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Jan 7, 2019 1:47 PM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Astral Veil

PCK vs. The Cranberry Juice Monster; Turn 2
Note to self: The Cranberry Juice Monster is a filthy coward. How dared it retract it's tendrils in fear of losing them! MAN UP, YOU WON'T GET MUCH CRANBERRY JUICE THAT WAY! You can't just brute force your way into someone's juice channels.

Lord oh lord did the Juice Monster really want to drain it's victim, after all, it even managed to find some Fun Slime inside itself, which it fired PCK's direction, along with it's wild raving tendrils pretending like they're protecting something.

Intending to force the CJM to stop messing around with important life fluids the masked protector would roll toward the monster, intending to soften their body as a means to migitate impact from the tendrils and ideally, apply a healthy amount of PUNCH into it's side.

@Darth_Lewdious (I don't wanna go to school Daddy.)
Jan 7, 2019 8:58 PM

Mar 2016
As PCK rolled towards the creature, he exposed his back for a few moments, allowing the creature to rip through his clothing and hit the softened skin lightly. The immediately following punch forced a significant amount of bile out the creatures trunk. A strange gasping shriek came from the mutated flesh wall. Using this close proximity, it used all three of its arms to try and pul PCK in, and attempt to ensnare him. The creature was imminently successful at wrapping tis arms around PCK with the intent of constrict him. The first and second targeted your back, while the third was aiming to choke you. Your close proximity allowed you no room to get out of the way.

This strange entity was looking upwards, but towards the sky. And when it heard the song echoed back to it it stopped singing. Its head darted down and sideways to look directly at Luna. It then looked at Jonathan. His sword triggered a defensive reaction from the creature. Its arms, which went previously unnoticed, lifted up. They were skeletal, and they cracked and popped as they moved. A flamberge appeared in one hand, and a Shotel appeared in the left. Manifested from a pale blue fire. Her face was pointed directly at Jonathans arm, the one which held his weapon. She took his readiness to fight as a threat. She did not attack. The wings of thorn unraveled into twenty long vines covered in spikes. They also seemed poised for action. The creature notioned to Jonathan. One that would often be used to tell someone to disarm. But by how ready this thing was fight back, it seemed more like a counter-threat to your first transgression. Anygail did essentially nothing. A d so for the most part she ignored her.

On another note, the Xera around the streak was intense. Raw. Potent. Slowly oozing out into the environment. It feels so intense that it is almost near the toxicity concentration. When the Xera is so Dense it stops being useful and instead becomes harmful.
Jan 8, 2019 12:13 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Luna would take a few steps forward and open her hands, revealing that she has no hostile intentions. She would wait that Jonathan would get the clue and, if he did unsheathe his own weapon - Luna would sing for a brief moment as an attempt of communication. The amount of xera in this place felt odd, Luna was quite sure there was nothing like this going on, on the other side. What on earth was going on, she thought to herself. She was even more impressed that this creature was able to stand in such of a mount of xera.
Jan 8, 2019 2:53 PM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Astral Veil

PCK vs. The Cranberry Juice Monster; Turn 3
ARE YOU HURT OR ARE YOU RETALIATING? DECIDE, YOU GOSH DANG MONSTER! Some juice thieves are incredibly indecisive and hard to handle, not to mention this one was a craven to begin with! Any self-respecting ruler of a cardboard kingdom would just leave it to rot by now, but PCK barely remembers their name after a full day of not hearing it, so that's not happening.

Not satisfied with the CJM's behavior, smiley face pummeler had to figure out another method of persuading it to stop being a criminal. As far as most could tell, it was leaving it's behind unsupervised like the felons in Neito are. You know what, screw it. Who needs big thinkers when you got two motherhonkin' face crunchers?

Relying on their own strength for this one, PCK unloaded as many punches into the cranberry thief as they could, mixing in Buster Legistlative when the situation allowed for it.

Also, they need to visit a tailor.

The second-hand rags are not cutting it.

@Darth_Lewdious (Don't pull constricted arms on me, cuz' you never mentioned that anywhere.)
Jan 8, 2019 8:53 PM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

Jonathan was startled, and just about ready to attack the creature at any moment. Thankfully, Luna had stepped in. Watching Luna approach the monster gave Jonathan a few moments to re-assess the situation. He had to come to a decision then and there. Would he disarm himself, or would he attack the creature? "That creature, it has to be fairly strong if it can stand within such a high concentration of Xera energy and be completely unaffected. It also seemed to be signaling me to disarm. Is there a possibility we can make it through this without a fight?"

Jonathan had never felt so tense in his life, but ultimately he decided to sheathe his weapon and allow Luna to continue trying to communicate with the creature. If he had attacked, and the monster ended up being more than they could handle, than the deaths of his allies could have very well fallen on his own shoulders. Still, this place had already made him paranoid enough, so he refused to step any closer to the monster.
Jan 10, 2019 10:08 AM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

Aby kept a high awareness of her surroundings and everything that was happening. This creature seemed to have been threatened by John causing him to have to put away his weapon. Luna was singing and trying to communicate with it. As it went, there wasn’t much she could do at the moment but wait and be prepared.

