Dec 4, 2012 7:27 PM
Danielcook said: I'm 16, so not that far away from 14, so what? What's more immature, my post, or the fact that it bothered you so much you attempted to try and insult me, lmfao. If you really want to know pulling the "I am rubber and you are glue" argument is even more immature. All I did was to repeat your words back to you, so if you found it "insulting" or "immature" maybe you should look at that beam in your own eye rather than the motes in others.... |
Dec 5, 2012 1:00 AM
Dec 5, 2012 1:18 AM
huntx said: This show is one of those jewels with its deceiver look that passes every year unnoticed. Its one of best shows of the season and what i want is more people watching but 6.84 score doesn't help. Good thing there are some bloggers trying to attract more people. People have poor tastes, i hope the dvd sales are high and they make a second season. |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 5, 2012 7:00 AM
no_good_name said: huntx said: This show is one of those jewels with its deceiver look that passes every year unnoticed. Its one of best shows of the season and what i want is more people watching but 6.84 score doesn't help. Good thing there are some bloggers trying to attract more people. People have poor tastes, i hope the dvd sales are high and they make a second season. Give it time, in the west this show started with a negative buzz (Strike Witches with Tanks, Girls and Pantsu? What, girls in tanks, how ridiculous), and it will take some time to get over this initial reaction and for people to start judging it for what it is, a pretty interesting and most enjoyable show. I would also guess that a lot of people are waiting to see the ending before judging. They don't want to be on record praising the show only to have it end with a complete thud. As for DVD sales, Symbv and someone else said somewhere that pre-orders for the first volume were already nearly at 9K, that is a pretty good indication that sales will be high enough to give the green light for a second series. |
Dec 5, 2012 8:38 AM
Takuan_Soho said: Give it time, in the west this show started with a negative buzz (Strike Witches with Tanks, Girls and Pantsu? What, girls in tanks, how ridiculous), and it will take some time to get over this initial reaction and for people to start judging it for what it is, a pretty interesting and most enjoyable show. Of the three previews ANN had for the show, two were negative, and one thread I've been reading started off negative and dismissive, but has since then turned very positive. People thought it was going to be lame fanservice moeshit, or some mediocre SoL show with occasional tanks in it. This is my favorite scene so far: It made me laugh at first because of how unexpected it was, but it's also a very earnest scene that shows how seriously all the girls take sensha-do. |
Dec 5, 2012 8:05 PM
I don't think I really answered the question yet though. The appeal of the show is that it's a great combination of things people like me really like. Tanks, trivia, history, girls, anime, all rolled into one. Considering I also play World of Tanks, and of course is quite familiar with World War II history (I have the books "Barbarossa", "Band of Brothers", and "The Pacific", and have read "Krupp", as well as other sources of World War II), and also plays other games set in that war like RUSE, Hearts of Iron 3, Battlestations: Pacific, Company of Heroes...the show's great! LOL |
![]() |
Dec 5, 2012 8:29 PM
Takuan_Soho said: There is also the additional problem of many watchers in the west that they tend to take things seriously and pick apart details in the wrong places. So those people may watch this anime and then hate it right away by saying things like it is an anime that glorify war machines, or it is an absurd anime when almost nobody gets killed in a battle with real tanks, or how scientifically impossible that a carrier that big can be built and docked so close to the shore etc etc, and of course very soon they start to jump from there to harp on how this on sells because it is stupid Japan or anime industry or otakus or whatever, as being far from truth as it is. As we can see in some previous posts in this thread, those people cannot see the things that are done right or aspects that have impressive quality. Just because the premise looks ridiculous to them, the whole anime must be ridiculous trash made only with the sole purpose of making money. Give it time, in the west this show started with a negative buzz (Strike Witches with Tanks, Girls and Pantsu? What, girls in tanks, how ridiculous), and it will take some time to get over this initial reaction and for people to start judging it for what it is, a pretty interesting and most enjoyable show. Takuan_Soho said: I would like to clarify that it is not really the pre-order numbers, but a prediction tool made very sophisticated by long experience by dedicated fans in 2ch to use Amazon sales ranking to predict the final sales of the title. I don't know how exactly it works, but its accuracy is impressive given the prediction is