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May 24, 2009 1:04 AM

Dec 2007
*The red kimono guy's eyes narrow*

???: Work for us? You think we'd let anyone just come in and posibly spy on us? Baka-yarou!


Guard 1: Expensive? Your time?

Guard 2: Kid, you may not know where you are, but-

???: Leave him be.

*The guards silenced at the sound of a man coming from the front door of the fortress*

???: Expensive? Your time? Sounds interesting.

*The man smiled*

???: What business do you have with the boss?
LamboMay 24, 2009 10:07 AM
is what we make it to be.

May 24, 2009 4:38 AM

Nov 2007
After 3 hours, they arrived at Verona. Everyone went out from the limo, and got into Felice's house. It was HUGE. 15 Rooms, a swimming pool, and a sauna.
" Wow! this is amazing" said Marcello. Bald seemed that he really liked it, too. " Mal. Play" he said quietly, and pointed at Marcello.
" You want to play, Bald?" asked Marcello.
" Yeah" he answered.
" Felice, where can I play with him?" asked Marcello.
" Well, I guess I will give you and Bald a room to sleep, and you can play anywhere you want" said Felice. He showed Marcello his and Bald's rooms,and said:" I have some buisness to do, you can play meanwhile, or do whatever you want. If you need somthing, ask me servants". After that, he went to his room. Marcello put his swimsuit, put Bald's swimsuit, and together they went to the pool.
Marcello swiimed really fast, abd Baldovino enjoyed it.
" Shark" said Bald, and clapped.
" You think I'm a shark? wait until you see that!" said Marcello, and did a roll in the water.
They played for couple hours, until Felice came.
" Marcello. There is your last competition, and after that you will go to the mafia" said Felice, and gave him a poster.
The poster said:" Water competition- a competitiion in the water! The winner will win a spaciel pills, that only we have! Come and race!"
" What do you think?" asked Felice. " Sure. I'll win the first prize, for sure." said Marcello.
" Good. It startes tommorow, so don't go to sleep late" Felice said, and laughed with Marcello.
Marcello went out, and got ready to sleep. He put to sleep Bald, and went to sleep by himself.
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May 25, 2009 3:12 AM
Nov 2007
"I need to talk to him. I'm from the Clairious Mafia Family and my boss sent me to make a conversation."
Kiyochimaru searched in his pockets and found his old tag. 'I'm so lucky..' he said to himself.
Kiyochimaru showed the tag to the guards.
"Here, that's my tag."
May 25, 2009 7:39 AM

Jun 2008

Raul: Stubborn-one.
*Raul sighed.*
Raul: Stop this game and just take me to him...
*He pointed villa's biggest house.*
Raul: I'm sure there is enough guards, or whatever you have...
*Then he pointed on himself.*
Raul: stop one person.

92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are part of the 8% who still listens to real music, copy and paste this into your signature....
May 25, 2009 11:27 AM

Aug 2007
Mimi sighed. 'Fine then. Let's begin the meeting.' She started walking towards the table, but stopped and turned around again. 'At least tell me your name, that's not a big quiestion, is it?'
May 25, 2009 8:05 PM

Mar 2008
Celino: yes it is i cant tell u my name until i know ur not a treat to me and my family
May 26, 2009 8:45 AM

Mar 2009
kagome*in her mind* oh boy here it goes
May 27, 2009 12:02 PM

Aug 2007
Mimi let out a sigh again and went to the table, but didn't sit down yet. 'Khm.' Everybody became quiet is the room. 'I'm sure you already know this, but I'm the 5th generation boss of the Kurashigo family. I arrenged this meeting for two purposes. One, to meet the new boss of your family.' She glanced at Celino. 'And two, to ask you guys to do something for my family. This is the more important part...' She stopped for a moment. 'I'm searching for guardians for my family. If you find anybody who fits that role, then please inform me.'
May 27, 2009 12:55 PM

Mar 2009
*kagome stood up*

kagome: i am a guardian, boss the guardian of sun
May 27, 2009 2:48 PM

Dec 2007
as angelio walked past Celino, he leaned in close to him and said ' Next time she ask's you something, awnser her without question, she is the boss and you should show her some respect, or me and you might fall out my friend ' he said while gripping his shoulder and leaning over it, then pulled him aside and walked past, glaring back at him with his shadow'd face, then walked along side mimi and watched the croud of people..

