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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
24 minutes ago
Watching 11/13 · Scored -
Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru
Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru
4 hours ago
Watching 11/12 · Scored -
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
Today, 3:02 AM
Watching 10/24 · Scored -
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fausifahrial Feb 3, 10:42 AM
Mine’s on May 26. Still a few months to go

Have a great day ~
Leah Feb 2, 10:32 PM
Right back at you! Life has been good. I recently played Crisis Core Reunion and loved it, and am now finally getting around to playing through FFVII R. Now I can play Rebirth, and I heard part three is completed, so I’m looking forward to that. I still prefer the og, though there are several aspects of the remake I’ve enjoyed so far. Haven’t played XVI yet but it’s high on the list! Hope you’ve been very well!
Klefki_of_Awsome Jan 29, 6:13 AM
Happy Birthday, Alfyan ~!^^
fausifahrial Jan 28, 9:54 PM
Happy birthday! :)
icarenot Jan 12, 6:32 AM
u beast
Klefki_of_Awsome Jan 6, 2:24 PM
That makes sense, lol, Idk why I didn't think about that..x'D So you were living in Hong Kong before, Alfyan?:3
I see, so Monia would be a full OG MAL'er, lol?xD>

Hmm, the thing is I don't know them that well tbh, though they share a few servers with me on Discord and we've talked here and there so maybe it would be fine..? I have a lot of IRL friends that I got to meet for the first time in a while last year and that was great, since they didn't change too much (although I've been hearing that a lot of people I knew were married now or had jobs, which shouldn't be too surprising considering our age for the second one, but the first one surprised me!). My IRL friends are anime watchers too but much more casually than I am. That said, they still go to Japanese/anime music concerts and talk to me about what they've watched recently, so it feels like the good old days again when we get together!

Ohh, that's great! We had plans to do this kind of thing with my irl friends before the pandemic happened, and sadly it never did. I'm not working rn either so it would be hard to travel anywhere abroad tbh..^^'3 Did you get to visit any pilgrimage sites while you were there?0v0 Hey man, a week in Japan is still a treat, lol!xD

Wow, sounds like you had a blast! And luckily indeed for the karaoke, lol! I don't think I could ever bring myself to go alone for the first time, haha..x'D (even if I do like singing on my own tbh, it would just be awkward to go into that kind of establishment alone if it was my first time going in one [which it would if I went])
I'm really curious about that suitcase, though! What series is it from?xD>

Agreed!!>.<3 It went so-so, got a lot of tempting offers but none of them landed. I had taken a break to focus on driving classes instead, and I'm glad I managed to do those and get my license since driving is really a gamechanger in how you see and interact with the world imho! I'll be going back to looking for something, and currently have one offer on the table, so hopefully that lands, since its my ideal position rn, but if not I'll at least be able to look for something again soon!=v='3

Thanks, that too is kind of annoying since I'm on elastics rn that I rarely put on as its a pain in the *ss to do and I'm too tired to do them by the time I need to put them on at night..=.='3
I know I should, and its not like I don't want to get it done ASAP, its just hard to remind myself to do it tbh.. And plus these days I'm always burned out by the end of the day that I just barely brush my teeth with one brush... Can't wait to have a bit more leeway in a few weeks and get my schedule back up to normal again.. :')

I see..?:> I'm not sure what you were replying too in your last line?^^'>3
Leah Dec 31, 2024 6:44 PM

Happy New Year!! : *:*
May this year be filled with hope, peace and prosperity for you.
Mana Nov 23, 2024 3:20 PM
Miss you, Misaka fan, Alfyan.
Klefki_of_Awsome May 24, 2024 8:01 AM
Oh, I see..
What does HK stand for?
Also gotta love the expression OG MAL'er, lol~!xD>

I know one person on MAL in my friends list who lives in the same city as me, but I couldn't tell you who they were so it's basically the same as an Internet stranger, lol..^^'>3
Ohh, nice! How did the trip to Japan go?:D

I was applying for a job in a bookstore but lately I've thought to apply to some school library job since those fit my criterias better (one day [any day] of the week, flexible hours, supply position, good pay, not too much physical work). I've actually found a few interesting posts lately on some job hunting sites I've been using, so all I have to do now is upload my CV, fix it a bit, change my introduction letter to fit each job, and then apply.

