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Sep 23, 2018 9:48 PM
Jul 2017
Esse final me deixou puto d+
Jan 9, 2019 2:03 AM

Nov 2014
Duelit said:
Kiehlcash said:
Is Ken dead...That epilogue has me confused

It looks like a message left for him by Ken as the grave would have had to of read Kitano Ken instead of the gang name. When he gave Yumin the rights to everything he owned, he probably dissolved the Sun Ken Rock group in the process. If he ran away with Yumin after this, this may have been the best way to inform the then imprisoned Soo Park (whose name on the gravestone was a clear indicator of its alive recipient) about his intentions without risking his new life. Hope that helps.

I do think so, that's the way he tell Tae Soo his intention. still, Yumin turnaround/betrayal at prev chapter quite dissapointing for me. and after reading this chapter i only can assume she could led a good life with ken as i hope before.

I already attracted to this series since i was reading wallman before, and damn this is was much more better to me. Boichi sensei is creating such awesome manga i think, until the chpt 166 came off. I do understand how that thing "paris terrorist attack" affected him on continuing the series itself, and it's become quite bad upcome on the contiunity of manga, well it just "personal" thing but i already hope on seeing Ken beating all the final shits and enjoy his happy life certainly with Yumin and every people that have been supporting him so far.

Then sudden change of pace with yumin betrayal is quite dissapointing for me, after all that's really different and worse than i've been hoping for. Even after that Boichi sensei need to finished it in any manner from that point. That's where "Wallman" came tried to repaired it with direct continuity from last chapters of it that represent the assasination of Yumin and why Nami spare her. Still, in the end Ken always believe in her. As for Kotani said "A guy like that wouldn't want anything except the power that dwells in his own flesh and bloods" and he silently gave everything he had to her when she freed from her tight bond of "White Dragon Clan" itself and she did, while they both reminiscing how everything started.

I would be lied if i said that i satisfied with this bittersweet ending as it didn't go as i hope and wish (happy ending of Ken and Yumi together with everyone that support them). Still, this series is Really awesome despite few flaws near end, I really glad i can read it, prop to Boichi sensei.

Still 10/10 for me :)))

LordLagann said:
Love how everyone completely misses the point as if the entire story of Sun Ken Rock flew right over their heads. All of the sudden everyone wants him to go all Darth Vader because of "mah feelingz even though he spends most of his time fighting against the exact thing people here are begging him to do. Not to defend against this ending because it is very rushed and very sudden but the core concept is valid and true to the narrative that is Sun-Ken Rock.

Ken survives being shot and returns years later to crush the White Dragon Clan. He amasses enough influence and power to dismantle and adsorb the organization and leaves his former lover with nothing but her life. He continues to consolidate his power and once hes done Ken instructs that everything be handed over to Yumi after she has out grown the lust for power and her father's legacy. Being brought to the place where Ken first proposed and handed everything she's ever wanted a hollow realization dawns upon her that it was never worth all the horrible things she's done, especially to Ken, and that she could never take then back. Across the street Ken watches somberly as he reminiscent one more time back when it all started before be moves on with his life.

It's almost impossible to capture all that nuisance in one short chapter. Especially when there's a large portion unaccounted for due to the time skip. However I still believe this was the right course of action. Once again Ken leaves the stage as the bigger man and his legend grows even more.

Btw, this is whole summary that objectively i could agree with. kudos my friend !!!
r16fourarmJan 12, 2019 1:29 PM
May 6, 2019 11:45 AM
May 2019
This was an awesome manga up until the chapter 167. The explanation by LordLagann makes the most sense for what he was trying to express in the ending but everything from when she shot him makes no sense to the story. She clearly loved Ken and was devoted to him from what she said to him on the island. Even if deep down she really wanted to run the organization instead of hating that type of life. It was buried so deep she didnt realize it until Rain told her. So are we to believe that Yumin who took years to finally decide to be with Ken for good would decide to shoot Ken on a lightbulb moment that she wanted to lead White Dragons instead? There was no reason that Ken couldn't have given her control of them if she wanted. Ken only wanted to be Boss so he could protect the good people of the nation from those with power. If Yumin was leading the White Dragons with the rest of the Sun Ken Rock group that could still happen and he would be able to play the role he did when Tae Soo took over.