(Sorry guys but on vacation)
Jan 10, 2019 7:16 PM

Mar 2016
The creature before PCK seemed to quickly give up. Most of its body begqn to pulsate in waves suddenly before settling down. A lot of its eyes were sucked into its body as it did this. And his last few punches seemed to hit less than before. It was like all of its insides had moved. It stopped attacking. Was it dead? Was it playing dead? Was it hoping for mercy?if so where did it put its organs in this massive web of creature. It was still drinking the felon. So it certainly wasnt dead.

As Jonathan put his weapon away, the creature seemed to lower its guard. Its posture relaxing and its weapons burning away. Its wings twining back into actul wings. Its boney hands lowering back to its sides. And vinally it spoke. Its voice seemed to echo within itself before actully leaving the cretures body. ”This is my home.” Its voice echoed to Luna the answer to her question. But it didn’t seem like the voice belonged to the creature. It spoke with a thousand stolen voices, amplified further by the rift above it. ”Why are you here?” Its voice gave off pure curiousity. It didnt seem like it eas opposed to you being here. Just curios as to how and why.

((Sorry, time to do some catching up.))
+15 Fame for discovering the First Astral Bridge in Calantra.

+15 Fame for discovering the Third Astral Bridge in Calantra.

+15 Fame for discovering the Great Calantra Rift.

+5 Fame for encounntering a rare creature. “Lamentation” and all respective data has been added to the bestiary.

+5 Fame for rare encounter with a “Songbird Wraith”.

+20 Fame for being first character in the Astral Veil. (Luna Only.)

+15 Fame for discovering the Second Astral Bridge in Calantra.

+5 Fame for encounter with an unknown creature.

Darth_LewdiousJan 11, 2019 6:17 PM
Jan 11, 2019 7:21 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Luna would give out a mellow smile, there was something inherently wrong with her how she was thinking about it: "We are here because there was a concern. Emanations on the other side. A cascade of ..." Luna would look at the rift and then at the creature.

Luna why were you so fast to throw yourself into the lion's den? What was it that you sought to be reckless for?

"There once was a war... If you can call it a war. Humanity was almost wiped out. My family were one of the last protectors of this world ... So I heard. And all that turned into ashes. I'm sorry I can't even keep up on the topic.. Out of that fear of what happened so many years. There are individuals who are worrying about the unrest in Calantra."

People should be afraid, but why am I hopeful. Can I really wish for to relive the glory days of my family... Through the horrors of conflict and suffering. Is that how I want to be remembered.

"The surges of xera were a honeypot and certain individuals were worried. What I expected to find ... It was not this place. It's different than the stories I have heard. I should know. I should have known. How?"

That creature when it touched the weapon that I had created... It was like my authority as it's creator was absolved. This is not how I have imagined this place. Not like this. It should be ... empty and quiet. Serene. Only for few. Yet why so many? What is it with this place, I don't understand.

I apologize for my rudeness. My thoughts are clouding my judgement. Luna would give a deep bow before the creature.
Jan 14, 2019 4:53 AM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

Jonathan saw no need to be respectful of the creature, or to answer any of its questions. But provoking the creature hardly seemed like a good idea, so Jonathan simply followed Luna’s lead in trying to converse with it. He would have preferred keeping their mission to themselves, but Luna had already given almost everything away to the creature. There was no point in hiding anything.

Like she said, we were sent here to investigate surges in Xera energy. The surges we detected in the city ended up being gateways of some sort. After travelling through one of them, we arrived at this place. You say this place is your home. Are you responsible for these gateways? Or how about those ghosts that have been attacking us since we arrived? Are they your lackeys? In his fear and paranoia, Jonathan’s words had come out more accusatory than he intended.
Jan 16, 2019 9:21 AM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Astral Veil

PCK vs. The Cranberry Juice Monster; Turn 4(?)
Doth thine cowardice never end, fiend? What breed of fool would believe that this being would keep feeding on it's prey even after death. Hell, this death was too quiet, plain. WHERE'S THE EXPLOSION DAMMIT, THIS AIN'T LIKE MY TOKU SHOWS. Nevertheless, even someone as trigger happy as PCK was reluctant to attack now. Was it waiting for it's turn, setting a trap... would it succeed? The next action was in all ways a conundrum.

Let's cross out the normal options: No smiling, no hugging, no dancing and absolutely no kisses. Err... tickling? No... NO. Maybe it would be of utmost importance to at least pretend concern for the escapee's health. Yeah, sounds good.

With that, the Paper Crown King would begin pulling whichever of the victim's body parts they could get their hands on, trying to pry them away from the CJM. But in truth, they were mostly paying attention to any reaction from the monster itself.

