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Dec 12, 2015 1:19 PM

Oct 2015
My thoughts:

- I like how Tohka's character has multiple dimensions. She is such a badass in battle. However, she's actually a bit clumsy and is a very motherly, caring person.
- I liked how Ikki started wondering what is his source of strength after he saw Tohka taking care of the children.
- What a huge change in mood between the 1st and 2nd half. I liked how the artstyle changed to fit the mood and gravitas.
- Shizuku has changed a lot over the past few episodes. Before, she was trying to steal Ikki away from Stella. Just this episode, she attacked Stella when she thought about breaking up with Ikki.
Dec 12, 2015 1:23 PM

Nov 2013
Dec 12, 2015 1:24 PM

Oct 2015
ArchimeM said:
BLKWarGreymon said:

No, Ikki's father and the Ethics Committee are using that as an excuse to screw him over.

still pretty weak sauce if you ask me. If they have all this power and really wanted to srew with him, they should framed him for doing something more important. Incarcerating someone over petty tabloid gossip... That makes them look pretty bad.

And aren't they in the future?!? Are you telling me people can't fake pictures?!

Of course it's weak sauce. That's the point. When someone hates another person so much, he/she will take whatever lengths to do harm, even if the logic is as flimsy as a soggy noodle.

The reason why people are making a big deal about Ikki and Stella's situation is because Stella is a princess while Ikki is a nobody. His family doesn't want Ikki to make headlines (of making it into the 7 Stars Festival) because otherwise, he will taint their Kurogane name. Escalating their relationship into an international conflict would be a perfect storm to screw Ikki over.
BLKWarGreymonDec 12, 2015 1:34 PM
Dec 12, 2015 1:30 PM

May 2011
I see a lot of people getting uptight about the whole "ethics committee" wielding so much power.

But please remember your watching a JAPANESE ANIME. Japanese is hugely hierarchical and "ethics committees" with old grumpy men running them isn't something that's not out of the realm for them.

As an American we value our freedoms from nonsensical arbitrary councils like this. Japan doesn't have this luxury.

As an American i fear the SJW millennials and their ideals to give away their freedoms for silly "safe spaces". eventually would probably lead to Orwellian councils like this one.
CirrisDec 12, 2015 1:34 PM
Dec 12, 2015 1:42 PM

Mar 2009
Depressing episode...
K-ON v1.1 ... Please leave you comments on my profile! ^_^
Dec 12, 2015 1:42 PM

Oct 2015
ArchimeM said:
Yeah they're corrupt, but they don't want people to think that... That doesn't explain why they didn't find something better to use against him (or make something up).

Countless victories and bringing ROYAL blood in to the family = "tainting the family name"? The only plausible conclusion I can think of is that Ikki's dad just doesn't want to admit he was wrong. Which only makes him look like a child.

In response to the first paragraph, yes it does. The Ethics Committee controls the press, hence why there were headlines portraying Ikki as the bad guy.

As for the second paragraph, the Kurogane family doesn't want people with no talent (magic-wise) to get a lot of recognition. They strongly believe that only people with magical talent can be successful. Ikki is becoming a huge exception to their rule, so his father is trying to eliminate him to maintain the status quo.
Dec 12, 2015 1:44 PM

Nov 2008
All I have to say is so what if Ikki and Stella are dating its none of there MOTHAFUCKING BUSINESS.
Dec 12, 2015 1:55 PM

Oct 2015
ArchimeM said:
But they say his name in the articles. They're slandering themselves!

Yes, but Ikki dad seems to be the kind of guy who cares more about results than anything else. Ikki's giving him this! He has no real to actually keep following this "status quo" besides advancing the plot. It'd make more sense if he actually did hate Ikki.

You're not making much sense. The Ethics Committee controls what goes on the press. How is it slandering itself when the newspapers are only talking about Ikki?

You also missed the part where Ikki's dad considers Ikki's performance in the selection battles as mediocre.

"The worse thing that could happen, is getting a mediocre result with their mediocre ability, just like what you're doing now."
Dec 12, 2015 1:56 PM

Jul 2014
They skip a lot of details about Ikki's incarceration.

