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The Honor Student at Magic High School
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Jul 12, 2021 1:51 AM
Apr 2021
well well, that was on the whole quite entertaining.

malMaxi said:
Maybe, but that's also all coulda woulda shoulda. I find it much more interesting to approach every work as a standalone and only attempt viewing the work in the context of other works once there is an actual reason to.

Since our discussion gave me a reason to, i just quick-rewatched the original Mahouka. if you skip all the boring parts, it is actually quite decent until the moment Tatsuya just casually solves the magical engineering equivalent of Ferma's theorem (at which point, everything crashes completely in the story and character department). And i have to say that ep.2 couldn't even be faithful to the actual sequence of events as they happened in the original show. I won't bore you with details, but let's just say i am no longer convinced that being overly faithful to s1 of Mahouka is a significant priority for the writers of this show. They only want some of the iconic moments (for their definition of iconic) and might probably do their own thing more than they do the s1 thing.

However, like i said, IMO none of this actually matters. What matters is where the writers will take the next episode and how they are going to execute it. I don't expect anything actually meaningful, but it might at least be entertaining :D

I don't see a lot of vagueness in what I said, but since you've given your methodology I just thought I'd share mine as well
in general when something is part of a franchise I feel like it's always important to view it on 2 separate levels.
1. the level of a standalone - how well does it do as a movie/tv show?
2. the level of a franchise/series - does it add/build on the series in any meaningful way that enhances the overall experience of the franchise?
a good example of where you can go wrong is with the Star Wars franchise. The prequel series are good on the level of a franchise because they build on the world of star wars and make it more interesting, but quite poor on the level of a standalone trilogy, with poor dialogue, direction, and some questionable story ideas.
Then you've got something like the Last Jedi - which is considered by many people to be a good movie on its own. However when viewed with the context of the star wars franchise, it fails to build on the themes, ideas, and world of the series in any meaningful way - and in many ways actually takes away from some aspects of the series.
For some people, being a good standalone is enough to vindicate a movie that may not stand up compared to the rest of the franchise, however I feel like the two should be somewhat equally weighted.
Of course once this comes to Mahouka... well it's not like there's much to enhance anyway, aside from trying to reach new levels of cringe.

malMaxi said:
Ultimately, not sure how this dialogue observation is germane to our discussion. This is a flaw shared by both ep.1 and ep.2 (and is imo much worse in ep.2)

as I mentioned briefly in the post you quoted, romance has even more subtext than regular dialogue because of its sensitive nature, so when it fails on the same consistent level as the rest of the dialogue, to me it feels even more jarring.

malMaxi said:
So i take it you are okay with ep.2 being horrible because ep.1 is already horrible in your eyes.
certainly not. I simply wanted to state that perhaps my vision was skewed because I lost all expectations after ep 1, meaning I could stand ep 2 more than I could ep 1. I'm sure if I watched them both now my opinion might change, but my initial perspective was as I described.

malMaxi said:
Since our discussion gave me a reason to, i just quick-rewatched the original Mahouka. if you skip all the boring parts, it is actually quite decent until the moment Tatsuya just casually solves the magical engineering equivalent of Ferma's theorem (at which point, everything crashes completely in the story and character department). And i have to say that ep.2 couldn't even be faithful to the actual sequence of events as they happened in the original show. I won't bore you with details, but let's just say i am no longer convinced that being overly faithful to s1 of Mahouka is a significant priority for the writers of this show. They only want some of the iconic moments (for their definition of iconic) and might probably do their own thing more than they do the s1 thing.
I'm holding out hope that they want to speed through most of the tatsuya-oriented events of season 1 so they can get to some more mayuki centred stuff - like that dumb interschool magic tournament. If so this would explain why they basically just cut through the highlights reel of ep 1/2 of season 1 mahouka interspersed with a few original scenes to mix things up. This would make sense when contrasted with the relative continuity of episode 1. However I'm hesitant to hold out any hope, as this franchise has been a constant series of disappointments for me.

malMaxi said:
The situation could have been salvaged if Honoka was a better character that actually contributed to the situation. The moment where she told Miyuki about her special analysis power is a moment that is unique to this show and actually gave me a bit of hope. Only to utterly fail to actually deliver on it. Which is why ep.2 is worse than ep.1. However fetishistic, cringy and cliche, ep.1 actually delivered on the points it brought up.
As a writer, it has taken me a lot of time to unlearn my habit of trying to fix a show while I'm watching it. It is somewhat good writing practice for yourself, however it prevents you from seeing what you're actually watching. I have learnt a lot more from watching Mahouka with no expectations, and just experiencing all that incompetence, all that failure, and then trying to figure out how the series remains so vital in the anime community, how people can refer to it as a guilty pleasure. I learnt things such as - it's not necessarily bad to have a power fantasy, however if you do then you have to adjust the story structure to compensate. Mahouka attempts to mesh generic shounen plots with an OP protagonist and it doesn't work. Characters like tatsuya don't usually make good protagonists, but usually really good side characters. Think of Shanks from One Piece, Wolverine from the X-men series, Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. They deliver the same satisfying power fantasy as mahouka, but while also allowing room for other characters to develop.
It is possible, however to make a show with a perfect, all powerful protagonist with zero flaws that turns out objectively good. It's just really, really, really hard.

