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Mar 20, 2016 4:11 AM

May 2013
New season of Evangelion looks cool
Lead me out of the dark,bishounen space Jesus.
Mar 20, 2016 5:22 AM

Oct 2012
Inugirlz said:
While I agree this episode (and anime) has many flaws (and can't compare to the first anime) I don't agree with the Deux Ex Machina comment. Those girls were obviously given to him for SOME reason. If they didn't have something special like that then seriously wtf were they there for. Plus their title pretty much implied they had some kind of sealing/chaining ability so it's not random. That and if you watched the first anime you'd know that there is a method to seal those powers. Uritori's people in particular have those skills (the winged people).

I do agree that their powers are reasonable considering where they came from. But using them in such situation and in such manner is what felt like deus ex machina to me. If Haku had known about their powers beforehand and it was his own decision to use them it would make this situation a lot different.

Also, from scriptwriter's point of view - why to even stop this fight if Oshutoru is presumably going to die no matter what? Why not have Oshutoru beat him square right in honorable fight to the end? That would have a lot more impact certainly. Or was it for sake of Nekone? Come on, suffering from such loss would add nice drive to her character! Or to lower the destruction? Why not to go with partial destruction of the city instead to portray price for using those masks. And why not to explore further consequences?

Inugirlz said:
Also your jumping ahead of yourself by saying Vurai is the "main villain." They still have to run because it's not clear he was the one who tried to murder Anju. In fact he wasn't the one. There's still a traitor. Plus we have Raikou over here convincing the generals to kill the survivour of the duel (but they don't know that so they can't use it as an excuse). But I agree I'm not feeling this leaving to go regroup shit (and further the fanservice)

Yes, and I put that phrase into quotes for a reason, you know. He was the so called antagonist of this series (at least since destruction of that village). But it's obviously clear that there is scheming going on by Raikou. Still, what's the point of taking princess away if she is to be replaced and noone would care about her claim to the throne later? They should push her claim, call Vurai traitor who tried to replace her (letting original culprit ease his vigilance) and guard her further on while pushing remaining generals to cooperate ad interim for the sake of Yamato. Haku had access to the old facility and some knowledge of old technologies, was close to the emporor and he could easily convince them to follow him on, at least until situation in the city stabilizes. I for one would really like to see some politics and Haku's effort to find a real poisoner. What's more, Karura and Touka could prove as invaluable assets in this attempt.

Fai said:
WUT? Vurai taken out, half the town destroyed, Oshutoru VERY wounded, Nekone and Haku's friendship, etc.

Yes, only artificially stretched fight happened this time. And apparently, not much of the city was destoyed. I also doubt they would even mention that Kuon killed many people in her attempt to defend herself. Oshutoru was only implied and left for the next episode. What's more, the fight felt underwhelming because of the sealing when Oshutoru was denied to win in his full power and his sacrifice to bring in those powers was made in vain (see my previous answer up there). This episode really felt like beating around the bush, like if creators were afraid to bring in some serious casaulties or at least significant character developements based on consequences.

Also, at this point I don't have many reasons to care about Nekone. What did she ever done to win viewers' favour?

Fai said:
We already got shitload of development for the MC.

This season's KonoSuba by Deen had more characterization and developement in its 10 episodes than this in 24 and it was just a comedy.

Fai said:
What should he have done Code-Geassasspulled a solution?

No, but he should at least know about this power beforehand to make this into his own decision.
Also, I really quite don't get their decision to remove Haku from almost all fights in the anime. Cause he certainly fights in the game as I saw on some gameplay videos. In anime it feels like he is just doing nothing (or at least trying to) most of the time.

Fai said:
Because he agrees with her and it shows the bond between them and his trust in Oshutoru?

What bond? It's not like she really did anything so important other than being around to earn it in the first place. Yes, she may saved Anju before but that alone was complete asspull because if she could do that with simple healing magic others would already do that before. There may be some bond between them in the game because she's a healer there but here, not so much.

Fai said:
Again most of vurais powers were sealed by Kamunagi by that point. Vurai and Oshutoru literally had to chant a separate pact to even have their last attacks against each other.

He was engulfed in flames for god's sake! There is simply no way this would leave no mark. If this was indeed something minor they should animate it more properly. 'But hey, it looks cool, and we at least involve him somehow, so why not' is what creators thought most likely.

Fai said:
Tuskuru got wole series, why should Yamato get less? ALso it would be rushed more than ubw movie.

It's actually kinda funny you mention Ufo UBW here. While I do agree that its second cour was utter mess, I also do remember one certain user that went all frenzy on the forums when they made Shirou into an observer there. Yet, for some reason it doesn't matter to him that Haku is the same observer here.