I guess next week will be dedicated to Raikiri's fight. Looking forward to it!
"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous"

Dec 12, 2015 1:58 PM

Feb 2013
Another case of an episode that drops the series to a 5.

Completely out of character episode. The Director probably gave up on the series at this point.
Sad to see the legend that did Ef: to fall to such a poor level.
Dec 12, 2015 2:08 PM

Jul 2015
Scherezade said:
Another case of an episode that drops the series to a 5.

Completely out of character episode. The Director probably gave up on the series at this point.
Sad to see the legend that did Ef: to fall to such a poor level.

You think this was bad?
Dec 12, 2015 2:10 PM

Jan 2011
So the anime is gonna end with Ikki and stella crossing sword smiling after the fight with todo.12 episodes, should have seen it coming. Didn't really care for this episode. Father's reason for doening his son just seemed really on the fly. Basically "I'm displeased because you become something good even though you had nothing on paper." Maybe it's been done before and I've seen and loved it but here, didn't really feel it. Im just stuck wondering how much time they're ginna waste on in battle dialogue inside voices and standing still doing all of the above. Guess I expect too much.
Dec 12, 2015 2:11 PM
Feb 2015
CanzonE said:
Such a STUPID STUPID episode.
The villain is mean for the sake of being mean.
This whole plot line was pulled out of their ass...
I get that they are trying to expand on the whole Ikki vs father going on, but ffs make it logical.
HOW THE HELL do they have the power to incarcerate a pupil because of a freaking hearing?! And wht the hell does there need to be a hearing for a fucking KISS?!
This entire episode made zero sense to me... Not to mention the start that honestly felt like filler as all it did is give Ikki more insight on Todo's power which he ALREADY KNEW as he says so himself...

Shit episode with forced drama 1/5...
Talk about a let down...
Dec 12, 2015 2:18 PM

Nov 2008
this was a pretty good episode, but i feel really bad for ikki with the whole inquiry and his bastard of a father.

Dec 12, 2015 2:19 PM

Oct 2015
ArchimeM said:
BLKWarGreymon said:
<br />
You&#039;re not making much sense. The Ethics Committee controls what goes on the press. How is it slandering itself when the newspapers are only talking about Ikki?<br />
<br />
You also missed the part where Ikki&#039;s dad considers Ikki&#039;s performance in the selection battles as mediocre.<br />
<br />
&quot;The worse thing that could happen, is getting a mediocre result with their mediocre ability, just like what you&#039;re doing now.&quot;
<br />
<br />
No, they&#039;re trying to protect the Kurogone name by slandering KUROGONE Ikki, in the media. Whether they disowned him or not doesn&#039;t change that.<br />
<br />
He&#039;s doing better than Shizuku so...

You're not making any sense at all. You said that the Ethics Committee is slandering itself. Now you're shifting the argument to something else entirely. Stay on topic
Dec 12, 2015 2:24 PM

Aug 2013
LOL my favorite part was when Shizuku use her water powers to snap Stella out of her doubts about breaking up with Ikki. Shizuku never disappoints me. Okay episode and the only interesting part was Ikki and father. The was rest was meh but it's nice to see Toka has a friendly side especially when she has a soft side towards children.
Dec 12, 2015 2:26 PM

Aug 2015
iqzpower said:
CanzonE said:
Such a STUPID STUPID episode.
The villain is mean for the sake of being mean.
This whole plot line was pulled out of their ass...
I get that they are trying to expand on the whole Ikki vs father going on, but ffs make it logical.
HOW THE HELL do they have the power to incarcerate a pupil because of a freaking hearing?! And wht the hell does there need to be a hearing for a fucking KISS?!
This entire episode made zero sense to me... Not to mention the start that honestly felt like filler as all it did is give Ikki more insight on Todo's power which he ALREADY KNEW as he says so himself...

Shit episode with forced drama 1/5...
Talk about a let down...

