my only strength in writing (lol).
~ If there's an episode(s) mentioned in the tag section of my Anime list, those are episodes I loved or the only episode(s) I would re-watch in that anime.
More listed: here Summer 2013:
1) Servant x Service - 10
2) Love Lab - 8
3) Blood Lad - 8
Fall 2013:
1) Kill la Kill - 8
2) Tokyo Ravens - 8
3) Magi: Kingdom of Magic - 8
3) Nagi no Asukara - 8
4) White Album - 8
Winter 2014
1) Mikakunin de Shinkoukei - 9
2) Noragami - 9
3) Hoozuki no Reitetsu - 9
4) Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda - 8
5) Wake up, Girls! - 8
6) Nourin - 8
7) Gin no Saji 2nd Season - 8
8) Tonari no Seki-kun - 7
9) Pupipo! - 8
Spring 2014
1) Haikyuu!! - 10
2) Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii - 10
3) No Game No Life - 10
4) Gokukoku no Brynhildr - 8
Summer 2014
1) Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - 9
1) Barakamon
2) Akame ga Kill - 8
3) Zankyou no Terror - 8
4) Tokyo Ghoul - 8
Fall 2014
1) Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji - 9
2) Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu - 8
3) Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken - 7
4) Akatsuki no Yona - 5
Winter 2015
Taiyou no Ie
Natsume Yuujinchou
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushi
Koe no Katachi
Shingeki no Kyojin
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
Beast Master CharactersNakamura Daiki (Taiyou no Ie)
Sid (Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
[b]Favorite Quotes from Anime/Manga[/b]Several of them are here Anime
[*]"You're cute too you know, Nagato-san. You just don't have confidence in yourself."--Asakura (Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu)
[*]"Can you go out with me with marriage in mind?"--Hanekawa (Ep. 5)
[*]"Oh my God!"--Satan (Hoozuki Reitetsu)
[*]"To be honest, by personal instinct, balls are meant to smash into people, so I'm bad at ball games."--Hozuki of (Hoozuki Reitetsu)
[*]"She's been spoiled way too much, so she's too dependent on others' kindness. Basically, the thought of someone deceiving her or lying to her never enters her mind. She can't believe in people, but there also is no reason to doubt people."--Kaiki (Monogatari Series: Second Season)
[*]"Then why not go to a land of giants to make you feel small again?"--Hozuki (Hoozuki no Reitetsu)
[*]"However, after having a huge spat with Adam over who would be on top, and who would be on bottom at night, Lilith fled from Eden. This was humanity's first ever divorce in the Western countries."--Narrator (Hoozuki no Reitetsu)
[*]"You've got a lot of good merits in my eyes, too."--Kitajima (Kimi no Iru Machi)
[*]"Oh, I'm sorry. You're so big, I didn't see you."--Benio (Mikakunin de Shinkoukei)
[*]"There's no more trusted observer than a person who suspects you."--Sora (No Game No Life)
[*]"And as Kobeni & Mashiro-chan's big sister, I will devote my life to enjoying you!"--Benio (Mikakunin de Shinkoukei)
[*]"My brother, who used to make ridiculous declamation like: 'the more friends you have, the weaker you are as a person,' is in love now? You can make up load of excuses like how he's cool, he's nice, tall, rich, or whatever. You can come up with reasons like that, but they're all just lies; lies you say to try to justify your feelings. Pretense in other words. In the end they're just excuses. You begin by concluding that you're in love, then climb the ladder to reach that conclusion."--Karen (Nekomonogatari: Kuro)
[*]"Even if things are painful and tough, people should appreciate what it means to be alive at all."--Yato (Noragami)
[*]"I like studying from the start but I got discouraged by the reality."--Hachiken (Gin no Saji)
[*]"Don't let your regrets over the past trap you."--Akihito (Kyoukai no Kanata)
[*]"...battles that were started out with revenge can only breed more sorrow."--Aladdin (Magi: The Kingdom of Magic)
[*]"If I don't know my enemy, how can I surpass him? First I'll take a look at this wide world of ours."--Kei (Nourin)
[*]"Being forgotten is worse than being hated."--Konno (Samurai Flamenco)
[*]"There's nothing wrong with worrying. It's kind of a wall that you need to overcome to make it to the next level. If you're running up against the wall that means you are moving forward."--Aiko (Sukitte Ii na yo) Manga
[*]"The times we spent together were exceptionally sweet and fondly adorable, especially to us who were once lonely before."-- (Shuuko's Snack)
"If you like girls so much, go look at yourself in the mirror. You drag queen!!"--Livius (Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii)
[*]"I see staying up all night fried Mao's brain cells."--Daiki (Taiyou No Ie)
[*]"N-no! This... This is what we call sweat from the heart... I'm not crying at all!"--Tooyama (Aitsui Hibi)
[*]"Don't say, 'someone like me,' because you're also talking about the person I like."--Iroha (3D Kanojo)
[*]"Kyousuke, I want to do terrible things to you. Seeing what happened to Fred (the dad in the horror movie) was an inspiration."--Hori (Horimiya)
[*]"I wonder if one day I can come to love someone with all my heart. I wonder if one day I can make family too."--Natsume (Natsume Yuujinchou)
[*]"So long as we're moving forward, farewells are definitely unavoidable."--Matsunaga (Love so Life)