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Nov 12, 2012 9:23 PM

Oct 2008
"A barricade... I'm naming it Mizutani Shizuku."
That had me on the floor.

I really love the strength and willpower that Mizuku portrays. She has a goal and is dead set on it. Although its become more and more apparent that perhaps her intense focus on studying is only to distract her from the strange feelings that she has never experienced before.
You can see from her comments about how Haru would also give tickets away and how she gives him his dinner that she still does care, even though she convinced herself she didin't.

Haru was so random this week too. Shizuku's reaction to Haru licking her was priceless.

Strange how my two favourite characters this season, Shizuku and Shiina, outwardly express the emotions of a rock. It's strange because their stoicism and naivety, respectively, provide them with a deeper characterization.

rishardew said:
Natsume best character or best character?

Natsune didn't have much screentime this episode, but she's always awesome.
She was comedic gold last episode.
OmniknightNov 12, 2012 9:27 PM
Nov 12, 2012 9:27 PM

May 2009
This episode was so cute and funny all around! Can't wait for the next one.
Nov 12, 2012 9:31 PM

Nov 2012
I went total fangirl the last few minutes when Haru almost kissed Shizuku! Then he didn't! SO MAD! Sigh, I hope they give us at least one or two intimate kissing moments with the two, preferably one where they cure the tension already and just can't hold back! XP

Only one problem I have with that scene and maybe the anime so far, is the overuse of 'blank eyes'. I'd like to see more original expressions. Also, Haru's 'blank eyes' look almost ruined it in the 'almost kiss' scene. They should have instead had his eyes go a little larger as he remembers what Natsume said and then maybe his eyes could drop to her lips before he backs away. That would've made my heart thud even faster and actually portrayed Haru's attempt at being serious and controlling his urges for Shizuku.

Can't wait for the next episode! I really admire how much effort and detail is put in to each episode. We can clearly see Shizuku change as she begins to doubt her decisions for the first time and unconsciously starts involving herself in more things such as the ticket selling and etc. Haru's also starting to realize what self control is, maybe his efforts will show up more next time. I just wish Shizuku has a girl talk moment later on with Natsume so she can get her feelings for Haru sorted out properly, with some good ol' Natsume counseling!

I hope they make a season two or something, I heard there are only 13 episodes :/ I really don't want this anime to end...
SpiraiNov 12, 2012 10:09 PM
Nov 12, 2012 9:38 PM
Oct 2012
I loved this episode!! TNKK is so adorable.

edl01 said:
I didn't think I'd be saying this but I seriously want Haru to just dump Shizuku and get with the class rep. Think of it, Oshino is much kinder to him and likes him for who he he, she doesn't hide her emotions from him and doesn't become a complete jealous bitch over the fact she isn't number 1 at exam results snd start rejecting him with no regard to how he feels. Seriously right now I want nothng more for them to get into a relationship, reject Shizuku and the moral of the story can be: Don't be a bitch, bitch.

I want Haru and Oshino to get together too! Oshino's so cute and nice and I would just love to see how that would pan out and how Shizuku would react.
I love Haru but when you think about it he's being pretty bad too, like by not respecting the boundaries that Shizuku sets. And then right after she tells him that she doesn't love him, he tries to kiss her. That scene was really cute but I mean you don't try to kiss someone right after they tell you they don't like you, you know?
It looked like that blonde haired guy and his gang were beating up those 2 guys. I hate them already.
Oh and Natsume and Sohei are really cute together. ^____^
Nov 12, 2012 9:41 PM

Dec 2010
Liked the flashbacks just like i did in the manga, they always give good development to Haru's character and give implications of how he turned out like he did.
Nov 12, 2012 9:50 PM

Nov 2012
Lelouch22 said:

The obstinate, contrasting emotions that Shizuku is struggling with seem relatively insubstantial, so there's a lack of necessary weight and believability to her difficulties, thus creating a largely unconvincing, yet predictable, scenario, in which prior development within the relationship is temporarily forgotten and partially erased, much to the immediate detriment of the story. My favorite scene by far was the ending, since Haru and Shizuku finally had a relatively beautiful moment together, which was missing from the rest of the episode. That particular moment fully portrayed how significantly beneficial their relationship is to the story.