I have a feeling you guys did not think of this episode from the japan's society point of view. Also, they have been mean for a reason, and since they are influential in Japan in this series and Japan is not the country that prioritizes freedom, incarceration is legal.
Dec 12, 2015 2:29 PM

Oct 2015
ArchimeM said:
BLKWarGreymon said:
<br />
You&#039;re not making any sense at all. You said that the Ethics Committee is slandering itself. Now you&#039;re shifting the argument to something else entirely. Stay on topic
<br />
<br />
I don&#039;t know how I can say it any simpler. They want to protect the Kurogones, but they&#039;re making a criminel out of one of them. And no it doesn&#039;t matter that they disowned Ikki, it still ruins their public image.<br />
<br />
I was answering what you said about Ikki doing a mediocre job.

I still don't follow your logic. The Kurogane family is concerned about maintaining the status quo. If it means getting negative public image, it doesn't matter as long as its status quo is maintained. The family only wants members with magical talent to be successful
Dec 12, 2015 2:32 PM

Oct 2014
Different people, different taste, different standard.

But hey, the material on this part is never that good (I think it's mediocre, actually,) so seeing it gone so well while surviving the plot butchery at the same time is a great great relieve.

Well done, everyone on the team. You all have done what you can, to the very most. Now go for the finish with pride.
Dec 12, 2015 2:33 PM

Jul 2015
Episode - Fuckin' A, I was so into it, that I totaly forgot that theres only 1 more episode left.

I really felt sorry for Ikki, who was being treated like some trash. His father is a fucking asshole, srsly. And now, with his mind and body broken, he'll have to face Raikiri. All i can do now, is to wish him luck, to be strong and prove to his asshole father, that his effort up till now was not in vain.
Dec 12, 2015 2:40 PM

Jan 2014
Whoa they're really trying to break him.. and unless Toka does something.. in the state that Ikki is in atm. he is going to lose that battle. He can't even have his friends supporting him.
Dec 12, 2015 2:42 PM

Nov 2014
What the fuck was that all about...

CanzonE said:
The villain is mean for the sake of being mean.

Right? His constant snickering was particularly obnoxious. He was like a stereotypical comic book villain. And then the father was needlessly cold. All this drama sprang up out of no where.

richard_maximus said:
Just quickly. Where the fuck did all the color go and why was there an 60's film grain on everything else? Go over-budget or something?

They were trying to be stylish. The black and red scenes looked kind of cool though.
Dec 12, 2015 2:53 PM

Sep 2013
lol they were trying to be stylish or something while being serious and dramatic at the same time XD
It was cool, but so forced :(
Dec 12, 2015 3:02 PM

Apr 2012
I hope the studio had alot of bandages cause the artists must have accidentally cut themselves alot making this episode.
Dec 12, 2015 3:05 PM

Jun 2015
Awwe Ikki was a bit more assertive with Stella, and a sneaky reporter got Ikki into trouble D:

I'm glad that the torture wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I had thought it was going to be wayyyy worse. Plus Ikki's dad reason's for why Ikki shouldn't be a knight sucks ass, it makes no sense. Also, magic power doesn't equal talent.
Dec 12, 2015 3:07 PM

Sep 2015
probably the worst episode from all series i've seen this season. if Cavalry were a 24-episode anime, i'd drop it

boring orphan barbecue party, guantanamo interrogation for kissing, super powerful ethic commission, stellas hairy mail, akward father feels, black&white for more drama .... just painful to watch

how can you rate this bunch of crap 5/5?

Dec 12, 2015 3:07 PM

Nov 2015
His father is cruel. Ikki was working hard all those years. I feel sorry for him T^T
Dec 12, 2015 3:19 PM

May 2015
Pretty powerful episode. Makes you pretty pissed at the people that are just making Ikki's life so miserable. Sad thing that next week's the final episode. Ikki against Touka is going to be something, though.

Dec 12, 2015 3:23 PM
Nov 2013
Best episode with no action to me 5/5 man i feel for ikki the extent what his family will do TO MAKE HIM NOT A MAGIC KNIGHT man is real. I like how the first half's are completely different in tone and style. Can't wait for next weeks episode.
Dec 12, 2015 3:26 PM

Jul 2013
Damn this episode was intense. Ikki finally broke. His father is such a piece of shit. Hopefully Stella will save him soon and heal his broken heart.

