Inugirlz said:While I agree this episode (and anime) has many flaws (and can't compare to the first anime) I don't agree with the Deux Ex Machina comment. Those girls were obviously given to him for SOME reason. If they didn't have something special like that then seriously wtf were they there for. Plus their title pretty much implied they had some kind of sealing/chaining ability so it's not random. That and if you watched the first anime you'd know that there is a method to seal those powers. Uritori's people in particular have those skills (the winged people).
I do agree that their powers are reasonable considering where they came from. But using them in such situation and in such manner is what felt like deus ex machina to me. If Haku had known about their powers beforehand and it was his own decision to use them it would make this situation a lot different.
Also, from scriptwriter's point of view - why to even stop this fight if Oshutoru is presumably going to die no matter what? Why not have Oshutoru beat him square right in honorable fight to the end? That would have a lot more impact certainly. Or was it for sake of Nekone? Come on, suffering from such loss would add nice drive to her character! Or to lower the destruction? Why not to go with partial destruction of the city instead to portray price for using those masks. And why not to explore further consequences?
Inugirlz said:Also your jumping ahead of yourself by saying Vurai is the "main villain." They still have to run because it's not clear he was the one who tried to murder Anju. In fact he wasn't the one. There's still a traitor. Plus we have Raikou over here convincing the generals to kill the survivour of the duel (but they don't know that so they can't use it as an excuse). But I agree I'm not feeling this leaving to go regroup shit (and further the fanservice)
Yes, and I put that phrase into quotes for a reason, you know. He was the so called antagonist of this series (at least since destruction of that village). But it's obviously clear that there is scheming going on by Raikou. Still, what's the point of taking princess away if she is to be replaced and noone would care about her claim to the throne later? They should push her claim, call Vurai traitor who tried to replace her (letting original culprit ease his vigilance) and guard her further on while pushing remaining generals to cooperate ad interim for the sake of Yamato. Haku had access to the old facility and some knowledge of old technologies, was close to the emporor and he could easily convince them to follow him on, at least until situation in the city stabilizes. I for one would really like to see some politics and Haku's effort to find a real poisoner. What's more, Karura and Touka could prove as invaluable assets in this attempt.
Fai said:WUT? Vurai taken out, half the town destroyed, Oshutoru VERY wounded, Nekone and Haku's friendship, etc.
Yes, only artificially stretched fight happened this time. And apparently, not much of the city was destoyed. I also doubt they would even mention that Kuon killed many people in her attempt to defend herself. Oshutoru was only implied and left for the next episode. What's more, the fight felt underwhelming because of the sealing when Oshutoru was denied to win in his full power and his sacrifice to bring in those powers was made in vain (see my previous answer up there). This episode really felt like beating around the bush, like if creators were afraid to bring in some serious casaulties or at least significant character developements based on consequences.
Also, at this point I don't have many reasons to care about Nekone. What did she ever done to win viewers' favour?
Fai said:We already got shitload of development for the MC.
This season's KonoSuba by Deen had more characterization and developement in its 10 episodes than this in 24 and it was just a comedy.
Fai said:What should he have done Code-Geassasspulled a solution?
No, but he should at least know about this power beforehand to make this into his own decision.
Also, I really quite don't get their decision to remove Haku from almost all fights in the anime. Cause he certainly fights in the game as I saw on some gameplay videos. In anime it feels like he is just doing nothing (or at least trying to) most of the time.
Fai said:Because he agrees with her and it shows the bond between them and his trust in Oshutoru?
What bond? It's not like she really did anything so important other than being around to earn it in the first place. Yes, she may saved Anju before but that alone was complete asspull because if she could do that with simple healing magic others would already do that before. There may be some bond between them in the game because she's a healer there but here, not so much.
Fai said:Again most of vurais powers were sealed by Kamunagi by that point. Vurai and Oshutoru literally had to chant a separate pact to even have their last attacks against each other.
He was engulfed in flames for god's sake! There is simply no way this would leave no mark. If this was indeed something minor they should animate it more properly. 'But hey, it looks cool, and we at least involve him somehow, so why not' is what creators thought most likely.
Fai said:Tuskuru got wole series, why should Yamato get less? ALso it would be rushed more than ubw movie.
It's actually kinda funny you mention Ufo UBW here. While I do agree that its second cour was utter mess, I also do remember one certain user that went all frenzy on the forums when they made Shirou into an observer there. Yet, for some reason it doesn't matter to him that Haku is the same observer here.
Maybe the difference here is that Itsuwari stays true the game and UBW2 didn't? That Haku is the same in both while Shirou's inner monologues in VN really shows him in different light? But then again, this is anime, not the game. I really don't care how true is this to the game - if writing of the original is bad then the adapation can't get any better, even when it stays true to its source material. Bad is simply bad no matter how truthfully it is adapted. |