malMaxi said:
I believe we can find middle ground on the notion that every hero needs to have an established baseline of ability, being able to confidently triumph over everything below that and having to struggle with everything above.

I find the segregation-based storytelling boring because it is damn near always presented as this unbeatable force that hero cannot stand against, only for the hero to win through some ass-pull bs. We almost never see stories where a hero triumphs over segregation on the strength of his/her own personal development. I'd take a story where a near-invincible hero has like 1 character flaw that he spends 12 episodes correcting over a botched segregation story any day.

In fact, i have just described the modus operandi of the writer behind One Punch Man and Mob Psycho :D.

quite so. In light of that I have another recommendation - this time an anime. It's called World Trigger, dunno if you've seen. It is the best example of perfect power levelling and perfect power scaling. The basic concept of the power system is this - everyone gets the same powers (trigger abilities), however you can fit 2-4 different triggers total, so the fights come down to what kind of build design you use, and how effectively you can use it. If you want to see genius fights that show you all the cards, and yet still surprise you with incredible fights that you just can't predict, then World Trigger is the best anime to fit the bill (only downside is the animation sucks for the first season -but gets perfected by season 2- and the characters start to lose focus after a while).

I'll also check out unordinary, since I just caught up with my latest webnovel and was looking out for another one.

malMaxi said:
How exactly is Beauty and the Beast any sort of power fantasy? A romance is a romance, no need to call it anything else.
The "Saint's magic power" thing is definitely completely rooted in how utterly overpowered the main character is. And is therefore certainly a power fantasy. I did drop it after 2 episodes on the account of it being an example of an OP protagonist with no character flaws. If it developed in some later direction - i am not aware.
You see, the reason you don't understand is because you're a guy (or at least think like a guy - hope I'm not offending, you can never be too careful these days). I didn't understand either for the same reasons until I heard a psychologist break it down. Now as with everything, what I'm about to tell you is generally true, but has exceptions. Basically, romance depicting a woman who meets a strange and mysterious man and ultimately tames him with her feminine charm and good character are to women what porn is to men. I don't know the specific sub-genre term for it beyond romance, so I can't really explain this too well. But basically if you think Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey, Pride and Prejudice (although Pride and Prejudice is a meta analysis on the very concept I'm describing) all fill the same kinda desire for women that hot girls and epic overpowered protagonists fulfil for men. If you swapped genders mahouka would still be a male power fantasy because it caters to the typical masculine power fantasy tropes, while even if you swapped the genders of the female power fantasy, it would still be a female power fantasy for the same reasons (but a particularly shitty one). This is a terrible and ignorant breakdown of a more complex psychological topic, so if you want to understand better I'd recommend looking more into it.

malMaxi said:
Furthermore, you are, of course, aware that the entire notion of "micro-classes" was created as an ideological weapon against the notion of large social classes? If not, you should familiarize yourself with history of marxism and the specific genesis of Frankfurt school of marxism.

So when you say you are not interested in macrosocial classes and are instead interested in "micro-classes", then congrats, you have been successfully diverted away from the essence of class theory :D. And, while you may want to write that off as pedantics, i at this point no longer understand what you find so interesting about micro-classes. To me it looks like missing the forest for the trees.
yeah I was never one for Marxism. Curiousity may eventually get the better of me and I shall educate myself, but for now I see enough marxist ideology plastered all over my university as it is.
What I was instead trying to allude to was that within the school, they have created their own class system/social hierarchy. There is a clear divide between the blooms and weeds early in the story, and so if you were to ignore the greater context of the world (which mahouka does), you would be able to observe a sort of classism existing like a tiny little ecosystem within the school.

malMaxi said:
Well, it certainly isn't collapsing right this moment ). But it is also true that i haven't been able to find any enjoyment in any significantly popular publication for decades now. Instead i'm watching anime and reading light novels, because these at least have some interesting ideas.