May 28, 2009 4:37 AM

Mar 2008
Celino: *glare at him* the next time u treat me or touch me again will be ur last. *looks at Mimi* I'm the new 5th head boss of my family and our family been allies for a long time but I hared that i was meeting your brother. Why r u the 5th boss and not him and before i help u find a guradian u need to anwer my question
KilzMay 28, 2009 4:48 AM
May 28, 2009 8:38 AM

Mar 2009
i am sorry that he is being rude but please forgive him
May 28, 2009 9:18 AM

Mar 2008
Celino: can you plz stay quit this is between 2 bosses unless u want me to cut all ties with the Kurashigo

*room ppl r in shock that he would do that*

Worker: *whisper* sir can he really do that
Father: yes he can since hes the new head*

Celino: <i wonder wat she going to do next and i wonder wat happen to her brother. I wonder how that guy he should stay out of this before he loses his head>
May 28, 2009 12:37 PM

Dec 2007
Angelio paused and looked back at him, then murmering ' I'll have your head oneday.. ' before glaring breaking his glare and drawing his attention back to the meeting..

' ..this meeting could turn out fun .. ' he sighed with sarcasm

May 28, 2009 1:45 PM

Mar 2008
Celino: i would like to see u try *grin at him*
May 28, 2009 4:40 PM

Dec 2007
Angelio gripped his fist and turned around, then said out loud so everyone in the room could hear ' May I slaughter this scum, boss? ' while glaring at him and gripping his sword blade..

May 28, 2009 9:22 PM

Mar 2008
She walked for a couple of hours and found herself in front of the old hideout. "Blood.." Fiore thought as she looked at the empty lot. She continued to walk until reached a building. " Hmmm.... whats going on here? Whats with all the white guards? Maybe I can get a closer look" Fiore continued her walk. Guards everywhere.... Maybe" She went between the buildings while no one was looking and saw a broken window. " A meeting? Probably some family heads. Huh? Looks like a fight....." She peaks though the little window. " I hope this fight is a good one since I can't hear them from here."
May 29, 2009 8:58 AM

Mar 2009
*in mind* he is going to get killed
May 29, 2009 6:33 PM

Mar 2008
Celino: if u think u can kill me think again
May 30, 2009 4:53 AM

Dec 2007
Angelio gripped his sword tighter and watched him silently, waiting for mimi's awnser..

May 30, 2009 7:15 AM

Nov 2007
Marcello woke up at the morning, dressed up, and went out to eat. He ate really fast, without talking. ' I really want to join the mafia already. I'll finish this competition quick, and then become a mafioso. ' he thought to himself, while he finished his food. " Thank you very much, can we go already?" asked Marcello.
" No good morming? Come on, Mal. What heppend?" said Felice.
" It's just... I want to revenge that Kurashigo Family already. It's hard to go from place to place I love to stay in one place" he said, and sighed.
" Don't worry. We will finish this one quick, you are good in water." said Fel.
" Mafia, no good. Kurashigo, bad" mumbled Baldovino, while putting into his mouth a little piece of pancake.
" What? Bald, what conect do you have with the Kurashigo Family?" Asked Marcello. Baldovino finished to swallow the pancake and said :" Parents". The room became silent suddenly. " Damn it, Felice. Damn it. I hate them" said Marcello quietly. " Don't worry, soon enough you will attack this family, trust me. " said Felice. " I can't wait, be sure of it" said Marcello. Baldovino went to Marcello, and sat on him. " Marcello no mad. I am okay" he said.
" Don't worry, I'm not mad. But soon enough you will be able to revenge your parents" said Marcello, and smiled on him. " Shark good" said Bald, and smiled back.After Felice finished to eat, they went to the tournament. Marcello went to register, while Bald and Felice took a place in the crowd.
After a hour, the competition started. The rules were:
1. Using only swords, any other weapone is illigel.
2. After hitting your enemy into the water , you need him to stay 10 seconds under the water. If you do, you win.
3. The prize is top secret, so only you can use it.
" No problem, piece of cake." said Marcello, and smiled. The first battle stated. The field was in the middle of a lake, only a little piece of ground was in the lake. Marcello stood on the piece, looking at his emeny. A huge person with an armour. ' That'll be easy' he thought to himself, while diving into the water. " What the? said the man". " Go, shark!" shouted Felice. Marcello swam all over, and then went to the little island. He jumped out of water, hit the man, and came back to water, just like a fish. He did it again and again, until the man fall into the water, and drowned. After 10s seconds, Marcello helped the person get out from the water. The crowd shouted :" Shark! Shark! Shark!!"
* After 10 hours of fightning*
Marcello finally made it to the finals. A lot of enemies, but he won in all of the battles. He was tired, no doubt. But he still was strong. The last battle started. His enemy was preety little, but he was powerful with his long sword. Marcello smiled at the person. " Sorry, for taking you the prize" he said. " Shigure Souen Style, first offensive form... " he whispered, and ran to the enemy. " Axle of Rain". He pushed the enemy with his sword, and the person fall into the water. Marcello slahsed the water twice, so the man will drown. The man did drown. After 10 seconds, he pulled his enemy out from the water. " The winner is.... Marcello!!!" shotued the judge. Marcello breathed heavily, but he was happy. He swam to the judge. " Where is my prize? I want to go home" asked Marcello .
" Wait a little bit, okay?" said the judge. After half a hour, Marcello got his prize. " This is a spaciel pills. They give you power to breath 10 minuts under the water then you can. It's really strong. There are only 6 pills, so use them wisely." said the judge, and gave Marcello a little box with blue pills in it.
" Thank you" said Marcello. "
" No problem. Good luck, shark" said the judge. Marcello went to Baldovino and Felice. " Good job, Mal!" said Felice.
" Good" said Bald, and smiled. " Thanks, guys. So, now I can join the mafia?" asked Marcello." Yeah, I will connect the Zenten Family when I can. " Thanks, Let's go to your house" said Marcello.
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May 30, 2009 11:25 AM

