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Nov 11, 2012 10:44 AM

May 2011
I've been on the verge of putting this anime off until it finishes, I think I'll make this the point in which I'll pick it back up later.
Nov 11, 2012 11:05 AM

May 2011
I like this anime so far but... New Characters showing up every episode isn't very original. The Star transferring and trying to get the guy either. Overused! I'll keep watching however because it's still cute and I like it. Remind me of Bokura Ga Ita somehow and Kimi ni Todoke. I liked that show too. When I watch Shoujo, I always get mad at the Heroine for being naive so nothing new here ! ;)

Actually... I thought Megu wasn't looking that good with him. And... I thought he wasn't interested in Look ? then why doing photo shot even if it's just for one day. I guess it doesn't bother him that much after all !?

I'll have to agree...
Erzaa said:
First of all, I feel like Mei and Yamato's relationship isn't moving forward anymore. I also feel like Mei isn't trying very hard to get it moving. (...) It's like they say, people feed off another's energy. They kinda do fit well together.

I'll give you that. The rest I don't really agree but, yah. Doing cookies... ? It doesn't impress me and doesn't help moving the relationship forward a little. Mei isn't doing shit to keep him either. I feel like She's just moving along with Yamato. She doesn't seems interest in him the slightest. Doesn't ask question about what's happening. Easy for a new character to appear and think she can steal Yamato if Mei doesn't even look like she's in his life at all.

Anyway... Good Luck, Mei ! Show this girl who's Yamato's Girl ! Where did the Fighting Spirit she showed in Episode 1 to defend herself went !? I'd love to see it back !
Nov 11, 2012 11:29 AM

Jul 2012
Rival 2 has appeared. This is becoming pretty cliche and I hate characters like Megu. XD Annoying and superficial. Mei is starting to have Girlfriend insecurities now. All in all, the episode was average - a setback compared to the great previous episode.

Nov 11, 2012 1:22 PM

Nov 2008
Hmm, so far still nothing special..
The ED makes me want to watch Honey and Clover again. Now thát is some real drama..
Nov 11, 2012 2:38 PM

Jul 2012
Amazing but still so naive episode. I bet in the next one he will say he thouth about being with Mei while photoshoot.
Nov 11, 2012 3:01 PM

Jun 2008
Yamato looks so good with glasses o u o
Nov 11, 2012 3:17 PM

Jan 2011
I think part of the problem people are finding is the relatively quick pace of the anime--we seem on track to finish in one cour so we don't quite get to see how Mei is changing over time and development seems a bit rushed. While she's doing better, she still has a ways to go in terms of expressing how she feels to other people (although to be fair, even allowing herself to risk hurt by feeling about other people is progress) and seeking help or trusting her friends.

And of course Megu is a bitch, but it looks like there's a bit of a backstory there too. Note that she recognized Yamato right away, even before introductions were made.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Nov 11, 2012 4:19 PM

Aug 2011
draker said:
No no no no no no, just no. Sukitte, what the hell are you doing?
Not the overused lame love triangle, for God's sake.
You were amazing so far, so why this shit now?
Is adding some random love rival the only way to make drama?
Come on, you can do better than this!

It's not a love triangle, trust me. It's just Megu being a bitch on her part. Yamato will always be attracted to Mei, he makes that very clear.
Nov 11, 2012 4:24 PM

Sep 2012
MM-Rosiie said:
Loved Yamato's rejection. :D

Lol... when he did that my first thought was "Owned."

