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Dec 8, 2018 10:39 AM

Jul 2017
I'll say this first: If you dislike someone giving their honest opinions on an episode which happen to be negative in tone, don't read this.

Once again, SAO creates a somewhat decent idea only to squander it.
Was this episode outright bad? No. Was it executed well.
On one hand, I suppose it is impressive that SAO bothered to create a buildup with the previous 2 episodes. However, the conclusion to it all in today's episode is lackluster at best.
Everything up to Eugeo and his index thing was serviceable. However, once Kirito came in to save the day like always is when it went to shambles. Why bother trying to expand upon Eugeo as a character if Kirito is going to be the solution.
The actual "battle" (?) between Kirito and the other noble guy was pretty boring to watch. All they did was stand there with their swords clashed and swing them around a few times. Even then, it felt as if there was no weight behind their actions or speech.
When your main character is relatively bland, and your other is interesting but only in comparison, while the side characters are plot points, it makes it hard to care about what's going. The show, at least when it comes to these last few episodes, fails to give a clear direction as to where it's heading. It's not called being unpredictable (purposefully), it's called poor writing.

Overall, this episode is a 5/10 while the series thus far is barely a 6/10.
While it's yet to be outright bad like previous seasons, it's yet to fix any of it's own problems.

For the record, I could care less if you like this show or not. I have no problem either way. This is just my opinion.
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"If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly."
- Me

Dec 8, 2018 10:40 AM

Jan 2018
Those 2 motherfuckers should have been beheaded instead of just getting their arms cut I would love to see them slowly dying.
Dec 8, 2018 10:42 AM
Mar 2017
* watching the comments on this thread *

* Having flashback, of the comments that discuss the violation of the first episode of Goblin Slayer intensified *

Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Dec 8, 2018 10:42 AM

Jul 2017
Savvoy said:
WaterLord said:
That's for each viewer to decide for themselves. Simple as that.

Indeed my amigo, even if there's a objectively chart to see how good a show is it or not, at the end it relays on each viewer overall enjoyement, you think it's bad based on your charts? Good for you, you're not the first and won't be the last. Other's think is good? Good for them too.
Exactly what i was trying to convey here. And to add that it's really pointless to try and change people's minds when they already love a series and have their own reasons as to why they like it.
Dec 8, 2018 10:46 AM

Jul 2016
Great episode its turning point of the story. The episode is expected to be censored. Eugeo break the system alert, they rescue the valets and the briefly fight between Kirito and Raios. Im happy they get rekt. And cliffhanger with appearance of Alice.

Dec 8, 2018 10:49 AM
Dec 2018
this thread makes me remember when the goblin slayer first episode aired.
Dec 8, 2018 10:50 AM

Dec 2015
I'm starting to think he has the word delusional taped on his face with toilet paper cause the amount of use by him in this thread is more than a book would have it.

Also, you didn't, all you do is ask for someone to prove why isn't bad

Let me tell you a shocking thing, nobody will prove that to you cause that's just how you feel about this show, nobody will take their time to try to change your mind cause' you have already decided your stand point, so why bother? It's bad, it's good, it's whatever, it's for each person who watches it to decide, if you think truly the show is bad, then it's bad, what's next? want a cookie? want a drawing saying "I did it!"?
If someone says the show is good, then it's good, what you gonna do it? At the end ALL depends on the person.

For something to be taken so objectively you have to do such an extend study with strong comparing points with almost thousands of anime, studio directors, light novels, studio animators, ads, public reaction, demography, selling and products, etc.
So if you took your time to do you, kudos to you.