Loved the visuals in this episode, it made everything so much more impactful.
Dec 12, 2015 3:44 PM

Nov 2014
That was brutal.
Hi there
Dec 12, 2015 3:45 PM

Sep 2015
This episode...just dammmn.
It was so good. Definetely a prime example of what anime can be. The way they used the different colors was just amazing and the sly evangelion reference with the the father sitting at this table in a oversized room was something.
Even though I am more than hyped for the next one I do realize that it will be the season finale. And I don´t want this to end. It was a stand out series this season (next to OPM) both in story and visuals.
I really, really hope this sells well enough in Japan so that we might get another season.
However, I won´t be sad if it doesn´t get another if the last EP ends the story in a staisfying way.
For me that would be when Ikki and Stella are happily together and theri realtionship is accepted in public. And when that son of a bitch of a so-called father dies in the most terrific way possible
Dec 12, 2015 3:48 PM

Nov 2015
ArchimeM said:
BLKWarGreymon said:

Of course it's weak sauce. That's the point. When someone hates another person so much, he/she will take whatever lengths to do harm, even if the logic is as flimsy as a soggy noodle.

The reason why people are making a big deal about Ikki and Stella's situation is because Stella is a princess while Ikki is a nobody. His family doesn't want Ikki to make headlines because otherwise, he will taint their Kurogane name. Escalating their relationship into an international conflict would be a perfect storm to screw Ikki over.

Yeah they're corrupt, but they don't want people to think that... That doesn't explain why they didn't find something better to use against him (or make something up).

Countless victories and bringing ROYAL blood in to the family = "tainting the family name"? The only plausible conclusion I can think of is that Ikki's dad just doesn't want to admit he was wrong. Which only makes him look like a child.

For what I remember when I read the LN and what may not be well explained in the anime, Ikki's father is like a guardian of the present system (blazers over the top) and he doesn't want it to change. His own son is someone who can disrupt the Order he defends. Ikki is a person the system labeled as a rank F (even though, we all agree, the criteria used to rank people are flaw). So if he succeeds in being the champion, everything crumbles, this would be a Revolution and could lead to a civil war (I may exaggerate as it was not clearly mentioned but that was what I understood). That's why, Ikki's father is not really a "simple bad" guy, he is someone who won't hesitate to sacrifice his own son for -what he considers- a greater cause. So, the shock Ikki had when he understood that whatever he does, his own father won't recognized him.
Dec 12, 2015 3:55 PM

Oct 2014
Feel bad for IKKI :C

But glad we got to see more of Todo, she seems so nice :3
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Dec 12, 2015 4:03 PM

Sep 2015
drkurochan said:

For what I remember when I read the LN and what may not be well explained in the anime, Ikki's father is like a guardian of the present system (blazers over the top) and he doesn't want it to change. His own son is someone who can disrupt the Order he defends. Ikki is a person the system labeled as a rank F (even though, we all agree, the criteria used to rank people are flaw). So if he succeeds in being the champion, everything crumbles, this would be a Revolution and could lead to a civil war (I may exaggerate as it was not clearly mentioned but that was what I understood). That's why, Ikki's father is not really a "simple bad" guy, he is someone who won't hesitate to sacrifice his own son for -what he considers- a greater cause. So, the shock Ikki had when he understood that whatever he does, his own father won't recognized him.

lol, why would you leave out such an important point? ok on the other hand they didn't even bother explaining what those blazers actually are, what kind of social standing they have and so on....

Dec 12, 2015 4:16 PM
Nov 2015
Olem said:
xin09 said:
Why can't Stella barg in and say i have no problem with kissing Ikki and as the princess i wan't you to release him

She more than likely has zero power since she's just a visitor to the country. And even if she admits it, the truth could always be altered like how it was and is. They were screwed the moment they were caught acting intimate, especially since she's a princess and all, so that makes it extra scandalous


Even if she gets interviewed about it, whatever she say can be twisted as long as it isn't caught in video... because media scoops! This is probably why some people don't trust articles that don't have videos as sources.

Anyway, I like the effect of using greyscale mixed with a different color each day has on the episode.
It probably wouldn't have had much of an atmosphere otherwise. I mean, imagine Ikki's hearing in a bright white room - That would feel weird.
Dec 12, 2015 4:27 PM

Jun 2015
Great episode direction imo. The film Noir style was a great way to provide world building context without showing it. It saved a lot of screen time. Ikki's father is a hellavu righteous asshole, that's for sure. Glad to see Shizuku continues to be expanded on as a character to the point where I can actually respect and somewhat understand her now. The beginning was fantastic with that kiss and the Touka exposition giving her proper characterization. Just all around well put together episode, another easy 9/10, maybe 10/10 if it wasn't for the second half not being explained as concisely as it could have been.

