MajorZero said: The illusion of intellect doesn't make your opinion better it's just shows how stupid you are. Besides you're right in general, but nobody cares about opinions of the individuals because everyone seeing different things in one subject, it's called semiotics by the way. So, you can't speak about credibility, not to mention you are not so credible by your own standarts in eyes of the others.
I don't think the illusion of intellect is remotely applicable in this case. Storytelling, animation, music, etc. can all be understood at some level by almost anyone, I imagine understanding the deep workings, if you will, of most anime would probably not take an expert ie. there is a real and sizable difference between a trained and untrained viewer, to make it crudely black and white. Knowing little about animation and anime culture/Japanese culture, I would consider myself closer to the untrained group. The illusion of intellect is more applicable to things of vast complexity and high uncertainty, such as the illusion of being able to guess the stock market.
I think you misunderstood what I meant by at an individual level (my fault, I worded it poorly). I meant that as an individual it is more efficient to make sweeping generalizations about the quality of opinions of other watchers in relation to your own (call it compatibility). I, similarly to every other rational anime watcher, change the value I place on another watchers opinions based on the scores they've given things, based on all personal factors, etc. If a 31 year old gay male, who has been watching anime for ten years and shares many of my favourites, tells me something does a good job of portraying issues of sexuality, would you expect me to weight it equally against "lul der wus good yaoi in tsuritama gay fish lol"? Of course not.
That's all my point is, really. Also, any person's own opinion is 100% credible, in terms of of their current value system, by definition. If I had reason to believe my own opinion wasn't credible, then I would change my opinion. Whether, or not, anyone else thinks my opinion is credible is up to them.
itsvero said: I've personally seen a vast majority of F/Z reviews rave about the show - on MAL and on other anime blogs/websites. I don't know who exactly you would classify as credible but I'm positive that the general consensus of F/Z is that it is a great anime.
That's all I wanted to know, so you answered my question. I personally do not have many sources I trust outside of some specific MAL members, since I'm still new enough to the community to be searching for some. Several blogs were really helpful for me when I was first getting into anime, but the more and more I've watched the more and more our tastes diverge. It was the final straw when one of them raved on and on about Hyouka, so I'm on the hunt for new blogs, lol.
Vizi_Reality said: I'm not sure that all of those figures will have the exactly the same credible opinions you're looking for.
I don't expect them all to. I only expect that by exploring that community I will find some, or at least several, people who argue their opinions convincingly. If I generally agree with them then I can use that as a basis for what I will look into/ what I won't bother looking into.
Of course anime is a relatively tiny community, but as an Economics student I might find myself wanting to look into the literature of a specific topic. If that's all I had to go on, I'd spend the rest of my life sorting through papers on that one topic. When instead, I could just ask a relevant professor who the big names of that topic are generally agreed to be. Same idea. |