about the final sales that can be a few months long the road and is for the sales of everything Oricon chart counts not just the sales of Amazon. This tool, Amazon Stalker, accumulates points as the title stays on the Amazon bestselling chart each day and then uses the trend to predict the final points when the title goes on sale. It is the final points that fans really care, though the points accumulated so far is a good talking topic too in 2ch. At the moment its accumulated points is 11497 and it predicts in 14 days, when the title is released for sale, the final point will be 16853. This indicates sales of around 17k but since there are other measurements that indicate its sales pattern may be skewed towards Amazon (instead of buying at brick-and-mortar stores) the actual sales of vol.1 should be lower than that. The guess is that it may come to around 11-13k, which means it will be considered a big hit, and much much better than the original expectation (fans were predicting sales of 3k before the season started).As for DVD sales, Symbv and someone else said somewhere that pre-orders for the first volume were already nearly at 9K, that is a pretty good indication that sales will be high enough to give the green light for a second series. |
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old? I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them? I wonder how long people would put up with this. As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series. |
Dec 6, 2012 1:29 PM
Reply to post #57 from Symbv Thanks for your great points. There is also the additional problem of many watchers in the west that they tend to take things seriously and pick apart details in the wrong places. I am in the west. I think that you have correctly noticed a very distinctive feature of our culture here. It is deeply ingrained. Maybe please don't use the word "problem" or the word "wrong". It is definitely true that different parts of the world are different. However, if you feel it is a problem and that it is wrong then I respect that 100%. So those people may watch this anime and then hate it right away by saying things like it is an anime that glorify war machines, My impression is that this is another very strong distinctive feature of our culture here. We have strongly evolved over time. Maybe the transition happened about 50 years ago. or it is an absurd anime when almost nobody gets killed in a battle with real tanks, Again, I think we would feel this way as a result of our deeply ingrained attitudes. or how scientifically impossible that a carrier that big can be built and docked so close to the shore etc etc, These are very good points ! A key feature of GaruPan is that you CAN think rationally based on the Laws of Physics or facts of History etc. There is so much correct stuff. It is fun to watch carefully and spot some wrong things. And then it is fun to post what you noticed. and of course very soon they start to jump from there to harp on how this on sells because it is stupid Japan or anime industry or otakus or whatever, This is the whole field of marketing. I think that there are some very intelligent people with good resources and powerful tools to aid them in making decisions. They are under pressure to keep their businesses running. Some of my favorite anime were made by companies that went out of business. If there are some people out there with advanced knowledge of anime marketing then I am extremely interested to read their posts. as being far from truth as it is. I don't know enough about anime marketing to have an opinion about this. those people cannot see the things that are done right or aspects that have impressive quality. There is an old Chinese saying that, "The kind can see benevolence and the sage can see wisdom." . . 仁者見仁,智者見智 . . It comes from 周易, an ancient Chinese book on Philosophy Just because the premise looks ridiculous to them, the whole anime must be ridiculous trash made only with the sole purpose of making money. Each person has a different belief and faith. For some it is cynicism. |
okanaganDec 6, 2012 1:46 PM
Dec 6, 2012 1:48 PM
okanagan, did you join MAL due to GuP as well? |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 1:58 PM
^ Definitely. :) Generally speaking, I always like to Google as much as possible about any anime series that I watch. So I would READ a great deal about them. There are lots of great sources. For GaruPan, I can think of something specific to SAY about it. Or in many cases, to ASK about it. I've said before that I think that GaruPan is a classic that will be talked about and written about for a long time. I wish career success and business success to all the people involved since I want to see them rewarded for creating something excellent. |
okanaganDec 6, 2012 2:03 PM
Dec 6, 2012 2:05 PM
No blood, people going crazy from shell shock, etc. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:07 PM
My love of GuP made me sign up, it seems the GuP sub forum is alot nicer then the rest of MAL. I am still holding out for a second season, i think we are pretty much guaranteed one now (unless they finish the story in the current story) |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 2:11 PM