The intermittent infusion of flashes to Haru's past with his aunt were great, as they created another layer of depth to his character, while providing a nice parallel to his current troubles. Haru is really easy to sympathize with, now that Shizuku has temporarily become so unreasonable and stubborn. I consistently love how well the show manages to capture the inherent awkwardness and socially bizarre nature of his eccentric personality. Shizuku's still one of the best characters and exceptionally likable, but, though somewhat understandable, her naive, thoughtless decisions regarding her relationship with a Haru that she clearly has deep, romantic feelings for appears quite childish and, at times, more then a bit contrived. Thankfully, despite the self-inflicted, awkward distance between Haru and Shizuku, their interactions remain wonderfully fantastic, due mostly to their immense chemistry.

I have more hope in this show, seeing all the effort they put in. I'm betting on it to avoid those usual paths that other romance comedies take and instead carve their own. Also, while Haru's past was great, I'll have to agree that the mass can not relate to Shizuku's emotionless 'love' of studying. However, they can only cover so much in less than half an hour and I think this episode was crafted in a way to make us feel empathy for Haru, mainly because his physical advances (as most viewers said) seemed rather bizarre. If they had focused solely on Shizuku while allowing Haru to do the same actions he did this episode, it could have possibly made him annoying and seem as if he just can't and refuses to understand.

I also believe the next episode will focus more on Shizuku and perhaps adding a bit more depth in her and Natsume's character, hopefully. I feel a nice gal talk coming up between the two and that'd be an creative route not often traveled upon in romantic comedies (as far as I know).

Also, yes, Yamaken is annoying, even more than Oshima! But I hope they'll make his character a bit more deep and on the 'gray' side than 'oh he's just a bad guy'. I believe he also has a deeper connection with Haru, although Haru may not have seen it that way. I'm guessing that like Shizuku, he used to be possibly frustrated by Haru's easy A's and athletic skill as well or something along those lines since he goes to the 'best school' as noted by Shizuku. He also looks as if he might belong to a rich family and failed their expectations. As for Oshima, her reactions are rather realistic but too sincere in my opinion. I hope they assign her a conclusive action already, whether it be for her to become jealous of Shizuku or confess already (I prefer the latter, since it makes more sense anyways)

Btw, thank you for your insightful opinion, it was a satisfying read :)
SpiraiNov 12, 2012 9:53 PM
Nov 12, 2012 9:59 PM

Nov 2012
ClementIV said:
So there is banana juice in Japan?

Well at least they are moving forward with the "relationship". Haru sure doesn't think, why would he try to lick her again? That was the funniest part.

I was more surprised that the other four guys where from a private school and that Kenji is the intelligent type.


Haru licked her and almost kissed her because he wants her so much. Although he doesn't think it's in a real love way since he can't confirm if he'll love her the same way after he 'gets what he wants' (if you know what I mean... O.o) But, he really wants to touch her, to hold her, and he doesn't know why but because he's the touchy-feely type, his body language often speaks his emotions rather clearly. I think it's kinda hot how much he wants her and I think Shizuku got somewhat of a hint of that when she blushed. But the fact that he was able to control himself the last second for her sake was even sweeter! :P
Nov 12, 2012 10:02 PM

Nov 2012
shanimebib said:

Coming back to the anime, I wonder who that mysterious aunt character was and who was the blond older guy beating Haru.


My guess is that the blond guy was his uncle and the woman in the episode introduced herself to Haru as his aunt.
Nov 12, 2012 10:40 PM

Jul 2012
Ehhhh..... this whole back and forth "i love him"/"No I don't" thing is getting kind of old :/

If you really want to fit in, just put Legend of the Galactic Heroes in your top 5 and have it be the only 10-rated anime in your list.
Nov 12, 2012 10:45 PM
Aug 2012
Spirai said:
shanimebib said:

Coming back to the anime, I wonder who that mysterious aunt character was and who was the blond older guy beating Haru.