You're amazing.
Dec 8, 2018 10:52 AM
Aug 2014
Well someone encountered a really fatal 404 error...
Dec 8, 2018 10:55 AM

Oct 2013
Wow I did not expect that at all. Much better than what I expected which was that Kirito would make some form of bet with Raios for the tournament. If it's supposed to get way more wack after this, I have to say I am pretty excited.
Dec 8, 2018 10:56 AM

Jun 2017
I always find these standards funny.
murder - no problem
gore - no problem
dismemberment - no problem
torture - no problem
fountains of blood - no problem
domestic violence (towards men and women) - no problem
bro/sis romance - no problem
fan service - no problem

smallest hint of rape - ABORT ABORT ABORT THIS IS TOO MUCH
Dec 8, 2018 10:57 AM

Oct 2013
It surprised me that when the graphic warning showed at the start. I didn't expect it to be that graphic even though I read the LN. The way Eugeo's eye burst was disturbing

The direction in this episode was top-notch. I loved almost eveything about it (the frog tongue and rape jump can go).

Not gonna lie I laughed for 10 seconds straight when Raios literally jumped Ronye. That was a hilariously bad way to make the atmosphere look grim. His fluclight error at the end was some disturbing stuff.

And finally when get to see Alice Synthesis Thirty. Can't wait for next week.'

Also, funny how it was actually Eugeo who was the first person to willingly violate the Taboo Index and not Alice (she merely violated it cause she tripped). So basically she's the guy the people from Rath should be looking for. Should have named this SAO: Eugeocization but that doesn't roll off the tongue that well now does it.
-Riptide-Dec 8, 2018 11:01 AM
Dec 8, 2018 10:57 AM

Aug 2015
I really like this episode, it was exciting as fuck. Although that does not mean that using rape as an argument is quite basic and cheap.
Dec 8, 2018 11:01 AM

Dec 2015
FuryTank said:
I really like this episode, it was exciting as fuck. Although that does not mean that using rape as an argument is quite basic and cheap.

I do agree with that, people think is now so common because a lot of animes use it lately

But if this work for relief, this is getting animated now, this scene was already despicted years ago before a lot of actual scenes.
Dec 8, 2018 11:04 AM
Mar 2017
When Kirito leaves that world, would not he have the mentality / maturity / mind of an older man already?

If 3 weeks of reality are 300 years of simulation ...
Wait, this would not mean that they would have to take him out of the simulation at least hours after putting it on ... what happens if he dies of old in that world ... or are they immortal in that world?

17 when entering the world. +2 years in the world fluctlight.
When he leaves = 17 physically. 19 mentally (for now)
FireCrauterDec 8, 2018 11:13 AM
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Dec 8, 2018 11:10 AM

Aug 2013
Hurrah. The titular character of this arc finally makes her appearance.
Dec 8, 2018 11:16 AM

Jul 2013
FMmatron said:
Who would've guessed that things would play out this way, surprise surprise.

But seriously, this episode was comedy gold.

Raios fucking jump and tongue, tho...

How long is that thing even ?
This, just this. I don't know how the fuck SAO always (and I say ALWAYS) manages to make something as serious and despicable as attempted rape so hilarious. First Sugou, then Sinon's friend, now Raios and Humbert. I lost my shit when Raios jumped to the bed in such stupid way, and the retarded, over-the-top expressions made the hole thing funnier.

RIP Raios-dono, your noble sacrifice keeping the rapey villains quota of the series that our King Oberon-sama started will never be forgotten. May your soul rest in Heaven :pray:
Dec 8, 2018 11:17 AM

Apr 2015
When I saw the message at the start of the episode, that viewer discretion was adviced that this was going to be dark...


Holy shit, that first quarter was hard to watch... Those guys deserve what they got. Eugeo and Kirito hurting Humbert and killing Raios was just brutal but so satisfying to watch. I did hear a lot that the Underworld was going to be "something else" compared to previous arcs, more violence and stuff, with the build up from last week this was to be expected at some point...

For me, even tho it was partly disturbing, best episode so far and definitely sets the tone for the rest of the series.

Alice returns as well!