@Darth_Lewdious (Back and lazier than ever!)
Jan 16, 2019 11:57 PM

Mar 2016
Lunas speech quickly began to dissolve into less than coherent talk. And the creature before them seemed to have difficulties piecing the fragments of her thoughts back together. Thankfully Jonathan clarified it. Jonathan has been hostile simce he arrived, amd she seemed to not notice his shift. He offered a question rather than a confusing set of facts. And so she thought to herself. Sje then lifted up both of her arms. The skeletal arms then began to shoot out of her body. More amd more bomes lengthening them as they shoot out like stalks in a direction away from you. Eventually after what could have been two miles of fresh armbones, the arms caught something and began to retract. In one hand was a normal ghost. Amd in the other was one of those things that had been stalking you the emtire time here. Afte confirming which was the right one, she left the ghost go and held the wraith up. She opened her mouth. But even when it was open, she kept opening it until her face seemed to disappear into just one giant toothy mouth. Inside you could see a few sets of eyes in the endless inky depths of her maw. Then from he facemouth, erupted three thorny spikes that skewered the ghost amd seemed to drink up its emergy. The wraith turned to ash and a torn cloth. And the creature here returned to normal. ”Yes, i think I am responsible. They taste like my children. Ive never seen them before. Though... These gates... where are they? How many?”

As PCK tried to pull the man out of its arms, the creature seemed intent on letting him have the used dry corpse. The felon was already dead. The creature had withdrawn. Outside the building, a massively long skeletal arm was moving at the speed of sound in a single direction. It quickly got retracted.
Jan 17, 2019 7:19 AM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

Aby was just standing there, not a word coming out of her mouth. She was too much of a clutz and to careless. She was afraid to say something wrong and become that things food. Watching her devour that ghost didn’t really help the case. She almost vomited from watching the inside of the things mouth. ”aren’t you the one that creates or controls the gates. Shouldn’t you know the answer to that..” ”unless someone else is responsible for this.. if that’s the case that’s even more annoying.....

(Should be a lot more active now, I’m done with vacation)
Jan 18, 2019 12:59 PM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Astral Veil

PCK vs. The Cranberry Juice Monster; End(?)
Oh for all the crackers and crickets out there, did ya really have to off him? What a naughty monster. "It needs to be taught a lesson!" thought PCK, throwing the boney arm they had brought earlier at the CJM... with all the power they could muster. No matter, this thing was being an ass, and nothing could be done with it at present.

In the universe where CJM provides no major reaction to arm impact:
Considering their options in this unfavorable situation, the stationery ruler decided to cut their losses and bring both bodies for turn-in. Hopefully something would come off it. And as such, came their long journey back to Neito, carrying two fleshy bodies, paying extra attention to the monster. If it expressed any desire for violence, PCK would attempt to squeeze it HARD.

Unless anything got in the way, they would proceed out to the Apex Headquarters. (Just state the location I should post next, if not here.)

@Darth_Lewdious (I spent 5 hours wondering why you haven't replied before realizing I never actually posted.)
Jan 19, 2019 3:34 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Luna would regain her composure. She felt no reason to lie to the creature, thus... "If it was only an accident.. The count is three so far. There might be more." Luna would keep up her focus on the creature. It wasn't going to be likely that she would become distracted now as Luna's eyes were now sharp. It appears that this place was not confusing her any further.
Jan 22, 2019 4:54 AM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

The creature’s actions and words only furthered Jonathan’s suspicions. You think you’re responsible? What’s that supposed to mean? Whatever the case, it seemed the ghosts were connected to the creature in some way. Was something else turning them into those wraiths? Jonathan was hoping they could get rid of those wraiths while completing their mission. They had forced him to relive some pretty terrible memories, and could do the same to any poor adventurer that wanders into Calantra.
Jan 23, 2019 12:47 AM

Mar 2016

She tilted her head. Rather 'it' tilted its head. Control the gates...? no, I only sing my song... I didnt even know that I coul speak until you... three came to me. The air becomes filthy when I dont sing... I dont like it when it is filthy... I think those things... Came from me. They tasted like my songs. Maybe whatever it is isnt on this side of the mirror at all. Strange... The creature seemed to be catching on to Johnathans passive hostility. It looked st him waiting to see if it was right about its assumptions.


The creature was completely non-responsive to his provacations at this point. And despite this, no amount of PCKs strength could uproot this massive creature from its wall. Mostly because you were physically incapable of knocking the crumbling wall down in the astral Veil. it truly had the best environment. You had to leave the monster behind.
Jan 24, 2019 11:52 AM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

"..." Luna watched at the exchange between the two and as it was taking place she took note on the surge of xera coming from above. It wouldn't be long until her expression turned sour as she recalled something from before: "Has there always been that much energy in here? Because I think that might be the true source of the Xera anomaly."
Jan 25, 2019 11:02 PM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

Abys eyes turned to Luna as she said that the source could be xera anomaly. If that was the case then what could they possibly do to stop this from happening. She kept thinking about it and the more she thought about it, the clearer some theories became. Could it be that xera could actually be controlling this monster. What could she mean by the fact that this place becomes filthy when she doesn’t sing. ”what happens when you don’t sing? How does this place become filthyer? in her own personal opinion, this place was already extremely filthy. So she was just really curious as to how this place can actually become worst. She also had another theory that would be discovered when the monster revealed what happens when she stops singing.
Jan 28, 2019 8:20 AM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

Jonathan was completely baffled. It didn’t even know it could speak? Did the it really expect them to take it seriously? Everything that came out of the creature’s mouth reeked of bullshit to him. Still, rather than saying this out loud to the creature, Jonathan turned to his allies and spoke quietly, so that the creature couldn’t hear. ”C’mon guys, are we really going to keep listening to that thing? It practically already admitted that it’s responsible for the wraiths around here. Not to mention, it must also be responsible for that song we heard when we first crossed into this place. All of that sadness and despair… Do you really even think it wants to help us?” He turned his gaze back towards the creature. He honestly couldn’t tell whether it was being truthful or not, but in his mind it was better to err on the side of caution. He refused to take anything it said at face value.