Who knows, maybe you'll be able to correct that :D
I'd like to think so. Currently working on a story that I had originally planned as an anime in highschool, and so it has a few structural aspects that come from that genre - I ended up structuring the story in a series of volumes like episodes, and a lot of the story conventions are inspired from anime, however I'd like to think that it's going to be more than that. It'll take a long time to write though since I'm study a completely unrelated subject at university lmao.

malMaxi said:
"I wish you knew
the kind of garbage heap
Wild verses grow on,
paying shame no heed"

Anna Akhmatova

Incidentally, this is also my general approach to "who deserves to be a writer" problem.
as the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Just because they suck doesn't mean they can't unintentionally create a gem.

Jul 12, 2021 3:50 AM
Apr 2020
at 15:33 in 2nd episode, does anyone know that song? the song slaps.
Jul 12, 2021 4:03 AM
Jan 2019

Well, i wrote a whole reply and hit "cancel" instead of "submit" :(
Apparently CTRL-Z can't fix that /crai.

Here is the cliff notes:

Comparison of power fantasy to porn is interesting. I'll add to that that self-insert aspects of power fantasy are where it comes closest to porn (and where it deviates the most from shounen. Shanks cannot be a self-insert character :D).

Self-insert certainly helps intensify the power fantasy, but i wouldn't say power fantasy is entirely limited to self-inserts. Though i appreciate that at this point it is kind of like saying that porn is intensified by sex, but not all porn has to be sex (High School of the Dead yay :D. Incidentally, totally a power fantasy that however doesn't feature "void" characters. Contrast with High School DxD, which is also sexless porn, but the protagonist is much more of an empty space).

What you describe as "mini-classes" is better viewed as struggles within the hierarchy. Especially if you exist in space crawling with marxists :D
Incidentally, a big part of appeal of Mahouka is indeed about struggles within hierarchy (which is why a big part of Tatsuya-Miyuki relationship is her pushing him up the hierarchy).

Like i said, my experience with modern literature is that "broken clock" seem correct more often than the ones who are supposed to be good. As a result, my opinion on who is broken and who is not has shifted quite some time ago.
Jul 12, 2021 4:19 AM
Jun 2021
It's like watching it again
Jul 12, 2021 4:42 AM

Dec 2016
It's like we're watching a compilation of all the happy, carefree and untroubled moments shown in S1 but with a light focus on the fighting scenes that happen later on. Wish they show the game scene that happen probably someway in the middle of S1. That's my favourite part.

It's like studio Connect is doing a fanart of something that was done by Madhouse.

Well, I'm still enjoying it cuz of nostalgia...

Honoka almost getting a nosebleed everytime she gets noticed by Miyuki, well I do feel her, Miyuki is like an angel after all (´▽`)

I Like the ED, much better than the OP.
Jul 12, 2021 12:49 PM

Aug 2008
ehm... I didn't realize they'd just be regurgitating season 1 from a different (and worse) perspective... the art, animation and cohesion of the scenes is at time pretty shocking. I'm afraid I am dropping this.
Jul 12, 2021 1:40 PM

Jan 2021
What did they do to ma man Tatsuya he looks like he got some cosmetic surgery but gone wrong ugh what a downer
Jul 12, 2021 2:57 PM

Jul 2019
I don't particularly care to see the events again, as I just recently rewatched Season 1 of the original. But this show does have a couple things that will probably make me watch the whole thing.

The animation is a definite step down, especially compared to madhouse's season 1 animation. Voice acting is as good as the original however Yuuichi Nakamura is doing a much deeper voice for Tatsuya. Not sure why, but I dig it.

The only thing of interest in this show so far is that it appears that some of the side characters are going to get some more development. Honaka and Shizuku aside, who I think are good characters in the original but needed more development, it appears that characters such as Amy and Subaru are actually going to get some kind of development instead of just being random side characters with 0 development like they are in the original (both anime and LN)
Jul 12, 2021 3:04 PM

Jul 2019
[quote=malMaxi message=63791331]
theGodde said:

Let me tell you what the point could have been: Honoka is introduced as someone who can judge people's actual power, having accurately picked up not just on Miyuki's strength, but also on Tatsuya's. This ability of hers is actually what cements her as a friend in Miyuki's eyes, making her a story-relevant character going forward.

All they needed to do beyond that is to introduce to us the power set of the entire new supporting cast through Honoka's eyes. We should have gotten a bit of a characterization of the red-hair as someone who is adept at martial arts.

I am not sure how exactly you narrow down the concept of power fantasy to specifically "male" power fantasy.

That scenario you thought up wouldn't really work, as it's already established that Mizuki has some grasp on what their abilities are, so it would just make two of the same character.

The reason we don't see anything about Erika is because this spin off seems to be focused on the Course 1 students, as implied by the "Yuutousei" in the title. Erika is a course 2 student and is already far more established in the original work than any of the course 1 students are. Honestly I'm glad this series exists even if only for that because the characters of Honoka and Shizuku felt very undeveloped in Rettousei not to mention the other course 1 supporting characters.