ArchimeM said:
Yes, but they still should have been smarter about it. What they're doing just makes them look like the bads guys (which they don't want). I don't see why they didn't kill him a long time ago if they status is so much more important to them. They could cover everything up easily with all the power they have.

I assume it is because Ikki is such a noble and perfect white knight of sorts. It's basically impossible to slander him with how clean he's kept his hands in the past because he's too much of a goody-two-shoes. So you can't just kill him because that would make the Kurogane family look especially bad/guilty/unworthy and actually be a crime, but they need to get rid of him as he's starting to cause problems. So they fabricated a bullshit ethics controversy with another kingdom, abusing their power and status to put on a sham of a trial and try to get Ikki to confess to wrong-doing, make him look bad, and then quietly push him to the side. It makes sense if you really think about it and consider Japanese culture, the show just could have done a better job of making it clear.

Nigami_Shin said:
lol, why would you leave out such an important point? ok on the other hand they didn't even bother explaining what those blazers actually are, what kind of social standing they have and so on....

They have 12 episodes to tell a story. Going into the full background of the world they are in while keeping up with everything they've done would be rather difficult, so they decided to merely let the story context inform the world rather than the other way around.

It would seem to me that the episode went the Film Noir look as a sort of symbolism around the Kurogane family and how they effectively function like a Mafia/Yakuza group. Having so much freely wielded power and putting on an obvious sham with this kangaroo court of a trial clearly portrays the society as a sort of feudal/caste society with the Kuroganes at the top, also implied from the shallow controversy between a princess and a "peasant". So when Ikki's father is talking about how he doesn't give a shit about Ikki and wants to maintain the status quo, the implication is that he wants to hold onto that power and his position in society ('cause he's an asshole).

As I said, the show was basically trying to show you that world through inference and symbolism, rather than spending the time flat out handing it to you in exposition. Personally I think it is quite smart for a show with a limited time-space and budget, and it still fits with the other stylized portions of Rakudai anyway, just on a larger scale. That way they could focus on the main story without losing time to fill in the blanks around it.
Dec 12, 2015 4:32 PM
Nov 2015
ArchimeM said:
BLKWarGreymon said:

I still don't follow your logic. The Kurogane family is concerned about maintaining the status quo. If it means getting negative public image, it doesn't matter as long as its status quo is maintained. The family only wants members with magical talent to be successful

Yes, but they still should have been smarter about it. What they're doing just makes them look like the bads guys (which they don't want). I don't see why they didn't kill him a long time ago if they status is so much more important to them. They could cover everything up easily with all the power they have.

They aren't necessarily making themselves look bad to anyone else apart from the ones involved with Ikki. That would mainly just be Ikki, Shizuku, the Director, and Stella. There's also the teacher, but she doesn't really have the power to voice out to the media if the ethics community controls it.
The situation is still favourable for them.

Pretty sure the main reason that(directly killing Ikki) didn't happen was because Ikki's grandfather was there(hope I got the person right). When Ikki decided to run away from home, he was the one who rescued him from the blizzard. Would he let Ikki's father kill him? Probably not. Would Shizuku let that happen? Also probably not. The best course of action for them was to not kill Ikki but give him a hard enough time that he'll give up himself, but that didn't work. Starting to get out of hand, they became desperate after hearing that he was winning his matches. That's when they would have to resort to using anything(yes, anything) which probably leads to the current circumstances.

Of course this is all only my take of what's going on, so I could be wrong on a few parts.
Dec 12, 2015 4:54 PM

Apr 2015
"The breasts of a woman have endless possibilities!"
Dec 12, 2015 5:05 PM

Oct 2013
This is the part where if Ikki went full Anakin Skywalker on those in his family who support everything this ethics committee does, I wouldn't blame him. Okay maybe that's a little too extreme, so I'll be satisfied with a punch to the face.