no_good_name said: My love of GuP made me sign up, it seems the GuP sub forum is alot nicer then the rest of MAL. I am still holding out for a second season, i think we are pretty much guaranteed one now (unless they finish the story in the current story) That's because the GuP consists mostly of mlp fans and little kids. The rest of mal is normal people. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:11 PM
no_good_name said: You should see the SAO forum. lolMy love of GuP made me sign up, it seems the GuP sub forum is alot nicer then the rest of MAL. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:15 PM
Danielcook said: The rest of mal is normal people. Hey Daniel, may I recommend episode 12 of Jinrui wa Suitai, around the 6:50 mark? Watashi is talking about someone very similar to you. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:15 PM
Post by Danielcook No blood, people going crazy from shell shock, etc. If anybody has ideas please by all means put something down on paper right away and then later write it out as a light novel or a manga. After that, pitch it as an anime or a Hollywood movie. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:17 PM
I am not a My Little Pony (MLP) fan, but I do like the song from their 1970s TV commercial. It brings back happy memories of simpler times. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:22 PM
I would assume the SAO subforum would be full of trolls and screaming fanboys. Odd that MLP fans would like GuP. |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 2:25 PM
no_good_name said: Why do you find that odd...? Bronies are people too... They should enjoy the occasional moeblob Anime as everyone else does.I would assume the SAO subforum would be full of trolls and screaming fanboys. Odd that MLP fans would like GuP. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:28 PM
Hi Takuan_Soho, Thank you for that very clear and precise reference in your post #65. I had no trouble finding that part. Looks like another anime for me to watch some time. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:29 PM
YorozuyaGinSan said: no_good_name said: Why do you find that odd...? Bronies are people too... They should enjoy the occasional moeblob Anime as everyone else does.I would assume the SAO subforum would be full of trolls and screaming fanboys. Odd that MLP fans would like GuP. Alot of people seem to be hating moe at the moment, i dont get it. ![]() What anime is she from? |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 2:34 PM
no_good_name said: Alot of people seem to be hating moe at the moment, i dont get it. What anime is she from? The eternal human need for people to feel superior to other people. The truly superior one's don't need to demonstrate it, the inferior sort do. Not sure, the animation and character design style looks like something from sengoku collection, but I could easily be wrong. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:37 PM
okanagan said: Hi Takuan_Soho, Thank you for that very clear and precise reference in your post #65. I had no trouble finding that part. Looks like another anime for me to watch some time. Absolutely, Jinsui is perhaps the most original animation of the year. Definitely worth the watch if you like strange humor. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:40 PM
Takuan_Soho said: okanagan said: Hi Takuan_Soho, Thank you for that very clear and precise reference in your post #65. I had no trouble finding that part. Looks like another anime for me to watch some time. Absolutely, Jinsui is perhaps the most original animation of the year. Definitely worth the watch if you like strange humor. Had a look at it and now i'm downloading it |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 2:48 PM
no_good_name said: She's from Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne... It's a pretty controversial Anime running this season, obviously due to the fact it's a harem, but if you're into harem like I am, you should check it out. :DYorozuyaGinSan said: no_good_name said: Why do you find that odd...? Bronies are people too... They should enjoy the occasional moeblob Anime as everyone else does.I would assume the SAO subforum would be full of trolls and screaming fanboys. Odd that MLP fans would like GuP. Alot of people seem to be hating moe at the moment, i dont get it. ![]() What anime is she from? |
Dec 6, 2012 2:49 PM
no_good_name said: YorozuyaGinSan said: no_good_name said: Why do you find that odd...? Bronies are people too... They should enjoy the occasional moeblob Anime as everyone else does.I would assume the SAO subforum would be full of trolls and screaming fanboys. Odd that MLP fans would like GuP. Alot of people seem to be hating moe at the moment, i dont get it. You're not thinking hard enough if that's the case. |
Dec 6, 2012 2:51 PM
