Samhiuy said: I wonder what Moral told Art, but I'm pretty sure it HAS to do with Nice leaving the Academy halfway. They wouldn't bring that up in this episode for no reason. Perhaps Nice's Minimum is actually artificial? He had amazing scores in his exams for sure (Moral only knew about him later), but that does not mean his Minimum was actualized. Perhaps he had the top grades, but never actualized his Minimum like Art and was given it by Moral. After discovering that his Minimum is artificial, he decided to leave the Academy- probably because he could not face Art (who tried his best despite not having one).
Moral pitied Nice for being at the top but didn't actualized a Minimum at first. Nice was all alone and also felt despair that he could not be like his friends. Moral granted his wish by giving him the Sonic Minimum and now is trying to eliminate his solitude as well.
For me, this explains why Nice thinks that the hulk guy (the failed green non-innate Minimum holder) a few episodes back actually enjoyed himself. This is due to Nice having a non-innate Minimum as well and could understand his desire to want one + show off. That is why he and Moral thinks alike in some ways as his desire to have a Minimum was granted by him. It should also probably be why he narrowed the suspects down to Moral this episode. He knew about what he did before, but not after he left the research facility. Therefore, he was not absolutely sure that it is Moral.
By the by, was Art's brother's death ever explained in detail? Perhaps Moral made it look like an accident and extracted his brain without the others knowing. The Sonic Minimum might just be Art's brother's.
I posted this somewhere else too >.>, but I'm not entirely certain given that I did not watch all the previous episodes again to make sure. If there are flaws, please point it out!! ^.^
Quite interesting theory
I would like to post my own speculations with my own thoughts and from your points as well:
##Reason Nice left Facultas ?
- Perhaps what you yourself said can be the cause
- Maybe it had something to do with Art's brother's death ?
- Experiments on kids/holders or killing forbidden minimum holder to preserve his brain (Art's brother ?)
##Nice's Minimum
- I highly doubt his minimum is artificial from the way the story has developed till now. From the get go he is shown very smart and superior than others from the getgo. Even the manga story which is kind of before anime storyline shows him as the top minimum holder
- If he knew about Moral beforehand and was given a minimum by him like you said, Moral would be the first person he would know of as soon as the first non-minimum case showed up. But he didnt knew about Moral till this episode.
- He is classified maybe because of his minimum ? Just think about it, no matter how you think of it, Super Sonic doesnt seems that much Over Powered to deem him classified or superior to others. But if you remember Darker Than Black then Hei's actual power wasnt electricity manipulation but rather molecule manipulation and electricity was its by product. Think about Cyborg 007's power too, it was same super sonic but do you remember the time his power lost control ? It stopped time. Thinking like that, I think Nice's minimum shown till now is not his true power but just a portion of it and when fully used, he can perhaps manipulate time ?
- Nothing much, reminds me exactly of Creed from Black Cat
- Wierd how the preview of next episode was so cheerfull, perhaps Art's minimum gets awakened and is related to healing or rebirth or something ?
- Moral disguises as Art but should be spotted by Nice at first sight IMO
- Moral forcefully gives Art that forbidden minimum and says that during this episode's end that he will do so or maybe tells him it was his brother's minimum ?
##Forbidden Minimum
- Someone finds it strange how they refer to the minimum as a "specimen". Maybe its a arifact or duplicate or not the real forbidden minimum and was created from Nice. Thus Nice holding the actual forb. minimum and to replicate his minimum they used Art's brother and Nice left Facultus due to that ? Art's brother's minimum can also be related to copying other's minimum thus making him best candidate to be sacrificed. |