Yeah I agree, Mahouka as a whole is just a huge power fantasy for both men and women, pretty much all of the major characters are op as hell.
Jul 13, 2021 12:43 AM
Apr 2021
malMaxi said:

Well, i wrote a whole reply and hit "cancel" instead of "submit" :(
Apparently CTRL-Z can't fix that /crai.

big oof.
I've lost massive chunks of discussion so I always copy my post to clipboard before posting just to make sure nothing goes wrong.

malMaxi said:
What you describe as "mini-classes" is better viewed as struggles within the hierarchy. Especially if you exist in space crawling with marxists :D
Incidentally, a big part of appeal of Mahouka is indeed about struggles within hierarchy (which is why a big part of Tatsuya-Miyuki relationship is her pushing him up the hierarchy).
yeah I just didn't know how exactly to describe it.
(also Marxism 2021 was held really close to my apartment lmao nearly scared the shit out of me)

malMaxi said:
Like i said, my experience with modern literature is that "broken clock" seem correct more often than the ones who are supposed to be good. As a result, my opinion on who is broken and who is not has shifted quite some time ago.
I dunno. There's a fair few visionaries in our generation. However they have mostly departed the world of novels. Like Steven King said, you can only write as well as the books you yourself have read. So the fact that even English speakers are reading Light Novels and watching movies rather than larger, more complex books nowadays means that that is all they are getting exposed to, and we are slowly spiralling down and losing a lot of the artistry of the English language within writing.
However the film and anime industry doesn't suffer from this problem, because there is a wealth of people fascinated in visual media, and an impressive backlog of movies and anime to study. The issue with our modern generation is that the Hollywood effect has caught up with the Japanese media industry. Now pre-existing franchises are given priority. Anime isn't able to take risks anymore because the industry has seen a focus more onto profit margins over quality storytelling.
But this will change due to the global interest in anime. More and more smaller studios are forming out of the woodworks of the world and starting to create their own anime. In Australia we had an interesting anime-style series called Prisoner Zero. It's...not bad, but definitely not quite at Japan's level yet. However it shows that even in the weak, bland industry of Australian filmmaking people who have grown up with anime are starting to make their own. I think we'll soon see a global renaissance of anime style shows throughout the world.

I started reading Unordinary. It's pretty good. I agree it handles classism really well. However I really don't like the direction they took the characters in. I like John on a conceptual level but he really isn't to my taste. Goes from your typical low level weakling with a mysterious past to a bratty punching bag, to a piece of shit simp (I'm at chapter 98 btw). The overarching plot is also pretty slow which gives this feeling that the entire story is just bogged down in John's relationship drama. Hopefully this is all laying the groundwork for some incredibly character development, but I gotta say it's getting pretty painful to read. Please tell me there's a light at the end of this tunnel lmao
Jul 13, 2021 10:50 PM
Jan 2019
theGodde said:
I dunno. There's a fair few visionaries in our generation. However they have mostly departed the world of novels. Like Steven King said, you can only write as well as the books you yourself have read. So the fact that even English speakers are reading Light Novels and watching movies rather than larger, more complex books nowadays means that that is all they are getting exposed to, and we are slowly spiralling down and losing a lot of the artistry of the English language within writing.

There is undeniably a decline in complexity going on right now in literature. My current opinion is that said complexity has ultimately lead us into a corner, so we are now backtracking to find a different way.

And, well, backtracking means you have to actually go back, cutting down all the artistic frills that ultimately didn't bear fruit.

However the film and anime industry doesn't suffer from this problem, because there is a wealth of people fascinated in visual media, and an impressive backlog of movies and anime to study. The issue with our modern generation is that the Hollywood effect has caught up with the Japanese media industry. Now pre-existing franchises are given priority. Anime isn't able to take risks anymore because the industry has seen a focus more onto profit margins over quality storytelling.
But this will change due to the global interest in anime. More and more smaller studios are forming out of the woodworks of the world and starting to create their own anime. In Australia we had an interesting anime-style series called Prisoner Zero. It's...not bad, but definitely not quite at Japan's level yet. However it shows that even in the weak, bland industry of Australian filmmaking people who have grown up with anime are starting to make their own. I think we'll soon see a global renaissance of anime style shows throughout the world.

The renaissance kinda depends on how successful will the various countries be at finding their own voices within animation medium.

China definitely founds its voice. So did Korea. However, others seem to struggle. For example, russian authors have been trying anime style since forever, but nothing seems to stand out or even catch on. The output is either not unique enough or way too complex for its own good (I don't know how much Russian influence there is actually in Troika studios, but their Re-Creators is definitely a good example of the latter).