YorozuyaGinSan said: no_good_name said: She's from Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne... It's a pretty controversial Anime running this season, obviously due to the fact it's a harem, but if you're into harem like I am, you should check it out. :DYorozuyaGinSan said: no_good_name said: Why do you find that odd...? Bronies are people too... They should enjoy the occasional moeblob Anime as everyone else does.I would assume the SAO subforum would be full of trolls and screaming fanboys. Odd that MLP fans would like GuP. Alot of people seem to be hating moe at the moment, i dont get it. ![]() What anime is she from? I will check it out, i like the eyepatch |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 2:52 PM
SetsukoHara said: no_good_name said: YorozuyaGinSan said: no_good_name said: Why do you find that odd...? Bronies are people too... They should enjoy the occasional moeblob Anime as everyone else does.I would assume the SAO subforum would be full of trolls and screaming fanboys. Odd that MLP fans would like GuP. Alot of people seem to be hating moe at the moment, i dont get it. You're not thinking hard enough if that's the case. ....holy lurker? |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 3:29 PM
no_good_name said: YorozuyaGinSan said: no_good_name said: Why do you find that odd...? Bronies are people too... They should enjoy the occasional moeblob Anime as everyone else does.I would assume the SAO subforum would be full of trolls and screaming fanboys. Odd that MLP fans would like GuP. Alot of people seem to be hating moe at the moment, i dont get it. ![]() What anime is she from? I love Moe. |
Dec 6, 2012 3:34 PM
I am a big moe fan, i also like chibi even if it seems to be a bit rare now. |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 3:49 PM
no_good_name said: I am a big moe fan, i also like chibi even if it seems to be a bit rare now. I just don't like it when the show is centered around Moe, naw mean? I just like a lil' bit of Moe. |
Dec 6, 2012 3:52 PM
Danielcook said: no_good_name said: I am a big moe fan, i also like chibi even if it seems to be a bit rare now. I just don't like it when the show is centered around Moe, naw mean? I just like a lil' bit of Moe. Moe based shows are fine if that all you want to see. |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 4:06 PM
no_good_name said: Danielcook said: no_good_name said: I am a big moe fan, i also like chibi even if it seems to be a bit rare now. I just don't like it when the show is centered around Moe, naw mean? I just like a lil' bit of Moe. Moe based shows are fine if that all you want to see. Naah man, judging from you re list, thats probably all you watch lol. |
Dec 6, 2012 4:11 PM
Danielcook said: no_good_name said: Danielcook said: no_good_name said: I am a big moe fan, i also like chibi even if it seems to be a bit rare now. I just don't like it when the show is centered around Moe, naw mean? I just like a lil' bit of Moe. Moe based shows are fine if that all you want to see. Naah man, judging from you re list, thats probably all you watch lol. I only have about 30% of my total viewed anime on my list, i cant be bothered updating it. |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 4:13 PM
W no_good_name said: Danielcook said: no_good_name said: Danielcook said: no_good_name said: I am a big moe fan, i also like chibi even if it seems to be a bit rare now. I just don't like it when the show is centered around Moe, naw mean? I just like a lil' bit of Moe. Moe based shows are fine if that all you want to see. Naah man, judging from you re list, thats probably all you watch lol. Cool. I only have about 30% of my total viewed anime on my list, i cant be bothered updating it.[/quote |
Dec 6, 2012 7:01 PM
i bet this series wouldn't be as popular in Japan if they showed Japanese tanks , or wore Japanese army uniforms from the second world war would it. Notice that there`s not a single Japanese army reference or vehicle in the entire show, yeah its okay to use tanks and references from the German army who murdered millions for a crappy moe show but God forbid that we remind our audience of the horrible atrocities committed by the Japanese army. |
Dec 6, 2012 7:06 PM
magic_kaito said: i bet this series wouldn't be as popular in Japan if they showed Japanese tanks , or wore Japanese army uniforms from the second world war would it. Notice that there`s not a single Japanese army reference or vehicle in the entire show, yeah its okay to use tanks and references from the German army who murdered millions for a crappy moe show but God forbid that we remind our audience of the horrible atrocities committed by the Japanese army. wow you are clever, if you paid attention you would remember that the volleyball team commands the Japanese type 89 tank :) |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 7:07 PM
magic_kaito said: i bet this series wouldn't be as popular in Japan if they showed Japanese tanks , or wore Japanese army uniforms from the second world war would it. Notice that there`s not a single Japanese army reference or vehicle in the entire show, yeah its okay to use tanks and references from the German army who murdered millions for a crappy moe show but God forbid that we remind our audience of the horrible atrocities committed by the Japanese army. Dude, do you even watch the show? FYI, One of the protagonist team is using a japanese tank. |