My guess is that the blond guy was his uncle and the woman in the episode introduced herself to Haru as his aunt.

I'm pretty sure Haru called the blonde guy Mitsuyoshi, so I think it's Micchan but with blonde hair.

Awesome episode despite not being the best, haha. I see many people being annoyed with Shizuku's behaviour but I guess it's justified as she doesn't really have experience interacting with other people, especially with a guy she likes (and adding the fact that her grades have taken a blow)

Natsume was epic as always, I wonder if she'll get more screentime soon? (if you manga readers get what i mean, ;D)
Nov 12, 2012 11:01 PM

Oct 2010
That was one of the best episodes I've ever watched. The part with his aunt on her deathbed hit me harder than Little Busters' "drama" did. And there wasn't even exposition; they SHOWED the scene.

Haru and Shizuku's romance keeps getting better and better, and even Oshima is a realistic character; the friend zone is definitely a reality. The couple in this series makes feel just as confused as they are in their conversations.

The only part I will complain about is the part where Yamaken and friends bully some people and nobody does anything about it. Not sure if that's supposed to mean anything.

Nov 12, 2012 11:25 PM

Oct 2011

gyaaaah shizuku, haru, natsume, everyone is so cuuuute!!

Nov 13, 2012 12:01 AM

Jan 2011
Karupo said:
Spirai said:
shanimebib said:

Coming back to the anime, I wonder who that mysterious aunt character was and who was the blond older guy beating Haru.


My guess is that the blond guy was his uncle and the woman in the episode introduced herself to Haru as his aunt.

I'm pretty sure Haru called the blonde guy Mitsuyoshi, so I think it's Micchan but with blonde hair.

it indeed is Micchan in his younger days :P
Nov 13, 2012 1:47 AM

Oct 2012
LOL! You can't fight love Shizuku. I wonder if Haru will ever figure out how Ooshima feels about him? I enjoy this series more and more after each episode.
Nov 13, 2012 2:58 AM

Feb 2011
I don't find Shizuku as annoying. It must be understood that Shizuku is a girl without much social skills. She dedicates herself in study and her goal is to be the best (It shouldn't be a bad thing, right?). People tend to dislike someone like her and she could be considered as arrogant because of that whether it's true or not. She actually needs someone to understand her, and I think Haru is the best for Shizuku. With him around, she can change, even though the progress is slow.

I try to put myself in her shoes, and I understand her hardship and emotional turmoil

And OMG that tongue o///o

Btw I really like Yamaken! His interaction with Shizuku will be quite effective to make certain someone jealous~

Want more Yamaken <3

Nov 13, 2012 3:15 AM

Aug 2010
Sorry to say that, I only watch this anime for Natsume.. well yeah, though I really like the story but its getting abit irritating
Nov 13, 2012 6:51 AM

Dec 2011
Yamaken <3333
And Shizuku was so cute too!
Love this anime.
Nov 13, 2012 8:18 AM

Nov 2009
Along with Sakurasou, Tonari is the most enjoyable rom-com anime for me this season. Those sweet moments were just too cute, like Haru almost kissed Shizuku at the end, and she blushed, acted all shyly, arrgh what a beautiful couple.
Nov 13, 2012 9:08 AM
Nov 2011
Well, now we can say Haru is on the offensive!

Lol, I laughed so hard when he said "there´s no man who can keep that promise!!" So funny. This is one of the thigs I love about Tonari. It shows a little more realism when it comes to its characters.
"Often times words are uttered that stand directly opposed to what the heart is feeling. I believe, in spite o whatever harsh words are spoken, the concealed heart wants to embrace everyone"
Nov 13, 2012 9:25 AM

Jun 2009
I understand that some people find the current relationship of Haru and Shizuku a little annoying. I didn't liked it either whilst I was reading the manga. But the best is yet to come. I'm realling looking forward to the next episode.