(Sorry for the wait. Got sick for a couple of days and forgot to post :P)
Jan 28, 2019 11:30 PM

Mar 2016
Luna was on to something. "Yes... The scar has been flooding the whole place in Xera since I can remember. if there are gates nearby, then perhaps its leaking onto the other side?

Abygail sidetracked a bit, but the question provoked an answer none of them may have sought to know. Perhaps if it had remained unasked, you would never had noticed. The creature looked down at your feet. "When I stop singing, that happens. Perhaps in a bad twist of fate, at your feet was this immensely heavy, viscous pool of a black gas. So thick it felt like a liquid. This substance wasnt just at your feet, but it seemed to cover the ground, everywhere! It had no smell. No feeling to it. But in that moment you saw it, you would feel incredibly sick. Like you wanted to throw up, and like your body was screaming at you. There was something incredibly wrong with the substance. "Liquid pain... Is how I would describe it. The agony of this place becomes... concentrated."

Its bottomless eye sockets seemed to grow a little in diameter as it drew its face towards jonathan. Its expression was much less gentle than it was before. Finally, it seemed to have confirmed its suspicions. jonathan was acting with a negative energy to him, yet he didnt attack, or act aggressive. It was confused. "Are you my enemy? Or are you not? Your words and energy do not match, I do not understand. Clarify!"
Jan 29, 2019 4:45 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Luna would look at the creature and take a few more steps closer: "So singing a deathly note keeps the pain away. One could never know when that would come in handy. Would you teach me that song, please?" Luna asked with curiosity. Somehow the morbid song was catching even more allure for her than before. For some reason Luna couldn't help but to admire the creature in some way that she couldn't quite put words around with. It was perhaps scary, and not human. But the woman didn't mind that. Somehow it reminded Luna a little of herself, there were some common traits.
Jan 31, 2019 9:07 PM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

Aby soon found herself sorely fed by disgusting black gas that made her feel like vomiting and very nauseous. ”I just had to asked what happens.. I just had too” She was heavily regretting her decision. But oddly enough it did show that the creator wasn’t all that bad since it was stopping this whole thing from happening. Abygail sighs as she looked around the whole place, wanting more then to get out. ”Luna San, shouldn’t we focus more on our mission?” she wasn’t trying to be mean but who knows how long it take her to learn that song and aside from that, she wanted nothing more then to get out of this place.
Feb 2, 2019 7:02 PM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

The creature had asked Jonathan the same exact question that he himself had on his mind. "As long as you don't mean us any harm, then there's no reason to consider me an enemy." He still didn't trust the creature, but he wouldn't attack unless it attacked first. Otherwise, if he started a fight, then he could be putting his allies in danger and compromising the mission. Regardless of what he thought of the creature, it clearly wasn't worth it.
Feb 4, 2019 11:59 AM

Mar 2016
The creature took a moment to realize what Luna was even saying."I cant... It cant be taught... It can only be sung..." They might notice, that "vapor" was beginning to climb up their legs. The creature took a deep breath, and you could see her inhale the gas, and then with a few notes of a painfully terrible song, she expelled the essence into the air, allowing it to dissipate, and once the ground was clear, the song became less horrible, and more melancholic once more. She then stopped again. The song cleared the ground, but even so,in the distance you can see it slowly creeping its way back into the center.
Feb 5, 2019 4:15 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

"I see. I think we should go. Could you clear us a safe passage so that your children won't torment us, as we go?" Lune would ask with melancholy in her voice. She was not happy with the taint that persisted in this place and it appeared that there was much more than what she could bite. She'd look at the others for a moment.
Feb 7, 2019 2:33 PM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Well shucks that sucks, guess there's no way we taking anything even semi-living back out of this place. But hey, goes with local mood I guess. No matter, it was a fun adventure, I mean, we go to meet THE cranberry juice monster. Hoop de doop, corpse goes over the shoulder and we shall prance towards freedom in the direction of fun and home. CHOO CHOO goes the relative failure train!

Unless stopped at any point, PCK makes her way all the way back to the Apex Company HQ.

@Darth_Lewdious (If nothing happens, just tell me on Skype)
Feb 7, 2019 5:31 PM

Mar 2016

The creature shook its head. "I have... no power over them... I can sing, to keep the Filth away... That is all I do..." A terrible chill runs down your spine, as you could see that same gas now creeping over your shoulders. It wasnt pain it brought, but this feeling of pure discomfort. Like everything was wrong with it. Though as the creature began singing again, the vapors got blown away.
Feb 8, 2019 3:49 PM

Jul 2015
Lyn "Arice" Barde

"God I'm way too ordinary. I need to stand out"

Having made it to the Ruin's of Calantra, Lyn takes a gander at the ruins, smiling as she made it to her exploration destination. She looks around as she takes in the smell. Dust and old debris just fills the land as she looked around. She then stretches her cybernetic arm out before she started walking through the streets, looking for places she might find some things. If a building interested her, she'd check it out, but knowing there are some monsters around here, she'd rather stay safe and cautious. If things got out of hand in any way, she'd flee the scene before it even escalates. She was here to just explore after all and not to simply linger here longer than she should.