The most important things in life is the people that you care about |
Dec 6, 2012 7:51 PM
magic_kaito said: i bet this series wouldn't be as popular in Japan if they showed Japanese tanks , or wore Japanese army uniforms from the second world war would it. Notice that there`s not a single Japanese army reference or vehicle in the entire show, yeah its okay to use tanks and references from the German army who murdered millions for a crappy moe show but God forbid that we remind our audience of the horrible atrocities committed by the Japanese army. Ah Kaito, you are always a breathe of fresh air. I do have to give your credit for consistency, the last time MAL had a hacker attack, they rolled back the threads 4 months (2 months before the show even debuted), and I found a lovely post from you complaining about the show because it was going to glorify Nazi Germany. It is pleasant to see you still spouting the same stupid banalities today. I know that this concept is difficult for you to understand, but most adults are perfectly capable of distinguishing between a piece of equipment and a brutal totalitarian regime. Only a self-righteous, somewhat immature child, would think that appreciating a Panzer IV or T-34 would somehow justify the horrors of the Nazi or Soviet regimes. |
Dec 6, 2012 7:58 PM
Takuan_Soho said: magic_kaito said: i bet this series wouldn't be as popular in Japan if they showed Japanese tanks , or wore Japanese army uniforms from the second world war would it. Notice that there`s not a single Japanese army reference or vehicle in the entire show, yeah its okay to use tanks and references from the German army who murdered millions for a crappy moe show but God forbid that we remind our audience of the horrible atrocities committed by the Japanese army. Ah Kaito, you are always a breathe of fresh air. I do have to give your credit for consistency, the last time MAL had a hacker attack, they rolled back the threads 4 months (2 months before the show even debuted), and I found a lovely post from you complaining about the show because it was going to glorify Nazi Germany. It is pleasant to see you still spouting the same stupid banalities today. I know that this concept is difficult for you to understand, but most adults are perfectly capable of distinguishing between a piece of equipment and a brutal totalitarian regime. Only a self-righteous, somewhat immature child, would think that appreciating a Panzer IV or T-34 would somehow justify the horrors of the Nazi or Soviet regimes. I would understand his anger if they had Einsatzgruppen operating with the teams or something along those lines. I honestly think the worst thing ive heard on this show was Katyushas somewhat cryptic reference to Stalin purges of the 1930s. |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 9:38 PM
no_good_name said: I would understand his anger if they had Einsatzgruppen operating with the teams or something along those lines. I honestly think the worst thing ive heard on this show was Katyushas somewhat cryptic reference to Stalin purges of the 1930s. It really makes we wonder if he hates the movie "Das Boot" as well, I mean U-boats were every bit as instrumental for Nazi success as the Panzer. The funny and pathetic thing is that I don't believe he has even watched the show, he was saying the same crap 2 months before the show aired and none of his posts indicates any real acquaintance with the show (outside of maybe the first one). As you and others have pointed out he missed the Japanese tank that has been featured quite extensively in nearly every episode. His entire beef is with the word "panzer" and the fact that it's about tanks. That's it. There really is nothing more to understand. For him, people are sheep, and a mere animation about "panzers" he believes is enough to send people out on the streets goosestepping. That is the extent of his "argument". |
Dec 6, 2012 9:43 PM
Takuan_Soho said: no_good_name said: I would understand his anger if they had Einsatzgruppen operating with the teams or something along those lines. I honestly think the worst thing ive heard on this show was Katyushas somewhat cryptic reference to Stalin purges of the 1930s. It really makes we wonder if he hates the movie "Das Boot" as well, I mean U-boats were every bit as instrumental for Nazi success as the Panzer. The funny and pathetic thing is that I don't believe he has even watched the show, he was saying the same crap 2 months before the show aired and none of his posts indicates any real acquaintance with the show (outside of maybe the first one). As you and others have pointed out he missed the Japanese tank that has been featured quite extensively in nearly every episode. His entire beef is with the word "panzer" and the fact that it's about tanks. That's it. There really is nothing more to understand. For him, people are sheep, and a mere animation about "panzers" he believes is enough to send people out on the streets goosestepping. That is the extent of his "argument". Ah daz boot- one of my favourite war movies :) At least he was smart enough to leave and not continue such a pointless argument. (pointlessly off topic) Have you noticed how they have not made a good war movie in at least 10 years? |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 10:00 PM