The only explanation i have is that he originally planned to continue the manga and there was supposed to be another arc with Ken dealing with the betrayal and his rise to power in America leading to the final fight with Yumin. But after seeing the violence from the paris attack and the guys forgiveness he decided to end the series because he didnt believe in portraying all the fighting and violence he would have to.

If we go with the betrayal was always planned then that means he originally planned for either Ken and/or Yumin to die. Or for Ken to forgive Yumin and get back together or forget her. None of those are better endings than just having her not betray him and them live happily ever after.

It also doesn't make sense to give her the rights to all the power he gained to say the story ended with forgiveness. To me that came off more as he still loved her. But if he still loved her enough to give her the keys to the kingdom why not just get back together and end it like that? To me he forgave her by not killing her and giving her the chance to live if she regretted her decisions.

For why he gave everything away I can understand at the end when they say he was cold and he remembered how happy and warm he used to be with the old group so he decided to give up everything and go retire with the remaining members so he could be happy. They should of had him give it to Benito and ended it there. Just a shot of Yumin walking by their old spot and just end with him and the rest of the members in the cemetary.

Also the tombstones don't make sense to me. If it was for the dead members why was one for Tae Soo? He wasn't with Ken after the time jump so he was probably in jail. If he was in jail why would he need a tombstone? If it was supposed to be symbolic of them ending sun ken rock group and getting out of that life why was there only 2 or 3?
May 30, 2019 7:21 AM

Sep 2017
Only one thing: Finale disappointing!!
Nov 4, 2019 5:10 PM

Mar 2014
Yumin acting against her own father, to the point of wanting to kill him never really made much sense. So her betrayal and taking over of White Dragon Clan was a good resolution. Manga should have just ended there.

Ending that Ken again built an empire and crushed restored White Dragon Clan just to hand everything to Yumin is completly retarded and unjust.
Jan 12, 2020 8:27 AM
Jan 2019
In my opinion the ending was so stupid and it did not need to go that route. It was perfectly fine the way it was going until she decided to destroy lives. To be honest I would have rather Ken be with someone else then with her. If it ever gets an anime I hope they don't do the same thing that happens in the manga because the ending is just so rushed and it just seemed so stupid of a plot twist where she literally ends up destroying the world and he just lets it happen.
Apr 2, 2020 3:35 PM

Feb 2010
LordLagann said:
[...] All of the sudden everyone wants him to go all Darth Vader [...]

As opposed to what happened to Yumi? Aren't they both human? Same logic applies and it would have been better if Ken also went through the process Yumi did. You do something terrible, you regret it, you learn and try to do better.

This ending is not realistic, specially when you keep in mind how important she was for Ken and how far he went for her.

LordLagann said:
[...]Being brought to the place where Ken first proposed and handed everything she's ever wanted a hollow realization dawns upon her that it was never worth all the horrible things she's done, especially to Ken, and that she could never take then back.[...]

Yes and no, she already realized it as she told to the killer Ken sent after her.

I'm not against an author changing his story, I can see where he was coming and I appreciate his empathy and will to leave a forgiving message, but this wasn't the story for that, not after the way the series had been.

This was a terrible ending, so weak it destroyed the series.

The whole weight of the series doesn't match the ending at all, it's terribly obvious Boichi's sudden change relating the end and it sucks so bad. It's the first time I wish I wouldn't remember the end. I'd very much prefer it to end in the fight between Ken and Rain, before Ken wins and leave the end open with plenty of options to imagine.

It would have been much better.
Apr 4, 2020 12:21 AM

Sep 2009
Acrata said:

As opposed to what happened to Yumi? Aren't they both human? Same logic applies and it would have been better if Ken also went through the process Yumi did. You do something terrible, you regret it, you learn and try to do better.