She would however walk relaxed, not worried too much about the threats in the world as she would rather be enjoying the discoveries she might find rather than continuously fear the dangers in the ruins. Lyn would refuse to just sit around on a couch as her life rots away. That's not what her friends would want, though she doesn't show her happiness, she does show her relaxed, curious personality as she looks around the ruins, like a kid in a mall, looking around at everything. She wanted to see what she would find, she'll never know until she tries. And so her exploration begins, not with the goal of finding relics, but to explore the city that used to be here.

Feb 9, 2019 9:55 PM

Aug 2013

William Garrett

Status: Alive and focused

The flame managed to stay alive the whole way to Calantra, providing them with some heat among all the snow around. Unfortunately for Will, frozen trees and falling snow was about all they managed to find inside Kroll, with no signs of any of the fabled mysteries surrouding the forest. Fortunately, though, that also meant they managed to cross through without any major incidents and enter the Ruins of Calantra.

The scenery seemed like it was taken out of some sort of apocalyptic movie, complete with the overgrown plants, decaying buildings and eerie atmosphere. A simple glance was enough to tell William why people avoided that place like the plague and why so many rumors went around, although he couldn't guess what turned that once prosperous city in the broken remains before him. "So this is Calantra... Seeing it first person still makes a hell of an impression, even if I've heard about this place countless times before..." Despite all that, William was still compelled to explore the mysterious ruins of that city while they looked for the missing team; there was a single issue, though.... "Now, where do we even start looking for them?... Do we have the last coordinates sent to the Foundation?" Unlocking his MHPT, William checked the details while he checked the lanscape, looking for any point of reference they could use as base to their search. "Let's just make sure to not split up here, no matter what happens; this way we can have each other's backs and make sure no evil creature from the abyss manages to sneak up on us."
Feb 9, 2019 10:43 PM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

The vapor that was causing them all great discomfort, soon started to vanish. It would vanish as the thing sang. Luna looked at all of them and hoped that the creature would make the other things not attack them. While a brilliant idea, the lady doesn’t really have much control herself. She sighs, ”guess where going to have to do this the old fashion way and just fight our way out... so you guys ready to leave?” She would say while looking at her two teammates.
Feb 10, 2019 11:31 PM

Mar 2016
Alexis Malachite
Status: Afraid

”Don’t fuck with Mama Wolf.”

Ones first impressions of Calantra are quite.. impressive for lack of a better word. A distance look from a hilltop was enough to inspire trepidation in someone like Alexis. Yeah, Rumors dont really do it justice. Im almost afraid to be here. She enters the city through the gates with William. The old, rusted, broken gates. Once inside, the weight of the air became intense. Alexis immediately seemed on edge. I havent been here but two minutes and I already hate it. As he mentioned the objective, she welcomed the distraction as she checked her MHPT and read up on it. Found it. It was recently updated. Seemed all but one of them resurrected at the Pylon in Karn. The mark on their body meant they killed themselves. One is still missing, and they have the last fix on his position. Ive set it on my Navigation. And agreed. Ill send you a message, and youll send me a message if we do get separated. This way we can find each other.

It wasnt very long until they came across a naked body. Not one of the many corpses in the streets, but rather new body, hanging froma rope. It was badly decomposed, but that only means its not been here for all that long. Goddamn... At least he got to be revived. It was at Alexis' words that the crpse sprung to life, flailing about wildly for a few seconds, producing guttural sounds from its decomposing throat. It calmed down shortly afterwards. Not much it can do to them hanging from a rope. Alexis urged you to continue moving, summoning her Maul and keeping it slung onto her shoulder.

Lyn's smile quickly faded, as she found that the energy here was horrible. Walking through these streets gave you a dreadful sensation of danger, and such that you were being observed. In her exploration, she would come across many bodies. Many ancient, and many new. Most of the new bodies were hanging off the buildings by a rope, or below some high ledge. By what might have been luck, or a shitty rng roll, in this particular section of Calantra, there was almost nothing interesting. It wasnt until you had been there for about an hour before you heard what sounded like breathing. Right behind you. And not a normal persons breathing, but a deep, ragged breathing. The smell of rot began pervading your senses, and your shoulders felt cold.
Feb 11, 2019 12:21 AM

Jul 2015
Lyn "Arice" Barde

"God I'm way too ordinary. I need to stand out"