Edit: I have to say the censoring was a bit much, but then again it's to be expected.
CeddyyBearrDec 8, 2018 11:23 AM
Dec 8, 2018 11:25 AM

Jul 2015
finally getting some good episodes

Dec 8, 2018 11:31 AM
Jan 2018
superzombie23 said:
Katojana said:
I always find these standards funny.
murder - no problem
gore - no problem
dismemberment - no problem
torture - no problem
fountains of blood - no problem
domestic violence (towards men and women) - no problem
bro/sis romance - no problem
fan service - no problem

smallest hint of rape - ABORT ABORT ABORT THIS IS TOO MUCH

This is more or less my line of thinking on this too. At the end of the day, it's just entertainment. Sometimes, people watch entertainment to forget what's wrong with the world, but sometimes people watch it for the complete opposite reason; to see the messed up things and get an adrenaline rush. I would argue that if you've been through a similar situation, you would probably find the entertainment more "entertaining" beacuse you can connect with it on a deeper level because you've experienced a similiar situation in reality. I feel like most people are upset in this particular case because it's just a cheap way of moving the plot device. Goblin Slayer's case was more about getting PTSD.

I find it fascinating how far Japan can go, in what they can put into anime and where the border is in what they can't
Dec 8, 2018 11:32 AM
Oct 2018
[/quote] Yes but in the Light Novel they got saved , so they are not going with the web novel thing here , also web novel is not canon >.>[/quote]

I wish it would be canon like broly from db now i think the evil dudes in Sao needs to win just once
Dec 8, 2018 11:34 AM
Oct 2018
this episode was great, beautiful art and animation and it kept me at the edge of my seat lol

They really are stepping up
Dec 8, 2018 11:42 AM

Mar 2013
Awesome episode, I loved it
Dec 8, 2018 11:43 AM

Aug 2012
Wow, all the scum got was their hands getting cut and the easy way out...
Dec 8, 2018 11:47 AM

Nov 2009
Ahahah, that was hilarious. They made those scenes so unrealistic I could only laugh.
Crunchy learned their lesson with GS I guess and put up a warning in before the episode started.
Still funny to see how most ppl just loved this (in a PG-13 show) and threw shit at GS (R - 17+).
SAO's author sure loves attempted rape scenes though, lol.
Dec 8, 2018 11:48 AM

Mar 2016
Is it weird that as time has passed since watching the episode.....that I went from kinda liking absolutely loving it?
I mean, they didn't hold ANYTHING back here.
Dec 8, 2018 11:49 AM

Mar 2016
KaiserNazrin said:
Now this is where Alicization start getting freaking good.

The main heroine finally make appearance! I waited so long for this.

When Alice showed up, I was like "finally, the Goddess is here!"
Dec 8, 2018 11:53 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
That was so over the top that it kinda lost the intended effect. I mean when the guy launched himself on the girls in pure lucha libre style I almost burst out laughing. The nasty guys basically didn't look like humans (what was with that tongue?! LOL).
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 8, 2018 12:04 PM

Feb 2013
Finally, the nobles got what they deserved.
Lol, Alice came to get them.
Dec 8, 2018 12:05 PM

Nov 2013
The rape scenarios are really getting old tbh
Dec 8, 2018 12:07 PM

Dec 2010
Rape scene made me laugh but damn, Eugeo should be the MC of this show. He's a good un.
Dec 8, 2018 12:13 PM
Feb 2018
To be honest. A scene similar to this happened in sword art online season 1 episode 24, so no one can complain about how bad the scene was. The only difference is kirito was tied up in episode 24 season 1, so he couldnt do anything and in this eugeo was prevented from doing anything because the taboo index didnt let him.
Dec 8, 2018 12:17 PM
May 2016
Hitman00770 said:
To be honest. A scene similar to this happened in sword art online season 1 episode 24, so no one can complain about how bad the scene was. The only difference is kirito was tied up in episode 24 season 1, so he couldnt do anything and in this eugeo was prevented from doing anything because the taboo index didnt let him.
Only that Kirito used hax mode and eugeo overcame it by himself >.> which makes him a better char than kirito
Dec 8, 2018 12:18 PM

Mar 2017
FireCrauter said:
When Kirito leaves that world, would not he have the mentality / maturity / mind of an older man already?