This ending is not realistic, specially when you keep in mind how important she was for Ken and how far he went for her.

Except it's not Sun Yumi Rock. It's about Ken and his development and growth. She never actually had a personality outside of being Ken's love interest and the big baddies daughter. Even in your own words Ken has gone to extraordinary lengths to make her happy but for some reason it's out of place when he does it again; like it's a surprise. The ending is very much true to Sun Ken Rock. It's just undeveloped because of the time skip. I doubt the end would of been much different if it had shown Yumi's redemption. He still would of done the same thing and forgave her.

Acrata said:

Yes and no, she already realized it as she told to the killer Ken sent after her.

I'm not against an author changing his story, I can see where he was coming and I appreciate his empathy and will to leave a forgiving message, but this wasn't the story for that, not after the way the series had been.

This was a terrible ending, so weak it destroyed the series.

The whole weight of the series doesn't match the ending at all, it's terribly obvious Boichi's sudden change relating the end and it sucks so bad. It's the first time I wish I wouldn't remember the end. I'd very much prefer it to end in the fight between Ken and Rain, before Ken wins and leave the end open with plenty of options to imagine.

It would have been much better.

Just because she said it out loud doesn't mean she believes it or even accepts it. Ken bought her back to where they first met and renounced all his claims on her empire for a reason. He wanted to show her that if she had simply just asked him he would of given her exactly what she wanted. It's her inherent conniving that prevent her from truly being honest with herself or Ken.

Would of it been better if it had ended where you wanted? Maybe. I personally prefer this route since it gives Yumi's character another dimension besides just being Ken's girl. The only real drawback is the massive timeskip because Boshi was rushing to end it. Other than that it's defiantly in line of what makes Sun Ken Rock the goddamn badass that he is.
Sep 27, 2020 11:31 PM

Jul 2017
This sucked, although Boichi's works for me have all sucked in general sadly.

The start was really rough, especially the tone shifts and the use of comedy could not have fit any less with this manga. It was so annoying. The story overall was pretty meh, it did get a bit better in the middle and I liked a couple little parts but it crashed and burned at the very end with the final few chapters.

I like it more than Dr. Stone and Origin, but still think the manga is really poor. Atleast I liked some of the panels drawn here much more than Dr. Stone and Origin by quite some distance.
Mar 12, 2021 9:22 AM
Sep 2020
Prob the worst ending ive ever read
Mar 25, 2021 7:15 AM
Mar 2021
One of the biggest problem for me is that we don't know what are Ken's motivation at the End. Now he's alone why do he stay alive, what is his aim.

As I understood the manga, Ken wanted to be with Yumi and to live his life. But now he is lonely what motivates him to live ?

Even if it is contradictory, a final case that suggested that even with what happened, there is a possible future of Ken and Yumi being together would be better in my opinion

The fact that Yumi and Ken at the end will live their life separately is for mevery frustating as I can't understand why Ken would want a life like thaht
Apr 24, 2021 7:44 AM
Mar 2020
Madara22 said:
Ending did suck a lot ... Yumin is still at power :/ What happened to Ken ...

not anymore, ken "forgave" yumin in order for him to attain everything, which is taking control of all of asia. it was even clearly said that he now owns everything
Sep 18, 2021 12:46 AM

Dec 2020
BurstChaos said:
This ending was just so random and stupid. I still don't understand why she betrayed him but leaving that out, what was up with those random, constant time skips and why did he give everything to Yumi after everything that happened. Boichi tried too hard to create an open ending and it completely ruined it, it would have been better if Ken took over WDC and then gave most of the possessions to Tae Soo, then he and Yumi could go live together some where. Ken did always want a normal life after all. The whole betrayal part was so useless and annoying.