Lyn found it very unfortunate to have not found anything. But at the very least she had learned of the architecture of this city that used to be here. That at least gave her some interest in this city. Lyn does find simple things like views and past architecture to be interesting since ruins do have such things as well from what is placed upon the walls to the architecture used to keep the place up. She did feel something though. Something hostile and creepy as it breathed down her back. She decided to keep walking for some moments, not letting whatever was behind her get the jump on her for the moment. First, she stretches her shoulders, just a precaution to see if it had landed on her shoulders. After that, she decided to examine her surroundings first to create an escape. She could possibly use her blade to cut down some things in the buildings as well as her beams. Her physical steroid might be of some help as well. She decides rather than fight this thing head on, she runs. However, she chooses to wait til she has some place to run through. A building with a weak wall preferably. Of course most of these buildings had them since it was a ruin after all so once she finds it, she decides to use Magus Humanity. Her brand glows red as her body feels like it could go much faster. She runs as fast as she can towards the wall. Then using her metal arm, she busts through the wall and jumping through it, hoping whatever is following her will get slowed down a bit from whatever she does. At least slowed down enough for her to identify what monster it is from the bestiary

Feb 11, 2019 3:01 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Luna would look at Abygail with a worried look on her face: "Yes. I don't think I want to spend another moment in this place. That black thing ... I don't want to see it." She'd give a look at Harker: "Are you ready to go?"
Feb 12, 2019 1:20 PM

Mar 2016
Lyn had made a dash for it, and after her surge of speed and dash for a building, she looked back and saw nothing. Did she lose it? It wasnt until a moment afterwrds that she noticed that the breathing and chill never left. it was still there. Not only that, but she could begin to feel tears well up in her eyes. The shadowy apparitions of the people all around her began to flicker in and out of her visible spectrum. Moving around, interacting as if this city was still functioning. The light from the overcast sky seemed to flicker as well. fear began to set in, as you could hear screams and roars coming from all around you.
Feb 12, 2019 3:58 PM

Jul 2015
Lyn "Arice" Barde

"God I'm way too ordinary. I need to stand out"

Having realized nothing had followed her, she sighs in relief nothing had tried to attack her. Her eyes began to tear up as she sees hallucinations of ghosts around her. She however wasn't very fazed by it. After all, she had always had nightmares of the same dark memory she had so many times. The screams and roars weren't really much to Lyn. She had already lost so much. Lyn just looks up, looking back in her past. She only remembers the last time she saw her last family. The time when she saw the dulluhan cut down the last of her family. She has already mourned enough from just her memories. She has no time to do so.
Despite her willpower being average, her past made the experience nothing to her. While her power up still existed, she runs of to try to find something else as she wipes the tears out of her eyes. She does feel that the fear is building up. The fear can never mimic the same feeling she had back then though as that fear was not of fear for her own life, but the feeling of losing something so dear to her. Since her own life mattered not to her since she just wants to live life, she won't feel so traumatized from it. She does however keep in mind that she does need to flee once the fear builds up too much.
The evening was dark, yet the night stars shined bright as she looked up. She wondered how the city was before its collapse, letting the hallucinations be the answers to those pondering questions. She was sure the same people experience she was having right now. She should go quick, but she didn't want her journey here to be in vain so at the very least, she took a jog, using the speed power up she just recently used to her advantage to quickly scope out the area. She still keeps her senses sharp for any foes, but the fear welling inside her makes that a bit difficult.
From just these experiences alone, she has learned quite a lot from just seeing the city ruins, the hallucinations and its architecture that it had used in the past. So many questions came in flooding into her mind this night and she wanted to hopefully find some answers while she was still here before she had to leave the ruins due to the fear building up.

Feb 12, 2019 7:19 PM

Aug 2013

William Garrett

Status: Alive and focused

The duo entered the city through the main gate, or at least what little remained of it. The city looked even creepier from up close, where William could get a close look at the broken buildings and the corpses lying on the streets. The quiet yet opressive atmosphere of the city had William instinctively lowering his voice as he spoke inside the city. "I wonder what made this place look like it does now... Think we can end up running into some clues as we go? Calantra is a place of mistery, after all..."

The two of them agreed that sticking close together was the best way to make sure they would both return home in one piece as they dwelled deeper inside the wretched ruins, searching for the lost crew. Checking their MHPTs led to some clues as to the squad's location, but the news brought along a bad omen as well... "Suicide? It must be that damned suicide song story..." A chill ran down William's spine as the thought of something able to force others to suicide crossed his mind: it wasn't enough to kill off his adventuring spirit, but he figured that being alone inside Calantra might change that. "Let's just make sure to not split up after all."

It didn't take long for the first creepy thing to show up: not long after entering the city, they ran into a seemingly fresh hanged corpse. William was about to reply to Alexis comment when the corpse flailed about, prompting William to step back while pulling Alexis alongside him. It was only for a moment, though, and the corpse soon stopped moving again; still, William kept watching it for a moment, summoning his weapons as he did: a pair of one handed blades, one slightly shorter than the other. "Now it really feels like we're in Calantra, huh?" Despite his joke, the moving corpse had caught him by surprise as well... Keeping close to Alexis, he followed besides her with doubled attention to his surroundings.
Feb 13, 2019 11:18 PM

Mar 2016
Alexis Malachite
Status: Afraid

”Don’t fuck with Mama Wolf.”