If 3 weeks of reality are 300 years of simulation ...
Wait, this would not mean that they would have to take him out of the simulation at least hours after putting it on ... what happens if he dies of old in that world ... or are they immortal in that world?

No, they are not immortal. They reach their peak life value at a certain age (20-something) and then their life starts to decline slowly until it reaches 0 at a certain age and then they'll die. Their age expectation is similar to ours.

I knew what was going to happen in the episode and it was seriously hard to watch with the production team not holding back. I must admit though that the jump and the tongue have gotten a laugh out of me but the rest was truly terrifying. Eugeo's eye bursting was really something, I didn't picture it that violent when reading the passage. That moment, when Kirito said it was okay to Eugeo in such a calm way, gave me goosebumps. People argue that it's bad Kirito always comes to help when it's needed but if I were Eugeo I would actually be really glad he does! This shows he's reliable and you can trust him to give it his best shot to help his friends and I don't know why anyone would not want to have a friend like that. I never got the "overpowered" argument since it's just Kirito's experience and determination which define his strength and are fitting for a main character. Also his calm and reassuring appearance in situations like this add to him being likable in my opinion.

From now on, everything will only get crazier and I look forward to the next episode.

Edit: Also the significance of Kirito calling Eugeo a human is worth mentioning. The whole scene was not only to demonstrate loopholes in the Taboo Index which are going to be explored later on but to create a turning point not only for the plot but also for Eugeo. Since he was able to overcome the Index you can hardly call him an AI at this point since he shows a free will like any human being.
IrongrettaDec 8, 2018 12:27 PM
Dec 8, 2018 12:20 PM
Feb 2018
Tamikus said:
Hitman00770 said:
To be honest. A scene similar to this happened in sword art online season 1 episode 24, so no one can complain about how bad the scene was. The only difference is kirito was tied up in episode 24 season 1, so he couldnt do anything and in this eugeo was prevented from doing anything because the taboo index didnt let him.
Only that Kirito used hax mode and eugeo overcame it by himself >.> which makes him a better char than kirito

Pretty good episode as well.
Dec 8, 2018 12:25 PM

May 2016
When I saw that announcement at the beginning I thought I was watching something else I mean sex assault in Sao Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri, turned out I was wrong.
FMmatron said:
Who would've guessed that things would play out this way, surprise surprise.

But seriously, this episode was comedy gold.

Raios fucking jump and tongue, tho...

How long is that thing even ?

At least we're done with this, guess the next episode will be an interesting one again.
Never expected such an ending for this arc like you said the comedy was absolutely pure epicness.
Just a few hours and there is already 4 pages of posts the uproar is even bigger than Goblin Slayer 1st episode since this was more extreme.
Dec 8, 2018 12:27 PM

Jul 2015
It's crazy how my biggest issue with SAO, the rape scenes, suddenly became one of the strongest points on the series with this episode.

Seeing Eugeo breaking the taboo index due to what was happening, cutting the arms, that fucker glitching of the mental chaos that it was deciding between the index or taking the blood from the other (oh the karma), amazing honestly.

I was losing interest due to the pretty meh last episodes but this one got me hyped again, good stuff.
Dec 8, 2018 12:28 PM

Jul 2013
Farabeuf said:
That was so over the top that it kinda lost the intended effect. I mean when the guy launched himself on the girls in pure lucha libre style I almost burst out laughing. The nasty guys basically didn't look like humans (what was with that tongue?! LOL).
What are you talking about, bro? This is obviously human:
Dec 8, 2018 12:51 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
What is with SAO and its consistent rape scenes lol

That aside, pretty messed up episode. Cool to see Alice again too
Dec 8, 2018 12:54 PM
Dec 2018
HaXXspetten said:
What is with SAO and its consistent rape scenes lol

That aside, pretty messed up episode. Cool to see Alice again too

I always find that complaint weird when the anime community praises the hell out of JoJo with their consistent need to violently kill dogs to show they are the bad guy.
Dec 8, 2018 12:55 PM

Jan 2016
Oh shit, I didn't expect that !
Dec 8, 2018 12:56 PM

Apr 2014

TV version vs Crunchyroll version.
Dec 8, 2018 12:57 PM

Jun 2010
See some people saying there was actual rape in the web novel version?