no_good_name said: Ah daz boot- one of my favourite war movies :) At least he was smart enough to leave and not continue such a pointless argument. (pointlessly off topic) Have you noticed how they have not made a good war movie in at least 10 years? To be honest I stopped watching movies a decade ago, nothing against movies mind you, just don't have the patience to sit through them anymore. Strange in that I was a huge movie buff before. Would you say that this lack of good war movies is unique to war movies or is indicative of poor movies in general? Looking over the academy awards for the past 10 years or so, nothing really jumped out at me as timeless classic, but that may just be me. But if I had to come up with a reason, I would probably say that "epics" have also suffered a fall off, and good war movies are usually epic. I think it reflects people in Hollywood wanting to be "serious" rather than just making a boffin big picture. Sort of like how you can't have a "hero" anymore, they all have to be "conflicted" or even an "anithero". But that I guess is another topic :-) My favorite war movie is an oldie: Midway. I loved how they did their homework to make it historically accurate, and the scene when the Dauntless dive bombers suddenly appeared above the Japanese carriers still sends shivers down my spine. Those 30 seconds has to be one of the fastest major turning points in world history. |
Dec 6, 2012 10:14 PM
Takuan_Soho said: no_good_name said: Ah daz boot- one of my favourite war movies :) At least he was smart enough to leave and not continue such a pointless argument. (pointlessly off topic) Have you noticed how they have not made a good war movie in at least 10 years? To be honest I stopped watching movies a decade ago, nothing against movies mind you, just don't have the patience to sit through them anymore. Strange in that I was a huge movie buff before. Would you say that this lack of good war movies is unique to war movies or is indicative of poor movies in general? Looking over the academy awards for the past 10 years or so, nothing really jumped out at me as timeless classic, but that may just be me. But if I had to come up with a reason, I would probably say that "epics" have also suffered a fall off, and good war movies are usually epic. I think it reflects people in Hollywood wanting to be "serious" rather than just making a boffin big picture. Sort of like how you can't have a "hero" anymore, they all have to be "conflicted" or even an "anithero". But that I guess is another topic :-) My favorite war movie is an oldie: Midway. I loved how they did their homework to make it historically accurate, and the scene when the Dauntless dive bombers suddenly appeared above the Japanese carriers still sends shivers down my spine. Those 30 seconds has to be one of the fastest major turning points in world history. I have not seen midway yet, my favorite would have to be either all quiet on the western front or come and see (Kelleys heroes is my favorite comedy based one) Movies have been going downhill for years, i think alot of the blame lies on the use of CGI instead of good old fashioned story telling, the war movies of old had only a handful of cast and crew members yet still managed to produce work that is alot superior to most modern movies. I think saving private ryan/ band of brothers and the pacific were the last good war movies/series produced. |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 10:29 PM
No_good_name said: Have you noticed how they have not made a good war movie in at least 10 years? The World is not the same as the Western World. Not all of the world's movies are made in Hollywood. When you say "they", who specifically do you mean? Hollywood, right? The 2002 movie "Hero" (英雄) starring Jet Li (李连杰) is a war movie. I am not a film critic so I don't want to say it is good. Let's just say that some seriously bad stuff went down 2000 years ago that makes every national leader in the past 100 years look like Mother Teresa (the nun who took care of the poor and sick in India). I am talking about Qin2 Shi3-huang2 (秦始皇), the first emperor of China. Takuan_soho said: Would you say that this lack of good war movies is unique to war movies As an amateur, I think that there are lots of great movies. But "great movies" take place within a cultural context. They reflect common cultural values. Keep in mind that the talented people who made "Hero" live within a different cultural context than Hollywood screenwriters. I don't want to say more than that. |
okanaganDec 6, 2012 10:32 PM
Dec 6, 2012 10:32 PM