She listened to Williams pondering on the dead city. While he wndered on how it came to be, Alexis knew the answer. She had always heard the stories of Calantra. It had been like this since the War they say. And she had taken a dark curiosity to it as a child. She was about to speak up when the ground shuddered, and a loud roar came from behind a building. Soon enough, that building wasnt there anymore, and a large black beast came charging through it. The huling monstrosity, if you had seen any pictures, this was certainly a shadow spawn. Goliath Class, Brute. It was ten feet tall and made of shadows that seemed to deepen forevermore.

Alexis panicked. She wasnt prepared for a Shadow. before William could think, Alexis grabbed his wrist and ran for it. She had officially lost her shit, and honestly, he could probably feel it too. A strange, unimaginable terror. The dead were one thing, but this?! How could you compete with this? Bullets dont hurt it, and even if you do hurt it, it heals itself. Why wont they die?! After panic escalated into sheer terror, you realized it was quiet all of a sudden, Alexis was breathing heavily, trying to regain composure, and you realize these thoughts were not your own. Fortunately they seemed to stop and you felt like you were in control of your mind again. She looked up, only to find that neither of you had moved at all. The only remainder of that was your pumping heart, and a sense of fear and sorrow that you could only describe as oppressive. Even the building that was just demolished, was perfectly fine. This city... This fucking city lives up to its reputation alright... Are you alright Will, talk to me!

Lyn would learn very fast, that the fear was building fast, but not just the fear, the pain, the sadness. The fear of death, and the horror of watching people, both familiar and stranger, have their limbs cleaved off, their entrails spilling out around you. A monster darker than you could fathom gripping you by the throat until you could feel it snap, and everything gets cold. The vision of men, woman, and children alike, covered in a concoction of blood spilt across the ground and lacerated until the only distinguishable feature is their humanoid shape. A deep, insurpassable loneliness, that followed these visions, and the sensation of being trapped, no way out, no one to hear you scream. Once your senses return, you find yourself standing dangerously close to a very high ledge. And a rope that you cant figure out whether or not you were the one who tied the loop.

The Night sky sets upon Calantra, and the last light of dawn now fades away. The stars in the sky are beautiful tonight, but only for a time before a thick fog sets in. The atmosphere slowly beings to get more and more oppressing, as if it wasnt bad enough already.
Feb 14, 2019 5:19 PM

Jul 2015
Lyn "Arice" Barde

"God I'm way too ordinary. I need to stand out"

Lyn walks with the illusions, looking around and watching as the illusion got worse and worse as well as the fear welled inside her. She kept walking and walking, always asking questions being the explorer she was. The illusions got way worse, making Lyn somewhat nauseous. Suddenly, she was somewhere new, with a noose tied around her neck and her feet right atop a ledge. Lyn stood still with her eyes opened wide.

She didn't know what happened, nor why she was here, however she speculated that the fear and illusions were related. They had to be since her fear welled up inside her. Before doing anything else, she'd cut the noose with her forearm blade. She steps back from the ledge and takes a deep breath after having the fear welled up inside her and having so many illusions in her head.

After some rest, she walks back down, planning on leaving now while she still could with the stars shining down the ruined city. Due to her exploration curiosity though, she does explore the place a bit as she heads out the city, hoping this wouldn't take to long even though she was the one who wanted to be here in the first place

Feb 16, 2019 3:07 PM

Mar 2016
She made the mistake of staying longer. This city was bad in the light of the sun, but in the dark? With every vision, a new scar appears on Lyn, as well as searing pain. The memories of the dead kept increasing, the eyes of the deceased fell upon you as this city tried its best to pull you into its mass grave, until finally, you made it outside of the walls. And it fell quiet.

((@Rayall your character will be Recalled to the pylon in two days if you dont post to prevent a freezing of the party. Look under the guides "Combat" section to learn more))
Feb 16, 2019 3:33 PM

Jul 2015
Lyn "Arice" Barde

"God I'm way too ordinary. I need to stand out"

Unfortunately for Lyn, she started to feel the fear settling in so quickly. She damns her own curiosity as she tries to flee the city. She makes a run for it, trying to tough out the pain as she ran through, not letting the illusions and hallucinations get her a second time. She makes haste through the city, trying to escape fast as she uses the same route, but goes at a completely different pace to escape the city before she falls victim to it once again, but this time actually die.

If she was able to escape the city she'd leave the Ruins of Calantra quickly before the fear sets in
Avnore_AlterFeb 19, 2019 5:28 PM

Feb 19, 2019 12:54 AM

Mar 2016

They would watch as Johnathan Harker froze in place. his body, clothes, and stuff shimmered with a blue light as he dissolved into energy, and quickly shot towards Karn through the Veil. Johnathan harker has been recalled to Karn Pylon

((Ray, your character will be ready and waiting for you whenever you can return.))

Lyn successfully escaped, just barely.
Feb 25, 2019 5:18 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Luna would watch with shock as Jonathan was recalled and the darkness was setting in. Luna would do the only rational thing at that point and take forth her MHPT and realize the time: "I don't think we can leave this place yet... Or we have to get recalled. I'm terrified to even think what this place could be during night and out of all places... It feels safe out here on this side. Still I wouldn't like to linger on that false hope, I hope we could get recalled away from here as well."