Episode was kinda slow, but I felt bad for Mei at the end having to watch Yamato, who she's already insecure enough about, do that photo shoot with Megu. Ending an episode with her in tears is cruel though. Now I gotta wait a whole week again. Blegh.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Praise the Oppai ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Nov 11, 2012 5:50 PM

Dec 2011
poor mei... FUCK MEGU!

yamato was in the right when he bitched her out in the beginning, shouldve kept doing it -__-
that wouldve set her straight real quick

<img src="" />
Nov 11, 2012 8:21 PM

May 2009
I don't like this new girl already! Anyone who asks out a guy knowing they have a girlfriend and say they don't care is just a freaking tramp! UGH! Even though she said sorry the next day she clearly has not backed off. I hope someone sets her straight soon.
Nov 11, 2012 9:52 PM

Nov 2009
draker said:
No no no no no no, just no. Sukitte, what the hell are you doing?
Not the overused lame love triangle, for God's sake.
You were amazing so far, so why this shit now?
Is adding some random love rival the only way to make drama?
Come on, you can do better than this!

This just officially becomes like a super-fictional and typical shoujo product when the hot boy coincidentally meet a super model, his girl friend(also happens to be the female protagonist) feels sad+depress, add in the melodrama.

Mediocre episode tbh.
Nov 12, 2012 3:44 AM

May 2011
This is my second anime I'm watching that focus on the theme 'Romance". So I don't feel bored or like how others had felt. Though it is predictable and typical(like what others had said), as long as the anime is able to make me feel sympathy with the character(in this case, Mei), I think it's good.

Good thing that I gave anime that is about romance a try, despite having the feeling that it won't be good before watching this anime.
Nov 12, 2012 3:46 AM

Oct 2012
Bowl_of_Noodles said:
Come on Mei! If she realized how much Yamato actually cared for her, she wouldn't be running into these problems. You can't blame her though, she's been used to being the ignored/lonely/inferior person for nearly her entire social life.


Omg.. :<
Nov 12, 2012 5:58 AM

May 2010
This anime has such a peaceful aura around it & megumi has ruined it.
Nov 12, 2012 7:02 AM

Dec 2009
Shinimiras said:
Ok, Mei has become an alien in my eyes. Who the heck identifies accurately what they're feeling but not why they're feeling that way?

lots of people actually. like me. i can a times understand i'm sad, but not know why because emotions can have layers to them and it sometimes takes time to identify why you feel like crud.

i don't mean to get long a winded, but while back a girl got a higher grade than me on a math exam, and suddenly bam! i was sad. didn't feel like eating, couldn't sleep felt sluggish. i understood i was sad, but why was i so sad? it was just an exam, a pretest at that, and people score higher than me in math all the time. it really shouldn't have made me so sad. it took hours like in bed for me to finally realize, i wasn't sad because the girl had scored higher than me on the exam. it was the events that happened before and after i received my score on the exam that made me feel so helpless.

all in all, due to events i felt replaced, a waste of space, not because i scored lower on the exam but for other reasons.

tl;dr : not everyone has straightforward ideas about their emotions, and this comes from someone who is most often described as caustic and unemotional.

besides that, i really loved this episode. it was sweet and all the yamato/mei moments had me smiling. now i want to read the manga and find out what megu-chan does...
5/5 for this ep.

code geass s2 : darker than black : free! es :
haikyuu!! : inaire : kurobas 2 : mikagura : znt

Nov 12, 2012 9:17 AM
Nov 2011
So, this is the rumored Megu? Looks like trouble.
"Often times words are uttered that stand directly opposed to what the heart is feeling. I believe, in spite o whatever harsh words are spoken, the concealed heart wants to embrace everyone"
Nov 12, 2012 9:36 AM

Sep 2011
Yui_Haruna said:
So, this is the rumored Megu? Looks like trouble.
ALL girls are trouble ;)
Nov 12, 2012 11:16 AM
Aug 2012
i despise the character of Megu....
she's gonna play evil now!!!!!!!
Nov 12, 2012 11:47 AM

Oct 2012
Looking forward to see how Megu character develops and whether she becomes a legitimate threat to Mei and Yamato's relationship. I am thinking more like Mei will eventually sabotage it herself even if she does get a push from Megu. Every single aspect of this relationship is completely new to her, her feelings might end up betraying her in the end.
Nov 12, 2012 12:25 PM

Aug 2012
demonus said:
Looking forward to see how Megu character develops and whether she becomes a legitimate threat to Mei and Yamato's relationship. I am thinking more like Mei will eventually sabotage it herself even if she does get a push from Megu. Every single aspect of this relationship is completely new to her, her feelings might end up betraying her in the end.