I like Chizuru more in the anime then the manga. I think because of the VA, she's quite good. Not much Sasayan is this ep but alot of Natsume ( Natsume! YEAH!) ^-^
Nov 13, 2012 9:53 AM

Mar 2012
Yamaken and those other guys' school is Kaimei Academy!
Kaimei Gakuen is the same academy as the school in SKET Dance!
Yamaken is smart and rich... btw nobody cared about the guys who were beaten up
Nov 13, 2012 10:33 AM

Apr 2010
Haru trying to understand Shizuku this episode and he seems to be getting dare he also had some pretty daring behaviour much to Shizuku's dislike.
Those guys that always hang around Haru where pretty funny ones again trying to beg for tickets from Natsume.
Nov 13, 2012 10:59 AM

Aug 2010
I liked Chizuru in the manga but the manga is making me like her much more...probably Kana effect XD
I loved that scene where Haru confessed on in front of the window was really nice.
Finally Yamaken, is gonna start appearing more :)
That last scene with the Blushing on the stairs was totally awesome...Blushing Shizuku was really cute :D
Nov 13, 2012 11:22 AM

Sep 2011
Banana juice seems pretty disgusting.

Chizuru is definitely cuter than Shizuka, she also willingly shows emotion unlike Shizuka most of the time. Haru should get together with her instea, but that won't happen of course
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

Join my fan club // Improve the transport network
Nov 13, 2012 2:56 PM

Nov 2011
QuiGonJon said:
Ehhhh..... this whole back and forth "i love him"/"No I don't" thing is getting kind of old :/

Agree agree agree. The show is funny and cute but I don't understand how they keep falling in and out of love with each other so quickly. -_-
I like the show I guess but it's frustrating me...
Nov 13, 2012 3:24 PM
Nov 2012
Shizukuuuuu <3 Please love me! :'(
Oi, Haru desu.
Nov 13, 2012 3:47 PM

Sep 2011
JennyEsquire said:
Banana juice seems pretty disgusting.
Try imagining it with onions...
Nov 13, 2012 4:45 PM

Jun 2007
*glances at the whiteboard at the cram school*

What are they teaching students about English?
Nov 13, 2012 4:55 PM

Jul 2012
Another good episode lol at the open scene Haru and Chizuru Haru I don't think I've seen you since you asked about my balls Chizura don't mention that!
Nov 13, 2012 9:49 PM

Aug 2011
I really hope they don't push Blondie as a legitimate love interest. Love triangles are bad enough as it is.

But yeah. Natsume is helping me from getting angry at Shizuku.

Solidly the best show of the season.
Nov 13, 2012 10:25 PM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
Excellent episode this time, there was a bit of back and forth here and there but I thought the happenings this episode to be well written and executed.

The laughs were great once again and it really helps in overlooking the actual fact that full on plot progression is sparse. Besides a suitable ending though, I think this episode shows that Tonari doesn't necessarily have to progress a lot to remain enjoyable.
Nov 14, 2012 1:43 AM

Jun 2010
Shizuku is starting to annoy me.
Nov 14, 2012 3:55 AM

May 2010
Lelouch22 said:
Although it was quite good and mostly enjoyable, this was probably the weakest episode of the series, since the elevated drama isn't working as well as it did in episodes past. Combine that with a slight decline in the comedy, and it's inevitable that this episode would be a bit worse than the others. The most noticeable flaw in this episode was that the interactions between Haru and Shizuku, the best element of the show, were disappointingly diminished, in favor of an unsatisfying, unenjoyable heightening of Oshima's interactions with Haru and Yamaken's utterly terrible interactions with Shizuku.