There has been some talk about revitalizing our Soyuzmultfilm studio (which, I must add, was in its heyday almost more anime than anime itself). Not sure if that will go anywhere, though. What's Souyzmultfilm without a Souyz (Union)?

Ultimately, I don't really see a specifically anime renaissance. This style of animation continues to remain a very oriental thing, when all is said and done (Thought the idea of Australia embracing oriental visual culture is certainly something I never thought about :D). However, the growing influence of anime does require an answer, and this answer can definitely cause a renaissance of animation in the western world.

I started reading Unordinary. It's pretty good. I agree it handles classism really well. However I really don't like the direction they took the characters in. I like John on a conceptual level but he really isn't to my taste. Goes from your typical low level weakling with a mysterious past to a bratty punching bag, to a piece of shit simp (I'm at chapter 98 btw). The overarching plot is also pretty slow which gives this feeling that the entire story is just bogged down in John's relationship drama. Hopefully this is all laying the groundwork for some incredibly character development, but I gotta say it's getting pretty painful to read. Please tell me there's a light at the end of this tunnel lmao

I think the author wrapped things up somewhat competently for now (the series is currently on break after a "mid-season finale"). I definitely am satisfied with where and how John specifically ended up.

Datenshi_Kyrus said:
That scenario you thought up wouldn't really work, as it's already established that Mizuki has some grasp on what their abilities are, so it would just make two of the same character.

The reason we don't see anything about Erika is because this spin off seems to be focused on the Course 1 students, as implied by the "Yuutousei" in the title. Erika is a course 2 student and is already far more established in the original work than any of the course 1 students are. Honestly I'm glad this series exists even if only for that because the characters of Honoka and Shizuku felt very undeveloped in Rettousei not to mention the other course 1 supporting characters.

Yeah, Mizuki would make a better protagonist than Honoka for that idea.

The observation that Yuutosei implies course 1 students is actually useful. I thought it only implies Miyuki herself ).
Jul 14, 2021 12:46 AM
Apr 2021
malMaxi said:
There is undeniably a decline in complexity going on right now in literature. My current opinion is that said complexity has ultimately lead us into a corner, so we are now backtracking to find a different way.

And, well, backtracking means you have to actually go back, cutting down all the artistic frills that ultimately didn't bear fruit.

The renaissance kinda depends on how successful will the various countries be at finding their own voices within animation medium.

China definitely founds its voice. So did Korea. However, others seem to struggle. For example, russian authors have been trying anime style since forever, but nothing seems to stand out or even catch on. The output is either not unique enough or way too complex for its own good (I don't know how much Russian influence there is actually in Troika studios, but their Re-Creators is definitely a good example of the latter).

There has been some talk about revitalizing our Soyuzmultfilm studio (which, I must add, was in its heyday almost more anime than anime itself). Not sure if that will go anywhere, though. What's Souyzmultfilm without a Souyz (Union)?

Ultimately, I don't really see a specifically anime renaissance. This style of animation continues to remain a very oriental thing, when all is said and done (Thought the idea of Australia embracing oriental visual culture is certainly something I never thought about :D). However, the growing influence of anime does require an answer, and this answer can definitely cause a renaissance of animation in the western world.

I've heard of some strange Russian anime from the 50s, and seen one specifically which was about a fisherman and a talking fish that went from kinda strange to full on lucid acid trip real quick. But Russia is definitely a pretty fascinating topic I know almost nothing about.

A bit more info into the Aussie tv industry - we've got basically no identity. The most famous Australian film that immediately comes to mind is probably Gallipoli. The only thing we really do at the moment is crank out shitty soap opera TV for Americans and British people to watch. The only reason Prisoner Zero go aired was because Star Wars the Clone Wars ended and the ABC kids network needed a replacement series of a similar vein.

as for complexity, I really gotta beg to differ. Where do you consider the height of complexity? I don't think anyone's beat out War and Peace as yet. Perhaps you consider the WW2 era with such works as 1984 and the evolution of the film industry with Citizen Kane? Or perhaps the 70s which featured a mix of action blockbuster and deep, mature thematic storytelling, the rise of Ghibli, and the beginning of anime's global recognition? Or perhaps the 90s with more mature adult anime such as Akira, where action movies reached the peak balance of visual effects and real world stunts that to this day will never be surpassed? I would agree that there has been a drop in quality over the past 10 years in the world of anime, however I feel like it's too soon to consider it anything substantial.
As for Hollywood, it has most certainly been in decline since the 90s. The amount of crap we see now is a joke of its former self.