Does anyone have a link to that for citation purposes?
Dec 8, 2018 1:07 PM
May 2013
Jesus Christ, can this series ever stay away from rapey villains...
Dec 8, 2018 1:14 PM
Dec 2018
Rizin_ said:
Jesus Christ, can this series ever stay away from rapey villains...

I don't know, can JoJo ever stray from dog murdering villains?
Dec 8, 2018 1:16 PM
Jan 2018
Writer_Man said:
Rizin_ said:
Jesus Christ, can this series ever stay away from rapey villains...

I don't know, can JoJo ever stray from dog murdering villains?

Association fallacy at its finest.
Dec 8, 2018 1:19 PM

Aug 2013
that was awesome, the almost mentally breakdown girls I mean

aside from kirito bullshit, it was a gripping episode!
Dec 8, 2018 1:20 PM

Mar 2014
You know I was kind of on board with this season, almost forgotten the disgusting "Asada-san!"scene, and they pull something like this.


Also this should not be compared to the Jojo Villain trope killing animals. Those are meant to make the viewer hate the villain but the villains still have some sort of motivation going on OTHER THAN just being an animal killer. The villains in SAO are just terribly shallow. The only "villain" that might have had an interesting motive was the inventor of SAO but they never really explained why he murdered thousands through a video game.
LauraBirdieDec 8, 2018 1:24 PM
Dec 8, 2018 1:27 PM
Jan 2018
LauraBirdie said:
You know I was kind of on board with this season, almost forgotten the disgusting "Asada-san!"scene, and they pull something like this.


Also this should not be compared to the Jojo Villain trope killing animals. Those are meant to make the viewer hate the villain but the villains still have some sort of motivation going on OTHER THAN just being an animal killer. The villains in SAO are just terribly shallow. The only "villain" that might have had an interesting motive was the inventor of SAO but they never really explained why he murdered thousands through a video game.

I hate it when they compare two completely different shows and go all "if you didn't like this, you shouldn't like that".
Reminds me when somebody compared Bunny Senpai to SAO despite having nothing in common besides a lot of talking.
Dec 8, 2018 1:33 PM

Apr 2016
It was an awesome episode. Too bad that they censored. Hope the BD will be censored
The CR version is so bad . They over censored the ep and cut a lot of scenes. Thank god that there are raw and Wakamin. And for God's sake "5月" the 5th month is not march. stupid CR
joshua10redDec 8, 2018 1:43 PM

Dec 8, 2018 1:41 PM

Mar 2014
Writer_Man said:
TodAboT said:

Association fallacy at its finest.

No, it's not. People's problems with it seems to be a repetitive nature of SAO villains - in this case, going with rape - but JoJo, one of the most beloved anime, is repetitive with its villains as well and for me, killing an innocent animal in as cruel a way as possible just to establish how evil they are is the same thing.

The fact that you might associate sexual assault on a different level as outright murder of something entirely innocent and not even able to understand what is happening is deeply troubling on a psychological level.

Not really. Like I said earlier, Jojo villains have motivations, their ultimate goals are not to murder animals. In order to make the viewer hate them, Araki makes them hurt animals. But there;s more to them than just that. (Just to be clear, I personally hate the whole animal killing thing and I don't think villains need it)

Many "villains" in SAO did almost everything they did in order to "get" the girl. When that doesn't work out, they force themselves onto them. The whole rape thing is such an integral part of these characters, while the animal killing is not.

Also I'm completely fine with the Crunchyroll censoring, I don't want to watch that kinda sh#t uncensored, just get it over with.

It's one of the things that I hate about SAO. That and the whole "Kirito is the best at everything" trope.
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