The obstinate, contrasting emotions that Shizuku is struggling with seem relatively insubstantial, so there's a lack of necessary weight and believability to her difficulties, thus creating a largely unconvincing, yet predictable, scenario, in which prior development within the relationship is temporarily forgotten and partially erased, much to the immediate detriment of the story. My favorite scene by far was the ending, since Haru and Shizuku finally had a relatively beautiful moment together, which was missing from the rest of the episode. That particular moment fully portrayed how significantly beneficial their relationship is to the story.

The intermittent infusion of flashes to Haru's past with his aunt were great, as they created another layer of depth to his character, while providing a nice parallel to his current troubles. Haru is really easy to sympathize with, now that Shizuku has temporarily become so unreasonable and stubborn. I consistently love how well the show manages to capture the inherent awkwardness and socially bizarre nature of his eccentric personality. Shizuku's still one of the best characters and exceptionally likable, but, though somewhat understandable, her naive, thoughtless decisions regarding her relationship with a Haru that she clearly has deep, romantic feelings for appears quite childish and, at times, more then a bit contrived. Thankfully, despite the self-inflicted, awkward distance between Haru and Shizuku, their interactions remain wonderfully fantastic, due mostly to their immense chemistry.

Natsume and her superb humor really carries the show whenever it slips into a rare mediocrity. As such, the constancy of the excellently effective lighthearted tone is largely due to her random, but often insightful appearances, especially throughout the last two episodes, since Haru and Shizuku's relationship has become needlessly complicated. She's gradually becoming my favorite character, even elevating past Haru and Shizuku, which is quite unexpected. Though I did like her helpful advice to Haru, this episode essentially solidified Oshima as my least favorite character, aside from Yamaken, who's infinitely worse. Though somewhat likable, she's not nearly as engaging or interesting as the other characters, and her interactions with Haru, for the most part, aren't that enjoyable, due mostly to the hindrance placed around her development, since she's artificially forced into this awful "love triangle". All of this causes her to effectively feel like a supremely secondary and considerably unimportant character.

Yamaken, in his brief appearances, continues to be the only unlikable character, so the show's definitely at it's best when he's not involved. Unfortunately, it seems abundantly clear that he'll be an eventual "rival", constantly manipulating and aggressively interfering, which will certainly be far more insufferable and aggravating than his momentary scenes with Shizuku already are. I was unfortunately correct in my assumption that he would conveniently appear as soon as Haru and Shizuku have distanced themselves from one another, which, for this show's typical excellence, is far too predictable. Of course, every romantic comedy, for whatever reason, needs a ridiculously contrived triangle to "spice" things up, but I'd rather this show didn't fall into those genre-specific cliches.

The solid production values continue to be one of the best, most consistent elements within each episode. The visuals complement the atmosphere wonderfully, creating a brightly colorful aesthetic that assists in illuminating the true nature of the show. The animation was, as usual, really good throughout this episode, as it's able to illustrate the exaggerated movements and embellished humor exceptionally well.

All in all, even with a less impressive episode, Tonari is still one of the best shows of the season, as it excels with it's compelling characters, plethora of humorous moments, and the superbly engaging character interactions. I'm hoping that the story will return to it's best aspects though, most notably the relationship between Haru and Shizuku, since the absence of their mutual happiness slightly diminishes the quality of the show. As such, I'm really looking forward to the development of their relationship, since it should only improve from this point. I'd also like to think that more woefully bad triangles won't be added to the narrative, but it's practically a foregone conclusion that this show, for all it's greatness, won't avoid these conventional missteps.

Lol,you should do a review for this anime,if you haven't?
Nov 14, 2012 6:39 AM

Nov 2008
I really don't get this, one episode she decides she likes him, the next she can't even stand the idea of falling in love with him, even though it's clear what she really wants. And then hé remembers he's actually 'in love' with her just like the first episode..
What argghh is this mess..
Nov 14, 2012 11:00 AM

Jul 2012
Best love story i've seen in anime so far. Funny and romantic at the same time. Great episode :)
Nov 14, 2012 1:36 PM

Oct 2009
hmmmmmm i seeeeeee shizuki x haru 4ever ;3 !

ssf4ae (pc) : misterCybou
sc2 : CybE // 665
Nov 14, 2012 2:46 PM

Mar 2011

I saw this guys in Zetsuen no Tempest. Are they jobbing part-time in Tonari Kaibutsu?