Luna would try to get recall request with a SOS from her MHPT to get recalled on a Pylon. Else it would be very difficult road ahead without Jonathan to help them.
Mar 9, 2019 3:52 PM

Dec 2015
(@Sakura_Megami, @Inaru-Sama)

In but a flash of a moment Jonathan whom had been frozen in place and dissolved into pure energy was gone, having been shot through the veil and to what Luna and Abygail might presume and hope to be the nearest Pylon to here, yet he was not the only one. The first one to follow was Abygail, as but mere moments afterwards her body froze up in but a second, a sensation she would not be used to probably and lost all feelings and consciousness, as her body dissolved with all that was on her. As Luna stood there alone.
ByakugaranMar 9, 2019 4:04 PM
Mar 10, 2019 8:30 AM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

The cruel eviction of another of her party, she did not know what had happened. Tears overflowed through Luna's tearducts, one with tears - other with mellow blood. She took a deep breath and calmed down her fears. Closing her eyes and focusing what was inside her, she pictured a strong fire that would not be extinguished, no matter the odds. Then she opened her eye.

Luna took a deep breath and then said in a quiet voice: "It has always been desperation ... when we find our noblest aspirations within."

There were three sites... And if this is the source of the xera. That would explain the anomaly. One lead to this place however... What is with the corruption. I have to look into this... She said that they all leak out.. and...

Luna would return at the wraith and she would look at the rift and then she would ask a natural question: "That rift... It has a lot of xera ... You said it has been leaking for a long time. But where is it all coming from? It's obviously coming from somewhere, in great concentrations. Is that rift passable?"
Darth_LewdiousMar 11, 2019 10:08 PM
Mar 11, 2019 10:06 PM

Mar 2016
The Specter had continued singing while Luna had her episode. Finally, Luna addressed it again. It thought for a moment, and spoke. "Beyond the rift... Is the Great Empty... I looked into it once to see nothing in its purest and most honest form... And then my eyes burned away, and my arms turned to bone. Whether or not its passable, i wouldnt know, Ive never tried.
Mar 12, 2019 3:02 AM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

"I see. Thank you. I don't think it is passable." Luna would leave the center and continue with her investigation, paying attention to anything that was out of the ordinary. She was looking around for concentrations of mirror shards for a confirmation to one theory. She wanted to know why they were so absent around the rift, was there some correlation to areas of interest when they had a lot of shards of mirrors or a lot of them, it was a question that she chose to ask as she ventured out to explore.
Mar 12, 2019 10:42 PM

Mar 2016
The area was becoming oddly red. But this was happening at such a slow rate, it wouldnt be immediately noticable.

Luna was looking around for anything anomalous with the Mirror Shards, and so she sought out different things. The Dead seemed to be weeping now, and the black mire of "Liquid Pain" was pretty heavy at night. The specters that haunted you kept to the corners, though their faintly glowing eyes betrayed their hiding spots. Eventually Luna would come across something oddly colorful in this veiled world. An altar that seems incredibly out of place. Further more, it isnt shaded gentl blue as all other things in the physical world are. The stone altar depicted an angel, but it was bleeding from its eyes, and its blood ran down its body, which was covered in the prying hands of the mire. Mirror shards were particularly dense here. And if she looked past the building, there was a particularly giant sword stabbed in the ground, made of some kinda black metal, with white embossments. it was impaled deep in the ground, and its grip was as big as your arm. Even with but its rear above the ground, it was a massive weapon. Mirror Shards were plentiful here as well. The weapon also seemed like it belonged here, instead of the physical world. If only you could phase in and out at will, you could possibly test that theory, whether or not it existed on the other side.
Mar 13, 2019 6:26 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

Luna wanted to make contact with the angel, but it wasn't possible because of the mire of liquid pain. So she gave up, trying to reach it. Then she gazed upon the sword with curiosity. She carefully approached it and tried touching it. These were really objects that felt quite out of place. This made her theories more convincing. If nothing special really happened, she would try to continue her exploration of the vicinity.
Mar 15, 2019 12:32 AM

Mar 2016
As Luna touched the sword, she completely froze up. From her toes to her neck. She couldnt move at all, as she felt something flow through her from her hand, and then back out the same way. As if the weapon was sizing you up. Almost immediately after it was finished, you forcibly let go of the weapon. As if it had rejected you. Or if it waiting for someone/something. Furthermore, nearby there was a crater, and in the crater was a huge skeleton. Looked like it could be about 10 feet tall. It was male judging by the hips, and it looked like it belonged in the Physical world, but it also seemed like it belonged here. Like it was split between both sides of the coin. There were a decent number of Shards here as well.
Mar 15, 2019 4:23 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

What is this... It's... As if it had a will of it's own...

Luna would take a step backwards, after she was ejected to get go. Luna collected herself and looked around her. She noticed the skeleton and made a possible connection between the skeleton and the weapon. This weapon had to be part of this place. And a skeleton of 10 feet tall, that was no human. Was this weapon something that it had wielded? Luna decided to also approach the skeleton and touch it's head: "What happened to you..." She would investigate the crater and then look at the sword. It felt like something was amiss here.
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