I agree I'm thinking Mei will be sabotage by Megu. This Megu character has that evil I'm-Going-to-steal-you're-boyfriend-away- from- you vibe.
Nov 12, 2012 1:32 PM

Apr 2012
Mei really should speak her mind more to Yamato and avoid uncomfortable situations.
Nov 12, 2012 6:50 PM

Nov 2008
tohzuki said:
Wow Megu is finally here, I can finally start bitching with a reason.
I never liked her... and I like her even less now that she's animated lmao

I've been waiting for her to come out just so I can say how much I dislike her. Poor Mei, I wish I could hug her. I want that Megu to freaking disappear.
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Nov 12, 2012 9:19 PM

Sep 2011
I already dislike the new girl Megu. Especially her entrance little "Bitch" Shallow move at the front of the school.

Time to start bitching!
Nov 13, 2012 8:44 AM

Aug 2012
Megumi crashed and burned in her 1st attempt to get Yamato. xD

I guess it wouldn't be much of a love story without a bit of competition.... nevertheless.... I hated it.
I never go back on my words... that's my NINDO... MY NINJA WAY!!!
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Nov 13, 2012 10:08 AM

Jan 2008
So, is the whole anime gonna be like this? As in a girls constantly interfere with the two and after they somehow stop her, the show moves onto the next bitch girl trying to cock block them?
Nov 13, 2012 7:47 PM

Aug 2011
WrathSC said:
draker said:
No no no no no no, just no. Sukitte, what the hell are you doing?
Not the overused lame love triangle, for God's sake.
You were amazing so far, so why this shit now?
Is adding some random love rival the only way to make drama?
Come on, you can do better than this!
wtf are u talking about the more sides in a love story the better
Nov 13, 2012 7:58 PM

Aug 2012
I hope the entire anime won't be random girls coming to try and take Yamato away from Mei, it's already getting old.

I honestly get a little frustrated whenever Mei lets her insecurity push her down as Yamato has proven again and again that he has eyes for her and only her, yet at the same time her insecurity is completely justified and understandable. It's funny though, by Sukitte Ii na yo standards Mei as a below average looking girl yet I think she's the cutest of all the girls so far.

Kind of seems like the photo shoot thing is just the first blow from Megumi, like she's saying "I am the light and you're nothing more than an insignificant shadow. Know your place." or something.
Like others have said Mei's feelings of insecurity might be her undoing. Megumi seems like a deceptive, manipulative bitch who'll do anything to get what she wants (in this case Yamato) and characters like Mei are weak to those kind of characters.

I hate Megumi and all that but what bothered me the most in this episode was how nonchalantly Nakanishi and Asami behaved. Asami practically pushing them together (albeit unintentionally) and Nakanishi (can't remember if Asami said anything) saying out loud right infront of Mei how they looked like a real couple and good together. Considering how Mei helped Nakanishi and Asami get together you'd think they'd be a *little* more considerate. So until they redeem themselves they're on my hate list.

Seems like I'll be grinding my teeth in frustration in episode 7 aswell.
Nov 13, 2012 10:02 PM
May 2012
I think this episode was interesting because I mean, Mei hadn't really trusted Yamato before, but she had never really been jealous or felt really inferior to any of the other girls. Megu also doesn't have any obvious problems like Asami and Aiko had, so it leaves room for this to get pretty interesting.
I felt so bad for Mei in this episode, but she looks rather cute with her hair grown out. I loved it before, too, but I can't really decide which way I liked it better.
I'm also starting to really like Asami and Nakanishi together. They're frickin adorable.
Nov 14, 2012 1:42 AM

Jun 2010
Alright, this cliche couldn't missing out. Almost every romance/school-shoujo has such a situation with a rival.