no_good_name said: I have not seen midway yet, my favorite would have to be either all quiet on the western front or come and see (Kelleys heroes is my favorite comedy based one) Movies have been going downhill for years, i think alot of the blame lies on the use of CGI instead of good old fashioned story telling, the war movies of old had only a handful of cast and crew members yet still managed to produce work that is alot superior to most modern movies. I think saving private ryan/ band of brothers and the pacific were the last good war movies/series produced. Get thee to a dvd and watch midway. 1970's movie, so very dated, particularly on the special effects and video quality, you can tell they used models on some scenes, and some of the drama in the first half is unnecessary, but when they get to the battle damn its still exciting. Just saw it on 11/11 by chance. |
Dec 6, 2012 10:36 PM
okanagan said: No_good_name said: Have you noticed how they have not made a good war movie in at least 10 years? The World is not the same as the Western World. Not all of the world's movies are made in Hollywood. When you say "they", who specifically do you mean? Hollywood, right? The 2002 movie "Hero" (英雄) starring Jet Li (李连杰) is a war movie. I am not a film critic so I don't want to say it is good. Let's just say that some seriously bad stuff went down 2000 years ago that makes every national leader in the past 100 years look like Mother Teresa (the nun who took care of the poor and sick in India). I am talking about Qin2 Shi3-huang2 (秦始皇), the first emperor of China. Takuan_soho said: Would you say that this lack of good war movies is unique to war movies As an amateur, I think that there are lots of great movies. But "great movies" take place within a cultural context. They reflect common cultural values. Keep in mind that the talented people who made "Hero" live within a different cultural context than Hollywood screenwriters. I don't want to say more than that. I enjoy international war movies, one of my all time favourites is a soviet made movie called come and see. I Prefer modern war movies(ww1 +) but will watch most war movies as long as they are well made eg- 300 was a bitter disappointment for me. |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 10:40 PM
Takuan_Soho said: no_good_name said: I have not seen midway yet, my favorite would have to be either all quiet on the western front or come and see (Kelleys heroes is my favorite comedy based one) Movies have been going downhill for years, i think alot of the blame lies on the use of CGI instead of good old fashioned story telling, the war movies of old had only a handful of cast and crew members yet still managed to produce work that is alot superior to most modern movies. I think saving private ryan/ band of brothers and the pacific were the last good war movies/series produced. Get thee to a dvd and watch midway. 1970's movie, so very dated, particularly on the special effects and video quality, you can tell they used models on some scenes, and some of the drama in the first half is unnecessary, but when they get to the battle damn its still exciting. Just saw it on 11/11 by chance. I dont mind dated movies and i dont need special effects to keep me interested. Midway has been added to my watch list :) |
私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 |
Dec 6, 2012 10:51 PM
okanagan said: The World is not the same as the Western World. Not all of the world's movies are made in Hollywood. When you say "they", who specifically do you mean? Hollywood, right? The 2002 movie "Hero" (英雄) starring Jet Li (李连杰) is a war movie. I am not a film critic so I don't want to say it is good. Let's just say that some seriously bad stuff went down 2000 years ago that makes every national leader in the past 100 years look like Mother Teresa (the nun who took care of the poor and sick in India). I am talking about Qin2 Shi3-huang2 (秦始皇), the first emperor of China. As an amateur, I think that there are lots of great movies. But "great movies" take place within a cultural context. They reflect common cultural values. Keep in mind that the talented people who made "Hero" live within a different cultural context than Hollywood screenwriters. I don't want to say more than that. Just to be a pain, I could point out that Hero was made in 2002, so even that would have been outside of the 10 year time frame that No_Good_Name mentioned. But your point is well taken, there are movies outside of the west that might be classics. No slight intended. |
Dec 7, 2012 1:11 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() Takuan_soho, indeed I have been caught ! ;) "Hero was first released in China on October 24, 2002." -- Wikipedia My conscience allowed me to attempt this swindle on No_good_name since, "It was finally presented by Quentin Tarantino to American theaters on August 27, 2004." -- Wikipedia Were I testifying in court tomorrow, I would have to admit that I am not aware of any good war movies made in the last decade. |
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