For now, he need's to realize that his asshole of a father's not worth the time of day.
Dec 12, 2015 5:06 PM

Aug 2013
The art style change sure was interesting. This show is surprisingly good. No sarcasm to say here. Hell, even if the vilain is stupid and uninteresting as fuck, the drama was pretty good, especially the black & white contrasting with the bright colors.

Though, dear lord, I can't believe how there hasn't been an outrage yet while a student is getting starved and slowly killed for having a relationship with a princess. Royalty nuts sure are a special case.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Dec 12, 2015 5:07 PM

Jan 2011
God damn, Ikki had such a tough time this episode. Someone took a sneaky picture of Ikki and Stella kissing which ended up being a public controversy. Ikki was then incarcerated and had to be monitored for a hearing. His fight still continued but he wasn't able to go to the academy to do so. Ikki's father is such a jerk; the whole time Ikki's relationship with his father was already broken. That moment when Stella was thinking about breaking up with Ikki was very dramatic; that even made Shizuku pissed off. Ikki's next opponent is none other than Tohka Todou. I hope this anime has a happy ending. ;~;
Dec 12, 2015 5:07 PM
Jun 2013
Xublegos said:
then grow up, lol. This was pretty forced shit, worse by omitting context.

Throw in a total shift in animation artstyle for no reason and you get a meh episode.
Dec 12, 2015 5:07 PM

Oct 2015
Xublegos said:

Silver Link took quite a different approach, so perhaps that didn't sit well with some people. I thought the episode was done well because what wasn't explained verbally was explained through context or artstyle
Dec 12, 2015 5:08 PM

Sep 2014
This episode was really really good, but quite disturbing for me. Didn't really feel like the circumstances were properly explained at all, even though I understand them. Felt like Ikki just had to withstand all that for the sake of drama, didn't really fit into the plot imo. Episode was still good though.

Really hoping Shizuku decides to get some sweet revenge on the father, I'll be enjoying that if it happens.
Dec 12, 2015 5:09 PM

Feb 2014
CanzonE said:
Such a STUPID STUPID episode.
The villain is mean for the sake of being mean.
This whole plot line was pulled out of their ass...
I get that they are trying to expand on the whole Ikki vs father going on, but ffs make it logical.
HOW THE HELL do they have the power to incarcerate a pupil because of a freaking hearing?! And wht the hell does there need to be a hearing for a fucking KISS?!
This entire episode made zero sense to me... Not to mention the start that honestly felt like filler as all it did is give Ikki more insight on Todo's power which he ALREADY KNEW as he says so himself...

Shit episode with forced drama 1/5...
Talk about a let down...

'Insert thank you gif'

Yup, the episode as a whole felt sooooo forced
Dec 12, 2015 5:10 PM

Jan 2014
Raise your flag and torches gentlemen, for we have officially found the new scumbag that leaves Gendo Ikari's parenting like a treatment in Eden.

This asshat just feels absolutely nothing for Ikki whatsoever, and only wants him to fail out of a sense of elitism. "Those with talent are to rise, those that don't should stay low". Seriously, F you.

Ikki took some major blow and he is visibly more weak with each encounter, and we can also see, he is NOT getting a very good treatment inside. Assholes want him weak so he can lose, and now they want him to lose in the most embarrassing way possible so he "stops trying".

This is some seriously monstrous level of cruelty. Obviously now that he has lost his major motivation, Ikki is to find a new, and that will obv leads us to Stella. May you be able to convey that message girl, for it is really needed.
Dec 12, 2015 5:17 PM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
Whew this anime suddenly turned depressing, but please.....all of these happened just because of one fucking kiss? Seriously?

I thought those people took that kissing picture just to tell some stupid rumors.

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Dec 12, 2015 5:18 PM

Mar 2015
Good episode!

I really liked both the fact that Stella was the one to help Ikki for a change, and the method she used!
The sword that takes life gives life
Dec 12, 2015 5:33 PM

Apr 2014
Stella kinda disappointed me a bit...Ikki was fighting hard for his love and she was going to back down?
Ikki's family is full of shit...can't they just kill them already?
Next episode is last and Ikki will have to fight with Touka...going to be good, but Ikki is not himself anymore.
Screw his family!
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