The only positive thing about this chapter was the first page, him with the original gang. It was so nostalgic, it made my heart ache.

shit is fucking dogshit ending. I'm disappointed
May 17, 2022 1:28 PM
Jun 2019
I've been looking forward to reading sun-ken rock because I've heard many good things about it and unfortunately I didn't know that it would have this kind of ending, it wasn't bad but the whole yumin thing made everything feel pointless? Like all he did and to forgive yumin,, it seems like a ken move, but it just felt wrong the way it was brought up and how it was done, the story itself was badass including its characters especially the final fight and how they came so far and how much they've grown and change other than the ending this manga was amazing bringing it to a solid 8 ignoring the ending
Jun 24, 2022 5:35 AM

Jul 2021
The betrayal part was so ass that everything was rushed. This is one of the worst ending I've ever have to witness. This is quantitiy over quality at this point. Almosr exactly how I felt about AOT. I know that the author doesn't have a fucking time to make Part 2 but it could've been better where discusses Ken expands his gang in America.
Mar 13, 2023 2:02 PM
Dec 2021
great manga. should have killed her but great still.
Mar 13, 2023 9:41 PM
Apr 2022
ending is so ass should have
HydroStormzyMar 21, 2023 1:54 PM
Apr 2, 2023 4:31 AM

Jul 2016
The action in this was sick but there's no sugarcoating that ending bro
Apr 21, 2023 4:03 AM

Jul 2020
The last 10 chapters were so dumb. This was the Worst ending I've seen in years only rivaled by tokyo revengers ending.
Jul 30, 2023 2:35 AM

Mar 2017
This is my third time rereading Sun Ken Rock. Truly an interesting, moving, and amazing story. From the characters, to the fighting scenes, to the comedy, to the romance, every aspect was written so perfectly. Until we got to the last few chapters…. Yumin and Ken were meant to be and I couldn’t see any other way.. Boichi rushed this ending and it doesn’t make sense why he went the way he did. I really believe that they should’ve ended up together and it would’ve made the perfect ending to a perfect story.
Have never read such a great story, and where the ending literally ruined everything.

I understand the message that was trying to be conveyed towards the end about revenge, but I just don’t think it should’ve been Yumin the one to betray Ken. Watching her from across the street and literally leaving everything that they ever experience together go.
LunarPisces1Aug 5, 2023 10:19 PM
Sep 28, 2023 5:01 PM

Feb 2014
Man, it took me years to finish this manga, I'd read it up to a certain part and then not get a chance to get back to reading it and then forget it all, and then re reading it to get to a certain part again and forgetting it... eventually started to re read it again and got to a certain bit, but didn't leave it too long unread and got back to reading it, all the way to this shitty fucking ending! I was really really enjoying this manga, overall it was good but the ending was so so so so trash, like wtf! I think from the point yumi betrayed ken was just all dumb, even leading up to it, I feel like towards the end of the manga it was getting quite rushed, and was just bs... sigh... I'd give it a 6/10... that's being generous but it's cos I enjoyed the overall thing, but the last part several chapters, I'd say from the whole white dragon clan being brought into the battle, it started to go downhill... oh well, its done and dusted now.
If you don't like me, acquire some taste
Nov 17, 2023 1:59 PM

Apr 2018
I might be one of the rare person who liked the ending, I just liked Ken's forgiveness overall, to the point it became so extreme that he appeared like a Saint to me, I think that in this kind of fictional story it is impactful and feels very different than most usual MCs
Jan 5, 2024 11:41 AM
Feb 2021
Why the hell did it ended like that
Jul 30, 2024 5:37 PM
Nov 2021
yeah this pissed me off, such an unnecessary betrayal to force some “revenge bad” narrative at the last minute. still a good manga but damn what a terrible conclusion
Aug 7, 2024 12:14 AM

Nov 2018
Damn upto 160, it was pretty good. Everything was going well.
Then went sudden downhill. I mean wtf is this crappy ending.
Fuck you Boichi.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
"When they're alive, you can enjoy watching them struggle. When they're dead, you can enjoy tearing out their guts. Tales are things you get to enjoy twice."
Nov 24, 2024 7:05 AM

Dec 2017
Everything went downhill after the betrayal of Yumin.
What a shitty way to end a great manga.
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