Maybe the difference here is that Itsuwari stays true the game and UBW2 didn't? That Haku is the same in both while Shirou's inner monologues in VN really shows him in different light? But then again, this is anime, not the game. I really don't care how true is this to the game - if writing of the original is bad then the adapation can't get any better, even when it stays true to its source material. Bad is simply bad no matter how truthfully it is adapted.
Mich666Mar 20, 2016 5:57 AM
Mar 20, 2016 5:30 AM

Dec 2014
Osturu and Vurai Battle.. Though osturu cheated... (I mean was helped by)..... The episode was overall epic
Mar 20, 2016 7:01 AM
Mar 2016
NewType - March 2016 Character Rankings : anime

Mar 20, 2016 7:13 AM
Apr 2014
Noooo..... Oshutoru. T_T
Mar 20, 2016 8:11 AM
Apr 2014
Oh wow they really had me there for a second. Totally was shocked when the ending started and we only saw the two girls collapsed on the ground. Like Haku told them to sacrifice themselves and didn't give a shit about it at all. Luckily I was wrong and they appeared after the ending again. But those two really have dedication. Even without energy left they still try to help.
Mar 20, 2016 10:16 AM

Jan 2012
Inugirlz said:
Okay so it's nice for us viewers and all to get some action but...both Vurai AND Oshutoru are completely insane. Initiating that kind of fight in the capital? Do you see that destruction?! Oshutoru what happened to protecting the people? There had to be some casualties up in there, although none were shown but it's not like the people were evacuated so...

And what would the purpose me of "devour my soul, give me more power!" Um...if you're soul is devoured how you gonna rule properly after? Extra people.

Thanks for pointing that out! I was seriously thinking that they were crazy too... like where are the people anyway?

Hahah about devouring soul I guess it's okay? kinda like devouring his life so he just lives a bit less xD
Mar 20, 2016 11:53 AM

Dec 2013
Uh, so after the entire episode of figting.... did the end where Nekone start crying whilst trying to heal Oshutaru signify that the wounds were too heavy and he wasn't going to make it?
Mar 20, 2016 12:00 PM

Jul 2007
L-Ryoshi said:
Uh, so after the entire episode of figting.... did the end where Nekone start crying whilst trying to heal Oshutaru signify that the wounds were too heavy and he wasn't going to make it?

Will be explained...

Mar 20, 2016 2:03 PM

Oct 2015
Fight was epic.Sadly Oshutoru is probably going to die and next week is the last episode.I hope we get a season 3.
Mar 20, 2016 9:56 PM

Jan 2011
Fai said:
Mich666 said:

- Haku proving he's just observer again. He wanted to help Oshutoru yet he wasn't able to come with any plan on his own and twins have to come in.

What should he have done Code-Geassasspulled a solution?

I have to disagree with Mich on this, also. The only thing that irks me otherwise is how hard they try to put him center stage. I mean parrying Vurai was a bit of a stretch but even then it didn't feel forced. Unfortunately the rest of the time his accomplishments are a tad over-exaggerated. Even being at the right place at the right time doesn't really justify it. Being related to the Emperor who, considering their relation is understandable but many times Haku is nearly dead weight, you're stuck wondering why are you even here?
Mar 21, 2016 12:48 AM

Jul 2007
QWERTYFish25 said:
Fai said:

What should he have done Code-Geassasspulled a solution?

I have to disagree with Mich on this, also. The only thing that irks me otherwise is how hard they try to put him center stage. I mean parrying Vurai was a bit of a stretch but even then it didn't feel forced. Unfortunately the rest of the time his accomplishments are a tad over-exaggerated. Even being at the right place at the right time doesn't really justify it. Being related to the Emperor who, considering their relation is understandable but many times Haku is nearly dead weight, you're stuck wondering why are you even here?

Thats actually kind of the point of haku and his story. His accomplishments ARE over-exaggerated by people around him(as showcased near the end of first half when Haku is awarded the twins due to VERY exaggerated versions of his accomplishments). He is living life that is constantly being impacted by things happening behind the scenes(hell, the fact that the INN he ends up living in is owned by freaking spies kind of emphasizes that).

The stories of UTWR1 and UTWR2 are summed up quite well in the first half where Kuon is reading Anju two different tales of romance, second one being about a man, either due to karma or unluck, being drowned into the depths of despair.
It also ties to Haku and Oshutoru's discussion(and HAku and Kuon's scene before that) in first half about memories tying them down. Oshutoru was driven by his past experiences and the life he led. Haku was a blank slate - he had no past to run away from, no mistakes to be corrected. And thus he was free to live a life and build a new home and new life without looking over his shoulder.