In the end, the amount of stories we can tell has always been finite. It stands to reason that eventually we will reach a point where every basic plot or story structure has been done before. I personally reckon we're pretty much there already, and have been for several decades at least.

malMaxi said:
I think the author wrapped things up somewhat competently for now (the series is currently on break after a "mid-season finale"). I definitely am satisfied with where and how John specifically ended up.
I really can't stand John, or the teen angst of the webtoon in general. The difference between unORDINARY and other manga/anime I've read set in high school that I like is that it doesn't filter out all the toxicity and just general shittiness of high school. In fact it amps it up to max. I feel like the balance of toxicity/wholesomeness is just too skewed for me to enjoy reading it. It's just not entertaining to read for me where I'm at. I managed to grind through 90 chapters in one day. Then in the next few days I've gone through around 15. Is this shitty tone and character situation going to stay this way for another 100 chapters or will the current Angsty John arc wrap up soon? None of the characters appeal to me at the moment and I'm thinking of dropping it if it doesn't change up in the next 30 chapters or so.
However, the plot isn't bad. And a lot of the themes and ideas it looks at are pretty good. Not particularly groundbreaking though.

Jul 14, 2021 8:49 PM
Jan 2019
theGodde said:
I've heard of some strange Russian anime from the 50s, and seen one specifically which was about a fisherman and a talking fish that went from kinda strange to full on lucid acid trip real quick. But Russia is definitely a pretty fascinating topic I know almost nothing about.

The funniest part is that this was supposed to be a fairy tale cartoon for kids ). I watched it when i was like 8 and felt like it made total sense :D

Here is the one i find to be the most emblematic of both the methods and goals of that particular period of our multiplication:
It also has the lucky upside of featuring no intelligible dialogue whatsoever :D

A bit more info into the Aussie tv industry - we've got basically no identity. The most famous Australian film that immediately comes to mind is probably Gallipoli. The only thing we really do at the moment is crank out shitty soap opera TV for Americans and British people to watch. The only reason Prisoner Zero go aired was because Star Wars the Clone Wars ended and the ABC kids network needed a replacement series of a similar vein.

Cultural identity is hard :(. It isn't even about the amount of creative output (though obviously the bare minimum amount of quantity is required), it is about some unique style that only you have.

as for complexity, I really gotta beg to differ. Where do you consider the height of complexity? I don't think anyone's beat out War and Peace as yet. Perhaps you consider the WW2 era with such works as 1984 and the evolution of the film industry with Citizen Kane? Or perhaps the 70s which featured a mix of action blockbuster and deep, mature thematic storytelling, the rise of Ghibli, and the beginning of anime's global recognition? Or perhaps the 90s with more mature adult anime such as Akira, where action movies reached the peak balance of visual effects and real world stunts that to this day will never be surpassed? I would agree that there has been a drop in quality over the past 10 years in the world of anime, however I feel like it's too soon to consider it anything substantial.
As for Hollywood, it has most certainly been in decline since the 90s. The amount of crap we see now is a joke of its former self.

In the end, the amount of stories we can tell has always been finite. It stands to reason that eventually we will reach a point where every basic plot or story structure has been done before. I personally reckon we're pretty much there already, and have been for several decades at least.

Yeah, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky were the pinnacle in my eyes, and it was downhill from there. That being said, the decline has not been immediate and literature has been injected with a great deal of both fresh blood and ideas during the second half of XX century. F/ex someone like Pratchett is no Tolstoy, but he is still amazing :D. To me, the most important part of that brief resurgence was sci-fi, but i understand something similar happened in other fields as well. I never really tied it to end of WW2, but, now that you mentioned it, it does make perfect sense to do so.

Film is obviously different, because on account of being a new form of artistic expression, it went through rapid development in its own right. And, while the story side of things has definitely shown little improvement since the 80s, the cinematography and overall expressiveness continues to evolve at a rapid clip.

Well, i say "little improvement in film story", but the whole cinematic universe thing we have going on right now is actually a monumental effort, that in the past is only matched by the strange kind of storytelling process that created mythologies (the Olympian mythology is obviously the closest reference point). The thing about mythologies is that, according to the currently professed standards of storytelling, they are all mostly trash tier self-insert power fantasies :D. And yet these trash tier self-insert power fantasies informed centuries of human development, whereas our current tastes are unlikely to even survive a single coming generation.

Games are currently going through the same process film went through in XX century. I believe we didn't have our gaming equivalent of "Citizen Kane" yet, either :D (the most recent title that came close imo was Dark Souls).