Megu reminds me of Ume from KnT with a mix of Ami from Toradora. Typical egotistical attitude - Couldn't expect less from a model.

However, I think that Mei shouldn't leave Yamato like that-- "It's okay, there is no need for us to return home everyday together." Not to force him either, but many times, it is like she isn't showing much of interest because she is scared. That is Megu's chance & now I wonder how Mei will face this sort of situation.

At least I hope Yamato won't join the agency... Because, I bet after the photoshoot, they are going to beg him to become their model. Also, I hope in the end that Megu won't become friends with everyone.
Nov 14, 2012 5:02 AM
Sep 2011
Its a bunch of slutty girls drooling over a hot boi, what do u expect?
Nov 14, 2012 6:04 AM

Jul 2011
It can't be more cliche than that...
Nov 14, 2012 11:00 AM
Jun 2012
meepsheep said:
This is becoming pretty cliche

I don't mind much that it's a huge cliche. As long as it's nicely done it can still be good.

meepsheep said:
Mei is starting to have Girlfriend insecurities now.

But I do mind that it feels like the wrong cliche for this show. Why would Mei feel insecure over modelling. Neither her nor Yamato has been the sort that would care about fashion magazines and modelling.
Nov 14, 2012 11:33 AM

Jun 2012
UM. OH WOW. Sigh. There's always a fucking twist like this that just makes you cringe. I don't blame Mei at all for having feels of jealousy. This is bullshit. Complete bullshit. I wonder what happens next man, UGHHGHGGH.
Nov 14, 2012 12:04 PM
Mar 2012
penguindrum264 said:
I loved the cookie and hammer scene. xD
Yeah, that was good. LOL

Sometimes I wonder about Mei. I do understand her sometimes, but how can someone be so extremely shy and awkward and unaware of one's and other's feelings? I mean she's really totally clueless. "Why?" Duh.
What use is a boyfriend, if you can't even look him in the eye? Shouldn't you feel relaxed and happy and good by your boyfriend's side? [/rant]

Poor Yamato.
But he's so nice, always checking if Mei is ok with it, declining other girls directly, etc.
Nov 14, 2012 2:57 PM

Sep 2011
ElenirLachlagos said:
What use is a boyfriend, if you can't even look him in the eye?
Lifting heavy objects, getting things off of top shelves, and dealing with the occasional spider.
Nov 14, 2012 5:41 PM

Mar 2011
Mei is actually annoying me to no end, sometimes her actions and thoughts make me think she deserves losing him IMO

Megu was straight to the point, I don't know whether her real target was to get him to model or actually have him as her BF, but for a strong main character he rejected her which was damn cool

I think this is another typical Shoujo anime full of mis-understandings
Nov 15, 2012 2:05 AM

Jan 2011
Shinobuden said:
[...]but what bothered me the most in this episode was how nonchalantly Nakanishi and Asami behaved. Asami practically pushing them together (albeit unintentionally) and Nakanishi (can't remember if Asami said anything) saying out loud right infront of Mei how they looked like a real couple and good together. Considering how Mei helped Nakanishi and Asami get together you'd think they'd be a *little* more considerate. So until they redeem themselves they're on my hate.

This. I thought the same thing about her two so-called friends. They've obviously forgotten how Mei helped them out. I somehow find their brand of friendship quite shallow and I see why Mei felt the way she did about friendships in the beginning.
Nov 17, 2012 12:39 PM

Jun 2008
Didn't Megumi only move there after she met Yamato? :S I don't remember that well anymore... But I think he didn't outright reject her in the manga, that was awesome~ This episode was sure horrible for Mei... ;(
Nov 17, 2012 2:08 PM

Feb 2009
This was so frustrating to watch... God. :( Aaaargh.
Nov 17, 2012 4:25 PM

Sep 2008
The addition of a "rival" is just retarded. It's almost laughable how they're trying to make it look like this new girl could actually somehow take Kurosawa away from Mei.
Nov 18, 2012 1:29 PM

Jan 2011
Megumi doesn't fit in properly at all, this was a bad move from the author. We all know that Yamato won't leave Mei because of something stupid like this.
I wonder if Mei will change because of this, she really is passive right now but I'm sure she loves Yamato and she should be more open about it.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Nov 18, 2012 1:53 PM

Oct 2008
I really hate girls like Megumi in real life.