Haku has nothing to do with what is going on. Its not his fault. ITs not consequences of something he did. He is not a soldier or a general and while he is smart and has a tactical mind, he is not the one to command armies. He had nothing to do with war or tactics or leadership. He just wanted to calmly live out his life he built in Yamato, yet, be it coincidence or destiny, something keeps throwing him right into the eye of the storm. First he was thrown into political intrigue(both by Emperor and Oshutoru), then - into two wars in a row. And THEN he came back from the last war into a civil war, essentially losing the home and calm life he built up for himself.

Ever since Uzuruusha war Haku has been forced to push himself to the limits regardless of his worsening emotional state. To push himself into matching the exaggerated tales that already surround him the best he can. Suddenly there is a past he wants to protect - the past he just built up. Suddenly he has people that matter to him and life he wants to lead and responsibilities he wants to live up to.

Hell in last few episodes, this "normal man with no past or worries" had to be the man who decides what others do and put his and his friends lives on the line based on his decisions. Suddenly Oshutoru's life is on the line based on decisions he makes, suddenly the fate of stability of the country is in his hands and suddenly he has to command and direct all those people who are basically a small army of their own.

Sure as hell he has no idea or clever plan to fight Vurai here. He always could only push himself to be the best he could be, while thrown into events beyond his control. And no matter HOW much Haku would push himself in situations like that, a "giant Godzilla that throws suns around" is not something you can plan or prepare for.

AhenshihaelMar 21, 2016 12:53 AM
Mar 21, 2016 10:33 AM

Sep 2012
Is Oshutoru...dying? I don't want that... I liked his character :/
Mar 21, 2016 4:35 PM

May 2012
We are past 24 episodes and our MC is still the same guy he was in the first episodes, someone who has no voice whatsoever to anything.

Haku - "i want to this"
Someone else - "No, i don't want that Haku let's do something else"
Haku - "Ok"

It has been like this from the very first episode. Haku didn't change at all. He may be less lazy than he was and he has more knowledge now, but he is still the same. Even in the first episodes he did things "own his on" like he do now and he saved Maroro in the 2nd episode too so his sporadic impulse to save others is nothing new.

We watched 24 episodes mostly of slice of life that supposedly was for character development, but in the end we had nothing of the sort.

Big explosions = good episode.

It's a pity this anime had to go this way, i was looking forward to it =/
I despise woke people.
Mar 22, 2016 6:51 AM

Sep 2013
The most intense episode so far,
Mar 23, 2016 7:45 AM

Nov 2011
Quite addictive storytelling during the hectic period, but also to arouse interest that gravitates around the main context, I am very curious to find out how to finish the season, as there is still much to tell. The clash was not bad, but not great, drawings and animations not really exciting, there is a certain decline in the quality, excellent OST.

MartinLancer said:
Episode summary:

Mar 23, 2016 9:23 AM

Nov 2011
So am I the only one who thinks Vurai might not be dead...I know he took that sword to the heart but what was the point showing his mask at the end and that rubble coming off? It made it seem like he was moving. That would be insane but I think he's dead.

Great fight, it felt real old school and I like that. VURAI!!!! OSHUTORU!!!! Awesome!!!

Oh no Oshutoru...T_T

Idk how Dekoponpo is still alive, please someone filet his fat ass.

I hope Mikazuchi catches up and joins with them, I like him a lot.

And Im praying Munechika is still alive and joins back too. *fingers crossed*
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Mar 23, 2016 10:08 AM

Mar 2015
So excited for next episode! I'm just watching this show for the ending. Like really. Its ridiculous, both the ending and the execution of the plot. Anyways, I want third game to be adapted so much though, hopefully with a better execution and less shallow characters. I mean I just want Haku to actually be a badass and not seem one when the plot demands he fight with a major character. That fight against Vurai made me go, wut, how did Haku manage to intercept the attack and counter it? Like dude, he has what, three fights under his belt? And somehow you expect me to believe he can guard an attack like that with a fan. Granted it was with his two hands but still. And Vurai was weakened. But still.
Mar 23, 2016 2:49 PM

Jul 2007
Iritails said:
So excited for next episode! I'm just watching this show for the ending. Like really. Its ridiculous, both the ending and the execution of the plot. Anyways, I want third game to be adapted so much though, hopefully with a better execution and less shallow characters. I mean I just want Haku to actually be a badass and not seem one when the plot demands he fight with a major character. That fight against Vurai made me go, wut, how did Haku manage to intercept the attack and counter it? Like dude, he has what, three fights under his belt? And somehow you expect me to believe he can guard an attack like that with a fan. Granted it was with his two hands but still. And Vurai was weakened. But still.