I don't think the amount of stories we can tell is limited. What is limited is the amount of stories any given culture can make sense of at any given moment. It is generally not a good idea to confuse one's narrow field of vision for the actual possibilities of the world :D

malMaxi said:
I really can't stand John, or the teen angst of the webtoon in general. The difference between unORDINARY and other manga/anime I've read set in high school that I like is that it doesn't filter out all the toxicity and just general shittiness of high school. In fact it amps it up to max. I feel like the balance of toxicity/wholesomeness is just too skewed for me to enjoy reading it. It's just not entertaining to read for me where I'm at. I managed to grind through 90 chapters in one day. Then in the next few days I've gone through around 15. Is this shitty tone and character situation going to stay this way for another 100 chapters or will the current Angsty John arc wrap up soon? None of the characters appeal to me at the moment and I'm thinking of dropping it if it doesn't change up in the next 30 chapters or so.
However, the plot isn't bad. And a lot of the themes and ideas it looks at are pretty good. Not particularly groundbreaking though.


Well, i only mentioned it as a good example of handling class matters in a setting with some superficial similarities to Mahouka.

I don't remember the exact chapter count it takes John to break out of his angsty power trip, but it does happen towards the end of the current published cycle (with something like 5 chapters for wrapping things up). If you are not up for waiting, but still want to see the conclusion, you won't lose too much by just skipping towards
Jul 14, 2021 9:53 PM
Apr 2021
malMaxi said:
theGodde said:
I've heard of some strange Russian anime from the 50s, and seen one specifically which was about a fisherman and a talking fish that went from kinda strange to full on lucid acid trip real quick. But Russia is definitely a pretty fascinating topic I know almost nothing about.

The funniest part is that this was supposed to be a fairy tale cartoon for kids ). I watched it when i was like 8 and felt like it made total sense :D

Here is the one i find to be the most emblematic of both the methods and goals of that particular period of our multiplication:
It also has the lucky upside of featuring no intelligible dialogue whatsoever :D

lmao that was a strange experience to say the least.
I thought that song was made for the Godfather, and looking it up I am like 99.9% sure it is. So how did they get the rights to use it in their lucid animation trip?
The animation itself was pretty cool. I hated the design for the guy, but that's a personal thing. Something that really annoyed me was that different things had different framerates for no apparent reason. Some very strange animation decisions there.

malMaxi said:
A bit more info into the Aussie tv industry - we've got basically no identity. The most famous Australian film that immediately comes to mind is probably Gallipoli. The only thing we really do at the moment is crank out shitty soap opera TV for Americans and British people to watch. The only reason Prisoner Zero go aired was because Star Wars the Clone Wars ended and the ABC kids network needed a replacement series of a similar vein.

Cultural identity is hard :(. It isn't even about the amount of creative output (though obviously the bare minimum amount of quantity is required), it is about some unique style that only you have.
the thing is, we have the basis for an original art style. The indigenous Australians had a very unique (but simplistic) artstyle and colour palette that could be made use of. There's also the multiple fascinating historical eras of Australian history (indigenous Australia, first settlement, the great expansions - where adventurers explored Australia, the gold rush, the rise of Bushrangers, WW1, WW2, suffragettes, giving indigenous people the vote, Vietnam War, and modernisation). The thing is that the Australian film industry has no real drive to want to find its identity. All our actors head over to America to make their fortune in Hollywood. Those who are left are a bunch of indie filmmakers mostly fluffing about telling pretentious stories no one wants to watch. We're not really a patriotic or nationalistic country on the whole, and I suppose that is part of the reason.

malMaxi said:
I don't think the amount of stories we can tell is limited. What is limited is the amount of stories any given culture can make sense of at any given moment. It is generally not a good idea to confuse one's narrow field of vision for the actual possibilities of the world :D

what I mean by that is in terms of basic story structure. There are only 7 basic plots: Overcoming the monster, Rags to riches, The quest, Voyage and return, Comedy, Tragedy, Rebirth. But on top of that if you add another level of detail there are still a finite amount ( But I would argue a level up from that. Every general story idea has been tried in every type of story with every type of story structure. The only difference now is the characters, the complexity, and the aesthetics (which admittedly is quite a lot).

anyhow, thanks for the information on Russian film, quite interesting. I think for now I'll hold off further comments until the next episode when we'll have more to talk about lmao.
Jul 17, 2021 12:42 PM
Jul 2018
Jumonji looks so funny in this series xD

Jul 17, 2021 10:56 PM
Jan 2019
theGodde said:
lmao that was a strange experience to say the least.
I thought that song was made for the Godfather, and looking it up I am like 99.9% sure it is. So how did they get the rights to use it in their lucid animation trip?
The animation itself was pretty cool. I hated the design for the guy, but that's a personal thing. Something that really annoyed me was that different things had different framerates for no apparent reason. Some very strange animation decisions there.