Girls who only worry about their appearance and when confronted with something, try very backhanded methods to get what they want. She was such a giant fake when she was trying to be modest about her modeling career.

5layer said:
The addition of a "rival" is just retarded. It's almost laughable how they're trying to make it look like this new girl could actually somehow take Kurosawa away from Mei.

Since when has a rival taken been able to successfully break up a plot pair in a shoujo? We all know that Mei will end up with Kurosawa, but it's more about how they overcome these obstacles. Not only this, but rivals eventually tend to push the couple closer together, which I can only assume will happen within the next few episodes.
OmniknightNov 18, 2012 1:57 PM
Nov 19, 2012 12:46 AM

Sep 2008
Omniknight said:
5layer said:
The addition of a "rival" is just retarded. It's almost laughable how they're trying to make it look like this new girl could actually somehow take Kurosawa away from Mei.
Since when has a rival taken been able to successfully break up a plot pair in a shoujo? We all know that Mei will end up with Kurosawa, but it's more about how they overcome these obstacles. Not only this, but rivals eventually tend to push the couple closer together, which I can only assume will happen within the next few episodes.
Still, extremely overused plot device and it wasn't even done well here considering how impossible a relationship between Kurosawa and Megumi would be. At least in a lot of other shoujo, a relationship with the rival isn't entirely impossible to imagine.
Nov 19, 2012 1:47 PM
Mar 2012
Cratex said:
ElenirLachlagos said:
What use is a boyfriend, if you can't even look him in the eye?
Lifting heavy objects, getting things off of top shelves, and dealing with the occasional spider.
Ok, you make some good points there. Especially with the top shelves. And the spiders.
Nov 23, 2012 2:53 PM

Feb 2012
Cratex said:
ElenirLachlagos said:
What use is a boyfriend, if you can't even look him in the eye?
Lifting heavy objects, getting things off of top shelves, and dealing with the occasional spider.
I can do that for myself, lol. Not afraid of spiders. If anything i'd have to fend of bees or something for him.
Nov 24, 2012 7:08 AM
Mar 2012
I'm small, so top shleves is difficult. I can't change the light bulbs in my bathroom because even with the ladder, I can't reach them. :(
Well, spiders... that depends. I have a problem with the fat ones and ones that keep running around. But if they keep to their corner and just eat their flies, that's fine with me.
Nov 25, 2012 12:44 AM

Sep 2011
Vyudali said:
Cratex said:
ElenirLachlagos said:
What use is a boyfriend, if you can't even look him in the eye?
Lifting heavy objects, getting things off of top shelves, and dealing with the occasional spider.
I can do that for myself, lol. Not afraid of spiders. If anything i'd have to fend of bees or something for him.
checking out scary noises in the middleof the night? Most of us can be house trained. ...
I'm running out of reasons, i'll admit.
Nov 27, 2012 7:23 PM
Sep 2012
Maybe Mei will make some good cookies by the end of the show. As for the modeling crew making comments, they probably didn't know Mei and Yamato go out. Megu most likely just called them friends from school. As for the other couple making comments, those two aren't that bright anyways.
Nov 30, 2012 2:40 PM

Oct 2012
I like the manga and that's why I watch the anime. But I didn't think that my hate charakter appear so fast TT_TT I mean the seiyuu did a really great job for Megu and that's why she's more annoying -.-
Mei, I'm really sorry for you...
And why isn't Aiko there? I really like the friendship between Asami, Aiko and Mei and Aiko also saw that Mei cry at the photo shooting!
Hach, it's so sad... I wish they could do more episodes so we can see the other people oder pairings, too! >.<
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