Aug 2007
Mimi stepped between the two of them and looked at Angelio. 'We didn't come here to fight, remember that.' She turned to Celino. 'And you, to say that you would cut all ties between our familes...' She sighed. 'Fine. I became the boss because my brother was killed a year ago. Is this a question good enough for you?'
May 30, 2009 1:10 PM

Dec 2007
Angelio glared at Celino, ' We didnt come here to be bossed around by stuckup punks either.. .. ' he said to mimi, obviously in celino's derection, then gave him a finall beem from his eye and turned around, walking over to the meeting table adn backing out of the argument...

' He is lucky boss was here... ' he said to himself aloud..

May 30, 2009 5:31 PM

Mar 2008
Celino: <wat big bro die> *stay quiet for alwhile after hear that* <he lucky Mi-chan is here>
May 30, 2009 6:38 PM

Mar 2008
Fiore watched them closely. " Aww the fight over already." She whisptered to herself. " He looks rather mad." She thought.
May 31, 2009 10:56 AM

Dec 2007
Angelio breathed heavily, pissed off that Mimi let him get away with it, then walked over towards the door and said ' I'm taking a break...I'll be back in 10 boss.. ' he said as he gripped the door handle, and pulled it open, then lurked outside it and walks out onto she street..

' ....fucking HELL! ' he shouted while punching the wall then resting his head against it.. ' ....guh...calm down.... ' he said to himself, noticing the soft preasance Fiore down the alley aside him, but only taking once glance up at her..then looking back down at the floor silently..

May 31, 2009 3:54 PM

Mar 2008
Fiore continued to watch them as she saw one of them leave. " So he was that mad." She thought. She continued to watch then she heard someone down the alley. She looked as he punched the wall and rested his head against it. "I know the feeling." She thought. She met his eyes for a moment and then he looked back at the ground. She turned and looked back in at the bosses.
May 31, 2009 7:14 PM

Mar 2008
Celino: sry for ur lost really i am
Jun 1, 2009 11:54 AM

Aug 2007
Mimi tried to hide her sadness while talking. She even forced a little smile on her face. 'It's okay, really.' She looked at the door where Angelio left a room a while ago. She felt a really temptation to go after him, but she knew that it would be rude. 'So...' She continued with that forced smile on her face. 'I'll leave a really reliable person here in order to test the candidates for the guardian post.' She pointed at Kagome. 'She is my Sun Guardian, Kagome. Please treat her well.'
Jun 1, 2009 1:09 PM

Mar 2008
Celino: u have my word
Jun 1, 2009 2:39 PM

Dec 2007
Angelio slowed his breathing and saw down, leaning his back against the wall and his hair shadowing that of his face his scarf didnt mask.....he looked across at Fiore again and watched her for a second.... ' ....whats she doing here? ' he asked himself sotly and thought for a moment..

' ....You lost? ' echo'd the words down the alley to her..

Jun 1, 2009 2:49 PM

Mar 2008
Fiore looked back down the alley. Then she moved away from the window. " No...of course not." She said walking out of the shadows into the light so Angelio could see her. "So you looked mad in there. Anything wrong?"
Jun 2, 2009 8:16 AM

Mar 2009
*kagome was shocked that Mimi chose her*
kagome: it will be my honor
Jun 2, 2009 9:51 AM

Dec 2007
Angelio looked down at his bleeding hand from hitting the wall and sighed...then looked away.. ' ....uh...Its nothing important... ' he replyed while watching the blood trickle down his hand..