Won't deny it is weird :D. A lot of it was fueled by limitations rather than conscious choice.
On another hand, a lot of it was fueled by lack of limitations. For example, I am not sure how much of an issue were any sort of "rights", looking from the other side of the iron curtain.

the thing is, we have the basis for an original art style. The indigenous Australians had a very unique (but simplistic) artstyle and colour palette that could be made use of. There's also the multiple fascinating historical eras of Australian history (indigenous Australia, first settlement, the great expansions - where adventurers explored Australia, the gold rush, the rise of Bushrangers, WW1, WW2, suffragettes, giving indigenous people the vote, Vietnam War, and modernisation). The thing is that the Australian film industry has no real drive to want to find its identity. All our actors head over to America to make their fortune in Hollywood. Those who are left are a bunch of indie filmmakers mostly fluffing about telling pretentious stories no one wants to watch. We're not really a patriotic or nationalistic country on the whole, and I suppose that is part of the reason.

Something similar in Russia as well. Well, given recent developments, i guess that "patriotic nationalistic" thing will change before too long.
Not sure how i feel about that. Was nice living in a global world while it lasted.

what I mean by that is in terms of basic story structure. There are only 7 basic plots: Overcoming the monster, Rags to riches, The quest, Voyage and return, Comedy, Tragedy, Rebirth. But on top of that if you add another level of detail there are still a finite amount ( But I would argue a level up from that. Every general story idea has been tried in every type of story with every type of story structure. The only difference now is the characters, the complexity, and the aesthetics (which admittedly is quite a lot).

I agree that these seven story plots definitely do exist and thinking of their combinations is a good way to improve on stories.
I disagree that these are the only seven story plots that exist. For example, Mahouka's story (at least the part of it that works, which is until Tatsuya solves flying) is not really any of these (despite having aspects of all of these).

Where i draw the line is when adherents of such classifications say that something is a bad story - or not a story at all - just because it doesn't fit into classification.

Well, the true reason is of course that they dislike the story. Having a pretty good understanding of their own taste - having classified it and all - they are also pretty good at explaining why they specifically dislike the story. However, saying that it isn't a story or a bad story just because of that dislike is a step i'm not willing to take.

I do actually like early parts of Mahouka and think it is a good story, even if it doesn't neatly fit into the classification provided. In fact, it not fitting into popular classification is the exact thing that makes me return to it time and time again, despite the massive problems it has as a story starting with the sports festival arc.

anyhow, thanks for the information on Russian film, quite interesting. I think for now I'll hold off further comments until the next episode when we'll have more to talk about lmao.

Next episode is meh. They have some moments, but the story fabric has more or less unraveled and isn't coming together. It is more like a collection of individual moments right now.
Jul 26, 2021 5:36 AM

Oct 2017
Man this felt nostalgic af, it's been years since I've watched Mahouka s1 and getting to watch some of those events from Miyuku's pov after all these years makes me really want to rewatch the first season. Also it reminded me of how harsh and piece of shit some of those course 1 students are. Thou it was fun to watch Mayumi's playful side again.
Jul 30, 2021 5:46 PM

Nov 2017
A nice episode,also nice to see Honoka's POV,but damn,is that ED just Miyuki - Fan Service edition or what?

On a similar note,I love the OP/ED music from the original series,but I just can't seem to like this ones.
And as with others,this series is probably doing what it was meant to,since I now want to rewatch the first season,again,again :)
Oct 14, 2021 8:13 AM

Apr 2011
So that what happened on the main storyline.

Animation quality needs improvement.
Feb 4, 2022 12:29 AM

Mar 2013
That's why this spin-off has such low score, watching this makes me want to... ugh... especially their art styles are so different from the first season but not just the art styles, I'm a bit troubled on some things but it isn't a case where it would lead me to hate this series, this is actually quite fun to watch.

Even if this was a somewhat bad animation, I get to see more of the supporting characters' dialogues and their own perspectives which were really nice to have.
CrazyButNot4UFeb 4, 2022 12:54 AM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Mar 28, 2022 3:13 AM

Sep 2018
OK, so this show is going to be a longer, drawn out season one from different POVs? I'm OK with that. It's quite entertaining hearing other dialogues from other characters leading up to situations we already know about.
Apr 26, 2022 3:56 PM

Mar 2019
I like how they are animating the same scenes that happened in the actual anime, makes me remember a lot of them and understand it more because at first I was so confused about how Honoka and Shizuku got in the party. Weird to not see Mikihiko with them, guess we'll have to wait for that.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Nov 28, 2022 12:19 PM

Apr 2013
I thought the spin-off would be less cringe, but it's actually even worse. Honoka's inner thoughts somehow make her even more annoying.
Aug 20, 2023 10:52 AM
Nov 2010
Interesting to see the main series from the POV of Honoka and Miyuki. I'm glad Honoka has become the main since I love Sora's voice!
I like this spin-off more than the main series so far. It's lighthearted & SoL which fits the school setting.
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