They probably just ripped them off and hoped it would align.. Or put an animal bone in place or something, idrk..
I also had teeth removed to realign them, and now they've started the phase where they are closing the holes, so there's a lot more pressure on my top braces..x'd

No, thankfully there's a plan in place for people with medical conditions like mine (diabetes type 1), but we do have to apply for it and the whole procedure can take time. Thanks for reminding me, actually, as I have to remind my parents about this too since they have to do the application (I will make sure to check how it's done so I can do it myself, if I ever need to do it again later on).

I've realized lately that no matter how useless a skill seems, it can have a tangible (positive) impact IRL. You were so right when you said it might benefit me later on to learn new skills, you know?^^3

You're Very Welcome, hope you had a great day~!^v^
Rythme Feb 15, 2024 7:47 AM
Thanks! Happy belated birthday to you too, I guess. Yeah I got a lot of imaginary chocolate.

That's just savage lol. Do some of those scenes have heavy spoilers too?

You mean in Thailand? The one with the highest competition for all areas/faculties is called Chulalongkorn which was where I graduated from, and then there are a few others that are popular in certain areas, like Thammasat (laws, political science etc) and Kasetsart (engineer, veterinary etc).

I see. That sounds quite similar to dispatched employees here (but they get 3 years before the workplace decides what to do). From what I heard, I think it's pretty easy to get promoted to a regular employee at my company, so yeah, I would. But I'm actually thinking about changing my job. I wanna try working at an actual game company and I want a higher salary.

To be frank, I did try to learn the British accent (a mix of Manchester and London), and while I can kind of speak it, it's the only accent that takes a lot of energy to speak for some reason lol.

But you're Asian. From my experience, learning a language requires you to have certain ways of thinking and information processing more than anything. I know a lot of people who despite putting in a ton of effort, would never get a higher score than some dude who passes N1 with little to no preparation (No, I'm talking about an acquaintance of mine, totally not about myself). Same with those MOBA players who never get out of Copper despite having 2000 hours of play time lol.

Oh right, I totally forgot engagement exists lol.

Just be careful not to talk to old people.
Klefki_of_Awsome Jan 29, 2024 2:48 PM
Happy Birthday, Alfyan ~!^^
Klefki_of_Awsome Jan 10, 2024 12:31 PM
The Retro OG 3! Sounds like a Sentai name ngl, lol~xD> Pretty neat to have a long time irl friend on MAL though, everyone I know online is a stranger tbh..^^'3 (well I'm friends with my brother on Discord ig, as well as a few college classmates but that's basically it).

Yes, exactly! Though tbh, if I start working, I might have to work on Saturdays, provided I get the job where I want to apply first, ofc..

Oof, sounds though.. My brother also had an additional teeth and they didn't remove it afaik, it just went away naturally from the braces, but in my case, my jaw wouldn't return to a "normal" position if they didn't remove those two teeth, so they did. Idk if it was the same for you or not, but in my case, my teeth were almost perpendicular to my upper lips, making it hard to close my mouth normally.. Nowadays though, it's already a lot better, the teeth in question moved the most during the first few weeks, and now I only have a small gap between my upper and lower front teeth.

It's covered by health inssurance, but after next year it won't be anymore (since rn I am still under my parents' inssurance until I turn 26 [it stops at 25]).

Hmm, I see..>:I>

No, I'll be watching it with the rest of the Spring 2023 stuff next year..

Yeah, we are both very late, haha..x'D>
Rythme Jan 1, 2024 10:12 PM
Happy Belated New Year!

How am I gonna live without my daily unfunny memes on my social media feeds.

Yeah, I gotta admit that's a really bad part about higher education in Asia. In Thailand, we also have a few top universities where everyone competes to get in.