We already seen that he can fight with Oshutoru when Oshutoru is not trying. And he said that he has been practicing a lot ever since uzurusha events.
So he should have an okay chance to intercept an attack of a half-dead man who had all of his power sealed. And technically he and Nekone still had to be saved by Oshutoru.

As for badass....well that's kind of the point. Haku is just a guy. A smart guy who can reach brilliant when he pushes himself but still a guy. He spends his days doing chores, cleaning sewers and interacting with his new family. Even his life before the curse hit was all about him being a nerdy scientist/hacker guy. So while he has innate talent at inspiring people and a mind that is wise enough to interpret intrigue and a mindset that allows him to approach and solve situations in unique ways, he is still just basically a nerd. Its just that how he himself put it - he is very unlucky.

UTWR 2 is not a story of glory or triumph or legendary war. UTWR 2 is a story of a guy who, by karma or circumstance, gets dragged down to pits of despair, as foreshadowed by the second love story Kuon reads to Anju in the first half.
Mar 24, 2016 2:16 AM

Mar 2015
I'm not sure if I could mark this episode as watched cause I payed so little attention and casually browsed through the web. Guess the last one would be the 5 sec skip button fest.

Mar 24, 2016 3:44 AM
Jan 2013
Its a shame that a lot of people does not find the meaning or understand a lot of things of this series , It really has a very complex and good story , but because they dont understand it or dont like to think a lot in what they watch , they called it pointless, or boring ,etc..
Mar 24, 2016 4:46 PM

Oct 2012
xeco said:
Its a shame that a lot of people does not find the meaning or understand a lot of things of this series , It really has a very complex and good story , but because they dont understand it or dont like to think a lot in what they watch , they called it pointless, or boring ,etc..

Cause it's not as deep and complex as you would think, I guess? The story is actually not too difficult to understand and I bet most of the people here get it.

The problem with this series is that it doesn't really take itself seriously and that's precisely why most of the viewers stop caring about it.
Mar 26, 2016 3:34 AM

Nov 2015
A lot of action and oh my god the fight was so intense

Mar 26, 2016 4:39 AM

Mar 2015
I only watched this far for the ending.
Mar 26, 2016 6:27 PM

Apr 2015
the last episodes were what i was expecting of this anime since the beginning.
But to me this episode was only ok. I liked the action scenes and all of that, but some things were so convenient. For example: the part where haku is strong enough to hold vurai and he does not get burn or nothing worst than that. I had this same feeling in episode 23 when kuon was able to kill all of the guards.
I'm not complaining that these characters can't have special powers, but i didn't like the way it was done.
Mar 26, 2016 8:06 PM

Jan 2013
Hmm, fairly good episode.
Mar 28, 2016 3:03 AM

Jul 2012
"Unanimous decision" my ass. That guy just put himself on Dekoponpo's level and that's pretty damn sad.
Mar 29, 2016 1:50 AM

Jul 2007
lanfire said:
"Unanimous decision" my ass. That guy just put himself on Dekoponpo's level and that's pretty damn sad.

The Generals of Right and Left are not part of the 8 generals.
All remaining members of 8 generals made that decision so it is unanimous. He is not wrong.
Mar 31, 2016 4:56 AM

Jul 2012
I can't actually recall anytime that was pointed out in the show and not something you get from the source material.
Apr 5, 2016 12:51 PM

Feb 2015
That was beyond godzilla.
overall this episode was great. they finnaly bring back the action and i really like it.
i thought Haku gonna do something crazy or insane, something like turned into one of the beast LOL, but i'm suprised he can hold the pain with being the whole body get burned.
Apr 5, 2016 1:01 PM

Jul 2007
lanfire said:
I can't actually recall anytime that was pointed out in the show and not something you get from the source material.

Its in the introduction when they are all lined up and princess is about to be introduced.

The characters go "look here are the eight pilla rgenerals, oh look and there are general or right and general of left" - they are mentioned in separate context. Otherwise it would be 10 generals and not 8.
Apr 9, 2016 3:12 AM
Mar 2012
Epic fire vs ice godzillas going hadoken. Oshutoru's ice was underwhelming, maybe too injured already. Vurai's was just insane explosions everywhere. Rip Vurai's soldiers.
Sorta remember Kumanagi of Chains with mask relation... but can't recall which episode... maybe just the name.
Haku & fan was badass, quite funny he just shouting in turn nothing happening, & Nekone totally dumbfounded. Good he wasn't too scorched.
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