Nov 14, 2012 2:54 PM

Feb 2012
Kyobotte said:

I saw this guys in Zetsuen no Tempest. Are they jobbing part-time in Tonari Kaibutsu?

lol now where's that hairclip.
Nov 14, 2012 3:16 PM

Sep 2012
Thie whole " I love you, no I don't, yes I don't..." shit is getting irritating, too many times, it feels like we were back at episode 1 again. I dislike anime that don't want to progress. Also, Class Rep and Blondie are lame Love Interest, especially Blondie. The comedy was just OK this episode.
Worst episode of this anime for me.

Natsume was still gold though.
Nov 14, 2012 9:03 PM

Jan 2011
QuiGonJon said:
Ehhhh..... this whole back and forth "i love him"/"No I don't" thing is getting kind of old :/
In my opinion, Shizuku IS in love with Haru but it affects her study, well, of course its a big deal for her, who just doing nothing but study.
The previous episode is the key here. She convince that "Studying is fun", "Studying made me feel complete", "I dont need anything that would be a distraction (in this case, its love)". As the results she make sure that she must just focus to study, and win over her own feeling. But in the end she cant lol.

still 5/5 for me
Nov 14, 2012 9:32 PM

May 2012
Shizuku has always and still likes him, but for some reason she's ignoring him... I wonder why.
Nov 15, 2012 4:31 AM

Apr 2012
Go Haru go Haru GO!
Man this ep is just epic.
With Haru punching the senpai aswell as the love trouble between him and Shizuku.
Also the blond guy makes hisfull appearance next ep
The Art of Shipping is no mere game. It can be small skirmishes to huge nation size wars.
Of course some will claim their ship is the BATTLESHIP but they all do. This is why battles occur because of factions fighting each other to justify their favourite ship.
And thus SHIP to SHIP combat occurs almost anytime even now.
Beware, Threading into the Shipping battlefield will be bloody.... What are you waiting for?
Nov 15, 2012 6:15 AM

Feb 2009
I would feel sorry for the children of Haru and Chizuku if they get married someday, just imagine that household!

I wish for once while acting so indecisive one lose the other I mean really what the hell?!
Nov 15, 2012 6:23 AM

Jan 2011
Great episode, amazing comedy and the story is making progress.
Haru is learning not to let his desires take control and Shiziku seems to have fallen in love with him again.
Dat chicken ending... awesome! I'm looking forward to more.
HauntingShock said:
Kyobotte said:

I saw this guys in Zetsuen no Tempest. Are they jobbing part-time in Tonari Kaibutsu?

lol now where's that hairclip.

Now that you mention it... they really do look alike don't they.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Nov 15, 2012 1:07 PM

Apr 2011
Why can't Shizuku accept the fact that she loves Haru. She is so denial about it.
Nov 15, 2012 1:48 PM

Feb 2012
Hikarusuke said:
Why can't Shizuku accept the fact that she loves Haru. She is so denial about it.

Because she doesn't know it herself. Sounds stupid but that's really how it is.
She can't understand her own emotions even as a kid.
Nov 15, 2012 3:43 PM
Aug 2011
Really liked Natsume this episode,"Banana juice wouldn't make me drunk!".
Nov 15, 2012 4:50 PM

Sep 2012
I don't even care about the plot, I could watch these characters interact all day! This show is just entertaining as hell! But I think I'm starting to like class-rep more than Shizuku...
Nov 15, 2012 5:33 PM

Jul 2012
I liked it. I rewatched all the funny Haru parts. :D

Nov 15, 2012 8:38 PM
Jun 2012
Sucks that this anime is only 13 episodes long. I expect another Skip Beat-esque "ending".
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