I guess you could say that? Well, so basically there are three main types of full-time employees in Japan, regular employee, contract employee (me), and dispatched employee. "Regular employee" is the true perm one, where you never have to sign the contract every 6 months (I think) and in most cases get bonuses. As for contract employees, your company can't just stop renewing your contract without having to actually fire you. A lot of companies (including the one I'm working for) let you take some kind of test(?) to get promoted from a contract employee to a regular employee.
I don't think I have to go all the way to England. Whenever I go to the office, I feel like I'm not even in Japan anymore since most of my colleagues are non-Japanese and a lot of them are English speakers lol.

Isn't being able to watch anime without subs a good enough incentive?

Iirc they tried, but failed miserably several times.

Fiance... So everybody's already got married, huh.

Tokyo is a heaven for introverts. (I get annoyed every time whenever I hear foreigners during an interview say Japanese are unfriendly. THEY are the ones that are too friendly, especially to strangers...)
Rythme Aug 13, 2023 5:41 AM
I don't even follow those things on Facebook. It was a random person I met (and probably have never talked to) at the university, sharing a post with a manga panel with a major spoiler...
Speaking of the delay, I was super scared about spoilers at first when I started using a Japanese streaming site because some anime air a week late (sometimes streaming sites here have an early streaming monopoly, so other streaming sites have to wait a few days a week before they can start streaming). But luckily, I haven't run into anything major yet since I don't click English anime videos.

I guess it's a good balance there, unlike in Asia, haha. (Not that universities in Asia are bad though).

Well, at first I was just looking for a part-time job while I was studying. I luckily landed it and worked as a part-timer for a few months, then they asked me if I wanted to work full-time, so I said yes. I'm working as a contract employee, but it's a permanent role. So as long as I don't, for example, go to work late 2-3 times during the contract period, my contract will always be renewed.
I definitely learn a lot from translating mobile games. Before working there, I almost couldn't understand a thing in the JP version of Genshin lol.
I still wish I was an English native though, since it would give me a lot more job opportunities and get to be involved in IPs that I like. The Japanese smartphone game market in Thailand is still kind of limited compared to the English-speaking regions.

I guess that makes sense. The reason Taiwan was there on an island was because they ran away from the mainland in the first place lol.

Some of my favourite seiyuu are already talking about turning 30... It's scary...

To be honest, there isn't anything much interesting because I rarely go outside (apart from going to Akihabara to buy some manga or to events like concerts or game exhibitions alone).

I'm pretty much working fully remotely. The only time I ever go to the office is when I need to do physical paperwork (maybe twice a year), or when I want to hang out with my co-workers.
Klefki_of_Awsome Jul 28, 2023 1:13 PM
2011 is still a good 6 years before i join so imo it's pretty old, haha, but you're right, people like Mona have been around for much longer then you ig~^^>3

I see.. :o> If I'm not following my anime schedule exactly, I sometimes forget what day of the week we are, though that gets fixed if I have a schedule planned in my head and remember what day we are (like I remember that today is Friday) but then again, there are days I forget to do very basic things like taking a shower or doing my bed, stuff like that.. Sucks getting older, but what sucks even more is forgetting the time that passes by around us..>.<3

I won't work this Fall finally, since i'm starting braces this year and they want me to wait 3 months between each installation before I can start working (rn I have the first set in my upper row of teeth but they left two out on purpose since those will connect to the bottom ones with the elastics).. Well either way, this conveniently works out for me since I have lots to do until next year but I'll at least start looking this Fall, probably, so I can start working ASAP~^^'>3

Hmm? Does it tie to the score of the anime each week?>:o>

I liked both, Yunomi is great but I liked the visuals from the second OP more and the upbeat parts in both OPs are addicting imo, really enjoy the songs from that series!!<3 X'39

Btw, super sorry for the late reply, been ultra busy irl in the last 3-4 months or so so had a hard time coming over to do replies..>.<'3
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