He got up and walked towards her, as he got a few meters from her he looked up, revealing his shadows face, but still half hidden behind his scarf... "Got a name? "

Jun 2, 2009 12:41 PM

Aug 2007
Mimi put her hand on Kagome's shoulder. 'Do your best, okay?' She winked. 'I think it's about time I left. I've got a lot of other things to do.' She turned to Celino. 'I'm really glad I could meet you and talk to you and thanks for your help.' She tried to hide her sarcasm while talking. 'I'll go get my subordinate and leave. Arrivederci everyone~' She went into the direction of the door where Angelio left.
Jun 2, 2009 1:25 PM

Mar 2008
Celino: all these years u still can recognize an old friend *stands up*
KilzJun 3, 2009 11:17 AM
Jun 3, 2009 8:41 AM

Mar 2009
kagome: i will do my best. Do u know her
Jun 3, 2009 10:54 PM

Nov 2007
Marcello woke up in the morning. He had nothing to do- just to wait. He got dressed up, burshed his teeth, and ate. He saw Baldovino, and had an idea.
He reconized that Felice is not home, so he left him a note. " Dear Fel, I'm going with Baldovino to some park. Call me if you need me, Marcello."
He took his sword( with the kendo sheath, his spaciel pills, and went out with Baldovino. He went to the train station with a taxi. Then, he went to the ticket machine. " Choose one, Bald" he said, and picked up Bald. Baldovino pressed one button. 2 tickets to Sicily went out. " Okay, so it's decided. We're going to Sicily!"
He went on the train with Bald, and played with him a bit.
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Jun 4, 2009 8:55 AM

Mar 2009
if u aren't going to anwser me then i will wait outside for u
*walks out of the doors*
Jun 4, 2009 11:59 AM

Aug 2007
'Sure, I'll go after you right away, Kagome-chan.' Mimi watched her leaving then turned to Celino. 'Old friend? What do you mean?'
Jun 4, 2009 4:59 PM

Mar 2008
"Fiore." She told him. " I don't even know if I can trust you. Anyway....whats your name?" She asked looking at his eyes waiting for his answer.
Jun 5, 2009 8:43 AM

Mar 2009
kagome: *in mind* i hope he says something
Jun 6, 2009 3:28 AM

Dec 2007
' Fiore..... ' he said to himself, then looked up and her and pulled him scarf down so she could see all his face and let out a friendly smile, ' ..My name is angelio, but call me phantom.....and you dont know if you can trust me? ...why would you want to trust me yet, I'm a stranger you just met in a alley after watching me nearly fight with some stuck up rich dude..I wouldnt expect you to yet.. ' he joked softly, but with not alot of care to it, making it humerous..

Jun 6, 2009 8:43 AM

Mar 2008
"Oh....*Laughs a little* Angelio....ugh...Phantom? must be a guardian to one of the bosses there." Fiore said. She was away from the window now and closer to opening of the alley. " To what family may I ask?"
Jun 6, 2009 9:47 AM

Nov 2007
Marcello and Baldovino went out the the train station in Sicily. " Let's see now... I need a park. To play. Do you want to play in the park, Baldovino?" asked Marcello. " Yes" said Baldovino." Okay, let's go!" Marcello said, and put Baldovino on his shoulders. Baldovino sat on Marcello's shoulders, and he seemed like he had fun. " Let's see, let's see. Who should I ask?" he said, while walking. He saw a giant house. It was bigger than Felice's house. It was really huge. " Wow..." mumbled Marcello. He saw two people talking with each other, one of them had a sword. He thought it better not to ask them, it might become dangerous. But he trusted himself and his sword, so he asked:" Sorry, but do you know where there is a park around of here?"
Angelio, Fiore, go ahead xD
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Jun 6, 2009 2:06 PM

Mar 2008
Celino: that kinda hurts since we know each other since we were little Mi-chan *after saying that she starting to remeber someone who calls her that*
Jun 6, 2009 5:41 PM

Dec 2007
Phantom laughed to himself softly.. ' Im sorta Mimi's right hand man, the boss of kuroshigo family, but I dont really get to involved with alot of stuff...only when she request my assista - ' he paushed and turned to the 2 men, ' .....park?....go down the road a little, on the 3rd cross junction, turn left and walk about 2 should find one there '

Jun 6, 2009 6:13 PM

Mar 2008
" Kuroshigo? Oh! I have heard of that family. They are very powerful." She then remembered her own family. " I used to be part of a small mafia....nevermind." She watched as Phantom told the two guys the way to the park. " I hope he didn't hear that last part."
Jun 7, 2009 4:07 AM

Nov 2007
Marcello scrimped his hand. " Kurashigo..." he mumbled.
" Well, thank you ..." he said quitely, and went the direction the man told him to go.
" Kurashigo bad guys, no?" said Baldovino quitely, but it seems the people that he asked before heard that. " Shh.... Be quite, We will talk later" he said to him, and walked quickly. ' I should not get into fights right now... it's too dangerous. I need to join the mafia first' he thought to himself.
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Jun 7, 2009 11:52 AM

Dec 2007
' Never mind them, so..what was this small mafia like? ' phantom looked back to her and waited for her reply

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